shmowder · 1 month
Was thinking about termites lately and how much they're my favourite group only to come to the conclusion my ass would be dragged to the utopians lunch table if I ever step foot into pathologic.
Not which one do you like most or want to be included in, but which one would you genuinely be best categorised by.
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mists-reading-nook · 1 year
(It sounds like what you I had in mind is different from how I thought about it. Meanwhile, chaos? Chaos.)
There's a certain little red girl on the side of the venue with her golden haired guardian. The red girl has stars in her eyes as they looked around the venue. So many new things she's never seen before. Her guardian watches over her, and speaks in hushed whispers.
"Klee, I know our Creator gave us permission to come in their stead. But be on your best behavior, okay?"
Albedo shifted his eyes to the other guests in the hall. "The last thing we need is any of them getting upset at us," he muttered under his breath, inaudible to anyone else.
"But Albedo, look!" Klee pointed up at the celestial decorations.
Albedo looks up at the decorations, which remind him of the skies he's read about. The skies that the Creator may have seen in their world before coming to Teyvat.
"Yes, it's pretty."
Klee shuffled around in her bag.
"Klee, who did you bring with you?"
"Just Dodoco."
Albedo raised an eye.
Klee guilty held out the little Jumpty Dumpty doll she made. "And Jumpty Dumpty."
Oh no.
Albedo shook his head. "Klee, who told you that Jumpty Dumpty could come?"
Klee paused. "Um. I don't remember. But he said to bring it just in case."
"Klee," Albedo said, trying to cover the bomb in her hands, "I don't think we need Jumpty Dumpty here. Let's just have a good time okay?"
Suffice to say, The Creator had their hands full. Or well, they would've had, had they not met their unfortunate demise. But then again, surely their acolytes can at least keep up the ruse for now, while they work on resurrecting their creator?
A lady,with long brown hair and clear brown skin,wearing a long sage green dress that faded into dust,walked up to the duo with a small smile on her face. Albedo straightened up,on guard. The lady speaks,looking Albedo in the eye. "Hello. Are you both having a good time?" Albedo smiles nervously.
"Yes,we're having a very good time." He raises an eyebrow. "You are...?" The lady looks suprised.
"I'm Mist,the host of this Ball." Oh. Before Albedo can respond,Klee excitedly speaks to the lady.
"Whoaa,are you a God just like our Creator?" Mist looks down at Klee,kneeling down to one knee to get on her level.
"I am! Tell me young one,what is your name?" Mist questions with a soft smile on her face.
"My names Klee! And this-" Klee shows Mist Dodoco "is Dodoco! And this is Jumpty Dumpty!" She then shows the bomb to Mist,whose eyes widened in suprise.
"Oh my-" Albedo quickly covers up the bomb.
"It's not what you think-" Albedo says,trying to cover up the fact that Klee had carried a bomb into the Ball. Mist laughs,shaking her head.
"No,no,it's quite alright." She turns to Klee. "Tell me Klee,I have a sister just about your age. Would you like to meet her?" Klee nods,before looking at Albedo nervously. He hesitates,but gives her the go ahead. Mist gets to her feet,signaling for Klee to follow her. Albedo wonders if he should follow. He does,and they all leave the ballroom.
He'll be back soon,but for now,he just wants to see this sister of Mist's. And to make sure Klee is safe and doesn't blow anything up on the way...
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I need more ADWD fics</3 your recent one was so cute 😭
More will be coming soon my friend!!
My motivation is just on the low rn again, but since its winter break for me, I may or may not go on a fic writing spree at some point after Christmas (aka tomorrow! Happy Holidays by the way everyone!)
And I think I have one more request to do for ADWD, then I might try to make up some AU fics and stuff!!!! :3
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sedgewick-gayble · 9 months
Is newt affiliated with lackadaisy somehow?? I only know him as the lizard guy is he involved with the comic or Tracy somehow im a little slow
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
I truly recommend you check out and read my lovely Sarah and her work!
