spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Something Worth Staying For
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Note: I'm baaaack, sort of :) this was requested in my mentions shout out to you b <3 I hope you guys like it even if it is very ugly and poorly written !! Love y'all
Spencer spun around in his swivel chair, a pen caught between his teeth as his eyes scanned over the file for a new case inside the manila folder in his hands.
"I don't know how you're not dizzy," JJ says as she strides past him, eyeing his movements.
"I have a high tolerance for dizziness," Spencer responds quickly. His eyes moving up from the file just once to glance up at his co-worker only for him to do a double take and focus his gaze on what was going on behind her.
Stepping into the room was Rossi with a woman, a beautiful and ethereal looking woman. She was laughing, exposing the pearly whites hidden behind her plump red-stained lips. The pen in Spencer's mouth suddenly slipped from his mouth and as he reached out to try and catch it, the file in his hand ended up falling too causing a mess of papers to go flying into the air which earns him a look from JJ and Emily.
He could feel his cheeks heat up in embarrassment as he hurriedly bends down to pick up his mess and he hears a small giggle leave your lips. He's mentally cursing himself out until a pair of shoes appear in front of him and then hands sliding around on the floor gathering up all the loose papers. As all of the papers are gathered back up, the two of you stand up face to face with a warm smile on yours, offering him the stack you had collected.
"T-Thank you," Spencer stutters out nervously. You give him another smile before your eyes wander over to his desk, his latest novel resting underneath the mess of paperwork catching your eye.
"Lord of The Rings?" You question, nodding over at the book. Spencer does a quick 180°, looking back at his desk and then back towards you.
"Yeah, I've actually already read it multiple times," Spencer answers. Again, he mentally curses himself out for accidentally coming off as a show off.
"Me too," you winked. Spencer's heart fluttered at the gesture and all he could do was return it with a faint grin.
"Guys, this is Y/N, a friend of mine I met over my book tour," Rossi announces, reappearing at your side. "She is an exceptional author herself, wouldn't say she's as good as me though."
You roll your eyes and playfully jab him in the arm. Emily snorts out a sarcastic 'sure' which causes JJ to stifle a laugh. Penelope suddenly rushes into the room with Derek on her tail, a look of betrayal on her face.
"Y/N is here and no one thought to get me?" She asks, a hurt tone in her voice.
"Ah, Garcia here is a fan of your work," Rossi says to you.
"Oh my god, you're even better looking in person than you are in your pictures on the back of the book," Penelope says as she shuffled over to you. "They don't do you justice!"
You let out a half-embarrassed and half-amused laugh as you mumbled a quiet 'thank you'. When Derek went to go introduce himself, Spencer felt himself go stiff as he watched his friend use the signature flirting moves he always did, but to Spencer's relief - you looked as nice and as neutral as you had already been and most importantly not swooning over Derek.
Everyone continued to talk to you and ask you the basic questions about life and Spencer was impressed with how you seemed so engrossed in literature when any of them asked you about it. You wrote it, you read it, you lived for it and he could relate.
So when you broke off from the chatty group to go get a cup of coffee in the kitchenette, Spencer picked up his courage and took a deep breath before following after you. He was just so taken, so smitten with you that he had to get to know you even if he was literally convulsing with nervousness.
"Y/N!" Spencer called out, doing a small jog over to you. You greeted him with a smile, something you have been giving him since you first met less than half an hour ago.
"Hey Spencer, what's up?" You ask politely.
"I just wanted to talk to you one on one, I don't do quite well in large group conversations when it's not about something logical or a case," Spencer trails off absentmindedly. He was surprised with himself that he had accidentally shared something that personal with you and it just flowed out of him so naturally, without him even thinking of it.
"I know how you feel," you sigh. "If I'm not talking about my books or any book for that matter, I freeze up. Why do you think I'm over here grabbing a coffee?"
Spencer took in your answer and stared at you in awe, his heart swelling with an emotion he hadn't felt in a while. A feeling that he could describe as excitement and hope and a genuine interest he had in you.
"Would you want to grab actual good coffee with me?" Spencer blurts out, his hands fisting his pants as you peered up at him through your lashes. "That's if you're not busy with Rossi after work."
