starlitwinter · 3 months
Morgoth knew something had happened. He knew. The bond, maybe weakened by the mistrust that had formed between them, had completely disappeared. He tried to reach her with his mind. Once. Twice. Nothing. 
Finally, he dismissed his servant and got up from his seat, walking straight back to the room his wife was staying. Something was wrong. Very wrong.
He knocked at the door. “Lissë? Open the door.” No reply “Nenlissë? Is there a problem? Listen. I’m sorry for earlier. Just open.” Again, no reply. He let out a groan of frustration before opening the door, his gaze searching for the frame of his wife. He stepped in the room, calling for her again. “Nenlissë?” And then. Then he saw. The tub. He hurried to the bathtub where his wife was laying, numb, not moving. He cursed before posing his hand on her neck, searching for a pulse, for something. 
“What have you done!” He hissed at the corpse before closing his eyes shut and rubbing the bridge of his nose. “Foolish girl. Why did you have to… To do this!” 
He stared at the lifeless body before picking it up from the water and posing it on the bed. “Was staying here such a problem that you had to end your life, Lissë?” He asked before brushing a hand in her wet hair. “Idiot.”
“You really are stubborn” A voice said, making Lissë open her eyes. She was back to the void where she had met Eru the first time. The human looked at the God before smiling.
“Maybe I am. But… it seemed like the best thing to do at the moment.”
They just huffed before asking “Do you regret it?” 
“No” The reply was quick and sincere. “It gave me the freedom I ever wanted. I do wish that things could have been different. But they weren’t. I guess… That it is the only freedom I could have in this life.”
The God just nodded before posing a hand to her shoulder “What now, young soul?
-Don’t you have a path written for me?
-I think I manipulated your life enough. Tell me what you desire.”
The young human contemplated her options for a moment. Should she go back to her world? Ask for another chance in Arda? 
Minutes passed until she made her decision, Nenlissë looked into the infinite eyes of the God.
— END —
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starlitwinter · 4 months
One more chapter left and we're done... TW: Domestic abuse, Suicide (begin at "With a big breath, she got in it, still dress of her nightgown, the fabric clinging to her skin." until the end of the chapter)
She was freezing, hungry and tired. Was all of this a good idea? had been a thought that passed her mind a lot of times.
It had been two weeks since she had left her home. After five days of riding, eating what she could hunt or find in the nature, she had reached the Helcaraxë. Nenlissë had let Aclar free before beginning her way to Middle Earth.
Now, it had been ten days. Ten days of eating frozen fruits she had managed to take with her, of freezing from the ice storm, her fingers numbs from the cold. No shelter to sleep or rest, at least she could use the snow as water to drink.
A strong gust of wind made her fall. She was so cold, so tired, so… maybe…
“Maybe I should give up” She whispered, her voice hoarse from not talking for days. “Maybe it was meant to end now…” She looked up before closing her eyes “Eru… let me die” Was her last words as she fell unconscious in the snow.
She didn’t heard the footsteps reaching to her. She didn’t felt the arms picking her up. She didn’t knew that someone took her somewhere. She didn’t felt the slight worried hand that hold hers some nights when no one was watching.
But she woke up. Alone. In this large room. Plain room with only the bed she was laying in, a bath and a vanity. She slowly sat up, looking around her. On the vanity, lilacs were resting. She got up, her bare foot on the cold floor made her shiver as she looked down to herself. Someone had changed her, dressed her in a dark and warm nightgown. She walked to the vanity, brushing the petals of the lilacs. Dead. They were dead and the petals crumbled between her fingers. She stared at the dead flowers for long minutes when a noise got her attention. A knock on the door. She carefully walked to it before opening the door. In front of her was standing Teivel. No. Morgoth was standing here. She stared at him with horror before slamming the door back shut, frantically searching for a lock. But there were none.
“Nenlissë. Open that door” He said, freezing her in place.
“No.” She replied in a little scared voice. “No. I’m not opening.”
She heard the Vala, her husband reach for the door handle. “Darling. I know you are scared but I promise you that I’m not going to hurt you. I just want to talk.” His sweet honeyed voice still managed to coax her to open the door.
When she got back in his view, he reached to hold her but she took a step back, getting away from him.
“Don’t touch me. Please.”
He retracted his hands, staring at her. “As you wish” He said before closing the door behind him as he entered her room. “Sit, please.” He added, mentioning to the bed.
She shook her head “I’m good standing.” The Vala sighed before repeating. “Just sit, Lissë. You barely made it out alive and I don’t especially want you to die. Even more now.”
The human frowned at his words. “Even more now? Why? Because you need more information from me?” She looked at him with disgust before doing something rash as she spit on her, her saliva landing on his robe. “I’m never going to tell you anything!”
Morgoth just shook his head, looking down at his torso before glancing at his wife. “I’m concerned about your health because you are my wife. And because there is another heartbeat in you.”
At his words, she just stared at him before his sentence clicked, made sense. “What? No! I can’t… I’m not!
-You are. You are with child, Nenlissë. With my child. Except if you cheated on me with the pathetic elf you called your cousin.
-Don’t you dare talk of him like that. Turko is everything you’ll never be.”
He sneered at her words before grabbing her by the throat, glaring into her eyes.
“Mind your tongue, human.” He hissed “I am what you will ever desire or deserve.” He tightened his grip on the soft flesh of her neck “So stop being a whiny spoiled girl.”
Morgoth finally dropped his hand, letting the human take back her breath. Nenlissë took some step back, a hand coming to her neck, tears in her eyes as she was trying to breath again. Morgoth looked down at his wife before approaching her, taking her arm and making her sit on the bed.
“I’m sorry for my burst of anger.” He simply said as he reached to wipe tears that were dropping on the girl cheeks. “I have some problems with controlling my anger when it involve jealousy.
-You chocked me.
-And I said I was sorry.” He glared at her before giving her that false smile he would always give her. “I care for you, pet. And I can’t really excuse myself from being jealous that my wife is defending another male in front of me, even more when she’s with my offspring.”
Lissë stared at him as he brought her knuckles to his lips. “Will you forgive me, beloved?” He whispered.
“I don’t want that child.” Nenlissë replied to him. The Vala frowned before replying, his grip tightening on her hand. “That wasn’t my question, doll. And you’ll keep that child. You’re my wife.
-I’m not. I’ll not give you a child. Why do you even want it?” She exclaimed to him.
“You really want to know why?” He laughed “I’ve always wanted to see what a mere human and a Vala could create. A new race.” He looked at her stomach with a large smile “What of you? Will you survive? Will the babe power and darkness consume you from inside? In childbirth? Would they be powerful like me? Or weak like you?
-You’re insane.” She replied with an horrified look “I would prefer dying than giving birth to your child!”
He sneered at her again before standing back up and slapping her. “You’ll obey to me. Or I’ll put you in a cell and keep you alive until you birth my child.”
She just stared at him with absolute terror. A minute passed before he gently, a complete change from his previous behavior, wrapped his arms around around her shaky frame.
“Forgive me, darling. It wasn’t my attention to hurt you again.” He kissed her temple. “I want us to be happy and this little bundle…” He posed a hand on her flat stomach, making Lissë flinch “… is going to solve everything, alright?”
The human didn’t replied, still shaking of fear in his arms.
“Shh, shh. Stop trembling, doll. You’re acting as if I’m abusive. But I love you, you know that right?” At her silence, he only continued to press his lips on her forehead, her cheeks and lips until her lack of reply bored him. “I have to got, pet. I’ll be back tonight.
-Tonight?” She repeated with a hint of fear in her voice. Morgoth only smirked.
“Obviously. We’re married. Why would we not share a bed?” He replied before leaving the room.
After he left, Nenlissë stood frozen on the bed before her hands came to cradle her stomach and the reality of her situation sink in. She stayed here crying, for a long time before calming herself. She needed to do something. To end this. For once and all. The human got up and walked to the bathtub that was standing in a corner of the room. It was already filled with water. With a big breath, she got in it, still dress of her nightgown, the fabric clinging to her skin.
Her safe place since she was a kid. Could she do it? Finish it where it had begun?
Nenlissë. No. Leya let out a laugh, a snort. Funny it was to think of the poetry of the situation.
She let the water completely cover her, the oxygen leave her lungs. Her body trashed, trying to survive but even if her lungs were burning, her mind being lighter and lighter as consciousness left her, she stood her ground, staying under water until the light in her mind was replaced with darkness and the two heartbeats that lived in the woman body stopped for eternity.
For those who decided to skip the suicide part, just to fill you in, Nenlissë died drowning.
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starlitwinter · 4 months
She couldn’t believe her eyes. What she was seeing, the truth laying bare in front of her. With frantic hands she tried to get up, her movements catching Ungoliant attention. Before the monster could jump on the human, a hand ordered her not to and to do what it was supposed to. Nenlissë with panic glanced a last time at her supposed husband before running straight away from the Trees.
In her run, she stumbled into Turko, the elf himself seemed terrified. He wrapped his arms around the human and Nenlissë hugged him back. Chaos surrounded them as all the elves were panicking because of the sudden darkness, the Valar seeming frozen, like deers caught between headlights. The human was frightened, frozen in her cousin arms as they observed the Valar finally act and make Ungoliant leave, Melkor had already flee.
“Are you alright?” Turko finally asked his cousin as he felt her shake in his arms, “Nenlissë, what’s wrong?” He asked, one of his hand reaching to cup her cheek and felt some tears on his palm “Darling, what’s happening? Why are you crying?”
“I’m so sorry” The woman sobbed, “I’m sorry”
Turko was discountenanced by her sudden apologies “Why are you sorry, Lissë? Is it because of the argument between our parents? Don’t worry about that, they got cross a lot of time, they are brother.”
Nenlissë shook her head “No… Turko… It’s Teivel… He…”
Her cousin’s grip on her shoulders tightened, “What have he done. Did he hurt you? Where? When?”
“No, he… Teivel is Melkor, Turko. I saw him.
-What are you talking about? Teivel… is Melkor?
-Yes, yes he is. And he destroyed the light of the Trees with a spider named Ungoliant. It’s his fault. We need… We need to tell the others or-”
“Wait. You knew this was going to happen? You knew?” He cut her off with a frown.
“I-Yes but I couldn’t say anything!” Nenlissë was panicking, trying to cling at her cousin and make him believe her. “Turko, please, you have to believe me… It’s more complicated that it seem to be!”
The elf stared at his cousin before sighing “Alright. I believe you. But you’ll have to explain everything to me later.” He looked around them and saw how the calm was finally arriving, as the elves gathered around the Valar, guided by the stars of Varda.
The two cousins joined back their families, staying close from each other in case something happened. The elves were silent as Yavanna rose and stood upon Ezellohar, she laid her hands upon the Trees, but they were dead and dark, and each branch that she touched broke and fell lifeless at her feet. Dust began to fly around the elves and Valar, as they mourned the death of the Trees. Nenlissë was fixing at Manwë then at Fëanor, knowing anxiously what was going to happen. She took Turko’s hand in hers and squeezed tight and gave him a little smile when he looked down at her.
“Is there a problem, Lissë?” He whispered and she shook her head “Do not worry, Turko. Just… Listen.”
Yavanna had begin to speak “The Light of the Trees has passed away, and lives now only in the Silmarils of Fëanor. Foresighted was he! Even for those who are mightiest under Illuvatar there is some work that they may accomplish once, and once only. The Light of the Trees I brought into being, and within Ea I can do so never again. Yet had I but a little of that light I could recall life to the Trees, ere their roots decay; and then our hurt should be healed, and the malice of Melkor be confounded.”
Then Manwë spoke and said: “Hearest thou, Fëanor son of Finwë, the words of Yavanna? Wilt thou grant what she would ask?”
There was long silence, but Fëanor answered no word. The Valar begin to argue, some wanting for Fëanor to speak up, others wanting to let him some times to think as the decision was important.
Fëanor spoke then, and Nenlissë saw the scene unfold under her eyes, not being able to change anything, knowing how that would doom her family for eternity.
“For the less even as for the greater there is some deed that he may accomplish but once only; and in that deed his heart shall rest. It may be that I can unlock my jewels, but never again shall I make their like; and if I must break them, I shall break my heart, and I shall be slain; first of all the Eldar in Aman.”
“Not the first,” said Mandos and Fëanor replied “This thing I will not do of free will. But if the Valar will constrain me, then shall I know indeed that Melkor is of their kindred.”
“Thou hast spoken.” replied Mandos. And as Nienna raised to go cry beside the Trees, some elves gasped, glaring at Fëanor, not understanding his refusal to give the Silmarils to the Valar.
Turko looked down at Nenlissë “Did… Did you knew that?” He asked quietly and she nodded before speaking “Turko… I must warn you of something that is going to happen.”
He stared at her, their hands joined together, waiting for the human girl to finish.
“It’s… Melkor. Melkor is… He went to Formenos. He went and slain Finwë before stealing the Silmarils.” She blurted out her words and the elf gasped, letting out her hands. “Are you sure?” He asked and she nodded “Yes, yes I am. Turko. Your father is going to do something terrible. You… You have to try to stop him!”
The elf looked at his father before hugging the human “I’ll try, Lissë. I’ll try. Be careful” He added, placing a kiss on her forehead before leaving her to go to his father and brother’s side.
Nenlissë went back to her own family and before someone could ask her where was Teivel, messengers appeared and told that a blind Darkness came northward, and in the midst walked some power for which there was no name, and the Darkness issued from it. But Melkor also was there, and he came to the house of Fëanor, and there he slew Finwë King of the Noldor before his doors, and spilled the first blood in the Blessed Realm; for Finwë alone had not fled from the horror of the Dark. And they told that Melkor had broken the stronghold of Formenos, and taken all the jewels of the Noldor that were hoarded in that place; and the Silmarils were gone.
Fëanor began to curse at the Valar and Nenlissë turned away, not wanting to see what was happening in front of her eyes.
She heard her father try to calm his half-brother before a hand came to rest on her forearm.
“Nenlissë? Are you alright?” It was Finrod, her older brother who was looking at her with worry.
“I messed up, Findo” The human girl whispered “I messed up big.
-What is it?” The elf asked calmly, stroking her forearms in a smoothing manner, drawing the attention of theirs siblings.
“Melkor… Or Morgoth… It’s… It was Teivel.” She confessed with teary eyes. “I’m sorry.”
All four looked at her with stupor. Finally it’s Artanis who spoke first. “Lissë… How… Why did you never told us?”
“I didn’t knew. I swear. I learned it earlier. I saw- I saw him become Melkor.”
The elven siblings shared a look before Finrod wrapped his arms around the girl and their siblings joined in the hug. “It’s okay, Lissë. It’s okay.”
Around them, Fëanor had continued to curse at the Valar. The siblings stayed in a hug, unaware of what happened before their parents reached for them and told them they had to listen. Nenlissë decided to leave, to avoid the mess that would occur so she went to Aclar and stopped, her hand on his muzzle, thinking.
“How about we go on an adventure, huh? Just you and me” The human whispered to her horse.
“An adventure?” A voice rose from behind her, making her turn around.
Turko was there. “You scared me” Nenlissë said with a smile before looking back at where Fëanor was beginning to gather the Noldor around him.
“Why are you here?” She asked her cousin
“I was you leave. Where are you going?” He asked back with a little frown.
“I can’t stay here, Turko. I’m a spy for him even if I don’t want to. He can see through my eyes if he wants to.” She said softly, keeping a smile. “I’m sorry Turko. I wish things were different. But they aren’t.”
Turko stayed silent, looking down before he pulled her in a hug. “I’m sorry too.” The elf mumbled against her hairline. “I’m sorry I wasn’t courageous enough to woo you before him. Maybe… everything would have been different and easier.”
Nenlissë looked up at him, giving him a tender smile. “It’s okay, Turko. Everything will be okay.”
He finally let her go and she mounted her horse. “Go, Celegorm. Rejoin your family” She gave him a last smile before riding off. Up north was her destination, to try to join Middle-Earth.
Turko watched her leave until she was out of sight and went back to the crowd around his father. Before he could join his brothers side, he was stopped by Eärwen.
