spnflash · 9 months
Friends, Happy New Year!
If you like the mods fell a little behind on your 12 days of flash and still wish to submit some stories (including ‘wildcard’/unthemed stories)— our submission window is still OPEN!
Please mention us in your post as normal and your story will be reblogged and tagged under the appropriate day.
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spnflash · 9 months
10.41, jefferson city
From the doorway, Dean looks at his father, swollen limbs and fragile angles. The look in his eyes; helpless as roadkill.
two stories, eighteen years apart, hung on the same frame.
pairing: n/a
rating: T
word count: 586
@spnflash day 5: roadkill
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spnflash · 9 months
That’s seven hours that they’ve been gone now which you know because your dad sat you down and taught you how to read that old-school clock. The first time he drew a square and arms inside it and wrote in a twelve, a three, a six, a nine and he said when the big arm’s at the twelve I will be back, or a little after, between the twelve and the three I will be back. You said it’s a square, a clock’s not square, so he rounded over the corners and said a clock can be any shape but here you go here’s a circle and I’ll be back between the twelve and the three or by the six when it’s light outside but you shouldn’t wait up, you should listen to whatever your brother says, when he says time for bed you go to bed and I’ll be there before you know it. Between the three and the six. You nodded then but later you told you brother how the clock didn’t really look like the clock on the wall so he filled in the rest of the hours like he fills the hours you spend alone together. But now he’s not here. They didn’t say when they’re coming back and they’ve been gone for seven hours. You know this because you counted the hours on the clock. They didn’t say where they’re going and maybe it takes seven hours to get there. If it takes seven hours to get there then they just got there or maybe they’re not there yet but they’re about to get there and it takes some time to finish their business and then it will be another seven hours before they're back which means they’ll be back when it’s light outside which means they’ll be back just in time for school. But if they're not back in time you’ll have to miss class because Dad said don’t leave this house until we get back, unless when they get where they’re going Dean calls and says hey sleep tight we’re turning in but we’re be heading back first thing in the morning we're seven hours away which means maybe you’ll have time to go to school and back and Dad won’t even know it and all the while at school you’re at your desk wondering where are they, how far is that, what if they call again and I’m not home, what if they’re already on the way back, what if they’re rounding the corner and they're about to pull up into the driveway right now and I’m not there and Dad looks for me and freaks out and comes to pick me up before school’s over and he’s super pissed and starts shouting in the car about never going anywhere without him. But this will only happen if they come back tomorrow when you’re still at school. If you get back before they’re back you’ll wait for them and it’ll get dark again and you’ll be waiting for Dean’s call again and again you’ll be thinking maybe they’re not coming back, not tonight, they’re coming back tomorrow and maybe tomorrow on their way back something happens to them like Dad’s too tired and he’s driving anyway because he’s rushing to get to me and he’s driving real fast, because he called and I was’t there to pick up, he’s driving all sleepy and he starts to fall asleep and the car drifts off the road and flips over a bunch of times or it drifts left and a huge 18-wheeler is coming from the other side and the trucker can see them drifting but the truck is so huge he can’t stop it in time so he honks loud but Dad’s asleep because he’s tired and Dean’s in the passenger seat sleeping too and I'm not there to wake them up, so there’s nothing to do about it, and the truck runs into them and it crushes the car and when the ambulance gets there Dad and Dean are in a really bad state and they take them to the hospital and they need blood but I'm not there to give it, unless the EMTs get up to the car and they find Dad and Dean dead, if they find Dad and Dean already dead they won’t know anything about you so they won’t know to call you at the house or at school to tell you and you’re just waiting for them to come back but they’re not coming back, they’re not coming back tonight or tomorrow or ever because they’re already dead, they crashed on the way and you weren’t there and all this time they’ve been dead and they’re never coming back but no one knows to tell you.
