it’s been a minute huh? i’m so sorry 💀 to be honest writing has been so hard for me lately. i haven’t been able to do anything, it’s been awful, but i want to get better and find my passion again. thank you guys for still supporting me even tho i’ve been gone for a while <3 if you guys have any recommendations for burn out pls let me know in the replies or dms <33
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bruce: *being emo in the corner* “something in the way”
edward: *unnecessary ray of sunshine at the worst moments* “…she mooooves”
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hello lovely people, i have good and bad news. bad news is that i have covid and my breathing literally just stops sometimes, but good news is until i can start work, ill probably go on a writing binge :)) so i have finally organized my list of requests and im gonna start working on them! i also finally bought ghostbusters so i dont have to find it after scouring dingy places on the internet (but you didnt read that, dont do illegal things kids). anyways SMOOCH if you have any requests send them my way :)
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hi hi! i promise i’ll be writing again soon, life’s just been weird. love y’all <3
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how to trick writers into giving you more fanfic to read
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i cannot express how deeply i love these
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hmmmm i have the urge to make a ray x mechanic!reader oneshot but i have to move tomorrow and i have requests lined uppp (if you sent me one i’m sorry for the delay but i promise i’ll get to it soon <3)
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me to literally any and all of you when you show me any ounce of support on my work
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My friends: "ohmygod I have a crush on a 42 year old, daddy issues am I right"
Me: *sweats in 68 year old Alfred Molina*
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go read now >:(
Where The Boys Are Masterlist
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3 - Coming soon
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Wishing everyone an uplifting New Year’s Eve.
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—The Ghostbusters Team
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Where The Boys Are - Egon Spengler x Reader (Part 2 of 3)
Hi everyone! After adding more detail to this, part 2 is here! I was so happy with all the feedback you all had in the first part and it truly made me so excited to continue with the series. Part 3 will not be out for a little while, with the New Year and an eventual return to university. I would expect it to be complete within the following week, if not the one after.
Warnings: None, I think!
Word Count: 2672
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You stirred the cup of coffee you just made, thinking about last night’s revelation at the club. You were in love with Egon yet your wish to be together is intangible. Venting to Peter and Janine helped you more than you expected; the weight on your shoulders is finally gone, though a pang remained in your heart. Sure, it was easier to manage sober, but that doesn’t mean it doesn’t hurt anymore. You decided you’d stick to acting the same way you always have, as you didn’t want to bring attention to yourself from the men who literally have degrees in understanding how people act and behave.
From drinking and crying, your head was pounding. No matter how much water and medication you took, it wouldn’t go away. Alas, there was work to be done at the firehouse, which would not wait for hangovers to disappear. Your work, apart from catching ghosts, involved working down in the lab with Egon to assist with his experiments. Coffee would not be a good idea for you as it would more than likely worsen your headache. Instead, this coffee was for the Doctor himself. Despite leaving the party well into the early hours of the morning, he still allowed himself only 14 minutes of sleep before continuing with his duties. You offered to make him something, which he kindly accepted.
You shuffled your way towards the stairs, preventing the coffee for Egon and your own hot chocolate from spilling onto your hands and burning them. As you reached the landing, you could hear Janine arguing with someone on the phone.
“Sir,” Janine huffed, fingers pinching her nose bridge. “Two of our members are stuck in a blizzard and we cannot risk the others’ safety.” After a moment of silence, she rolled her eyes at the voice at the other end of the call. “Calm down, will you? I’ll try and book you in for the next available appointment after the snow isn’t a danger to anyone.” Realistically, Janine was probably not going to do that; since the Ghostbusters rose to fame, their schedules have been full non-stop. There’s no way she would re-arrange their calendars for a single man. “Goodbye.”
The cream-coloured phone was placed back on the receiver with a soft click. She gently snorted before standing to stretch her limbs, letting out a big yawn. “Another call giving you a tough time?” you walked down the stairs, hissing quietly as a drop of the drink spilt onto your knuckle. So much for being careful. Janine nodded her head, allowing her lack of sleep to take over with a large sigh. “Is the coffee for me?” Hoping it to be true, she meekly batted her eyelashes at you as a weak attempt to sway you. “No,” you chuckled, batting your eyelashes back at her jokingly. “Egon and I have been slaving over the proton pack improvements for hours, so I’m getting him something to have a break.” Ever since you joined the team, you’ve gone through hoops to ensure everybody has been getting their proper breaks and rests. More so Egon than others since he’s known to overwork himself.
