spooky-enthusiast · 20 hours
>video claiming to be essay/history on a topic
>ask them if its analysis or summary
>they dont understand
>pull out detailed chart explaining what's analyzing the ideas and motives behind a text and what is just presenting information without thinking about it
>"it's a good video, ma'am"
>watch it
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spooky-enthusiast · 23 hours
bingewatching will never come close to bingereading. there is nothing like blocking out the entire Earth for ten hours to read a book in one sitting no food no water no shower no bra and emerging at the end with no idea what time it is or where you are, a dried-up prune that's sensitive to light and loud noises because you've been in your room in the dark reading by the glow of a single LED. it's like coming back after a three-month vacation in another dimension and now you have to go downstairs and make dinner. absolutely transcendental
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spooky-enthusiast · 3 days
In retrospect, I should have anticipated results like this when I posed this question to the Galarica/Unovan-speaking side of Rotomblr. Thank you to everyone who participated!
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spooky-enthusiast · 3 days
The correlation may not be entirely superstition! The Pumpkaboo line, like many Ghost-types, feeds on Aura, also known as life energy. Decomposition is not a purely physical process; As a decaying body releases its nutrients into the environment, so too does it release its Aura. A higher number of deaths in an area may result in higher levels of ambient Aura, which could support larger and more numerous Ghost-types.
However, a Pumpkaboo's size is heavily tied to genetic factors, so Latte's size is equally likely to result from a genetic quirk as it is to result from an excess of ambient Aura in their native environment. It may even be a combination of both; The conditions of Latte's environment may have favored larger Pumpkaboo, leading the local population to skew towards large sizes, whereas most wild populations of Pumpkaboo do the opposite.
You know that superstition that the size of a pumpkaboo correlates to the amount of death in an area? What are some of you guys doing catching absolutely massive pumpkaboos like where do you get those. I once saw a pumpkaboo that was half my size at the center and its trainer was like oh yeah I picked Latte up at an ancient Kalosian battlefield like ???
Ghost type owners . What
Do you regularly pick up your mons at ancient battlefields. Is that normal or am I weird for being confused
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spooky-enthusiast · 10 days
Tumblr media
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spooky-enthusiast · 10 days
You would get along well with a friend of mine who named their Absol Cat.
I always get weird looks when I say Dog's name in front of my coworkers......
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spooky-enthusiast · 10 days
Isshu is generally considered an archaic name for the Unova region, most commonly used in Kanto, Johto, Hoenn, and Sinnoh, with occasional usage in Alola. It has fallen out of usage as inter-regional communication (particularly via internet) has become more prevalent.
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spooky-enthusiast · 10 days
Zorua or Zoroark, for the ask game!
I once met a movie zoroark, who worked on movie sets doing a lot of the special effects and hard to obtain pokemon through illusions. Thats how a shiny pokemon’s actor doesnt necessarily have to be shiny, and the reenactments of Hoenn lore in movies can have ‘kyogre’ and ‘groudon’! The zoroark behind those effects are super hard workers!
This particular one used his illusions to make himself look super cool on his days off- he’d make himself look shiny or change his eye color and make them glow, give himself fake wings or a tail, he looked awesome but I nearly had an aneurysm when I first saw him
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spooky-enthusiast · 12 days
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spooky-enthusiast · 13 days
Advice: You shouldn't worry about the rain.
This was an ominous message to receive with no context. Delightful!
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spooky-enthusiast · 13 days
Why has no one made a Battle Laundromat yet?
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spooky-enthusiast · 13 days
[sic] is my favorite editorial notation because of its inherent bitchiness.
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spooky-enthusiast · 20 days
I saw your mom was mentioned! Any fun stories? ✍️
// Accessing file Astoria > Memory > m491717ns720.rec
"Ma! Ma!" Sclera yelled, running to Astoria while waving a handful of folded papers, "We made you a Mother's Day gift!"
Her husband Nils followed behind at a much more relaxed pace. "Most of it was Sclera's idea." He reached down to pat Sclera's head as they bounced in place while holding out their gift, giving the impression that he was dribbling them.
Astoria bravely resisted the urge to scoop both of them up in a hug right then and there, and took the gift from Sclera with a smile. It was a sheaf of papers folded and bound in the shape of a booklet, with a messy pencil drawing of an ornate frame on the cover.
