Blaster grinned and took a seat. “Can I hear somethin’ now?”
((Hi! :D)) "Hello!" The small cassette waves.
“Well hey there lil star,” Blaster grinned at her broadly as he moved another box. “Where ya been all this time?”
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“Start where you want. I’ve missed a lot, I want to hear it all.” Burst leaned over Blasters helm to nuzzle his sister. “I’ve got a lot to tell too but it can wait until after I hear the story from y’all.”
HiFi began to tell the stories of their time on Cybertron. Of the fights and the fatigue, of saving Blaster’s life, of the final victory. She chattered on and on as Blaster walked. 
“HiFi? Papa?”
“Burst!” HiFi cried, rushing forward to hug her brother and Blaster ran after her, taking them both in his arms and falling to his knees, sobbing happily. 
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“I mean I do try not to be an aft,” Blaster laughed a little and leaned back. 
He moved his arm around again and smirked when it didn’t hurt. “Not bad…”
“Well I do try,” Blaster said with a laugh. “Lookin’ damn spiffy if I do say so myself.”
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Blaster hummed a little more and grinned, dipping him back and kissing him. “First one and then the other,” Blaster offered, wiggling his optical ridges. He leaned into the touch and sighed happily. 
“I wanna make every lil bit of time we have count, baby,” he purred out, kissing at his neck, “I think I wanna just spend some time lovin’ on ya as much as I can~”
Soundwave purred and smiled at Blaster, “you are such a people pleaser”. Not that he minded at all… He hummed and examined Blaster for a minute, thinking of what to request.
Finally, he nodded to himself and turned his focus back to Blaster. He chose his words carefully, “would you be interested in spending the night together?”. He leaned in and smiled sweetly at Blaster.
“Spendin’ the night?” Blaster asked, humming a little before grinning and tugging him closer. “What kinda spendin’ the night are we talkin’? Are we talkin’ snuggles and movies or are we talkin’ like, somethin’ a little more dent inducin’, ya feel me?”
Not that Blaster would mind either. In fact he would adore either. He wanted a good amount of time with his lover to rekindle their romance. 
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Back Tomorrow!
[Sorry guys! Work has been stressful lately and I only just got back from vacation. We’re back to spinning tomorrow!]
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Blaster smiled softly at Comet, pressing their forehelms together. “Well, I had ta go help some bots far, far away,” he said, “and sometimes ya gotta do what’s right, ya feel me?” 
He grinned up at Skyfire, chuckling quietly to himself. “Ya really are too gorgeous.”
He hummed a little as he handed Comet back. “I’m outta this slag for now myself. Just gonna be headin’ things up down here.”
Blaster had been trying to rebuild one of his consoles when he noticed the taller mech. His helm slammed into the top of it as he sat up, groaning a little. Granted, the music mech was a little worse for wear these days, but he still smiled brightly when he saw Skyfire. 
“Hey there, gorgeous.”
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“Oh man! Ya gotta play for me sometime!” He cooed out, “I’m very excited ta hear you.”
((Hi! :D)) "Hello!" The small cassette waves.
“Well hey there lil star,” Blaster grinned at her broadly as he moved another box. “Where ya been all this time?”
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He moved his arm around again and smirked when it didn’t hurt. “Not bad…”
“Well I do try,” Blaster said with a laugh. “Lookin’ damn spiffy if I do say so myself.”
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Blaster laughed as they walked along, rolling his neck with the two balanced on his shoulders. 
“It’s been so crazy,” HiFi said softly, “so much that I don’t even know where to start.”
“HiFi? Papa?”
“Burst!” HiFi cried, rushing forward to hug her brother and Blaster ran after her, taking them both in his arms and falling to his knees, sobbing happily. 
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Soundwave purred and smiled at Blaster, “you are such a people pleaser”. Not that he minded at all… He hummed and examined Blaster for a minute, thinking of what to request.
Finally, he nodded to himself and turned his focus back to Blaster. He chose his words carefully, “would you be interested in spending the night together?”. He leaned in and smiled sweetly at Blaster.
“Spendin’ the night?” Blaster asked, humming a little before grinning and tugging him closer. “What kinda spendin’ the night are we talkin’? Are we talkin’ snuggles and movies or are we talkin’ like, somethin’ a little more dent inducin’, ya feel me?”
Not that Blaster would mind either. In fact he would adore either. He wanted a good amount of time with his lover to rekindle their romance. 
