sswfl · 2 years
by Frhancine Lequin
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I hope you understand why I must depart. Accept my apologies for being a coward. Because the last few days, I've been having difficulties; numerous thoughts have been lingering in my mind; it's annoying. It makes me feel guilty. I don't want to leave, but there are some compelling reasons for me to do so.
I have to keep these things hidden from you because I don't want you to get entangled. I don't want you to become engaged in my bleak situation. I don't want you to know that my life has been ruined, and I don't want to do the same to you. Please accept my apologies for not knowing the genuine reason. I can't afford to wreck someone else's life, anymore, so stay clueless.
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sswfl · 2 years
by Frhancine Lequin
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Why do I feel like you're not into me? I must be insane thinking that you're just pretending—pretending to like me, pretending to appreciate all of my efforts as if you're compelled to do it. But, you know what hurts? Is when you didn't tell me what you feel. I felt stupid. I felt stupid, sometimes, for once believing in your lies. I am a moron for not realizing it earlier. Why do you have to lie? Why can't you tell me? Why do have to deceive me? Perhaps, you don't have the guts to tell me, out of pity. So, please, don't. Don't pity me. I assure you that it's much finer to hurt me by telling the truth, than by telling me absurd lies.
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sswfl · 2 years
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I had loved you since September
it started as a joke but it evolved.
teases and jokes were to blame
that made me get into you.
I can't force you to love me but
I can force myself to move on.
now it's December
and my love for you has faded.
— lukey 🤍
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sswfl · 2 years
"my pillow"
by Angela Sollano
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Hey, my pillow friend are you there
Ready for the story I want to tell
Where do I begin?
From saddest to happiest?, or happiest to saddest
Then let us begin
My day was a little exhausted
But it's okay you're there
Ready to hear and catch my tears
I know you're tired
But Thank you for being there for me
You know how much I love you
Please stay with me my pillow.
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sswfl · 2 years
by Luke Christian Manubag
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Calling out your name, and
Hearing nothing but your
Romantic voice.
It makes me blush.
Some things
That you make me feel Inside, makes me want to burst out butterflies.
At times like this,
I am
Not shy to show my feelings..
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sswfl · 2 years
"the one i need"
by Frhancine Lequin
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You are like the sunshine,
Who always bright up my day
Even though you're sometimes vulpine
But never failed to take my boredom away.
I want you for existence
In a place that we can be alone far from any tension
In this world full of negligence
And they just have to condone
That everyone has its own impression
Just like the coffee you are the
one I need
You make me calm easily
But you also make me panic.
You are what I need every day
Though I know this will not happen
Because we are not together
That’s why I hope that it will come
Even though they will intervene but I want them to lend us time if ever
and not waste time to bother you.
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sswfl · 2 years
"my day"
by Angela Sollano
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A sunny day, yet unhappy
Nudging my best friend
Go and be happy
Eating fried chicken
Like I was broken
After, realizing it was just
a day dreaming
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sswfl · 2 years
"night owl"
by Frhancine Lequin
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A night owl is roaming out on a long starry night. She always believes that staying up late and taking advantage of the time alone is more effective. Her habit has been to go around, take in the scenery, and contemplate. She finds that having fun at night might relieve the daytime suffering she goes through. It may help her feel less anxious than she has been recent.. or she thought.
The night owl can undoubtedly feel better while flying beneath the stars at night, but this particular time, she stumbled upon a hunter. The hunter was observing her and acting as though he desired her. The owl's heart began to beat rapidly as she flew more quickly than normal. The hunter then took his belongings to follow her as she fastened. What a wonderful night! felt a little afraid, but sometimes this is what I want," she reasoned. She decided to slow down because the owls had been flying for quite some time in an attempt to sense the hunter, but she experienced nothing. “hah! He failed to catch up. She believed that the hunter hadn't caught up, but after a few, he shot her right away, causing her to fall. "Ew, weird hunter. She said, "I assumed he was weak since he's sluggish, but then I realized it was unfair to assess someone based solely on how quickly she moved. The owl attempted to stand up and flew slowly, unconcerned that the hunter would become enraged and shoot countless birds. She was disturbed by what happened and was afraid to go outdoors and hide after the occurrence.
