spottlightt · 4 years
#14 Dancing Villagers
The second dance performance was the Dog days are over by Florence + the Machine (choreograph by Baehah)
During the final scene, we danced to this song for happy villagers as we celebrated that we break the cursed, killed the werewolf which is Alaric Knight died and end of the game. We were winning. We wore very dull villagers outfits with dull colours.
We collaborated with the Singing villagers on these scene and sang live by Zai with the support of singing ensemble. The dancers went to the audiences and interacted with them as we supposed to be happy as the village is no longer curse. In the middle of the performance the Seer (Naseer Laylow) and Doctor (Dayana Knight) sang together as they finally killed the werewolf.
However, the epilogue scene, The village still cursed and werewolf have not been killed yet, the villagers killed Alaric Knight who were the Hunter. For this scene, Alaric was somehow at the after life world when suddenly there was the Narrator (Lincoln W.B) appeared infront of him. Told him that she was the werewolf. With this scene, the sins from Alaric Knoght who kept on killing the wrong person, we performed Demons by Imagine Dragon (choreographed by Baehah) and Sang by Wazif Zamri live. The dancer as the demons of Alaric Knight. We wore black and red dancing with him and lifted him up and everything.
Here is the video of Demons performance.
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spottlightt · 4 years
#13 Dancing Villager on Wolfenheim
As of my second time joining Performing Arts Club's production, I was elected as a baby choreographer. It was an honor to get that position.
I got to perform 3 dances out of 5.
1. She by Harry Styles on Act 2 (choreographed by me)
For this scene of the dance, it took me 4 days to teach all the dance routines to the selected dancers and Alaric Knight and took weeks to polish and remember all the moves. My aim was to not just dancing but also telling the story of what that scene was. Basically, in these scene Act 2, Dayana Knight always going home late or not going home at all, so her husband Alaric Knight was waiting for her and got mad.
As of the dance, I used props , which are the panels as the door of the show. I needed both gender of dancing villagers to assemble as Dayana and Alaric Knight. While real Alaric Knight sing and dance at the end of the song lively.
Here is the short video of She performance.
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spottlightt · 4 years
Acting on Wolfenheim
For my second time joining the production in PAC ubd, I did get a chance to act (without lines) to some scene which is great and new experience for me. I was selected as the Police Women during the court scene. All I have to do was hold Cara witchbury to the centre of the stage and making sure no one is touching the her when she was in the court, and avoid the fight between Cara , her mother and the villagers while I was watching at the side of Hunter (Alaric Knight)
Sadly I dont have a proper video of that scene but here is what my friend captured me as a police women.
Hold up! if u think I looked nervous there..well no, I was holding my smile because I saw my friend video record me and made funny faces so I maintained the poker face look, but I ended up looking nervous and idiot.
Second acting was, I was the selected villager where we gathered and listened to the meeting. We started ranting and shouting to agree Alaric Knight to vote for someone. Then however there was a gong sound then everyones died and woke up as a lifeless body or emotionless human and said "Round 8" in monotone then off from the stage.
Sadly I dont have the vidoe for this one but its all in you imagination how its going to look like. uwu
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spottlightt · 4 years
#11 Meet The Casts
Played by Shahu
Moderator of the game curse. Unsettling, dramatic, charming and story-teller of Wolfenheim.
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Played by Redz
Quirky, brave and determined to be the hero of this story.
Nemesis of ALARIC KNIGHT. In love with BARBARA MATTEL.
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Played by Haziq Zharfan
Confident, charming and persuasive on the outside.
Haunted by the past - vulnerable and fragile within.
Nemesis of NASEER LAYLOW. The ex-husband of DAYANA WITCHBURY.
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Played by Qilly
The passive and obedient ex-wife of ALARIC KNIGHT.
Slowly regains self-esteem and confidence throughout this play. She was the college sweetheart of BOBA LEE.
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Played by Azwar.
Asian with an accent, a drunkard, sassy, funny and care-free. Still in love with DAYANA KNIGHT and a best friend to BARBARA MATTEL.
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Played by Moon
Witty, sarcastic, caring, kind and insecure of her self-image. NASEER LAYLOW’s love interest. Best Friend of BOBA LEE.