Suddenly, Peter arrived with bags of Chinese takeaway, holding them close to his body for the warmth they give. The tip of his nose was glowing red, his hair damp with melting snowflakes. He allowed himself to rest against the open door to relish in the heat of the indoors, whilst also allowing it to flow outside. You know, like a dumbass. “The one time I offer to get takeout, I get caught in the middle of a blizzard. I will no longer offer to do good things for you all.” He huffs and sniffs. Roast duck, Kung po chicken, Singapore style noodles, fried rice and who knows what else all make a delicious aroma that leaves your mouth watering. You yelped as the bitter air reached you. “It’s so cold outside!” You’d wrap your cardigan further around your torso, but your hands are busy. “Wow,” he rolled his eyes at your comment, clearly unimpressed. “What a very attentive observation, Y/N. You know, I myself, despite being outside until this very moment, didn’t realise that.” “Peter, close the damn door!” Janine was vigorously rubbing her arms to recover the body heat that was being sapped away from her.
“Alright, alright.” Finally, he closed the door, letting the room heat up once again. He looked around in vague confusion. He could see you and Janine, obviously, and he could hear Egon tinkering downstairs. “I’m guessing the genius is in the lab working, but where’s Winston and Ray? Don’t tell me they’re trapped at their call.” “Yeah,” Janine huffed, “It was a serious ghost apparently, and Ray said he’d rather capture it before it was too dangerous.”
Earlier this morning, they received a call about a very aggressive spirit that was throwing books and small objects around. Ray concluded that if they didn’t go there as soon as possible, then it wouldn’t be long until the owners of the home would be injured. Given that the owners had just had a baby, he was willing to risk his safety for the family.
“Well, given this weather we aren’t doing any more jobs today.” Peter eyed the bags he was holding hungrily. “If you need me, I’ll be eating my portion of the food and then immediately going to bed. I am going to hibernate like a bear.” “Promise me you won’t touch my spring rolls!” You pouted. “Last time you ate all of mine before you even got here.” “What?” Peter feigned shock; a hand pressed against his chest. “I’d never do that to you Y/N. You’re my favourite broad in this city!” “So, Dana’s not your favourite anymore?” You raised your eyebrow, eager to mess with him. “Well,” Peter flashed a smile, eager to mess with you in return. “Dana is my favourite beautiful lady. She’d take offence to being called a broad.” “Oh, so I’m not beautiful?” you piped up, making your way to the lab. “I know I’m not the Ghostbuster you want to get compliments from.” Knowing you were in a better mood than the night before, Peter let himself slip out the joke as he sauntered upstairs into the kitchen. Janine held back her laugh as she saw you slink down to the basement in embarrassment, mumbling an excuse about cold coffee. “Wait, Y/N, before you go!” You peaked your head above the bannister, waiting for Peter to continue. “Yes?” “I still can’t believe how flustered you got when Winston told you about Egon’s slime experiment. Who’d have known you’d discover kinks on the job?”
This time, Janine was unable to hold back. Her contagious laugher radiated through the firehouse, eliciting your own in response. You do vaguely remember Winston telling you jokes on the way home from the club last night to cheer you up. But you distinctly remember that particular anecdote and how it stirred a range of emotions within you. Were you embarrassed? Sure, but you cannot deny the truth Peter put forward, not that you’d ever let him or anyone else know. You composed yourself, giggling once more. “Right, I really have to give this to Egon before it gets cold.” Meekly, you went back down the stairs, finally getting away from the teasing, even in only for a while. Chuckling, Peter disappeared from your sight, making his way up to the kitchen.
