stayglaassy · 9 years
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stayglaassy · 9 years
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stayglaassy · 9 years
once you start wearing big t-shirts you never go back to the ones that fit
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stayglaassy · 9 years
I have zero interest in being some place or with someone where I’m not wanted equally or more. My ego is way too big for that.
iwantitall420 (via wnq-writers)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
I want to be your favorite place to go when you’ve had a bad day or a good day.
(via miserablemo)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
Turns out, withdrawal is the easy part. Staying clean is where the real struggle is.
(via the-absentminded)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
I didn’t say ‘i love you’ to hear it back, I said it to make sure you knew.
But I do, oh I really do, love you. (via rdjobsessions)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
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stayglaassy · 9 years
If you show me you don’t give a shit, I’ll show you I’m better at it. Even if it kills me.
Never underestimate my ability to hide my feelings Dec 18, 2014 (via ctxbdvl)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
Keep your sex life, income, and your next move private.
(via xxxturn-it-upside-down)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
Live and learn
I have waited tables. I’ve worked in bars. You know who tips well? The working poor, the lower middle class, and people who work or have worked in service industries. You know who tips shitty or not at all? Rich people, upper middle class people, and privileged fuckers who use their “moral opposition” to tipping to be cheap assholes. 
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stayglaassy · 9 years
Dead people receive more flowers than the living ones because the regret is stronger than gratitude
Anna Frank (via h0lding-onto-stars )
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stayglaassy · 9 years
“You can never have too much sky. You can fall asleep and wake up drunk on sky, and sky can keep you safe when you are sad. Here there is too much sadness and not enough sky. Butterflies too are few and so are flowers and most things that are beautiful. Still, we take what we can get and make the best of it.”
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stayglaassy · 9 years
I'm worried you'll stop loving me. I'm scared to death that I'll be the one to ruin this. I'm terrified you won't understand. I love you so much and I'm trying to do everything right but people make mistakes and I'm scared shitless that the next mistake might be my last.
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stayglaassy · 9 years
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Yves Klein
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stayglaassy · 9 years
Loving me will not be easy. Some days I will be a stuttering apology and you won’t know how to handle all the things I’ve done wrong.
(via bl-ossomed)
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stayglaassy · 9 years
I'm the luckiest girl in the world to find the love of my life. To have someone I would give anything for, to protect, to share my soul. Everyone talks about what it's like to loose that. The heartbreak and depression. I also know how that feels. But no one tells you when you have that person, and something goes wrong. A fight. A lie. Anything. No one tells you how nauseas you get. That you could vomit my just opening your mouth to speak. The unbearable emptiness you feel after a fight. All you want to do is love and hold that person because you really do just love them. But you can't for the time being. That's pain. That's torture actually. No one tells you the downsides to being in love.
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