#my little prince :: LEVEN
abysswalkersknight · 1 year
Just did a practise picture and drabble with my last idea with malleus and little Silver, since I wanted to try my hand at some fluff and comedy.
Humans are so fragile, Malleus thinks brushing a knuckle over the soft cheek of Lilia’s slumbering child. It had only been a mere eight years since his guardian had introduced Malleus to the sweet little bundle nestled in his arms, and to the old general’s delight, the prince was enraptured at first sight, feeling those tiny fingers, delicate as they were, gripping his own one with such considerable strength. Malleus had decided then and there that with Lilia’s permission he would also take part in caring for this adorable creature. Which brings them to now as little Silver slept, curling into the thickest blanket Malleus could find. It was the middle of winter and Lilia had to go run some errands so Malleus was left to babysit the little human. He frowned as he felt Silver’s cheek and forehead, the child was far too cold for his liking! So with the elegant grace of someone who had to endure torturous hours of royal etiquette lessons, Malleus swept up the child onto his lap in a firm hold, thankfully Silver didn’t stir and instead snuggled closer to the prince’s chest.
This is still too cold for human children! It would be terrible if Silver caught a cold, Malleus had read all about the dangers of human illnesses, first it could be just a slight fever and runny nose then all of a sudden it could turn into something called pneumonia! The books said that it's fatal to humans and if the adults die from it, of course their offspring will have higher chances! 
Subconsciously Malleus’s arms tightened around the child oblivious to his spiralling thoughts. No, he thinks, no way was this child falling sick on his watch, but instead of lighting the fireplace like any rational person the prince picked up Silver once more in his arms and disappeared in a display of little green lights.
‘Malleus Draconia!’ Lilia stormed into the prince’s chambers with a flurry of rage and exasperation. When the castle guards and servants caught sight of the angry general they knew better than to block his path, some of the older guards winced in sympathy for the young prince. They recalled the past incidents when the princess and her husband recently had their egg, and knew very well what was about to happen.
Right now Lilia is hushed by the giant dragon who points down to the little human child nestled into his scaly arm, Silver stirs slightly then settles and nuzzles closer to the warmth, the dragon rumbles and snuffles the child until satisfied that he is settled.
The older fae glared up at the dragon with all the confidence of someone who had seen centuries worth of horrors and the irritation of a parent, ‘Malleus, why did you nab my child. Again?’ the dragon hissed angrily, arching his neck back like a broody chicken. This was not the first time Lilia has had to deal with something like this, sometimes he almost regrets presenting his son to Malleus as the prince has immediately taken to stealing the child whenever it was slightly colder than usual, and it takes Lilia forever to get him back so he could have dinner, not to mention he almost never leaves unscathed. 
He’s just like his father. He begrudgingly recalls. Back when his friends were alive, Lilia would sometimes be sent to retrieve something from the egg’s nursery and it was an absolute nightmare whenever it was Leven’s “turn” to have the egg. It would be just like now, the big oaf would be in his dragon form, curling around the egg and snapping at anyone who dared go near, really Lilia and Mallenoa would always compare him to a brooding chicken, the princess; with affection, Lilia; seven’s damn it, just let him do his job!
Thankfully this just means he knew just the thing for a situation like this. 
‘Malleus give me back Silver, oooorrrr I get the broom’ he says moving closer. The prince hissed again and puffed smoke from his nostrils, his three pointed tail suddenly sweeps up and batted at Lilia until he backed away ‘alright that was just plain rude’ with a flick of his fingers a broom flew into his hand, the dragon snaps at him and he smacks the narrow snout with the end of it ‘I did say I’d get the broom out didn’t I?’ the dragon hisses once again.
Lilia sighed, so this was going to be one of those days wasn’t it.
After a few hours of scrappy cat fights, and a certain dragon getting a broom shoved up his nose, a roughed up Lilia had his son burying his sleepy face in his face and a dejected prince following behind, occasionally blowing his nose.
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incomingalbatross · 1 year
Doctor Who fancast of LotR, current draft:
Bilbo: Patrick Troughton <3
Gandalf: Peter Capaldi (this is only partly on account of his eyebrows)
Frodo: Paul McGann. I'm VERY committed to this
Sam: ???
Merry: Ian Marter. He's a posh lad, our Merry
Pippin: Frazer Hines (who otherwise would be a shoo-in for Sam)
Lobelia: ?? Don't know but she deserves the best in terms of casting. Considering SJA-era Liz Sladen
Gildor, Farmer Maggot, Fatty: All ?? (Farmer Maggot MIGHT be John Levene. Might be Sylvester McCoy.)