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Send a number 1-25 to my ask box and I'll write a starter based on the number you sent.
1. First day of going to elementary school together 2. First day of going to middle school together 3. First day of going to high school together 4. First day of going to college together 5. First day at the job together 6. First day meeting each other 7. First date 8. First one month anniversary 9. First one year anniversary 10. First kiss 11. First fight 12. First friendly sleep over 13. First romantic sleep over 14. First time going to a party together 15. My muses first time comforting yours 16. Your muses first time comforting mine 17. First time going to a concert together 18. First time going to the shopping together 19. First time going hiking together 20. First time saying I love you 21. First time saying I hate you 22. First time meeting each other’s parents 23. First time my muse visits yours at the hospital 24. First time your muse visits mine at the hospital 25. First time prank calling someone together
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“Mmm but I feel like I gotta,” Blaster said softly, “feels like I should make an effort, ya feel me?” He tugged Soundwave closer, planting kisses up and down his neck gently. 
“So I say ya can make any demand of me ya want~ Go ahead, ask me for anythin’, baby and we’ll make it happen.” Blaster grinned wide, wanting nothing more than for his lover to ask anything of him. 
When he was pulled up from the kiss, an odd expression sat on Soundwave’s face. “The Unmaker” he said dumbly, his optics searching Blaster’s faceplates. Gentle fingers plucked at orange plating.
“Unicron?… I don’t understand…”. Soundwave straightened himself back up and gave Blaster a stern look. “You said… Blaster what exactly have you been doing for these last few years?”.
Blaster blinked. “Ya didn’t hear?” he asked, tilting his head, “Unicron came ta Cybertron and tried ta eat it. We had ta get there, fight ‘im and the Sweeps off but…it was crazy.”
“Optimus…didn’t make it so Rodimus is prime now, lotta death there,” he sighed heavily, optics shutting before opening again. “But I’m in charge of the Autobot colony on earth now.”
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Bedtime Memes
"I’m getting sleepy."
"You look tired."
"I’m going to bed."
"Are you joining me?"
"I’ll be waiting for you."
"Can you keep it down? I’m trying to sleep."
"Turn off those lights!"
"It’s time for bed."
"But I don’t want to go to sleep."
"I’m not tired."
"Can you tuck me in?"
"Good night."
"Sleep tight!"
"Don’t let the bed bugs bite!"
"Do you want me to lay down with you?"
"Sweet dreams!"
"Can you tell me a story?"
"Can you sing me a lullaby?"
"Can I sleep with you?"
"I had a nightmare."
"I can’t sleep."
"Will you sleep with me?"
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Blaster nuzzles at his neck gently, kissing it a little. “Mmm I’m pretty good at makin’ plans, just bad at keepin’ ta them. Ya’re gonna have ta keep me in line, get me workin’.”
He chuckled softly, optics sliding shut. His field brushed against Soundwave’s, seeking to tangle them together. 
“I got a lot of time ta make up for and I’m gonna make up for every  single second, baby.”
When he was pulled up from the kiss, an odd expression sat on Soundwave’s face. “The Unmaker” he said dumbly, his optics searching Blaster’s faceplates. Gentle fingers plucked at orange plating.
“Unicron?… I don’t understand…”. Soundwave straightened himself back up and gave Blaster a stern look. “You said… Blaster what exactly have you been doing for these last few years?”.
Blaster blinked. “Ya didn’t hear?” he asked, tilting his head, “Unicron came ta Cybertron and tried ta eat it. We had ta get there, fight ‘im and the Sweeps off but…it was crazy.”
“Optimus…didn’t make it so Rodimus is prime now, lotta death there,” he sighed heavily, optics shutting before opening again. “But I’m in charge of the Autobot colony on earth now.”
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Blaster sat on the floor, sipping from his cube and grinning at her. “So tell me more about what’cha been up ta.”
((Hi! :D)) "Hello!" The small cassette waves.
“Well hey there lil star,” Blaster grinned at her broadly as he moved another box. “Where ya been all this time?”
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HiFi giggled, moving to sit on Blaster’s shoulder, legs crossed and a grin on her face. “Burst has a point.”
Blaster laughed as he walked. “Mmm y’all are just light frames.”
“HiFi? Papa?”
“Burst!” HiFi cried, rushing forward to hug her brother and Blaster ran after her, taking them both in his arms and falling to his knees, sobbing happily. 
