Can you PLEASE do a smutty pt2 “The Burrow”? I need some chubby Fred smut in my life 😩
I already did it! Its on my masterlist pinned in my profile ❤❤
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Source: This
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Min Yoongi/SUGA x Chubby Reader
It’s been a long time since I’ve written anything so I hope you guys like this
It’s very fluffy so if you want more like this from other members let me know <3
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The day was slow, painfully slow to be exact. You opened a couple of weeks ago but you still weren’t as known as you wanted to be. The door’s bell rang bringing you back from your thoughts and two young men walked in, one a little bit taller than the other “Hi, welcome to Tranquil, how may I help you?” You said smiling at them politely “Hello, can I please get a large Americano” the tallest of the two said “Sure, anything else?” You asked and the tallest turned around and asked “What do you want?” “An Iced americano, large” said the other one in a broken English but easy to understand “Okay, Name for the order?” “Namjoon” “Okay it’ll be ready shortly” you said smiling at them “Ask her” the other men said while taping Namjoons shoulder “Do you have any private place here where we could work?” “We don’t have a private seating area but the shops barely gets customers, but if you guys want you can take a seat on the booth at the back, that’s where I hide from my boss” you said laughing “Great, thank you” Namjoon said turning around “You heard her, head out” the other one nodded and gave you a small smile “Here’s your order, you guys can stay as long as you want, the shop gets lonely sometimes so its nice to know that there’s people here” “Thanks” Namjoon said smiling and taking the order walking away with his friend.
A couple of days have passed and Namjoon and his friend whose name I still don’t know but came to the realization is extremely adorable have been to the shop everyday usually ordering the same thing always which I don’t mind because it’s easier than making other drinks that take more time. The bell at the door rang making you stand up smiling you greet the customer you know but not his name “Hi, you’re alone today, same as always?” You smile at him and he nods “What’s going to be the name for the order?” He stared at you for a moment before answering “Yoongi” you smile finally learning his name writing it down on the cup “Ill take it to your table” “I’m going to sit there today” he said pointing at the table by a big window in front of the counter “Okay” you nodded and smiled as he turned around and walked towards the table setting down his bags and sitting down. He took out a notebook, his computer and some earphones and started writing as you made his drink looking at the name on the cup “Yoongi, hmph cute like him” you whispered smiling, grabbing their drink taking it to his table “Enjoy” you say smiling at him, he smiles back which gives you butterflies in your stomach, he has a really cute smile, you start walking back “Hey, wait” you turn around looking back at him “Yes?” He stares at you for a while before speaking “ Your Name?” Smiling “Y/n” he smiles and nods “Pretty too” you look at him and blush lightly laughing at his comment “Thank you” you say walking back to the serving counter heading through the back door closing it behind you letting out a sigh and replaying his words on you mind smiling at them jumping a little as you try to calm yourself and grabbing something random to make it look as if you were looking for something in the back and heading back to the counter sighting as you look up staring at Yoongi, he has white hair and is very pale but he looks angelic, the sunlight is hitting him in the face lightly making his dark brown eye look lighter ‘he really looks like an angel while I look like this’ you thought to yourself as you looked down. You were chubby, which there’s nothing wrong with it, but boys like Yoongi would never go for a girl like you, heck no boy ever went for a girl like you, at your age you’ve never had a boyfriend or anything close to that it it was fine but it got lonely sometimes, you just wished for something special, someone special. You sighed going back to work cleaning the floor and making some orders here and there, the night was getting close and Yoongi was still at the table sometimes glancing up looking at you without you noticing, he stared at you while you talked to other customers, your charisma and personality shinning with them, he really thought you were beautiful with your chubby adorable cheeks that made him want to squish them and kiss them but he didn’t really have the nerve to even talk to you, hell he just asked your name after a week of convincing Namjoon to come with him everyday until today where he had to come alone because Namjoon was meeting up with one of their other friends, he invited Yoongi but he really wanted to see you again so he declined and got the courage to come the the shop, and here he is, staring at you while you prepared another order.