Tom Bombadil: Colin Baker. Listen, I was very torn here because OBVIOUSLY Tom Baker has the correct energy, but Colin does too and I think he would have more fun with the little songs. Also I want to save Tom Baker's voice for someone else
Goldberry: Lalla Ward (...unfortunately another point for Tom as Tom)
Butterbur: ...I feel like there's an obvious choice but I don't have him
Aragorn: Nicholas Courtney, YES my Brigadier bias is showing through, but you know he could handle "running herd on the hobbits"
Glorfindel: Peter Davison
Elrond: Matt Smith. Listen I like this choice so much. Old and wise and the last of his kind!!
Arwen: ?? This just feels like a game of "which dark-haired DW actress do I declare the Most Beautiful," except they also need the correct Elvish Vibes. For the vibes especially, I'm considering Carole Ann Ford. But then there's Mary Tamm, who is properly Tall. idk.
Boromir: ???
Legolas: Peter Purves?? I can't even tell you why he just kinda seems to fit and that's the best I got.
Gimli: Michael Craze??? See above.
Galadriel: ?? Again, this should be easier. DW has so many good actresses. But I can't think of anyone who's quite right. Mary Tamm in a blonde wig? Jacqueline Hill ditto? Lalla Ward would be great if she were just taller, but I don't regret giving her Goldberry either.
Celeborn: ??
Eomer: David Tennant. Eomer has a good range of Big Emotions, which I feel is important when casting David Tennant. (And yes I'm waiving the hair color here too.)
Treebeard: Tom Baker. THIS is what I was saving his voice for. You get it right??
Quickbeam: ??
Theoden: William Hartnell. <3 This one is very important to me.
Eowyn: Karen Gillian. Listen. She could DO it. (Also this makes both siblings Scottish, which amuses me.)
Grima: ??
Saruman: Jon Pertwee. I wanted him for Denethor too, but if I have to choose... Saruman.
Gollum: ?? Casting anyone as Gollum just feels mean.
Faramir: Hnggggh... I am considering both William Russell (Ian bias) and Arthur Darvill (to be opposite Karen Gillian but also he likes cool parts with gravitas). I don't know.
Denethor: ?? All wizard-adjacent characters should be played by Doctors but I've used all the applicable Doctors. ...Anthony Ainley?
Beregond: ?? He FEELS like a John Levene character but John Levene also feels like he really should be a hobbit. I am considering Duggan's actor on the grounds that he's also an everyman
Bergil: ?? I don't have any child actors on hand
Halbrand: ??
Elladan and Elrohir: ??
Prince of Dol Amroth: Okay actually THIS is William Russell
Ioreth: Catherine Tate I think
The Master of the Houses of Healing: pick any half-decent Time Lord, they'll fit the bill :P
Farmer Cotton: ??
Rosie Cotton: Either Anneke Wills or Katy Manning, probably. Or maybe Jenna Coleman.
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fandsart · 1 year
This is old news, but I haven't really reported on it yet. I don't like most Nancy ships because they always seem to revolve around her. I like my ships to be mutually dynamically fulfilling, and a while ago I tried to think of any stranger things character I could see her being good with, and the only one I could think of at the time was Kali. (side note: I didn't look up an official list or anything, so Chrissy wasn't one that I'd thought of at the time, but I was very recently introduced to the idea of them being in a relationship and I kinda like it, maybe even more than kalancy, but that's irrelevant rn)
The reason I haven't really talked about it though is because the only way I'd ever be able to do anything with it is if I thought up an au for it, because I can't so easily just slide that into canon st plotlines. Especially since steddie is my main favorite ship, it's also not something I could just slide as background into there. But I'm not much of an au person so I just figured nothing would come of it, but... well I thought of one
Robin Hood!Kali Maid Marian! Nancy. And obviously Kali has an established gang, which would stand in for the merry men
Now first of all, obviously Nancy is kind of known to be the sharp shooter, but also lots of versions of Robin Hood give them a history from before he becomes an outlaw. So the idea that one of the extracurricular Nancy had to partake in is archery, and it's one of the ones that she actually likes, so she teaches her friend (Kali) to do it
A common Robin Hood plot is around a competition for this golden arrow, often accompanied by a kiss from Maid Marian, so the idea that Kali shows up just to see Nancy again, and marvels as Nancy pulls a Merida, competing herself, taking her agency back in the situation
Maid Marian often has lady in waiting and that's gotta be Barb. Yk that scene in canon where Nancy and Barb are talking about Steve and Barb kind of mocks her like "'We just made out a little.'" I'm thinking we'd get that type of dynamic a little bit, and Barb can go to Nancy as a confidant when Barb realizes Nancy's feelings for Kali. Barb admits that she's been sneaking off with Robin, who is the king's scribe's daughter (Also Robin intends on being the, like, royal translator when the current one retires, and has actually gotten work a few times when they've needed one last second). Now Nancy has a closer confidant in Barb.