"No I'm not busy at all, I would love to go with you," you responded happily.
So when the clock hit that certain hour that allowed Spencer to leave, he got his stuff together and found you across the room in Rossi's office, most likely saying goodbye to him.
You were practically bouncing off your feet from how excited you felt. Since you walked in and saw Spencer and his klutzy fiasco plus one of your favorite books on his desk, you instantly became interested in him. He was so cute but at the same time he was so wildly attractive and smart and polite and just an overall dream.
Rossi was watching you with examining eyes as he put his stuff away, multitasking attentively.
"What's with you, kid?" He suddenly asked, breaking you out of whatever daydream you were having.
"Nothing, I have no idea what you mean I'm fine," you retort.
"You're excited about something, I see that little shimmer in your eyes I've only seen you get when you're about to do something either dangerous or out of your element," Rossi says slowly, trying to decide whichever one of the two you were about to act upon.
"Well if you're so interested in my life, old man, I have a date," you said matter of factly.
"A date?" Rossi laughs. "In all the years I've known you, a date has never made you like this. Who's the lucky contender?"
Rossi almost dropped the objects he had in his hand, immediately gazing up at you with an astonished look on his face.
Spencer was waiting for you, his hands stuffed in his pockets as Rossi's eyes landed on him, sending him a warning look before averting his attention back to you.
"Both of you better be careful with one another's feelings," Rossi cautions. "Don't go breaking his heart either, I'm the one that has to see him every day at work."
You rolled your eyes and gave him a quick goodbye, you'd see him tomorrow anyway. You were staying for a whole month, bouncing between the several book stores in the city and even a bit on the outskirts. Either way, you were in town for a while and for the first time, you were grateful for that.
You skipped down the short amount of stairs and joined Spencer at the end of them where he was waiting for you with a shy smile.
Spencer was hesitant at first, not knowing how to behave when he opened the door to his car for you and then left the radio off to not bore you with the classical music CD he usually left in the stereo. He didn't know how to act in order for him to not scare you off because he really wanted to get to know you.
"Classical Classics," you read aloud as you picked up the empty CD case that was near your feet. You read the back for a few seconds before you reached over and turned on the stereo and the soft melody of Debussy started streaming into the car. "I love classical music."
"So do I," he responds softly. "I think it really stimulates the brain and it's peaceful."
"I think so too!" You agree with a breathy laugh. "When I'm writing, you bet I have classical playing in my ear. I can't get any work done if I'm not listening to it."
Spencer smiled to himself as he only grew more fond of you. You were like a dream to him, a beautiful and unreal dream that shares so many similarities with him that it might be too good to be true.
When he pulled up to the coffee shop, he hurriedly got out of the car and opened the door for you like the gentleman that he was. He led you into his favorite shop and ordered his coffee and pastry and waited patiently while you did the same.
It was then, when you sat across from each other at a table with a warm beverage and a sweet snack that the two of you began to unwind and share so much about each other.
Spencer listened closely to every word that left your mouth, loving the sound of your voice and entranced with any history of yours that you told him. You told him about your family, how you got into writing and how you were discovered, how long you were visiting for and how you had lived in this city for so long - hoping that one day you would be able to leave and when you finally did, you never stayed permanently.
"Why?" Spencer asked, a little hurt that you did not like being here. He wanted you here, more than anything but he realized that a month was not very long and you would leave just as fast as you arrived.
"I don't know," you frowned. "I'm restless, I have nothing here that makes me want to stay. I like traveling, seeing new things and experiencing new things. I don't get that same excitement here that I do when I'm gone. I love book tours because I'm never in the same place for so long. There's just nothing exciting for me here."
In a way, that was a warning to him. As much as you liked each other, he wasn't sure whether that would be enough to keep you here. You were wild and desperate for adventure, and he knew that now. But you were like a magnet and he couldn't pull himself away even if he knew you would leave in the end.
And he was right.
You spent the whole month together, every day you would hang out with him. The two of you had knocked down each other's walls, exposing the truths that no one else knew. When you were together, there was a vulnerability and such a strong emotion that anyone around you could feel it. Spencer had grown attached and so have you because when the day came for you to leave to the next area in the country, for the first time in your life you were torn.
