spnpocweek · 3 years
also a little fic rec list of excellent writers and creators of color 💕
reelin’ in the years by @wormstacheangel
in due time by @badjoices
a religion that wasn’t chosen for me by @crystal-doesnt-watch-spn
resurrection by @icarusdeancas
is it love to keep it from you? by bi-blerd
dean winchester’s guide to all things latine by @ghostgroundzero
i’m making daddies of dads (i’m not a baddie i’m just bad) by @transcasbenny
lesions by @wongkarwainatural
learning to be me by @misha-moose-dean-burger-lover
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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interest check for supernatural of color - now with 100% more melanin zine closes TODAY august 31! form can be filled out here. it should take 5 minutes or less to complete. questions about this project? check our faq page on our blog, or our faq tag!
what’s the aim of this project?
this is an unofficial  fan zine intended to celebrate canonical characters of color within the show supernatural as well as fan’s racebent reinterpretations of white characters through both visual and written art.   profits will be split between contributors and an organization that contributors vote on - either We Need Diverse Books, Flint Water Fund,  or Navajo Water Project. you can find more information on these organizations in our faq, or on their websites!
what is an interest check?
an interest check is meant to help us get an idea of what scope we’re working with! how many people  are looking to contribute as well as how many people are looking to buy a  digital copy, physical copy, or merch. this is really helpful for the mods, as it tells us what to expect workload wise and makes it easier to  plan things.
i’m not an artist or writer - can i still fill out the interest check?
YES! please do! interest checks are open to absolutely anyone, and the more people  who take it, the better. while it’s helpful to know how many people are  interested in applying as contributors, it is just as helpful, if not more, to see how many people are interested in buying, as well as what they’re interested in buying.
i feel like i have a better grasp of what this project is now!
that’s great! take our interest check to  let us know what you think about it! reblogs are much appreciated - the  more data we have from the interest check, the better we can accommodate what you guys want to see : ^ )
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spnpocweek · 3 years
question: has anyone made a post with all the spn fan artists who take commissions? like some sort of artist masterlist that people who want to support creators can use? i wanna commission some pieces and something like that would be really helpful!
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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interest check for supernatural of color - now with 100% more melanin zine is open! form can be filled out here. it should take 5 minutes or less to complete. questions about this project? check our faq page on our blog, or our faq tag!
what’s the aim of this project?
this is an unofficial  fan zine intended to celebrate canonical characters  of color within the show supernatural as well as fan’s racebent reinterpretations of white characters through both visual and written art.   profits will be split between contributors and an organization that contributors vote on - either We Need Diverse Books, Flint Water Fund,  or Navajo Water Project. you can find more information on these organizations in our faq, or on their websites!
what is an interest check?
an interest check is meant to help us get an idea of what scope we’re working with! how many people  are looking to contribute as well as how many people are looking to buy a  digital copy, physical copy, or merch. this is really helpful for the mods, as it tells us what to expect workload wise and makes it easier to  plan things.
i’m not an artist or writer - can i still fill out the interest check?
YES! please  do! interest checks are open to absolutely anyone, and the more people  who take it, the better. while it’s helpful to know how many people are  interested in applying as contributors, it is just as helpful, if not  more, to see how many people are interested in buying, as well as what  they’re interested in buying.
i feel like i have a better grasp of what this project is now!
that’s great! take our interest check to  let us know what you think about it! reblogs are much appreciated - the  more data we have from the interest check, the better we can  accommodate what you guys want to see : ^ )
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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interest check for supernatural of color - now with 100% more melanin zine is open! form can be filled out here. it should take 5 minutes or less to complete. questions about this project? check our faq page on our blog, or our faq tag!
what’s the aim of this project?
this is an unofficial fan zine intended to celebrate canonical characters of color within the show supernatural as well as fan’s racebent reinterpretations of white characters through both visual and written art. profits will be split between contributors and an organization that contributors vote on - either We Need Diverse Books, Flint Water Fund, or Navajo Water Project. you can find more information on these organizations in our faq, or on their websites!
what is an interest check?
an interest check is meant to help us get an idea of what scope we’re working with! how many people are looking to contribute as well as how many people are looking to buy a digital copy, physical copy, or merch. this is really helpful for the mods, as it tells us what to expect workload wise and makes it easier to plan things.
i’m not an artist or writer - can i still fill out the interest check?
YES! please do! interest checks are open to absolutely anyone, and the more people who take it, the better. while it’s helpful to know how many people are interested in applying as contributors, it is just as helpful, if not more, to see how many people are interested in buying, as well as what they’re interested in buying.
i feel like i have a better grasp of what this project is now!
that’s great! take our interest check to let us know what you think about it! reblogs are much appreciated - the more data we have from the interest check, the better we can accommodate what you guys want to see : ^ )
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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interest check for spn of color zine - now with 100% more melanin are now open! they close on august 31st. you can fill out the interest check here - it’s really fast and simple!
what is an interest check?
an interest check is meant to help us get an idea of what scope we’re working with! how many people are looking to contribute as well as how many people are looking to buy a digital copy, physical copy, or merch. this is really helpful for the mods, as it tells us what to expect workload wise and makes it easier to plan things.
i’m not an artist or writer - can i still fill out the interest check?