Silence fell upon the firehouse once more before the phone began to ring again. Janine took no time to pick up. “Ghostbusters, what do you need?” Holding a pen in hand, she waited for the potential client to describe their encounter. “Oh, you’re the guy who called earlier. Listen I already-” Her eyes widened in surprise “Shut up, no way. I’m not hearing you correctly. You’ll pay $1.2 million?”
Peter practically flew down the stairs, curious about the conversation. “$1.2 million?!” he cried. Janine waved her hand to quieten Peter, her brows furrowed in concentration. “Y-yes, sir, I have Dr Venkman here; I’ll discuss it with him. Please give us a moment.”
Her chair spun around to face Peter, unable to hide the smile on her face. “It’s the owner of The Bond Hotel! He said he would pay $1.2 million for the bust. Not only that, but he’s also offering a room for the Ghostbusters to spend the night in.” Janine fiddled with the cord between her fingers for a moment, a distant look in her eyes. Suddenly, Peter’s voice cut through the air. “Janine, I think the time has come to initiate our plan.” His eyes flicked over to the basement stairs, a devious glint accompanying them. Janine’s head tilted in confusion, “Now? They can’t get far in this cold without Ecto! Hey, what are you-” Peter leapt over the desk to grab the receiver from Janine.
“Good evening, my good Sir! Dr Venkman speaking.” Peter jumped back onto the floor, brushing out the small wrinkles in his shirt to appear more professional, even though he isn’t visible. Again, he’s a dumbass. “We here are absolutely delighted at your kind payment. Due to unforeseen circumstances, Dr Stantz and Mr Zeddemore will be unable to assist you with your ghostly needs. However, Dr Spengler and our recent recruit are available to scout out that pesky ghost for you. Just one thing though,” Looking at Janine, he gave her a sneaky wink, to which she rolled her eyes. “Is it possible for you to give us the most lavish, expensive room you have? Perhaps a honeymoon suite? You know, with the demanding work on the body and the weight of the proton packs, we do need our beauty sleep afterwards and I assume the suite has the best mattress for the job. Ah, magnificent. They’ll come by as soon as possible, where they will ask further questions on the apparition.” With that, he hung up the phone and had the plan set in motion.
“Venkman, you’re insane! The plan was for you and Dana to go on a double date with Y/N and Egon and then ditch them, so they’d be alone!” She stage-whispered. “Also, it’s too cold for them to walk all the way to the hotel!”
“Eh, it’s only 5 or so blocks away, they won’t die.” Janine gave Peter a deadpan look, not impressed with the reasoning at all. “Janine, think of it this way. We’ll get $1.2 million, AND the sexual tension between those two nerds will finally be gone! God, I’m such a genius!” He ran his hands through his hair and smiled madly, slamming the alarm button before running up the stairs. “Hey, I won’t let you get the bragging rights for setting them up. I took the phone call!”
Egon was quickly scribbling in the margins of his previous notes and annotating diagrams. The gentle humming and buzzing of the equipment in the room acted as white noise, lulling Egon into a state of calm. Next to him on the desk were your two proton packs, which required a reshuffling of all the other equipment and reams of paper to have space to put them down. It was a messy workspace, but it was the type of mess where things were easy to find. Besides, only Egon, Ray and you ever really needed to find something down here. But more recently, you and Egon have been working together since you noticed a detail in the proton pack design that could be adapted, to which Egon was more than happy to help you.
Throughout your careers together, he has grown to sentimentalise you. It’s only natural that as human beings, you nurture and care for those around you; it’s how the species has survived for so long. However, this connection and urge to care for you as a friend has grown far more than Egon could have expected. Since holding your hand yesterday, he couldn’t focus properly on anything. The warmth that radiated from you went straight to his core, adding fuel to the fire he already had in his heart for you. Egon, once able to put aside this feeling for so long, was no longer to ignore it since yesterday and, much like yourself, was unsure what to do. He had theories, but he didn’t want to test them for the fear of losing your friendship.