You had gone down to the BAU to say goodbye to all your new friends, to Rossi and unwillingly, Spencer.
Rossi frowned to himself when he saw how sad your eyes looked, something he has never seen in all the years he's known you. You were always so happy and full of life, excited to go to wherever the plane ticket would take you - but not today.
"You don't have to leave, kid, I've told you already," Rossi whispers as you're giving him your farewell hug. You remembered what he had told you the day before, trying to convince you to stay for your sake and Spencer's. You had been traveling non stop for so long and sooner or later you needed to settle down. A book tour was always there, waiting for you to take on with every successful book you've ever written, but the connection you made with Spencer might not withstand the time. "Yes I do, it's my job," you say back.
Rossi chuckles sadly to himself. "You don't know how many times I've used that line."
As you pulled away from Rossi, you see Spencer standing afar. He had bags under his eyes indicating the lack of sleep from last night.
"I'll walk you out," Spencer says as he approaches you. You give him a silent nod, letting him lead you out of the BAU with his hand on the small of your back. You gave everyone in the room a farewell wave as you stepped into the elevator and they returned it until the door slid closed in front of you.
Spencer was awkward beside you and you could feel it. He was usually talking your ear off and you would always happily listen, but today he was rigid next to you and solemn.
When you were outside, the cab already parked and waiting for you just made the situation all that much real. You turned towards Spencer, your lip caught between your teeth as you chewed down on it in anxiousness. You stood there motionless, not knowing what to say or what to do to say goodbye to him.
You were grateful when he made the first move and pulled you towards him in a tight hug. His arms circled around your lower back and your arms were thrown over his shoulders with your hands entangling themselves into his hair.
"I'm sorry, Spence," you whisper tenderly. "I'll miss you, so much."
"Please don't leave," Spencer says. His heart was throbbing with every second that went by as he knew it was one less second with you. He wanted to kiss you, so bad, but he knew if he did it would only make things worse. Then it would be nearly impossible to let you as if it wasn't already bad enough.
You wanted to respond that you don't have anything to stay for, as that was always your usual line, but this time you'd be lying.
"Goodbye, Spence," you brokenly say, pressing your lips against his cheek for a few moments before pulling away from him.
Spencer watched as you walked away from him and hopped into the the cab. Your eyes sending him one more goodbye before you finally disappeared down the road. He let out a shaky breath he didn't even know he was holding and used his palm to wipe off the single tear that was sliding down his cheek and forced himself to go back into the BAU building.
His team was waiting for him with sad eyes and Spencer had to swallow down the lump in his throat to assure everyone that he would be okay.
"You really liked her, didn't you?" Derek asks him one day as Spencer sat idly at his desk staring at his Lord of The Rings book.
"Yeah, I did actually," Spencer answers. "I miss her."
"I think she'll come around," Derek says hopefully, staring at his friend sympathetically.
Spencer spent the next few weeks moping around, a little detached from everyone and everything. Everyone watched him with careful but knowing eyes, never really wanting to say anything that would bring him more down. He was hurt but he knew he shouldn't dwell on the fact that you might never come back but he couldn't help himself. He could honestly say that he might have fallen in love with you in that short span of a month that he had known you though as cliché as it sounds it felt like he had known you longer.
It was the second week Spencer had spent without you and he couldn't be more miserable. Little did he know, you were feeling the same way. He would text and call you but with your busy schedules and lack of physical being, it just wasn't the same.
You gathered up all your stuff from the wooden table and slung your bag over your shoulder with a heavy sigh. Your book signing had just ended and all you wanted was to go home and sleep, and be with Spencer.
The cold evening air of Seattle nipped at your cheeks and nose, a shaky breath leaving your mouth as you hugged the jacket closer to your body. You watched jealously as a couple in front of you snug closer to one another and you found yourself wishing so badly that it was you and Spencer. You felt more restless than you ever had been ever since you left which is the opposite of everything you've told yourself since you moved away from your home city.
"What am I doing?" You mutter to yourself, stopping in your steps and processing the new plan that snuck it's way into your brain. You quickly dialed up your agent and canceled any other book signing lined up for you and bought the next flight back home.
Home, where Spencer was.