Some extra background stuff I got carried away with
I think Steve has to be royalty too. I think he was the prince of a neighboring kingdom and was one of Nancy's suitors at some point, before he did something against his father and was banished. So he stays in Nancy's kingdom. If we want to throw in some background steddie we can have Eddie and Wayne take him in. I think Eddie is in Kali's gang, and maybe eases Steve into it too. I think Dustin, Max, and the Sinclairs are also in the group from pretty early
Robin and Steve meet while working at a soup kitchen, with all the financial issues going on in the kingdom, as is part of the Robin Hood plot
The Byers family work in the stables, and Nancy once had a rebellious relationship with Jonathan, and Mike (who would also be in a similar social position to Nancy, being her brother). I'm honestly not that invested in the B*ler vs m*leven rivalry (censoring because people get intense about it). I think Will doesn't deserve to go through this emotional wringer for Mike, but there's opportunity here
The sheriff in Robin Hood is obviously an antagonist so I'm not gonna be placing Hopper there, I'm going to make him Friar Tuck, even though I don't view canon Hopper as particularly religious, I think the role fits
Instead of the situation being the typical Robin Hood route of "No, royalty is good, but we gotta be loyal to those rightfully in power" where Prince John is just left in charge while his brother, the true king, is on the crusade, we're just going full anti-authority. The kind is in charge and it's Brenner. Idk how royal positions work and I've tried so hard to google. I have no idea if Maid Marian is supposed to be related to the king or not. But I could totally see them related on her dad's side. We're just going with it. The Sheriff is gonna be Mayor Kline
Now obviously the Robin Hood plot is about exploitation which fits into Kali's real motivation, but in Robin Hood it's financial exploitation, so I think El has to be just a victim of child labor through orphanage before Hopper takes her in. I think all of the experiments need to have fallen victim to child labor, and Kali and El were the only ones who actually got out of it. Kali would have probably had to have gotten stuck in it after her childhood friendship with Nancy
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jules-has-notes · 8 months
collaboration spotlight — Disney Sessions — Aladdin
After their joyful collaboration with the touring cast of Newsies in the spring, VoicePlay were invited to create some more arrangements as part of the Disney On Broadway 20th anniversary celebration. This time they teamed up with the stage cast of Aladdin.
Join the boys for a behind the scenes sneak peek into their writing process and a marathon filming day in New York's theater district, then watch the resulting videos below.
Some of the best villains are deceptive, even seductive, and more than a few lull their victims into complacency with song. Although Jafar's villain song was mostly an inversion of the hero song, the actor who played him for thirty years can certainly bring the perfectly tuned menace with the best of them.
title: Villains medley
performer: Jonathan Freeman
original songs / performers: [0:10] "Prince Ali (Reprise)" by Jonathan Freeman as Jafar in Aladdin; [0:44] "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Pat Carroll as Ursula in The Little Mermaid; [1:18] "Cruella de Vil" by Bill Lee as Roger Radcliffe in 101 Dalmatians; [1:34] "Oogie Boogie's Song" by Ken Page as Oogie Boogie in The Nightmare Before Christmas; [2:12] "Prince Ali (Reprise)" coda
written by: "Prince Ali (Reprise)" by Alan Menken & Tim Rice; "Poor Unfortunate Souls" by Howard Ashman & Alan Menken; "Cruella De Vil" by George Bruns & Mel Leven; "Oogie Boogie’s Song" by Danny Elfman
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 22 October 2015
My favorite bits:
Jonathan sounding just as fabulous and sinister as he did when I was a kid
the gentle call-and-response interjections from the backup singers "Suprise!" "Oh no!"
the singers getting offended at the trombone taking the melody for one bar
Jonathan Freeman was the voice of Jafar in the original 1992 animated movie, and the only member of the voice cast to return for the Aladdin stage adaptation. He stayed with the show from its 2011 off-Broadway workshop in Seattle through its 2014 Broadway debut, and stayed until his retirement in January 2022.
VoicePlay had done their own full version of "Cruella de Vil" at the beginning of the year as part of the promotion for the Blu-ray release of 101 Dalmatians.
The guys included most of these songs in their own "Aca Top 10 — Disney Villains" medley a few years later.
After playing a pair of strangers who meet and fall in love every night, these two talented folks got a chance to sing in the voices of an established couple looking further into the future.
title: Thinking Out Loud
performers: Courtney Reed & Adam Jacobs
original performer: Ed Sheeran
written by: Ed Sheeran & Amy Wadge
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 5 November 2015
My favorite bits:
turning the song into a balanced duet so that both people involved have a voice in the narration
the relaxed jazzy tempo giving the lyrics a less urgent, more comfortable feel
Courtney booping Adam's nose
the harmonized riffing on ♫ "baby no-o-o-ow" ♫ in the bridge
Adam and Courtney originated their roles of Aladdin and Jasmine in the stage adaptation, begining with the off-Broadway workshop in Seattle and continuing to Broadway.
