P.S. I showed this to my sister and we both pterodactyl screeched at it for many seconds. 'Twas lovely
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Still absolutely CANNOT get over this fic. I’ve got some more art for it down the line to get colored. But I wanted to share this. @starryredpanda
This story is such an incredible masterpiece, 10/10 do recommend. Born From the Same Ink.
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Okay imma copy this form the achieve… well was gonna but have to type it manually rip
Tom is Allison’s silent protector, and the only main Boris clone in the main story. Where is Boris the wolf? Rumor has it that during the events of the game, Boris is experiencing a dark survival story of his own” - the Dark Revival Archives
So… The Ink demon and bendy somehow have these tense or touching bonding moments depending on how the story progresses… yet apparently every time Inky is of screen he’s terrorizing Boris
…SOMEHOW!!! (Lmao)
- knitted demon spawn
Aha! Of course it's only after reading the exact quote that my memory kicks in. I absolutely knew this at some point lol
Damn, the Ink Demon is seriously working overtime in this world. He's got at least three jobs in Dark Revival: terrorizing Audrey (as the Ink Demon), hanging out with Audrey (as Lil baby Benders), and terrorizing Boris. He used to have a fourth (terrorizing Henry) before the job market changed on him, poor guy ;)
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Streaming now!
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Im the anonymous that sent the fluff not angst ask and after reading the new Bendy bites I had to go to the dentist for new teeth BUT IT WAS SO WORTH IT!
Oh btw don’t mind me..
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Jk, I'm glad you liked it (RIP Fluff Anon's teeth tho lol). 🥰 It’s taking me longer than I expected to write this next chapter so hopefully it’ll tide y’all over until I get that finished.
Kinda unrelated but I'm putting together a masterpost of all my Born for the Same Ink related posts so I'm hoping that will also help with the wait
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Minor but kinda obvious spoiler: the Ink Demon is NOT gonna be happy when he realizes Audrey is with Wilson
Have you seen the meme that’s been going around lately? (At least a lot with artists on Twitter)
‘I’m not calling you “good boy” Laios, this meting was shit!’
It’s been going around the last few days a lot… but it also reminds me of the Inklings lmao
🤣 I have, and it definitely applies to the Inklings/Siblinks lol
I think it can go both ways but I mostly think of Baby Benders making the "sparkle eyes" at Audrey and her responding, "I'm not calling you "Good Boy", Bendy, that ritual was shit." And him making the sad face as the Ink Demon.
Although at this point of the story it could definitely be reversed.
Audrey: *making sparkle eyes at the Ink Demon*
Audrey: T-T
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Bendy Bites 9: Healing Kisses
Posting this in honor of the anon requesting fluff instead of angst 😘
Quick disclaimer: All of this is platonic. Please, please, please don't make this weird.
Okay, this is inspired by an ask I answered here that talks a bunch about real world injuries vs ink machine injuries. I'm not gonna repeat everything I talked about here, so go read it if you're interested in those implications, the anon had some pretty good thoughts. Then @tiredtrashpanda had an amazing idea and thus this Bendy Bites was inspired.
In the ink world, injuries can be healed either through sped-up passive healing (Henry in BATIM) or through eating (Audrey in BATDR). Obviously, that's not a thing in the real world.
The first time Bendy sees Audrey get hurt in the real world, he brings her some food. She's like, "Bud, that is super sweet but that's not how the world works anymore," and explains it.
Bendy is rather shooketh at first but accepts it considering that this world is a lot less dangerous than the ink world. He moves on and doesn't even consider that this "new" form of injury/natural healing thing could apply to him.
Then, Bendy gets hurt. Maybe he trips on some stairs and cuts his knee. The Keepers proved he can't die and will recover from any injury (even if he might get twisted in the process) but let's just say for the sake of fluff that in the real world his healing factor is still much better than the average person's but relatively slowed compared to when he is in the real world.
So, when the cut on his knee doesn't heal after more than a minute, he freaks out. He thinks he's dying and Audrey has to explain again that injuries don't get magically healed overnight: healing takes time. She bandages his booboo and gives it a lil' kiss. Then, the next day it's her turn to be baffled because the injury is completely gone and she has to revise her statement about magical healing because he thinks that her kiss is the reason he healed so quickly.
Fast forward and he "knows" that kissing an injury won't make it heal faster, but he was so convinced that the power of sibling love healed him the first time he was hurt that it's turned into a full-blown superstition.