YES! please do! interest checks are open to absolutely anyone, and the more people who take it, the better. while it’s helpful to know how many people are interested in applying as contributors, it is just as helpful, if not more, to see how many people are interested in buying, as well as what they’re interested in buying.
what’s the aim of this project?
this is an unofficial fan zine intended to celebrate canonical characters of color within the show supernatural as well as fan’s racebent reinterpretations of white characters through both visual and written art. profits will be split between contributors and an organization that contributors vote on - either We Need Diverse Books, Flint Water Fund, or Navajo Water Project. you can find more information on these organizations in our faq, or on their websites!
what’s the criteria for applying as a contributor?
contributors must be 18+ and be able to link towards a portfolio, however informal. this could be an ao3 account, your writing tag on your blog, your art instagram, art tag on your blog, etc. while it’s not mandatory, the contributor application will include a section to disclose your race, and preference will be given to artists and writers of color.
how are mods doing quality control on pieces to ensure that they’re not offensive?
mod responsibilities are split into two roles. primary mods do all the things you probably associate with modding, such as discord modding, making posts, graphics, and answering technical questions. review board mods are responsible for doing a check of pieces contributors submit to make sure that they aren’t falling into racist tropes. the review board mod role is only available to people of color.
i have a question that’s not answered here.
you can check our faq or send us an ask on tumblr! if your question is longer or more complex, you can email us at [email protected] or dm us at twitter.com/spnofcolor
i feel like i have a better grasp of what this project is now!
that’s great! take our interest check to let us know what you think about it! reblogs are much appreciated - the more data we have from the interest check, the better we can accommodate what you guys want to see : ^ )
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spnpocweek · 3 years
we’ve had a couple of questions come in, and they’ll be added to the faq soon, but they’re important enough to warrant their own post! so:
are racebends allowed?
yes - with a couple of disclaimers. racebends may only be done by artists and writers of color. any white artists/writers that apply are not allowed to do racebends. in addition to this, we’re allowing fewer racebends than canon characters. we’re aiming for somewhere between a 70/30 0r 80/20 split with 80% canon creations and 20% racebend creations.
i filled out the interest form. when will i hear back about whether or not i was accepted?
the interest form is not an official application to join in a creator capacity. writer and artist applications open september 1st, 2021. the portions of the interest form about whether you’d like to contribute are meant to help us sort Numbers Wise how many people are interested in contributing vs how many people are interested in supporting by buying. there’s a big difference between, say, 100 people who only want to buy the zine and 100 people who want to have their work in the zine! that section of the interest form helps us see those differences.
okay, how do contributor applications work?
contributor apps will include all the basic stuff - if you’re an artist or writer, your forms of contact, your portfolio, however informal. there will be a section where you list characters you want to create for, and what type of creation, be it canon characters or a racebend. in that same section, you list a very broad outline of your potential piece. it can be as simple as character name + concept. there will also be a section to disclose your race - you’re free to leave this blank, but when we’re picking applicants, we will give preference to people who indicated that they are artists and writers of color.
what’s quality control look like on the mod side? what are you going to do to make sure pieces aren’t racist?
we have two different very general roles for our mod team. we have primary mods, who do all the kinds of modding you probably think of when you hear mod - answering technical questions, keeping the discord up to snuff, making posts for the blog. we also have what we’re calling review board mods. this position is only available to mods who are people of color. this position is the one responsible for looking over concepts, outlines, and check ins to make sure nothing offensive is being conveyed. some of our mods are only primary, or only review board, and some are both! len, for example, is a general and review board mod, while riley works exclusively on the general mod side, and nalani works exclusively on the review board side.
hi! i have questions / suggestions that are nuanced and long enough that i don’t think a tumblr ask or google form is the best way to send them. is there any other way to contact you?
yes! you can send us an email at [email protected], or you can dm us on twitter at twitter.com/spnofcolor. if you do have shorter questions, you can send them through our tumblr inbox.
here is a link to our intro post with our interest form included - reblogs and form responses are much appreciated!
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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@spnpocweek day 4: roles [the prophet]
Kevin Tran
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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from the minds behind pocweek, we bring you… poczine! our interest check opens today, august 1st, and will be open until august 31st. this interest check is meant to see how many people are interested in either buying or contributing to this zine. our goal:
Supernatural of Color - now with 100% more melanin” is an unofficial fan project intended to celebrate canonical characters of color within the show Supernatural as well as fan’s racebent reinterpretations of white characters through both visual and written art.
Profits will be split between contributors and one of the following three charities, decided on by contributors: we need diverse books, flint water fund, or the Navajo water project. You can find more information on these organizations in our FAQ.
Anyone is welcome to fill out the interest check! The more people who answer it, the better informed we are on what people want to see, which means it’s easier for us to work to make those things happen. The link to the interest check is here.
we are accepting contributor applications from all fans who are 18+, though preference will be given to artists and writers of color. white fans are restricted to works only about canonical characters and cannot create race bends. these applications will open sept 1st. specifications for written and drawn pieces will be uploaded shortly.
our blog has links to our faq, schedule, Twitter and interest check. The faq will continue to be updated as questions come in and we finalize things. If you have a question that isn’t answered in the faq or by the schedule, go ahead and send us an ask! You can also contact us and stay updated through twitter at spnofcolor.