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spnflash · 9 months
john/dean, M, 450 words
for @spnflash, "present"; for @dadfuckerfest, "baby's first snowball"
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That year you buy him a hunting knife for Christmas.  Pocketknife, for close work, with a silver coating you made yourself—swiped the jewelry, melted the metal, brushed it on.  Took a few tries to get the thickness right.  Bullets are easier.  You wanted to get it blessed by Pastor Jim, so it sat tucked away in your duffel for a few months while you waited for a job to come up Southeast and an excuse to go visit.  You wait until your brother is out—off playing normal families at his girlfriend’s Christmas dinner—before you give it to him, unwrapped, no fanfare, because that would make it weird, and you shrug off the look he gives you when he flicks it open to reveal the three letters you’ve etched into the blade.  Think I’d forget? he asks, and you shrug again, embarrassed.  You say, I’ll keep it if you don’t need it, and he cuts off your stammering, I like it, bud.  I like it.  Then he says, c’mere, and pulls you close with a hand fisted in your tee, and he’s staring down at you—always down, though you're the same height now—and slides the knife up underneath your shirt, slow, the spine icy against your skin.  The tip pokes up through the fabric and he rips it clean down.  Like butter, he says, grinning like you're both getting away with something.  The knife goes clattering against the table, and then he’s pulling the remains of your shirt up and over your head, holding your arms high in the air as he ties them into a quick knot.  Keep ‘em there, he says, then pushes you onto the bed, the mattress squealing.  And as you grin up at him, he sinks to his knees before you.  He undresses you.  Boots, one by one, then socks.  You can’t help raising your head to watch, stunned, your abs clenching, hands pinned to the bed by will.  He unbuttons, unzips your jeans, says, up, then drags them down and off, along with your underwear.  He hooks his hands behind your knees and drags you to the edge, until you’re—right there.  His face, there.  His beard.  His lips.  His mouth—and he—worships you.  He worships you.  He worships you.  He’s never done this, not with you, not for you, and you’re driven to the edge so fast you know there will be jokes, later, and his hands are on your thighs, your hips, spreading you, and your hands twist in their bindings, wanting— and you spill—god, fuck, dad—into his mouth.  You’re still breathing hard when he crawls over you, angling himself for a deep, sucking kiss that empties himself back into you.  You swallow him down.
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spnflash · 9 months
cure of all, this fruit divine
Father, I am sorry my nature does not come easily to me. I know neither how I was made nor why I feel so alone.
Cas draws a line in the soil that will one day become the Mississippi River. He looks up at God with a feeling in his gut he doesn’t want to name.
pairing: dean/cas
rating: M
word count: 867
@spnflash day 4: envy
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spnflash · 9 months
our love lasts so long
(Part 3 of 7)
Summary: Jack has questions, Sam doesn't have answers.
Relationships: Sam & Jack, Sam/Cas, Past Sam/Lucifer
Rating: T
Warnings: References to past rape/noncon, references to past torture
Word count: 998
@spnflash day 7: Seven
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spnflash · 9 months
Fracture Lines
Summary: Sam loses his hearing, and Eileen tries to help him adjust. It doesn't go well.
Pairings: Eileen Leahy/Sam Winchester, Castiel/Sam Winchester
Rating: M
Warnings: Infidelity
Word Count: 993
@spnflash day 6: Liability
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spnflash · 9 months
But It Felt Like True Love
Summary: Cassie wants to take the relationship a step further, but Dean has a little secret that gets in the way.
Relationships: Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester, Dean Winchester & John Winchester
Rating: M
Warnings: coerced castration and parent-child codependence
Word Count: 924
@spnflash day 5: Silver Lining
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spnflash · 9 months
Like water so hot it feels cold, like menthol, like a fever with chills, like frostbite. Dean, and his relationship to heat.
pairing: N/A
rating: M
word count: 397
@spnflash day 3: a cold day in hell
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spnflash · 9 months
Like water so hot it feels cold, like menthol, like a fever with chills, like frostbite. Dean, and his relationship to heat.
pairing: N/A
rating: M
word count: 397
@spnflash day 3: a cold day in hell
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spnflash · 9 months
i wanna skin you alive, (M)
... Sam visits the convent in hopes of tasting Ruby's blood once more.
pairing, Sam Winchester/Ruby
warnings, N/A
words, 1k
for @spnflash Day 3: Absence.
