staceyjackson · 4 years
Week 12 Progress
what is working?
my customers wearing my products, they are being recognized. I have gained more customers and continue to grow my business. 
what is not working?
not being able to travel and showcase my work around other communities. 
how do you feel the project is coming?
very good, i have gained more knowledge in networking with other artists and organizations. I feel i have learned the tools, skills and traits to run maintain a business, being positive is the most important trait I have learned early on. 
what are you learning about running a business?
Entrepreneurs are self-reliant, I enjoy being responsible for my own success and take pride in creating a business for myself. 
what are you learning about yourself?
I must be able to handle taking a risk, I need to be ready to deal with the up and down nature of owning a business. I shouldn’t feel defeated if im not getting paid on a regular basis, or fail to sell my products all this means is that I need to find another solution to fixing the downs of running a business. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Week 11 Progress
what is working?
work of mouth-many other people see my customers wearing my pieces. My customers share their experience of purchase. I always get orders placed by family and friends. 
what is not working?
I tried to get another artist to work with me but they had other intentions of taking my customers for their own advantages. I quickly shut that down and did a giveaway to my customers to show that I appreciate their business. 
how do you feel the project is coming?
My business is expanding, and I can’t wait to get started on other idea’s I have for my business.
what are you learning about running a business?
You have to be careful on who you are bringing into your business. They may have other intentions on taking your customers. 
what are you learning about yourself?
I am learning patience, responsibilities, entrepreneurship, and loyalty. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Progress Report
word of mouth is working for my small business
i need to stay up to date with technology and take advantage of other platforms to get exposure
my project is flourishing nicely, i am getting the exposure i need from family and friends. 
i am learning a business take patience
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Progress-Week 9
This week is amazing, I have received two special custom orders and can’t wait to get started. I have put time aside to completing these orders. Word of mouth has been working for me this week. My customers are sharing my designs with friends and family hence the new orders received. I may need to hire an assistant, which is my sister, so no additional charge. She will maintain my orders and share her contacts with me. I have a friend who is a artist also, who has given me tips on starting my business. She is in the same business as well. I feel my business is growing. I find not working is staying engaged with my customers, I need to work on this. I feel my project is coming along and expanding. I have learned to stay positive and humble in the business world. Many people can become jealous and hateful. I am learning to become patient and always strive to become better and stay involved with Social Media, that is where I receive the most sales. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Week 8 Blog
What is working?
The online bidding site is working for my small business, I get more than what I expected with the bidding wars. I have sold all my inventory already. 
What is not working?
Managing time, I require more inventory, I need to juggle school, full time work & motherhood. I may have to stick with small products that require less time to product in the meantime. 
How do you feel the project is coming?
This is a great project, each week I am progressing and becoming familiar with running a business. I believe the real task is when I can do this full-time and Post-Covid, so I can mobile my business. 
What are you learning about running a business?
A lot of multitasking, it’s not a 8-4pm job, you are constantly working, coming up with ideas & producing product. I would rather do this full-time & enjoy life. 
What are you learning about yourself?
Patience, and asking for assistance when needed. I can’t do everything on my own BUT if you need it done right, do it yourself is “my motto”
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Progress of My Small Business
What is working?
Having my products showcased on a bidding site. I have received more than what was expected in pricing. 
What is not working?
I don’t have the time to produce more inventory due to school, family and work. I may have to hire another artist.
How do you feel the project is coming?
I feel very confident I will make a profit by the end of the 14 weeks.
What are you learning about running a business?
Dedication. If i had more time to make inventory i can make a huge profit. 
What are you learning about yourself. 
Time management and patience. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Financial Source
Ontario Arts Council is my next step in taking my small business further once this course is completed. The OAC mandate is to foster the creation and production of art for the benefit of all Ontarians. My small business fits well with this financial source. I have a unique story to tell and my products are going to reflect those stories. I am committed to further the growth and diversity of my people, practices and cultural expressions through art. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Customer Persona
Summer Day
Age: 35
Location: Manitoulin Island
Job: Education Director
Family: Mother of 3
 Company Info
Industry: Education
Yearly Revenue: 120K
Employee: 302
Social Network: Amazing
Messaging: Always
Online Shopping: Daily
Attend as many PowWows throughout Canada and United States
Find unique Indigenous art
To travel the World
Preferred Communication: Email, Phone
Use Internet for buying: Definitely 
 Values Most:
 Biggest Challenges
Which PowWow to attend,
Reliable artisans
Biggest Objections:
People who sell fake indigenous art
People who litter
Companies with no Corporate Social Responsibilities
Spending countless hours finding the right product
People who are greedy
Retail shopping
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Tumblr media
including free on your ad will grab the viewers attention. References can be made by starting with friends and neighbours, then they can refer you to one of their friends.  My partner did painting part-time and this was his way of getting references and started a clientele. 
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Strengths & Weaknesses of my competition
Beyond Buckskin, Proud Thunder Bird, Bead & Bidders
Made sure the products were authentic designs & aboriginal platform for other designers They had information about designers The website wasn’t very appealing No Reviews Some had a lot of information about shipping and handling so it makes you think maybe many other customers had issues when ordering
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Tumblr media
Message Mapping my favourite shop on Manitoulin Island! Love this lil gem!
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staceyjackson · 4 years
“Strengths & Weakness”
Let’s focus on my strengths first, I’m easy going, not shy to approach anyone. So, we can say I am good at networking. It’s easy for me to start a conversation and keep them engaged. I can recognize body language and shift the tone of the conversations quickly. I’m good with numbers. So, you can say, I know how to manage people and money. I have strong people skills. I can be a self-starter and not afraid to get anything started. I’m innovative, where I like to introduce new ideas, and being creative. I’m not afraid of obstacles, I find it challenging. I’m passionate of what I put my mind to. I’m a hard-working individual, well disciplined and focuses on tasks and eliminates any distractions on succeeded my goals. I can be determined to getting the job done with confidence. Now to my weaknesses, where I’m always trying to work on. Delegating, it’s hard for me to do this. Only because I was always taught, if you want it done right, do it yourself. Grammar, writing papers or trying to explain a topic on paper is not my finest. But speaking and getting my point across, I can do definitely. It takes me a bit of time to get started on anything, I may procrastinate but once I get started, I don’t stop until its done. Tardiness is another weakness; I need to set my time couple of minutes ahead to make sure I’m on schedule. I also, like to give individual chances if they made a mistake but I have a 3-strike rule then your out. I work on my self daily to better myself as a person and as an entrepreneur. I’m looking forward to the new me and work on my weaknesses.  
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staceyjackson · 4 years
Today is the day, we start 4th Semester
Stacey Jackson
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