stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 22
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​ @10minutesofscreentime​ @missindecision​
A/N: I expected to finish this season in this one chapter but bareIy even got through the whole episode. A lot goes on in these last few epsiodes and I don’t want to miss stuff. Hope you enjoy! Leave me comments here, on AO3 or wattpad! I love reading them and talking to you all <3
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Chapter 22 - The Taxes
Season 3a, Episodes 11
Ramie was very near a panic attack. Nearly ten minutes after Stiles took off into the hospital, she got a call from him saying he needed her inside. Come to find out, Stiles was alone, and the chaos that had been happening over the past few hours had seemed to only get worse. Jennifer, or the Darach, Ramie still wasn’t sure what to call their teacher who had been sacrificing people, had taken Melissa. Stiles, who realized that she was capturing guardians this time around, had tried to tell Scott, but it was too late. And Scott, who was desperate to save Melissa and Noah, agreed to help Deucalion and the other alphas try to capture Jennifer before it was too late.
So there Ramie was, sitting in the empty hospital, staring at the floor, trying to process everything. She and Stiles were staying behind to try and hold off the police while everyone else dealt with… everything else. Ramie’s hand was wrapped around Stiles’, not moving from where he grabbed it when he sat her down to tell her Melissa was kidnapped. Ramie could hear commotion around the two of them, knowing the police were checking things out, but Stiles had done all the talking so far. He told the officers they were stuck in the elevator because of a power surge from the storm, but it seemed like no one really believed them.
“Shit,” Stiles muttered out suddenly, his grip tightening on Ramie’s hand. His voice brought her out of her trance and she looked up, giving him a confused look. He wasn’t looking at her, his eyes were trained on someone down the hall. Ramie looked past him and saw the last person she expected, her Dad.
“What. The fuck,” Ramie breathed out, making eye contact with her Father as he walked toward them.
“Ramona,” he greeted, standing awkwardly above them. She saw his eyes flick to she and Stiles’ intertwined hands that sat on her lap. Stiles must have seen too, because he squeezed her hand slightly.
“Dad,” Ramie said through gritted teeth. She glanced down at the FBI badge slung over his neck, out on display for everyone to see. Special Agent Rafael McCall. Of course, he had to flaunt it.
“It’s good to see you,” Rafael said, giving him awkward smile. “I just wish the circumstances were different.”
Ramie simply nodded, giving a half-assed smile back. She wanted to say there were plenty of opportunities for him to see her in better circumstances, and that he clearly couldn’t care less about seeing her, but she kept her mouth shut.
“A Stilinski at the center of this whole mess, what a shocker,” Rafael continued. “Think you can answer some questions without the usual level of sarcasm?”
Ramie saw Stiles’ from the corner of her eye tilt his head in a way that she knew he was already pissed.
“If you can ask questions without the usual level of stupid,” Stiles deadpanned, not missing a beat. Ramie let out a breath of air from her nose, and knew without looking that her Father was glaring at her. She heard him let out a scoff.
“Where’s your Dad and why has no one been able to contact him?” Rafael questioned, ignoring Stiles’ backtalk.
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him in hours,” Stiles replied, sitting back on the bench, his knee falling sideways so it was flush with Ramie’s.
“Has he been drinking again?” Rafael questioned.
“Dad!” Ramie sat up straight, ready to get up but Stiles moved his hand from hers and put it on her thigh, holding it in place. She glanced over at him and he gave her a look that she knew meant to let him handle things.
“What do you mean again, he never had to stop?” Stiles replied.
“But he did have to slow down, was he drinking like he used to?” Rafael pressed further. Ramie let out a scoff, and Stiles’ hand tightened on her knee, warning her to keep quiet.
“Alright how about this?” Stiles raised his hands sarcastically. “Next time I see him I’ll give him a field sobriety test, okay? We’ll do the alphabet starting with F and ending with U.”
Ramie had to bite down on her lip hard to not let out a noise. She glanced at her Father’s face, who gave an unimpressed fake grin before continuing.
“How about one of you tells me what the hell happened here.”
“We don’t know, we stuck in the elevators the whole time,” Ramie spoke up, motioning towards the elevator at the end of the hall. She was actively trying to ignore how Stiles’ hand on her thigh made her feel like she was on fire.
“So neither of you put the name on the doors?” Rafael asked.