“Where is Lissë?” She asked him, looking panicked
“She left” He replied “She left to be free.”
Eärwen frowned “Free? But she always been free. We let her do whatever she wanted! We need to go search her!
-She… I think Nenlissë never really felt free, aunt. She got here and even if you let her do as she wanted, Lissë always did things for you, to feel integrated in the family. Then she met Teivel.” The male elf looked away before continuing “Morgoth… must had seen something to use in her. And Nenlissë saw in Teivel a mean to feel as if she belonged here. With us, with elves. And as soon she had fallen in his grasp, her freedom was taken away.” He smiled at the blonde elf before brushing past her and going beside his brothers as his father was, unknowing, dragging their family into doom.
On the other side of the sea, two figures were discussing. “Should we kill her?” One asked and the second, the leader shook his head. “No. She still can be useful.”
The first voice seemed a little perplex at the reply. “Doesn’t she hates you after what happened? Will she give you more information willingly?” The second didn’t replied immediately, staring away in the darkness. “She fell for me once. She will again.” He looked back at his servant “Find her. And bring her to me. Alive and unharmed.”
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starlitwinter · 4 months
“Do we really have to go, love?” Nenlissë asked, braiding her hair as Teivel was finishing to get dressed. “My beloved, I know your worries about what is about to happen but believe me when I tell you that nothing will harm you.” He walked to her side and extended his hand for her to take. She got up with a little pour, expressing her wish to stay at their home. Teivel laughed at it before pressing his lips to her forehead. “Do not frown, sweetpea and just enjoy the fact that this party is going to be our first event as a married couple.”
Nenlissë let him convince her to go and before she knew it, they were traveling to the Trees. They took two days to reach them, stopping more than once to rest and pass some quality time together in the woods. When they arrived, Nenlissë dismounted and, before Teivel could stop her, ran toward her cousin she had saw from afar. Turko laughed when he saw her ran and parted from the pack his family was making to hug her mid run, almost making them fall on the ground. “Hello there, Lissë. Longtime not to see you” He said with a bright smile. “I agree” She nodded, smiling too. Turko took a step back when Teivel walked to their side, his arm going to snake it’s way around Nenlissë’s waist. Teivel looked at Turko with a condescending gaze, his hand steadily resting on his wife’s hip, marking his territory. “Celegorm.” He said with a nod. “Teivel” Turko replied with a cold voice but his expression changed at soon as he looked back at his cousin. “I guess I’ll see you a bit later, Lissë” He gave her a last smile before turning away and leaving the couple. Teivel grip tightened in Nenlissë’s hip and he suddenly pressed his head against her neck, biting her skin. Nenlissë, surprised by the sudden bite, let out a little yelp before glaring at her husband. “What was that!” She asked him, a slight anger in her voice. “Marking you as mine” Teivel hissed back. “Since you and that dumb elf have so much difficulties understand it” He sneered at his wife before looking back in front of him. “You didn’t needed to do this.” The human replied, bringing a hand to the mark he had left on her skin. “You know I’m yours.” At her words, Teivel glared at her. “Sometimes I find hard to believe you when you tell me that. Even more when you decide to run to another male and hug him as if he was your lover.” Nenlissë only rolled her eyes “Your jealousy is childish, Teivel. As far as I know, I’m bonded to you.” 
Teivel stared at her before taking off his arm from her waist. “That’s it. I don’t want to see you. Just go find your family or that imbecile of cousin. I’m leaving.” 
At his sudden outburst, Nenlissë tried to reach for him but he slapped her hand away. “Don’t, Lissë. I’m not in the mood for your pathetic excuses.” He hissed before walking away from her until he disappeared in the crowd. 
Left alone, Nenlissë searched for her family and found them in front of Manwë’s throne, discussing. When she saw how the two branches of her family were separated, our protagonist tilted her head. Oh. Now she remember what happen. What she had missed. The banishment of Fëanor from Tirion after he half-threatened Fingolfin with a sword. She carefully approached them, joining her sister’s side. Artanis smiled at her sister when she saw her. 
“What’s happening?” Nenlissë whispered to the blonde elf. 
“Fëanor is whining.” Artanis replied and Nenlissë hold back a smile before nudging her sister “What’s really happening?
-I think Manwë is trying to make peace between Fëanor and Uncle.” 
Nenlissë only nodded, trying to remember what she had read while watching the scene unfold in front of her. 
Fëanor was wearing simple clothes, unfitting for the party around us. Her uncle was beside him, both in front of Manwë. 
Fingolfin extended a hand to his half-brother “As I promised, I do now. I release you, and remember no grievance.” Fëanor took his hand and remained silent, with Fingolfin then adding. “Half-brother in blood, full brother in heart will I be. You shall lead and I will follow. May no new grief divide us.” to which Fëanor replied “I hear you, so be it.”
The two elf parted and at the same moment, the gold and silver lights mended together, making everything shine. 
All began to discuss together and Nenlissë finally decided to find back her husband, worrying for him as she knew what was going to happen.
“Has anyone seen Teivel?” She asked but no one replied, no one hearing her. 
Nenlissë sighed before leaving her family’s side, searching for the missing elf. She searched everywhere, asking and walking until her feet hurt. What surprised her most, was that almost nobody knew who was Teivel, the name sounding strange and unknown for multiples elves. Finally, she only had one last place to search. Around the Trees. A place she had avoided, not wanting to be close to them, in case something happened. With a wary gaze, she looked around the Trees, searching from afar if she saw her beloved. And unfortunately or fortunately, he was there. “Teivel!” She called before trying to reach his mind but she was blocked by something. With a frown, she called for him again, walking faster toward the Trees. Her eyes caught a glimpse of black, a strange and large shadow coming toward her elf.
Nenlissë felt her gut twist and began to run toward Teivel, shouting his name, drawing some eyes on her. But her target, her husband didn’t seemed to hear her. Didn’t turned around.
“Teivel! Wait!” She tried again and a bright glimmer of light blinded her for some seconds, forcing the human girl to stop her jog. When she opened her eyes again, Teivel wasn’t there anymore. A giant, a Vala had took his place. Dark armor dressing him, a hammer in hand. The human stumbled and fell on the ground, fear draw on her face.
She saw a enormous spider coming from the moving shadows, attacking the sacred Trees, the source of light.
In her mind, every things, every memories were a mess. Fear and confusion clouded her thoughts. Until her eyes fell on the blade on the Vala’s hip. A stick compared to his height. His sword. Teivel. Or should we call him Melkor?
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starlitwinter · 4 months
Short chapter, I know but well, I didn't had the heart to write a full smut so I had to cut it off... TW: non-con (?), there is a begining of smut, so if you want to skip it, it's between " Teivel let out a groan" and "Their first week as newlyweds" See you next time!
Chapter Text
Teivel pulled her in a dance as soon that she left Artanis, slightly pissed off by her disappearance. His grip was tight on her waist, surely going to leave marks on her skin.
“A little bird told me something” said Teivel, one of his hand gripping her chin to make her face him, as he made them slowly go to an dark corner. “Do you know what that’s little bird told me about my sweet sweet wife?”
Nenlissë frowned “What are you talking about Teivel?
-Your cousin, my little mouse, I heard that you’ve been quite close to your cousin. Letting him hold you, kiss you, love you.
Teivel rolled his eyes in annoyance, his grip tightening on Lissë’s chin. “Yes. Your sweet and kind Turko. Are you cheating on your poor husband with your cousin, Lissë?
-What? No! What are you even talking about!”
Teivel stared into her eyes, fishing in her memories to know the truth. His face finally cracked into a loving smile before he pulled Nenlissë by her chin to press his lips to hers. “Oh, my Lissë. Pardon me, I was merely jealous of your relationship with your cousin. You two are quite close. I love you, you know that? I would never hurt you, pet.”
His sweet lies rolled on Nenlissë’s mind and her frown was washed away as she smiled to him. “I love you too” She replied as he wrapped his arms back around her waist and only hummed in agreement, making them dance back in the light, pressing a little kiss to her forehead before he changed the subject of their conversation and appear like a loving husband.
“I can feel your annoyance, sweetpea” he whispered to her “what’s the matter?” he asked in her mind, trying to look in her memories. Nenlissë just sighed. “I had an unpleasant chat with my sister. That’s all. But we settle it down. Nothing to worry about.” she replied before saying out loud. “Let’s just enjoy our wedding without any more disturbances, my beloved”
He nodded at that before pulling her in a tighter hug and pressing a kiss to the crown of her head. “Just tell me when you’ll want to retire, understood?” he muttered against her hair, enjoying the lilac fragrance he could smell. “But we’ll have to talk about what happened earlier” he slipped in her mind before kissing her lips. “Your family is awaiting for us.”
Well after the golden light had changed for the silver, the party began to die down and everyone was simply chatting, no longer dancing or eating. Teivel was sat down on a cover on the grass, Nenlissë between his legs, her back resting against his torso. Teivel was discussing with one of his friend Nenlissë supposed, an elf she didn’t remembered the name. Teivel’s arms were wrapped around her waist, his thumbs caressing her knuckles. Nenlissë yawned, feeling her eyes flutter shut and her body slumber more into Teivel. The elf just pulled her more closer, now resting his head on her shoulder. “You’re feeling tired, doll?” he whispered, his lips grazing her cheek, not bothered by doing and exposing some affection in front of the elf he was previously talking to. Lissë just nodded and Teivel smiled before helping her to get up and quickly excused them before leading Nenlissë away from where the people had gathered.
“Do you want to go to bed, my lovely girl?” He asked her softly, already heading them back to her parents’ house. “Shouldn’t we bid our goodnight?” She asked softly but Teivel shook his head. “No need, you’re barely standing on your own, so much you are tired. And I want you all for myself. My wife.” He replied, kissing her temple then her cheek as he opened her bedroom door and locked it at soon they entered.
Nenlissë smiled at him before throwing her arms around his neck and tiptoed to kiss his lips. Their embrace quickly become heated, his tongue slipped in her mouth, his hands creeping closer to her rear, resting on her hips and small of her back, pressing her closer.
Teivel let out a groan as Lissë began to play with his black hair, her fingers rubbing slightly his skull.
“You’re making it very difficult for me not to rip this dress from your body and make you mine.
- What if it is what I want?
-At least let me undress you, it would be a shame to destroy that sublime dress” He whispered to her, his hand traveling higher on her back to find the laces and gently took them off. His lips pressed kisses to the skin of her neck, of her shoulders, her cleavage and after, pulling the dress down to her feet, her breasts.
“Teivel- Wait” Nenlissë, blushing as her lover, her husband began to lick the soft flesh of her chest. The elf looked up at his wife with a little smirk “What is it my love? Are you going to deny me that pleasure?” She stared down at him before shaking her head “N-No but…” He didn’t even let her finish her sentence and took her nipple in mouth, sucking like a starving child at her breast. His hands traveled down to her lingerie and again she tried to stop his hands. “Tei-” The elf sneered, pushing the woman down her bed, staring down at her. “Stop, Nenlissë. You are my wife. You are not in a position to say no to me. It has to be done.” He climbed on top of her, trapping her against the mattress. “Don’t you want to fit in here? Don’t worry, my darling, I’m going to take care of you.” He finished, taking off his own robes before pressing a long kiss to her lips, pressing his body against hers. “Everything is going to alright” He whispered, his eyes shining with a new light our human had never saw. “Just let me do as I want, doll”
That night was long as Teivel took time to fulfill all his needs and Nenlissë let him do so, let him use her body until he fell asleep beside her.
Their first week as newlyweds was a week Teivel made a point to not let her leave the bed, only for absolute necessity. Time passed and Nenlissë, again caught up in her love bliss, forgot about the upcoming future and let Teivel isolate her more and more from her family, keeping jealously the human in his house, letting her go out when he was around, constantly fishing in her memories to be sure she obeyed his wishes and had no suspicions about his dirty secret.
At that part of her life, Nenlissë was a fool. A complete fool and she would regret not questioning Teivel’s behavior earlier.
0 notes
starlitwinter · 6 months
Nenlissë began to gently open the back box where laid the gift Teivel had made for her. It was a beautiful and ornamented diadem.
“For the queen of my heart” The elf said with a little smile before taking the silver crown and pose it gently on his bride’s head. “So you shall reign with me” he added in her mind, giving her a smirk as Manwë, with a flick of his wrist bide their spirits for eternity. Our two protagonists felt a warm sensation take over their bodies, their souls finally bond for eternity and beyond.
“You may kiss your bride” Manwë finally said, Teivel still having his eyes fixed on the crown resting on Nenlissë’s head. Finally, he smiled, his hand coming to cup her chin, the other brushing a lock of her hair behind her ear before leaning in and pressing his lips to hers. She replied quickly to the kiss, her own hands going in his dark hair, their kiss more and more passionate as the seconds passed. When they parted, the two newlyweds stared into each others eyes for long seconds before someone in the crowd began to applaud, making them come back to reality and throw n out of their little world.
Soon, people came to give them their blessings and congratulations and the couple walked hands in hands toward the place where a feast was awaiting them.
But first, it seemed they had to waltz the first dance. As they took position on the grass, Nenlissë couldn’t help a giggle, making Teivel raise a brow of curiosity.
“Why are you laughing, my dear?” he asked as they began to dance together. “Oh, nothing. It’s just… all of this is so… medieval.
-Something of my world,She replied in his ind with a soft smile
Teivel just nodded, his hand on her lower back pressing her more closely to his body than it was necessary, so he could peak and kiss her lips, both laughing like teenagers in love until the song ended and someone cleared their throat beside them.
Teivel turned his head toward the intruder, his eyes flashing with anger. “What?” He snarled when he saw Turko standing beside them. The blonde elf stared at Teivel before looking at is cousin. “May I steal you for a dance, Lissë?” He asked, ignoring Teivel. The young woman looked at her newly husband then at her cousin before smiling at him. “You may.”
Turko gave her a bright smile and Teivel stared at his wife with great jealousy. “Love..” He whispered before grabbing her chin a bit roughly and press a furious kiss on her lips. “Don’t forget who you belong to, Nenlissë” He warned her by their bond before breaking their kiss and leaving the two cousins alone on the dance floor.
“That was…
-Shut up” Nenlissë cut her cousin, her cheeks burning from the kiss Teivel had just gave her and what he had said in her mind.
Turko let out a chuckle before extending a hand toward his cousin. “Shall we?” He asked and she just replied by a nod and posing her hand in his, the other going on his shoulder. The music began and they also began to dance, a never leaving smile on the elf’s lips.
“You are truly a sight today my dear” He said softly “I hope you are delighted to have finally wed your lover” he added, a slight bitterness slipping with a words.
Nenlissë stayed silent for a few seconds before replying. “I am. And thank you again for forging the sword I had designed” She tried to change the subject but it only made Turko think about how he would never be the one to be gifted those gifts by the human. “It’s nothing. i just ope he’ll treat it well. And you.” he said with a pained smile. “You look beautiful, so beautiful, Nenlissë” he whispered “I always dreamed what you would have looked like… at a wedding. I always thought… I-I would… Never mind.” He turned his head away before looking back at Nenlissë. “Are you happy, truly? I know I’ve already asked it but… I can’t help but worry for you”
She smiled at him, trying to reassure and comfort him, her hand rubbing his shoulder with a hint of tenderness. “I am Turko. I am happy. Truly. He treat me well, my cousin. Don’t worry about me.”
Turko smiled weakly at his cousin before pulling her in a tight hug in the middle of the dance. His arms wrapped around his waist, his head going to rest on her shoulder. Firstly surprised, Nenlissë froze before returning the hug, her arms wrapped around his neck. She could feel his breaths on her ear.
“I really… really need to let you go, Lissë” he whispered before taking a shaky inhale “Just hold me for a minute. Care only for me for a minute. I… I need to believe for a minute that it’s to me you offered that sword and your soul”
Nenlissë stayed silent, not so surprised by Turko’s confession and gave in his wish, holding him like a lover for a minute, the two of them swaying together. The were unaware of the gaze full of jealousy and hatred that was posed on them, the hand crisped on the silver cup, menacing to break it with sheer force.