The next day Yoongi came in with a small smile on his face as you greet him “Ice Americano?” “Actually not today” “oh?” “I came by to ask you on a date” he said smiling wide showing his adorable gummy smile “Really?” “Yes, unless you don’t want to” he said hurriedly as his cheeks turned pinkish red “I mean i would love to but are you sure? You look like an angle while i look like-“ “A Goddess” you stared at him looking for the lie in his eyes but all you saw was honesty “Yoongi I-“ “Please” you sighed “you don’t have to do that” “Do what?“ he said looking at you confused “I really want to take you on a Date y/n, look maybe you don’t like me like that but-“ “No Yoongi, i really like you and i would love to go on a date with you but I don’t want this to be a joke” “It isn’t, i swear its not, since the first day i saw you i had to convince Joon to come with me because i never had the nerve to talk to you myself, then i just started coming alone and it felt great because you talked to me like a normal person, you didn’t mind the language barrier and even helped me learn new things, I’ve had this massive crush on you since the first day that you smiled, those cute chubby cheeks that with all honesty it has taken everything inside of me to not reach out and grab them and kiss , because y/n, I think you are the most beautiful person i have ever seen, inside and out. “ he sighed looking at you “I swear the least i want to do is hurt you” he said smiling a little making your heart flutter “You really want to squish my cheeks?” You said giggle at the comment “Yes, I really do, i also want to squish other things but that’s for another time” he said smirking making you turn tomato red “So what do you say?” “Maybe you’ll get to squeeze my cheeks tomorrow after work” you said smiling at him he let out a chuckle “It’s a date then” he said smiling walking away “Hey wait, here” you said giving him and ice americano “You didn’t ask for it but i had it already made for you, its on the house” you said chuckling “I want to marry you” he said grabbing the coffee chuckling while you just stared at him as he walked away feeling you cheeks heat up at his comment that he literally said as if it was nothing out of the ordinary right after asking you on a date “This boy is going to be the death of me.” You said while you ran your hands through your hair smiling lightly thinking about him.
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“You taught me why hurricanes are named after people.”
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“I’m depressed, but darling I love wearing bright colors and I love things that sparkle, I laugh at everything and I smile more than most, but darling believe me, my mind is killing me.”
— Anonymous
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prince of darkness
summary - you accidentally summoned the prince of darkness and now he wants something in return, so he makes you his fiance to trick his father Hades into giving him the crown.
Demon prince!Kim Taehyung x Chubby reader.
Genres or warnings!!-slight swearing, flirtatious Tae.
part 2 / part 3/ part 4/ part 5…. continued
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The room was filled with tension your eyes glared towards the words seek if you dare Rattling the book between your hands, the black sleek cover tormented your deepest desire to read the words that plagued its insides, you’ve found the book on your way home from school, it was in utter despair as rain-soaked its surroundings longing for an owner, you approached it out of curiosity at first but later realized how dry it was this just peeking your worry how can a book be untouched by the heavy rain when nothing could possibly be sheltering it.
but after reading the name you should have just left it there, a deeper meaning was to it you could just feel it so you did what your gut was telling you, you neared the home with the book in hand, not knowing if being kissed by the sharp intakes of rain was the cause of your shivering or the disgusting feeling the book, let off.
it felt like the beginning of a horror movie, please don’t be, you cried.
inhaling as much air as your lungs could take before shoving the book open with closed eyes, you let your fingers wander to a word hoping it was another fairy tale book. oh, how you wished you were wrong.
your eyelid hesitantly opened reading the bold words in front of you state-ting.
“as you seek upon me, beware of the troubles, seek upon me and I will follow, seek upon me”
What the fuck! was all you said repeating the words once again.
“as you seek upon me, beware of the troubles, seek upon me and I will follow, seek upon me”
your mind blanked, pushing away the damp feeling of the room as you suddenly confused yourself again, there was certainly something up with this book not wanting to believe the context it held, “holy shit” you shouted closing the book, as you placed a hand over your mouth.
you just said that out loud.
“The book is quite confusing, if I may say so myself” a deep throaty voice admitted, the words clamped your heart as it produced the fear you were feeling, heart, running so fast you placed a hand over it searching the room for any signs of the living. well, hopefully, it was living.
“I told my father not to use that stupid witch as our bookmaker, yet here we are”
the voice babbled on longer not fathoming your fear at all, the light standing on your bedside suddenly piqued your interest, gripping the handles between your hands before cradling it tightly.
“Sorry for my rude entrance the name is Taehyung son of Hades” he continued.
Taehyung walked from the shadows the moonlight inking his loose silk clothing as it hung loosely from his body. bright diamond chains were used as a decoration among st his clothing dangling from his shoulder down to his waist, two fairly wide buttons laid undone emphasizing his broad shoulders and sun-kissed collarbone. His hair was a messy black with eyes so beautiful you forgot the circumstances of his visit, pink plump lips enchanting you to stare a little longer than expected…
“And you are??” his question was polite, but sounded so cocky coming from him.
“y-y/n” you complied with his question, not wanting to move your eyes as his own doe eyes stared at you curiously.