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HiFi was like water, more than willing to pour herself out to fit any shape. 
And he didn’t ask for anything when she was with them because just having them was enough. They made the world so much brighter, made everything feel so new and wonderful. 
Her body moves languidly with the beat of the ocean, feeler wriggling in place in the air as she nuzzles in, their fields laced, almost sinking into each other. She just loves these moments, could spend eternities dancing them through her mind and dancing through theirs until they were all together. 
All one. 
No one leaving anymore. 
She coos softly, optics still shut, mind still firmly implanted in theirs as she tugs Sides to his pedes and moves his servos around, one to her waist and another into hers. She moves them slowly, dancing them around slowly to the tune of the world around them, the colors in their minds. 
The first brush of water against her pedes makes everything in her mind light up, her field flaring with excitement and joy. 
HiFi had always felt comfortable in their mind.
It was like slipping into a warm oil bath, like sipping her favorite energon. They were like the ocean, the waves of them around her mind and body making it easy to sink into. They opened themselves to her in ways no one else ever would, ever will, and she loved them deeply.
She accepted.
Accepted them. Opened herself up to everything. The only rule was that her spark belonged to no one.
Sparks were pain.
She didn’t know why, but sparks were pain. She only had thoughts around them being something that should never be touched. It was wrong and aching and painful. But her mind, her body, they were open books. And she was okay with that.
She just wanted to love them. As she was.
She accepted everything and giggled softly, curling closer to Sides as the wind and water made music behind them. HiFi wanted to fight at their side, after all, someone had to make sure they always came home to her.
She was tired of losing things. Of losing people.
He would’ve felt sad that her view of sparks had become like that, but… Did he really have any grounds to disagree?
Your own spark was one thing. He liked his spark, he liked having a spark. It was a little weird and didn’t work exactly like sparks usually did, but though it always hurt, when he wasn’t spark to spark with his missing piece, he still liked it. Liked the warmth of it that was Sunstreaker, and all the good, lovely, pretty things that no else could see.
But that was just his own spark.
And he wasn’t confident that adding someone to the mix wouldn’t be a mistake.
Sparks could be hurt. Even just physically, mecha could poke at them and do things to them that hurt them. He knew. Creator hadn’t let it continue, but he knew.
That paled in comparison to what someone with direct access to it could do, though. They’d see everything and they’d know everything, and if they wanted to, they could use that against you.
Even if they didn’t, having something happen to someone that close to you could be devastating.
He knew. His spark was in two places. Something could happen to one half of it that the other couldn’t prevent. It wasn’t nice.
It was best that sparks were left out of it, it was. So much could go wrong with sparks, and you’d have to give up so much of yourself…
He didn’t want to share. Sunstreaker was his, and only he could see the truth of his light. That was the way it was supposed to be.
Even without that, HiFi saw and had access to more than most ever did. She could see what made them tick, what drove them and what held them back and how their thoughts wove through motivations and arguments and counterarguments.
All the bad and the ugly was right there for her to see too, stripped bare if she wanted to look, because they didn’t see the point of hiding things from her.
And yet she’d never turned away from them. She accepted the bad as well as the good in a way he could hardly doubt with how thoroughly deep she could see- how she’d never given any indication there was something she couldn’t reconcile with.
He hoped that one day he could doubt Megatron as little as he doubted her, but Megatron couldn’t do what she could. It was too easy to keep secrets from Megatron, and too difficult to explain everything to him. It would take so much more time.
He didn’t have to explain anything to her. He just had to be, and all he ever needed to do was show.
Sideswipe grinned, lightly, and turned his helm to nuzzle hers. She was so much more colorful like this. Not as vibrant as Sunstreaker, no one ever was, but so much more vivid than the flat, dull surroundings of everything ans everyone else. It was another reason to like this, to prefer it like this. He got to see anyone’s living colors so rarely.
She had very nice colors. He’d missed them. They were colors that were to be kept happy, but she’d never asked much from them in that regard. They would’ve given happily if she had, or if she did. What could they give when she didn’t ask for anything? He had so many adventures they’d been on, and though he wasn’t sure all of the adventures themselves were anything he could’ve brought her to, there were things left behind by them. New lands had been discovered and new things had gotten found, and she should see some of them. For herself, not just through their memories. It would be a mini-adventure to show those things to her!
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