Some performances can never be replicated, but a talented actor can make any role their own. James Monroe Iglehart didn't try to emulate Robin Williams. He took a fresh approach to the stage version of Genie while maintaining the character's core exuberence. This arrangement celebrates the best of both.
title: Genie's "Friend Like Me" remix
performer: James Monroe Iglehart
original performer: Robin Williams as the Genie in Aladdin (1992)
written by: Howard Ashman & Alan Menken
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci; original rap by James Monroe Iglehart
release date: 12 November 2015
My favorite bits:
the added syncopation on ♫ "brand of magic that never fails" ♫
James spitting bars
the conversational tone between James and the backup singers
going from a sustained high note to a low descending riff
James Monroe Iglehart originated the role of Genie in the off-Broadway workshop and Broadway production of Aladdin, and won a 2014 Tony Award for best featured actor in a musical. He left the show in 2017 to take over the role of Lafayette/Jefferson in Hamilton.
During filming, Layne didn't get to hear the direct audio feed, so he missed James's rap verse. When they got backstage, he took a chance to lay down a beat, and it paid off in the form of a private performance. It makes perfect sense that James is a member of Freestyle Love Supreme, along with several of his Hamilton costars.
A version of "Friend Like Me" was one of the earliest videos VoicePlay made for their own YouTube channel.
You can't go wrong with a Sinatra tune for a jazzy cabaret setting. The thematic parallel between this classic invitation to adventure and "A Whole New World" was too good to reisist.
title: Come Fly With Me
performer: Adam Jacobs
original performer: Frank Sinatra
written by: composed by Jimmy Van Heusen, lyrics by Sammy Cahn
arranged by: Layne Stein & Geoff Castellucci
release date: 19 November 2015
My favorite bits:
Adam's silky smooth timbre
♫ "he'll toot…" ♫ 🎺 ::toot:: 🎺 ♫ "…his flute for you" ♫
the lovely dance break with Courtney
his shoulder shake on ♫ "the angels cheer" ♫
After they left the New York production of Aladdin, Adam and Courtney both reprised their roles in the touring company. They later reunited again on the Broadway Princess Party tour.
Geoff was pretty excited about this particular song.
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starredempress · 5 years
Tag Drop 2
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justanoutlawfic · 4 years
My updated “if they had a kid meme” for Prince Beauty.
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Names: Collette “Cole” & Serafina “Sera”
General appearance: They’re identical twins with curly blonde hair and green eyes. Cole is more of a tom boy, wearing torn jeans and graphic tees. Sera wears floral dresses and pink.
Personality: Mini, sassy geniuses. They test out into a gifted program when they’re in 1st grade. Cole tends to get into more fights. Sera is like Marie, she won’t start fights, but she’ll finish them.
Special talents: Cole is great with her hands. She can take apart anything and put it back together. She gets a shop at a garage in High school. Sera is very athletic and ends up on the track team.
Who they like better: Cole is a mama’s girl, Sera has James wrapped around her finger. But they’re closest to each other.
Who they take after more: They both look like each of their parents, with a good mix of their personalities.
Personal headcanon: The girls end up kidnapped by George when they’re little. James saves them but he’s pretty protective as a result.
Face Claims: Mia & Ellen Allan (Young)
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Leven Rambin (Teen/Adult)
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allspark · 7 years
It’s time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Another week light on Transformers titles, but IDW does not disappoint. Check out some interesting titles being released this coming week like the Hasbro Heroes Sourcebook, M.A.S.K., DuckTales, My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic, Back to the Future, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, and  more! All coming your way for December 12th!
John Barber, Cullen Bunn, Sina Grace, Various (A) Robert Atkins, Guido Guidi, Paolo Villanelli, Various (CVR) Marcelo Borstelmann
From the pages of Transformers, G.I. Joe, Rom, M.A.S.K.: Mobile Armored Strike Komand, Micronauts, Action Man, and Revolutionaries comes the ultimate guide to the heroic and villainous champions of Hasbro! The new post-Revolution universe’s biggest movers and shakers from Acroyear to Zarana are all here with detailed bios and astonishing art by today’s top talent! Plus, three back-up stories that expand upon the new lore of the shared universe; fantastic spreads of the bases of G.I. Joe, Optimus Prime, and the Micronauts; and if you look closely, hints of things to come! •   From today’s top creative talent! •   Advance solicited for December release!
