sraelitz · 2 years
anger (management) starters
“You can’t just lose your temper like this every time you get a bit upset!” “Stop shouting or I won’t listen to a word you’re saying anymore!” “Calm down, right now! You’rs scaring me!” “Wow, no need to get your knickers in a twist, I was just asking!” “Shut up! Shut up! SHUT UP, you fucking BITCH!” “Okay, I know you’re angry, but try to breathe, alright? Sit down, let me help you…” “Whenever you behave like this, all I see is your father.” “Wow, down boy/girl!” “Let go of me! What on earth do you think you’re doing?! LET GO!” “What happened in here? What is this mess? Did you do this?” “Now don’t get angry, but there are a few things we need to talk about.” “You’re making excuses for hitting me in the face? You’re making excuses?! Do you know what I need to hear right now? An APOLOGY.” “Get away from me!” “You’re going to wake the whole neighbourhood if you keep this up!” “I don’t know why I ever gave you a chance! The only thing you know how to do is fuck up!” “Keep your voice down! People are starting to stare.” “I’ll let go when you look me in the eyes and dare to say that again!” “You broke my [OBJECT]! You knew that was precious to me!” “Go to bed, sober up and we’ll talk tomorrow.” “You’re telling ME to calm down?! YOU started this!” “You say the nastiest things when you’re angry, so yes, I’m walking away from you now.” “I can’t reason with you when you shout like that.” “STOP. FUCKING. SHOUTING!” “Ow! Get your hands off me! You’re hurting me!” “If you open that mouth to say something I don’t want to hear ONE more time, you’re out, do you fucking understand?” “Just LET me get angry! I always need to keep everything inside, but I can’t do that anymore!” “I’m going to call the police. You’re scaring me.” “What the fuck do you think you’re doing? You’re NOT going to call the police on me!” “What are you going to do? Hit me again?” “You can’t demand everything from everyone around you. Everyone else has a life that doesn’t revolve around you. When will you get that into your skull?!” “You’re not a kid anymore, so stop acting like one.”
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sraelitz · 2 years
Diverse symbol meme — Send the following symbol for;
(  if applicable, add + ⇆  for reverse ! )
♚ ; your muse forcing mine to assemble furniture for them ! ⋑ ; our muses searching for a place to eat together ! ⋱ ; your muse using mine as a muse for a painting / sculpture !  ≷ ; our muses doing a livestream together ! ✔ ; your muse helping mine to fight off bandits ! ❤ ; your muse taking care of a physical injury on my muse !  €  ; your muse trying to sell something to mine ! ✈ ; our muses in an airplane / space flight together ! ♢ ; our muses on a movie date ( romantic / platonic ) together ! ♠ ; your muse forcing a date on mine ! ❄ ; our muses on a fake date ! ☠ ; our muses pranking someone ! ღ ; your muse choosing mine as an accomplice for art theft ! ❒ ; our muses invading a warehouse together ! ≏ ; your muse helping mine with studies ! ♫ ; your muse singing to mine ! ⊹ ; our muses playing a competitive arcade game together / against each other ! † ; your muse dragging mine to church ! ⍢ ; our muses reading NSFW fanfictions together ! 〆 ; our muses watching anime together !  ⌨ ; your muse hacking into an account / site by muses’ request ! ❧ ; your muse being highly jealous of mine ! ∛ ; your muse interviewing mine ! ☷ ; your muse showing mine memes ! ↻ ; our muses talking about the universe and life ! ➟ ; your muse helping mine with an extremely difficult relationship problem ! ▩ ; your muse cleaning up after mine ! ◈ ; our muses becoming friends ! ⊡ ; our muses making art together ! ⫸ ; your muse reading a book to mine ! ◉ ; our muses ghost - hunting at a graveyard during midnight ! ♯ ; our muses going to a concert together ! ♞ ; our muses to explore an abandoned mall together ! ≩ ; your muse training mine ! ⊱ ; your muse reading poetry to mine ! ⋈ ; our muses being stuck in a haunted house together !