As the last note of music was played, Turko pulled himself out of the hug, his eyes glossy as he looked lovingly in Lissë’s eyes. “Thank you, my Lissë” he whispered before pressing a light kiss to her forehead. “Thank you” He mumbled against her skin, giving her a last smile and leaving before she could say a word. Nenlissë watched him leave and when he wa out of sight, she turned around, thinking about joining Teivel back next to the buffet but she bumped in her little sister, who grabbed her arm and pulled her to a private place where no one was supposed to hear or see them.
Nenlissë could hear Teivel’s voice in her head. “Love? Darling? where are you?
-Teivel, I’m with Artanis, she seems to want to talk to me.
-Okay. Tell me when it’s done. I want to pass some time with my wife.
Nenlissë felt her sister shook her shoulder. “Lissë. Stop talking to Teivel and listen to me.” Nenlissë blinked and posed hand on Artanis’. “I’m here, sister. What did you wanted to talk about?”
The elf just sighed before looking straight in here sister eye’s. “Nenlissë. I love you, you are my sister. You know I’ll always support you in everything you do. I respect your choices and feelings but… you know that I have some… apprehensiveness concerning Teivel.”
Nenlissë nodded, waiting for her sister to pursue her thoughts.
“I really, really have a bad feeling. About all of this. About this marriage. About your couple. And, for Illuvatar’s sake, what was that with Celegorm? You… goodness.” Artanis couldn’t help the worry and slight indignation slip in her tone.
“Sister. Nothing happened. Turko is my cousin and my best friend. He… He was just a bit confused.” Nenlissë replied “And for Teivel, I remember telling you that if something was strange, I would tell you.”
Artanis sighed again before shaking her head. “I know, sister, I know. But I can’t… Can’t shake it off. It’s eating me inside that bad feeling.”
The two sisters stayed silent before Nenlissë gently hugged her little sister. “I promise I’ll be careful, Artanis. Seriously. If that is what I need to do so your little genius brain calm down and is at easy, then I’ll be careful. I will try to look for any suspicious behavior of my husband. But you must understand that even if I do all of this, I love Teivel. We’re married. I swore fidelity to him. And I’ll not annul our marriage without proofs that he is up to not good.”
Artanis looked down before exhaling “I understand, Lissë. And I still hope that nothing will happen. That all of this is just some sibling jealousy because someone is taking my dear older sister from me.” The elf let out a little laugh and it brought a smile on Nenlissë’s lips. “You’ll always be the first in my heart, little sister” She teased her and Artanis laughed “Idiot. You wouldn’t want your husband to hear that, silly. Now off you go, I’m sure he’s waiting for you” The elf smiled at her sister. Lissë smiled back before pressing a kiss on her sister’s cheek and leaving their secluded spot to try to find Teivel.
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starlitwinter · 6 months
Nenlissë’s lips formed a large grin when her gaze crossed a familiar one.
She let her mother’s hand go to run toward the blonde.
“Turko!” She exclaimed, hugging her cousin with a laugh. The elf hugged her back, laughing too and sort of nuzzling his head in her hair.
“Lissë, darling, how are you?” He asked, his eyes and voice full of softness.
Nenlissë looked up at him and smiled fondly at her cousin. “I’m more than great and you?
-Perfect.” He whispered before kissing her forehead, his nose just slightly furrowing when he smelt Teivel’s odor all over his cousin. “I missed you.” He added, brushing off his beginning of jealousy for the sake of his friendship with the human.
Nenlissë just smiled more warmly at the elf. “It’s been too long since we last saw each other.” She whispered, “What do you have to tell me, dear cousin?” She then asked.
Turko slightly glanced behind her before taking her hand to pose it on his arm.
“Let’s take a stroll, Lissë” he said softly, leading the human girl back in the garden, away from prying eyes and ears. Turko walked in silence for a good dozens of minutes until they reached a bench. He made Nenlissë sat before taking place beside her. He hesitantly took her hand in his, the action more affectionate than it should be.
“You are not… unaware of the tension between our parents.” He began, his gaze fixed on their interlaced hands, his thumb instinctively rubbing the back of her hand. “My father… created three jewels. He called them Silmarils and became paranoid. Even of his own family. He’s trying to find more and more ways to protect them. He created a… weapon. Able to hurt more than an arrow. To kill.”
Nenlissë frowned, gently squeezing Turko’s hand in reassurance. “Did he give them a name.” she asked softly.
“Swords.” He replied and opened his month to add something but was cut off by one of her brother’s voices. “Trying to woo my engaged sister, cousin?”
Turko turned his head toward Lissë, astonishment draw all over his features and she just gave him a small smile before whispering “Later.”
She let go of his hand and stoop up, letting Finrod hug her tightly and ruffling her hair.
“Congratulation, baby sister!” He teased her. She rolled her eyes with a smile. “I’m not a baby.”
Finrod chuckled before poking her forehead. “That’s half a true, after all, you are to be wed.” Before she could reply, Lissë heard the voice of another of her brothers, calling for them to come back in to eat. Finrod passed his arm on Nenlissë’s shoulders and with a teasing wink to his cousin who was standing beside the human, made them go back in the castle while babbling about his last trip to the northern cities of Arda.
Nenlissë exchanged some glances with her cousin and the male elf managed to take seat beside her at the dining table.
Chatter filled the atmosphere as they ate, Nenlissë’s siblings giving her their congratulations on her engagement. She could feel Turko tense beside her every time the name of her fiance was said but quickly brushed it off to the back of her mind, reminding herself to ask him about it later on the evening.
As the silver light slowly fell upon the sky, they reached the end of the dinner and Nenlissë let Turko accompany her back to her chambers. They sat in a quiet silence on one of the couches in her bedroom.
“So, what’s bothering you?” She finally broke the silence.
“Nothing is bothering me, Lissë.” Turko lied, avoiding her gaze. The woman rolled her eyes before nudging his shoulder with hers. “Come on, you know you can’t lie to me.”
Turko sighed before looking down at Nenlissë’s hand where rested a silver ring.
“You’re engaged.
-I am.
-You are.”
He finally left up his gaze to meet Nenlissë’s. He gently took her hands in his.
“So, you love him.
-I does.
-You do.”
He gave her a poor smile before pulling her in his arms.
“What’s… upsetting me… is that I wasn’t fast enough. But you love him. Does he treat you well?
-He does. He loves me. Even if I’m just human.”
Turko had moved to rest his head on top of hers, his hands playing with some strands of her hair. He hummed and Nenlissë could feel his chest tremble against her.
“Promise me you’ll never forget me, Lissë. That. you’ll stay my cousin.” He mumbled “My beloved cousin.” He whispered against her hair to muffle his words.
“I promise Turko.” She replied, hugging him tighter. “I promise. And promise me that you’ll never abandon me, whatever happen.
-Always. I’ll always be there for you.” He gently used his right hand to lift her chin up so he could look into her eyes. They stayed like that, eyes in the eyes, Turko’s hand cupping Nenlissë’s cheek. He gently leaned forward and posed his forehead against hers.
“I’ll always be with you, Lissë.” Turko seemed to be fighting an inner battle as he leaned back and pressed his lips against the soft skin of her forehead.
“Good night, my Lissë” He whispered with a soft smile before leaving a dumbfounded human on the couch as he left her room.
Days and days passed and the fateful day came closer and closer. But the spirit of our heroine was still not there, more focused on her marriage which was imminent.
Preparations after preparations so that all would be perfect crowded her days and she could not have a minute for her and also to chat with anyone.
And too quickly for her taste, the great day finally arrived. Today she was going to bind her mind forever with that of Teivel.
Eärwen was very excited to see one of her daughters getting married and busy around the human, helping her put on the white silk dress they had ordered.
“Mother?” Nenlissë cut Eärwen in her semi-monologue about how the ceremony was going to be beautiful.
“Yes?” Eärwen smiled at her adopted daughter, styling her hair in a complicated way.
“I had a question,” continued Lissë, “In relation to… the wedding night.”
Eärwen seemed to understand what Nenlissë wanted to talk about. The young woman let out a growl of frustration before closing her eyes and quickly specify what she wanted to talk about.
“Is… in the elven traditions of… marriage. The night after marriage, the wedding night is… special?”
Eärwen let out a laugh, “Oh no! Of course not. You don’t have to do it. But couples usually do.” The elf replied with a smile, “Don’t stress too much, my dear, everything’s going to work out perfectly. Teivel is a good elf.”
Nenlissë was still embarrassed to have to speak of this subject with her mother and Eärwen couldn’t help but tease the woman more. “And I would be delighted to have some grandchildren.
Eärwen laughed at her daughter growing even more embarrassed. “Anyway, I’m sure you’ll be happy in this marriage. And it’s almost time to go. So hurry up!” Eärwen caressed, with a motherly smile, Nenlissë’s cheek. As she said that, Nenlissë feel a shiver run down her spine. Was all of this a… good idea? She asked herself but before she could question the usefulness if her marriage, Arafinwë entered the room and took the woman in his arms.
“wow, you’re stunning darling” He said with a large smile “Ready to go?”
She just gave him a slight nod. Eärwen kissed her cheek before going in the garden ahead of them, where the ceremony was held. It was in silence that father and daughter walked to the garden and Nenlissë could feel her anxiety raise more and more as they approached the aisle. With some light music being played, Nenlissë and Arafinwë walked until they reached where Teivel was standing.
“My love” He whispered, taking in her curves, “You look ravishing today
-Not everyday?” She softly teased him and before he could reply, Manwë cleared his throat, attracting their attention so he could begin the wedding.
Teivel had insisted for them to have a human wedding with only the unbreaking bond made during the kiss and the exchange of gifts instead of rings.
Manwë stayed silent for a few seconds, trying to remember the vows before he smiled at the woman and began, finally, the ceremony. As the two lovers said their vows, Artanis arrived, carrying two boxes, one for each newlyweds. Nenlissë just smiled at her sister, thanking her and taking the green box after they had finished their vows. As the custom wanted in, Nenlissë gave the green box to Teivel, grinning, excited to see his reaction at her gift. The elf opened the box with a curious smile and let out a gasp when he saw what was in it.
“My Lissë, my love, is that…” He looked up at his bride.
“Yeah, it is” She giggled.
In Teivel hands was laying a silver sword with elven runes inlaid in the blade. “It’s a sword. Turko helped me make it.”
Teivel frowned a little as his bride said that but quickly hide it.
“It’s beautiful, thank you darling.” She was delighted her gift was appreciated.
“Go on, open yours, love.”
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starlitwinter · 6 months
Days of pure bliss passed for the two lovers. Harsh words and actions forgot for sweet whispers and promises. Nenlissë separated her time between Teivel’s home and Arafinwë’s castle. Nobody knew about their engagement, nobody had to know was what Teivel put in her head. A secret, just between the two. Theirs.
Nenlissë was caught up in her happiness to see the signs, the future arriving faster than she would think. One think was on her mind, or rather two. Teivel and marriage. How happy would her parents and family be when they’ll learn the news, she thought, how magnificent her life is going to be with the love of life. Was she wrong to think that? To believe that? Who knows?
The elf was satisfied with the situation. Everything was going according to what he had planned. The human, his human was sleeping beside him.
“So naive” he whispered, brushing her hair out of her forehead. “You don’t realize how much you’re helping me, lovely girl” he smirked before looking up to the sky.
“Isn’t funny, father? How she fell for my spell. How I made her my pet before you would use her as your puppet. I won this battle, father. And watch me won the war.”
He gave a last smile to the sky before his gaze fell on Nenlissë as she stirred awake.
“Did I wake you up, beautiful?” he whispered with a smile. Nenlissë shook her head, her eyes fixed on Teivel’s face with an access smile. “Not really…” she replied, softly turning around to lay on her stomach, her head resting on Teivel’s chest. The elf wrapped an arm around her torso and kissed the top of her head.
“Something is bothering you.” he stated. It wasn’t a question but an affirmation.
She looked up at him before sighing. “I don’t think I’ve been entirely honest with you, Teivel.”
He raised a brow “Oh really? Tell me, then.” His voice and eyes were a bit stern, but his actions weren’t, as he rubbed in circle Nenlissë’s back.
“Before… we met. I feel of a tree and was in a comatose state for around a hundred years. You know that.”
-I does
-During… my unconscious state… I saw Eru.
-Eru? You met Ilúvatar?!” he exclaimed, surprised, his thumb stopping their circles on her skin. Nenlissë looked at Teivel with a smile.
“I did.” she sighed “Maybe… maybe you would like to see what happened?” she proposed, purposely opening her mind and memories to the elf.
Teivel smiled contently and didn’t waited a second before intruding her mind, having been granted full access to her memories.
He suddenly frowned. “It seems like I can’t access to your memories… from after your fall and before you woke up. As if something or someone blocked them.” He opened his eyes “Maybe then you should tell me what happened.” Nenlissë nodded before beginning her tale.
“I had to… die. To reach the caves of Mandos, but Eru… told me my time had not yet come.
-He did, did he?
-Yes, he did. He half-explained that it was because I hadn’t realized what he had planned for me. I’ll bet I got mad at him then.”
Teivel let out a chuckle, " Mad? Sweetie, you… oh my goodness… you’re incredible.”
Nenlissë looked at him, somewhat surprised. “You’re not angry that I was upset with your Creator? Your God?” Teivel shook his head “No, no, of course not. It’s just… amusing that you stood up to him. He needs it. To be contradicted.” He chuckled “You stood up for your own destiny. You should be able to make your own choices, my love.
-I am? I thought every being were destined to a path Eru had made for them?”
“Of course not, darling. You are different. You are not like us! You are not from here, you can make your own choices about your life! And I am one of those choices. With me, you are better. We complete each other, love” He gently pressed a kiss to her lips but leaned back before she could reply to it. “Continue love” he ordered her softly, a hand rubbing her back.
“Well… I didn’t had more interactions with Eru. I woke up after that.” Nenlissë saw’s eyebrows knit together as he suddenly lost interest in the human. His eyes grew a little colder than usual and Nenlissë could feel him shift to put some distance between them. The young woman panicked, feeling her lover slips through her fingers and her dream of a peaceful life with the elf began to shatter under her eyes.
“But there is something else.” She blurred out, reaching to grab Teivel’s hand. “There is something else I need to tell you.
-What is it,” the elf asked, barely glancing at the human.
“It’s a secret only Manwë is aware off.”
That little bit of information pick his interest and he suddenly changed his demeanor, squeezing Nenlissë’s hand and interlacing their fingers together, smiling warmly at her.
“Really? What is that secret?” he asked, now profoundly curious “I am not… from here.” the human muttered. Teivel’s smile flattered. “Of course I know that, silly. It’s not a secret.
-No, what I meant is… that I’m from another world. I am not a child of Eru. Not from here.”
Teivel tilted his head to the side “Not from… here? What does that mean?
-In my… universe, this world is fictional. A man named Tolkien wrote it.
-So if I’m getting this right… In your universe, I’m not real.”
Nenlissë nodded. “That’s right. So…therefore… I’m aware of the future of Arda.”
Teivel’s eyes were like stars, his full attention on his fiance. “The future? You know the future?”
Nenlissë hesitate “Well… the future without me in it. Without me making modifications to it. In my world there is something called the ‘butterfly effect’. It’s when someone in the past change something that was supposed to happen and it change the future. It can have catastrophic consequences.”
Teivel just nodded before kissing Nenlissë’s lips “But you are to be my wife, you can tell me anything. I’m your shoulder to lean on, to tell every single thing that bother your little human mind.”
He kissed her temple “I am your freedom, lovely girl.”
Nenlissë just looked at him for a few seconds before sighing. “I am afraid of one thing.” She muttered.
“Tell me” Teivel whispered in her ear like a snake.
“It’s… something horrible is going to happen to the Trees.”
Teivel hugged Nenlissë, hiding his face to her by kissing the top of her head but she could almost feel his lips form a smile but she brushed it off.
“Melkor… Melkor and… a giant spider named Ungoliant are going to destroy them. And this horrible event will make fall a lot of elves into madness.”