“Name? What name?”
As if on cue, Ramie heard the ding of elevator. Even from the end of the hall she could read, in bright red spray paint, ARGENT.
Chris Argent had a plan, despite the fact that he was likely the Darach’s next target and the chance that someone else was also out to get him. He had a map of all the possible places the Darach could be keeping Melissa and Noah. He seemed to have a plan on how to take her down. However, this plan seemed to completely crumble the next day at school when Stiles’ phone buzzed as he and Ramie walked through the hallways. She felt Stiles’ presence leave her side and stopped, turning towards where he was frozen in the middle of the hallway.
“It’s Isaac,” Stiles said, not looking away from his phone.
“Isaac texted you? I thought you guys hated each other,” Ramie snorted. Stiles didn’t smile at all, and Ramie felt her face drop. “What’s wrong?”
“Jennifer,” Stiles started, stumbling over his words. “She took him. She has Allison’s father. She’s got all three now.”
Ramie’s heart fell to her stomach. She immediately noticed Stiles’ hands beginning to shake.
“There’s still time,” Ramie tried to reassure him, although she felt like she was going to throw up herself. Stiles’ breathing became shallow and uneven, and Ramie knew exactly what was happening. After his Mom died, he used to get panic attacks pretty often, so it wasn’t the first time Ramie had seen him have one. Usually though, they were at home, where she could easily get him in a quiet spot to calm down. Being in the school hallway was much different. “Stiles, are you…?”
“I’m having a panic attack,” Stiles answered immediately, through shaky breaths. Ramie grabbed his hand, looking around the hallway. Her eyes caught the locker rooms at the end of the hall, doors closed and lights off. She tugged Stiles through the hallway, sending death glares at anyone who gave them questioning looks. The second they made it into the locker room Stiles nearly fell to the ground, holding his chest and practically hyperventilating.
“Sti, it’s alright, I promise,” Ramie sunk to her knees next to him, placing a hand on his shoulder. “We’re gonna figure this out. They’re gonna be okay. We always figure it out.”
“What if we don’t,” Stiles nearly choked out. Tears were flowing down Ramie’s face, and she didn’t even realize when she started crying. She felt as panicked as Stiles did, her Mom was in danger too, but she knew if both of them panicked nothing good would happen.
“We’re gonna save them,” Ramie said. “Now listen, okay? Listen to my voice. Tell me three things you can see, hear, and smell.”
This was nearly a last resort when Stiles was panicking, she could usually talk him down, but it seemed like no matter what she said, Stiles wasn’t getting any more calm.
“I can’t, I don’t know,” Stiles choked out, coughing on nothing. Ramie was frantic at this point, nothing was working.
“We’re gonna save them, we will.”
Stiles didn’t respond at all, Ramie wasn’t even sure if he heard. He was still hyperventilating badly, and his eyes looked glossed over. Ramie wracked her brain, trying to think of other methods to calm down. She hadn’t seen him have a panic attack this bad in years.
“Stiles, can you try to hold your breath for me?” Ramie asked, remembering the method she had learned years ago. Stiles didn’t even acknowledge her, he was clearly too far into the panic attack. Ramie made a snap decision, willing to do whatever it took to help Stiles.
She moved forward, grabbing Stiles’ shoulder with one hand and the back of his neck with the other, and pulled his face close to hers, making their eyes meet.
“Is this okay?” She asked, looking directly in his eyes. His breathing paused for a moment, but she could feel him still shaking. He nodded quickly and Ramie didn’t hesitate, moving forward to catch his lips with hers. She kissed him hard, in hopes to bring his mind away from his thoughts. She heard him make a shocked noise, but after a second he kissed back, bringing a hand up to cup around one of the hers that were on either side of his face.
And, oh.
She could’ve sat there, kissing him all afternoon. There wasn’t a thought in her head except for his name. Stiles, Stiles, Stiles. Not the dirty locker room floor, not the tears on her hands from his cheeks, nothing. Just him.
Then suddenly, it hit her. The reality of the situation. She kissed him because he was having a panic attack. He was having a panic attack because both of their parents were currently kidnapped and possibly dead. Or soon to be. And with that, Ramie pulled away, with a near gasp of breath. Her hands dropped to her lap at she knelt backwards, slowly moving away from him. His eyes fluttered open and the look on his face was almost unreadable. Shock? Sadness?