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Played by Jazzy
Manipulative, gaslighter and abusive mother of DAYANA WITCHBURY.
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Played by Haziq
Lazy and unmotivated husband of CARA WITCHBURY. A kind and understanding father to his precious daughter, DAYANA WITCHBURY.
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Six are speaking villager roles (including a patient), the rest are dancers and singers.
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spottlightt · 4 years
#10 Wolfenheim
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The next year on February 2020, another production from Performing Arts Club which was Wolfenheim. Wolfenheim production is based on the werewolf game.
From the game card itself they have few rules. Which are..
Collect a gathering of players. An odd number is ideal, in spite of the fact that not totally compulsory. There ought to be in any event seven players.
You ought to have an equivalent number of cards to individuals playing. You ought to consistently have 1 Seer, 1 Doctor, and 2 werewolves and the remainder of the players should be Villagers. On the off chance that you have an enormous gathering (16+), you can trade a Villager for an extra Werewolf.
Mix the cards and hand them out, face down. Every player should take a gander at their card, however should stay quiet about it.
What about it? 
The game proceeds in alternating night and day rounds. Begin with nighttime.
The Night
Around evening time, the arbitrator tells all the players, "Close your eyes." Everyone starts slapping their knees (or table) to conceal any clamors of the night.
The arbitrator says, "Werewolves, open your eyes." The werewolves do as such and glance around to perceive one another. The mediator ought to likewise note who the werewolves are.
The mediator says "Werewolves, pick somebody to execute." The werewolves quietly concede to one resident (It's important that they stay quiet). Different players are staying there with their eyes shut, and the werewolves would prefer not to part with themselves. Gesture-based communication is suitable, or simply pointing, gesturing, causing a commotion, etc.
At the point when the werewolves have conceded to a casualty, and the mediator comprehends who they picked, the arbitrator says, "Werewolves, close your eyes."
Presently, the arbitrator stirs the Doctor and says, "Specialist, who might you want to recuperate?" The Doctor chooses somebody they'd prefer to mend. The individual picked (which could act naturally) will endure if the werewolves decided to slaughter them. On the off chance that somebody was killed, and afterward spared by the Doctor, the mediator will tell the town by saying, "Somebody has been spared", toward the start of day time.
The arbitrator says "Soothsayer, open your eyes. Diviner, pick somebody to get some information about." The soothsayer opens their eyes and quietly focuses on another player. (Once more, it is important that this be completely quiet - in light of the fact that the diviner would not like to uncover his character to the werewolves.)
The arbitrator quietly signs approval if the soothsayer pointed at a werewolf, and disapproval if the diviner pointed at a guiltless resident. The arbitrator at that point says, "Soothsayer, close your eyes."
The arbitrator says, "Everyone opens your eyes; it's daytime." And we should the resident realize who has been killed. That individual is quickly dead and out of the game. They don't uncover their character.
The Day
For day time, go around and have everybody present themselves (Example: Hey, I'm Matt. I'm the dough puncher here around, and I'm a resident.
Daytime is extremely basic; all the living players assemble in the town and conclude who to kill. When a lion's share of players votes in favor of a specific player to slaughter, the mediator says "alright, you're dead."
Elective standard: To keep the game moving along, you can put a period breaking point to how long a day is, and if the town doesn't pick somebody to kill, they pass up on the chance.
There are no limitations on discourse. Any living player can say anything they need - truth, confusion, babble, or an unabashed deception. Dead players may not talk by any means. Also, when a dominant part vote demonstrates that a player has been decided to be slaughtered, they are dead. In the event that they need to fight their blamelessness or uncover some data (like the diviner's dreams), they should do it before the vote experiences.
When a player is executed, sunsets and the cycle rehashes.
In order to win
-The villagers win if they kill both werewolves.
-The werewolves win if they kill enough villagers so that the numbers are even. (Example: Two werewolves and two villagers) 
For Wolfenheim Production, it is more or less similar.
Here is the synopsis of Wolfenheim Production
Welcome to Wolfenheim; a cursed village where a werewolf prowls. Five individuals are secretly assigned with specific roles on a single mission: to hunt the werewolf, or be devoured. For its every succssful massacre, the villagers restart their day again, like in a loop - this time, they only have three rounds left. Will they break out of the village’s curse and save themselves from being trapped, eternally?