Now, every time he gets any sort of scratch/bruise/injury, he asks (or demands if he's in his Ink Demon form) for Audrey to give it a kiss. She is usually happy to oblige unless she's busy and it's something small, or if it's in a weird place.
Audrey: I am not kissing your foot.
The Ink Demon, after running through a particularly nasty patch of bristles and cutting his ankle: BUT IT HURRRRTS
He probably wouldn't say it like but it makes me laugh so whatever
((This is where @tiredtrashpanda's brilliance comes in))
Bendy is learning how to be a person from Audrey, right? So now, whenever she gets hurt, he offers to give it a kiss. He doesn't have lips in either form, so it's more like he's tapping his face against her bandages but it's the thought that counts, right? I guess his toon form can change the shape of his mouth but I doubt he's got a kissy-face option.
Btw, I use the word "offers" lightly. Bendy is stubborn and loves his sister, so if she ever refuses his healing kisses he throws a fit. If he's in his toon form at the time of injury, he'll use every trick in the book to try to guilt Audrey into letting him kiss her ouchie better. If he's in his Ink Demon form he argues with her until she either gives in or he gives up and just mopes for the rest of the day.
Audrey: It's just a papercut
Audrey: How many times do I have to explain that's not how that works?
Audrey: I'm fine.
Bendy, sulking in a corner: WHEN DID I LOSE YOUR TRUST?
Audrey: When you ate my birthday cake
Audrey: Yes, I should be so grateful that I got one slice of my gourmet cake that everyone in the office chipped in to deliver to my house as a special birthday surprise.
Audrey: That was sarcasm.
And so forth...
Side note: her coworkers ordered the cake to her house so that she would get some positive associations with home and stop staying so late.
If he's particularly worried about an injury of hers and Audrey is feeling particularly stubborn about not getting a get-better kiss, he'll give her a hug instead (most likely in his toon form so it's less suspicious).
Thanks for reading 🥰
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
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Thank you so much for bringing my little fluffy daydream to life!! Audrey looks so comfy and I love Bendy's little tail curl 🥰
This is absolutely precious
Guys, I'm not an animator but I am a writer, so picture this:
Audrey is sitting with the Ink Demon wrapped around her like the big cat he is. She is drawing in a sketchbook while he's taking a nap. Her pencil is moving around on the page while his ribcage is moving up and down cuz he's breathing. 
Also, his head is resting on his hands. Don't worry about the spikes coming out of them, somehow he makes it work. Maybe he has a pillow? Idk, whatever is cuter. 
Optional tail (meaning you can picture him with or without a tail, whichever gives you more serotonin): his tail is resting loosely in front of him and technically around Audrey too. It occasionally moves, tapping against the floor like a cat, possibly making little curls before resuming it's previous loose-looped position. 
Then, there are two options for Audrey to break her "idle animation". 
They start the same way. Audrey pauses her drawing, then picks up her pen/pencil and taps it against her face thoughtfully. Then, she reaches out with her free hand and gives the Ink Demon scritches on his head.
This is where the options diverge:
1. Ink Demon raises his head slightly to lean into her scritches and makes a happy rumbling noise. After a few seconds of this, she goes back to drawing and he goes back to napping. 
2. He ever-so-slightly jumps/flinches at her touch but relaxes once he remembers it's her (he's still not super used to physical affection). 
Audrey notices him jump, pauses her scritches, looks at him. He raises his head to look at her and once they lock gazes (don't worry about his lack of eyes), she gives him a warm smile and an extra-loving rub and/or pat on the head. He leans into the rub and then puts his head back down. She gives him a few more pets/scritches, then goes back to drawing and he goes back to napping. 
Audrey can be in her real world form or in her Ink Machine form, whichever gives you more serotonin and/or is easier to imagine. 