“Why did you do that?” Stiles breathed out, sounding shocked.
“I um… I wanted you to hold your breath,” Ramie looked down at her hands, not trusting herself to look him in the eyes. “I remembered it was a method we used to use. So when I kissed you, you held your breath.”
“I did?”
Ramie nodded, finally meeting his eyes. The look he was giving her was indescribable. His eyes were glassy and he looked something like completely shocked.
“That was really smart,” he finally breathed out, sitting back against the lockers. “Thank you.”
Ramie opened her mouth to reply, when suddenly the locker room door slammed open. She nearly flew away from Stiles, almost hitting a bench behind her. Lydia and Allison stood in the doorway, looking frazzled.
“Thank god you’re in here,” Allison breathed out walking towards them. Ramie caught Lydia’s eye, and her best friend gave her a questioning look, probably due to Ramie’s flailing motions as she tried to back away from Stiles. She sent Lydia a quick glare before the others could notice their uncanny ability to have a conversation with just looks.
“I think we might have found something,” Allison continued, pulling a notebook out of Lydia’s hands and opening it up.
“Oh sure, just take it,” Lydia mumbled as Allison held out the book to Stiles, who was standing up from the ground. Ramie followed suit, looking down in the book. All four of them were staring down at the open page of Lydia’s notebook, on which had physics notes on one half, and a tree doodled on the other. Lydia was always doodling trees during class.
“What am I looking at here?” Ramie asked after a minute.
“It’s a tree,” Stiles said from next to her, as if she were stupid. Ramie blinked slowly, looking up to Stiles.
“I’m aware its a tree, I have eyes Stiles.”
“Well clearly it means something if they’re showing it to us.”
“What, that Lydia is so smart she can doodle trees during class and still get better grades than all of us?”
“Ramona I swear if you would just let them-“
“God will you two stop bickering like a married couple so we can talk?” Lydia interrupted, holding up her hands in defeat and rolling her eyes.
“I should divorce you,” Ramie said under her breath towards Stiles.
“But the taxes!” Stiles grabbed her arm, pretending to plead. Ramie scoffed and shrugged.
“The taxes,” she sighed. Allison raised her eyebrows at both of them, and they both mumbled apologies.
“Continue,” Ramie nodded.
“I mean, we don’t have much,” Allison said, as she took the notebook back from Stiles, flipped through. Every few pages in between notes there was the same drawing of the tree.
“But we figured they might be important, because Lydia always knows things we don’t,” Allison continued.
“All these trees are identical,” Stiles said, pulling the notebook out of Allison’s hands again and flipping through.
“I like trees,” Lydia shrugged, as if it was the simplest concept in the world. She clearly not interested in whatever conspiracy Allison was getting at.
“It has to have something to do with the Darach,” Allison insisted, as if Lydia didn’t say anything.“Lydia, you’re never wrong about these things.”
“That’s totally not-“
“I know where they are,” Stiles said suddenly, cutting Lydia off.
“What?” Ramie narrowed her eyes at him.
“The Nematon,” Stiles whispered, flippling Lydia’s book upside down. The “tree” suddenly looked different, rather than branches, but roots. “That’s where she’s keeping them. It has to be.”
“The who?” Ramie asked.
Stiles slammed the book shut, taking off towards the doors of the locker room without another word. Allison immediately followed and Lydia gave Ramie an exasperated look.
“Does your husband always take off on you like this?” Lydia asked, giving Ramie a smirk. Ramie sent a death glare her way and huffed, following after Allison and Stiles.
“We need to talk to Derek and Peter, they’ve been there before,” Stiles was saying to Allison. “They’ll know where to find it.”
Ramie and Lydia trailed behind, and Lydia looked like she was about to say something to Ramie when she heard a familiar voice.
“Stilinski!” The voice echoed through the hall. Stiles stopped in his track and Ramie nearly ran into his back.
“Fuck,” she heard him mumble as her father came walking towards them.
“Go find Derek,” she whispered to Lydia, shoving her away. Lydia grabbed Allison’s arm, tugging her away as Ramie came around from behind Stiles, making her Dad’s mouth drop open slightly as she came into view. He closed it quickly, clearly trying to play it off like it didn’t happen.