She made the decision not to put herself in a similar situation again after several months of healing. To conclude she wasn't worth living and taking her life is terrible. She first experienced the hunter, and it made her appreciate how wonderful it is to be alive and free. She then started leaving the house again with caution and purpose. Her mind had been racing with several ideas when she unintentionally came across another owl. She panicked, thinking it was the hunter, but when the other owl-faced her in an unsettling manner, she realized that she was flying. Oh, stupid me, how did the hunter fall for me when I was flying?
The anxious expression on the other owl's face vanished, and it sighed. "I apologize for approaching you so late, but I was just concerned after seeing what occurred the last time. The latter chuckled at her comments and replied, "No worries, I am good now. My conscience wouldn't let me sleep because I didn't do anything to help you. They both chuckled, saying, "It's just a tiny cut, nothing that can kill my existence.” The owl always approached her after the encounter and informed her that she had been observing her and listening to her rants every night. The other owl tried to talk to her and hear about her difficulties and encounters. They also ultimately grew close and discovered more about one another. The fact that they support one another and have developed themselves is what gives me the most comfort.
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sswfl · 2 years
"dog differences"
by Luke Christian Manubag
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In a household full of dogs who loves to play and watch basketball there was someone really different among them. A dog full of personality, who really loves singing and dancing. Not only did he dislike basketball but he also disliked how they forced him to hide his real talent. After his family found out that he wanted to be a singer in the future. He was forced to play his hated sport and he was bullied for he did not have any knowledge or skills about the sport. The dog would silently cry in his bed every night because of it. He was devastated and losing hope, not until his teacher hosted a talent show. The dog thought this would be the perfect opportunity to show his classmates his hidden talent. He entered without letting his parents know and he would skip his basketball training just to practice in their classroom instead of his home so his parents would not suspect anything. Atlast it was the day of the show, He was so excited and nervous. As his name was called he went in the center and started singing a song about pursuing your dreams. After his performance, he was shocked his classmates applaud him and even cheered his name. He was really proud of himself. He really did it.
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sswfl · 2 years
"favourite view"
by Luke Christian Manubag
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Everytime I try to look at you
You would try to avoid my sight
Oh boy, I ain't a dog I won't bite alright
But this to me is certainly not new
Staring at you is my favorite hobby
The next thing I knew
My eyes were stuck on you like glue
As I was daydreaming that you could be my hubby
I can't take my eyes off of you
What is happening to me? Is this love im feeling?
I think at the moment your my favorite view
Daydreaming about us while looking at you
It's such a thing to do if you want to heal
Because my eyes tell you that, I love you.
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sswfl · 2 years
by Frhancine Lequin
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Despite the colorless life you've led, smile and find happiness.
We should continue to smile no matter how monotonous our lives have grown. Everyone agrees that life is difficult; some have even compared it to a battleground in which we are the soldiers and life itself is the enemy. No matter how hard we try, there are days when we still feel exhausted and stressed out, but as people, we still manage to smile and conceal the true cause. Perhaps some of us don't weep a lot because we don't want to be perceived as weak, but crying is okay and doesn't make you weak. Crying aloud is a sign of strength since it shows that you're still battling and haven't given up. You sobbed because you needed to let your exhaustion out before going to bed. It's all finished, after all.
Remember that while we have a battlefield, we also have allies. Families and close friends are our allies. In our most difficult times, they will support us. They will sob with us to show that they share your emotions, and they will laugh with you because they share the joy that has been lingering in you. Thus, the presence of black and white does not necessarily indicate that everything is bad or plain; rather, it just means that you can smile and brighten someone else's day despite the lifeless colors you perceive.
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sswfl · 2 years
by Frhancine Lequin
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I admire how much
you control yourself,
how you handle the situation
even if you have the right to burst.
But you still managed
to be composed and calm
which made me amazed
and fortunately, find it attractive.
funny it is that a lot of them were asking,
why you when you're not my cup of tea,
but then again,
it came; naturally.
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sswfl · 2 years
"your silhouette"
by Frhancine Lequin
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I’ve always been waiting for your
silhouette to pass in front of me.
thinking, that maybe my heart
still lumps fast whenever —
I get a chance to see you.
Although I feel nervous
but hey, I wanted to see you,
feel you and most of all be with you.
