starredempress · 3 years
“You are the knife I turn inside myself; that is love. That, my dear, is love.”
— Franz Kafka
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starredempress · 3 years
           don’t care if he’s guilty, don’t care if he’s not                              he’s good
                                   &&  he’s bad
                                         &&  he’s all that I’ve got
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starredempress · 3 years
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Anna Karenina (2012)
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starredempress · 3 years
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starredempress · 4 years
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Keira Knightley in Anna Karenina (2012) dir. Joe Wright
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starredempress · 4 years
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starredempress · 4 years
“—softly, with hands as gentle as rain, I shall strangle him.”
— Angela Carter, The Erl-King (via liquidlightandrunningtrees)
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starredempress · 4 years
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― caitlyn siehl
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starredempress · 4 years
Tell me every terrible thing you’ve done, and let me love you anyway.
Unknown (via dude-im-batman)
(via heartbrxakers)
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starredempress · 4 years
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star wars meme: ½ planets ⟶ naboo  
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starredempress · 4 years
““Do you like him?” “I don’t want to.” “But you do?” “I do.””
— (via suzybishopwrites)
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starredempress · 4 years
““She longed to throw something at him. A chair. Herself.””
— Loretta Chase, Silk Is For Seduction
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starredempress · 4 years
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a moment alone. the thought made ardan’s skin crawl. it was not that he had anything against nessa tovar in particular— it was simply his way. he did not do well with people. he did not do well with talking. he did not to well with all the little odd intricacies and unshared expectations people always seemed to have. the fact that no person seemed to be entirely straightforward was frustrating for him. he hated the way politicians talked in circles but never really said anything. perhaps that was part of the reason he’d agreed to become emperor. 
politicians weren’t straightforward. they were selfish. they had agendas. they knew how to make one thing sound like another entirely. adran trane did not appreciate white lies. 
he would rather be told— to his face, mind you— that the entire galaxy hated him and wanted him dead, were that the case, than have it hummed and hawed about. 
“i suppose that seems fair.” his agreement was barely that; a removed placation. “and i suppose… that a date is the first and most important thing.” 
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Nessa gave a tight nod and looked back to her mother, the older woman happy to dither about dates. After about a minute of going back and forth within her family, she spoke up clearly. “I think we should set it for 6 cycles time. On Equinox Day, to symbolize a new beginning and promote positive associations.” She suggested, before taking a sip of her tea. Her parents gave each other a look, and perhaps it was stupid but Nessa felt a moment of brief envy at that look. Her parents may have been terrible ones, but their relationship was mutually strong. They could speak with just one look and know each other’s feelings. She doubted that her marriage would ever have that unspoken quality. Although considering her fiance’s quiet nature, she might be forced to.
“We’ll need plenty of time to arrange everything. There are so many things that will need to be done. The guests, the broadcast, the dinner, our clothing. Not to mention the process of moving me into the palace.” Nessa continued, knowing each thing would probably annoy the Emperor even more.
“Is that amenable to you, Your Majesty? You wouldn’t have to worry about most of the plans, I would handle that. You could just give me the important people you need there if you don’t want to be involved. I know your schedule must be tightly packed.” There was a subtle jab in there, a remark about Ardan not being capable enough to help but Nessa was using her subtlety here; it would be the thing to help her succeed. With him or against him, that remained to be seen.
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starredempress · 4 years
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starredempress · 4 years
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“yes,” ardan agreed, lifting his teacup to his lips, “i would assume such duties would be expected of an empress if they were expected of a queen.” he paused to sip his tea. “no others come to mind at present, but i am willing to re-negotiate as time wears on and the needs of the empire are better understood.” his response was perhaps the most he’d said at once since meeting her. it felt awkward; the words made his throat dry. he sipped at his tea again. 
as a former queen, nessa tovar was stepping into the role of empress with prior political experience. such experience meant that ardan was not stuck with the unenviable task of teaching her— a small blessing. 
he found it strange, however, that her family had insisted on coming to this meeting with her. when all was said and done, this arrangement was between nessa and himself. he could have sent them away… but he wasn’t entirely sure that he wanted to be alone with her. he’d have more than enough of that once they were married. 
“have you other questions?” ardan’s eyebrow lifted up slightly. “or ought we move on to the business of the wedding itself.”  
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Oh, but he was infuriating! So reticent in his entire being. She wondered how she was supposed to rule with someone she could barely talk to but then decided that might be easier. Perhaps his succinct nature would allow her to push her own ideas and steamroll his. She was prepared to rule the galaxy by herself if she had to. Nessa hadn’t expected her fiancee to be jumping for joy at their meeting but a little more open enthusiasm would be nice. Then her mother coughed beside her and she closed her eyes in understanding.
Of course he would be unwilling to speak about anything with her parents here; their presence was filling the room with an uncomfortable heaviness. Part of her wanted to be vindictive and keep them here all day, force Ardan to talk to them, but she was also ready to be free of their smothering behavior. Especially since it wasn’t truly for her benefit. It was what she symbolized that they were careful of, not her.  At his prompting, her mother started parroting away about wedding preparations and guest lists. The noise was grating on her and she was wisely aware of the fact that Ardan probably didn’t care about the various food allergies of her second cousins. The wedding plans would be hers and she relished the task, but now was not the time. He probably meant the logistics and nothing more.
“Mother, that’s enough please. Let’s not overwhelm his Majesty with small details. We should discuss the business of the wedding, but we can leave the intricacies to me. I’m sure you have much more important things to concern yourself with.” She said, resting a gentle hand on her mother’s arm. Nessa was clearly too kind, not wanting to subject him to her mother for long. Still, her smile was more sharklike than kind. A million questions rose to the forefront of her mind but she did not voice them. First get married and protect herself, then she could ask her questions. “However, I think once the most important things are squared away, I should like a moment alone with my spouse-to-be.” 
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starredempress · 4 years
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Paolo Sebastian X Disney
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starredempress · 4 years
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