I have this loop stuck in my head and decided to share it with y'all. You're welcome and thank you for reading 🤍🖤🤍
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Punching wall
Jokes aside, this was a wild ride, I’m gonna join in on beating the keepers to a pulp. Also Sammy hearing the audios… may heaven (not) have mercy on gent
(he’ll beat them all with a dustpan, I’m betting on that XD )
🤣 it's good to see that at least some ppl are craving fluff after reading chapter 16. I was expecting a bunch of ppl going "noooo, why u so mean to the bby" etc. but y'all received it way better than I expected lol. To be fair, that chapter is far from the angstiest thing on the internet (very, very, VERY far from that) but I tend to avoid/skim that kind of content so maybe my angst meter is off lol
Anywho, I have a Bendy Bites in my drafts that is SUPER fluffy, I'll see if I can post it soon to satisfy your craving for fluff 😉
Sammy's certainly going to have a strong reaction to the Gent tapes but I'm not sure it's the one ppl seem to be expecting 🙃 although, I am a sucker for Sammy having a soft spot for baby benders so maybe it will be what's expected
His dustpan skills are unparalleled lol
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Guys, I'm not an animator but I am a writer, so picture this:
Audrey is sitting with the Ink Demon wrapped around her like the big cat he is. She is drawing in a sketchbook while he's taking a nap. Her pencil is moving around on the page while his ribcage is moving up and down cuz he's breathing. 
Also, his head is resting on his hands. Don't worry about the spikes coming out of them, somehow he makes it work. Maybe he has a pillow? Idk, whatever is cuter. 
Optional tail (meaning you can picture him with or without a tail, whichever gives you more serotonin): his tail is resting loosely in front of him and technically around Audrey too. It occasionally moves, tapping against the floor like a cat, possibly making little curls before resuming it's previous loose-looped position. 
Then, there are two options for Audrey to break her "idle animation". 
They start the same way. Audrey pauses her drawing, then picks up her pen/pencil and taps it against her face thoughtfully. Then, she reaches out with her free hand and gives the Ink Demon scritches on his head.
This is where the options diverge:
1. Ink Demon raises his head slightly to lean into her scritches and makes a happy rumbling noise. After a few seconds of this, she goes back to drawing and he goes back to napping. 
2. He ever-so-slightly jumps/flinches at her touch but relaxes once he remembers it's her (he's still not super used to physical affection). 
Audrey notices him jump, pauses her scritches, looks at him. He raises his head to look at her and once they lock gazes (don't worry about his lack of eyes), she gives him a warm smile and an extra-loving rub and/or pat on the head. He leans into the rub and then puts his head back down. She gives him a few more pets/scritches, then goes back to drawing and he goes back to napping. 
Audrey can be in her real world form or in her Ink Machine form, whichever gives you more serotonin and/or is easier to imagine. 
I have this loop stuck in my head and decided to share it with y'all. You're welcome and thank you for reading 🤍🖤🤍
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Eventually, they made it to Laboratory Six. After liberating an entire room of lost ones, the animator spied a rectangular shape with rounded edges implanted into a wall. 
“We need mugs!” she declared, spooking Sammy from his inspection of a particularly nasty examination table. 
“Why?” he questioned irritably, obviously annoyed at the interruption.
Audrey pointed at the machine and his annoyance vanished. 
Two tased Keepers and a ransacked laboratory later, they were standing before the machine again.
Sorry for being late but the next chapter is up!! Woooo
Funny-ish story, I was about to post this on Tumblr last night and got locked out of my phone. Apparently, the universe was against me posting but I'm back now lol. 
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
“Born From the Same Ink” Ch. 16 Sneak Peek
“Why do you worship the Ink Demon?”
Whipping his head to face her, Sammy took an excited breath. 
“AH-buh-buh-buh,” Audrey held up a finger. “Don’t give me any of that culty nonsense, I’ve heard enough of that for a lifetime. I know you’re not all crazy under there. Why Bendy?” 
Pensive and likely offended, Sammy sat back. He said nothing, and after a half a minute of waiting, Audrey went back to her coffee, figuring he decided to ignore her. Minutes passed without so much as a twitch from the ink man-turned-statue. The animator was starting to worry the question broke him when he finally spoke up. 
“Look at this body.” 
Audrey regarded him. He was well-built for a lost one, and weirdly muscular. His overalls were too big but it was only noticeable close-up. They were stained with ink, especially around the ankles, and there was a patch in the fabric of his left pant-leg. His shoes were nothing special, round and black. He only had three fingers, four including his thumb. Although, the artist wouldn’t call that a flaw; it would make him easier to animate. 
“I don’t get it.”
“It’s. Wrong.” His voice was oddly strained. 
She was afraid to ask. “What’s wrong with it?” 
Hellooooo, I have the next chapter almost ready and will probably post it Saturday morning. Also, I won't be streaming the next two Sundays (the 21st and the 28th) but I should be good to go on August 4th.
