squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
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squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
Christians hate when a gay man goes "fuck it, I'll gladly go to Hell if you want me to so bad" because it takes the edge away from their tools of fear. If they can't scare you with threats of eternal damnation then one of their main weapons is taken away.
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squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
Eren Jaeger X Reader
Contents: nsfw, smut, one-shot, modern au, usage of alcohol, mentions of death, mentions of a car accident, lap dance, slight strip-tease, thigh riding, bj, unprotected sex
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squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
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what's left... if we run and hide... like this...?
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squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
introduction (mobile version):
hello everyone, this is an in-person RP blog based on Levi and my OC!
just some basic rules:
1. if you want to ask Bláithín or Levi a question, just specify that in your ask.
2. i will only answer up as far as what has been covered in my own story (i.e. we are not dealing w/ manga spoilers at present as of march 2021.)
3. just be nice! no question is off limits, but don't be impolite.
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squadleaderblaithin · 3 years
blasithin, do you have any irrational fears?
(A/N: ok this is actually kinda cute, i had even did a five minute doodle to accompany it. i don't have a working iPad or anything to draw it out so i did it by hand lmao)
Bláithín looked around the room anxiously, paying particular attention to the corners of the room. The coast seemed to be clear... for now...
"I, uh... I don't like spiders." She mumbles.
Levi cocked a brow at this. "Tch. You fight Titans, yet you're afraid of spiders?"
Bláithín slapped her hands down against the table, shaking it in the process. "YES! THEY HAVE EIGHT LEGS!"
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
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                those creatures of your working mind, don’t fear them or their hunger                   forgive the sea, follow the tide, with the monsters on your shoulder
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
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Dammit! Zeke`s spinal fluid was in the wine?! Since when?! Not a single person froze up! Was it all a lie?
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
One bad habit you wish Levi didn’t have @ Bláithín?
“I think, in general, a person’s habits make a person more themselves, so I would hate anyone to get rid of their habit. Although... I wish Levi didn’t use the word ‘brat’ for everyone, I’m not that much younger than him... He’s accidentally called me that, and it feels, well, weird, since I used to be his superior! And now that he’s technically mine he gets to call me that? Unbelievable.”
- Bláithín, 846
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
Levi, what do you think Kenny’s reaction to Bláithín would be?
“He’s never made himself known to me. I knew he looked out for me for a few years but he was always secretive. Frankly, I don’t know. I’m sure he’d try get her drunk and he’d suss her out then.”
- Levi, 846
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
For Bláithín: since it’s a new year, I would like to ask one thing you would hope to improve about yourself? It can be something as minor as tidying up your office or major like the color of your hair
Bláithín was about to answer when Levi snapped his fingers. You directed your attention towards the onyx-haired man. 
“Her office. It’s filthy. Don’t even want to imagine what her bedroom is like.” He answered with a pout. 
Bláithín looked over at him and slung him her best “do you mind?” look and returned her gaze to you. She turned around and pointed to her hair. “I want to grow my hair out!” 
Bláithín’s hair wasn’t too long, it hung just above her shoulder blades and it was even shorter when tied up. “I want it to grow all the way down.” 
Levi’s nose crinkled at the thought. “No shitting way, that’ll be a nightmare when you go take a dump.” 
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
Being friends with Hanji, I imagine that you both are well-versed in the physiology and anatomy of Titans. Who would you say is the better between the two of you?
“The two of us would actually know the same amount,” Bláithín answered. She turned to look behind at Levi who was scolding Oluo for something stupid. She rolled her eyes and turned to face you again. “Levi doesn’t show it, but he can find it within himself to appreciate her experiments. When they aren’t causing senseless deaths, that is. As higher ranking soldiers, Hange often goes over her recent findings in meetings with Erwin, Miche, Nanaba and the rest of us.”
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
What was the first thing you did, Levi, after you left the Underground?
Levi smirked to himself, but it disappeared as soon as it came. 
“I drank tea out of a cup I knew wouldn’t shatter beneath me.” 
Bláithín eyed him with a quirked brow. “Yeah, but that’s because you held it in the stupid way you always do, so of course it wouldn’t break.”
Levi blinked, not even turning to give her a glance. “Shut it, Hahn.”
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
This could be for either Bláithín or Levi but times have been tough and I have to ask, what’s your favorite memory?
Bláithín: “Any moment with Eden is my favourite. I’m no mother nor will I ever be a replacement, but I do cherish any moment I can spend with her.”
Levi: “Watching the shooting stars with Isabel and Farlan before our expedition. Made me think the world wasn’t as shit as it seems to be.” 
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
What does Bláithín think of Levi’s scars in the manga?
“You can read the future?” Bláithín asked. “Better yet... what is a manga?” She leaned in closer. “Does Levi hurt himself? Oh gosh, no, don’t tell me.”
- Bláithín, 846
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
If you never joined the military and your uncle wasn’t a piece of shit, Bláithín, what would your career path be?
Bláithín stood up from her desk and walked over to the wardrobe in her room. She beckoned you to come along with her and showed you what was in her hands. A music book? 
“I played music a lot as a child, and at the time, I was quite good at it!” she claimed with a grin on her face. She flicked through the pages of this one book. “This is a music book for violin and unfortunately, it was left behind at my mother and father’s house... But maybe, I’d love to play in an orchestra or teach! Mitras was always a hot spot for classical music!”
Bláithín shut the door to her closet behind her after putting the book away and sighed. “I wonder what music Levi likes...”
- Bláithín, 846
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squadleaderblaithin · 4 years
To Bláithín: ur favorite quality about Levi?
Bláithín was drinking tea in the Mess Hall and she cast her gaze over to Levi upon being asked this question. She mused to herself for a moment and then the thought struck her. “His strength, of course! But not so much his physical strength, but his emotional and mental. He can brave just about anything and I... can’t. And that’s admirable.” 
- Bláithín, 846
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