#my brilliant adventurer :: ELARA
xasha777 · 4 months
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In the heart of Baltimore, amidst the historical halls and cutting-edge research facilities of Johns Hopkins University, a remarkable young woman named Elara Bloom was about to embark on an adventure that would transcend the boundaries of science and imagination.
Elara, with her vibrant red hair, piercing green eyes, and a constellation of freckles adorning her face, was known as a brilliant student in the field of astrobiology. She was passionate about the search for extraterrestrial life and spent countless hours in the lab, analyzing data from deep-space probes and radio telescopes.
One crisp autumn morning, as she walked through the university’s verdant campus wearing her favorite flower-patterned hoodie, Elara received an urgent message from her mentor, Dr. Lucius Hawke. He was an enigmatic figure, a renowned astrophysicist with a keen interest in the unexplained phenomena of the cosmos.
“Elara, I need you in my office immediately. We’ve discovered something extraordinary,” the message read.
Curiosity piqued, Elara hurried to the towering Physics Building. Dr. Hawke’s office was cluttered with stacks of research papers, models of celestial bodies, and advanced computing equipment. He looked up as she entered, his eyes gleaming with excitement.
“Elara, we’ve intercepted a signal from Proxima Centauri b,” he announced. “But it’s unlike anything we’ve seen before. It appears to be a mathematical code.”
Elara’s heart raced. Proxima Centauri b, an exoplanet in the habitable zone of its star, had always been a prime candidate in the search for life beyond Earth. Deciphering a message from an alien civilization could change humanity’s understanding of the universe.
Dr. Hawke continued, “I’ve only managed to decode part of it, but I believe it’s a request for knowledge exchange. They seem to be particularly interested in our advancements in medicine and technology.”
Over the next few days, Elara and Dr. Hawke worked tirelessly to decode the signal. The mathematical patterns were intricate, revealing a level of intelligence far surpassing anything humans had encountered. They soon realized the signal contained blueprints for an advanced device capable of instantaneous communication across light-years.
Using the resources at Johns Hopkins University, Elara and her team constructed the device, a sleek, crystalline apparatus that hummed with a faint, otherworldly energy. Once activated, it projected a holographic interface, displaying a series of symbols and equations.
“Elara, this is it,” Dr. Hawke said, his voice filled with awe. “We are about to make contact.”
With trembling hands, Elara initiated the communication sequence. The device emitted a soft, resonant tone, and a holographic image flickered into existence. It was a humanoid figure, with translucent skin that shimmered with bioluminescent patterns, resembling a living nebula.
The being introduced itself as Zathara, an emissary from the Centauri Alliance. Zathara spoke of their civilization’s quest for knowledge and their desire to share wisdom with humanity. In exchange, they sought to learn about Earth’s advancements in medicine to combat a pandemic plaguing their world.
Over the following months, Elara became the primary liaison between Earth and the Centauri Alliance. Through this unprecedented collaboration, humanity gained insights into advanced technologies and medical practices, while also sharing their own breakthroughs. This exchange led to rapid advancements in both civilizations, fostering a new era of interstellar cooperation.
Elara’s journey, which began with a simple signal, had transformed her into a key figure in the cosmic dialogue. Her passion for discovery and her unwavering curiosity had bridged the gap between worlds, proving that even amidst the vastness of the universe, the desire for knowledge and understanding could unite us all.
As she stood on the campus of Johns Hopkins University, looking up at the stars, Elara knew that this was only the beginning. The universe was vast, and there were countless mysteries yet to be uncovered. And with the Centauri Alliance as allies, humanity’s future among the stars seemed brighter than ever.
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starredempress · 5 years
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skyecrandall · 6 years
CCAs 2018 Afterparty (Choices fanfiction)
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Book: Most 2018 Books
Genre: Comedy
Words: about 2800
Summary: A look to the party held for the winners and others of the CCAs 2018. Read along to follow the adventure of the party hosts, Pax and Eos Elara as they go around interviewing people like the gorgeous Annabelle Parsons or even the grumpy Thomas Hunt. Witness even a dance performance by Kamilah Sayeed.
Note: This story i based on the results of the CCAs 2018. If you haven’t read it yet you may find yourself to be a little confused. So I definitely recommend reading about the results, here first.
"This is Pax and Eos Elara reporting live from the CCAs 2018 after party where our fellow winners and losers alike, " said Pax to the camera.
"We will be your host for next hour or so as we talk to the gathered personality and others. So if you have a question you really want your favourite stars to answer it, twat it to us on Twatter with the hashtag #CCAask, " smiled Eos.
"Can we cut this part please. Ugh why is that social media called Twatter, it feels really gross, " complained Pax.
"We are live right now, we can't edit stuff now. Anyway here is Miss Parsons, the winner of the Best Female LI category. Let's go and hear her mind out, " said Eos as he dragged Pax towards where Annabelle was talking with Hana. 