“Well might I say y/n but you are dazzling” he was intense but held a rather soft tone to it, he’s literally the son of Hades nothing should be soft about him.
Taehyung snapped his fingers igniting the room with warm yellow streaming from the bulb. He leaned against the draw of your room, not once removing his eyes from you.
“So y/n what I’m curious to know right now is why I’m suddenly pulled from the depths of my fathers kingdom to accompany you in this rather dull room”he showed a rather unappealing look towards the sight of your room which by the way you didn’t take all that well, spending hours on your room to perfect its aesthetic now to receive such a stupid comment from a person like him.
“My room is not dull” you admitted, Taehyung’s sparkling brown eyes widened as you commented on the appeal of your room, a mortal such as yourself was brave enough to raise your tone at him.
“Darling, please” he chuckled, inching closer to the comforts of your king-sized bed.
“This room is extremely dull, but I’m not here to discuss the design of your room. so c’mon spew it out. What am I here for??” he straightened the alignment of his stance, crossing his arms.
“I don’t know” Taehyung blinked rapidly. words hanging loosely on the tip of his pink tongue, Taehyung wanted to bark out in laughter but feeling the serious aura radiating from your figure he restrained himself. which was rare in most cases.
“Father just save me now” he mumbled pinching the bridge of his nose.
“did you at least read the rules applying to my summoning” you picked the book up hurriedly reading the words in search of any additional package to be carried a long way, flipping the pages until you reached the last one, yet there was nothing.
“Stupid witch” Taehyung growled under his breath” my summoning comes with a cost, “when you summon me I must gain something in return” he winked, loving the way you blushed at his comment but pretended to feel disgusted, such a petty thing a mortal could do. he could feel your emotions touch your soul yet you had no clue of the power he held.
“What, no that’s stupid, I didn’t even mean to summon you”your words tumbled as you searched for an excuse, placing a hand on your soft hip” well I could fulfill your darkest fantasies” he purred inching closer to your shivering figure, admiring the curve of your waistline, making sure you understood what he was asking for.
“Hell no, nope I swear to god if you touch me I’ll fuck you up” Taehyung smirked.
“Oh darling god is no help when it comes to his mortal enemies”you jumped up getting ready to fight a demon”I’ll do anything else but that”Taehyung grew interested in your words pausing for a few moments as he held his thoughts, the lights switched off when he smiled making you jump in fear.
“Sorry it’s a habit” he apologized, turning them back on. You pretended to know but really had no fucking idea what he was talking about, firstly you couldn’t understand how ethereal he was, its because he was a demon he had to possess beauty from his father as to capture and allure his victims or so you were told of course.
“Actually I have an idea” he mentioned plopping down on your bed stretching his rather long limbs across the sheets, resting his head against the back of the bed while crossing his legs, he lifted one of his bony fingers to point at you, pointing’s rude. You thought. 
“You need to act as my fiance” you were about to protest, but he gestured for you not to, compared to him you were a weak mortal and that’s about it no questions asked, no protest just understanding.
“Why??” is all you ask if you’re going to do this, which you’d rather not at least knowing why could help on your part.
“Because yours looking at the prince of darkness baby, a king needs a queen to rule doesn’t he”he smirked, flashing you a seductive look before continuing” or so my father thinks, you seem like the perfect candidate to initiate my plan in getting my father’s approval to move my title to king, so you really don’t have a choice” he lifted himself effortlessly, capturing you against the wall.
“So, deal” you huffed in anger, your opinion doesn’t matter in this case so you did the only thing possible, you shook his cold hand on your own. Taehyung smiled sinisterly and completed the deed with a long, rough kiss.
Eyes wide as he enjoyed the warmth of your mortal body enclosed with his own, biting at the edges of your swollen lips” is that how you always complete a deal.” you asked lost in trance of his lips, Taehyung’s eyes left your lips to meet your desired  hues to freely give you a perfect smirk, leaning into your ear” actually you’re the first” he left your side to retreat into the darkness.
“I’ll be back” he tilted his head as a way of saying goodbye, giving you a lopsided smirk. His clothes lifted from the ground surrounding him at a fast pace. Waving one last time before he disappeared out of your room.
You released a long dragged breath, clenching your chest as the ground became a playground for your imagination, no longer being able to sleep.
You looked at you wrist as it lit in deep blue flames, afraid of it burning you a loud crippling scream escaped your sore throat slapping the sensitive skin until the flame dispersed into thin air leaving a mark along your skin, words actually placed on there “property of Kim Taehyung” was what it said, growling out in anger 
Son of a bitch
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Rest in peace Mama Malfoy. You will be missed and we shall never forget.