Her page here 🫶🏻
Thank you for the rec- I read a couple fics and oh wow-
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meowyoi · 5 days
(´。• ᵕ •。`) ❤ Hi hi hello! I hope you're having an amazing day/night, whether you're nice and cozy at home, or out living the life! Make sure you take care of yourself, okay? Stay hydrated, sleep well, eat lots, and just remember ─ YOU MATTER. You are so, so loved, and so important to this world, and if you ever forget that, I'll bop ya right on the head! (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ Don't ever change, alright? (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧ Stay beautiful! ~ 🩵
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mysticarts · 4 months
Hiya! I have a question for Carmen if she doesn't mind. So how did Carmen formed a crush on Lucio? What does she thinks about him other than he's her type lmao.
Love your art btw. :)
first off, thank you for the compliment!
Let me get to explaining
Carmen loves everything about Lucio, And I mean everything. From his secret kindness for others, to his passion of hobbies, to his looks. The more their silly little friendship continued, the more Carmen admired him, and felt something for him.
But what really was the nail in the coffin, was when Lucio gave Carmen a genuine smile. Carmen didn't know why, but it felt like Cupids arrow just hit Carmen. In the brain and the heart
So when cupids arrow hit Carmen, She fell hard. Like, straight up faceplanted. And you can bet that Carmen said 'Oh fuck' on the way down.
Nia ws easily the first one to figure out about this crush, as Nia could read Carmen easily due to the two of them being close. Was Nia happy for Carmen? A little bit, she believed Lucio would be a Good Influence on Carmen. So Nia never intervened.
However, you would never find Carmen lacking. She'll only drop a hint of having a crush on Lucio rarely. Carmen never made a move, because she was waiting and praying for a sign that Lucio may have felt the same way about her.
Let's just say when her Gaydar went off, she stopped praying.
(Ps. I love your art to!)
Feel free to ask questions
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saberspirits · 11 months
So, for Moonstriker a HC that comes to mind is that she can replicate whale songs really well and sings along with pods she hears, and may swim alongside them too!
I love this idea! It's canon to her now.
Moon's voice is extremely versatile, capable of echolocation and of beautiful song too! She's an incredible singer, but hardly anyone has ever heard her. However in beast mode, these vocals take a deadly turn. With her ability to echolocate, she can also screech at such a high decibel that it can scramble a bot's processor. This can range from being stunned to deactivation and death.
As for the headcanon, she's massive compared to earth's whales!
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Above: Moon compared to a Blue Whale (Also a sneak-peak for the TFPSS Story Bible!)
She could definitely sing with them, possibly confusing humans when they hear whales where they shouldn't (VERY far down in the dark of the abyssal zone). Eerie...!
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crybabylisa · 2 years
HELLOOOOO, ship your moots?
HII THANK YOU FOR YOUR ASK ANON!! i really tried my best🤧
@sweetbbyshion ATSUMU!! i immediately have to think about you when i see anything about him and you two are just a 11/10, hottest couple ever😩 definitely not jealous of tsumu....... but draken would also fit very well with you!! he would treat you like the queen you are and brat tame you if needed ;)
@benkeibear sanji or benkei, i can't decide.... both would just fit perfectly to you and would give you all the love you deserve!! just absolutely wholesome relationships because they would take such good care of you and would love you unconditionally🤧 benkei would be absolutely obsessed with ace and treat him like your son!!!
@minoozi mhhhhh i think inui? it's so hard to decide because there's so many characters i ship you with :( but i feel like inui would fit to you the best. he's not as bad as the others💀 and you two would just look so adorable and cute together!! ...and simp over koko together? maybe start a poly relationship👀
@bontens-cum-slut myself? i'll treat you good, i promise!!!!! i might steal your cute dog but i promise i'll take good care of her and give her the hair cut she need lmao.. but also rin matsuoka! he would treat you just like you deserve it and since he can cook well, you won't starve💀
@kazuwhora ohh definitely kazutora!!!! when i think about you or see your blog, i immediately have tora in my mind lmao you two just belong together!