Also, for anyone waiting for a response to an ask, I promise I've seen it and will answer it eventually. I love getting messages from people, I just take forever to respond the way I want to respond. There's a part of me that demands I answer every ask in the order I've received it, but I might start disobeying that part depending on if I feel a more recent ask is easier to answer in that moment than the oldest one.
Thanks again for reading, hearing from so many people who enjoy my fic/writing makes me unbelievably happy.
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Samuel cultist god damn Laurence you for some reason buff basterd-
There’s a reason you got chomped back in your introduction istg
In other words that’s funny af and Sammy is a lovebal basterd even if he is an entitled prick about it lmao
THANK YOU, I'm glad you found my interpretation of him funny 🥰
He really is, he's fun to write and fun to punish. I used to wonder why he was so popular but now I get it. It's really fun to write characters being mean and sassy and even more fun when they get their comeuppance
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Idk if it ever will be relevant or not, well technically we’ve been over this in the fic if I remember right already (it’s been a while since I reread it rip and it’s to hot rn for me to double check) bur like… there WERE other “Audrey’s” before Audrey. “Little miss perfect” was just the lucky survivor
I don’t remember if I was ever confirmed in the books or games if Joey ever directly killed someone before dark revival, but that game sure clarifies that.
Being disabled or not did not stop Joey from being cannonicly and explicitly a child murderer :)
Joey hates not having his impossible standards met and we never met them in the cycle. He was alone while he made her then he had the ink machine in his apartment all by himself and no one to keep him in check. Memory Joey not specifying what happened to them REALLY dose not help that notion
Cus we see non of them in the cycle, and its pretty much confirmed that Audrey’s “other siblings” isn’t Hidie she’s just a deeply traumatized woman in the archives- belive the same happens to Porter to. They may transfer powers to one another, don’t mean they are related besides all being victims of the ink machine
I was originally gonna ask something but I forgot what to ask while writing I may be a moron
- little demon spawn
Hellooo frie-HEY, HEY do NOT even THINK of calling yourself a moron, we foster positivity, self-confidence, and self-love on this blog ❤️❤️❤️
Anywho, I haven't decided if I'm going to go any further with Audrey's predecessors or not, I'll leave that up to future me.
Personally, I tend to believe the worst in Joey so I think he did murder a bunch of little ink girls on his path to making Audrey, I just don't know if I want to deal with all that angst in my fic. I probably won't unless I get a really cool idea that would somehow incorporate all that, and by that I mean a really cool scene, like idk all of Audrey's "sisters" coming out of the woodworks to haunt and/or possibly help her.
I did briefly consider implying all the feminine lost ones were Joey's previous attempts at making her (since there weren't any in the first game) but there's no evidence of that in the game and Heidi disproves that anyway.
Side note, I headcannon that Heidi is the secretary in Big Steve's note but that's just a personal theory
I'll see if I still have that draft somewhere but in Audrey's "firefider" flashback I was going to have Joey pick up a knife like he was considering using it on Audrey because she dared suggest she pursue another career other than animation. I ended up cutting it because I thought it was too edgy and wanted to leave his relationship with her more ambiguous.
If you ever remember what you wanted to ask, I'll be here. It might take me a while but I promise I'll get to it eventually 😘
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starryredpandawrites · 2 months
Panic rose in Audrey’s throat. She stared at the hole in the wall in front of her so intensely as if she could will Sammy to reappear.
The impossible moment replayed in her mind over and over as she tried to make sense of it. The false-prophet found the hole, turned, said, “Follow,” and melted into an opening with a slushing sound, leaving her to gawk at the space alone. Why would he say that?! How was she supposed to ‘follow’?! He must have said it to mock her, the ungrateful ass. Now she was just as stuck as before she wasted all those hours breaking him out of jail.
Keep reading
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starryredpandawrites · 3 months
Sammy really out there earning his getting shot by Allison buildup frfr
- Knitted demon spawn
Helloo again, friend!!
