starcombo · 5 years
Happy Halloween! We’re barely alive but we’re gonna eventually get some more stuff out once everyone’s done being busy. Thanks for everyone’s patience tho
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starcombo · 6 years
Well it’s sure been a hot minute since we’ve been able to give some TLC to this channel.  School and work really took up more time than we anticipated, and as passable adults we decided to focus on that stuff first.
Thanks to anyone who stuck around while we were radio silent, and also the new people we have on board!  Here’s something a little new and different from what we’ve been doing so far.  Yakuza 0 to calm the gamer soul.
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starcombo · 6 years
Catch me forgetting to post on tumblr because life gets in the way.  We finished up We Know the Devil like four days ago, but here it is on our tumblr! ------------------------------------------- Heya, we started a new, short series of We Know the Devil, brought to you by the devs at Worst Girls.  This game came out a few years ago but we didn’t know about it until we recently got recommended it.  Instantly fell in love with this art style, so here we are.
Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
Yeehaw, we finally wrapped up Abzu!  I hope we all learned to save the ocean via soul replenishing and to respect sharks because they can roll-over.  It’s been fun, and I sincerely hope Giant Squid has something cooking for the future with Austin Wintory again.
Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
If you guys tread in those murky parts of youtube where anime chatrooms were prevalent, you are valid.  If you remember those Choose a Door Adventures, you are extremely valid. ------------------------------------ Heya!  We started our Octo Expansion playthrough, because we were anticipating this DLC for the entire year.  Come on over and enjoy some tomfoolery and shenanigans as we make our way to the surface world. 
Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
We keep truckin’ along summer hell camp.   -------------------------------- Heya, we started a new, short series of We Know the Devil, brought to you by the devs at Worst Girls.  This game came out a few years ago but we didn’t know about it until we recently got recommended it.  Instantly fell in love with this art style, so here we are.
Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
If I could add a second title, this one would be called Hubris. —————————————
We’re just out here goofin’ through some Breath of the Wild.  We’re trying this thing out with the Japanese voices, because our general consensus is that Sidon sounds better this way, and you KNOW we’re partly here for the fishman.
StarCombo | Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
Heya, we started a new, short series of We Know the Devil, brought to you by the devs over at Worst Girls.  This game came out a few years ago but we didn’t know about it until we recently got recommended it.  Instantly fell in love with this art style, so here we are. 
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starcombo · 6 years
Heya!  We started our Octo Expansion playthrough, because we were anticipating this DLC for the entire year.  Come on over and enjoy some tomfoolery and shenanigans as we make our way to the surface world.
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starcombo · 6 years
We’re here to make friends and antagonize sea creatures, and we’re all out of friends.  More Abzu from us to you to the ocean.  Make sure you are viewing this from at least one full league under the sea or else it loses fidelity.  
StarCombo | Playlist
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starcombo · 6 years
The good people over at Violet are making strides in their super cool visual novel, which we reviewed early this year.  Check out their stuff and go support their kickstarter if you can! 
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HELLO EVERYONE! The Kickstarter for Dead Wishes is OPEN!!
Our campaign page features a lot of information about the game as well as previews, character bios, and MUCH MORE. 
Just as a little incentive, if you support our campaign at the 10$ tier, you will receive a key copy of the game at release (so, basically, if you support the Kickstarter, you’ve pre-ordered a copy of the game!)
If you have any questions, you can message us here or use our support email (listed in our description).
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starcombo · 6 years
We’re out here t-posing and trying to save the ocean through Abzu.  For some reason, Andy and I never played this one despite it having the visuals and music to make us want to play it.  We have Natalie on board to act as our guide.
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starcombo · 6 years
Gotta get through these shrines to feel the sweet release of getting off the Plateau. --------------------------------------- We’re just out here goofin’ through some Breath of the Wild.  We’re trying this thing out with the Japanese voices, because our general consensus is that Sidon sounds better this way, and you KNOW we’re partly here for the fishman.
StarCombo | Part 1
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starcombo · 6 years
We’re just out here straight goofin’ through some Breath of the Wild.  We’re trying this thing out with the Japanese voices, because our general consensus is that Sidon sounds better this way, and you KNOW we’re partly here for the fishman.
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starcombo · 6 years
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Thumbnails are all done again for this round of Monster Prom!  I had a lot of fun with these, especially Amira in that last one.
You can check out our stuff at StarCombo, or you can go directly to our playthrough here if you’re interested.
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starcombo · 6 years
Second part of double whammy.  We just have one more episode before prom and either a sweet date or scathing rejection.
We’re surprised and flattered a lot of y’all wanted more Monster Prom from us.  We’re doing one more round where we’re trying to help each other out instead of ripping each other apart over one (1) demon boy.
If you’d like to check out our first go around or just our stuff in general, check these links out:
StarCombo | Monster Prom Playlist
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starcombo · 6 years
Double whammy, not really, I just forgot to post this one when it came out :P
We’re surprised and flattered a lot of y’all wanted more Monster Prom from us.  We’re doing one more round where we’re trying to help each other out instead of ripping each other apart over one (1) demon boy.
If you’d like to check out our first go around or just our stuff in general, check these links out:
StarCombo | Monster Prom Playlist
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