srmthfgrimworld · 5 months
I will be updating my mod for Rimworld to 1.5 when I'm done modding some personal stuff, it'll be a complete reskin of the characters in the vanilla game, so literally everyone will be a RM. x'D
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game Note
Now that Game 1 is over with, there's some stuff I want to add to the mod, I have ideas going forward for game 2. [:
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 30 (Ending)
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The team finally managed to build their new spaceship, Mandarin couldn't believe it, after all this time and so many years, they'd done it.
However, they only had enough space for six.
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After a lot of debate, they decided who was going, they would get help and bring a ship back to this world to get the rest of them later.
The team, consisted of Otto, Gibson, Nova, Comet, Amara and Kai.
Mandarin, after all this time, decided to stay, he was deaf from his injuries' and wanted to stay behind to look after the kids. Selena stayed because she was a good medic and didn't want to leave them alone without one.
Gibson promised her he'd be back.
Two weeks passed, the ship was ready, they had suffered many raids from those who were trying to destroy or wanted a spot on the ship, but they managed to hold them back.
And then, they were gone.
It was a strange feeling, Mandarin sat on a hill top watching the night sky, as the rocket slowly became a point of light.
It was then he sensed something behind him.
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Mandarin turned and aimed his gun, surprised to see a robot monkey, but he felt... a deep fear well up inside of him as he stared at it.
"I am Zero" It said.
Mandarin blinked, he heard it speak, but how? Zero smiled.
Suddenly, Mandarin was back on the super robot inside of his sleeping pod, alarms were blaring. He tried to open it with a button but nothing happened, he pushed it open forcefully and got out, running to the control room.
There, stood another Mandarin, he had a claw for a hand, bones on his body and a skull on his head. This Mandarin explained to him how the hyperforce were going to betray him one day and he was here to change fate.
Our Mandarin disagreed, he explained how loyal they were, that they'd never turn their back on him and that they were as close as a family. Skeleton Mandarin laughed and said he was a fool, even family could betray him. It was then that the screen lit up, a warning sign of a time portal in space flashed on it, Mandarin ran to the controls to try and change course, but Skeleton Mandarin fought him away from it and knocked him out.
Mandarin blinked, he was standing in a void, he looked around and Zero appeared infront of him. Mandarin jumped and stepped back.
"Now do you understand what happened to you?" Zero asked.
"I..." Mandarin hesitated. "The super robot... fell into the time portal?"
Zero nodded, "Your future self put you back into a sleeping pod to save you, before the super robot was torn to pieces."
Mandarin stared. "But... what now? And who are you?"
Zero tilted it's head.
"Who I am doesn't matter, but, what happens next is very interesting" He monkey appeared closer to him.
"You see, you and your friends are still in the portal, you never left, your still in here." It smiled.
Mandarin stared. "We're... still in the portal? But, what about the planet we were on? My children!?"
Zero grinned. "I made the planet for you and your friends, infact, everyone who falls into the time portal, I send them to that planet, your friend Nevil has been here for a very long time."
Mandarin turned away, shaking his head. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. But he was happy Nevil and Antauri were actually alive.
"So everything we went through... it was pointless?"
Mandarin looked at Zero, he wanted to attack him, but every time he looked at him, he felt terrified.
"Every time you meet me, I will grant you one wish for your next life"
"... What does that mean, exactly?"
Zero smiled. "It could be that you remember something from this life, or maybe you'd like to use your wish to set one of your friends free from the portal, it could really be anything."
Mandarin glared. "How about letting me and my friends out of the portal right now?"
It laughed. "No, that's too many wishes"
"What about my children?"
"They only exist inside the time portal, they can't leave."
Mandarin growled and stepped away, he didn't want to believe any of this, but it did make sense. The other robot monkeys, the raids, the bizarre happenings over the 'years'.
"Also, your next life won't be the same as this one, I decide what memories you have, if any, unless you specify something to remember."
"So you're basically.. playing a game with us?" Mandarin growled.
"Yes, and you're in here forever, with me, unless you play by the rules and get out fairly" It smiled.
"What if... I kill myself on purpose, so I meet you over and over to get my wishes?"
Zero smiled. "That's against the rules, I'm actually surprised, you did fairly well for your first life. One of the 'win conditions' for my game is that you leave the planet, but.. maybe you can discover faster ways to 'win'."
Mandarin sighed.
"... What about the others, are you talking to them?"
Zero shook it's head. "No, just you, but you could pass on your life to someone else, I will explain to them the situation as I have done to you and grant them a wish instead."
Mandarin thought about it.
