starlightsstuff · 4 years
You’re a daycare worker, watching over toddlers, when the imminent end of the world is announced. It becomes increasingly clear none of the kids’ parents are going to show up as the end inches nearer.
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
your kids should feel safe disagreeing with you. they should feel able to express a dissenting viewpoint knowing that their feelings will be heard & acknowledged. if your kids don’t tell you things, about their thoughts or actions, because they don’t feel safe–that’s on you. it’s not dishonesty, it’s self-preservation. you’ve taught them that honesty will get them punished.
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
@uzumaki2810 already posted the screenshots for this scene but I managed to get a video of the whole thing on my switch so I thought I’d share 😂
If Lucy doesn’t want them in her room without her permission, maybe she should just give them permission? 😏
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
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Solomon’s Shield is the name of the app
OMG Download this!!!! Stop Police Brutality!
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
Cognitive Distortions that Add to Anxiety, Worry, and Stress
1. All-or-nothing thinking: Looking at things in black-or-white categories, with no middle ground (“If I fall short of perfection, I’m a total failure.”)
2. Overgeneralization: Generalizing from a single negative experience, expecting it to hold true forever (“I didn’t get hired for the job. I’ll never get any job.”)
3. The mental filter: Focusing on the negatives while filtering out all the positives. Noticing the one thing that went wrong, rather than all the things that went right.
4. Diminishing the positive: Coming up with reasons why positive events don’t count (“I did well on the presentation, but that was just dumb luck.”)
5. Jumping to conclusions: Making negative interpretations without actual evidence. You act like a mind reader (“I can tell she secretly hates me.”) or a fortune teller (“I just know something terrible is going to happen.”)
6. Catastrophizing: Expecting the worst-case scenario to happen (“The pilot said we’re in for some turbulence. The plane’s going to crash!”)
7. Emotional reasoning: Believing that the way you feel reflects reality (“I feel frightened right now. That must mean I’m in real physical danger.”)
8. ‘Shoulds’ and ‘should-nots’: Holding yourself to a strict list of what you should and shouldn’t do and beating yourself up if you break any of the rule
9. Labeling: Labeling yourself based on mistakes and perceived shortcomings (“I’m a failure; an idiot; a loser.”)
10. Personalization: Assuming responsibility for things that are outside your control (“It’s my fault my son got in an accident. I should have warned him to drive carefully in the rain.”)
Source: http://www.helpguide.org/mental/anxiety_self_help.htm
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
Natsu Dragneel with Lucy at the start of the story:
Lucy: *breathes*
Natsu: omg she is such a weirdo
Natsu: istg imma never let her have my scarf
Natsu: I still wonder why she followed me on M.Hakobe
Natsu: she is nice but i swear she is the weirdest
Natsu: Was her name Luigi?
Natsu: Nevermind i don't remember it
Natsu Dragneel with Lucy now:
Natsu: Swear if she wants imma lend her my house
Natsu: She is a powerhouse and my future wife istg
Natsu: i guess i should open a funclub bout her
Natsu: is she even real
Natsu: sometimes i wonder how can i not pass out whenever i break into her house
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
The Scarf
Happy Nalu day everyone! Here’s some fluff of my favorite kind to celebrate my favorite day of the year :3
Three in the morning. It was three in the morning and the baby wouldn’t stop moving around in Lucy’s stomach. The celestial mage was about to enter the thirtieth week in her pregnancy and little Luna was as active as ever. She would constantly move around and kick Lucy’s belly, especially when either one of her parents caressed her or when Natsu spoke to her every night before bed.
But, as much as she enjoyed it when her baby showed signs of being alive and healthy, Lucy had been trying to sleep for hours to no avail. As if to mock her, Luna would stop moving for a while, making the blonde believe that she would finally get some sleep just for the baby to kick her again as she had finally gotten comfortable. She’s her father’s daughter, alright.
“Natsu?” She nudged her husband in hopes of waking him up. “Natsu!” She tried again, nudging him a bit harder this time.
“Luce? What’s wrong?” The dragon slayer answered groggily as he sat up and looked at his wife with half-lidded eyes.
“Luna won’t stop moving. I’m too uncomfortable to sleep.”
At this, Natsu leaned down to Lucy’s stomach with a soft smile. “Givin’ your mom trouble already?” He questioned jokingly as he lifted Lucy’s oversized shirt and placed a hand on her belly. He felt his daughter kick under his hand and saw Lucy wince slightly at the sudden action. “Are you hungry? Maybe some food will calm her down.”
“I’m not… but, now that you mention it, some spicy chicken wouldn’t hurt.” Normally, Lucy wouldn’t even give a second glance at her husband’s favorite meal. But, ever since the start of her pregnancy, she had been having the strongest cravings for all things spicy, especially chicken. It wasn’t unusual to catch the pair eating mountains of super spicy chicken legs that Mirajane made especially for them.