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sswfl · 2 years
"coffee is everything"
by Jacob Illustrisimo
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I need the energy that coffee breeds.
upon its tepid water spiced by grinds.
which percolates and simmer, each cup feeds.
a spark into this stressed and relieved poor minds.
I know coffee is the one for me
and I toast to finals and caffinated through time means
and to level worrisome and bowels ream.
I can feel the caffeine taking would be
and it's in my veins to this coffee beans
also coffee interrupts my sleep and dreams.
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sswfl · 2 years
"starting point"
by Luke Christian Manubag
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I wanted to get your attention, so I smiled before calling you
You looked at me while smiling and I fall harder
It made me flutter oh boy, your smile is sweet as honeydew
I can't stop daydreaming that we are together
Now, how am I going to handle this situation of mine
What is happening to me? I get million butterflies
Am I falling in love with you?
Because I want to be alone with you and stop the time
My feelings for you are growing overnight,
I'll be obvious that I like you, hoping that you feel the same way too.
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sswfl · 2 years
"a brave bird"
by Marylon Tomayao
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There was a town in the haling cave, and many birds lived there. In the haling cave, there was a lovely bird on the branch of the tree that had beautiful feathers and lived a happy and peaceful life. She is the most jolly bird in the town of Haling Cave, but also a clumsy bird. When she is sad, she will go to the sky to enjoy the fresh air and the serenity she feels in the sky. Whooper is a bird that you can always see flying around in the sky, having a good time.
One day, she decided to go to the Aconcagua mountain due to curiosity about what the mountain looked like. Many birds told her that Mount Aconcagua was beautiful, so that's why she went there. When she was flying, she felt a different breeze, but she didn't pay attention to it because she was so excited to see the Aconcagua mountain. Suddenly, she fell because of the force of the wind, and she broke her wings. She thinks that this is the worst thing that has happened to her. She was always wondering what she was going to do because her wings were broken and she couldn't fly. Every night she cries due to her condition, and she is afraid of being weak and useless. She got daily criticism for her flaws and was losing hope in her life.
She realised it was not the end of the world. That is why she changed her thoughts into positive now. She is unbothered of what others saying to her and kept trying her best to fly again, yet she can't. Despite that, she never give up and trying her best to achieve her dream of flying again because she still has a lot to prove others that she can do it.
She believed that someday she would achieve her dreams with passion, ,and now she has recovered time is flying so fast, she is flying higher and higher pushing herself to go further and further. She is determined not to stop and will succeed. There is no turning back now. That is the way it has always been and always been an extremely determined bird, never willing to stop for anything.
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sswfl · 2 years
"a grave stone"
by Angela Sollano
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As the sun arise the heat stroke hit the stones surface. She need to wake up in able to face the rough and a tough days. She looked in the mirror and smile, she used to put a smile on her face after waking up saying to her self that "you can do this babe!! and I know you will" and then she used to call her self a limestone because at first she thought she is always sweet and soft, but that's just all what if's. The days passed she used to be happy and genuine.
One day the stone realize that she is not young anymore as the days pass she get older, and that days she encountered a lot of people. She treat the people she encountered as how happy and genuine she is, and she thought people will reciprocate her feelings. Then, suddenly the people she used to treat good started kicking her with a grievous words and she thoughts that it's okay and it's normal. Every night she cries because she can't handle the grievous words that people throw to her.
The stone keeps on asking herself "is there's something wrong with me?" why people can't reciprocate the feelings that I gave them maybe, I am to weak like a limestones and then she started inquiring herself like I am really a limestones who is sweet and soft that can easily turn into pieces?. She woke up with the hit of sunlight on her face and then she faced the mirror with a smile on her self but suddenly the smile faded away and turn into a fierce saying to herself " hey babe you can do this don't mind the people who is kicking grievous words about you but instead you must first mind your self and I know you can be more just come out to your comfort zone okay?! Fighting!! ". She faced the people with a sweet smile but with a hard soul, she learned how to faced the grievous words without crying every night and she learned that she is not a limestone but instead she is a stone who is adamant like a "grava" stone. She wants now to be a role model to her self.
The stone now know how to handle things,she don't need to be soft as a limestone everyday, she can be a soft towards the people who know how to reciprocate her feelings but everyday she needs to be "grava" one in order to face the tough and rough days with a smile and to move forward and live her life to the fullest.
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