"... Antauri, I want you to pass it onto him"
Zero grinned. "Are you sure? You may not even remember who you were, I can rewrite everything" it teased.
Mandarin glared and nodded.
"He deserves a chance, maybe he can figure a way out of this."
Antauri woke up, he stood up and looked around the void, he tried to use the power primate but nothing happened.
He suddenly heard a voice in his head and quickly understood what was happening through some kind of mind link. He shook his head.
"My wish, is that I am aware this is a game that we need to win."
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Chapter updates as you can see have slowed down quite a bit, it's taking longer and longer for things ingame to happen, hence why I changed the writing style as well. I think we might actually be near the end of the game!
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
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So here's a quick sketch of Selena, the monkey Gibson got with. Gibson almost ended up with Otto, but for some reason that relationship never took off for them. Here's some info the game gave me about her! [:
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 29
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The months went by, Mandarin and Nova often discussed how and when they were going to get off the planet. Gibson was making steady progress on research, but they were still a ways off from being able to leave.
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Elf, the cat was killed by a bear, Otto was very upset as he had a unique bond with the cat. He decided to make her a box so he could put her ashes in it.
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Nova had another child, they named him Kai, they also noted how Kai looked similar to Rose.
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One day, a group of travelers were passing by, among them was a robot monkey called Selena. However, the group was attacked by raiders as they left the base. Selena was the only survivor of the fight. Gibson rescued her against Mandarins orders.
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It took weeks for Selena to get back on her feet, by the time she did, she decided she wanted to stay with them. Mandarin probed her for answers about this world. Selena told him that she'd been here her entire life, and that yes there were more robot monkeys too.
The team didn't understand, how could there be more?
Mandarin wasn't happy, but Gibson pleaded to let her stay, she was advanced in science and medicine, she would help their research to get out of here. Eventually he gave in.
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Time went by, Amara grew into an adult, while she loved science, she decided to dive into plants as they needed someone to maintain their crops better. She still loved hearing Gibson's lectures and would often go to him for advice.
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Dragons were still a major problem, they kept a lookout during the day, if any were spotted, everyone remained indoors until the dragon left the area. It wasn't worth the risk anymore.
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Meanwhile, Gibson and Selena began a relationship. Gibson had a brief romantic encounter with Otto in the past, but nothing had developed from it. Meanwhile, these two quickly fell in love over their passion in science.
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Amara began to go visit her baby sisters grave, she decided she wanted to planet Roses around it to honor her.
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One large group of raiders tried to run through the trap tunnel all together, this was the closest so far that they had managed to get to the entrance of the base. The team decided to upgrade the tunnel with better traps.
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As long as they remained indoors during these raids, they were no longer going to be any issue. The raiders couldn't make it through the tunnel anymore.
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Kai was finally old enough to start going out by himself, children in the base mainly cleaned and hauled items to where they needed to go. But they were all allowed plenty of time to play and explore.
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Gibson and Selena decided to get married, Otto held the ceremony.
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They also had a child called Comet. (I forgot to take a picture when he was a baby whoops)
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During one attack, one of the farm animals let in a bunch of mutated wild creatures, something the team wasn't prepared for as they came in through one of their other entrances. Mandarin lost his arm during the fight and broke both of his ear antennas.
Otto built Mandarin a new arm.
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Otters also attacked Kian, they were stealing fish from their nets and Kian tried to stop them, however these Otters were extremely aggressive. Kian was hurt but thankfully okay.
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Time went on, Gibson and Selena took turns researching and helping each other, their son Comet also tried his best to help, which was mostly carrying around papers.
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Mandarin would often sit in the graveyard, he prayed that no one else would have to be buried here before they finally could leave.
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One morning, the base was attacked by a group of gigantic ants that tried to tunnel inside. Otto was hurt, but thankfully he was okay and didn't lose any limbs of suffer any permanent damage.
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Nova had another child with Mandarin, another boy that they named Kyler.
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Food was no longer an issue for the base, with Gibson and Selena's research, they could now grow crops insanely fast and during the winter. The animals had always struggled through the winters, but now they would be able to feed them all year round.
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As Kian became an adult, he became Gibson's apprentice and began helping the research effort. They realized that they needed to acquire gold soon for their future projects. They hoped traders would bring it.
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Gibson and Selena also had another child, a girl called Rain.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 28
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The dragon was still hanging around outside their base for the next couple of days, the team noticed the food was getting low. The children were beginning to get upset and hungry, so Mandarin decided to risk it and head out to get them food.
On the way back, he'd collected fruit and berries, enough for meals for the night. As the turned the corner and saw the entrance to the base, he heard a roar. The dragon.