Natsu got up to wake up Happy and ask if he could head over to Mira’s, and bring back the food. The exceed was already used to such requests at any time of the day, so he headed out without saying a word.
“She started again!” Whined the blonde. Eating the delicious food that Mira had prepared for them at such an ungodly hour had had the opposite effect of what they were hoping, making Luna even more active than before as a sign that she enjoyed the food. A while after, though, she had stopped moving, leading the soon-to-be-parents to believe that they had finally solved the problem. But the little rascal started moving around again shortly after Lucy had laid on the bed.
Natsu gave her a sympathetic look. He hated seeing her like this. He wished he could be the one going through all the pain and discomfort that came with creating life. His eyes followed his wife as she got up from the bed and started walking around the room with a hand on top of her protruding belly and the other supporting her lower back.
“Maybe walking around a bit will help,” Lucy answered his silent question through a yawn. As she walked, she realized Natsu’s scarf had fallen from its place on top of her desk chair, where the dragon slayer left it every night before going to sleep. The blonde picked it up and slumped on the chair frustratedly, placing the scarf on top of her belly while letting out a deep sigh. Natsu got up and started massaging her shoulders, upset that he couldn’t do much else to help her. The baby had stopped moving, but Lucy was not going to be fooled again. She knew that it was just a matter of time until Luna started kicking and turning once more.
“I’ll go pick up some of that chocolate cake you really like. Maybe that’ll make you feel better.”
Lucy looked up at Natsu and smiled at his sweet intentions. “Thank you.” She nodded.
Natsu picked up his scarf and wrapped it around his neck. Almost instantly, their daughter started moving in Lucy’s belly again. The dragon slayer gave Lucy a chaste kiss as he was about to head out when Lucy stopped him.
“Wait… That’s weird” She muttered, looking down at her bump with knitted eyebrows.
“What is it?” Natsu asked as he went over to her side again.
“Pass me the scarf, please.”
Natsu looked at her quizzically. “Why?”
“I want to check something. Gimme.”
He obeyed. Lucy rested the scarf on her belly and Luna stopped moving. After a moment, she removed the scarf and, sure enough, the baby started moving again seconds later. Lucy repeated the sequence a few times until she came to a conclusion.
“She wants the scarf.”
“All along she wanted the freaking scarf.” The celestial mage felt like crying from relief. “I guess all those times I took a nap with it made her get used to its warmth.” She chuckled, amused, and grateful that she would finally be able to rest.
Natsu smiled at the realization. Even though they wouldn’t be able to meet, a part of Igneel would always be there to look over his daughter. Natsu took the scarf from Lucy’s hand and followed her to bed, unfolding the scarf and tucking Lucy in as if with a blanket.
“Good night, Luce.” He planted a sweet kiss on her temple before resting his cheek on her stomach and caressing it. “Sweet dreams, little dragon.”
He moved to his side of the bed and snuggled underneath the blanket, ready to finally get some sleep when he heard Lucy calling out to him softly.
“You’re still going to get me that chocolate cake, right?”
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
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I decided to create a masterpost that would help you with what you are struggling with. Hopefully any of the links below will help you! Reminder; You’re going to be okay. What you are going through will pass, just remember to breathe. 
Here are some distractions to help keep your mind occupied so you aren’t too focused on your thoughts. 
-Draw something
-This website translates the time into colours.
-Create your own galaxy.
-Play flowing.
-Make a 3D line travel where ever you like. 
-Listen to music.
-Ocean mood, do nothing for two minutes.
Sleep issues; 
- 8 hour sleep music.
-Rainy mood. 
-Coping with nightmares.
-How to cope with nightmares, 11 steps.
-Foods that can affect your sleeping, both positive and negatively. 
 Uncomfortable with silence; 
-Rainy mood.
-10 hours of rain and thunder.
-3 hours of rain and thunder.
-Human heartbeat.
-Sound of rain on a tin roof.
-Autumn wind.
-Rain on a tent
-Traffic in the rain.
-Soft traffic. 
-Simply noise.
-My noise.
-Rainy cafe.
-How to stop worrying. 
-Tips to manage anxiety and stress.
-The 10 best ever anxiety management techniques. 
-Self-help strategies for anxiety. 
-Helping a friend with anxiety. 
-All about worrying.
-8 myths about anxiety. 
Sad, angry and depressed/depression; 
-“I’m always sad”
-Feeling sad.
-Going through trauma.
-“I’m always angry”.
-Anger management. 
-All about anger.
-National helplines and websites.
-Self-help strategies for depression.
-Dealing with depression at work.
-Dealing with depression at school.
Isolation and loneliness; 
-Pets and mental health.
-All about loneliness. 
-“I feel so alone”
-10 more ideas to help with loneliness. 
-How to deal with loneliness.