Teivel stayed silent for a moment before kissing Nenlissë’s forehead “Unfortunately, I don’t think you can do something to prevent that, love. As you said, changing the future could have catastrophic consequences.
-I know… It’s just… so much people are going to die because of that. Maybe even you! My family is going to destroy them self…
-But you can’t do anything” He said again, kissing his lips “You seems tired, my love. Stop overthinking and sleeps. Tomorrow we will talk of happier things. We have a wedding to organize” He tease her with a last kiss.
Nenlissë simply smiled at him before closing her eyes and letting herself go to sleep under the victorious gaze of her lover.
“You seems to be glowing those last days, Lissë” Her mother pointed out during one of their stroll in the garden. “Am I?” Nenlissë smiled more “How so?” Eärwen posed one of her hand on the human’s shoulder “Well you seems happier than you ever been. Is it because of Teivel?”. Nenlissë just smiled more, a light blush covering her cheeks at the thought of her fiance. “You could say that.” Eärwen raised a brow “Is there some… news you would like to share with your dear old mother?” The elf glanced down at Nenlissë’s stomach. The woman followed her mother’s gaze and instinctively posed a protective hand on her empty belly. “No! No, it’s not that.”
Eärwen gave her a suspicious look “Then what?
-I’m… we’re…. We’re fiance.”
Eärwen stopped in her tracks “Fiance?”
Nenlissë just gave her a smile “Yes, fiance. He… proposed to me a few weeks ago.”
“That’s… amazing! Congratulations!” Eärwen beamed with pride “I’m so proud of you, Lissë, that’s awesome! Do you have a date in mind?”
Nenlissë laughed with her mother “I don’t know yet. But he wants for it to be the earliest possible.” She giggled like a maiden.
Eärwen smiled at her daughter’s joy. “That have to be before the high feast in Valimar.”
Nenlissë suddenly stopped in her tracks. “The… High feast?”
Eärwen nodded “Exactly, in around two month from now, we’ll celebrate Eru in the Halls of Manwë and Varda.
-In two months?!”
Eärwen just chuckled at her daughter’s reaction. “Do not worry, my Lissë, we can manage to arrange your wedding in less that two months.”
Nenlissë was frozen, the reality of her situation finally coming to her and she was beginning to panic. Eärwen seemed blind to the human’s state and continued to talk about the incoming wedding.
“Maybe in a month? If we call for a seamstress now, your dress would be done in time. We’ll obviously do the ceremony here.”
Nenlissë took a long inhale before giving a smile to her mother and cutting her in her ramble.
“I’ll talk about that with Teivel. As soon as possible.”
Eärwen smiled more before asking. “Will you stay here tonight? Your father and siblings miss you”
Nenlissë looked up at the sky and replied. “I think I’ll stay for dinner. It’s been quite a time since I last stayed here.”
Eärwen took her daughter’s hand and led her back into the castle. “And there is a guest you’ll be delighted to see” The elf added with a wink.
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starlitwinter · 6 months
Nenlissë slept for a long time, the sun had had time to pass on the other side, the morning before the afternoon. When she awoke, her insides showed their lack of nourishment and the young woman turned scarlet by the roar they made. She turned to her lover to see if he had heard the noise, but the elf was sleeping peacefully beside her.
He turned around, his head on her lap. Nenlissë laughed softly and put her hand in his hair, beginning to pet him. “We should go Teivel.” He hummed before standing up and taking the woman in his arms “And you’re hungry” He replied, laughing at her blush. Still, carrying her in his arms, Teivel walked to their horses. He let her get on Aclar and mounted his own horse. With a smile, he began to make his way to Alqualondë. Nenlissë caught up with him and set Aclar’s pace on Teivel’s mount.
“Where are we heading?
-To Alqualondë.
-No, but where are we going to eat?” The young woman replied, clarifying her question.
-Aha! You’ll see!”
The young woman rolled her eyes but kept smiling.
The end of the journey was spent in a comfortable silence, with the two young people exchanging a few words with their minds.
By the time they reached Alqualondë, the sun had passed its zenith. They trotted through the streets of the town, Nenlissë following Teivel and observing the few stalls and shops that caught her eye. Teivel made them stop in front of a small house. He put his foot down and encouraged Nenlissë to do the same. Then they entered through a small porch into the cottage’s garden.
“You can leave Aclar free in the garden,” he said as he closed the gate, the sounds of the city slightly muffled by the steel doors.
“We’re…” began Nenlissë, her tone of voice excited. She turned to her lover with a big smile. “We’re at your place?” She finally finished her sentence with a small laugh.
The elf chuckled before nodding “That’s right. This is my… little home. And…” He trails “I’d like it if…” He seemed to hesitate before clearing his throat, “That it becomes our little home? Once the engagement has taken place.”
Nenlissë didn’t waste a second before throwing herself around his neck, placing a long kiss on his cheek. “That would be an awesome idea! Teivel laughed, kissing her hair “You are my everything, love. Mine only.” He mutters, pressing kisses on the crown of her hair.
“I have my stuff, should we go eat our picnic?
- You really aren’t going to tell me where we’re going?” she asked again, giving him puppy-eyes.
But the elf resisted, shaking his head, breaking their hug, just keeping her hand in his and leading them to their horses.
“You’ll quickly understand, I’m sure of it.” He just replied before opening the portal and mounting on his horse.
Nenlissë tried to fish unto his mind where he was leading them, but nothing to do, Teivel only kept thinking about how beautiful either his lover or the sky was today. But like he said, it didn’t take long for Nenlissë to understand where he was leading them. The sea stretched as far as the lovers could see, the light from the Trees making the water sparkle like a hundred diamonds.
“We’re going to the beach!” she exclaimed, turning to her lover. The elf nodded with a wry smile and urged his horse on, the water and sand getting closer by the second. Laughing, Nenlissë urged Aclar into a gallop to catch up with her companion. She overtook him and, with a cry of joy, rode onto the beach. The sand flew as Aclar rode towards the water. Little by little, Nenlissë made him slow down before putting her foot down and watching Teivel join her at a slow trot. Nenlissë knelt down in the sand and breathed in the sea air, the smell of salt and water so familiar and so dear to her. Teivel came to sit beside her and put his arm around her shoulders to bring the human closer to his chest.
“Well?” He asked, smiling. “Do you like my second surprise?”
Nenlissë pressed her lips on his chin gently, snuggling against him before replying “I love it. I love you. I feel like… it’s been an eternity since I last saw the sea.” Her gaze was on the water, dying to go for a swim but she didn’t wanted to let Teivel alone on the sand. Teivel made them lay on the sand, in a comfortable silence.
They stayed like that for several minutes before the human’s belly came to attention, causing the elf to laugh.
“You must be starving, my dear. After all, humans need to eat a lot more than us, right?” he said with a warm smile.
Nenlissë nodded, still smiling before letting him take her up to their horses. He took his bag before walking, a hand in Nenlissë’s, a little bit further on the beach before sitting down in the sand.
A few hours later, the food eaten, Nenlissë lay in the sand, eyes closed, Teivel gently playing with a strand of her hair.
“Marry me.” Teivel suddenly said out of blue. “What?” was the first reaction of the human girl, staring dumbfounded at her lover. “Marry me.” He repeated “We don’t need to wait any more time.” Lissë stayed silent for a moment before replying “Isn’t a bit early? For marriage?” Teivel looked at her with a pained face. “Don’t you love me? Am I… unworthy?”
Before the woman could reply, the elf was already on his foot and leaving their spot on the beach. Nenlissë quickly got up and grabbed his hand before he could leave too far.
“Wait! Teivel, you know that’s rubbish!”
The elf turned around, his eyes glossy with tears. “Then why?” his voice was quivering “Why did you refused? I am not enough?”
And before the human could reply again, the sadness and pain were replaced by anger on Teivel’s face, as if his mask slipped for a minute. He took his hand off hers, glaring at Nenlissë.
“No, it’s not me the problem. It’s you! The filthy human who thinks she can refuse an elf! All these efforts and time I put into you, into wooing you, was it worth nothing? Did I wasted my time?”
Nenlissë was like a fish out of water, looking at him with wide eyes. “W-What? Tei-”
Teivel cut her before she could reply and sighed. He posed his hands on the girl’s shoulders, now speaking to her as if she was just a child who made a mistake.
“Look. You are different from us, Nenlissë but you need to adapt to us, to the elves. You are not one of us, but you need to stop acting like… a human. Because you are not surrounded by your kind. You are to act like an elf even if you will never be one of us. Because you are human.” the last word came out of his mouth like a spat of disgust. “You are not supposed to be here. You don’t belong here, Lissë. And that’s why you must marry me the fastest possible. You need something to link you to this world that aren’t yours and will never be. I am this thing. I am the link between you and the elves. You need me to finally belong somewhere, sweetheart.”
Nenlissë continued to stare at her lover, silent. Teivel finally gave her a smile and gently rubbed her shoulders in a comforting way. One of his hand reached her chin to tilt the girl’s head toward his before stealing her lips.
“But I do love you, my pretty girl. We’re meant to be.” His words and actions were like snakes, his kisses were promises of love that smoothed Nenlissë’s mind and made her comply to his sweet words.
“Yes” she whispered “I’m sorry. I should have been smarter. I love you too Teivel, I’m sorry.”
Teivel’s lips formed a triumphant smile. “It’s okay my dear. I’m happy you came to your senses.”
He kissed her once more before looking into her eyes and whispering. “My sweet and docile fiance.”
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starlitwinter · 6 months
The next day, Nenlissë awoke early before turning scarlet at the memory of Teivel’s words last night. Indeed, after declaring Nenlissë his, he decided that their evening was over and that it was getting late. With a final kiss on his beloved’s forehead and lips, he bade her good night and warned her of a surprise the next day. Nenlissë, wondering what to expect this morning, prepared for the day and put on a dress similar to the first elven dress she had worn. It was a soft mauve dress, the sleeves were made of light muslin and let the sea breeze caress the young woman’s arms, the petticoat was made of a material unknown to Nenlissë, but it was so soft and light that it felt like a light piece of cotton against her legs. The only part of the dress that was more compact was the bodice. This was slightly loose to allow Nenlissë to breathe easily, creating a V-neckline that showed the young woman’s collarbones and the silver necklace that rested upon them. The fabric had silver lilac woven into both sides, which made our protagonist laugh. The dress was long and would have touched the ground had Nenlissë not been wearing shoes with a certain heel.
Once the dress was on, Nenlissë had her maids do her hair, and they gently curled Nenlissë’s hair into a complicated hairstyle with braids that she could not describe. And before the girl could protest, one of the elves placed lilacs in Nenlissë’s hair, arguing that it would bring out the color of her eyes and compliment her skin. I’ll have to take the lilac as my house crest… Can we do that here? I think so…
“Why lilacs?
-The lilac represents youth, innocence and the first emotion of love, my Lady, and we have seen that some of your dresses are adorned with these flowers.
-Can we take a crest? Or is my emblem my father’s?
-I do not know, my lady,” replied the maid who had answered her question about the meaning of the lilacs, while the others were busy with Nenlissë’s make-up. “Perhaps it would be best if you asked your father directly.”
Nenlissë nodded and made a mental note to pay her father a visit when the day was over.
A good ten minutes later, she was ready to leave her room and join Teivel. The ellon was waiting for her at the door of her room, a bouquet of blue flowers in his hands. The girl smiled broadly at him before planting a light kiss on his lips and taking the flowers he held out to her.
“What are these?
-Periwinkles, I understand. I’m told they represent fidelity and eternal love. Do you have something to put them on?
-I think so” Nenlissë opened the door to her room again and went inside before beckoning Teivel to follow her. “Come in.
-May I really?
-Yes, why don’t you… ah. It’s not a problem, we won’t stay in my room all day. Besides, no one will see you, Teivel. Come on, join me.”
Teivel cautiously entered Nenlissë’s room and stood in the doorway, waiting patiently for the young woman to place the flowers in a pot, fill it with water and then join him. The elf took her hand in his and without a word they went downstairs where Arafinwë was waiting for them.
“Where are you taking my daughter Teivel?
-I cannot tell you, my lord, it is a surprise.
-Be careful then,” Arafinwë replied with a sigh, “we don’t know who’s out there and I wouldn’t want anyone to mess with you.”
The Ellon exchanged a glance with Teivel, who made an imperceptible movement of his head as if to nod.
Nenlissë watched the exchange, subtly understanding what, or rather who, her father was talking about. Then Teivel started walking again, leading Nenlissë to the stables where their mounts were waiting.
“You’re really not going to tell me where we’re going?
-Nevertheless, you’ll soon recognize the place, I think you’ve been there before.”
Nenlissë put her hand on Alcar’s muzzle before wondering how the horse could still be alive. Before she could ask her lover, Teivel answered aloud.
“Horses do not die. The only time a horse has ever died was when Lord Fëanor’s mother died.
-That is… so strange.
-Have you ever seen another horse? Where? When?
-I…” Nenlissë hesitated, but quickly recovered, deciding that now was not the time to tell him her secrets, “No. I mean, I don’t know why I ever imagined that horses were mortal. Like me.”
Teivel raised an eyebrow, not believing the lie Nenlissë had just told him, but said nothing more.
“We should go, I don’t want to be late.”
Nenlissë mounted Alcar and waited a few seconds for Teivel to reach her level with his cream-colored stallion. The young woman gave her lover a smile before she began to trot, letting him lead her into the unknown.
They passed through the castle gates and onto a path that led them through a dense forest.
The forest was a living tableau of green, the sun’s rays filtering through the leaves of the trees, creating a play of light and shadow on the moss-covered ground. The birds were singing happily, and the air was fresh and fragrant with the scent of wild flowers.
Nenlissë and Teivel rode side by side, lost in the beauty of nature around them. The horses moved at a leisurely pace, adapting naturally to the rhythm of their riders. The young woman took advantage of the silence that surrounded them to try and speak to Teivel telepathically. Gently, she searched his mind with hers, and when he turned his head towards her, as if to ask her what she was trying to do, Nenlissë thought she had reached him.
“I just wanted to practice. And I also wanted to warn you about something.
-What is it?” Teivel replied thoughtfully, raising an eyebrow.
-Turko, my cousin. Is it a problem that he knows about the connection?
-If he mentions it, yes. We kind of broke some rules by bonding before the betrothal.
-But come to think of it, several people have already seen us kissing. So he’s not the only one who knows.
-Kissing is not the problem, because we can do it without a telepathic link. To make the link, you have to want to do it. So we could kiss without connecting,” Teivel explained before frowning, “but if your cousin has found out that we’ve been talking telepathically, then we have a problem.”
After about ten minutes they emerged from the forest and Nenlissë was dazzled for a few seconds before she saw and realized where Teivel intended to take her.
“Alqualondë? Are we going to town?”
Teivel nodded with a smile before to get off his horse.
“Come on, let’s take a walk.”
He held out his hand in her direction to help her off Alcar. The latter, once on the ground, took the bridle of her horse and threw a questioning glance at her lover.
“Where are you taking me?
-Ah… that’s still a secret, my dear.
Teivel picked up the bag that was waiting for him at the back of his horse before taking his bridle and joining Nenlissë. He pulled a cloth from his bag and Nenlissë raised her eyebrows to silently ask him what it was for.
“A surprise must remain a secret until the end, right?
-Really Teivel?
-Come on Lissë!” He took her hand in his and brought it to his face before placing a kiss on it, “and I will offer you whatever you want when we get to Alqualondë
-Who says I need you to buy me anything?” she laughed back at him. “But I’m still waiting for a present. Will you help me put it on or not?”
She took the cloth from his hands and positioned it over her eyes, waiting for Teivel to come and tie it. The elf finished putting the blindfold on, placed a kiss on his beloved’s lips before taking her hand in his to lead her. Nenlissë concentrated on her hearing to compensate for her sight. After 1531 steps, a sound was heard from the chirping of birds and the crunching of leaves beneath their feet. Nenlissë stopped, her mouth half open, a smile forming on her face.