It chased him down, there was no time to run for the trap tunnel, he dropped the basket of food and ran for the closest door.
As it opened, Mandarin was struck by the dragon and fell inside, the doors shut and he passed out.
When he woke up, he was inside the base, he saw Nova standing over him, before he passed out again.
The next time he woke up, he felt... strange. It looked around and it took him a few moments to realize something was wrong.
His left foot had been replaced with a wooden one.
He was shocked, Gibson brought him food and explained that the dragon had crushed it and the only thing to do was to replace it.
Mandarin was stunned, but thanked Gibson.
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The dragon left the area soon after, it took a couple of days for Mandarin to get used to walking around again. He was quiet and frustrated with himself that he'd let himself get hurt this badly.
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Meanwhile, Gibson often visited Antauri's grave, he wished he was still here to hear his advice. He even missed Sprx.
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After a few months, Kian was able to walk around on his own, he began following the team around, watching them work and playing with his sister Amara.
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The raids continued, as long as everyone was inside the walls of the base, the trap tunnel was enough to deal with them. However Mandarin did notice that the size of the raids were increasing, they'd have to build more traps or begin to make it more effective soon.
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Mandarin was angry for losing his foot, he thought about Sprx, that could have been him as well that day. He was lucky it was just a foot, it could have been an arm or a leg or something worse.
He watched as a group of dragons passed by, he wondered if somehow there was a way they could tame one. If they had a dragon, surely they'd be a lot safer.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
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Quick! family portrait sketch before something else happens [':
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 27
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Sadly, Rose was born sick, Gibson did some tests on the baby and found that there was a low chance she would survive the year.
Mandarin and Nova were determined to do their best.
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However the teams spirit was shattered when Antauri died, a mixture of the strange illness he'd been carrying some years now and a recent food poising had pushed him to the edge. The team were devastated.
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They buried Antauri next to Nevil. With no one to tend to the spirit tree, it began to lose it's connection.
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Meanwhile, the raids on the base kept coming, there would be long periods of peace and then sudden rushes of several raids one after the other. Gibson and Otto worked together to design a better trap, one that would self reload after being set off, so that way they didn't have to replace the traps every time.
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The monkey team had a funeral for Antauri sometime later, they were still in shock, Mandarin reminded them that he wasn't really gone.
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Sadly, Rose joined the graveyard not too long after. Nova placed a plushy on her grave. The death of Antauri and Rose affected everyone harshly.
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Mandarin was angry with himself, he needed to try better.
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He tried to put himself first in harms way during raids, protecting the others as much as he could.
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Meanwhile, Amara had started following Sprx around, at first he was hesitant, but Amara soon won him over and he enjoyed talking to her and showing her how to do things.
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She also spent time with Otto, whom she really wanted to try out shooting but he wouldn't let her.
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One day, Sprx never came home, the team wondered where he had gone, they went out to look for him and found his stuff, blood everywhere in the snow. Nearby, was a dragon.
The dragon had eaten Sprx.
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They didn't have the body, so they couldn't have a proper funeral, but they tried to have one. It didn't go very well.
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While out on patrol, Nova found an injured cat, she brought it home and tended to it until it got better. It had a collar that said 'Elf'. Happily, the cat decided to stay with them, something Nova needed very badly. A pet.
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During another raid, Nova was knocked out and was about to be kidnapped. Mandarin luckily saw this happen and ran out to the man taking her away, he killed him on the spot and took Nova back to the base. He wasn't going to let anyone get kidnapped again.
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The raiders had started attacking their power lines and buildings outside of the base. They decided to wall off more area around them, protecting their land and forcing the enemy to walk through the traps before they could try to destroy their stuff.
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However, they didn't take into account of the boomrat that had been living with them for some years now. It provided them with gas which could be useful in the future. But, for some reason, the boomrat exploded while it was in the barn. Many animals were burnt or perished in the fire .
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Months went by, Amara was getting older and able to do more stuff, she liked to go run around outside a lot, but she was starting to take more interest in what her family were doing.
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It wasn't long until Nova had another child, a boy called Kian. Gibson was glad to tell them he was born healthy.
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One day, a dragon had been spotted outside the base. Mandarin ordered that everyone was to remain inside until it was gone. However, a group of traders stopped outside the base and they attacked the dragon when it got too close. The dragon killed the traders but it was wounded very badly.
The team considered helping it, but Mandarin didn't want to take the chance and let the dragon perish.
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Amara was becoming greatly interested in science, she watched and listened to Gibson everyday while he worked.
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Gibson and Otto had a romantic moment. 😳
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Amara spent time playing with her baby brother.