Brandon Easton, David Rodriguez (A) Juan Samu, Drew Moss, Andrew Griffith (CVR) Marcelo Perez Dalannays
M.A.S.K. is a team of heroes that streaks into the dangerous, unstable landscape of dark wars, high intrigue, and non-stop action where they’ll encounter the nearly unstoppable threat of Miles Mayhem and his black ops squadron known as V.E.N.O.M.
THE ORIGIN OF V.E.N.O.M.! As the M.A.S.K. team constructs a new headquarters in Miami, Matt Trakker goes on a solo mission to identify new recruits. Along the way, Trakker crosses paths with Dr. Mindbender, who instructs him on the art of leadership and manipulation. But Trakker quickly uncovers Mindbender’s twisted goals and learns the true history of his former teammates who became members of V.E.N.O.M. Collects issues #6-10 and the 2017 Annual.
Bob Gale, John Barber (A/CVR A) Marcelo Ferreira (CVR B) Xavi Montell
“TIME SERVED, FINALE!” Endings and beginnings! As the first volume of the smash hit series races to a close in this oversized final issue, Marty uncovers the last secret of Jailbird Joey Baines-while Doc Brown and family prepare for an all-new adventure! •   Oversized grand finale to Volume 1 of IDW’s hit BTTF ongoing series! •   Sets up an all-new BTTF adventure-coming soon! •   Chock full of fun extras!
Joey Cavaleri, Joe Caramagna (A) Luca Usai, Gianfranco Florio (CVR A&B) Marco Ghiglione
The adventures of Duckburg’s most famous citizens continue! First, Scrooge and company find themselves stuck in Happy, Happy Valley, where everyone is a little too happy! Then, can Huey, Louie and Dewey overcome the Curse of the Twin Samurai (and maybe make a little money too)?
(A) Tony Vargas, Sam Barlin, Mark Fitzpatrick
Few diversions in Republic City offer as much excitement as attending a pro-bending game! This is doubly true when the teams facing off in the hexagonal ring are the reigning champs, the White Falls Wolfbats, and their fierce challengers, the Future Industry Fire Ferrets!
In The Legend of Korra: Pro-Bending Arena, 2 players face off as either the White Falls Wolfbats or the Future Industry Fire Ferrets in an attempt to defeat their opponent and take of the title of Pro-Bending Champions. Blending card drafting, resource placement, and area control, players in The Legend of Korra: Pro-Bending Arena draft unique decks for each bender on their team, equip special team-ability trick cards, and strategically place their team members and the elements they bend on the board. Push the farthest forward, or in a real show of strength, knock out the other team entirely, to claim the pro-bending championship! •   Advance solicit for December release! •   Game design from Sen-Foong Lim (Junk Art) and Jessey Wright (Pocket Adventure)!
Jeremy Whitley, Christina Rice (A) Tony Fleecs, Agnes Garbowska (A/CVR) Jay P. Fosgitt
Celebrate the magic of friendship in these stand-alone tales featuring all of your favorite characters. Share adventures with Twilight Sparkle and Rainbow Dash, Shining Armor and Prince Blueblood, Pinkie Pie and Granny, Princess Luna and The Cutie Mark Crusaders, Rarity and Maud Pie, Fluttershy and Daring Do, and more! Collects issues #25-38.
James Asmus (A/CVR A) Brenda Hickey
The New Year is around the corner, and the ponies of Equestria are ready to celebrate in some very silly and unexpected ways! (Except Pinkie Pie. Her celebrations are always silly and unexpected.)
Fabian, Jr. Rangel (A/CVR A) Warwick J. Cadwell
Samurai Jack: Kaiju style! It’s Samurai Jack meets Pacific Rim, as the amnesiac, time/universe hopping Jack finds himself teamed up with a group of scientists, at the controls of giant battle robots, fighting the monster known as Krogo! Bas as Jack is slowly beginning to realize what’s happening to him, the question remains: How and why is he jumping back and forth through time-and who’s behind it all!
Mike Johnson, Ryan Parrott (A) Tony Shasteen, Megan Levens (CVR) George Caltsoudas
All-new adventures of the new crew in the new timeline! As the Federation and the Romulans convene in the wake of the Borg attack, the precarious peace is threatened by the murder of a key diplomat… and a Starfleet cadet is the prime suspect! Don’t miss this all-new adventure, guest-starring Jaylah from STAR TREK BEYOND, and the cast from the hit STARFLEET ACADEMY series! Collects issues #7-12.
Caleb Goellner (A/CVR) Chad Thomas
All-new stories set in the world of the hit Nickelodeon cartoon! Baxter Stockman is looking to become the new major villain on the streets! His first step to world domination? Turn the Mutanimals into robots! •   YA TMNT adventures for readers of all-ages!
IDW Comics Shipping List for December 12th! It's time for our weekly Diamond Comics Shipping List! Another week light on Transformers titles, but IDW does not disappoint.
