spookymuffinsims · 19 days
the sims 2 premades as shitposts/memes/texts/etc. (the great korea trip queue pt. 2)
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spookymuffinsims · 3 months
reblog only if you’ve received less than 1000 boops! we can all get each other to “max”
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spookymuffinsims · 7 months
HI Spookymuffin, I would like to know something that really confuses me about your ts2 hair replacer, I dont get what I"m supposed to download and what not, so I'm asking you to see if you could maybe answer me? I know this might seem obvious to you bt I simply dont get it. please answer
Hi, Anon!
Each .rar replaces the hair from a specific expansion or stuff pack, so if you have all of them (and want to replace everything) you'll need to download every .rar in the linked folder. If you don't have all the EPs and SPs then you'll need to pick and choose based on what you do have.
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spookymuffinsims · 1 year
Last year, the lead singer of The 1975, Matt Healy, managed to offend a whole lot of Gaelgoirí (Irish speakers) when he appeared to mock a fan’s name – Dervla – at a meet-and-greet.
Healy isn’t alone, though, when it comes to anglophone bafflement at Irish names. A recent study based on an analysis of Google searches revealed the words that British people have the most difficulty pronouncing. The names Aoife, Saoirse, Niamh and Siobhán occupy places in the top 10.
And it’s not exclusively a British problem: I always cringe watching US talkshows where the host quizzes their Irish guest (usually Saoirse Ronan) on the pronunciation of their and other Irish names.
I’ve heard every possible variation of my own name from non-Irish people. It’s not uncommon in Ireland; in secondary school, there were four Niamhs in my class. But I rarely come across an English person who is familiar with it, despite the proximity of our two countries.
In case you don’t know, it’s pronounced “Neev” or “Nee-av”, either is perfectly acceptable. The prefix Ní means “daughter of”. My surname is trickier, and has even tripped up a few Irish people; it can be translated as Herbert, and is pronounced “her-a-vard”.
When I was living in London, I quickly learned that saying Niamh at the counter in a coffee shop or over the phone to make a booking simply wouldn’t fly. This led to the invention of what I call my “Starbucks name”. Anything easily pronounceable with a simple spelling would do. Mia, Sophie and Rose were among my common aliases.
Speaking to others reveals a litany of similar experiences. Aoibhe Ní Shúilleabháin, a designer and teacher, spent two years at college in England having her name mispronounced and disrespected. (Her first name is pronounced “Ay-vah”.) More than one lecturer resorted to calling her “blondie”.
She tells me: “I was asked to say, ‘Three hundred and thirty three trees’” – a tongue-twister that does the rounds on TikTok – “more often than I was asked to repeat my name.” She recalls the lack of interest when she attempted to explain that Irish and English are different languages with different pronunciation rules.
Clearly, the sensitivities at play here are rooted in history: Ireland was colonised by the English and our national language was all but wiped out. A language revival began in earnest in the 19th century, but it’s never quite recovered. Ireland’s most recent census shows that about 40% of Ireland’s population can speak Irish. The English destroyed our language once before, so every little throwaway comment and scoff at our names hurts a little bit more – and ultimately becomes just tiresome. A handful of people even remark, “Oh! I didn’t know Ireland had its own language,” when I tell them about my name.
Writer Darach Ó Séaghdha is all too familiar with these difficulties. (The “rach” in Darach is pronounced like “Bach”, he says.)He hosted a podcast called Motherfoclóir, a podcast about the Irish language and culture, and whenever there were guests on with Irish names, “inevitably the episode would turn into group therapy”. There was one bad experience, he recalls, when he was told that his surname “looked like a wifi password”. But he decided to give his children Irish names, too. It’s a common trend, he says, “because parents with Irish names have been battle-hardened”.
Like the others I spoke to for this piece, writer and director Rioghnach (think “Ree-nock”)Ní Ghrioghair believes that a sense of superiority among English speakers is to blame for the constant mistreatment of Irish names. But she’s defiant. “We are going to scrutinise the British for any transgression regarding the pronunciation of our names,” and other things, she tells me, like British media claiming Irish actors as their own during awards seasons.
There is no easy crash-course I can give to you on the pronunciation of Irish names, but you can always try out “how to pronounce”-style websites (which themselves can be contested). But the simplest and most reliable solution is perhaps just to politely ask an Irish person – and listen attentively to what they say. I may have accepted that English people are very rarely going to get my name right on the first go, but I appreciate a well-intentioned effort. Just don’t laugh at it, please.
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spookymuffinsims · 1 year
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spookymuffinsims · 1 year
Hi 😊💕 I've decided to use your hair bundle from post/611290311879180288 just wondering if the EA ts2 store item hairs are included as well? Or do you know of any defaults of these that match your bundle of defaults? Thanks 😁
Hi! @veronavillequiltingbee recoloured all (or at least most?) of the store hairs to match the new hair system, here.
