stalkkerikissa · 3 years
Having the hiccups is how it feels to be poisoned in a video game
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
guys… I don’t know if you know this but… if you wake up early… there’s so many more hours in the day
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
2019 is going to be a great year because we’re going to fucking make it that way, no more of this “I hope good things come to me” shit, I’m gonna go out and drag good things to me by the fucking hair
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
It's 2019 and I think it's finally time for me to find more buddies who love to talk about writing and stories, anime, music but mostly writing. Do you write and want to talk about it? Send me a message. Do you have ideas and want to talk about them with someone who won't judge and steal your ideas? Please send me a message. Do you roleplay and want a possible new partner or just want to talk about it? Message me. Do you love anime? Fanfics? Books? Please send me a message. I would love to talk about any of the listed topics because I only have one close friend who likes writing and they are already sick of me talking about it :D
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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Give Vicchan all the smooches ( ˘ ³˘)♥
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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Kittens Sleeping in Peoples Hands
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
It’s almost 2019 but I’m still emotional over how revolutionary Yuri on Ice was.
Healthy non-yaoi mlm relationship
Never before in mainstream Japanese media (or even mainstream Western media) has a mlm relationship been depicted in this way. YOI was a show that pretty explicitly showed a same-sex relationship between the MAIN characters and had it be one of the main plot points. That has never happened before. Not only that, it’s a HEALTHY relationship where both characters compliment each other, lift each other up, and make each other better people.
Main bisexual character
While Victor is implied to be gay, Yuri is actually bisexual. I’ve seen this often overlooked by many people. I’ve seen a lot of bi-erasure in the fandom regarding Yuri’s sexuality. However, Yuri is clearly shown to be bi, which is big because having a bi main character is extremely rare in media.
Multiple queer characters
Yes. Multiple. It’s one thing to have the two main characters be queer, but it’s another to have side characters implied to be queer as well. Many people often overlook the other queer characters in Yuri on Ice. Chris is arguably, in my opinion, the most explicitly queer character in the series. He openly flirts with Yuri and other men, makes gay jokes, and is even shown to have a boyfriend in the last episodes. However, there is a second queer character people overlook. And that is Seung-Gil Lee. He canonically “dislikes women”. And in the Yuri on Ice stage show, even kisses Takeshi Nishigori. There may be other queer-implied characters as well, but I feel that Chris and Seung-Gil are the ones that stand out the most.
Normalization of the LGBT community
Yuri on Ice has received some criticism for this, but as a person in the lgbt community, I love it. In the YOI universe, being in a gay relationship is just as normal as being in a straight one. No one bats an eye. Phichit even announced Victor and Yuri to be married to an entire restaurant, and everyone clapped and congratulated them. So what if there was no homophobia? I and many others found it refreshing. It’s nice to see the world portrayed in a way that we hope it to be one day.
Interracial couple
Not only is Victuuri a mlm relationship, it’s also interracial- Yuri being Japanese and Victor being Russian. They are also from countries where being lgbt is still highly not accepted.
Ethnically/Racially diverse characters that touch on their culture
There are so many characters from different countries and of different races/ethnicities in the series. Many being from different Asian cultures (Japanese, Thai, Chinese, and Korean). There are many European characters that are not from the UK, two of them being Italian. And even the character from the United States isn’t white-he’s Mexican-American. A lot of these characters (Phichit for example) express the issues they face being from certain countries. Victor talks about his culture as well, pointing out that in Russia, people don’t celebrate Christmas in the way that people in other countries do.
Accurate depiction of clinical anxiety
Never in my life have I seen someone with anxiety be depicted so accurately. Many times I would feel an ache in my heart because I saw myself in Yuri. Yuri’s anxiety blinds him from seeing how great he is. He’s an “unreliable narrator”. A scene that depicts his anxiety well is the scene where Victor is reassuring Yuri that he doesn’t want to quit, and Yuri cries out “I know!”. People with anxiety often know that their fears are irrational, but still, to their frustration, believe them and can’t get past them. This is a big aspect of anxiety that I haven’t really seen portrayed in the media.
Many people praise Yuri on Ice for being revolutionary for its depiction of a same-sex couple, but there’s so much more than that. It’s an all-embracing and diverse show that is ground breaking in today’s society.
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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ギャルソン勇利くん^^ 久保せんせいの、ギャルソン... || モエミ [@F8CmsAPldXJM0ye] ※Permission to upload this was given by the artist (©). **Please, favorite/retweet/follow to support the artist** [Please do not repost, edit or remove credits]
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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protect him
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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congrats on your marriage!!
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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i had to see the individual frames to see exactly how cute this moment was
in conclusion: it’s really fuckin cute ( ∩•́ω•̀∩ )
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
victor and yuuri are both so good and kind and full of love and they deserve each other and all the happiness in the world forever and ever amen 
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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Based on this fic idea by @and-then-yoi-happened.  I couldn’t decide where to take it in terms of actual sports massage, because I wanted there to be more of an emotionally intimate element to the pic that required Yuuri being up by Victor’s face.  But I figure that coaching and competing at the same time, he’s probably got quite a bit of tension in his shoulders from all the stress and exhaustion, so surely he would massage those, too.  ^_^
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stalkkerikissa · 6 years
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T O O  S O O N
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