-Alternatives to self-harm and distraction techniques.
-146 things to do besides self-harm.
-More alternatives to self-harm.
-Self-harm alternatives.
-How to take care of self-harm wounds/injuries.
-Getting rid of scars.  
-How to help a friend with a drug addiction.
-What is addiction?
-All about alcohol and addiction.
-The facts about drug addiction.
 Eating disorders; 
-Helping a friend with an eating disorder.
-Eating disorder treatments. 
-Support services for eating disorders. 
-Self-help tips with eating disorders.
-Eating disorder recovery. 
-Recovering from an eating disorder. 
-100+ reasons to recover. 
-Understanding and managing eating disorders. 
 Dealing with self-hatred;  
-3 ways to ease self-loathing. 
-How to turn self-hatred into self-compassion.
-Self-hatred resources.
-10 step plan to deal with self-hate. 
-International suicide hotlines (1)  (2)
-Preventing suicide. 
-Reasons to stay alive.
-Dealing with suicidal thoughts and feelings.
-Coping with suicidal ideation.  
-All about schizophrenia.  
-Helping a person with schizophrenia.  
-Understanding and dealing with schizophrenia.  
-Delusions and hallucinations.  
-Managing your OCD at home. 
-Overcoming OCD.
-How to cope with OCD. 
-Strategies for dealing with the anxious moments. 
Borderline personality disorder; 
-Helping someone with BPD. 
-All about personality disorders.
-Treatment for BPD.
-Healthy relationships VS abusive relationships. 
-Emotional abuse
-Overcoming sexual abuse. 
-Hotlines services. 
-5 ways to escape an abusive relationship. 
-Domestic violence support. 
-Signs of an abusive relationship. 
-What do to if you’re in an abusive relationship. 
-Surviving abuse. 
-What you can do if you’re sexual harassed. 
-Sexual assault support.
-What to do if you’ve been sexually assaulted or abused. 
-How to stand up against bullying.
-How to protect yourself when it comes to cyber bullying.
-How to help stop people bullying you. 
 Loss and grief; 
-How to cope with a suicide of a loved one.
-Grieving for a stranger. 
-Common reactions to death. 
-Working through grief.
(Other loss and grief)
-Moving away from friends and family. 
-Coping with a breakup.
 Getting help; 
-Seeking help early. 
-All about psychological treatments. 
-Types of help.
-All about age and confidentiality. 
Things you need to remember; 
- Don’t stress about being fixed because you’re not broken.
-Remember to remind yourself of your accomplishments. Tell yourself that you’re proud of yourself, even if you’re not. 
- This is temporary. You won’t always feel like this. 
-You are not alone. 
-You are enough. 
-You are important. 
-You are worth it. 
-You are strong. 
-You are not a failure, 
-Good people exist. 
-Reaching out shows strength. 
-Don’t listen to the thoughts that are not helping you. 
-Give yourself credit. 
-Don’t be ashamed of your emotions, for the good or bad ones. 
-Treat yourself the same way as you would treat a good friend. 
-Focus on the things you can change. 
-Let go of toxic people. 
-You don’t need to hide, you’re allowed to feel the way you do. 
-Try not to beat yourself up. 
-Something is always happening, you don’t want to miss out on what’s going to happen next. 
-You are not a bother.
-Your existence is more than your appearance. 
-You are smart. 
-You are loved. 
-You are wanted. 
-You are needed. 
-Better days are coming. 
-Just because your past is dark, doesn’t mean your future isn’t bright. 
-You have more potential than you think. 
- Your value doesn’t decrease based on someone’s inability to see your worth.
Please remember to look after yourself and know that you are more than worth it and you deserve to be happy. Keep smiling butterflies x
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
thinking that what happened “wasn’t bad enough” is a sign that it was.
your brain wouldn’t be trying to protect itself from the reality of what happened if what happened didn’t hurt you.
questioning if your trauma “counts” as trauma is a sign of trauma.
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
“Fun fact! Baby elephants, much like human babies, aren’t able to fully control their trunks because their motor skills haven’t fully developed so they plunge their face into the water to drink =)
Although this cutie is obviously playing lol 😍” 
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
You’re not obligated to stay friends with people who make you feel bad about yourself, no matter how long you’ve had that friendship. Your well-being should be your priority!
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
Don't think about what can happen in a month. Don't think about what can happen in a year. Just focus on the 24 hours in front of you and do what you can to get closer to where you want to be.
— Eric Thomas
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
“Self worth is so vital to your happiness. If you don’t feel good about you, it’s hard to feel good about anything else.”
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
“The poison leaves bit by bit, not all at once. Be patient. You are healing.”
— Yasmin Mogahed
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starlightsstuff · 4 years
“I know this transformation is painful but you’re not falling apart; you’re just falling into something different, with a new capacity to be beautiful.”
— William C. Hannan
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