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Another raid, this time Mandarin was almost kidnapped, again. Nova however chased the man down and brought Mandarin home.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 26
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Gibson still found it a bit strange, but over the next few days he bonded with Amara a lot, she couldn’t understand anything he said as she was too young, but he enjoyed telling her stories, talking about science and playing with her.
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The team were however worried about Antauri, he was slowing down a bit and seemed to be struggling a little to tend to his spirit tree. Mandarin sat him down and asked him how he was doing, Antauri admitted he was in a lot of pain. Mentally and physically. Nova had suspected something was wrong for some time now, Mandarin suggested that Antauri take more breaks.
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The team were feeling a lot more confident, they had plenty of food, their defenses were holding up well and they nearly had everyone back together, so Mandarin decided to hold a party.
They talked about Nevil, Gibson never knew Nevil but after hearing everything that had happened, he said he wished he’d been able to meet him.
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That night, Mandarin fell asleep in the dining room, Nova stayed with him for a while before finally helping him to bed.
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During the night, the team heard explosions in the sky, bombs fell and pieces of spacecraft crashed into the forests, luckily nothing hit their base. But, there were forest fires started from the pieces of craft, alien bodies were also scattered around the area. The team wondered what on earth was going on, and if it had anything to do with how they got here.
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The monkeys had managed to acquire horses sometime ago, Nova while she wasn’t busy tending to Amara had been training the horses. Mandarin took one out to help patrol and inspect the pieces of crafts and debre for anything useful.
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The team regularly made visits to Nevil’s grave, giving respects, Antauri visited a lot and would sit and talk for a while. Gibson visited the least, but that was because he had no idea what to say. Mandarin would sit next to the grave quietly. 
Nova actually told Nevil she was pregnant again, before anyone else. She’d keep it a secret for a while longer.
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The team were surprised one night when Sprx and Otto showed up at their door. Sprx was especially happy to see Nova, he hugged her. But there was definitely a tense feeling in the air when Mandarin informed him that he and Nova were married and had a child now.
Sprx wasn’t very sure how to feel.
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The team were however glad to all be back together, Sprx stayed up that night not sure where his thoughts were. Gibson asked what had happened with him and Otto. Sprx explained that he and Otto had been together this entire time, they had been travelling, Sprx once managed to find a working plane and had crossed many oceans to find them. Sprx also noted how ill Antauri was.
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As the months went by, Amara could finally get up and about by herself, she followed members of the team around watching what they were doing and drawing on the floors.
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The monkey team were attacked many times, one particular bad fight led to Gibson getting badly hurt. He developed an infection in his leg.
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The team kept Amara inside the base, although she did want to explore outside. They built Sprx and Otto their own quarters to sleep in, there wasn’t much room to attach it to the main base, so it was slightly further away. They also made a room for Amara there.
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Amara would visit Gibson all the time to cheer him up, luckily he was doing well fighting off the infection. The team had been collecting medicine and it proved very helpful to him.
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A few more months and they had a new addition to the team, Mandarin and Nova named her Rose.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Is there any way Nevil could come back??
I have Nevil saved, don't worry.
He won't be coming back in the current game, but I will add him to the character roll roster for future games. [:
So he's not gone forever!!! <3
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Part 25
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The timeskip was before this!
(I’ve decided to stop writing this day by day, there isn’t enough to write about even combining multiple days anymore)
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The monkeys decided to decorate Nevil’s grave with candles, a plant and some photos, they wanted to grow flowers next to the grave once the weather allowed it.
Antauri was quite heart broken, Mandarin was also upset to lose the first friend he’d met here. 
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More pigmen came, probably looking for Mandarin.
He explained that he’d caused quite a commotion when he escaped, so he was expecting them to come back for him.
The trap tunnel proved effective against the raiders, they would run blindly into the tunnel and fall into the spike traps. This was good news, it meant that aslong as the monkeys stayed in their base during raids, they should be okay. 
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Nova and Mandarin were a bit worried about Antauri, he wasn’t himself since Nevil died. Nova had stepped up to be the medic of the group, she noticed that Antauri was complaining about a lot of headaches, and he seemed to be forgetting things.
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One night, Nova presented her and Mandarin’s daughter to Antauri. 
Antauri had no clue that Nova had been expecting a child for some time now. The two had decided to keep it a surprise, they named her Amara.
They explained with Nevil passing and Antauri spending most of his time at the spirit tree, it was easy to keep it a secret.
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The three talked about old times, wondering where the rest of their team were. 
Antauri explained that he had been living in a cave until he’d seen the smoke from the barn that fateful night. Again, his memory was clouded, but the two didn’t expect him to remember anything anymore, it had been a long time and Antauri had began showing signs of struggling with his memory.
