starfallen-tears · 21 hours
because @thebirdhivemind​ told me to (and i love her dearly (and im bored) so im listening) - some vaguely context-less archaeology quotes:
“we’re so covered in bureaucracy that we wouldn’t know Indigenous management if we tripped over it”
“the Belle-o-meter says 47m” “its not 47m” “it is. i am a very precise scientific measuring instrument”
“welcome to archaeology. please leave the meaning of any and all days at the door”
“WHO FILLED IN THIS PAPERWORK. [extensive pause] oh. i did. i filled in this paperwork.”
*the artefact analysist* “i cant wait until tomorrow when my name stops being a question and just becomes a name again. When I’m just “Steve” not “hey Steve?”
“one of the fun things about archaeology, and by fun i mean horribly challenging”
“where’s the bag of rice gone though?” “in the back of the Hilux, in the bottom of the white box labelled ‘paperwork’“
“my hands are relatively clean - they’ve only been touching clay”
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starfallen-tears · 21 hours
Dragon Age: The Veilguard | Official Reveal Trailer
Rally the Veilguard and defy the gods in Dragon Age™: The Veilguard, an immersive single player RPG where you become the leader others believe in. When corrupt gods break free from centuries of darkness, the odds will be stacked against you. You can't do this alone. Rally a team of seven companions, each with rich lives and deep backstories. These are characters to befriend, and even fall in love with. Among them, an assassin, a necromancer, and a detective will each bring their own expertise and unique abilities to the fight. You are never alone; decide who to take into battle and together face down demons, dragons and even ancient gods. You’ll fight alongside: Harding: The Scout Neve: The Detective Emmrich: The Necromancer Taash: The Dragon Hunter Davrin: The Warden Bellara: The Veil Jumper Lucanis: The Mage Killer Create memories with your team which will deepen your experiences and give you more to fight for. The world teeters on a knife's edge, but together you have the power to fight back.
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starfallen-tears · 22 hours
In my experience if youre calling in sick because youre actually too sick to work you should just be completely, brutally, and utterly honest about it on the phone. Because you may not think that theyll accept it as a good enough reason and that youll have to lie and exaggerate like you do for bs call ins but trust me when i say its probably not bs if its putting a grown adult out of commission for the day
This goes doubly so if the reason you cant work is usually considered "embarrassing." Nothing compares to getting asked why you cant come in today, saying "my IBS is flaring up so bad that i havent left my bathroom in an hour" and hearing a brief pause followed by "...do you want to use one of your paid sick days?"
Yeah, none of you are going to question that. What are you gonna do, make me shit myself on the clock? Thats what i thought
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starfallen-tears · 22 hours
honestly though this ties into a bigger thought i've been gnawing on lately that the more and more the entertainment industry gets entwined with capitalism the worse stories are gonna get because there is no purely consumable and agreed upon conflict and hero/antagonist dynamic
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starfallen-tears · 22 hours
Kid behaviours that make me want to strangle their parents:
Riding bikes/scooters/skateboards/roller skates inside stores
Taking soda and candy off store shelves, eating or drinking part of it, then leaving the rest behind on a different shelf
Walking into a public building with food and drinks and then just leaving the garbage behind somewhere when you go
Playing a speaker on the bus
Playing a speaker in a shop
Playing a speaker in a library
Opening makeup and putting it directly onto your face and then putting it back on a shelf
Yelling slurs. Anywhere
Vaping. Like what the fuck you're like twelve what the hell does nobody care about you
Sticking gum to things
Littering on the street
Picking on bus drivers/janitors/minimum wage workers?????
Throwing shit at people
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starfallen-tears · 2 days
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starfallen-tears · 9 days
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Butch corvo
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
The final boss of “learning social skills” is seeing someone online say something about a special interest of yours that’d be the literal perfect opportunity for you to talk about it but deciding not to do it because the person made the comment so long ago it’d be kind of weird to reply now. If you can restrain yourself, you’ll be awarded the “King of Acting Normal” prize on national television by the president. Or so I’m told.
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
Worldbuilding tip for aspiring fantasy authors! Give that swordsman a bigger ass
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
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🖤💜 Happy international asexuality day! 🖤💜🐀
Asexuality is the lack of sexual attraction to others, or low or absent interest in or desire for sexual activity 🖤💜
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
vegans making honey a bee labour issue is the funniest thing imaginable because like, you picked the one animal that has already unionised
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
did you seriously just strip character dynamics and personalities from their canon context to better suit your fandom au? its like you dont even understand that people are their experiences and by altering backstories and traits so fundamentally youre making something so unrecognizable it doesnt even register as fan content anymore
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
A Thank You Letter from my 2 year-old daughter from Gaza
€23,072 raised of €65,000 goal We are Forever Grateful for your support, donations and shares .(Please if you can Donate here)
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Rokayah wanted to draw a THANK YOU letter for all of you💌 (And then she refused to give it to me because she decided she'll give it to you when we arrive at Egypt😁) when I told her that kind people helped us and very soon we'll escape war and go to Egypt , then grandma and grandad and the rest of her uncles and aunts will follow us ! YOUR KINDESS & SUPPORT BRING US HOPE AND HAPPINESS AMID THE DESPAIR WE ENCOUNTER EVERYDAY 💖🙏
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Through your help we can manage to rescue my family and my sick parents and siblings as well ! We Still Need You!! Please Don't Forget about Us!! €23,072 raised of €65,000 goal
Your donations of your hard earned money, You Shares , Your Prayers and Wishes .. I pray your kindness is returned to you !! No matter what I say we can't Thank you Enough!🙏💖
SADLY !! My account got shadow banned again ! I can't send asks or messages as I fear I get Banned again! Please Help me share and ask . PLEASE SHARE AND DONATE this is my new account
Thank you! Forever Grateful for all of you !🙏
Verified Fundraiser by @el-shab-hussein @communistchilchuck
@sayruq @nabulsi @communistchilchuck @palipunk @fairuzfan @ibtisams
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
oh my.  
this is so perfect.
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I feel really, really stupid - I didn’t actually put the link in before I posted it originally, and now it’s all over the place with no link.  Dammit.  But it’s there now.
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
the difference matters:
sex-positive: you want people in general to be able to sexually express themselves freely. this should ideally include asexuality. this is not about you as an individual.
sex-favourable: you want to have sex for whatever reason.
sex-neutral: you don't really have an opinion about freedom of sexual expression. this is about people in general, not you specifically.
sex-indifferent: you don't really care if you personally have sex or not, you could take it or leave it.
sex-negative: you only want people to have a limited sexual expression.
sex-averse: you don't want to participate in sex.
positive/neutral/negative refer to your stance on how sex is treated within society.
favourable/indifferent/averse refer to how you personally feel about participating in sex.
you can be a sex-averse asexual and still be sex-positive.
there's a common misconception that aces, especially sex-averse aces, are all "anti-sex", but some parts of the ace community still hasn't learned the nuance of these terms either. i still see people call sex-favourable aces sex-positive when they mean different things.
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
Voice actors are SO FUCKING COOL and can completely make or break any animated sequence and I feel that movie and game companies need to remember that
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starfallen-tears · 11 days
y'all ever reach the end of google
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