“I hear water falling. Are you taking me to a waterfall Teivel?” she asked him in her mind, not wanting to break the noise around them. Nenlissë heard Teivel sigh before he answered. “And I thought that with your human hearing, you would not hear the sound of water… But I’m not taking the blindfold off you, I want you to have the surprise of the place.” Nenlissë nodded and they walked a few hundred more steps before Teivel stopped and came to deliver the young woman’s sight.
The waterfall stood proudly in front of the young couple, a wall of waterfalls crashing down in a frothy white veil. The tumultuous waves fell with brutal power, creating a deafening crash and invading their very being. The water seemed to rush down from a dizzying height, before bouncing off rocks and stones, creating splashes and droplets suspended in the air.
Nenlissë was stunned by the beauty of the place, and her voice failed her. Her eyes shone with a thousand stars and she turned to Teivel with a smile of wonder painted on her face. Without a word, she gently pulled him to her and, whispering a thank you, placed her lips on his and pulled him into a gentle kiss.
“I’ve noticed that you haven’t had much time to swim since we met and I know how you like it…
-Teivel… you are truly the angel of my life!”
Nenlissë stepped out of their embrace and with a fluid movement, removed her boots and jacket and without any other thoughts, she walked to the water and dove in. The sudden contact of the water relaxed her whole being and once fully immersed, she opened her eyes and admired the few fish in the lake. When she pulled her head out of the water, Nenlissë noticed that Teivel had not followed her into the water and she swam to the edge before leaning against it and giving him a big smile.
“Come along! The water is not cold!”
She held out her hand to the elf to encourage him to come but he gave her an apologetic look before just sitting on the edge of the bank and taking Nenlissë’s hand in his.
“I can’t swim my dear, but have fun for two.”
Nenlissë gave a small pout before pulling herself up onto the bank and sitting down beside her lover. He gave her a questioning look and she shook her head in response.
“I’ll teach you to swim. But not right away and not in this lake. In the sea. When you’re ready, we’ll go to the beach and I’ll teach you.” she dropped backwards onto the grass and took Teivel with her. “But for now, let’s wait a little while until I’m dry.”
Nenlissë closed her eyes, her hand still in Teivel’s, and felt him settle down beside her. With a smile on her lips, she let her mind drift slowly to sleep and in barely five minutes, Nenlissë had fallen heavily into the arms of Morpheus.
“Sleep well my Lissë, sleep well.”
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starlitwinter · 6 months
There was a tension in the air, an electricity that drew them together. Nenlissë looked into his eyes, knowing that this moment was special. Teivel took her face in his hands and smiled gently at her. She could feel her heart racing and her hands becoming sweaty. As if to reassure and relax her, he slowly and tenderly stroked her cheeks with his thumbs.
Then, still without saying a word, he leaned towards her and let his lips touch hers. Their kiss was soft, tender and passionate all at once. She responded to his kiss, and the world around them seemed to disappear, only the sensation of his lips on hers remained, and Nenlissë felt as if she no longer had to breathe, Teivel’s lips becoming her air.
The arms of one wrapped around the other, and they held each other tightly. They kissed for a long time, savoring every moment. But far too quickly for the girl’s liking, they parted.
“Have I told you that I love you?” Teivel asked with a smile on his face, “You are my light in the night Nenlissë, the center of my life and I could not imagine my life without you.”
His statement made the young woman laugh softly and she took the elf back into her arms before planting a kiss on his nose.
“I love you more than anything in the world too, Teivel, but you don’t need any extravagant phrases for me to understand that. I just need to look into your mind now!”
Nenlissë’s words brought Teivel back to the surface of the earth, and with excitement he tried to speak to Nenlissë through her mind.
“Darling? Is it working?”
Before he could find out if his little experiment had worked, Nenlissë caught her head in her hands and let out a cry of pain. Frightened, Teivel took her in his arms and tried to calm her breathing by stroking her back and kissing her face.
“Nenlissë? What’s wrong?
-I-it worked. I heard you, but…” her voice was trembling and she couldn’t stop a few tears of pain from escaping her eyes, “Your voice was like a knife in my skull… I hurt so much Teivel!
-Shh, it will be alright Nenlissë. I know you are in pain, but you must try to talk to me, in my mind. We have to make sure it works.
-But I’m in so much pain… can’t we wait a little?” she asked in a low voice.
-Better to strike while the iron is hot, my dear.”
Nenlissë tried to imagine Teivel and with her imagination created a kind of bridge between their minds. Then she tried to speak, but just as her mind began to form a word, a second wave of pain washed over her mind. Keeping her eyes closed, she felt Teivel approach her and with a shaky voice, she muttered a no so he wouldn’t touch her before trying again. This time, her mind already tingling with pain, she forced her way into her lover’s head and dropped three words.
“I’m here.”
Nenlissë felt all remaining strength in her body slip away and her legs gave out, having no energy to hold her up. Fortunately, Teivel caught her and laughed as he hugged the girl. She opened her eyelids to see the elf’s bright smile and couldn’t help but place a quick, light kiss on her lover’s lips.
“I heard you! It works Nenlissë!
-It’s a relief…” the girl murmured under her breath. “Do you think the pain will pass quickly?
-I don’t know Nenlissë, it’s probably because you’re human that you hurt so much…”
Teivel unleashed his hatred of humans on Nenlissë and she, too obsessed with his beauty and her love for the elf, noticed nothing. Teivel broke away from the girl and took her hand in his before placing a kiss on her knuckles.
“We should go, your family must be waiting for us.”
The young woman nodded and followed him into the great hall where some of the family members were already present. The couple sat down in their assigned seats at the end of the table with the younger members of the family. After about ten minutes, the rest of Nenlissë’s family arrived and took their seats in turn. Teivel and Nenlissë found themselves at the end of the table with Amrod and Amras in front of them and Nenlissë had Celegorm on her left. When Celegorm saw his cousin seated, he walked quickly towards the young woman before taking her in his arms. Celegorm took the opportunity to judge the ellon behind Nenlissë with a disappointed look in his eyes and Teivel answered with a smile that said it all. When he came out of the embrace with the young human, he walked over to Teivel and held out his hand.
“You must be the ellon my cousin is infatuated with. Teivel?
-That’s right, you must be her cousin. Celegorm?” Teivel replied before taking Turko’s hand in his and performing a pressure to mimic a handshake. “I have heard much from you, after all, you were the one who dragged her into the trees, far too high and could do nothing when my Nenlissë nearly lost her life.”
Turko started to grab Teivel’s collar, but the young woman stopped him and stepped between the two elves. She rolled her eyes and turned to her lover.
“Teivel, Turko stop. There’s no point in bringing this up, and I’d like to end this day without any problems. Is that understood?”
They both nodded and sat down, Turko giving Teivel a dirty look, who responded by putting his arm around Nenlissë’s waist and kissing her cheek. She turned to him and gave him a tired smile before searching his mind with her own. A little pain came, but she could not pay too much attention to it.
“You shouldn’t have Teivel, there’s no point in messing with him.
-I don’t like the way he looks at you, Nenlissë, assure me there is nothing between you.
-I love you, Teivel, only you. I will never look elsewhere.”
The Ellon planted a light kiss on his lover’s lips before smiling at her and disconnecting his mind from hers.
The meal began, and soon several discussions began. The adults spoke more peacefully than the others, but Nenlissë could sense some tension between Fëanor and his brothers. But her attention was quickly drawn to the elves around her. Indeed, Turgon was sitting in front of her, asking her a question.
“Isn’t it too hard to live with Artanis every day?”
Nenlissë laughed as the worried elf turned to her cousin and slapped him a little hard on the arm. Turgon laughed too, before adding.
“Don’t lie! You were unbearable as a child!
-It’s not true, I was a bit unruly, but I wasn’t impossible to live with! Nenlissë! Tell him!”
The young human gave her cousin a knowing smile before answering her sister.
“A real little angel, Artanis, a real little angel.
Artanis huffed, knowing that her sister’s words were dripping with sarcasm and irony, and rolling her eyes, she turned away to continue her discussion with Aredhel.
Turgon turned to her cousin and held out his hand for a handshake.
“Turgon, I am pleased to meet you officially, Nenlissë.
-The pleasure is mine,” she replied, shaking his hand. “And at the same time, may I present Teivel, my friend.”
The two Ellons shook hands, exchanged smiles and began to talk, while Nenlissë’s attention was drawn to Turko, who was sitting to her left.
“Lissë. I thought I saw something earlier…
-Have you made the connection yet? Without being engaged?”
Nenlissë rolled her eyes before replying.
“You know very well that I am not an elf. We had to try before the betrothal ceremony. So as not to put my family and Teivel in a difficult position.
-It may have been an honorable gesture on your part, but it was foolish. Lissë, did he force you? You know you can tell me anything.”
The young woman frowned before replying angrily, but without raising her voice to her cousin, a certain venom in her words.
“How dare you think Teivel would do such a thing? I was the one who asked him. I was the one who insisted that we do it. Teivel even tried to talk me out of it!”
Celegorm remained silent for a few seconds, seeing how fiercely his cousin defended her lover.
The young woman, on the other hand, stifled a smile when she heard her lover’s proud voice.
“Hearing you defend me like that is incredibly sexy, darling.
-I won’t let him try to discredit you Teivel, I’m just telling the simple truth.
-You know I adore you?
-Yes, and it’s mutual.”
She heard him chuckle beside her before her attention was drawn to Celegorm, who had taken her hand in his.
“Nenlissë. I mean, you’ve known each other for how long? Two weeks? And you’re already engaged? Lissë, you cannot marry an elf you have just met.”
She was about to reply when she felt Teivel speaking in her mind.
“He may be right, but I know I love you too much to wait millennia.
-And I would be dead.
-Don’t say that, Nenlissë. Don’t talk about you not being here.”
Celegorm could see that his cousin was not concentrating on their discussion, and from the small smile on her lips, she was in the middle of a discussion with Teivel. The Ellon huffed and squeezed Nenlissë’s hand to get her attention, but nothing happened. He opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by his brother, Nelyo, who put a hand on his shoulder and spoke.
“Turko, we must go. Say goodbye.”
Maedhros’ deep voice snapped Nenlissë out of her thoughts and she looked at her cousin in confusion.
Celegorm let go of Nenlissë’s hand and stood up, his brother having already left to fetch the twins.
“I think your father and our uncle have already exhausted my father’s patience… It was a pleasure to see you again, Lissë. Please remember what I told you and try to think about it. Okay?
-Okay. See you soon, Turko.”
The young woman stood and hugged her cousin for a few seconds before going to greet the other members of her family, Teivel at her heels.
“He’s jealous.
-Jealous? Of what?” asked Nenlissë, turning her head slightly towards her lover as she walked towards the group of Fëanor’s family.
-Of our relationship, I think he likes you.
-Teivel, he is my cousin.
-Adopted. Adopted cousin. And then relationships between members of the same family are not forbidden.”
Nenlissë wrinkled her nose slightly in disgust at Teivel’s words, who suppressed a smile and placed a kiss on the young woman’s temple.
“But that is not the problem, let us first see what caused your uncle’s departure.”
Nenlissë nodded and a few more steps and they had reached Nerdanel’s level. She turned to the couple and smiled.
“I’m a little sorry we didn’t have time to talk, my dear aunt.
-We will have another chance, you could come and visit us…”
Nenlissë was about to agree to the idea, but was interrupted by Fëanor, who had overheard his wife ask the young woman to come to their home.
“Never. A second child will never enter my house. And what’s more, a child of Arafinwë. She will come and steal my creations.”
Nenlissë, surprised by her uncle’s interruption and anger, took a few steps back. Nerdanel turned to her husband and spoke.
“Stop this obsession with these jewels. Nenlissë is your niece, and whether you like it or not, I invite her into our home. Your house is also my house, as far as I know.”
The Ellon rolled his eyes and left the room, opening the doors with a loud crash. Nerdanel gave his niece a quick apology before following him, her children in tow.
Arafinwë and Fingolfin, who had watched the scene from afar and had not wanted to intervene lest they upset their brother, approached the couple, Arafinwë putting her hand on her daughter’s shoulder.
“Is everything all right? Are you all right?
-No, I am fine. Just… what jewelry was he talking about?” Nenlissë asked, only wanting to confirm her fear. “We all have jewels.
-They’re… special.” Arafinwë replied with a small grimace. He swept his eyes around the room before huffing and puffing to tell his daughter the truth. “The Silmarils, your uncle called them. Jewels that hold the light of the trees. A true achievement.
-Unfortunately, Fëanor has become very possessive of them and won’t let anyone near or far see them, convinced that someone is trying to steal them from him.” Fingolfin continued with a sigh. “The conversation unfortunately drifted into this subject and Fëanor became angry, which hastened his departure. But don’t worry, my dear niece, he’s always been like that. He’s always been like that. Short-tempered.”
Nenlissë replied with a small “okay” before returning to her seat. But before she could sit down again, Teivel pulled her around the waist to give her a hug.
“Why so sad, my love?
-Let’s not talk about it here, would you like to get some fresh air with me, Teivel?”
The elf hummed in agreement with her request and they slowly made their way outside. Once out in the fresh air, Nenlissë gave Teivel a quick kiss on the lips before speaking.
“It’s complicated. And I can’t tell you everything right now.
-Can’t or won’t, dear?
-Both Teivel. But that’s not the point, all you can know is that I knew the relationship between my father, my uncle and her brother was not the best. But… I still had some hope that they would make up? I know it’s stupid. I won’t change anything.”
Teivel let Nenlissë finish her sentence before lifting her face to his with his fingertips before capturing her lips. Their kiss was gentle, but Nenlissë could sense Teivel’s desire to mark his territory. This so-called jealousy of Turko’s must have bothered him.
“Don’t worry too much, my love. And don’t sell yourself short, I’m sure you have the power to change many things.”
Nenlissë gasped as she heard Teivel’s voice in her head, and the elf took the opportunity to slide his tongue between her lips and deepen the kiss.
“And I don’t like it when others want what’s mine.”
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starlitwinter · 6 months
Maybe I shouldn’t have told him that. Did I break him? she thought while passing her hand before Teivel’s eyes. The lad was like frozen and hadn’t made any moves since she told him she liked him.
“Teivel? Are you okay?” She snapped before his face and finally gave him a little slap on his cheek which make him react. He took Nenlissë’s hand in his and put a kiss on her knuckles.
“I’m sorry my darling.
-You are… sorry?” she said, her voice slightly trembling
-Yes.” he nodded, “for not responding.”
-Oh. Oh. Do you…?
-Like you? Yes. Obviously. I like you too Nenlissë.”
She threw herself in his arms and hugged him for some long minutes while he stroked her back.
“Wasn’t it obvious?” he asked, “I knew liked me, i thought you knew for me too…
-How would I know?
-Well… when an elf find his true love, we can felt it and make a sort of telepathic bond with each other.
-I don’t think I can do that…” she said, looking at their hand and avoiding his gaze.
-Because I’m not an elf Teivel.
-You are not… an elf?
-You didn’t know?”
He shook his head before pulling back the strands of hair in front of Nenlissë’s ears, running his fingers gently along the edges.
“I… thought it was a deformity. What are you then?
-Human, even if you’ve never seen them or met them… I’m not even sure if they were created…
-Human?” He recoiled as if the young woman was about to jump on him, “You are one of his second born?
-Yes…” she replied, embarrassed and with a wave of sadness across her face at the reaction of the elf she loved, “Is that a… problem?”
She could still see a bit of disgust in his eyes and it brought tears to her eyes. Why am I human? Why? she thought, cursing Eru again for not making her an elf when she came to this world or when she died. But Teivel, seeing the sadness and anger forming in his companion’s eyes, let out a small smile before walking over to Nenlissë and taking her in his arms. His voice was full of tremolos that might suggest that he was also about to cry, but if someone was standing next to the young couple, they would have seen that a bright smile was drawn on his lips.
“My Lissë, I beg you, accept my apologies. I’m only a fool who doesn’t deserve you.
-Oh Teivel… No, I’m the one who’s sorry… I should have told you sooner…”
He felt a tear fall onto his jacket and hugged the young woman even tighter while placing two or three kisses in her hair. Nenlissë sniffed, took a deep breath, and revealed what was weighing on her heart.