@invaderzia1 mikey or kazutora! you were the first person who simped with me over kazutora and i always need to think about it when i think about tora🤧 the way you write for both of them is just so adorable and they seem to fit perfectly to you!!
@zeltqz ran!!!! you're probably the only person i'd ship with ran besides myself...💀 but you two would be a hot power couple and i'd simp for both of you >:)
@virtue-and-beneviolence ohh definitely hanma! every time i see this man, i have to think about you and i just can't imagine you with someone else🧍🏻
@violettierre listen, i have no fucking idea why ..but chifuyu? i just feel like you two would be super cute together and he'd match your energy!!
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mists-reading-nook · 1 year
{Celestial Ball Event} (I don’t know if I’m doing this correctly; please correct me if I’m mistaken I would appreciate it greatly)
I formally introduce Phthonus, and Raiden Ei. Hailing from Teyvat Universe #9/28.
The night was young, yet he already felt a millenia old.
“What are we doing here again, remind me Ei. Please?” A young man with long brown hair dressed in a light blue kimono with Dendrobiums fiddles with his sleeve. His dark azure eyes anxiously swivel around; he observes the partygoers as they return to the safety of their personal bubbles. There aren’t even that much attendees here yet and already he’s feeling trapped.
Ei aka the Raiden Shogun of Inazuma put a finger to her chin. “If I recall correctly, you wanted to attend this, ‘Ball of Gods’, because you desired to ‘take a step outside the palace for fresh air,’ which by all accounts you desperately needed.”
“Hmph. Of course I’d subject myself to something so healthy like fraternizing with the other gods in this-okay. Not gonna finish that thought because I don’t want to feel like a jerk. Or be a jerk. Whatever, point is: I’m gonna actually socialize with my fellow creators. And maybe get an ally or two-”
“Noraa, you’re rambling again.” Ei sternly point out.
“Noraa” cringed slightly at her voice. He nods in silent thanks. His eyes dip down towards the floor; he observes the patterns on his kimono and how interesting they look. 
The Raiden Shogun patiently places her hand in his and squeezes it lightly. “You will be fine, my heart, because I am here with you. If you ever forget that-” Noraa’s head snaps up, his eyes bore into hers with steely determination.
“I won’t,” he interrupts her. “I can’t. Rest assured Ei I will be totally normal during this event. I’ll…definitely make you proud.” A small smile graces Ei’s face.
“That’s the spirit.” Ei’s eyes flicker to somewhere behind Noraa. He looks behind him to find-
“Is that Zh-Morax? Oh, wait, but this is called the Celestial Ball. My guess is that that’s somebody else’s Morax.”
Ei tilted her head in curiosity. “So there exists…multiple Morax? How does that work, exactly?”
Oh boy, I suppose it’s time to discuss the concept of the multiverse, thought Noraa. 
He opened his mouth, the words on the tip of his tongue, when his stomach grumbled. He looked down and frowned. Then again, I can’t talk on an empty stomach. Hopefully the food table’s not that far.
“Perhaps…partaking in a meal or two will help before explaining to me the concepts of multiple Moraxes,” Ei noted. 
“Yes. That would be optimal.” Noraa snapped his fingers. A shadowy silhouette in his shape manifested from thin air. It looks around wildly, but before it could register anything Noraa cleared his throat to grab its attention. “Please, assist me in finding the food table.”
It nodded sharply and then melted into the floor. Then, it glided onto the walls past ornate lamps and frescoes, through several doorways until it found several long tables filled with delicious looking food; there was even a section dedicated to sweets. It raced back to inform its master, only to pause in the middle of the hallway. It felt something powerful, something turned its head and saw…
 A female. Tall, with green hair and brown skin(?) wearing an ornate headpiece and a sage green-colored dress. The intrinsic grace, that air of authority surrounding her. 