Inspired by the popular game ‘Werewolf’ , Wolfenheim explores humanity and second chances.
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spottlightt · 4 years
#09 Dances for Utopia
I joined 3 out of 4 dances which were the prologue , act 2 and epilogue.
Prologue (King of Pain) choreograph by Mirzy
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This is the Prologue scene where we dance to a song called King of Pain choreograph by Mirzy.
In these scene the dancer wore all black with black bandana(as a mask) and white gloves as a supporter thieves of Maya stealing the painting.
This dance took a week to finish all the dance routines, and months to polish all the moves. Total altogether was only 2 mins more or less to perform for 3 nights. The dance genre for king of pain was urban dance.
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This was the final pose where the dancers helped Maya to steal the painting. In which Maya stood at both of me and Valerie's thigh as her stairs to reach the painting and steal it. To be honest, Valerie and I felt very painful and ticklish at the same time because the weight of Maya stood to our muscle thigh is the same feeling when your friend poke your thigh with their elbows. It hurts but tickle too. Anyhow..I would rate 6/10 of how difficult the dance was.
Here is the second dance performance for Utopia
Starry Starry Night by Don Mclean choreograph by Iyah
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For these scene, The dancers dressed in blue and yellow colours to show that we are the starry starry night paint dancing over Maya hand movement of her doing painting. We were the colour palette of starry starry night.
This dance is the most very meaningful to me, as it is one of my favourite dance. The genre for this damce was contemporary. Contamporary dance is usually dancing according to the song and lyrics in which it tells a story of specific dance routines.
Starry starry night dance took 2 weeks to finish the choreography and also month to polish everything. This dance unfortunately it was only for the girls meanwhile king of pain was mixture of both gender dancers.
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Pictures above show the dancers dancing on the floor as Maya also joined dancing while painting her canvas. It was very meaningful and heart warming scene. It was the best feeling to dance and and laying down on the floor with spot lights directly on our face as if we were the only one right there and the vision was fully black. I would rate 8/10 for the creativity of the choreography.
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The epilogue performance dance was I am light by India Arie, choreographed by Baehah and Iyah. For this scene, the dancers acted while dancing at the same time behind 5 meters of long fabric and strong lights at the back where people can only see shadow of the dancers. The dancers were making different kind of shape behind the fabric such as the trees, the two animals, happy family as Maya the main cast at the front of the fabric doing painting. This scene was a bit of bittersweet where Maya was in jail while she was painting her memories. For me it was one of the unique and prettiest scene of all acts.
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spottlightt · 4 years
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Maya Rosemary (played by Nadia Sam)
She is very intelligent but  stubborn, very confident as a cover-up and she’s the art thief.
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Cobie Periwinkle (played by Wazif Zamri)
He is a doll in the form of a purple bunny, very sarcastic in behavior, bitter and driven by revenge.
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Mr Berry Pickle (played by Aiman)
A cheetah which is Maya’s best friend, acts like a big brother to Maya and Steve, but destroys everything that might hurt Maya.
Steve (played by Khai)
A lion, also Maya’s bestfriend, speaks in an adorable manner but very limited vocabulary yet very cheerful, clumsy, cuddly and very protective to Maya
(There’s more casts, but unfortunately, I don’t have a pic with them but I’m gonna lists down their character descriptions.)
Maleena Rosemary (played by Sara Jowell)
Maya’s older sister, very controlling, obsessive, impulsive and overprotective.
Utopian Maleena (played by Sara Jowell)
Maya’s older sister, good listener, understanding and considerate of Maya’s feelings.
Utopian Mother (played by Noura)
Overly enthusiastic, supportive, very affectionate and maternal figure.
Dystopian Mother (played by Noura)
Very manic, sadistic and vibrant.
Utopian Father (played by May Cho)
very supportive, declarative and exuberant.
Dystopian Father (played by Redz)
Very preachy, crazed and merciless.
Vinca (played by Alee)
“The garden of Vinca”. Periwinkles.’ purple flowers, stoic.
That is all the casts of Utopia Production 2019 by PAC.
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spottlightt · 4 years
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#07 Utopia
What is Utopia?