“Do you still love me?”
This question made Teivel react, and he lifted Nenlissë from his chest and with both hands on her shoulders, coming down to her level.
“Of course I still love you Nenlissë. Who would I be to throw you away a few seconds after declaring my love?
-So… it doesn’t bother you that I’m human?
-I was just surprised… if you’d told me sooner…
-I’m sorry, I…
-It’s all right sweet thing, I’m sure we can find a way to have a relationship even if… you’re missing a few things.”
He kissed her forehead before taking her hand.
“Shall we return in? I’m sure your family awaits you.” He was playing with a strand of her hair, making Nenlissë blush because of their proximity, “Don’t you have to meet your grandfather?”
She nodded and let him take her toward the door. Just before passing it, she kissed his cheek and it was his turn to blush.
“Come with me Teivel, i don’t want to be alone…
-Anything for you my girl.”
He put a last kiss on the top of her head before opening the door. Nenlissë took his hand in hers and walked in the ballroom. Together, they walked towards Arafinwë and Eärwen, who were standing with Finwë and Indis. Teivel subtly removed her hand from Nenlissë’s and answered her questioning look with a smile. Arafinwë saw his adopted daughter and took her by the arm before placing her in front of him as her grandfather and grandmother looked on.
“May I present my daughter, Nenlissë. My darling, may I present your grandfather, Finwë, and your grandmother, Indis.”
The two elves greeted the girl with smiles, and Finwë turned to his new granddaughter’s companion.
“And this young ellon is?”
-Teivel asked Finwë. He is my…” she looked questioningly at Teivel,
-Partner. I’m courting my Lady Nenlissë.”
Her words had the effect of a bomb on Arafinwë and Eärwen. Finwë and Indis smiled mischievously and quickly excused themselves, leaving the two couples face to face. Nenlissë had placed a hand on Teivel’s bicep and stood slightly in front of him, as if to protect him from her father’s possible wrath. It was Eärwen who reacted first, taking her daughter’s hands in hers.
“I’m so glad you finally found your match, Lissë!
-Thank you, Mother.
-And I am delighted to meet you, Teivel,” she took Teivel’s hands and looked at him with a gentle gaze, “I am sure you will have no trouble fitting into the family. Are you not a knight of our domain, a friend of our sons?
-That is correct, my lady, it is an honor to meet you in person.”
Unfortunately, this small moment of joy was short-lived as Arafinwë gently pushed his wife out of the way to grab Teivel’s shirt collar. Nenlissë tried to step between the two ellons, but it was her lover who nodded for her not to interfere.
“‘Knight in our house? And you dare to lay hands on my daughter?
-Do not think that I have evil thoughts my lord, I love Nenlissë with all my heart and you know that an elf loves only once in their life and I have chosen Nenlissë to be that one and only.
-What can you offer her? Everyone here has a comfortable life, but you know as well as I do the conflicts and dangers that hang over our heads. How can you protect her if you are not here? How can you give her a life of love if you are not here? If you die, you will leave her alone here.
-If I have to do this to show you how much I love Nenlissë and that she is my only concern,” Teivel took a breath before locking his eyes with those of his beloved, “I would give up my bow.
Nenlissë stopped the two ellons in their quarrel. Teivel turned to face the woman and opened his mouth to tell her to not interfere but the look on her face stopped him.
She pressed her forefinger into his chest to keep him away from his father before turning to Arafinwë.
“You will not force Teivel to give up his knighthood. And need I remind you that if either of us can give up the other, it is me? Because I am human?
-Nenlissë. That has nothing to do with it. I am just concerned for your future.
-Dad. Teivel just told you that he loves me. And you know perfectly well that no elf in his right mind would want or desire me. Because I will inevitably die and leave them alone for eternity. Teivel loves me and I don’t know what I’ve done to deserve him.
-Lissë…” putting a hand on her shoulder before taking her in a hug, “Don’t talk about yourself like that. You’re wonderful and I’m the one who should be wondering what I did to deserve such an extraordinary person to love me.”
Arafinwë, seeing the looks of love the young couple were giving each other, gave up and raised his hands in the air to surrender and get their attention.
“All right. I give you… permission to see each other. But if you hurt her even a little bit, you will be the first elf to die at the hands of another. Do you understand?
Nenlissë extricated herself from Teivel’s embrace and took his hand to lead him away from her parents and away from prying eyes. Her eyebrows were furrowed and Teivel had a sheepish smile on his lips. To try to calm her anger, he intertwined their fingers together and stroked the back of Nenlissë’s hand with his thumb. When they reached a small corner, he planted a light kiss on her right cheek and took her back into his arms, cradling his head in the hollow of her neck. Nenlissë returned the hug and spoke up.
“That was stupid.
-Listen to me Teivel, admit that it was stupid. Why would you give up everything you’ve done in your life just for a girl you met not even a week ago?
-Because I love you.” He replied, planting butterfly kisses on her neck, making her shiver. “I told you before, elves feel when they meet their soul mates. Elven relationships begin quickly. Relationships between elves are quick, everyone can see that we love each other and I have the impression that you want to keep your humanity a secret my Nenlissë…
-Teivel…” She murmured before trying to look to see if anyone was watching them but no one was paying attention to the couple, “Don’t…
-Let me finish. If we don’t move forward with our relationship quickly, they might get suspicious because it’s not common for elves to wait more than a week before they start courting. Or even get engaged, once the bond is established.
-But you know, I can’t create a telepathic link
-How would you know? I’m sure your friendship with Manwë could help us find a solution.
Nenlissë nodded and they fell into a comfortable silence for a few minutes.
“I just realized that… I love you Teivel. I hadn’t said it properly yet.
-I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of hearing you say my name, sweetheart.
-Should we… go to Manwë and ask him? Or would you rather I wait until tomorrow?”
Nenlissë had quickly changed the subject, sensing that if their conversation continued, she would not be able to restrain herself. We haven’t even kissed yet and you’re already thinking about stuff like that! The young woman mentally argued and when Teivel stepped back a little, to see her face, an amused smile was on his lips.
“Let’s go right now, tomorrow we’ll see what we do depending on his answer.
The young couple approached Manwë who was standing not so far from them. Once they arrived in front of him, Nenlissë spoke.
“Manwë… We wanted to ask you a question.
-Please, tell me.
-Do you think there is any way that… we can form a bond?
-A bond?” The Vala said, a look of surprise in his eyes but when his gaze fell on the intertwined hands of Teivel and Nenlissë, he understood, “I see. Congratulations, if I may say so.
-Thank you Manwë.” Teivel replied with a smile. “Do you think it would be possible for Nenlissë and me to form a telepathic bond like the other couples?
-I see no problem with that.
-Even if I am… “Nenlissë began to whisper, “human?
-Yes, normally, if there is an elf in the equation then the connection is possible. Well, that’s just the theory. It must be said that this is the first time a relationship…like yours has existed.”
Nenlissë turned to Teivel, excited by the news. He looked at her with a broad smile and took her in his arms, carried away by the joy that surrounded them.
Their emotions turned a few heads in their direction, and Nenlissë felt herself blush like a tomato, still locked in her lover’s arms. Teivel, on the other hand, was so euphoric at the news that he kissed Nenlissë on the corner of her lips, even though they were in front of fifty people.
With a triumphant smile, Teivel turned to the crowd watching them and displayed their intertwined hands, much to the dismay of Nenlissë, who didn’t want to show off their relationship so soon.
Arafinwë joined his daughter and smiled.
“If that is what you want, Nenlissë, I will not object.
-Thank you?” She replied, almost asking a question with the tone of her voice.
Her father then addressed the crowd and announced that the ball was over.
About ten minutes later, only the family and Teivel were left, and they were told that dinner was being prepared and that they were expected in the main hall in half an hour. Nenlissë took the opportunity to take her lover to the garden, to their place, to have time to discuss their future before rejoining her family.
“Is there a problem darling?
-It’s just… I wish we’d talked about it a bit more before telling everyone.
-I’m sorry Nenlissë, but you know perfectly well that it had to be done. And wasn’t it the perfect timing? You can bond with me!
-Maybe I can. We don’t know anything for sure Teivel…” she sighed, “and then, how does the bond form? Do you have to… do something?
-Normally it’s formed during the betrothal ceremony. A kiss is enough.
-A kiss… that’s it?”
Teivel nodded and began to play with a lock of Nenlissë’s hair before speaking again.
“What do you want to do? Wait a month or two, the day of our engagement to try it, knowing it might not work because you’re human, or do it now? And advise something if it doesn’t work?
-I would be tempted to ask you to do it now… To avoid public humiliation for you and my family… But… first of all, I’d like you to explain to me what this link does.
-Once made, it is for life. You can’t break it or make another one unless one of the two of us dies. You can’t block it. It’s a kind of telepathic link, I can hear your thoughts if I want to, I can feel your emotions all the time, we can have conversations without talking. And vice versa, of course.
-Is that all?” Nenlissë asked, surprised, she thought there was much more to such a link.
-That is all. Normally you can’t feel when the other is listening to your thoughts, except at first, it’s a matter of habit.
Nenlissë weighed the pros and cons before meeting Teivel’s gaze. She lifted one of her hands to rest on his cheek and moved closer, almost pressing their bodies together.
“Do it.”
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starlitwinter · 6 months
To tell the truth, their entrance did not cause much of a stir. In fact, even though Nenlissë was supposed to be the star of the evening, no one paid any attention to her. Her family was extraordinary enough as it was, but it was the presence of a certain person that attracted all the attention. Standing in the center of the room, surrounded by a dozen or so people, was Manwë. He has come! Nenlissë exclaimed mentally before turning to Teivel.
“Do you mind if we go see Manwë?
-It’s no problem,” the elf replied, “I’ve never had the honor of speaking to him before…
-Then this will be the occasion !”
Nenlissë took his hand in hers and joyfully led him to Manwë. The latter , seeing his pupil approaching, apologized and approached the duo. While he cast a questioning glance at the elf who accompanied the young woman, he greeted him with a brief nod of the head.
“Leya, it’s been a while, how are you?
-Perfectly well, thank you Manwë. Did you receive my letter?
-Yes, just before I left.” He tilted his head toward Teivel and gave him a small smile. “I don’t think we’ve been introduced. You are?
-Teivel, Knight of Lord Finarfin, at your service Manwë.”
Manwë nodded before turning his attention back to Nenlissë.
“I will leave you two, your father awaits me to discuss my dear Leya.
-It has been an honor Manwë.” She replied with a small bow. “I hope to see you again soon.”
No sooner had Manwë left, than another elf came to introduce himself to Nenlissë and began a conversation in which he spoke to himself, the young woman’s attention drawn to the couples dancing behind her interlocutor.
“Would you like to dance, my lady?” Teivel asked, stealing Nenlissë’s attention. She gave him a warm smile and placed her hand in his as she replied.
“It would be my pleasure, my knight,” she gave him a mischievous smile and a wink before turning to the elf in front of her. “I’m sorry, but I’ll have to leave you, my partner wants to go dancing. Have a nice day.”
Teivel led her to the dance floor and a waltz began. Nenlissë quickly put her hands in place and didn’t protest when he pulled her closer to his torso than they should have been. She lifted her head to meet his eyes and his gaze softened as he saw her smile.
“You’re quite a good dancer, darling,” he said, “I really thought you were going to step on my foot the whole time.”
She slapped his biceps gently, which made him laugh and drew some attention to them. Nenlissë caught a few people staring at their couple and blushed slightly, but Teivel saw it.
“Am I making you uncomfortable?” he asked, tilting his head to the side.
“Oh no, you’re perfect. I mean, I’m fine. You don’t bother me at all.
-Then why are you so nervous, sweetheart?
-It’s just… that… a lot of people are watching us.”
Obviously Nenlissë was overreacting. No more than three people were watching them dance, the others, who might have been disturbed by Teivel’s laugh, had gone back to their discussion and forgotten about the couple. Teivel noticed that Nenlissë was stressing over nothing, but he said nothing, it suited him that his dance partner didn’t want to be in the room anymore.
“Then do you want to leave?” he asked gently raising his hand which was on the hip of Nenlissë to wait for the beginning of her ribs, approaching his face of the young woman so that their bodies are completely stuck and that their heads are only a few inches one of the other. Nenlissë could not help but let her gaze fall on the lips of the elf in front of her and her face was covered with a shade of red, she stammered a few unintelligible words before slowly raising her gaze in that of Teivel and regaining control of her voice.
“Where?” She said in one breath, softly and whispering.
“I saw some sort of balcony that leads to the garden. Would you like to go for a walk?
-That’s a great idea, let’s go.”
With a little regret for Nenlissë, they part and make their way to the small glass door that would lead them outside. But on their way, they were stopped by Artanis who looked at Teivel with a bit of resentment in her eyes.
“Sister. Where are you going?
-We… were going to breathe a bit outside. Why?
-Can I… talk to you?”
She took her sister’s hand in hers and pulled her from Teivel.
Nenlissë gave her partner an apologetic look and turned to her sister.
“Okay, but let’s make it quick please.”
Artanis, after a last glance at Teivel who gave her a fake smile, took her sister far away, into a corner. Nenlissë wasn’t very pleased to be dragged away and rolled her eyes at her sister.
“What do you want Artanis?
-I want to warn you,” she put a hand on her sister’s shoulder, “I think Teivel can’t be trusted, he isn’t in my memory.
-Maybe because you never saw him? There are a lot of people in our castle. You can’t possibly have met everybody.
-I just want to make sure, that I respect your decisions but I want you to be careful sister. I love you and don’t want anything to happen to you. So, please…
-Alright Artanis. I’ll be careful around Teivel and if I feel something wrong with him, I’ll tell you. Deal?
Nenlissë gave a quick kiss on her sister’s cheek before returning to Teivel’s side, smiling at him. He took the girl’s hand in his before speaking.
“Is everything alright?
-Yeah, nothing to worry about,” she answered, shaking her head, “Artanis just wanted to tell me to be careful.
-Am I a problem?” he said, sadness and worry lacing with his words, “Do we need to… don’t see each other ever again?”
Nenlissë shook her hand once again and without saying anything, she led him outside, out of sight. Outside, a light breeze blew, twirling her hair, and she led him to the aquarium that had become their place. She turned to him and took him in her arms, burying her head in his chest. Surprised by her sudden embrace, Teivel took a few seconds to return the favor. He placed one hand on the top of her head and another between her shoulder blades before leaning back, letting Nenlissë sit on his lap and gently stroking her hair. He brought his head close to Nenlissë’s and began to whisper.
“What is it, darling?
-Don’t ever think you’re a problem again. And even if I were forbidden to see you, I would escape to your side, Teivel.”
He laughed and threw his head back before planting a kiss on her temple. She looked at him, a smile on her face, happy that he had found his.
“What did I say that was funny?
-You are just abominably too cute, my Nenlissë.”
She crossed her arms and pretended not to be happy, which triggered another wave of laughter from the elf. Then suddenly, he sent some water towards Nenlissë who let out a small cry of surprise.
“Teivel!” She returned the favor, spraying him with water before getting up and walking away from him to avoid retaliation.
Like children, they began to run after each other. It didn’t take Teivel long to catch up with the young woman, throwing himself on top of her and tackling her to the ground.
“I won!” He exclaimed a little too quickly, because Nenlissë took advantage of this moment to knock him down, get up and set off across the garden. She stopped just a few meters from him to stick out her tongue and laugh.
“Don’t declare victory too quickly!”
And she set off again in the direction of their starting point, the fish pond. The elf was soon back on his feet and decided that this time he would not let himself be caught. Once he had caught up with Nenlissë, they were right next to the pool and Teivel, when he tried to lock the young woman in his arms, was caught in his momentum and fell with her into the water.
“Did you hurt yourself?” He asked, concerned that Nenlissë had hit the stone and lifted her up so that they sat face to face in the water. When his gaze fell on the young girl’s face, he realized that she was laughing so hard that she cried. He smiled and laughed too. It took a few minutes for them to calm down and Nenlissë fell against Teivel’s chest.
“Thank you for being with me Teivel.
