ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Imagine Webster's face when he saw this piece of thing
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can you even write a letter like a goddamn person
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Can't you just use numbers???? This code won't work Mr. Hamilton. Oh you're writing to G. Morris so no matter.
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there is so much going on in this letter. the fact that ham and gouv are writing fanfiction about their living contemporaries. the “(private)”. ham comparing their correspondence to a duel in the opening sentences. ham comparing burr to a man who fucked twinks like it was his job. the phrase “catechism in the Vulgar Tongue”. no one did Completely Unhinged and Vaguely Horny like hamilton i’ll tell you that much
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Still in a little bit blow abt the thought of JQA being a Cancer.
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
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he’s not even using any punctuation OH MY GOD- 
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
it means John Adams got his revenge like dozens of years ago before Hamilton's death lol
Hamilton burr duel day and john quincy adams's bday are on the same day?????? I feel like this means something significant. But i can't figure out what it is
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Oops I remember one of Hammond's essay said Alexander Baring refused to lent Biddle money during 1837 crisis bc he didn't like him but forwarded one million and promised for two immediately when his old pal Gallatin asked for money in Wall Street
I think its funny when the Jacksonians accuse Biddle of being in the pocket of European investors when Biddle was the worst possible business partner to the firms he did business with in Europe
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Thomas Barings Is Really nettled At Nick Biddle
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Reblog this with a historical figure you would FIGHT!
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Ok so latest favs
1. Edge of Revolution - Nickelback
2. Tomorrow never came - Lana Del Rey
3. Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence/FYI - Utada Hikaru
4. Afterlife - Hailey Stainfeld (yeah I'm watching Dickinson lately)
5. Puff - 8 Immortal Restaurants (appeared in one of my top movies)
6. Hurricane - Halsey
7. Kinky Love - Club 8
8. Crush - Yuna/Usher
9. 1965 - Zella Day
10. ZOEA - anpu (not a English song but whatever I love it soooooo much)
@filesunderwater @i-like-old-things @fools-of-enlightenment
Open Tag
Tag game
Rules: list 10 songs you really like, each by a different artist, and then tag 10 people to do the same
Tagged By @violetwinters, Thank you for tagging me 🌸🌸
1. Come To Brazil  - Why Don’t We 
2. Blue Hour - TXT 
3. Candy - Doja Cat 
4. Miracle -  Wayv 
5. Heart Of Fire- Black Veil Brides
6. Besitos - Peirce The Veil
7. This Is What Makes Us Girls - Lana Del Rey 
8. Agree To Disagree - Sleeping With Sirens 
9. All In - Stray Kids 
10. Miss Americana & The Heart Break Prince - Taylor Swift
I tag @hear-the-sound: @ego-like-sandwich @hopeticket @simply-elegantly-kai  @shwazzberryswriting @dibidibidismynameisleeknow @thelonelymeow @morningsunandnightsky @sharkie-stay  @ramenlixxie I also tag anyone who also wants to do it. 
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
I gotta reblogged this…it's definitely JQA see this guy can write volumes after volumes of diaries so yeah 160 pages isn't astonishing while I guess Clay only want to play card at that time lol As for Mr. G he's always complaining of being a poor English writer so yeah if anything he hate to write long
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reading some stuff from the treaty of ghent and jqa is pushing to make everything unnecessarily long 
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
jay cook:chaotic good/chaotic evil
august belmont: true neutral
nicholas biddle:chaotic neutral
salmon p chase:lawful neutral
albert gallatin:lawful good
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
I love people’s handwritings, like
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Webster’s is really loopy and messy and he’s just thinking too fast to write well
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Clay’s is absolutely perfect of course, I mean that’s how he even got into law in the first place
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Calhoun does the same t-crossing that I do!!!!  Also some of the dashes of his ts don’t quite make it onto the body of the word
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Benton’s is sparse and manly and a little bit frilly with that capital D there but
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oh my fucking god Van Buren how do you expect people to read that I know you’re not from around here but really?  really?
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Fillmore has the cutest handwriting ever oh lordy you can almost imagine what his voice sounds like because his writing is so neat and feminine and he tries so hard to come off as worldly and educated because he’s so ashamed of his lack of education my darling bb
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
I think the main reason why I love Jackson and Van Buren's relationship so much is because it's so funny and also kinda messed up???? Like you've got this scary asshole general from the south who can make everyone in a 5 mile radius instantly piss their pants. He puts ALL his trust on some funky lil northerner who looks like a batman villain. Meanwhile said funky lil northerner is secretly girlboss gaslighting him the entire time so he himself can become president. IT'S GOLD I TELL YA.
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
That's John Randolph confirmed
“John Randolph of Roanoke, who despised John C. Calhoun but despised Daniel Webster even more, excitedly watched the proceedings from the Senate gallery, and told a man seated in front of him to remove his hat, which was blocking his view: ‘I want to see Webster die, muscle by muscle,’ he said.”
— The Rise of American Democracy, 385-386 (via historicalsourcesquotes)
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
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Reblog if you want more interaction with your mutuals and followers :D
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
I need a British to confirm this it seems ridiculous
the uk government is trying to scrap the human rights act.
i’ve not seen a lot in the media about this so i’m going to do my best to put this into words and explain what will happen if the government is successful in replacing the human rights act with the rights removal bill.
this will mean that in the uk:
you won’t be allowed to say anything negative about the government
if you are disabled or chronically ill, you won’t be allowed to say no to being given a DNR in hospital
you won’t be allowed to bring ‘trivial’ human rights violations to court
public authorities (the police) won’t have to actively protect people’s human rights
the uk military will be allowed to basically do whatever they want overseas
if you ever commit a crime, they can disregard your human rights
the government will not be obligated to obey human rights
if you are from the uk PLEASE sign this petition, and also to everyone else, please please please share this.
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Let's add Jackson perhaps? Remembered one S.C girl recounted him looking like a prince in late 1790s lol
btw just saw the tags on the john q adams painting (dont judge, i would too lol) and now, judging by the paintings, who do you think looked the better from that time? (from the founding fathers + whoever else you think deserves a mention)
John Quincy Adams as stated before. James Monroe, too, he can get it. 
Jefferson also looks pretty fine in his Paris portrait, but unfortunately, every other portrait ever done of him cancels that out. 
John Trumbull’s hot, if you go by his self-portrait. Which I don’t.
Aaron Burr is apparently proof that you don’t need a full head of hair to be considered attractive, so good for him.
Alexander Hamilton is not handsome. Alright? I’m sorry. At best, I can see him being pretty, but we’re going to have to remove Trumbull entirely from the situation if we even begin to approach that topic. 
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( On another note… the next generation of political figures would probably be in their twenties by then? Biddle, Clay, Calhoun, Webster? All of them were absolutely dashing, then, I assure you.  Even Calhoun )
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ssshadowpppreacher · 2 years
Definitely TJ when writing Kentucky resolutions
You PASS the Alien and Sedition acts??? YOU PASS them like the MONARCHIST??? Oh! Oh! JAIL! JAIL FOR JOHN ADAMS! JAIL for JOHN ADAMS for ONE THOUSAND YEARS!!!
-Thomas Jefferson, circa 1796-1800
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