“Ramona,” he said as he stopped in front of them. “I didn’t see you.”
Ramie gave him a tight-lipped smile but said nothing. He looked like he might say something more, but hesitated and turned back to Stiles.
“Did you know your Dad’s car has been in the school parking lot since last night?”
“No,” Stiles shook his head. “What does that mean?”
“He’s officially missing,” Rafael replied, glancing slightly at Ramie, as if to gauge her reaction.
“Maybe we should take this somewhere private,” Ramie cut in, as she could see Stiles tense slightly next to her. Before Rafeal could answer she cut across the front of Stiles, grabbing his hand on the way by and dragged him into an empty classroom next to them, assuming her father would follow them. Ramie dropped Stiles’ hand and sat down at one of the desks and Stiles followed suit, sliding on top of the one next to hers. Rafael closed the door and Stiles gave Ramie a quick glance as he walked over to the two of them. He leaned against the teacher’s desk, folding his arms in front of him.
“Why am I getting the feeling you two know something that could find your dad?” Rafael directed towards Stiles, breaking the silence.
“If I did, why would I not tell you?” Stiles looked up from the floor, furrowing his eyebrows.
“If it meant helping your Dad why wouldn’t you?” Rafael answered, narrowing his eyes back.
Stiles titled his head in question, before giving Ramie a glance, before looking back to her father.
“So you’re asking me to tell you what I wouldn’t not tell you?” Stiles fired back, raising his eyebrows. Ramie let out a breath out from her nose and pretended to be very interested on a string at the bottom of her t-shirt, turning sideways in the desk and propping her feet up on the side of the desk Stiles was sitting on.
“First I have no idea what you just said, and second, why don’t you just help me help you,” Rafael replied, sounding slightly annoyed.
Stiles pouted his lips slightly, as if he was thinking.
“Well I don’t know how to help you help me tell you something that would help you, if I don’t know it,” Stiles rambled, clearly just trying to be an ass. Ramie bit down her lip, holding back a snort.
“Are you doing this on purpose?” Rafael accused. Stiles scoffed.
“I don’t know anything,” he replied, ignoring the question. “Can we just go?”
“Where are your other friends?” Rafael ignored him this time, looking between Ramie and Stiles.
“Not my day to watch the kids,” Ramie lifted her hands up and shrugged, watching Stiles try to hold back a grin.
“You mean Scott?” Stiles added as Rafael sighed at his daughter’s sarcasm.
“Scott, Isaac Lahey,” Rafael began listing, pulling out a notebook from his jacket pocket. “Allison Argent, these twins, Ethan and Aiden? I’ve been told your whole little clique didn’t show up at school today.”
“Well if you knew anything about me you’d know my friends without a list from a notebook,” Ramie twisted the elastic around her wrist as she talked, not looking at her father. “And you would know Allison and Lydia were with us about 3 minutes ago in the hallway.”
She jabbed a thumb at the door as she made eye contact with Rafael. She knew her glare was icy but she couldn’t bring herself to care.
“Last time I checked our friends have nothing to do with my Dad missing,” Stiles said, not allowing Ramie to go any further.
“Guys c’mon,” Rafael sighed. “There’s been a disturbing amount of violent activity around this area the past few years. Murders, injuries, missing people. In just these last few months there were several murders tied directly to this school. I don’t know what’s going on here, but it’s serious.”
“You don’t think we know that?” Ramie interrupted, the annoyance evident in her voice. Stiles arm shot down and wrapped around her ankle in warning.
“You’r Dad is missing,” Rafael continued, ignoring Ramie. Stiles looked up, making eye contact with Rafael. Ramie watched him hold it for a second, then look away, down to his lap.
“Fine,” Rafael said, standing up straight after a minute, when it was clear neither Ramie nor Stiles were going to say anything more. “I don’t want you going home alone.”
“He won’t,” Ramie said, before Stiles could even open his mouth. She watched as her Father eyes flicked between the two of them, focusing for a minute on Stiles hand still on Ramie’s leg.
“Be safe,” he said, looking directly at Ramie. Ramie gave him a curt nod and he turned, leaving the room.
“I fucking hate him,” Ramie breathed out at he left, dropping her feet from where they were propped up, moving her elbows to her knees and placing her head in her hands, rubbing her temples. Stiles started to talk, but he was cut off from a voice in the doorway, thankfully not Rafael’s.