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tinkafloorschrijft · 5 years
Hoofdstuk 15-playlist
(School-/studentenfeest 2006-2017)
Stromae, Alors on danse
Mika, Grace Kelly
The Cat Empire, Steal the light
The Black Eyed Peas feat. Sergio Mendes, Mas que nada
Asaf Avidan & the Mojos, One day/Reckoning song (Wankelmut remix)
The Cat Empire, The wine song
Boudewijn de Groot, Vrijgezel (Floris - en Alex)
Anders Nilsen, Salsa tequila
The Cure, Friday I’m in love
Amariszi, Rakia
‘t Spaanse Schaep (2011), Op de liefde (origineel: Gipsy Kings, Bamboléo)
‘t Schaep in Mokum (2013), Hou me even vast (origineel: Kaoma, Lambada; hertaling: Frank Houtappels)
‘t Spaanse Schaep (2010), Taka takata (origineel: Paco Paco; hertaling: Frank Houtappels)
‘t Spaanse Schaep (2011), Het leven een droom (origineel: John Denver, Calypso; hertaling: Frank Houtappels)  
‘t Vrije Schaep (2009), Zoek jezelf (origineel: Van Kooten & De Bie)
Intermezzo, Floris & Simona
Jimi Hendrix, All along the watchtower (origineel: Bob Dylan)
Amy Macdonald, Poison prince (/Alex)
KT Tunstall, Funnyman
Kraantje Pappie, Pompen
En De Rest
Milky Chance, Stolen dance  (Floris & Line)
Boudewijn de Groot, Land van Maas en Waal (live, recent) (zingende Floris)
O-Zone, Dragostea din tei
The Cat Empire, Still young
Shakira, Te aviso, te anuncio (Tango) (Simona)
Dennis, My own little bubble (Dunya & Desie in Marokko (Dana Nechushtan 2008) official soundtrack) (en Simona)
Lucy Spraggan, Last night (Beer fear)
Panjabi MC, Mundian to bach ke
The Cat Empire feat. Eloïse Mignon, La sirène
Avicii, Wake me up
Icona Pop feat. Charli XCX, I love it 
Sia feat. Sean Paul, Cheap thrills
Jessie J feat B.o.B, Price tag
Kraantje Pappie feat. MC Jiggy Djé, Feesttent
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onyeenhok · 7 years
Name: It’s a secret but it starts with W ^^
Nickname: onyeen is usually the shortening of my username that’s used! I’ve had a few cute variations like onyee
Favorite Book Series: hmmm…this is a hard one but probably the Leven Thumps series? I’m not sure if anyone's read that lol, but I highly recommend it!
Favorite Flower: I love roses and sunflowers a lot, but I honestly love so many flowers that I couldn’t pick a favorite! Wildflowers like buttercups are cute and good, too~
Favorite Color Scheme: gold and pastel pink together is super cute
Coffee, Tea, or Cocoa: definitely tea! I love the other two, but I drink tea the most
Cat or Dog person: I’m a dog person, but I love cats, too! I just would prefer having a pet dog to a pet cat. Love seeing cats on the street, though, so good!! ♡
Favorite fictional characters: Oh man this is hard because there are so many, but I’ll try to just pick a few! Bones, Spock, Jim, and Uhura from Star Trek, Yukimura and Mitsunari from Sengoku Basara, Atobe, Kamio, and Sadaharu from Prince of Tennis… I could honestly list more, but I think that’s probably plenty lol
Dream Trip: I honestly can’t decide if going to Greece and Italy or going to a Disney park with some friends is something I want to do more
Blog Created: Uhhh I’ll have to go check on that *elevator music* okay I dug up the last birthday email I got for my blog and it started way back in May 2013?? Wow
Number of followers: 135 (thank you all!!)
Following: 833 (I probably need to go through and clean out a little, I think some of the blogs I’m following aren’t active :c)
3 things in my room: Some folding fans carefully balanced on thumbtacks to hang them on my wall without piercing them, too many stuffed animals to count, and some cute teasets!
3 things I’ve always wanted to do: be someone who’s easy to talk to, meet Julie Andrews!!, and have a big dog like a malamute or something (fluffy!)
3 things that make me happy: when someone asks to talk to me out of the blue, seeing flowers when I’m walking outside, and petting dogs!
3 things I’m currently into: baking, shopping, and learning how the heck to do skincare??
3 things on my to-do list: bake two separate batches of cookies for friends before I leave for college and shipping becomes a nightmare, finish packing up the things I’m leaving at my mom’s house, go to the consulate downtown to get my visa
I was tagged by @kleptoyade :3 Sorry for being so late, but here it is! Thank you for thinking of me, this was fun to do! c:
I’ll tag @merakimelareloaded @biscuitgeekery and @the-nerdy-blogger I hope you guys have fun with it!