The next day, Spencer was sitting in his living room, mindlessly flipping through another book as he got lost in his thoughts. He missed you <i>so</i> much, words couldn't describe. He was hoping for a miracle, for anything that would bring you back together.
When there was a quick string of knocks on his door, he pushed himself off the armchair and slumped his way over to the door.
"Who is it?" He asks as he pulls open the door. Almost immediately, a body slams into his, almost dropping him onto his ass but he luckily steadied himself. Arms are tightly wrapped around his shoulders and when he looks down his heart nearly leapt out of his chest. There you were, in the flesh, holding him in a bone crushing hug. He laughed in disbelief, placing his hands on your hips and making you face him.
"How are you here?" He questions, a happy smile decorating his face.
"I quit my tour, I've done enough," you answer.
"Why are you here?" He asks quietly, knowing confidently that he was the reason why. He just wanted to hear you say it.
"I found something worth staying for," you smile, grabbing ahold of his hand and running your thumb over his knuckles. Spencer's smile only grew more as he hugged you tightly once again, ecstatic to have you back in his arms and this time permanently.
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Hi could you please tag me in part two of Don't Let Go? I wanna read it as soon as it's done 😊. And keep up the amazing work, your imagines make my day 🍃 Thanks!
Aww thank you so much :’)) ❤️ i will actually tag you in future writings bc I have already written 3 parts to Dont Let Me Go and you could find it in my master list which is here: http://spencexreidimagine.tumblr.com/post/149721278254/masterlist
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
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my favorite scene in the whole tv history
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Me: *writes something* wow that was pretty good
Me: *reads someone else's writing* aha okay, fuck this I am the worst writer in the world
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
your account is so aesthetic and cute omfg !!
shdfikglhl thank you so much :’))
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
A night in the city part 2? If there's not one already! It was amazing~
I already did it! :) It’s trash but here it is love http://spencexreidimagine.tumblr.com/post/161686916514/night-in-the-city-part-two
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Sorry you're so down, bean ❤️ Stay safe ! Ilyy
Thanks hun :'))
much love to you !!
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Do you have a favourite (or top five or whatever- ) criminal minds episode? ^~^
ooh this is a toughie
1. 9x24 - Demons
2. 10x06 - If the Shoe Fits
3. 8x12 - Zugzwang
4. 5x09 - 100
5. 11x11 - Entropy
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Okok you're officially my Tumblr crush I'm soz- 💕
ahh you’re so sweet !! much love
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Hi! What are ur favorite tv shows!!!
Criminal Minds (obviously) GOSSIP GIRL !!!!! The Vampire Diaries, The Originals, The Office, Parks & Rec, OITNB :)
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
how old are u? (:
I'm 17 !!! 😁
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Omg okie dokie I'm having a bit of a fangirl attack- So, first off, what made you decide to start this blog? And two, any advice for people starting a CM imagine blog? ^~^
Omg I feel so special I’m shook :’))
1. I started this blog when I had just binge watched a few seasons of Criminal Minds after my psychology teacher put on an episode in class and I just became addicted. After watching it for a while, I started having a MAD crush on Spencer/Matthew and I was like “hey I should start a tumblr blog for him” and so I did. I’ve been writing for a LONG time, I have work on Wattpad and a couple years ago I had a blog for One Direction ;) So yup I just decided to start writing about Spencer because he has my heart and I like writing different imagines and having requests from you guys! :)
2. If you want to start your own CM imagine blog, all you have to do is write, write, write! Come up with original ideas, add tags to your work and most importantly update regularly and check your grammar and accuracy, I noticed that most people prefer to read stuff that are grammatically correct and obviously have correlation to the show and you get everyone’s information right. But yeah, just keep on working hard and writing and even if you feel discouraged at times with the numbers you just keep on going!!!!
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Hiya ^~^ I have a couple questions I'd love to ask about the lovely admin :,) Do you care to answer them? ❤️
I would love to !!
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
37 pls !! x
Prompt 37: “I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.”
This one is a tad long! But not really
When you first entered the BAU and met the team, there was one individual who caught your eyes. Not only was he absolutely beautiful, but he was a genius. Dr. Spencer Reid.
