Dating Stiles Stilinski Would Include
Weekly movie nights. (Usually Star Wars marathons.)
 Laying in his bed while he solves.
 “You have a cute butt.”
 “So I’ve been told.”
 Lots of giggles, interrupted by small pecks on the lips.
 Lots of tickles, which always finish in make out sessions.
 Him always tucking loose strands of hair in your ear, and kissing your cheek right after.
 Him loving you blushing.
 Him showering you with compliments and gifts.
 Him helping you with your homework and you helping him focus.
 You failing miserably since he would find you quite distracting.
 Both of you torturing Scott with sarcastic and ironic comments.
 You sitting in his lap in pack meetings.
 Him kissing your neck and shoulder whenever the pack talked about something that didn’t interest neither of you.
•Starting make out sessions in the most inconvenient moments, making your friends groan.
Soft forehead kisses in the school halls.
Having a dramatic reunion after being separated for one class.
You running towards him and wrapping your legs around his waist, as he spins you around.
 Him getting jealous often, but keeping his mouth shut, instead putting his arms around you protectively, to hint he was.
 Becoming best friends with Lydia and Malia.
 Feeling that they are great, but that they could never replace your first best friend, Allison.
 Trusting Theo, and starting fights with Stiles because of it.
Having endless fights and being incredible stubborn about them, but forgiving each other instantly.
Sitting on the couch, wearing one of his t-shirts and eating pizza instead of going out on a date.
Him remembering all anniversaries and important dates, and you forgetting them all.
“What day’s today?”
“Oh… um… ”
“You forgot again?”
“No! Of course no! I just… I-”
“Y/N, it’s okay,” he’d say, chuckling.
Let’s face it, there’d be a lot of cuddling.
And you would probably certainly always be the big spoon.
There’d be a lot of sex too.
 Raging from passionate, to slow, to rough.
Teasing him in the most inconvenient moments, when he couldn’t do anything about it.
Basically, Stiles being the most amazing boyfriend ever, because you known he’d be.
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I decided I was going to start writing imagines about the following
Italics = only if requested
 The 100
Teen Wolf
 Harry Potter
Shadow Hunters (Book and TV shows are pretty different, but I’ll be doing both.)
Pretty Little Liars
Maze Runner
Gossip Girl (Haven’t seen lots of this, but who doesn’t love Chuck Bass)
I might also be doing occasional posts about Friends and How I Met Your Mother because they are basically a gift from God.
I’m willing to receive more suggestions on more books and TV shows to write about and requests on any celebrity you like, though I might refuse to do it. 
I’ll also be doing some ships, though most of my content will be Character X Fem!Reader. You can be sure to find some Stydia, Stalia, Scallison, Bughead, Varchie, Malec, Bellarke and Clexa. 
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