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spnflash · 9 months
We Were Supposed To Find This
Summary: Sam and Missouri reunite after many years apart. He worries that she won’t want him anymore with all that he’s done.
Pairing: Missouri Moseley/Sam Winchester
Rating: M
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 675
@spnflash day 3: Absence
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spnflash · 9 months
déjà vu
summary: Sometimes, Dean looks at Castiel and sees the shadow of his father.
pairing: dean/cas, dean/john (offscreen)
rating: M
warnings: none
word count: 205
@spnflash day 2: shadow
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spnflash · 9 months
Summary: 'CHUCK: No, uh, this time [Lilith’s] a "comely dental hygienist from Bloomington, Indiana.”' A look at the woman Lilith possesses in season 4. [403 words]
You lose your first tooth at Jennifer Gaines’s birthday party, eating Baskin-Robbin’s cookie dough ice cream cake. You bite down and it hurts, a shock of cold, and when you cough into your hand, there’s a white bright tooth in the middle of your palm. Jennifer gasps when you show her, asking if you’re OK, all of her teeth still firmly in her skull, and you laugh because you know all about the Tooth Fairy and how she’s going to give you a present and that now you’re going to start growing your adult teeth. The real ones. When you wriggle awake the next morning and check under your pillow, there’s a whole dollar, just for you.
You lose your virginity to Logan Snow, your boyfriend and the cutest boy in the whole school. It’s also why you lose Jennifer, because she likes Logan but Logan likes you. You lose Logan when you’re seventeen and the two of you have your fight outside of Dairy Queen, the one that gets you branded the Dairy Bitch, where he keeps saying you have to keep it, and you’re so stupid because you didn’t think to wear waterproof mascara and you can’t stop crying so of course it’s dripping off your lashes and down your cheeks and ruining everything.
You lose your body when you’re twenty eight, getting ready for work at Bloomington Dental Group. One second you’re washing your face, the next you’re surrounded by charcoal hot darkness. You open your mouth to scream but it hurts, a wildfire burning down your throat, into your stomach legs hands everywhere. Then your mouth curls into a smile. “Oh, this one’s pretty and grown-up too,” your lips say. Your legs walk into your bedroom. You lose your clothes to hands that take off your pajamas and then spend minutes trying on everything in your closet until they settle on a low-cut blouse and skirt and all of you can think is, don’t wear that, you can’t wear that, it doesn’t match, and on the edge of your vision in the bathroom mirror you see your mouth bunch up, petulant, and say: “I don’t care if it doesn’t match! I like it. I want it.”
You lose everything; you become your own shadow. When the end finally comes, for you and her and the world, there's a gaudy dress and a black-eyed man and a white bright light.
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spnflash · 9 months
Saving It
Summary: Sam has a crush on Missouri.
Pairing: Missouri Moseley/Sam Winchester
Rating: T
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 506
@spnflash day 2: Soul
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spnflash · 9 months
Handsome Housewife
Summary: Cassie and Dean take a bath together, and Dean reveals a little fantasy of hers.
Pairing: Cassie Robinson/Dean Winchester (F/F)
Rating: M
Warnings: N/A
Word Count: 741
@spnflash Day 1: Trial and Error
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spnflash · 10 months
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welcome to twelve days of spn flash, the most minimalist of all minimalist fandom events! here are our super-duper minimalist rules:
take a prompt (or both!) and write a story (or more!), no longer than 1000 words each
include your word count in the post or in the tags
tag #spnflash and mention @spnflash so we can all share and read your beautiful words!
Prompts also under the cut:
Day 1: Trial and Error / Present
Day 2: Shadow / Soul
Day 3: A cold day in hell / Absence
Day 4: Envy / Easy as pie
Day 5: Roadkill / Silver lining
Day 6: Transaction / Liability
Day 7: Seven 
Day 8: Prologue/ Epilogue
Day 9: Rewind / Reward 
Day 10: Storm/ Good Samaritan
Day 11: Promise/ Persistence
Day 12: Wildcard! (i.e. "unthemed")
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