“We need to talk.”
Ramie looked up to find Deaton, his face grim. Stiles gave Ramie a quick glance, but followed after him regardless, Ramie right beside.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
I'm reading your Teen Wolf re-write and I have to say I think is the best one I've read!!! I really like Ramona and the relationship between the 3 of them! Could you please add me to the tag list? Thank you so much! ❤
Thank you so much!!! that truly means a lot. I will totally add you to the list! ❤️
2 notes · View notes
stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 21
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​ @10minutesofscreentime​
A/N: Well, its been awhile, to say the least. Honestly guys, I was simply just not motivated to write for a long time. I’m really trying to get back into it, and I enjoyed writing this chapter. I’m excited because we are nearing season 3b, which is my favorite! I cannot promise when the next update will be, but I will try to make it sooner rather than later. I love reading your comments, so please let me know what you think :)
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :) (I love reading your comments so feel free to comment here, on AO3 or Wattpad)
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Chapter 21 - Are you threatening her?
Season 3, Episode 8, 9, 10
After Boyd’s death, Derek took off for awhile. Ramie didn’t blame him, she would’ve loved to take a few days away from reality, but the truth was the Darach was still on the loose, there were still more sacrifices, and they still had no lead on who this evil person could be. Stiles had a theory that the Darach may have some connection to the alpha pack, and Scott wanted to see what he could get out of Ethan about this theory. Ethan seemed to be the more approachable twin, while Aiden was not interested being nice to anyone in Scott’s pack, unless that meant attaching himself to Lydia’s mouth. After using Lydia to distract Aiden, Scott, Stiles and Ramie got Ethan alone to talk to him.
“Why are you even talking to me?” Ethan asked Scott. They were in an empty hallway during study hall, Stiles and Ramie leaning against the wall near the stairs, Stiles with one foot on the top stair, making him below the rest and nearly the same height as Ramie. “I helped kill your friend, how do you know I’m not going to kill another.”
Ethan glanced between Scott and Ramie as he talked, his voice laced with an attitude, and Ramie felt slightly threatened.
“Is he looking at Ramie?” Stiles asked towards Scott. “Are you threatening her?”
“Stiles,” Ramie warned, putting a hand in front of him, but Stiles ignored her, pushing past her hand and stepping up the steps towards Ethan.
“You know what I’m gonna do,” Stiles continued. “I’m gonna break off an extra large branch of mountain ash, wrap it up in wolfsbane, roll it in mistletoe and and shove it up your fucking-“
“Stiles,” Ramie grabbed Stiles' arm the same time as Scott grabbed his shoulders, stopping him from doing a crude arm movement signaling shoving something somewhere and moving him away from Ethan.
“Okay, we get it,” Scott patted Stiles’ chest as Ramie still had a hold of his hand, pulling him back to lean against the wall next to her again. Ramie looked up to see Ethan glance down at their hands and up at Ramie’s face, and she immediately dropped her hold on Stiles, feeling her face get hot.
“We’re talking to you because I know that you didn’t want to kill Boyd,” Scott explained and Stiles huffed next to Ramie. Scott sent him a quick glare. “And I know if something like that happened now, you wouldn’t do it.”
“It’s not that simple,” Ethan said. “We owe Deucalion. We weren’t alphas when he found us, we were omegas. In real wolf packs, omegas are the ones that have to take the abuse from the rest of the pack, the last to eat.”
“So you two were the bitches of the pack,” Stiles nearly snorted. Ramie elbowed him in the side and he let out a small noise.
“Something like that. Regardless, Deucalion taught us control, how to take down our old pack and become alphas,” Ethan said. Scott opened his mouth to ask another question, but Ethan flinched suddenly, grabbing at his chest.
“What’s wrong, are you hurt?” Scott asked, stepping towards Ethan.
“Not me, my brother.”
Ramie wanted to kill Cora. She was being reckless and stupid. Stiles told her she should cut Cora some slack, but Ramie put her foot down.
“Cora you cannot just attack an alpha!” Ramie glared at Cora through the rear view mirror in Stiles’ jeep. “You could’ve gotten killed!”
“I was holding my own,” Cora mumbled, not making eye contact.
“I refuse to lose another friend,” Ramie snapped, turning in her seat and looking to Cora in the back. Her eyes snapped up to meet Ramie’s.