"Miss Parsons, Miss Lee. Good afternoon. We hope that you are having a good time, " smiled Eos. 
"We are doing good thanks, what are you two doing?" Asked Annabelle.
"We could be doing better since our book didn't get nominated in any category at all, so that’s why we are charged of filming with after party. We are live say hi to your fans!" Said Pax as she waved into the camera.
"So what could the two winners of the same category be talking about like this, " asked Eos.
"I was just complimenting Miss Parsons for her beautiful speech. Sure we, women are currently better treated than during her era, but there is still a lot that is left to be done for men and women to be truly equal, "
explained Hana. "That is very true. It is because of men like Eos right here that our society is still so horrible to women, " agreed Pax.
"Wh-what did I do? I have been respectful to everyone who deserved it, " replied the elder Elara.
"I wouldn't call constant flirting respectable personally, " added Annabelle.
"That's a personality trait!" Complained Eos.
"Sure whatever. Let's go talk to Damien and Hayden now before my brother has an emotional breakdown. Let's head over to the mini-lounge area, " said Pax as she started walking towards where Damien and Hayden were chatting.
"Hey there winners are you enjoying the party?" Asked Pax.
"Parties are not really my thing but hey a party to celebrate my victory is nice, " said Damien.
"Plus free drinks!" Added Hayden.
"Yes and free drinks, " smiled Damien before taking a sip of his drink.
"Anyway where is the rest of your crew? It is a little odd to see just the two of you like this, " asked Eos.
"Sloane was really sad that she could not win her category and so Kai, Nadia and Steve went to console her. Khaan could not come due to Hamza and Alana is busy on a job overseas, " explained Hayden.
"Talking about Kai, here they are, " said Damien.
"I knew Nadia was a little cray but wow she is quite extreme. We could not console Sloane so Nadia just got her so drunk that she passed out. Then because it was make out time, she dragged Steve under a table and god knows what she could be doing right now. Oh hey, Pax and Eos, " said Kai as they settled between Damien and Hayden.
"She sure us a handful, " said Damien when a buzzer could be heard.
"What is that sound, " asked the robot.
"That means that it is time to answer a question from your fans on Twatter. Let's choose a random one that involves either of you three, " said Eos.
"Here's one. By @wescott-imogen . Let's see what it says:
“ Hey Damien I love you. Anyway I would just like to ask you whether you are Bi. I know you are, but some people still believe you are straight so I just want you to say it with your own mouth to confirm it.”
 " read Pax.
"Oh, well I'm most definitely bisexual. I hope this suffice you, " said Damien. 
"Thats not enough. We need confirmation that you truly are bi. You need to kiss a guy right here," added Pax.
"If so, I volunteer," smiled Kai.
"Hold on you can't. Since you are a girl in some playthroughs and for the same reasons i can't too. So that just leaves Eos," explained Hayden.
"Do I really have to?" Asked Damien.
"Well it's just a kiss. It's not a big deal," smiled Eos.
"You better kiss as good as you claim to," said Damien as he reluctantly kissed the elder Elara.
Their kiss seemed rather awkward at first but eventually they both fit together like pieces of a puzzle, much to the disgust of Kai.
"Whoops, we should probably stop the kissing for now. This is supposed to be a family friendly show, " said Pax as she pulled her brother away from Damien.
 "That kiss was actually really good. Like people who boast about this stuff are not really good but you Eos... whoa, " said Damien with a smile.
"I hope you believe me now Pax. My kisses are just the best, " winked Eos. 
"Yeah yeah okay. Anyway we better and go take a look at some other people before we witness a murder live on camera, " said Pax as she pushed her brother away after noticing Kai's murderous gaze towards Eos.
"Anyway time to go and find someone else. We won't find anyone in such a recluse corn-What the hell!" yelled Eos as he turned around and nearly bumped onto Skye Crandall.
"What are you doing here? Where are your friends?" Asked Pax.
"Bailey could not get the permission to come, Rory had to check on their mother, Ajay was bickering with Thomas Hunt the last time I saw him and Bailey's twin came to take Erin for a consolation date, " explained the goth.
"Ah...okay. Still aren't you lonely here? Wouldn't it be better if you stayed at home, no offence ?" asked the younger Elara.
"Anywhere is better than my house, " replied Skye coldly.
"Well anyway we've been wanting to have a talk with you, so will you answer a few questions for us?" Asked Eos.
"If I say yes will you stop bothering me?" Asked the red head.
"Yes? Anyway how are you feeling Miss Skye Crandall? You scored 2 nominations and despite being the underdog in the Best Female LI category you still scored a brilliant 3rd. So what are your thoughts?" Asked Pax.