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saulsplace · 6 years
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Deze 30 series komen naar Apple’s Netflix-concurrent
Het is je vast niet ontgaan. Apple werkt hard aan een antwoord op Netflix dat mogelijk de naam Apple Video krijgt. De streamingdienst moet nog in 2019 live gaan. Maar wordt het ook de moeite? Apple is vooral trots op zijn samenwerking met Oprah Winfrey, maar er komt veel meer.
Deze 30 series kun je bij de start van Apple Video verwachten. Wij hebben alle informatie zoals de producers, regisseurs en cast per serie op een rijtje gezet. Ook vertellen we in één zin waar iedere serie over gaat. Brengt Apple’s antwoord op Netflix iets waar jij een abonnement voor zou nemen?
Amazing Stories
Productie: Steven Spielberg
Cast: Edward Burns
Type: Serie van 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: Remake van Amerikaanse serie uit de jaren 80. Kruising tussen science fiction en horror.
Meer bij: OMT
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Are You Sleeping?
Productie: Reese Witherspoon
Cast: Octavia Spencer
Type: Serie, 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: Misdaadserie is gebaseerd op het boek “Are You Sleeping?” van Kathleen Barber. Thriller die draait om een mysterieuze moordzaak. Een journalist is ervan overtuigd dat een verdachte onschuldig vastzit en besluit er een podcast over te beginnen. De zaak wordt een nationaal fenomeen.
Meer bij: OMT
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Foundation (‘Voorloper Star Wars’)
Productie: David Goyer en Josh Friedman
Type: serie van 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: verfilming van de legendarische science fiction-boeken van Isaac Asimov
Meer bij: OMT
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Central Park (Cartoon)
Productie: 20th Century Fox Television
Schrijver: Loren Bouchard
Type: Serie, twee seizoenen van 13 afleveringen
Synopsis: De conciërges die werken en wonen in Central Park (New York) moeten het park en de wereld redden.
Meer bij: OMT
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Productie: Jada Pinkett Smith
Regisseur en scenarioschrijver: Minhal Baig
Type: Film
Synopsis: Een jonge tiener wordt door strenge Moslims opgevoed en voert een strijd tegen de beklemmende regels.
Meer bij: Variety
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Science fiction-serie van maker X-Men
Productie: Platform One
Type: Sie met 10 afleveringen
Schrijver: Simon Kinberg (X-Men) en David Weil
Synopsis: onbekend
Meer bij: OMT
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Actieserie met Justin Lin
Productie: Perfect Storm Entertainment
Regisseur: Justin Lin (Fast and Furious 4-6)
Type en synopsis: Serie, onbekend
Meer bij: Variety
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Snoopy en co.
Productie: DHX Media
Type: verschillende programma’s, waaronder minstens één educatief programma, in de wereld van Snoopy
Meer bij: Deadline
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My Glory Was I Had Such Friends
Productie: J.J. Abrams (Star Wars)
Scenarist: Karen Croner
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Amy Silverstein wacht op een harttransplantatie en er voltrekt zich een medisch wonder. Gebaseerd op gelijknamig boek.
Meer bij: Variety
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Nevelot (In het Engels: Bastards)
Productie en scenaristen: Howard Gordon (X-Files, 24, Homeland) en Warren Leight (Law & Order: Criminal Intent)
Cast: Richard Gere
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Twee veteranen besluiten jongeren te gaan vermoorden omdat ze de offers die de oudere generatie gebracht heeft niet snappen. Aanpassing van een originele serie uit Israël.
Meer bij: CNBC
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Productie: CBS, Imagine Television, Kevin Durant
Regisseur en schrijver: Reggie Rock Bythewood (Notorious BIG)
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Serie over het leven van basketballer en superster Kevin Durant en de backstage wereld van sport
Meer bij: OMT
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Top of the Morning
Productie: Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon
Acteurs: Steve Carell (schrijver House of Cards!), Jennifer Aniston, Reese Witherspoon
Type: serie, twee seizoenen van 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: Een duik in de bizarre industrie van Amerikaanse ochtend tv-programma’s
Meer bij: OMT
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Defending Jacob
Productie: Chris Evans, Mark Bomback (Planet of the Apes)
Schrijver: Mark Bomback
Acteurs: Chris Evans (Captain America)
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: verfilming van de roman van William Landay. Vertelt het verhaal van een officier van justitie die verantwoordelijk is voor de verdediging van zijn zoon, die wordt beschuldigd van moord.