-It is an honor for me too…
-You know,” she raised her head to his and gazed into his, “I don’t know if I could live without you now…”
He whispered, sending shivers down Nenlissë’s body. Her heart rate increased as he stepped forward and pressed their cheeks together, his mouth just inches from her ear.
“You shouldn’t be so dependent of me, it’ll only bring you bad things sweetheart.
-I don’t care” she whispered back, “do you mind becoming my drug Teivel?”
He chuckled while smiling and kissed Nenlissë’s forehead gently.
“Isn’t a bit to early for you?” he suddenly asked, all serious, “Want do you want with me Nenlissë? We have to make things clear.”
She took a big breath before answering, what do I really want? Be happy?
“I think… No I’m sure. I like you Teivel.”
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starlitwinter · 9 months
Back in the house, Nenlissë wasted no time hanging around in the hall and went straight up to her room where Artanis and Eärwen were waiting for her. The older of the two approached her adopted daughter as she entered the room and took her hands in hers.
“I guess Finrod must have told you about our project…
-Yes, and I think it’s a good idea. But could I invite some people?”
Artanis had a mischievous smile form on her face and placed a hand on her sibling’s shoulder.
“Do we have a lover to introduce?”
Nenlissë blushed slightly which did not escape Eärwen and her daughter. Both of them could not help but want to know more and after five minutes, Nenlissë let herself be convinced to tell them.
“I met him today, so it doesn’t mean anything… but…
-But?” Artanis asked, impatient as ever, “tell us everything!
-He’s a friend of Finrod’s, his name is Teivel and we’ve… maybe spent a lot of time talking and walking around the gardens?”
Artanis seemed to search her mind to paste a face with Teivel’s name, but it was Eärwen who reacted first.
“Teivel? Has he come back? He is a great friend of your brothers and a very nice elf. I’m sure you’ll do well together.
-You will show him to me, I really can’t remember…” Artanis said before changing the subject and opening the doors of Nenlissë’s wardrobe, “Well, enough of this chitchat, we have a ball to prepare and dresses to order!”
Eärwen nodded and took her daughters in her arms.
“Artanis is right, this will be your first ball Nenlissë, so you will have to learn some things, like dancing…
-And you’ll have to find a partner!
-Yes!” exclaimed Artanis, “that’s the whole point of a ball! You find yourself a beautiful partner and you show him to everyone! Plus, since this will be your first dance, your partner is very important because he will have your first dance!”
Is it like the Middle Ages? Like a debutante ball and everything? It sounds like it… Nenlissë thought, but the idea of wearing a beautiful dress and dancing with a fairy tale partner filled her with joy.
So, in the good mood and excitement of the coming ball, Artanis, Nenlissë and Eärwen spent the late afternoon preparing lessons, appointments and talking.
It was only two days later that Nenlissë, between dance lessons and extra etiquette to know exactly what to do at the ball, was able to quickly write a letter to her new friend. With her heart pounding, she wrote only a few words and gave the paper to a servant to bring it to her as soon as possible. She then took a few minutes to calm the pounding of her heart and the butterflies that swirled in her abdomen. You see, Nenlissë unfortunately had no experience with love, which made her idealistic about love and she fell in love way too quickly.
Once her classes were over and the last appointment with the tailor was over, she went to change into a lighter dress, gave herself a little makeover and hurried down the stairs of the manor to return to the pool where she had first met Teivel.
When she arrived at the fishpond, Nenlissë recognized Teivel from behind and trotted towards him. Thanks to his hearing, he had heard her coming and had turned around. He came to meet her and was ready to take her in his arms before changing his mind, taking only her hands in his.
“How are you?” he said, caressing Nenlissë’s palms with his thumbs, “Aren’t you too tired with the preparation of the ball?”
The young woman shook her head before answering him.
“No, it’s more of a sense of wonderment that I feel.
-You’ve never been to a ball before?” he asked, his tone of voice more worried.
-Uh, yes. Is that a problem?” Nenlissë answered, tilting her head to one side, and putting a little pressure on Teivel’s hands.
The elf seemed to hesitate to answer but did so with a blush.
“It so happens… I wanted to ask if I could be your date but… if this is your first dance…”
Before he could really finish his sentence, Nenlissë threw herself into his arms, a big smile on her lips before quickly pulling away from him. What the hell am I doing? She thought before speaking:
“I was going to ask you if you would be my date, so…
-Really?” Teivel asked, his voice betraying surprise but the expression on his face was that of someone who had just gotten what they wanted.
-Yes, my brothers already have dates and then you are my friend!” Nenlissë said before thinking, “well if you want to be my friend. And do not think that you are a last choice.”
Teivel let out a laugh at Nenlissë who had turned scarlet again and was making hand motions to try to get out of the mess she was in. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gave her a radiant smile.
“Don’t worry my dear Nenlissë. Of course, we are friends! And it is truly an honour to be your date.”
Nenlissë calmed down slightly, and they stood there, looking into each other’s eyes for a few minutes before Teivel spoke again.
“I guess we’ll have to agree on a colour. No?
-I guess so… But damn, I didn’t think of that… I already chose my dress.
-It doesn’t matter, it’s your ball after all, my only regret will be that I couldn’t admire you with your dress before the ball… but don’t tell me, just the color.
-It’s blue.” replied Nenlissë, even more red from Teivel’s compliments, “Blue like your eyes.”
Teivel nodded and took a lock of Nenlissë’s hair in his hand, delicately, before bringing it to his lips and placing a light kiss on it.
“It’s getting late, and I don’t want to bother you anymore, we’ll meet again on Friday, beautiful Nenlissë.
-Yes, Friday. But… can I send you letters?
-Of course, come on, go home now.
-Good night Teivel.”
The days went by at a crazy speed in the eyes of everyone in the household. Artanis slightly annoyed her sister, when she learned that she had found a date but knew exactly who it was. Many letters had been exchanged between Teivel and Nenlissë, but Nenlissë, knowing how complicated love was for the elves, decided to calm things down and decreed on her side that they were only friends for the moment. Indeed, love for the elves was a difficult subject because they only loved once in their lives, but their love could be compared to what we call soul mates on Earth. They knew from the first glance if the relationship they would have would be friendship or something else.
The big day had finally arrived. It had been several hours that everyone was getting ready in their rooms. Artanis and Nenlissë had decided to share a room to keep each other company and under the skilled fingers of the make-up and hair stylists, they were discussing the latest gossip that ran through the lands of Arafinwë.
The time to put on the dresses had finally arrived and Nenlissë dressed quickly before opening a small box on her desk that contained several pieces of jewellery. The young woman turned to her sister for her opinion.
“What do you think of this necklace?
-The pearls?” Artanis shook her head and picked up a thin necklace adorned with a few diamonds, “this one will do better, if you ask me. And…,” she rummaged around a bit more before pulling out some earrings to match the necklace, “you have the matching earrings.”
Nenlissë thanked her sister before putting on the jewellery and looking at herself in the mirror. I’m pretty though. She ran her hands over the fabric of her petticoat, feeling the texture under her fingers. Artanis interrupted her sister in her contemplation and pointed to the door where someone could be heard knocking.
“Your date is here.” Artanis said, a hopeful smile on her lips, “go ahead, we’ll meet you in the hall!
-See you later!”
Shyly, Nenlissë opened the door and found herself face to face with Teivel. The elf smiled at the young woman and offered her his arm, where she placed her hand. They began to walk in silence before Nenlissë broke it.
“How are you?
-Good,” Teivel replied, “I’m glad to be by your side for this day.
-Thank you…,” Nenlissë felt her cheeks flush and mentally argued with herself for being so weak in the elf’s presence.
-You look beautiful today.
-Because I don’t look beautiful all the time?” Nenlissë answered mischievously.
Her answer made Teivel laugh, and he shook his head before retorting.
“You are beautiful every day, but I must admit that you are even more radiant today.
-You don’t look bad yourself today.” The young woman replied, a smirk on her lips.
Indeed, Teivel had chosen to dress simply, but the small blue reflections on her black jacket made her eyes stand out elegantly and matched rather well with Nenlissë’s dress.
Do you know who will be there?” asked the elf.
-Not exactly… but I know that my family will be there, some of my cousins, uncles, and aunts…” The young woman searched in her mind who could be there, “ah yes, I almost forgot, I sent an invitation to Manwë? But will he be there, good question.
-Manwë?” Teivel seemed taken aback and stopped in the middle of the corridor. “Manwë could be present?
-Yes, is that a problem?” Nenlissë asked, not really understanding her date’s reaction.
-No no,” Teivel swept the air with his hand, “I’m just surprised. How do you know him?
-Uh…,” Nenlissë tried to find a way not to reveal too much about her origin, “We have… crossed paths? And it was he who introduced me to Arafinwë and Eärwen.”
Teivel nodded, assimilating his friend’s words before smiling at her. Nenlissë, too busy continuing to chat with him did not see how Teivel’s smile had no life in it and his eyes were as cold as ice. But as soon as her gaze returned to his face, it was as if a flame had been lit in Teivel and his expressions were warm again.
“We’re almost there, ready? he asked.
-Yep. Ready as I’ll ever be.” Nenlissë replied.
Arriving at the door to the ballroom, they exchanged one last look before Teivel nodded to the elf in charge of opening the door and announcing the people.
“Lady Nenlissë, daughter of Lord Finarfin and Lady Eärwen and Knight Teivel!”
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starlitwinter · 1 year
Nenlissë turned violently towards the voice and found herself close, even too close for her taste, to the face of an elf. Is that really an elf? The person in front of her was smiling at her, a smile that, from afar, could have looked like a warm smile, but up close, one could see the coldness in the smile. A coldness that quickly put at ease our protagonist. The elf took malicious pleasure to observe the poor reactions of Nenlissë. Indeed, this one, submerged in front of her beauty had a mouth slightly half-opened but which betrayed her surprise. Her glance made back and forth between his lips and his eyes.
“I did not think that I would disturb you so much, my dear…”
The elf, gently, raised one of his hands to put it on the right biceps of our heroine before exerting a small pressure there. This one did nothing but follow with her eyes his movement and when his hand was in contact with her skin, she left her torpor. Nenlissë tried to disengage herself delicately not to offend her interlocutor, but his grip was too strong for her to succeed in disengaging herself without force.
“I’m sorry, but I don’t know who you are.
-But what am I head in the air”, said the man while letting escape a small laugh, I had completely forgotten to introduce myself.”
He let his hand slide from her bicep to Nenlissë’s hand, making her shiver. With a smile and a look of amusement at her reaction, he brought Nenlissë’s hand to his lips but instead of just hovering over the back of her hand with his lips, he placed his lips on the girl’s wrist and remained in that position for several long seconds. The eyes of Nenlissë found themselves blocked by those of her interlocutor and she could not prevent her cheeks from blazing under the amused and victorious glance of the elf.
“Teivel is my humble name.”
Teivel? I’ll have to relax then. Indeed, Nenlissë had had, for some reason, the impression that the elf in front of her was Melkor, after all, his physique stuck to all the fan arts she had seen, and the little of the behavior she had seen resembled the one she had read in the multiple fan fictions that populated her history search. Because yes. Without ever wanting to admit it to her friends, Nenlissë had, well hidden, a folder where she saved all the fan fiction about Melkor. She loved them without ever really knowing why…
“Nice to meet you Teivel, I am Nenlissë.”
She smiled at him, her suspicions raised, and relaxed her muscles, no longer trying to free her wrist from Teivel’s hand at all, the contact even bringing her some comfort. Teivel returned her smile, this one a little warmer than the others, and spoke.
“Nenlissë? Please forgive me, Lady, my actions were out of place given your title.
-Don’t worry Teivel, leave the Lady out of it.”
He nodded, and letting go of Nenlissë’s wrist, stood up before extending his arm to her.
“How about a walk in the gardens with me my dear?”
Nenlissë, acquiesced and passed her arm under Teivel’s before placing her hand on his forearm, a hand he covered with his own. A slight blush came to our heroine’s cheeks as they walked slowly and Teivel’s thumb caressed the back of her hand.
They spent several dozen minutes visiting the gardens while discussing everything and anything. Nenlissë had quickly forgotten her discomfort at their meeting and now stood closer and closer to Teivel. When they arrived at the only greenhouse, Nenlissë was on the verge of tears, laughing like a woman possessed, holding her stomach, and forgetting all the etiquette classes she had taken. Teivel, on the other hand, was laughing just as hard but with more grace and they had to sit down on one of the benches on either side of the greenhouse door so that Nenlissë could catch her breath. With a big smile on her lips and eyes filled with joy, she took the elf’s hands in hers and he intertwined their fingers without Nenlissë paying much attention.
“I’m really happy to have met you Teivel! It has been so long since I have laughed like this…
-It is an honour, my dear,” the elf said with a wry smile on his face.
He detached his hand from the young woman to put a lock of hair back behind her ear and Nenlissë, blushing like hell, took that little moment to imprint his face in her mind, light butterflies in her stomach. Teivel was indeed beautiful. He would have been considered perfect by human standards but for an elf, he was within the norm. Yet, Nenlissë used to the beautiful physique of her brothers, sister, and other family members, could not help but think that Teivel was the most beautiful creature she had ever seen.
She could admire his blue eyes that Nenlissë compared to a summer sky, his cheeks with those dimples that drove her crazy when he smiled, his little dark freckles that could only be seen when you were close enough, his straight nose, his pale pink lips that seemed tender and soft like petals, his eyelashes that were almost as long as hers and that contrasted with his light eyes so dark were his lashes.
“Do I have something on my face?” He asked, is voice almost a whisper, his hand having settled on Nenlissë’s cheek. She shook her head in response and let herself go against Teivel’s hand. While continuing to whisper, Teivel asked Nenlissë a few questions, eager to learn more about his new friend.
“I just realized that I didn’t ask you how old you are, my dear.”
Nenlissë replied in a breath, not wanting to break the mood that surrounded them.
“120 it seems… and you?
-Almost 300, I’ll have them in a few weeks.”
Before Nenlissë could add anything, they were cut off by a voice.
“Lissë? Who is it?”
Nenlissë released get away from Teivel, recognizing the voice that had interrupted them.
Finrod stood before them, looking warily at the elf who was in the company of his sister, but his gaze softened when he laid his eyes on his face.
“Teivel old man! Are you back with us?”
Teivel who had also been surprised by Finrod’s arrival had stood up but a smile adorned his lips.
“That’s right and it’s for good! I’m not needed in the north anymore so I’m back for as long as it takes.”
He took back, without Finrod seeing, Nenlissë’s hand in his to try to relax her, which worked, the young woman gently put her back against the elf’s chest. Finrod could not really see much but guessed their proximity. A smile half mocking and half happy appeared on his lips, really glad that his sister could maybe find someone because he knew that Nenlissë had been a little sad to know that she would probably never have a life partner but at the same time, he had just found a new way to annoy his little sister.
“I see you’ve met my sister,” Finrod said addressing his friend and then turned to his sister, “I was looking for you because you disappeared from the table, but from what I see you were in good company… Teivel has been a friend since…“, he searched his mind for how long he knew the elf but nothing came to him, “too long for me to remember…”
Nenlissë nodded before speaking up.
“Were you looking for me for something?”
To tell the truth, she was slightly annoyed that her brother had interrupted them in their discussion, and she couldn’t wait for him to leave.
“It was Mother and Artanis who were looking for you in the first place.
-Why were they looking for me?
-As you know, they decided to organize a ball in a week to celebrate your awakening. No?
-A ball?” Nenlissë answered confused, “no I didn’t know… But you can tell them I’m coming, I’ll just…”
She sent an insistent look to her brother, looking back and forth between Teivel and him. A look that Teivel saw but didn’t want to say anything. Finrod, fortunately, understood and while laughing in his beard, left them not without sending them a wink.
Nenlissë turned back to Teivel who had a big smile.
“I’m sorry Teivel, but I’m going to have to cut our walk short…
-That’s okay,” said the elf, “I’m already honoured that we got to know each other.
-Will I see you again? asked Nenlissë her voice almost begging Teivel to say yes
-Absolutely, I will answer all your calls.”