You knew immediately that this man was going to be the apple of your eye ever since he had taken interest in you too. You found that the more time you two spent together, the more time you got closer to one another. Everyday you learn something new about him and everyday your feelings grow deeper. Everything about him was so effortlessly amazing and all you wanted to do was give him all the affection and support in the world.
After months of being in the BAU with him, it was safe to say the two of you were best friends - inseparable even. When one of you was stuck on something, the other one would be a fresh set of eyes and a flashlight in the dark. It was crazy how close you two have gotten and it even scares you just how much you had begun to actually fall for him. You knew it was going to happen eventually, but you didn’t want it to.
Spencer was your best friend, nothing more. You tried going on blind dates that your friend set up, always meeting the guy and him not meeting to your expectations which would lead to you not meeting the same guy twice. Every night you tried to convince yourself of this and every night you went to sleep thinking that was the last day you would have romantic feelings for him. However, that was short-lived when you woke up the next morning and everything came rushing back. Especially when he had accidentally slept over and you’d wake up then next morning and he’s across the room on a sofa, passed out and looking irresistible as ever. Then the feelings got worse when you two made messes in the kitchen trying to make breakfast.
Seeing as you and him are always together, your heart aches when he’s not around. Whether it be during work or outside, the two of you would always find a way to meet up together.
Even through all the blind dates, all the late night thinking, all the times it had seemed like Spencer would be nothing more than a friend - your heart still yearned for him.
You entered Quantico, bags in hand, and made your way over to your desk before dropping your things and heading over to the kitchenette to grab a cup of coffee.
Standing by the coffee pot was JJ and Spencer, conversing over something that seemed interesting. JJ had her eyebrows furrowed, listening to Spencer intently and then smiled from ear to ear.
“Finally!” You hear her say.
When you entered into the room, their conversation was immediately cut short and they both turned their attention towards you.
“Hey guys,” You smile, trying to hide the nervousness that was clawing from inside of you. “What’s up?”
“Oh nothing,” JJ trails off. “Just that Spencer has a little crush.”
The coffee pot in your hands nearly slipped out of your fingertips but you caught yourself and shoved it back into the machine causing hot coffee to splash all over you. Your blood ran cold and the room felt like it was spinning. Not from your minor injury, but from the major internal injury you felt in your heart. No, how could he like someone else?
“Y/N! Are you okay?” Spencer asks worriedly, rushing over to you and grabbing your burnt hand. JJ observes you curiously before announcing that she was going to grab a gauge for you to wrap your hand in. Spencer takes you over to the sink and turns on the tap, putting your hand underneath the cold water. “This should help with the swelling.”
“Thanks,” you mumble, biting on your lip to conceal your inner pain.
“Whats wrong?” Spencer asks. “You only bite on your lips when something is bothering you.”
“I just spilled boiling coffee all over my hand, Spencer,” you spat. Your harsh tone caused Spencer to flinch slightly.“I’m sorry,” he apologizes quietly. Though he knows you’re lying, he chooses not to ask you again in fear of you getting more irritated.
“Are you done?” You ask curtly. “I have work to do.”
“Do you want an ice pack?” Spencer offers but you shake your head.
“No thanks, I’ll just get the bandage from JJ and call it a day,” you say before ripping your hand out from Spencer grip under the tap and wiping it off on your shirt. The skin was red and beginning to swell so you decided to focus on the physical pain rather than the emotional one.
You had spent the entire day at your desk, finishing off paperwork and chit chatting with your co-workers. Once it was finally time to leave, you gathered up your stuff and quickly made your way to the elevator to get yourself home as fast as possible. It was time for a movie and ice-cream out of the pint kind of night.
“Y/N!” Someone calls out. You turn around and see Spencer exiting out of the double glass doors to meet you at the elevator. “I’ve barely heard from you all day, do you need a ride home tonight?”
“No, I’m fine,” you say. “I drove myself today.”
The doors slide open and you step inside, opting for the furthest corner in the elevator. Spencer enters behind you and you press the first floor button. After the doors close and less than five seconds later, Spencer slams his hand onto the emergency stop button and faces towards you.
“What the hell are you doing, Reid?” You ask incredulously, reaching towards the button. Spencer grabs ahold your hand to stop you.
“I need to know what is wrong, and you never call me ‘Reid’,” Spencer frowns.