Meer bij: Variety
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Producer en scenarist: Alena Smith
Cast: Hailee Steinfeld en Jane Krakowski
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Komische serie over het leven van de dichter Emily Dickinson
Meer bij: OMT
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Losing Earth
Producent: Anonymous Content (The Revenant, Spotlight)
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: verfilming van een New York Times Magazine-special over de opwarming van de aarde
Meer bij: New York Times
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Serie geïnspireerd door Hilde Lysiak
Producent: Paramount Television
Regisseur: Jon M. Chu (Crazy Rich Asians)
Acteurs: Brooklynn Prince (The Florida Project)
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Waargebeurd verhaal. Een donker drama over de jonge journaliste Hilde Lysiak die te maken krijgt met een moord
Meer bij: OMT
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Science Fiction van Ronal Moore (Star Trek)
Producent en scenarioschrijver: Ronald Moore (Battlestar Galactica, Star Trek)
Acteurs: Joel Kinnaman, Michael Dorman en Sarah Jones
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Science fiction van Star Trek-vader Ron Moore
Meer bij: OMT
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Komedie over de wereld van videogames
Productie: Ubisoft, Lionsgate, 3 Arts Entertainment
Screenwriters: Charlie Day en Rob McElhenney (Philadelphia)
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Samenvatting: Een comedy die een kijkje geeft achter de schermen bij studio’s die games maken.
Meer bij: OMT
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Producer en scenarist: Soo Hugh (Under The Dome)
Type: serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: verfilming van Min Jin Lee’s roman over het verhaal van een Koreaanse familie die naar Japan emigreert
Meer bij: Variety
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Producent en scenarioschrijver: Steven Knight (Dirty Pretty Things)
Regisseur: Francis Lawrence
Acteurs: Alfre Woodard, Sylvia Hoeks Archie Madekwe
Type: Serie, 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: Science fiction waarin mensen hun zicht hebben verloren en zoeken naar nieuwe manieren van interactie
Meer bij: Variety
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Producent: Canal Plus
Type: Serie, onbekend aantal afleveringen
Synopsis: Aanpassing van een Franse serie, die verhalen vertelt door middel van geluid en minimale graphics
Meer bij: Timothée Hochet
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Sesame Workshop
Productie: Sesame Workshop
Synopsis: Diverse kinderprogramma’s van de makers van Sesamstraat
Meer bij: OMT
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You think, i’ll say it
Productie: Kristen Wiig, Reese Witherspoon, Lauren Neustadter
Acteurs: Kristen Wiig (Ghostbusters, Despicable Me 2)
Type: Serie van 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: Verfilming van het boek van Curtis Sittenfeld over hoe mensen de neiging hebben om de bedoelingen van anderen verkeerd te interpreteren.
Meer bij: OMT
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Little America
Producent en schrijver: Lee Eisenberg
Type: Serie
Synopsis: Serie over de persoonlijke verhalen van migranten die naar de VS kwamen om hun geluk te beproeven.
Meer info: The Wrap
Samenwerking Oprah Winfrey en Apple Video
Synopsis: Apple werkt samen met Oprah Winfrey aan een aantal programma’s. Details zijn schaars.
Meer bij: OMT
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Little Voices
Productie: J.J. Abrams (Westworld), Jessie Nelson
Schrijver: Jessie Nelson
Type: 10 episodeseries
Synopsis: Een muzikale reis door de diverse muziekwereld van New York
Meer bij: OMT
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Productie: Anonymous Content and Paramount Television
Scenarioschrijver: Eric Warren Singer
Synopsis: Verfilming van Gregory David Roberts ‘autobiografische roman. Over de avonturen van een man die ontsnapt uit een Australische gevangenis. Hij reist met een vals paspoort naar India en dompelt zich onder in de kleurrijke chaos van Bombay.
Meer bij: OMT
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Dramaserie van Damien Chazelle (La La Land)
Productie: Original Headquarters, Automatik Entertainment
Director: Damien Chazelle (Whiplash, La La Land)
Type: Serie, 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: onbekend
Meer bij: OMT
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Productie: Altimeter Films, Time Inc. Productions
Type: Documentaires van 30 minuten, 10 afleveringen
Synopsis: In iedere aflevering wordt een uitzonderlijk huis uitgelicht.
Meer bij: OMT
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Animatiefilm van Cartoon Saloon
Productie: Cartoon Saloon
Type: animatiefilm
Synopsis: onbekend
Meer bij: Bloomberg
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Apple Video en meer concurrentie voor Netflix
Apple Video start naar verluidt in het voorjaar, maar alleen in de VS. Later in 2019 zou Apple’s antwoord op Netflix wereldwijd beschikbaar worden gemaakt. Netflix voelt dit jaar echter niet alleen de hete adem van Apple Video, maar ook van Disney+. De eigen streamingdienst van Disney moet ook nog in 2019 live gaan.
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