Hold your wands up, lads.
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Black cats are lucky. (via leahweissmuller)
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Reblog this if its okay for your followers to introduce themselves to you.
Just come to my ask box and tell me stuff about yourself. Your pets. Your favorite music. What you had for breakfast this morning. Literally anything you want, I love making new friends
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Update not Covid just the common cold, I'm feeling better also so I'm happy
Hello everyone!! I am so sorry i haven't been posting! College has taken my full time and I work on the side so I'll add that to the equation. I also believe I'm getting sick but I hope it is not Covid, it feels like a normal cold but I have to get tested to know. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and start posting again! I have some requests but feel free to send in more <3 Also thank you for 400 followers!
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Hello everyone!! I am so sorry i haven't been posting! College has taken my full time and I work on the side so I'll add that to the equation. I also believe I'm getting sick but I hope it is not Covid, it feels like a normal cold but I have to get tested to know. Hopefully I'll feel better soon and start posting again! I have some requests but feel free to send in more <3 Also thank you for 400 followers!
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so many people on this earth and I still believe that my soulmate is a fictional character
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i am the most obnoxious person i know
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2.5k Follower Celebration
A/N: 2.5K FOLLOWERS DHSFDIBILEFQ. Um hi thank you all, i love you. Here’s a fic rec list for Harry Potter (mainly) and The Umbrella Academy to celebrate. As you could probably tell, I don’t read much tua. Anyways thank you all once again and thank you to all these writers for such wonderful fics. 
Disclaimer: GIFs are not mine
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Twins by @ashes-and-ashes | Sirius Black x Regulus Black
The Line of the Dead by @ashes-and-ashes | Marauders
Narcissa by @ashes-and-ashes | Draco Malfoy x Harry Potter
Soulmates by @ashes-and-ashes | Remus Lupin x Sirius Black
The Dress by @poppin-potter​
I Loved You, Mr Scamander by @auror-lovie​
Soldier, Poet, King by @dilly-o-billy​
I Loved You, Mr Scamander by @auror-lovie​
Nights Like These by @teheharrypotter
Novels and Forget-Me-Nots by @mullberry-black
He’s A Rosaline by @approved-by-dentists
Schrödinger’s Cat by @coffee–writes
Look After You by @theweasleysredhair
Sleeping Beauty by @poppin-potter
Dulled by @teheharrypotter
TriWizard Tournament by @rainandhotchocolate
Girl On The Go by @coffee–writes
Green As The Ring by @isolemnlyswearpevensie
Nothing Changed But Everything’s Different by @isolemnlyswearpevensie [part two]
Undefined Coma by @with1love1anu​
Somnium by @fortisfiliae
Tear Stains by @sleep-i-ness
Marbles by @rainandhotchocolate [part two] [part three] [part four] [part five] [part six]
Tell Me A Tale of You and Me by @omgrachwrites
Double Trouble by @teheharrypotter
I Don’t Like You by @with1love1anu
Certainty by @prongsies
It Was All Karen’s Fault by @im-a-writer-right
Tear Stains by @sleep-i-ness
Tired by @wondernimbus
The Locket by @poppin-potter + [alternative ending]
Songbird by @yourssuccubus
I HATE EVRYBODY (but you) by @scaredofvscogirls
Moving On by @riddle-appreciation-blog
Imagine Being A Hogwarts Ghost Watching Tom Riddle Spiral Into Voldemort by @neurobeing
Promised by @fortisfiliae
It’s Okay To Cry by @teheharrypotter
I Feel You by @angelinathebook
Crash Landing by @wondernimbus
Ask Away by @prongsies
Fate’s Ridiculous Ways by @prongsies
Coffee Shop by @birdie-writes
Choices by @sokkasdarling
Marry My Husband by @nebulablakemurphy
Learning to Swim by @iliveiloveiwrite​
Purist by @mxl-foy + Into Oblvion
It’s A Date by @angelinathebook​
Batter Up by @peeves-a-legend
Secrets by @weaselbeetwins
Baggage by @obsessedwithrandomthings
I Think It’s Going To Rain Today by @pcseidcnsvoid
Happy Days by @wand3ringr0s3
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Imagine Having Your First Kiss with Diego Hargreeves by @schnapped
Let Bygone Be Bitches by @sleep-i-ness
Nicer by @sokkasdarling
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the “not my daughter, you bitch” line hits way harder when you realize it’s after fred died so it’s basically molly saying she refuses to lose another child
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