Utopia is a paradise. An ideal society where everything works and everybody is glad – or if nothing else should be. Utopias are normal in fiction, particularly in sci-fi, where creators use them to investigate what an ideal society would resemble and what the issues may be in such an impeccable society. Nonetheless, not many anecdotal utopias are genuine utopias. Practically every one of them is uncovered to be something contrary to the perfect world oppressed world throughout the story. Idealistic writing is commonly about investigating genuine issues confronting our reality and making political, philosophical, or moral focuses through narrating. 
Examples for Utopia
-The focal universes of 'The Federation' in Star Trek are regularly portrayed as utopias – they are lavish with greenery and wonderful design, and there is no proof of any appetite, destitution, or war. Obviously, the planets at the edges of Federation space are far less idealistic.
-In The Republic, Plato depicts his ideal society. Nonetheless, it might appear to be a long way from amazing to us–for instance, Plato's general public prohibited music! Indeed, researchers actually banter whether Plato truly implied it to be a genuine ideal world or whether he implied is as an analysis of idealistic beliefs, as most such stories.
The importance of Utopia?
Idealistic stories are commonly composed to investigate thoughts regarding how society ought to or could be. For instance, an eco-ideal world would be a story investigating the idea of a general public dependent on ideal amicability with nature. Then again, a libertarian ideal world would be a general public dependent on wonderful opportunity and independence. These accounts can be an incredible method to try out such ways of thinking by perceiving how they would really influence individuals by and by.
At the point when you go over an idealistic story or picture, attempt to work out what sort of good, political, or logical ideal is being investigated.
A dystopia is the opposite of a utopia. 
What is Dystopia?
It's a society where everything has turned out badly and unfairness or tumult holds influence. This may be a dystopian culture where all administrations have fallen and people need to battle to endure, or it very well may be an extremist society in which incredible position figures control each part of residents' lives. Oppressed worlds are, normally, more reasonable and applicable to the vast majority than utopias in light of the fact that our social orders have numerous issues, and we stress over what's to come. Indeed, tragic stories are quite often about issues that we as of now have in this world. Tragic fiction is definitely more normal than idealistic fiction!
In writing, apparently idealistic social orders regularly end up being tragic, as on account of The Giver by Lois Lowry. In this book, the general public from the outset has all the earmarks of being awesome and efficient. In any case, gradually we discover that individuals have picked up their security and request by surrendering their opportunity and innovativeness, and at last, we come to see this "great" society as tragic.
Real question is...
what is the production about?
Maya(played by Nadia Sam) is a reclusive art thief, estranged from her family, who steals paintings to create her ideal, utopian world. When one day, she is confronted by a family member, Maya descends into a panic attack and finds herself trapped in an oddly familiar place-- the utopia she has years building.
In navigating her innermost desires, Maya realizes that her Utopia isn’t as perfect as it seems and escapism is only the surface of what really wants; Maya needs to confront the trauma of her past and learn to set herself free.
Utopia explores the complexity of family relationships, self-love and freedom.
This was my first ever production in Ubd. It was very different from the past production I did during Mary Poppins. This were more friendly and student base of production yet it is more or less similar to professional show of a company out there. 
I did not expect to perform again after years of missing in action. The feelings, the vibe, the hardworking, the excitement is finally coming back. 
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spottlightt · 4 years
#06 Hiatus from Performing Musical Show
Until then Mary Poppins was my first and last musical show that I performed. This is kind of sad to know that I stopped or taking a break from doing any performances as I focus on my career and studying. It took years and years and I kind of missing the feeling of performing on stage. (excluding mini dance performances). 
From O’Level to A’Level and then University, still not performing any musical show. 
But then, during my first year and second semester in 2019, Performing Art Club caught my attention and had eager to join the club. Without hesitation, I confidently write my so called nickname in university, and register to Performing Art Club.
The people were so very welcoming and friendly as if they are the one who just joined the club XD jk. But yea, from this club I started my dream again, being on stage to perform. At first I was very very anxious of joining the club as from what I see of their standard and the people. But nope, it’s not what you thinking they are. They are like family to everyone. 
Next posts will be my life in University and Performing Theatre stories.