He's definitely acting very shootable right now, lol. Or banishable. Audrey and Allison might have to play rock-paper-scissors to decide who gets the privilege of taking him down 😉
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starryredpandawrites · 3 months
Knitted demon spawn here again- double checked the Malice and her bossfight smell thing - I wasn’t far of
Small context for I suppose folks not in the stream - Dark revival Malice boss fight where she shoots at you with a the Tommy gun, she says a bunch of lines like “those lovely eyes in a jar” (never heard that line in my life but Aurdery’s eyes are infact pretty) and a bunch of other things be it gibberish or just rage
The quote is “You Reek of Ink demon” wich like… as a non English speaking person I can’t say for sure if that’s correct or not. She also states it form a distance like, wtf woman? (Like yeah she literally dragged Audrey across Wilson’s mansion at one point, it’s not unrealistic only commenting on it in the middle of the bossfight makes me raise a brow) It doesn’t sound correct? I don’t remember what playthrew I watched it on (then there’s a new game of interests I binge so many playthrews of the same thing in bulk I don’t remember entirely who did what)
Regardless tho… even in the main game cannon the sibling connection is very obvious even for someone as manic as Malice… mayhaps even make the fic funnier? Idk it’s not a demand I just find this line so bizarre but sure got my noggin thinking lol
Hello again, friend!
That's still so funny to me that Malice says that. I mean, she probably means it as a major insult. Maybe she noticed it while she was kidnapping Audrey but chose to save it until later for whatever reason?
I'm definitely going to use it in the fic (at least, if I remember to do that). Siblink Audrey might even be weirdly complimented when she hears Malice say that, like, "I smell like him? I suppose that's kinda neat...in a weird way...huh."
The Ink Demon is just a big kitty cat at heart so I think he would be pleased to know she smells like him.
Now I'm imagining him rubbing his face on Audrey after she takes a shower or even if it rains a little too hard outside just to make sure she still has his scent on her. That's his sister and he wants everyone to know it.
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starryredpandawrites · 3 months
“Born From the Same Ink” Ch. 15 Sneak Peek
Every room the unlikely duo came across was thoroughly inspected. At some point, Sammy started preaching to her again but Audrey ignored him, holding herself back from shushing him because they hadn’t seen any Keepers yet. Maybe Bendy had killed them all. She could only hope. 
Just before the end of a long hallway, they found a side room with a gent pipe upgrade station. Thrilled, Audrey counted up all the parts she had and compared them to the ones she needed. The thrill was swiftly replaced with frustration and she let out a loud groan. 
“What ails you, sheep?” Sammy asked curiously, pausing his search of the room. 
The nickname didn’t help Audrey feel less annoyed, quite the opposite in fact so she let out an angry sigh. 
“I am this close,” she held her fingers together to the point they were almost but not quite touching, “to upgrading my weapon. I just need one more Gent toolkit but I can’t find one anywhere! I’ve been searching ever since I found these stupid blueprints but they all must have evaporated or something.” 
Tilting his head to the side in consideration, Sammy wondered, “Have you tried asking the Ink Demon for guidance?”
Audrey rolled her eyes. “No.”
“Well, my sister in ink,” he replied smoothly while cracking his knuckles together. “That is your problem. This is clearly a test of faith.” 
Before she could do more than scoff, the man spread his arms out and raised his mask to the ceiling in a supplicating gesture. 
“Hear us, Bendy!” he shouted in a voice so loud Audrey could've sworn it shook the room. 
“Shh, they’re going to hear you!” 
Deaf to her protests, he continued speaking as though he had never been interrupted. “Reveal the location of the final item we require to defeat your enemies on this quest to prove our devotion!”
Mortified, Audrey covered her face with her hands, certain they were about to be swarmed by Keepers.
There were some sounds of rummaging, opening and closing lockers, then silence. 
“Ahem.” Rather than coughing, he spoke the word aloud in a dry, unamused manner. 
When Audrey uncovered her face she was greeted by the sight of a Gent kit dangling from the musician’s fingertips. 
Baffled, she retrieved the kit, staring at it with wide eyes. 
“How did you-what-” she stammered, looking between it and Sammy in amazement. “Where?”
The man pointed to a drawer she swore she searched through when they first entered the room. 
When she told him that, Sammy gave her a disbelieving look, then nonchalantly suggested, “Perhaps a lack of faith wasn’t the problem.”
Narrowing her eyes at the snide undertone in his words, she asked, “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“The Ink Demon blessed you with eyes. Use them.”
Oh, Sammy, you wonderful sassy dirtbag, please stop stealing the spotlight. This story is supposed to be about the siblinks.
Guys, I've been dying to share this scene ever since I first started outlining Audrey's side adventure with him. Seriously, I've had it written for months and almost turned it into a Bendy Bite but I knew it would be better if I held back. SO happy I'm finally at this point of the fic.
Anyway, thank you SO MUCH for reading and I'm hoping to have the next update ready by Saturday. Wish me luck!!!
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