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sraelitz · 2 years
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
My first muse doubles as my very first fursona, Kandie. I started my rp experience in the furry community at 11 so yea :) She was a wolf/fox hybrid with deer hooves and had a goth/emo vibe. I still hold her very close to my heart yet don't rp as her anymore due to not being part of the furry community as well as my "shelf" mentality of keeping her. I'm just glad to have her in the back of my mind <3
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp
My favorite part of rp has to be exploring the different possibilities it offers. I love character building and find it easy to fit into a role along with writing emotions ( and that's on being an empath). Character analysis is my all time favorite activity, and this blog is my playground. Overall the creativity of creating a story with a character so far off from your own person in a situation you would never be part of is euphoric imo
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
I don't look up to anyone specifically. I enjoy observing everyone's styles of writing and get inspiration from that. I I'm also new to tumblr rp and don't really know many ppl yet. However, I do look up to the people who are completely private and have cool themes; they look like they have their shit together lol
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sraelitz · 2 years
Questions for the mun!
🌟 - Who was your very first rp muse?
⌛ - How long have you been rping?
🌌 - What’s your favorite part of rp?
💗 - Do you prefer angst or fluff?
💝 - Who are some rpers you look up to?
💙 - Are there any muses you’ve been considering trying out?
🎂 - When’s your birthday?
🎊 - What’s your zodiac sign?
💞 - How old are you?
💖 - What’s something you like about your muse?
💔 - What’s something you dislike about your muse?
🍕 - What’s your favorite food?
🌅 - What’s your favorite season/weather?
🎥 - What’s your favorite tv show/movie?
🎼 - What’s your favorite song?
🎶 - Who’s your favorite singer/band/music producer?
🎲 - Do you have a favorite board game?
🎮 - What’s your favorite video game?
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sraelitz · 2 years
The Dandy brought forth his keys from deep pockets, clutching them in slender hands, out of habit.  More for the constant hurry to get in his car rather than safety. He was aware of Rio, the routes, people, dialects, slang of the streets, along with the sick, twisted people who ran the city from atop glass buildings. He would know, being part of the largescale scheme himself.
"Curse the lack of parking. Bet you never had issues like this while in Germany."
Giving his comrade a small shove, Alhambra's  giggle returned, lightening the mood a small amount. He could read anyone like a billedboard, and could tell Hans wasn't the "fun type" when intoxicated, yet not all serious either. It was a nice touch compared to the manic laughter from miss Blitz or the pathetic sobs from the elder Valentine.  He felt no obligation to care for Hans since he was not too far off from his usual state. Yet, he felt as if sending him off to the Major in a state of intocixation would not be good on the Captain's reputation nor his own.
"I want to throw it into the air, we will not be able to return to your home. . . you are more than welcome to stay at mine for the night, or purchase a hotel if you are well on your own."
Grey hairs fell out of place as he glanced back before returning his gaze back to the werewolf's. His keys jiggled while remaining close to his unwell friend. Keepinh them a little tighter within his grip.
"It's up to you. I figured it'd tarnish you if we called to have you back at base in the middle of the night smelling like a bar."
✋ after a long day of clubbing
"Send a symbol for my muse to… 🖐 pat your muse on the shoulder"
"Quite the adventure we had hm." Tubalcain switched his suit jacket from his left to right arm, allowing the palm of his hand to lay on the wolf's right shoulderblade. He had taken notice of Hans' staggered steps, flushed face, and reek of booze earlier in the night, yet hadn't acted on it till he had enough of his own experience.  "Or should I emphasize 'your adventure'?" A low chuckle inappropriately fell from his mouth. He felt bad for his comrad's state, he wouldn't be pleased if his friend had made fun of his drunkeness. However, everything seemed hilarious when the punchline was someone else's misery. "You sure are feral to be drinking like that. Any reason you gave yourself away tonight?" His hand once again found its way to Han's shoulder, this time adding pressure and rubbing it, in a manner or care; a rare emotion Alhambra shared.
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sraelitz · 2 years
casual wear (splattered with blood) vs. evening wear (drenched in blood)
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sraelitz · 2 years
✋ after a long day of clubbing
"Send a symbol for my muse to… 🖐 pat your muse on the shoulder"
"Quite the adventure we had hm." Tubalcain switched his suit jacket from his left to right arm, allowing the palm of his hand to lay on the wolf's right shoulderblade. He had taken notice of Hans' staggered steps, flushed face, and reek of booze earlier in the night, yet hadn't acted on it till he had enough of his own experience.  "Or should I emphasize 'your adventure'?" A low chuckle inappropriately fell from his mouth. He felt bad for his comrad's state, he wouldn't be pleased if his friend had made fun of his drunkeness. However, everything seemed hilarious when the punchline was someone else's misery. "You sure are feral to be drinking like that. Any reason you gave yourself away tonight?" His hand once again found its way to Han's shoulder, this time adding pressure and rubbing it, in a manner or care; a rare emotion Alhambra shared.