“Let go of me,” you say through your teeth.
“This isn’t us, Y/N!” Spencer exclaims.
“There is no us, Spencer!” You yell slightly. “Why don’t you go bother the girl who apparently you have feelings for.”
“Is that what this is about?” Spencer quizzes.
“You know for someone with an IQ of 187, you really seem stupid right now if you just realized what I’m upset about.”
“And what makes you so upset about that?” He asks.
“I freaking love you!” You blurt out. The secret was finally out.“I tried my best to not feel anything for you. Guess what? I failed.”
“Well maybe if you talked to me today instead of ignoring me, you’d know that the woman I have feelings for is you,” Spencer confesses.
“I was going to tell you tonight, but every time I tried you ran off or you ignored me,” Spencer trails off. “I can’t believe you never noticed how I’m falling in love with you.”
The two of you stood there in a relieving silence. Both of you registering what the other had said.
“You know, for profilers and one genius, we really sound dumb right now,” you break the silence.
You and Spencer let out a laugh, mostly of humor but also of disbelief. You had both been secretly head over heels with each other for a while and just now had you discovered. Spencer reaches from behind you and pressed the button for the elevator to go again.
“So, about that date,” You suggest, looking up at Spencer.
“I hope you’re not too tried because we’re going right now,” he smiles and takes your hand in his and lifting it towards his lips. He places a small kiss on the back of your hand and you smile brightly.
You didn’t even notice the doors had opened, and there was JJ standing in the lobby with Penelope and Derek, all of them staring in your direction with large and teasing smiles.
“Great,” you sigh.
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
I love ur writing! u should have a q&a I am dying to know who who is the mastermind behind my favorite blog :')))
aww thank you !! I would but I hardly ever get questions so if anyone has any, just drop them in my inbox ;)
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
Could you possibly write an imagine where spencer is in love with the reader but she is oblivious. And on an off rainy day spencer feels depressed so he goes to her and confesses his feelings, extra fluff maybe? Either way thanks love 💕
ahh I completely forgot to answer you once I posted the imagine !! I hope you saw it http://spencexreidimagine.tumblr.com/post/161234385084/oblivious
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spencexreidimagine · 7 years
60 from the prompt list, if you have time? Love your blog btw :,)
Prompt 60: “You are my sunshine.”
aww thank you :’)))
Coming home on a Friday evening after being away for a few days was amazing. Stepping into your apartment and plopping down onto the couch was just as good. Spencer followed in behind you and hung up his coat and go-bag into the closet along with your stuff you left strewn across the floor when you entered.
“Are you tired?” Spencer asks, going over to the couch and sitting next to you. “I figured you weren’t since you slept the whole plane ride home.”
“Not really, I just like basking in the comfort of my couch,” you smile up at him, taking his hand. “Why do you ask?”
“If you want to, I kind of feel like going out,” Spencer shrugs sheepishly, “I know it’s been a while since we have and after the case we had I’m glad I still have you and someone to spend my days with.”
“I would love to go out,” you agree quickly. “I’ll go get dressed, be right back!”
And just like that you had run into the room to change into something more casual. Spencer smiled to himself and picked up one of the books around him to keep himself busy while you got dressed.
About halfway through the huge chapter book, you stepped out of the room twenty minutes later with your hair combed through and a brand new clean outfit. Spencer felt the butterflies flutter in his stomach as his eyes landed on you, the book in his hand now being tossed to the side as all his attention was placed on you.
“I’m ready,” you announce, walking up to him and linking your hands behind his neck.
“You look beautiful,” he compliments and you smile brightly. You lean up on the tip of your toes to press a sweet kiss on his lips.
“Thanks, Spence,” you chuckle, tucking a piece of your hair behind your ear. “You look pretty dashing yourself.”
“I look the same as I did twenty minutes ago,” Spencer shakes his head.
“And? You were sexy to me twenty minutes ago just as you are now,” you say as if it were a fact. Technically, it was. “Now come on, we should leave before the sun goes down and our sunshine of the day is gone.”
“You are my sunshine,” Spencer says without a second thought. You look up at him, dumbfounded with adoration.
“That was really corny, but I love it,” you smile and press one more kiss on his lips and then his nose. “And I love you.”
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