"Cool... I guess?" Said Skye plainly. "Okay...Do you have anything you'd like to say for your family?" Asked Eos and Skye just gave her middle finger to the camera.
"We will have to censor that in editing, " said Pax.
"Again, this is live. We can't blur this out. Anyway anything to say to your friends that are at home?" Asked Eos.
"You guys are definitely not as uncool as you seem to be, especially you Bailey, " smiled Skye.
"Aww that is so sweet. Looks like our goth baby is actually a goth teddy bear, " smiled the elder Elara earning the two a scowl from the redhead.
"Well we should probably be moving on now. Oh wait look at the time, it's time for the dance performance, " said Pax as the two reporters moved away from Skye.
"Pax is right! Kamilah and her best friends have been willing to celebrate the event by offering us a dance performance. It might seem a little out of season, but that is mostly due to the CCAs being postponed so many times. Let's give our glorious performers a grand applause, " said Eos as the camera panned onto the central stage.
The stage curtain lifted up and Kamilah, Priya and The Baron appeared on stage in their Halloween Santa outfit with a Christmas backdrop.
"Are you sure the dance is worth being performed anymore? It's no longer Christmas, " whispered The Baron to Kamilah.
"We can't let our efforts be wasted. We worked hard on this performance and so everyone will have to watch it, " explained Kamilah.
"Also this is all just for fun and it will be a nice excuse to show off our Halloween outfits again hehe, " smiled Priya.
"Anyway... Nova Elara! Bring on the music! Give us Jingle Bell Rock!" Ordered Kamilah and Nova, the ATV MC! launched the soundtrack.
"Stroke em, Like em, Suck on my -" the soundtrack went on when our duo of reporters noticed the music and rushed on stage.
"Stop the sound!" Ordered Eos and the soundtrack stopped.
"What the fuck where you thinking Nova! This is not Jingle Bell Rock!" Yelled Pax.
"Shut your trap, Pax! This is a fucking family friendly show! You can't curse!" Yelled back Eos.
Realising what they both did, they both fell limp until suddenly Pax's phone started ringing. She glanced to take a look at the name and just accepted the call before shoving it into Eos' hands.
"This is for you, talk!" Ordered Pax who started sweating nervously.
Eos slowly brought the phone to his ears and said a small hello, before an stream of insults flowing from the phone. The person at the other end was so mad that their voice could be heard a few metres away from the twins. After a few minutes of berating the call finally ended.
“So what did Piper say?” said Pax, anxious as she took back her phone.
“She berated me the whole time before saying something like ‘The two of you are never getting hired again’” sighed Eos.
“Hmm, can we continue our performance?” asked Priya.
“No way. Your time slot is over. It’s now Maxwell’s time with his jokes,” replied Pax.
“This is unfair! The two of you crashed our performance!” complained the Baron.
“Listen. I don’t care that you are a super old and powerful vampire. We just got fired and we don’t want to anger that woman again, so please,” said Eos as he walked away, his sister in tow before passing Maxwell the microphone.
“I could use a drink,” said Pax.
“Same...You know what let’s just have fun and keep reporting.  Who knows maybe she will take us back? Anyway dear audience, Eos and Pax Elara are back in business and we are headed towards the buffet table to show you all the delicious snacks on the menu,” smiled Eos.
“Let’s go and see if these food are as wig snatching as people have been claiming all over their Twatter accounts. I mean seriously, our fellow winners have been posting more about the food than themselves,” continued Pax as the two siblings started heading towards the snack table where Elliot Vance and his sibling Harper Vance were having an eating competition.
“Hey there, mind giving us five minutes? We would like to interview you two about your awards,” said Eos.
“We...ant...eed...eaf....fafter” Said Elliot while munching into his food with fervour.
“What did you say? I don’t understand?” said Pax, confused.
“eaf...ing...con...fe...fifon...I...wiff...win,” mumbled Harper in between bites.
“I think they are doing an eating competition. Probably to settle their rivalry with this,” said the elder Elara.
“In that case.... Wooo go Elliot! You were the best!” cheered on Pax.
“Nonsense, Harper had the best performance. If you knew the amount of tissues I cried in watching their acting,” argued Eos as he wiped a tear from his eye.
“Maybe yes, but Eliot’s growth was one of the best part of the book. Uncultured swines like you can’t tell the difference,” voiced out Pax before the siblings started bickering among themselves.
Noticing the fight, Elliot tapped his sibling on their shoulder and said, “We don’t sound like this do we?”
“Nah, our banters are better. Let’s just leave them at it,” said Harper after they finished their food before leaving.
“They should value their kinship more,” mumbled Elliot as he walked away with Harper, however the two Elara could not hear him and just kept fighting among themselves about who had the best performance. It was only when a certain man appeared that they had to stop.
“Can I pass please? You two can bicker elsewhere,” said the man who was none other than Thomas Hunt.