C̶R̶E̸A̶T̴O̵R̸ ̸D̸E̸T̴E̴C̷T̶E̷D̵
The silhouette observed her mingling. It tilted its head, curious, its current order quickly fading from its memory. A hunger-no, a desire to gather information about this…intriguing person grabbed its attention. Who knows? Perhaps she could be useful to its master, one day. Though it had no mouth, one could imagine the wide smile it would make if it had one.
The female-the one in charge of this party waved her guests off and turned to leave. This was its chance. It would only take five minutes before its master got curious. And hungry.
So it began to stealthily follow her, and it would try to learn about her as much as possible within that time frame.
[Does Mist confront the silhouette by herself, let it harmlessly observe her, or make it return to its master without batting an eye?]
I̸ ̴s̶u̸p̷p̵o̸s̸e̵ ̴a̶ ̴ba̵l̵l̸ ̶i̷s̶ ̶o̸n̴l̶y̶ ̶i̴n̵t̷e̶r̷e̸s̷t̸i̴n̵g̸ ̸i̷f̶ ̶t̸h̴e̷r̵e̶ ̷a̵r̸e̶ ̵t̸h̴o̷s̴e̴ ̵t̸h̴a̷t̷ ̶w̷i̸s̶h̵ ̶f̴o̵r̶ ̶i̶t̷ ̴b̵e̸ ̸s̵o̷.̸.̷.̶
[Context: Noraa and Ei are in a romantic relationship. Noraa is a creation deity, but didn’t create Teyvat; he found it by chance via his travels, and fell in love with the world, particularly Inazuma. Phthonus is just a name he picked from memory; Noraa is what he goes by, but that isn’t his true name. It’s something he only gives to those he considers truly close with. Finally, that power he just displayed is just a simple parlor trick compared to what he's truly capable of, not that he wishes to show off.]
Mist finished up her conversation with a group of guests,all of whom had now gone off to enjoy the festivities. She could feel eye's boring into her skull. She looked around,and in her peripheral vision,she spotted a shadow,watching her from afar. Ah,so a little shadow has taken an interest. How fun.
She hoped the shadow hadn't realized that they'd been caught. She didn't mind being followed,especially if it was something as harmless as a shadow. She moved towards another group of Deties,starting conversation and making sure that they were enjoying the ball so far. The conversation lasted a bit longer than she expected,but she continued anyway.
Soon the group left,and Mist was again standing alone. She swiftly walked over to the room with the food,heading over to one of the tables that had several different drinks. She picked up one of them and began to sip at it. If she was being honest,she wasn't too thirsty. However,she needed a break. She couldn't quite understand how she holds events like this all the time,yet still gets overwhelmed.
She stood next to the table for a moment,wondering what her next move would be. She looked around,and spotted a familiar silhouette. Oh,the shadow. She had almost forgotten about it. Before she could confront it,however,the shadow melted into the floor and dashed away. Ah,she supposed she startled it. She moved to a different table,looking for something she would enjoy eating. She didn't really need to eat,but she enjoyed it anyway. She found the table she was looking for,and picked up a couple chocolate covered strawberries. She didn't often like sweets,but this one in particular had a special place in her heart. As she enjoyed the treat,a couple walked in. More guests. She smiled and gave a small wave,suprised when the couple walked up to her.
She cleared her throat,smiling as they walked up. "Hello. Who might you be?" She said,giving them both a quick once over. She noticed that the young looking man had a similar silhouette to the shadow that had been tailing her. So this was the creator of the shadow. How interesting.
The man introduced himself as Phthonus,though he said he goes by 'Noraa',and the lady introduced herself as Ei. "Ah. Hello Noraa,Ei. My name is Mist,I am the host of this Ball. I trust that you are enjoying yourself?"
Noraa nods. "We are. Although,I must ask. Are you a Creator God? You definitely seem like one." Mists eyebrows raised in suprise. Straight to the point.
Mist nodded "Yes I am. I would suppose you are as well?" Norra nodded again. "I would guess that you are the creator of the curious little shadow who was following me?" Now it's Noraa's turn to be suprised.