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sraelitz · 2 years
☯: What do they think of ‘good’ and 'evil’?
Tubalcain's morality is quite strange. He believes there is evil in the world, and he considers himself not as evil as others. He is evil to an extent, but is better than those who commit mass murder or murder without motive. For "good", he would consider himself to be "generous" when taking the lives of others and draining blood without mutilation. However, he sees "goodness" as a major flaw. He believes being merciful makes one weak, too squeamish to complete a task. So, I'd say Dandy's views of Good and Evil are broken. He believes a certain level of "goodness" will get you into a pleasurable afterlife, and that a level of "evilness" will keep you living. Too much of both is a terrible thing, you could be sentenced to an eternity in hell or die from the stupidity of being blindsided by fairness.
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sraelitz · 2 years
Physical Gestures of Affection
requested by @twistytwine​
Send a symbol for my muse to…
👕 lend your muse their sweater/jacket/coat
🟩 drape a blanket over your muse’s shoulders
🥘 hand your muse a plate of warm food
🖐 pat your muse on the shoulder
🤗 hug your muse
😘 kiss your muse on the forehead
👃 nuzzle your muse
🤝 hold your muse’s hand
✌ give your muse a massage on the back/shoulders
Send 🔁 + a symbol above for your muse to do it to mine!
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sraelitz · 2 years
/ /
No. Tubalcain is not a tempted man. His self control is high in the light of . . . sexual tendencies. His pride will not allow him to sleep around. However, temptation to kill is very high. He has no need for quick sex, I see him as a man who would rather have relations with people he knows or if he plans to get something out of the interaction (i.e, a meal, murder, information,). Tubalcain plays hard to get, for safety, but also for the sake of his pride. He will take a person out on a date, flirt, tease, lead them on, and proceed to walk away before anything happens. Truly an asshole.
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sraelitz · 2 years
Morality Meme
⚖: Has your muse broken the law before? Broken a vow or promise?
⚔: Would your muse kill if they had to in order to protect a loved one?
🌟: Do they consider themselves a good person?
👑: Is your muse honorable?
☯: What do they think of ‘good’ and 'evil’?
🌹: When would they tell a lie?
🍷: Would they manipulate someone to get what they want?
⛨: What would they sacrifice their life for?
💋: How easily are they tempted?
☽: What is their alignment?
⚠: Would they seek revenge against someone who’s harmed them or the people they care about?
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sraelitz · 2 years
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featuring. TUBALCAIN ALHAMBRA & original character VENUS ELMWOOD .
must be: 16+ & semi-literate
LIKE / COMMENT for starter .
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sraelitz · 2 years
The cards, the suave personality, I must know. Who truly was “The Dandy Man” before he pledged allegiance to the undead?
I have a post further answering this question in depth here if anyone is interested.
Tubalcain was not far from the character Millenium built. Much of his life was influenced from the corruption in governments and harsh realities of war. It was drilled that to have a perfect hand, one must pick the cards themselves. Which, in my opinion, is a truth Millenium holds tight.
If I had to give a clear answer: Tubalcain was a man with no power until he learned how to gain it.
His youth served as a learning experience, seeking loopholes, any form of an advantage he could grasp onto. However, Tubalcain was bold: his gloves of blood nearly sent him drowing in the river of Styx multiple times. He learned rather quickly how and where to hide his cards, to keep a face of stone when questioned, and how to make a swift escape when caught.
Subsequently, the Dandy's adult life was easy. He gathered poor souls who would work for the slimmest amount. To be fair, Tubalcain had an ounce of pity and morality behind his motives. There were instances of mercy and sparing, before Millenium tore any form of mercy he was capable of giving.
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sraelitz · 3 years
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This blog is 16+ and contains MATURE THEMES including but not limited to: death, blood, violence, strong language, and problematic muses. Triggering content will be tagged accordingly.
established 01. 14. 2021
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SHIPS are OPEN & SELECTIVE . i will not ship with everyone .
MUSES are either ORIGINAL or CANON . if you do not wish to roleplay with my canon muse , my original characters are available .
DRAMA regarding my characters' morals or affiliations will NOT be taken at all . i am not my muses , i do not write them from my own ideologies or view points . if you cannot differentiate author and writing , DO NOT INTERACT .
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CARRD: found here
MUSES: found here
MUN: found here
DISCORD: upon request
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