“Ah Mr.Hunt, we are very sorry. Anyway Elliot, Harper can you lend us a word now?” said Pax.
“Welp, they are gone. I guess that means you will have to answer our questions now Mr.Hunt,” said Eos.
“I don’t get a say in this, do I?” asked the director.
“No you don’t. You know we will be annoying until you give us your time,” replied Pax.
“I knew I shouldn’t have come here. First that high school director wanna be and now paparazzi wanna bes. Begin your questions already,” grumbled Hunt.
“Well, as a director, do you agree with the winners of this year’s CCAs?” asked Eos.
“The winners are more or else deserved, although I believe Veil Of Secrets should have won the best atmosphere category though,” said the director when the buzzer suddenly rang.
--BE WARNED: The following section is not safe for work nor suitable for minors, read at your own perils or you can skip it till the next time you see bold text.--
“Looks like its time to search a question for our amazing director to answer, Eos will you do us the honour,” said Pax.
“Of course, here is one by @teamtomsato:
“Hiya Hunty :3333 Have you read my fic yet? Here’s the link! I’m really proud of it! *link to their ao3 fic* *gazillions of heart emojies* “
Aww how sweet. They want to ask you if you read their fanfiction, so have you done so Mr.Thomas,” said Eos
“I do not have time for such nonsense. I’m also having a bad feeling about this,” shuddered the director.
“Come on, it is just a story. What’s so bad about it? I know! How about we read just a page of it right now. Choose a page!” proposed the younger Elara.
“Ugh, let’s see then. Page 84. I don’t think that person’s fanfiction would be that long,” growled Hunt.
“Well you are wrong Hunty. This person’s story is 169 pages long. Here, I already put it on page 84,” said Eos as he handed the grumpy director his phone.
“I guess I should play along just so that this martyr ends quickly,” said Hunt as he started reading off that page.
Additional warning: This is the time that i recommend you to skip to the next bolded sentence once again as the following part is heavily nsfw and definitely not suited for minors.
“Hunt’s rough hands find their landing on Jessica’s shoulders, holding her tightly as his fluid movements against her body cause her to scream out in pleasure.
“Harder Daddy, hARDER!” Jessica’s pants, the grumpy marshmallow picking up his momentum inside of her slick caverns, overflowing with her love juice.
“You like that princess?” Hunt growls into her ear, “You like daddy’s big dick?”
“I love your big dick daddy!” 
“read Thomas, astonished.
“Wh-why...” stammered the director, aghast.
“Oh no, this is bad...We thought we passed through the worst earlier but this is nothing compared to this,” muttered Pax.
“Let’s just walk away like nothing happened,” said Eos but as they tried to go away, the director stopped them.
“Hold on. I’ve got a message for you @teamtomsato . I’ve called the police. They are coming to get you. You going to jail. You hear me. JAIL,” yelled Hunt as he grabbed the camera and focused it onto him.
--You my now continue read. The nsfw part is now over-
“Alright let’s see who we can talk to now...” smiled Pax.
“Hopefully it won’t be someone indecent. Wait, Rye? What are you doing here?” asked Eos after he noticed Rye hanging around.
“What are you doing here, its not your book’s year yet,” said Pax.
“I’m just here to observe. This way It will be perfect when we get win the awards,” smiled Rye.
“Cocky aren’t we?” teased Eos.
“Well I have a reason to be so sure of myself. Our book is doing really good right now and Eris and Tillie have a good shot at winning the best Female LI category. The only real opponent we have are the Desire and Decorum team and also if another It Lives comes out,” explained the conman,
“Interesting. What about your teammates? It is odd to see you all alone, especially without even Eris or Lee,” asked Pax.
“Well they are kinda on a job right now...” smiled Rye and as if on cue, an explosion occurred in the hall they were gathered in.
“The escape route has been formed, let’s go go go!” ordered Eris as members of her crew started running towards the hole she made with jewellery and trophies in hand.
“Well, this is a good bye. See you at the CCAs 2019 and remember to vote us when the time comes,” smiled Rye as he also disappeared through the hole.
“Arggggh I’m not letting them get away! Zekei! Deimos! Parker! Naomi! Let’s catch those thieves!!!” roared Eos as he pulled out his ray gun.
“Well I guess this little report is ending right here. We hope you had a lot of fun and we can’t wait to see you again for the CCAs 2019!!!” smiled Pax before the program ended.
Phew finally finished this fic and with it concludes the 208 round of the CCAs. This fic came in impromptu in my mind so to prevent it from also getting inside the endless cycle of never being written I decided to rush it and I got it right,
IF you enjoyed the fanfiction, please leave a like or a comment/reblog, I like hearing other’s opinions. If you really like my style, please do check my masterpost (in my bio or press the masterpost word) which features all of my written work.
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