stellasreviews · 5 years
Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung 2019 (Review)
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Annyeong! This is my first to review a drama and I am really excited for this! So, the first ever drama that I will review is no other than, Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung! I am not really a fan of historical dramas since it makes me bored, the last drama that I liked was Queen Seondeok, then alas, Rookie Historian Goo Hae-Ryung existed! Am I going to suggest it? Definitely! If you're planning to watch this drama, I say you go for it! It's light, full of comedy and yes sometimes it would even get serious but it wasn't heavy. Yay for this drama!
Before we start, I want to be clear that whatever is it that I will write in here is real. No exaggeration and I will give my honest review. So, what are we waiting for? Let's start! (Warning: Spoilers alert!)
Casting Roles 10/10 You might be wondering why have I given this aspect a perfect score. Well, for starters I want to commend all of the actors in this drama. From the protagonist to the villain to the supporting actors, all of them really gave their best to make this drama possible.
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Goo Hae-Ryung. 10/10. Shin Se-Kyung really matches the role for Hae-Ryung. I loved her character for she's really brave. I love how they made her a character who would always fight for what is right. Maybe she looked as if she was impertinent, but for me, she still respected the authority, she just showed that she's not the type of person to easily back down- or a person you can take advantage of.
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Lee Rim. 9/10. Wait what? Why would you give Cha Eun Woo a 9/10?! Wait, hold up guys. I loved Cha Eun Woo's acting in this drama but I somehow didn't like the way the prince was portrayed. He was seen as someone weak or immature, truly some of the scenes really showed that attitude. I just didn't like it but I know that there's a reason why they made Lee Rim like that. As for Cha Eun Woo of course he's a 10/10 for me. He was able to properly show the character of Lee Rim and at the mid of the drama, he suddenly became an effective actor for me. His dramatic scenes also moved me.
For the rest of the actors, I will still give them a 10/10. Each of the roles contributed to the development of the drama.  Kong Jung-Hwan (Hae-Ryung's "brother"),  Park Ki-Woong (Crown Prince),  Kim Min-Sang (King), even the supporting characters of Hae Ryung and Lee Rim,  Yang Jo-A (Seol Geum and  Sung Ji-Ru (Sam-bo), the three other women historians, the historians specially  Lee Ji-Hoon (Officer Min Woo) and  Heo Jung-Do (Officer Yang.) Queen Im and her court ladies. I was really in awe and moved with their acting. Salute to all of the actors of this drama! They all gave justice to the plot and the characters that they played.
Chemistry 10/10. It was undeniable. I loved their chemistry. From Hae-Ryung and Lee Rim, to Sam-Bo and Lee Rim, Hae-Ryung and Seol Geum (I loved her acting, she was really funny!) The four female historians also showed a great chemistry. I love how they all helped each other and fought for their rights as female historians.
Story line 10/10. Yes, I will still give the story line a perfect score. What I loved about its plot and its development is that the characters did not let evil win. They did not let the villains control their lives. In fact, you can clearly see the character development from the historians. At first, they were really threatened by the existence of female historians. In fact, I hated Officer Yang at first because of how the maltreatment he gave to the female historians. But my, their character development when finally they were already protecting the female historians. At first, I thought that the historians were just the typical character who would let the authority take advantage of them but I love how the writers portrayed the unity of the historians. From the very beginning, you will clearly see the sexism from the characters but I love how they were able to conquer that and was changed by the situations. Thanks to the braveness of Goo Hae-Ryung! Also, the relevance of the political issues are really great. They really portrayed what's really happening in our society and I love how they were able to end the drama with justice prevailed.
Music 10/10. Yep, it's also a perfect score for me. Why? Because there were scenes where they played the music and it made me more emotional. Yoon Mi Rae-My Dream. I just can't, so much feels.
I must say that the romance scenes, for me, are just bonus scenes. I was more focused on the story line of the drama than the cute romance scenes of Shin Se-Kyung and Cha Eun Woo.
What I Did Not Like. As I've said earlier, I did not like the way Lee Rim's character was portrayed. But aside from that, what I really did not like are some of the kissing scenes of Cha Eun Woo and Shin Se-Kyung. I know, I know. I'm weird. I mean I love their chemistry but somehow for me, it was kind of forced? Their love story was really fast-paced but maybe it was just my preference, I think it was too quick for them to do all that. But, their moments were really cute.
Favorite Part (Major Spoilers Alert) My favorite part was from the last episode. The banquet scene, it was really intense and made me really emotional. (Warning: Major Spoiler Alert)
I love how the historians really did not back down when the king ordered them to. I love how they didn't stop writing.
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To be honest, this scene really made me cry. It was because I did not expect Officer Yang to be this brave. I really saw his character development. It really made me emotional.  Heo Jung-Do did his best for this role.
It really became more intense when Hae-Ryung sat infront of the King to prove that she will still write what's happening in the banquet.
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She is really brave!! I love her speech in this scene. It also made me cry because I love history and I love how they portrayed her character as someone who will always be committed to do what is right. The power of the truth will not change history.
When the historians united once again to fight for their rights and who they are as historians, it also moved me. I must say that Lee Ji-Hoon (Officer Min) also did his best. I was really captivated by the way he acted. I also loved how his character did not back down and he also fought for what is right, despite the dangers of being exiled.
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Lastly, I love how all of the actors in this scene really gave their best efforts to make up this scene. I cried, literally, even more when they showed the clips of the actors  Kong Jung-Hwan,  Kim Yeo-Jin,  and Jeon Ik-Ryung.
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Seriously, at this point, I was already so emotional. They really portrayed the characters and the story line so WELL!
(Additional: Some people didn't like the Catholicism part because they think it was forced but I didn't think so. I believe that it also contributed to the development of drama and they even showed the reality of what Catholics or even Christians experienced in our history.)
To end my review, I want to salute all of the actors and writers who have been part of this drama! I have no regrets watching it! I know that some people may not agree with me but I will give this drama a 10/10. Yes, a perfect score. This is the best historical drama next to Queen Seon Deok and no one can change my mind. 
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