"Open it, open it!" Sclera cheered. Astoria sloooowly turned the cover, nearly breaking into a grin as Nils started subtly bouncing in place as well.
Inside were charmingly-clumsy sketches of Legendary Pokémon, labeled in Nils' distinctive tiny lettering. Each sketch was accompanied by a profile of the Legendary in question's battle statistics, notable moves from its movepool, and non-battle abilities.
"It's to help you when you find a Legendary to battle!" Sclera excitedly announced.
Overcome with love, Astoria wrapped her arms around Sclera and Nils, lifting them both slightly as she hugged them. "I love it! Ohh, you two are just too sweet!" She immediately started peppering both of them with kisses, which prompted expertly-maneuvered counter-kisses from Nils and shrieking giggles from Sclera.
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spooky-enthusiast · 21 days
Traveling trainers are crazy because they’ll come into the center like ‘hey can you heal my tyranitar? I just caught her’ and its the same tyranitar thats been terrorizing the desert community in Ula’ula for months and this random trainer just said ‘yoink’ and named her Tiny
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spooky-enthusiast · 21 days
Yes, though it typically takes longer than a few minutes for a Sinistea to approach an abandoned cup of tea, especially if the tea is still warm.
Ghost pokemon are so interesting. Today I had a woman from Galar tell me to watch my tea because I had to leave the counter for a couple minutes to do something and left it behind and I was like ‘what’ and she was like ‘so a sinistea doesn’t possess it?’ Galarians do you have to vigilantly protect your teacups so they dont turn into pokemon??
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spooky-enthusiast · 27 days
× Forget anything? (Imagine the × was bigger plz)
((Most forgotten memories fade because they fall out of relevancy, or because they were of little enough substance to be overwritten by more distinctive memories. This was the first thing I could think of that was neither.))
// Accessing file Popcorn > Memory > 487gs4610 (restored).rec
Dozens of people crowded around the TV in the Pokémon Center, transfixed by the footage of the skies above Mt. Coronet. Popcorn climbed onto his human's hat to see over the crowd. His perch jostled slightly from his human tugging their hat over their eyes - comparing what was on the screen to their visions, no doubt.
He hoped they saw everything turning out okay.
The skies bloomed deep purple as if bruised. Lights floated above the peak, yellow, pink, and blue flaring in sequence. Clouds gathered in a swirl, already flashing with lightning.
From the eye of the storm, darkness spilled like ink. Popcorn squeaked as his human's head snapped up to stare at the screen. "Oi!" They barely twitched, utterly transfixed by the sight.
The skies convulsed, and, like a great exhale, shattered.
Nothing of note happened that day.
Nothing happened.
Nothing happened.
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spooky-enthusiast · 27 days
Got any fun maybe-tall-tales?
// Accessing file Herrah > Memory > m376d0351.rec
"It just makes sense, right?" Herrah's human stood in front of a wall of sticky notes connected by red string, gesturing with a spool of thread. "The Infinity Energy sourced from the Ultimate Weapon, implying access to at least some part of it. The reckless use of wormholes, implying a certain disregard for consequences. I haven't seen anything about it yet, but that doesn't mean anything for the time frame."
Herrah poked her human's side. "I implore you to sleep."
Her human, tellingly, did not get the message. "Oh, did you want this back? Sorry." They handed Herrah the spool of thread, which was appreciated, but not what she was looking for.
Herrah waggled a claw at her human. "I will bring your traveling companions here if you do not sleep already. Including the one who clings like a Komala."
Herrah's dire threats were once again ignored. "Mark my words, when Devon rises as the next evil team, my battle cry will be 'I told you so'! They may have silenced my Rotomblr account, but they can't silence the truth!" Herrah's human smacked a hand against the wall for emphasis, causing a sticky note to become dislodged and flutter to the floor. "Oh, hold on-" Herrah's human picked up the sticky note, then stared blankly, glancing between it and the wall. "I don't remember where this goes."
"Sit tight while you solve that little puzzle, human," Herrah trilled as she melded with the shadows using Shadow Sneak. "I shall retrieve my greatest weapons for this battle."
One strategic application of Komala-hugs later, Sclera was sound asleep.
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