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spottlightt · 4 years
BTS of Mary Poppins Musical Show by Relentless Entertainment
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spottlightt · 4 years
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Another character of me was a Toy Soldier where we just stand and waiting for the cue music to start dancing and perform. I could feel my heart beat racing as I had to froze at the stage while my eyes were wondering around and looking how huge audiences that time. It was super intense, froze on a stage and do nothing while waiting for cue was very nerve wrecking. 
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Here is behind the stage of women’s soldier being naughty and bored. It was like hours before the show. From what people saw us on a stage as a soldier were completely different soldier behind the stage. Not gonna lie, it was very interesting to be this characters as we kind of dancing like puppet moves and robotic. If I have another chance, I would love to be this character again in the future.
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spottlightt · 4 years
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#03 Mary Poppins Musical Show
Mary Poppins is a 1964 musical fantasy film directed by Robert Stevenson and produced by Walt Disney.
This musical show is fundamentally from the film itself where In Edwardian London, 1910, George Banks gets back at Cherry Tree Lane to gain from his significant other, Winifred, that Katie Nanna has left their administration after their kids, Jane and Michael, have fled, "For the fourth time this week," "Life I Lead". They are returned not long after by Constable Jones, who uncovers the kids were pursuing a lost kite. The kids request that their dad helped construct a superior kite, yet he excuses them. Willingly volunteering to recruit another caretaker, Mr. Banks promotes for a harsh, straightforward caretaker. To difference, Jane and Michael present their commercial for a kinder, better caretaker. Winifred attempts to keep harmony. Mr. Banks tears up the letter and tosses the pieces in the chimney, yet a solid breeze draws the parts up through the smokestack and into the air.
The following day, various old, harsh confronted caretakers stand by outside the Banks' home, however, a solid whirlwind overwhelms them, and Jane and Michael witness a youthful babysitter dropping from the sky utilizing her umbrella. Introducing herself to Mr. Banks, Mary Poppins creates the kids' reestablished notice and concurs with its solicitations yet guarantees the flabbergasted broker she will be steadfast with his youngsters. As Mr. Banks puzzles over the notice's return, Mary Poppins employs herself, and she persuades him it was initially his thought. She meets the youngsters and encourages them mystically clean their nursery by snapping her fingers, prior to taking off for a stroll in the recreation center "Spoonful of Sugar".
Outside, they meet Mary's old companion, Bert, functioning as a screever; Mary Poppins utilizes her sorcery to ship the gathering into one of his drawings. While the youngsters ride on a merry go round, Mary Poppins and Bert go on a relaxed walk. Together, they sing "Cheerful Holiday", and Bert plays with Mary Poppins. After the pair gets together with the youngsters, Mary Poppins captivates the merry go round ponies; Bert salvages a fox from a fox chase; they partake in a pony race which Mary wins. Portraying her triumph, Mary Poppins utilizes the jabber word "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious." The excursion is finished when a rainstorm disintegrates Bert's drawings, restoring the gathering to London.
The following day, the three meet Bert's odd Uncle Albert, who has coasted not yet decided on account of his wild chuckling and they go along with him for a casual get-together on the roof with loads of jokes "I Love to Laugh". Subsequently, Mr. Banks gets irritated by the family's sprightly climate, and he takes steps to fire Mary Poppins, however, she controls him into taking the kids to his working environment, the bank, the following day. That night, Mary tells the offspring of the one who sits by St Paul's basilica selling fowl "Feed The Birds" Mr. Banks does as such, and the kids meet Mr. Dawes. Mr. Dawes forcefully encourages Michael to put his tuppence in the bank, eventually grabbing the coins from Michael. "Loyalty Fiduciary Bank" Michael requests them back; different clients catch the contention, and they all start requesting their cash back, causing a bank run.
Jane and Michael escape the bank, becoming mixed up in the East End until they again get together with Bert, presently functioning as a fireplace clear, who accompanies them home ("Chim Cheree"). The three and Mary Poppins adventure onto the housetops, where they have a routine number with other fireplace clears, which pours out into the Banks' home ("Step in Time") after Admiral Boom shoots firecrackers at them, confusing them with burglars. Mr. what's more, Mrs. Banks re-visitation of home to discover Bert's companions moving in their home and sends them away. Mr. Banks at that point gets a call from the bank mentioning a gathering with him about what the kids did, the kids catch the call understanding that their dad is in a tough situation, Bert even tells Mr. Banks that he needs to invest more energy with his youngsters before they grow up ("A Man Has Dreams"). The youngsters give their dad Michael's tuppence in the want to present appropriate reparations.