“I’m sorry,” she mumbled. Ramie huffed, sitting back in her seat to face the road. She could feel Stiles’ eyes on her, glancing at her every few seconds between looking at the road. Her face was getting hot, like she was going to start crying. She needed to change the subject. “Are you really going to tell your dad everything?”
“I think it’s time,” Stiles sighed. “Your Mom has known forever at this point, and keeping all of this from him is really just making his job ten times harder than it needs to be. He deserves to know.”
Stiles was right. His Dad, maybe more than anyone, deserved to know. He had spent as long as Ramie could remember trying to solve the mystery that is Beacon Hills, and maybe knowing the truth behind the strange happenings of the town could lead to some more clarity. So that was the plan, to tell Noah everything. And apparently Noah’s plan was to think that his son and best friend were messing with his head. And Cora’s plan was to pass out right when she was meant to show Noah that werewolves were real and she was one of them. Maybe that wasn’t her plan, but that’s what happened. Which is what lead Stiles, Ramie and Noah to the hospital, Cora under the care of Melissa with Derek by her side. Ramie closed the door quietly behind the two siblings, hearing Stiles bickering with his Dad in the hallway. She trailed behind them as they walked.
“What did you see the night at the bank when Scott was trying to save Deaton?” Stiles pressed.
“Nothing,” Noah replied flatly, walking forward and pointedly not looking at his son who hurried behind him.
“Dad, you saw him healing himself after he tried crossing the mountain ash.”
Noah held up a hand, cutting off Stiles from continuing.
“I don’t know what I saw,” he countered.
“You saw something you can’t explain,” Stiles said, exasperated.
“Stiles,” Noah groaned, turning to Stiles and stopping him in his tracks, Ramie stopping right behind them. “I’ve seen a lot of things I can’t explain in this town. It doesn’t make it supernatural, and it doesn’t make it real.”
Stiles shook his head and let out a sigh. Ramie could see his shoulders tense and could tell just by his body language how frustrated he was. She reached out and touched the back of his bicep lightly, hoping to ground him.
“They just found another body, that’s real. That’s the lead I’m following,” Noah continued. Stiles jerked away from Ramie following after his Dad as he began to walk again.
“More teachers are going to die if you don’t start listening to me,” Stiles spat.
“Listening? I’ve been listening,” Noah nearly shouted. Everyone in the near vicinity went quiet, Noah’s yell echoing. Stiles stopped in his tracks, Ramie behind him.
“You just don’t believe,” Stiles breathed out. Ramie glanced up to see the side of Stiles’ face, and all she saw was hurt. Noah held up his hand, opening his mouth like he was going to say something. Stiles was silent, as was Ramie. Noah shook his head, turning to walk away. Stiles stayed glued to his spot, quiet for a minute.
“Mom would’ve believed me,” Stiles said, so quietly Ramie wouldn’t have thought Noah heard, but his immediate freezing said otherwise.
“Stiles,” Ramie grabbed his arm, knowing he went too far. Noah didn’t turn around, but Ramie watched his shoulders fall. Stiles pulled his arm from Ramie’s for the second time, huffing and turning the other way, stalking off through the hospital. Ramie followed behind him, not saying a word. She didn’t speak at all until they got to the jeep.
“Do you wanna talk about it?” Ramie said quietly as Stiles put the key in the ignition.
“You wouldn’t get it,” Stiles huffed, putting his arm on the back of Ramie’s seat as he backed out of his parking spot.
“I wouldn’t get it?” Ramie repeated his words. “Maybe my situation isn’t the same as yours, but I understand what it feels like to have a parent gone from your life.”
“It’s not the same and you know that,” Stiles snapped, his grip on the steering wheel tightening.
“I didn’t say it was,” Ramie snapped back. “But I haven’t had a meaningful conversation with my Dad for most of my life. He hasn’t visited for like, two years.”
“But you can reach out if you want to,” Stiles said through his teeth.
“Yeah sure, let me just call up the man that has practically ignored his children for longer than he was actually around. The guy who only communicates through birthday and Christmas cards. I really want to talk to someone who abandoned his whole family for no good reason,” Ramie spat sarcastically. Stiles was silent. She could feel tears coming but she ignored them, staring out the window away from Stiles.