Out of the corner of his vision, a ceramic mug slid into view. The steam rising from the drink began to fog his glasses, causing the person next to him to laugh. He could recognise that laugh anywhere, as he often tries to get that noise to come from you. “Hi, Egon!” you smiled, holding your cup with both hands. “I’m back with your coffee. You’ve been working super hard today and you need a break.” Your heart may be in ruins, but that won’t stop you from treating Egon with the care you’ve always shown him. “Thank you, Y/N.” His baritone voice saying your name made you yearn for him more. “But I’m so close to coming up with a breakthrough on our theory. I don’t want to stop now.” He gently removed his glasses and wiped them on the hem of his jumper. A glassless Egon was a rare, but very welcome sight. With or without them, he looks incredibly sweet and charming. Still, you tame your thoughts, taking a moment to humble yourself.
You take a seat next to him, in your usual spot. Looking at him, you sip on your hot chocolate and nod at his statement. “Ok then,” you pretended to look upset. “I guess I’ll just have to eat these twinkies all by myself.” Digging into your cardigan pockets, you toss 4 twinkies onto Egon’s notes. “I got these thinking of you.” A small smirk appeared on your face as you saw a gleam in his eyes. He licked his lips, deciding to go along with your offer after all. “Maybe I can help you with those. A single twinkie has 62% of your daily sugar allowance. Four of those cannot be good for you.” “Oh yeah? Well, that’s ironic coming from you, Dr Spengler.” You slowly took a bite from said sweet, the creamy filling making you wonder, is that what his kisses would taste like? “Do as I say, not as I do.” He smirked back towards you, deeply enjoying how you bring a side of him that he fights to suppress.
Before he even got the chance to sink his teeth into the twinkie he was holding, the firehouse alarm began to blare, making the both of you jump out of your seats.
Egon pushed his glasses back onto his face, quickly changing from his ribbing mood into a more serious one. As he runs up every third step, you were quickly behind him, wondering why on earth a call was accepted, especially when two of your team members were snowed in at another bust. Egon looked at Janine, expecting her to fill the both of you in on the call. Janine looked as if she was a doe caught in headlights, but she quickly covered it up with her signature deadpan stare. “The Bond Hotel. Only you two have to go.” “What? But there’s a blizzard outside!” you proclaimed in disbelief, eyeing Janine as if she lost her head. “We can’t go there, we’ll die!” Egon nodded in agreement, “It is not the smartest idea for us to walk outside in the negative temperatures. We could potentially get hypothermia.” His eyes quickly shifted to you, more concern for you than himself. “He said he’d pay us 1.2 million.” She looked at the both of you above her glass’ frame, knowing how your minds would change quickly.
Your eyes widened in shock. For that amount of money, you would do anything. Well, mostly anything. You turned to face Egon, a look of determination on your face. “Let’s get changed and go.”
Tag List: @thisbuildingshouldbecondemned @spenglers-spectacles
Finding the perfect hotel for this was a nightmare. It had to be close enough to the location of the firehouse, whilst also keeping true to the history of the ’80s. As most of the grand hotels are around Central Park, it was a real goose chase. I could easily come up with a fake hotel, but to me, it just wouldn’t feel right to ignore what’s already there. This hotel is the oldest running one in NY. It opened up in 1845 as The Gerard House, before its next change into The Bond Hotel in the ’80s. Most recently, it became known as the Cosmopolitan Hotel before, again, being rebranded into the Frederick Hotel in 2017. From what little I could find, I hope this makes sense lmao.
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i love my fans <3 (this is a guy i work with who made this because i discovered there was an account named alfredmolinaslefttit but not alredmolinasrighttit and i was upset about it, shout-out to manuel)
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egon spengler icons
“♡” or reblog if you save
dont repost as your own
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i can’t wait for the other two parts!!! you did great!! <3
Where The Boys Are - Egon Spengler x Reader (Part 1 of 3)
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Hi everybody! I’ve not written in a good handful of years and I really wanted to get back into it! So, I decided to write about my favourite ghostbuster, Dr Spengler. The next parts should be up soon, and I’ll link them all on this post when I can :) Quick shoutout to @spenglers-spectacles​ for helping me figure out some stuff :D
Warnings: Alcohol, possible OOC?, angst but I promise it gets better over the following chapters
Word Count: 2679 (oops)
Keep reading
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long live
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the king
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Out of Touch Ghostbuters Thursday 💚
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