Mr. Banks strolls through London to the bank, where he is given a mortifying cashiering and is excused. Seeking the tuppence for words, he exclaims "Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious", makes a quip, and cheerfully heads home. Mr. Dawes thinks about the joke and, at last, getting it, coasts very high, snickering.
The following day, the breeze changes, which means Mary Poppins must leave. A more joyful Mr. Banks is found at home, having fixed his kids' kite, and takes the family out to fly it. In the recreation center, the Banks family meets Mr. Dawes' child, Mr. Dawes Jr., who uncovers his dad kicked the bucket giggling from the joke. "We should Go Fly a Kite". Albeit at first heartbroken, Mr. Banks before long gets glad for him since Mr. Dawes Jr. had never observed his dad more joyful in his life and re-utilizes Mr. Banks as a lesser accomplice. With her work done, Mary Poppins closes the film by taking off with Bert advising her not to remain away excessively long.
Here’s some shot of me and the main casts on stage.
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I officially joined and performed to musical show call Mary Poppin Musical Show in 2015. Being on stage with variety of characters, it would be very challenging. As I have no basic background of acting or dancing industry, I was tempted to join the show because I might ruin it even though I was just small character and extra performer. Ps. that was me the girl with white top smiling so brightly (happy to performed..damn I looked like an idiot)
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This bunch of girls or women were the “extra” actress to support the scene. We were just giving expression and reacted to every of the cast’s line. Afterward when the music cue we were just dancers of the show. This was the scene where the children learnt the word “supercalifragilisticexpialidocious” from Mary Poppins. (If you spotted me which one I am then you good, if you are not, I’m not blaming you, I looked different in these pictures). 
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spottlightt · 4 years
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This was during 2014 when I was 15 which 6 years ago. It was my first time ever dancing to very large crowds for for about 500-700 people at Jerudong Park Amphitheatre. 
Wcopa was a show of each company can performed any talent show such as Singing, Playing instruments, Orchestra, Acapella and Dancing. I was from Relentless Company, so we did dance performance. It was an amazing experienced as a first timer of performer. I remembered we were rehearsal every single night after school. It was an honor to get this opportunity to perform and be on actual stage.
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I was a very very very bad dancer and this performance was really pressure me at first place because the dance genre were basically everything such as bboy, locking’ and popping’ hip hop, a little bit of jazz, when I only knew kpop dance back then. People learnt very fast and that doesn’t stop from what I did. As I see them moving forward so fast, so I challenged myself and run towards them and blend with them as much as I could. 
I remembered how the coaches were very strict and kept on telling us more power more sharp until that 1 time, we were super lack of something so he told us to dance individuals of what have been thought and whoever is good or had the energy of what he wanted, the dancers can rest. I was super scared as people slowly decreasing and resting, as the “not good enough” dancer still dancing in front of them, and I was one of them.
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And yet that doesn’t stop me from what I was doing, I was pretty embarrassed and also terrified of how pressure I was but somehow I managed to do so and at the end of the day I stand on stage with them too. It did not regretted any single thing. The feeling of standing on a stage with big crowds cheering gave me the energy and excited to show more on future. It was very memorable experienced as I got a chance to perform with them during this year.
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spottlightt · 4 years
Song that never stop me from pushin’ 
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spottlightt · 4 years
#01 Beginning
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Why do I want to perform on stage? I mean I was a very shy kid but have a big guts standing on stage?
It was all started from dance dance revolution. One day I saw a little girl played DDR on arcade at Yayasan Complex. I looked at her playing the game, and damn with all those arrows shooting everywhere she could hit it with perfect scores and I was amazed like how? Just like how Elle and Lee Flynn playing it on “Kissing Booth”. Not gonna lie, I think I watched her for a couple of hours by how good and talented she was.
Since I was a shy kid, I don’t wanna play in public, so I asked my mom to buy me the DDR mat for my Playstation 1. It was expensive back then but like I wanna be like that girl , how hard could it be......
Long story short, I got mine, and it was hard like freaking.. not really, but hard. But I was very ambitious, not giving up and continued practicing. I was 11.
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