He took the young woman’s face and placed a kiss on her forehead, between her two eyebrows. Nenlissë was speechless at his gesture and did not react further when he pulled away from her and left her.
What has just happened?
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starlitwinter · 1 year
Nenlissë decided not to speak of Melkor for the moment and to keep her thoughts to herself. Artanis took her silence as a surprise and approached her before placing a hand on Nenlissë’s bicep to reassure her.
“Everything will be fine, we’ll explain everything in a few minutes but for now we need the doctor to examine you to determine if you can get out of bed, my dear sister.
-Alright, do whatever it takes.”
Artanis motioned to the only second person in the room, another woman who silently walked over to his patient and pulled out a whole bunch of instruments from her pouch.
“Would you like me to explain what I am doing Lady Nenlissë?
-That will not be necessary. Do what you must and do it quickly. Let us not linger here.
-Such are your wishes.”
Nenlissë turned her gaze to the gardens that could be seen from her bed, letting the doctor do his work as quickly and efficiently as possible.
After about ten minutes, everything was finished, and the woman left after whispering a few words to Artanis. A comfortable silence surrounded them as she helped Nenlissë change and helped her out of bed.
“According to the doctor, you are doing well physically, only your muscles need some time to get back to what they were before.
-And mentally? I’m not crazy?”
Artanis let out a small laugh and shook her head as she helped Nenlissë stand on her feet without holding her at arm’s length.
“No, you’re fine, Nenlissë. Just don’t do too much sudden exercise or exertion.
Once Nenlissë had a good foothold on the wall, Artanis let go of her, keeping her hand on her shoulder for physical contact.
“What do you want to do, my dear sister?
-Very well, let’s eat then. Will the Great Hall do?
“That will be fine Artanis.”
With small steps, they walked together to the door and Artanis opened it before helping Nenlissë from her room to the corridor. And just like that, very slowly, they reached the Great Hall where the rest of the family was waiting for them.
When they saw Nenlissë, they all jumped up from their seats to meet her. Eärwen was the first to arrive and took Nenlissë in her arms. Then they all began to hug together, many sobbing but one could not distinguish who was who because they were so embraced.
It was only after five minutes that Nenlissë’s voice got the better of the others.
“It’s not that I don’t love you, but I’m slightly choking…”
Laughing, they parted and Arafinwë took over from Artanis to escort Nenlissë to a chair.
“How do you feel Nenlissë.
-Fine, just a little tired. But I guess I’ve had enough sleep for a century.
-Do you have any idea why you survived in your sleep Nenlissë?
-To tell you the truth, no.”
Arafinwë huffed, disappointed that he had no explanation for Nenlissë’s magical longevity during this last decade.
Finrod, on the other hand, noticed that his sister was not telling them everything and decided to ask her the question on her hesitant look.
“But something did happen while you were sleeping. Are you sure you didn’t see anything strange?”
Nenlissë nodded, choosing to tell them everything rather than keep her encounter with Eru to herself.
“You are right brother. I did find myself for about ten minutes in the void talking with a man.
-Do you have his name?
-He said his name was Eru. Or Illuvatar. But that doesn’t make sense. Why would your creator come and talk to me?”
Finrod approached Nenlissë even closer, his eyes shining with curiosity like everyone else in the room.
“And what of it? What did he say?
-Uh well… That…He said something like your time hasn’t come yet…blah blah blah, something super cliché.
-You survived because of Eru. The creator. Decided you should live on even if you were dead.
-Basically. Yeah.”
He had a small moment of hesitation before Angrod exulted, dropping his plate on the floor.
Everyone stared at him before a collective laugh broke out in the room, greatly lightening the mood that had become tense as soon as Nenlissë had mentioned Eru’s name.
Their meal continued in this merriment and Arafinwë, once he had finished, stood up and placed his hand on the top of Nenlissë’s head.
“Now that you are awake, we can formally present you to the family. Many people have missed you.”
Artanis laughed and elbowed her adopted sister in the ribs, who almost spat all the food she had in her mouth at Aegnor with a slight shock. Aegnor took the offense to heart and began to plot his revenge, seriously thinking that Nenlissë had wanted to vomit on him.
But let us return to Artanis. The elf addressed a wink to her sister full of innuendo before lighting up her gestures.
“You should have seen Turko’s condition! I’ve never seen him so worried and distressed!”
Finrod took over and gave the young human a knowing smile.
“It would be a lie to say that you didn’t have to rip him out of your bed to get him home!”
Aegnor began to mimic his cousin’s voice as he put an arm around Nenlissë’s shoulders.
“Oh no! My poor Nenlissë! I cannot abandon her! She is my whole life!”
Then he began to make the sound of kisses while leaving a few on his sister’s cheeks.
She took her best-disgusted look to answer him.
“What the hell are you talking about? Turko is my cousin! He may be handsome, funny, intelligent, and very nice, but I’m not into incest!”
Her sentence triggered a new wave of hilarity among her brothers and sister before their father took control of the discussion which was starting to drift a little too much for his taste.
“I have sent a letter to my father; I should receive his reply shortly. So, prepare to travel towards the end of the week.”
All nodded and Nenlissë took advantage of her siblings’ moment of seriousness to step out of Aegnor’s embrace and stand up. Unfortunately, her staggering as she got to her feet was not lost on anyone and Finrod made her sit down again.
“You better not push Nenlissë too hard. Rest.
-I have slept enough as it is, brother. I need to get back into shape.”
Finrod sighed at his sister’s stubbornness and let her up but stayed relatively close just in case.
Nenlissë moved from the table and motioned for a servant to approach.
“Fetch me some paper and writing materials, please. And take it all out to the garden.
-Yes ma’am.”
She then turned to her family, warning them of her departure.
“I’ll set up in the garden to write a letter.
-Take care of yourself.
-Do you need help getting there?”
She hesitated before nodding her head.
“I’d be happy for one of you to take a few minutes to help me get there.”
Angrod decided to help, being the closest to Nenlissë at the time. He held out his arm to escort her, and the young human put her hand in the crook of his elbow.
“I will be your saviour today my dear sister.”
Nenlissë let out a small laugh and the two of them began to leave after a final goodbye to their family members who were still in the Great Hall.
Once outside, Nenlissë could feel a slight breeze on her skin and shivered, bringing Angrod’s attention to her person.
“Who is your letter for?”
Nenlissë huffed, dreading his reaction.
“Promise you won’t comment.”
Angrod, already guessing who the lucky one was, put on a false air of seriousness and placed a hand over his heart. But his masquerade was betrayed by the smile that graced his lips.
“You have my promise.”
-I intend to write a letter to our cousin. Turko. To let him know I’m awake and to hear from him. In a decade, a lot can happen!
-A hundred years is nothing in the life of an elf.”
Nenlissë patted him on the forearm.
“For an elf it is. But for me, in a hundred years I would have had time to live, find love, start a family, and die. And then, I have the right to want to hear from my friend!
-Your friend, eh?
Angrod laughed and already they had arrived at the table where several sheets of paper, a beautiful quill, and two small bottles of ink were waiting for Nenlissë.
“Here we are, sister.
-Indeed, I will release you in this case.”
The young girl let go of her brother’s arm and sat down comfortably on the chair in front of her.
“If you need anything, don’t forget that’s what the bell is for.
-I know Angrod, I wasn’t born yesterday you see.”
He smiled one last time, then kissed his sister before leaving, joking.
Nenlissë giggled a little in her beard, slightly annoyed that he had messed up her hair, but it was nothing serious. She took the quill in hand and admired it for a few minutes before opening one of the bottles of ink, taking a sheet of paper, and starting to write her letter.
“Dear Cousin ….”
After putting only two words on paper, Nenlissë went into deep thought, looking for inspiration.
“… How are you in this beautiful season? I hope great, of course. As you can guess, I have woken up from my lethargy. Before you ask, I’m fine. Perfectly fine. My body is still a little tired, but I just need to get moving again to get back to my old self.”
She paused, feather in the air and after a few seconds of hesitation, she put the feather back on the table, taking a few minutes to think and observe the beauty of the garden before her eyes.
“I should probably apologize for scaring you… I was told you wouldn’t leave my side, is that true? Whatever your answer, I’m still honoured that you cared about me. I hope to see you soon,
Your dear cousin,
Satisfied with herself, Nenlissë put down her quill and dried the ink gently so as not to smudge. Then she took an envelope and put the letter in it before closing it with the wax and the seal that was placed on the table, a seal that had been given to her by Manwë a few years ago. It represented an otter in full jump, Nenlissë had suspected Manwë of comparing her to an otter ever since. Caught up in her momentum, she decided to write a small note to also warn Manwë of her awakening. After all, he was the first person she had met when she arrived.
Ten minutes later, her letters were ready to be sent and Nenlissë rang her bell, alerting a servant.
“Send this letter to my cousin, Celegorm, and this one to Manwë, please.”
The servant bowed his head, took the two letters, and left.
Nenlissë hesitated about what to do now, part of her wanted to stay and relax in the chair while the other wanted to walk around the garden.
“What to do… Should I call someone?”
Nenlissë shook her head, answering herself, no, she could walk around on her own, no problem. Besides, she had to get used to walking without support again!
Even so, with a little difficulty, she got up and moved very slowly in the garden. Her goal was to get to the small pond containing fish that was a few meters ahead of her, after a thick row of hedges.
Slowing herself down for her slowness, Nenlissë still took the time to appreciate her surroundings. In this spring season, bees and other beautiful flying insects were out and about around the young human. The flowers were blooming and making the garden a beautiful landscape filled with bright colours. Arriving at the pond, Nenlissë sat on the edge and watched the inhabitants live. She was so concentrated that she did not hear the man sitting next to her arrive. It was only when he opened his mouth to spill his venom in the form of gallant words that she noticed him.
“Hello, little Lady.”
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starlitwinter · 1 year
No sooner had Nenlissë walked a few meters into the forest than Turko nodded to her and pointed to a tree, and in silence they began to climb it. With a little more difficulty on the human girl part than the other cat there as she liked to call him, impressed by his feline moves and address. When they arrived between the leaves, Celegorm, sitting on the branch to Nenlissë’s right, took out of his bag the map they had prepared that afternoon.
“Well, we’re here and our sleeping place is here, being careful not to make too much noise and not to run into anyone, it shouldn’t take us more than a good three-quarters of an hour to get there.
-Okay fine. From what I could see on the sheets in the living room, Finrod and Angrod should be around here. Knowing that they also went towards the lake at the beginning. So, we shouldn’t run into them.
-As for Artanis and Aegnor, they’ve been keeping a safe space around the gardens so well that we’ll have to be extremely careful.”
He nodded and put the map back in his bag. Let’s go and play the fool in the trees. Eru thanks, they are quite close to each other, so you don’t need to be Spiderman to go from one to the other. And just like in Hunger Games, they arrived at their sleeping spot without a hitch.
“Let’s climb a little higher, the branches look pretty s-”
Turko cut himself off in mid-sentence, holding up a hand to silence his cousin. His ears twitched slightly, probably to get a better sense of the noise that Nenlissë poor hearing did not hear… Trusting him completely on this one, she froze, waiting for his next instruction not to move even a hair.
They waited at least ten minutes before our protagonist could hear Artanis’ faint voice pierce through the woods. Merde.
“Where are Nenlissë and Turko hiding…?” Artanis said, loud enough so her sister and cousin could hear her.
A deeper voice answered her, undoubtedly Aegnor’s.
“From what we could see, they should be around here. And even Nenlissë should be able to hear us.”
Nenlissë could see the evil smile forming on her little sister’s lips. (Holy fucking shit) Putain de bordel de merde. We’re screwed. She thought, feeling cold sweat running down her spine.
“Nenliiissëë… Tuurkoo… Don’t hide anymore and come give us victory!”
Nenlissë finally met Turko’s gaze and saw only pure panic. If he’s panicked, then we’re really in a mess. He motioned for her to hold her breath. What do you mean hold my breath? I may have been a swimmer before, but I can’t hold my breath for more than three minutes! And they can hear my fucking breath?
“Normally… this is the tree they were planning to spend the night in. The question now is… have they arrived yet?” Aegnor voice sounded.
-There’s only one way to find out, my dear brother.”
Before they could react, the tree they were standing on began to shake badly and unfortunately, Nenlissë was too busy wondering how she was not going to die of asphyxiation and so she was not holding on well enough. With a ridiculous scream, she fell. Her back and ribs were lacerated by the branches she fell through. The last thing the girl saw before she reflexively closed her eyes and waited for the impact with the ground was Turko’s hand with a piece of her sleeve torn off in it.
She fell. Again, and again. Then came the long-awaited shock. A flash of pain shot through her spine, her head was filled with a heavy buzzing sound, and everything was blurred as she opened my eyes. Her mouth filled with a warm, metallic-tasting liquid. Blood. Way too much blood. Voices echoed around her, and shapes moved. Two, no three. Six, seven, eight… more and more were coming. Someone is crying. Artanis? Nenlissë wanted to move to reassure her sister that it was nothing, but none of her limbs responded. Her vision became permanently black. Then it went white. Am I dying? Me? Die? Eru. Please, please, please.
All she could see was a bright white and the silence around her was so great that it had become a hum. Nenlissë tried to move her limbs again but still no reaction. Where the hell am I? In heaven? In hell? In the void? The young human could ask herself these questions, but no one was going to answer them. And then, a black spot formed in her field of vision. Tiny. But it grew bigger and bigger as if the thing was coming towards her. She tried to make noise and wave, but even if she managed to open her mouth, no sound would come out. Wait. Am I not breathing? What’s that? You don’t breathe when you die? But well, that’s logical, but really? Shocked. She waited for the thing to come to her. And so she waited for what seemed to her like an eternity before she finally saw the shape of the thing. A man? In any case, he must have eaten a torch, because he was glowing like crazy. He (she?) approached me and broke the silence.
“What were you doing in the cellars of Mandos at that hour?”
His voice was melodious as if he were singing rather than speaking. But at the same time, there was a force of authority in it.
“Eru, I presume? And there are times to die?” Nenlissë responded to his question with another.
Eru (?) laughed softly and shook his head.
“That’s me, young human. And no, Mandos doesn’t have a schedule. He works twenty-four hours a day. I meant to say that it’s not time for you to die yet. He said softly,
-My time? What the hell am I doing here then, Nenlissë tilted her head to the side, not understanding why she was here.
-It seems to me that your thread of destiny must have slipped out of my hands.
-Thread? Are our lives just a ball of yarn to you?”
He swept her reply with a flutter of his hand in the air and began to speak again as if nothing had happened.
“You are still promised great things. I still need you, Nenlissë.
-I have no words in the chapter then?
-Nenlissë, I offer to send you back to the world of the living. And for nothing in return. Who would not accept that?
-What if I want to die? What if I don’t want to do great things? This isn’t fan fiction, damn it!”
Eru smiles at Nenlissë before placing a finger on her forehead.
“Don’t worry, everything’s going to be fine.”
And he pushed her. And she fell. Only to get up again immediately. I am in bed. My room? Wait a moment. Why… are there people in my room?
“Er… Are you Artanis?”
Artanis, she presumed turned sharply towards her and Nenlissë could see that she was very tall. You’d think she was my age. 19. Before the girl could ask her assumed sister about her appearance, Artanis threw herself on top of Nenlissë and took her in her arms, crying her eyes out.
“You’re finally awake Nenlissë!
-Awake? A-Artanis, how long have I been unconscious?”
She seemed to hesitate and did not answer her sister but went to the door, gave orders to a servant, and then returned to her bedside.
“I know this will confuse you, but… you’ve been asleep for over 100 years. Without age.
-A hundred years! What the actual fuck?”
My God. What happened? Where are we in the story? Has Melkor returned? Has Fëanor gone mad? Is it the end of the world? Nenlissë thought, alarmed, and took her sister’s hands in hers, wanting answers.
“Artanis. I must know. Did something happen while I was unconscious? Something big. Like something to do with the Valar?
-Alas, yes. Melkor, a vala I hope you never meet, has been released and is roaming freely over our paradise…”
Damn it Eru. I hate you.
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