"It was following you? I sent it out to find food,not to follow anyone". Mist chuckles.
"Well,shadows do tend to have a mind of thier own." She smiles. "It's fine though. I just wanted to know what made you so interested in me. But now I know that I simply caught the little shadows attention." Mist looks around the room,suddenly very aware of how empty it was. She supposed she should get back to greeting guests,although she didn't really want to. She'd much rather keep talking to the God infront of her. However,she was the host,so it was her duty to make all guests feel welcome. "Well,I must get back to greeting guests. I do hope you enjoy the Ball." She paused. "I would love to continue this conversation another time however." She smiled before saying a quick goodbye and swiftly walking across the room,her heels clicking on the floor.
Noraa stares at Mist as she scurried away,her heels clicking on the floor. The couple is silent for a moment,before Ei clears her throat. "So,about the multiple Moraxes..."
Slight lil cliffhanger thingy!
Been gone for a bit cus writers block hit me like a truck,but I'm back to posting stuff again!!
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roses-dreams-andthorns · 11 months
there was a WHOLE cookie on my bed, I didn't see it and I think you can guess what's next.
....Did you eat it, or...?
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lnsania · 1 year
1, 8 (lol) and 10 for ozzy
muse related shipping questions // accepting
OTP(s) for your muse?
picture me staring blankly at you because I am brEAK . YOU KNOW WHO IT IS . fuckin’ riddlebirb . come on now . and of course my love that is grey’s joker and my penguin 🥰
does your muse get jealous easily?
points at isabelle’s mangled corpse and nods
a ship in your fandom you love (that does not include your muse)?
how much would you disown me if I said ed and isabella ? hehehe . but naaaah . okay hm there was a time where I kinda vibed with jeremiah/bruce . like pre - jokering jeremiah . when they were just two nerds and Jeremiah was fangirling over bruce and everything he did
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delilahcalicocat · 2 months
Fics from other writers you recommend to read? 👀
oh wow-
I recommend a couple writers here actually.
And fics, so if you like AEW I recommend reading some of these!
My Girl - by plentyoffandoms (OC 🍊)
We are the Law - by plentyoffandoms
Step Inside - by there-goes-thefighter
sit still - by daddyhausen
shut your mouth before I fuck it - daddy hausen
grind - madhatterbri
Arrangement - madhatterbri
I don't have that much, sorry but the specific wrestlers on order of this list are:
Orange Cassidy
Christian Cage and Edge
Christian Cage
Finn Balor
Rhea Ripley
Will Ospreay
Nick Nicholas Jackson
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lilxmcrtes · 1 year
⚡ (Oliver and Lief)
Break-up/divorce meme | @thornstocutyouwith | Oliver
who files for divorce: Oliver
the reason for their break-up/divorce: Oliver reverted to his old self and does NOT like Lief ;n;
who gets the better lawyer: Oliver. He's bound to have an old connection he can make good with
if their conversations only end in fights: Not necessarily. Oliver is mostly confused and offput by Lief
who gets custody over the kid(s): Oliver would remain in custody of Percy. I think Oliver would have majority custody if not all due to how Lief appears incapable and wild?
who gets to keep the pets: Oliver would keep Clover and Lief would keep any additional animals
who moves out of their home and who stays: Oliver would kick Lief out. ;n;
who gets the house/apartment in the end: Oliver would keep his place
who gets more money from the other: I want to say Lief but given that Oliver has the better lawyer and getting majority custody of the kids... It's not looking good
who gets the kid(s) for which holidays: Lief would get visitation I think
if they stay friends: Oliver wouldn't be interested
who wants to give their relationship another try: Lief. He can get his Ollie back, right?!
who finds a new love: Oliver
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elliesbelle · 1 year
Hi, hru. Did u know that hedgehogs can swim?
i did not know that omggg ����🩷
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necrostar · 1 year
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"...I don't have any idea what you're talking about." He said like a liar.
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