We appreciate any and all shares of this post - as I said before, the more responses we have, the better we can make this project. : ^ )
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spnpocweek · 3 years
with those last few reblogs, we’ve gotten everything we’ve seen in our @s as well as the tag! as always, if we’ve missed you, send us an ask. thank yall so much for participating and helping us give these characters some well deserved attention.
as we mentioned at the beginning of the event, today kicks off the official start of our zine @spnofcolor. basic information is up on that blog, as well as a link to our Twitter and our post about our interest check which is now open. we’d love it if you checked it out and filled out our interest form here so we have an idea of how many people are interested, and what, exactly, they’re interested in! reblogs are much appreciated <3
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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supernatural poc week – day seven: free space, for @spnpocweek
Favourite characters + Greek mythological figures
[Caption: six gifs of characters from Supernatural paired with paintings and poems. -KAIA NIEVES AND DARK!KAIA as HYPNOS AND THANATOS. The gif dissolves from Kaia to dark!Kaia while both of them have their powers enhanced by Jack’s hands on their foreheads. It’s paired with an excerpt from Religio Medici by Thomas Browne (“Sleep is a death, O make me try, by sleeping, what it is to die: and as gently lay my head on my grave, as now my bed.”), and alongside John Williams Waterhouse’s painting, “Sleep and His Half-Brother Death”, sleeping next to each other. -LINDA TRAN as ATHENA. She’s wielding Ruby’s knife, determined to kill the demon that had her imprisoned. The gif comes with an excerpt from Forceythe Willson’s Diana of the Hunt (“All can see, in the shining places, vestiges of her classic graqces; where her footsteps, fleet and stark, have beautifully embossed the dark.”), and a painting of the goddess in armor, “Pallas Athena” by Rembrandt. -BILLIE as ANANKE, personification of inevitability and necessity. She’s talking to Rowena about how some things can’t be fixed. The gif comes with an excerpt from Tsira Gogeshvili’s Ananke (“My impatient fate approaches me, stepping zealously on the air. It approaches me quietly, without noise, it comes from the remote area. And I feel that in no time, it’ll open with its burning fingers the sacred, whitest door of mine.”), and a painting by Edmond Lechevallier-Chevignard, “Ananke, the personification of Necessity“. -KEVIN TRAN as CASSANDRA. He’s smugly taunting Crowley about figuring out his tricks. The gif comes with an excerpt of Louise Bogan’s Cassandra (“Song, like a wing, tears through my breast, my side, and madness chooses out my voice again, again. I am the chosen no hand saves; the shrieking heaven lifted over men, not the dumb earth, wherein they set their graves”), and a painting by Evelyn de Morgan, “Cassandra in front of the burning city of Troy”, of the seer tearing out her hair in frustration. -MAX BANES as ORPHEUS. He sets the house his mother and sister’s bodies are in on fire before leaving with Alicia’s twig doll self. The gif comes with an excerpt from A.F. Moritz’s Orpheus (“There she was, with him once more just for an instant as she vanished. And then he heard her from behind the invisible veil, absence: a shrill and batlike but lexical indictment. Why had he violated the divine command, why, when he had seized all song to himself and robbed her of power to open her own oblivion?”), and a painting by Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot, “Orpheus Leading Eurydice from the Underworld”. -GORDON WALKER as ARES. The gif is a close-up of him just turned into a vampire, with red eyes, and comes with an excerpt from Herberth Asquith’s Ares God of War (“The other gods are weaker; thou alone dost break the king and bend the emperor’s knee: lower than unto Christ they bow to thee, Lord of the slave, and guardian of the free; steel-hearted Ares, shaker of the throne. […] Death is a nothing, life an empty name: arise and lead us ere our blood be tame, o lord of thunder, arcs of the crimson mail.”), and a painting by Velázquez, “Mars”, of the god sitting and wearing only a helmet.]
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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Day 7: Free Space- One-Off Characters.
Cassie Robinson- 1.13 / Nancy Fitzgerald- 3.12 / Kali- 5.19 / Camille Thibideaux- 7.07 / Ellie- 8.14 / Maeve- 10.05 / Ambriel- 11.10 / Mia Vallens- 13.04
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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kevin & linda tran for @spnpocweek, late submission for day 4: roles. just thinking of how much concepts of destiny and free will play into prophethood.
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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the archangel raphael
[IMAGE ID: A digital drawing of Raphael from Supernatural. She is in a female vessel and has lightning wings emerging from her back. Only one of her eyes is visible and it looks directly at the viewer. END ID]
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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🌞@spnpocweek Day 7 [FREE SPACE]🌞
Based off those old timey heads blowing wind
[day 1 uriel] ✨✨✨ [my art]
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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@spnpocweek day 7: free space
⮩ alicia & tasha's matching smiles of polite disdain
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spnpocweek · 3 years
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Because I wanted new a profile pic
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