starbombasks · 3 years
It's officially open! The Powerpuff girls group roleplay server I was planning is here! The plot is in my last post, and in the server. There's multiple canons open (minus Buttercup) and I'm hoping this can be the group roleplay I envisioned!
Here's the server!
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starbombasks · 4 years
Hey!! We'll be at AMKE2020
Yep, vi and I will be at Anime Milwaukee this year so come and say hi to us! On Friday we'll be doing a duo:
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(You can check my main tumblr to see my other cosplays so y'all can find us) We hope to see y'all!!!
-Star & vi ❤️
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starbombasks · 4 years
Thought we'd share this here :>
- Star
New roleplay server
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Jupiters Haven is a multi fandom, oc friendly ropleplay server. It brings together various fandoms and fans.
We have a lot to do in general chats and a few voice chats.You can share your art, talk about your ocs, get match ups, even participate in game night! You can also talk about anything anime and manga, maybe even pick up a new series thanks to a recommendation
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You can even pick roles for which fandoms you’re in to unlock the roleplay sections, you can access them in the self pick roles section(we forgot to also add the oc role so just ask for it in suggestions for now). We have:
👺Demon slayer/KNY
🔫Assasination Classroom
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  What about roleplaying canons? We have that too, you can check this list to see what characters are open here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1IZk0bjG3xtK9N_CdYet63LG-deDZ7gg0MO6JFHfwv98/edit?usp=sharing
After you check just ask for a role in suggestions and a nickname of yours will be added onto the list, you can drop the role at any time. You can only be one canon character per fandom to keep things fair. With ocs you can have up to 5, self inserts don’t count but put somewhere in the intro that it’s your s/i.
Come join the fun!
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starbombasks · 4 years
We've got Donna, Daisy, Sekhmet, Pandora and Lottie :>
Reblog this post if your blog is a JJBA OC blog
Your blog will be added to the NEW directory!
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starbombasks · 4 years
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Beautiful commission of Daisy and Joseph done by @hajnarus !!!! Commission info is here if you're interested!
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starbombasks · 4 years
hey! pre-holidays request night tonight, gamers!
~mod vi
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starbombasks · 4 years
We're starting early and the password is sekhmet
It's game night:
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At 11:45pm we'll be playing CAH with a special jojo/starbomb theme deck. Come join vi and I and have some fun! You can access the game rn through the server, we'll try to post the link here too
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starbombasks · 4 years
It's game night:
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At 11:45pm we'll be playing CAH with a special jojo/starbomb theme deck. Come join vi and I and have some fun! You can access the game rn through the server, we'll try to post the link here too
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starbombasks · 5 years
Does like, the discord have any perks??
I'm glad you asked my dear anon! We're moving request nights over to the discord as a perk for one. There's exclusive drawings, exclusive server only ocs of ours, exclusive headcanons, hell you'll be notified first over there if my dumbass does any Sekhmet streams. Honestly it's just a place to chill and have a little fun. We're on pretty often, also you'll see more of the illusive Sunny. But that's a minor thing
- Star
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starbombasks · 5 years
Im so convinced Sekh is a pillar woman. Could you draw her with the gods of fitness?
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I FORGOT THE OTHER KINGS,,,, BUT HERE IS MISS SEKH WITH KARS,,,,, ough he was fun to draw omg guys request more pillar men
~mod vi
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starbombasks · 5 years
A Note to my Followers
To the followers who don’t say much: having you there still means a lot. Even if you never send in an ask or anything, I don’t care. I appreciate that you still follow me anyways. And it’s nice to see you there liking and reblogging my stuff.
To the followers who buzz like bees: When you reblog 17 of my posts or send my multiple asks in a row, you aren’t being irritating. You’re making me feel like I’m doing something right as a blogger. Thank you.
To the shy anons: I don’t know if you follow me or not, but regardless of why you sent in that ask, I’m just happy to be hearing from you. You aren’t a bother. You make me feel awesome.
To all of my followers whoever you are: Thank you for hitting that button. Thank you for sticking with me. If you ever need a shoulder to cry on or someone to celebrate with you, I’m here for you! If you ever need something explained, I’ll answer as best I can.
Thank you all of you.
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starbombasks · 5 years
Omgomg I can't wait until the next request night, I'm so sad I missed it,, good luck with the requests vi!
Thank u! I slowed down due to the approaching hell finals but I'll be back soon. On the bright side if you join our discord I do request nights way more frequently! (Or I want to ahaha)
~mod vi
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starbombasks · 5 years
Do you accept interactions form canons and/or ocs? And if so who's inbox do we send the oc ref to?
Yes!! We love interactions from canons and ocs, I live for that stuff and we're always open to those,,, send all refs to submit a post, from there we can find them much easier
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starbombasks · 5 years
Hello Pandora! I was wondering what's your favorite thing to do during the weekend?
"On the weekend? Well living in Japan it's more like one day—but usually I just hide away in the home theatre with Muffin or Josuke and binge watch movies. I... I found a new appreciation for 80s romcoms.."
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starbombasks · 5 years
Y'all know what to do, I love in character stuff
- Star
send me an ask directed at one of my ocs and i’ll answer it in-character
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starbombasks · 5 years
Star? Do you mean Donna Giovanna?
Anon are you in the discord server-
Also I like the sound of that, I'll take my wedding ring now thank you
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starbombasks · 5 years
Yep, we got a headcanon blog for the girls :3
Welcome to ⭐️Starcanon⭐️
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Hi, hello, it's Star. This is the new headcanon blog for the main blog.
We get lots of headcanon asks that we can't put in an ask blog form so vi and I decided to make a separate blog for them! We'll be looking at prompts, taking requests, we run like any other headcanon blog but for ocs.
What we will write
Oc and oc/canon interactions
What we will not write
Anything nsfw
Anything too triggering
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