sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
I’m finally getting over what seems to have been the world’s most heinous cold. Might even try some singing in glee club this week once my sore throat goes away fully.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
PUCK: Yo. You wanna have beers and a few people over this weekend? My Ma's taking my sister out of town for some dance thing, so I got the apartment to myself.
MATT: Uh yeah, dude, always. Who are you thinking of inviting?
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
what’s something you couldn’t live without?
My sister :)
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
have you ever wanted to tell someone something but you didn’t?
Yeah... I think there’s certain things about yourself that you always want to reveal to people but it’s hard to be vulnerable like that so you don’t. I’ve definitely had those moments.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
FINN: thanks man
FINN: i'll add it to my list
FINN: okay screw it. are you free? let's go grab some food. my stomach is growling at me.
MATT: yeah! netflix has been killing it with the docs lately
MATT: the ted bundy series is fucked up and 'abducted in plain sight' will literally blow your mind
MATT: oh and i watched the mr rogers doc last night and cried my eyes out so that was an experience
MATT: yeah, man. for my fearless leader? always
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
Have you ever been forced to lie/keep a secret?
I think everyone has secrets. It’d be weird if I didn’t. I think it’s natural to want to keep some things to yourself.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
FINN: yeah? like what? i haven't checked netflix since they took off bob's burgers
FINN: also a burger would be amazing right now
MATT: oh dude
MATT: you gotta watch the fyre doc
MATT: it's nuts
MATT: ugh now i'm hungry
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
Thanks man. I appreciate that.
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Are you feeling any better?
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
That doesn’t mean that there isn’t a reason to celebrate. Sure, we’re in high school, but we still have feelings for other people. It’s natural. And not a bad thing. 
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I never said it was... just that people like me who think it’s overblown and pointless have a point. We’re not all just grinches.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
Oh come on, Matt, you don’t believe in the power of love? You sound like whatever the Valentine’s Day equivalent of the Grinch is. Oh, I didn’t even consider that aspect of it, but I do like it. Mystery and love is a great combination. It’s why romance novels are so popular. 
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I think the word you’re looking for is ‘cynic’ and I’m just saying statistically most of the couples making out in the halls won’t be together by the time the next V-Day rolls around. People are just so flashy and over the top sometimes. Romance novels are popular but mostly also terrible.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
You’re definitely... cheerful? Valentine’s Day is just another school day to me. I’m not a big fan of all the pink and the hearts and the people being kind of gross in the hallways but — it’s one day. I can get through it. But your fundraising idea is a good one. I can definitely see all the couples eating it right up. It might be a good way for people to be secret admirers too — anonymous song deliveries and the like.
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So, I don’t know about you guys, but Valentine’s Day is totally my favorite holiday, and even though I’m spending this years’ single, I can’t wait for it. I already have my outfit for the day picked out and everything. And, I know I’m still pretty new to the New Directions, and McKinley in general, so maybe it’s too soon for me to be giving suggestions, but I think we should totally do something special to celebrate the occasion. Maybe people could pay for us to sing to their special someone? I don’t know, I’m just spit-balling here, heck, maybe you guys already do something like that and I just haven’t heard about it, but I really think it’d be a cool way to get into the holiday spirit, you know? Plus, it’d be a great way to raise money for our (hopeful) trip to Nationals.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
I don’t think anyone is expecting you to prance anywhere, Dave. And I think more people than you might be thinking are going to be happy you’re back at school.
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It’s weird being back on social media after a few months away, but now that I’ve got my new profiles set up I’m feeling better. Anyways, I’m getting started back at McKinley this week and I can’t say I’m looking forward to it. And, for the record I might be gay, but there’s no way in hell you’ll see me prancing around in some sad Lady Gaga dollar store rip off of a costume any time soon. Gay or not, I can still kick all of your asses and I won’t hesitate to do so.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
FINN: I know weekends are supposed to be relaxing and you're supposed to lounge around doing nothing
FINN: which ✔️
FINN: but i'm SO bored, talk to me?
MATT: have you tried Netflix? there's some good stuff on there these days
MATT: then again, i'm not doing much so i'm happy to talk
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
It’s good to see you back at school, man. I’m glad juvie didn’t change your attitude. McKinley wouldn’t feel the same if you weren’t still being a shark in the halls.
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I got super jacked in juvie, so prepare yourselves for that because the Puckerman is coming in hot, and I know McKinley can’t handle what I’m about to throw down. 
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And like, I heard Berry’s MILF is teaching at WMHS this year and if you think I’m not gonna hit it, you’re wrong. 2019 = hitting it off with a bang. Multiple bangs.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
I mean it’s cold but there’s plenty to do during the winter. I’m in no hurry for it to be over.
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I’m not sure about the rest of you, but I’m really starting to be over the whole winter thing, sadly the forecast for the upcoming week doesn’t spark joy. Quite the opposite if I’m being honest.
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sshqmatt-blog · 5 years
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full name: matthew thomas rutherford age: 17 grade: senior gender identity: cis male pronouns: he/him sexual & romantic orientation: homoromantic, homosexual (closeted) family members of importance: father named James, mother named Rebecca, 9 year old sister named Charlotte, and a jack russell terrier named Freddie. clubs/teams (if any): new directions, titans football, hockey, mathletes, film club positive traits: loyal, empathetic, athletic, selfless, intelligent negative traits: shy, easily peer pressured, self-critical, closed off, pessimistic
Matt Rutherford wanted to make his family proud for as long as he could remember — be the perfect son, the perfect brother, the perfect student. The only problem with that was the longer time went on, the more he realized maybe he wasn’t only the ideal he’d strived his whole life to be. Yes, he did well in school — especially in math, and yes he was on the hockey and football teams, but his real passion was somewhere else. Matt had always been drawn to music, and dancing and the link between sound and his feet. It was instinctive almost — if he heard music, his feet were moving and then before he knew it, he was dancing.
So he started to teach himself, and then enrolled in classes, and by the time he hit high school, he was a pretty damn good dancer if he did say so himself. Still, he told himself his hobby was fine, it was normal. He did it outside of the public eye, in the safety of his bedroom, and at McKinley he was part of the cool club — an athlete (and one that bridged the divide between the hockey and football a bit) and a fairly popular student, and that kept him safe. No one needed to know he liked to dance. Or that he sometimes spent longer than he liked watching his teammates change, not quite sure why it was so difficult to look away. But somehow he got roped into joining Glee Club and his love of dancing was exposed and went over…. better than he expected. But that other secret was one he still kept to himself, not wanting to deal with the consequences.
Now it’s been a few years, and Matt is secure in his place at McKinley. Maybe he can be everything perfect, and still do what he loves — but his sexuality secret is starting to weigh on him more and more. Now that the end of his time at high school is in sight, maybe he can actually find a way to let that one last secret out and be the Matt he’s always wanted to be.
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