Mandarin wasn’t sure why, but Nova explained that she suspected it came from a raid when Mandarin had been kidnapped. Antauri sustained heavy head injuries and slept for over a week. They thought he’d die, but he survived. 
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Mandarin and Nova decided to get married, Antauri leading the ceremony, he was sad again that Nevil wasn’t here, but he could see the grave from this spot.
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Amara was very sweet, she couldn’t walk or even crawl yet, they hoped that they could provide a future here for her. Off course, they spoke about building a ship and leaving this planet, but that would require a lot of stuff they still didn’t have.
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One night as a slave caravan stopped by their base, they couldn’t believe their eyes, Gibson!
They paid the coin for him and took him inside quickly. He was freezing, so they had him sit by the fire.
Gibson was so happy to see them, he thought they had died. He explained that he’d found a city, worked for a king as his scientific advisor. But- the king was murdered and Gibson had been blamed for it.
Gibson had escaped death, but he was captured by the slavers while escaping the city. 
They asked if he’d seen Otto or Sprx, but he hadn’t.
The team sighed and they hugged it out, maybe Sprx and Otto were still alive.
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Gibson was shocked to see Amara, and that Mandarin and Nova were the parents. It took him a while to get used to this new Mandarin. He was a lot... kinder than how he’d remembered him. 
This Mandarin pulled his weight, got involved with building, hunting, cooking and whatever else needed doing. Gibson admitted that he hadn’t learned a lot of survival skills since he’d been in a castle this entire time.
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The three didn’t care, they were happy to have him back. 
Plus, Gibson could help them get the base really running forward in terms of tech and power.
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The base was looking better than ever, they now had a freezer for their food, heaters for the rooms during winter and lights they could use instead of wooden torches. It was still a mess, but it was getting there.
Mandarin was determined to find Sprx and Otto, then they could work on getting out of here.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Nevil )))))):
I know! ):
I was so upset when he died, that's why it took me a while to get the timeskip up. ]:
He almost survived, he was at 92% immunity to the infection by the time he died. I was really tempted to reload the game to save him, but, I'm really trying my best not to reload and stick to whatever happens, happens, unless it means the end of the game before the story concludes.
Nevil was a special kind bean who wouldn't hurt a fly </3
I'm planning for the monkeys to put decor and flowers around Nevil's grave, they buried him not too far from Antauri's spirit tree.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game 1: Timeskip (Part 24)
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Day 23 was the last update before this one.
The reason for the timeskip is because A LOT of time went past with a lot of nothing happening between major events.
1: Antauri lost vision in one eye, he was fighting a cougar while Nova and Nevil were still recovering.
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2: After a year, Mandarin showed up at the base and rejoined the shelter, he’d escaped the pigmen on his own.
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3: Mandarin settled back into daily life.
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4: Another year, Antauri became the guardian of a spirit tree.
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5: Antauri and Nevil started a relationship.
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6: Raiders kept attacking the base, with the three of them able to fight, they weren’t that much of a problem. (Nova likes to fight up close so, she gets hurt running into them)
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7: The base itself was upgraded for better defense/longer trap tunnel and a mine was constructed across the river for collecting rocks.
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8: Nevil’s dog was killed by a wild black bear
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9: Mandarin and Nova started a relationship
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10: After days of being sick, Nevil died, Antauri broke down for a while, Mandarin spoke about him at the funeral, they buried him near Antauri’s spirit tree.
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A total of 3 years went by in this timeskip, for a total of 4 years since the game started. This list is roughly everything that happened, there were some other minor things but I don’t think it’s worth listing, there was a dragon that ate a lot of the animals they had, and they now finally have power but they STILL haven’t researched storage so, everything is still on the floor. :’’D
RIP Nevil.
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
So, a lot happened, I basically played the game the entire night.
There’s going to be a timeskip coming up!
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Game Note 3 (spoilers)
So, I didn’t expect two show characters being introduced so fast, but that’s how it goes, Antauri was rolled from a character event that happens once per save when all colonists are downed. If something bad like this happens again, most likely another character isn’t gonna come in to save them.
Mandarin did indeed get kidnapped, there’s a chance the game will give me an opportunity to get him back at some point, but it could take a while. I’ll keep an eye on the world npcs to make sure the game doesn’t delete him. But we’ll see how it goes, maybe we won’t see him again, which I’d be sad if we didn’t, he’s really grown on me and I was enjoying the character arc he was having. [’:
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srmthfgrimworld · 1 year
Nevil’s POV.
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