There are a handful of store styles that I did myself, sprinkled throughout my default posts, that use different alphas to Sam, but as long as you make sure you only have one of each hair you're grand to chop and change between sets as you please.
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spookymuffinsims · 1 year
hey spooky !
first of all, forgive me if the translation is wrong. my aim is in no way to offend or hurt you. 🤍
I just came across your tumblr recently and I'm so happy for your commitment to providing us with wonderful content for the sims 2.
I would like to help you in some way and I know that the best thing would be to donate, but unfortunately I can't do that. I would like to know if there is any other way to help you ??
your content reaches many countries and I, being a brazilian person, can say that brazilian the sims youtubers use your content a lot. thanks for your content. thanks for being so creative. thank you for being here and for being so special. ❤️‍🩹
hope this year is wonderful for you. happy 2023. take care. < 3
Oh! What a lovely message! Thank you so much 🥰
Honestly, there's nothing that anyone can do to help me create content for the game - or, at least, I can't think of anything 🤔
The desire to play (and create for!) TS2 is just something that's always come in waves for me, and I'm thoroughly caught up in Persona Hell again, so I need to wait for that to ease off a bit before I get stuck back into playing sims.
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
I downloaded all of your default hair replacements but the recolors are not showing up for me and I am not sure why. If you know and could help me out I would appreciate it :)
I need a little more information, I think, to figure out what's going on. Did you extract the .rar files after downloading them?
And when you say they're not showing up, do you mean the thumbnails in CAS, or are you still getting the maxis default hairs on your sims?
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
i found this deep within knut’s character file what could this mean… (full video)
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
Hello i'm french guy and i love what you did. That's so huge and a lot of work there. I would like to download all the hair for female and male you've been created. But in the dowload page i dont know which file should I download ? Could you tell me pls ? Thank you a lot for your anwser
Each file contains the hairs from a specific expansion/stuff pack. So, if you have all EPs and SPs (and you want to replace everything), then you should download all the files. If, however, you don't have OFB (for example), then you don't download that one.
Hopefully that makes sense ☺️
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
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Hello, it’s hard and scary for me to write this.
 I fled my country and am now in a difficult life situation with no money to exist, so I created patreon page, and also ko-fi. If you love my creativity, then you can support me so that I can get back to creating CC for you. My CC’s will also be free and available to everyone, but also on my page I will show the behind-the-scenes of how I am working on CC. Gradually I plan to update all my old CC’s and upload them here, and also I would like to be able to create new CC’s and your queries.
Halloween is coming soon and I have prepared a gift for you, which I will initially post on patreon
Thanks for the support and apologies if I rarely release new CC
You can make a one-time donation on ko-fi  - https://ko-fi.com/tonyveis
You can long-term support me on Patreon - https://www.patreon.com/yony_veis
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
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Gen 3 finale + heir vote time!
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
Working away on a new version of my bulk hair defaults (lower poly meshes, less duplicate textures etc) with a very specific urgency.
Persona 5 Royal is getting its PS5 release in two weeks, and I just know the feckin' thing will totally suck me right back in... If I don't finish these defaults now I never will 😅
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
Heya, thanks for the follow! And thanks for all the defaults in the NHS, along with your lighting mod. I know it’s pretty ancient, but I just love the dawn and dusk that it offers. Hope you are having a great day! ❤️
Thank you for the incredibly sweet message 🥰
My lighting mod is definitely ancient, yeah (to the point that I don't even remember how I made it 😂), but it always makes me smile to hear that people still use it, or even still think of it fondly!
(I'm loving your Arkhelios gameplay btw!)
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
Hi spookymuffin and @y2sims I’m the person who asked for default frontalwaves thank you so much you guys are beasts!!༼ ༎ຶ ᴗ ༎ຶ༽ ♡ ♡ ♡ ♡
You're so welcome, Nonny! ☺️
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
There you go!
I'm pretty sure this is based on trotylka's original default, but I replaced the mesh with the fixed version from rentedspace, so it shouldn't have any transparency issues at the back.
Hello! Can you teplace frontalwave to ts3 sleek hair? i found one but it’s different color and gone :(
hi! i'm sorry but i can't do this by myself lol. i know all you basically need to do is to change the texture images on trotylka's existing default, for example, but i can't get the dds-files to work on my computer/photoshop to be able to import and change the textures on simPE.
here are the extracted nhs textures as .png files. i wonder if anyone else could do this for you? i know bloggers like @andrisims, @malvernsims, @quigsilver and @spookymuffinsims have been doing hair defaults for the new hair system before. maybe you could try to ask from some of them? 😊
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spookymuffinsims · 2 years
hey! i recently downloaded your hair default replacement for the sims 2 and some of the thumbnails haven't changed to the new ones... do you know anyway i can resolve this issue?
Yep! You can refresh individual thumbnails by holding ctrl and right-clicking them.
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