“I didn’t mean it like that,” Stiles said quietly after a minute of silence.
“I know,” Ramie muttered. She could feel the venom in her voice, but she was too frustrated to feel bad. “Can you take me home?”
“Raim, I-“ Stiles started, but Ramie cut him off, knowing if she looked at him the tears would definitely start to flow.
“Stiles,” was all she said. She knew the tone of her voice was harsh, but she really didn’t want to fight any more with him. He knew her well and stayed quiet the rest of the way home. When they pulled into Ramie’s driveway, Stiles was quiet, but she could feel his eyes on her.
“I didn’t mean to make things about me. I just wish you would talk to me like you used to. You bottle everything up and it’s not good for you,” Ramie said, not looking at him. He stayed silent, and when she glanced over, he was staring out of the windshield, chewing on his lip. He was shaking his knee up and down like he often did when he was holding something back. But Ramie knew he wasn’t going to open up. She sighed, opening the door to the jeep. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
When Ramie went to sleep barely an hour after getting home, all cried out, the last thing she expected was to be woken up by a phone call. She barely said anything into the phone other than a groan before Stiles’ voice came yelling through, saying her name over and over.
“Stiles?” Ramie mumbled, rubbing her eyes. She glanced over at her alarm clock, it was nearly 1am. “Whats going on?”
“You need to come to the hospital, quickly,” Stiles’ voice was panicked and he was breathing heavy. Ramie shot up at his words, throwing her blankets back.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” Ramie asked, suddenly wide awake and pulling on the jeans that she had taken off hours earlier.
“I’m fine, but shit is going down,” Stiles said. “Come to the back entrance of the hospital, where the ambulances go. I’m in the back of one out there.”
“You’re in an ambulance?”
“Yes just, be careful, the alphas are here, and Jennifer,” Stiles ignored her question.
“Who the fuck is Jennifer?” Ramie questioned, taking the stairs nearly two at a time and shoving her Vans on her feet, holding the phone up with her shoulder as she quickly tied them.
“Ms. Blake,” Stiles said, as if Ramie should already know that. “It’s her, she’s the Darach. She took my Dad and then she tried to use us to keep her safe from the alphas. But now the alphas are trying to attack her and I don’t know what’s going on inside that hospital but I’m out here by myself with Cora who is nearly dying and I need you to come here.”
“I’m on my way Stiles,” Ramie said quickly, knowing he was in a complete panic. “I’ll be there soon.”
Thankfully when Ramie arrived at the hospital, there seemed to be no alpha werewolves or crazy teachers around. It was eerily silent as she crept towards the lone ambulance. The doors swung open before she made it there, Stiles’ panicked face sticking out, waving her towards him. She jogged over and climbed in, Stiles closing the door carefully behind her. Cora was laying on the stretcher in the middle of the space, unconscious.
“Okay, okay, we’re alright, we’re okay,” Stiles muttered, pulling on the doors to make sure they were locked. “You alright?”
He looked towards Ramie, who nodded. Stiles looked towards Cora.
“You alright?” He asked her, even though her eyes were closed.
“Stiles,” Ramie started, noticing how still Cora looked.
“Why do you look like you’re not breathing?” Stiles said towards, Cora’s body. He jumped forward leaning his ear towards her mouth. “She’s not breathing. Ramie, she’s not breathing.”
“Oh no, oh god, fuck,” Stiles murmured as Ramie jumped forward, grabbing Cora’s head. “CPR, we have to do CPR.”
“I’m trying Stiles,” Ramie snapped. She tipped Cora’s head back slightly opening her mouth to see if she could see anything blocking her breathing.
“Yep, tilt the head back, check her throat,” Stiles said over her shoulder, clearly panicking.
“Will you shut up,” Ramie snapped. “I know what I’m doing and you’re stressing me out.”
Stiles fell silent and Ramie leaned forward, pinching Cora’s nose and pushing two large breaths into her mouth.
“C’mon Cora, breathe,” she whispered, moving her ear to Cora’s mouth again. “Please breathe.”
“Yeah Cora breathe, please,” Stiles said from behind her. “Ramie great job, keep doing… that…”
“Stiles,” Ramie huffed in warning at him. He muttered an apology. She did another set of breaths and suddenly Cora gasped, coughing a bit, her eyes fluttering open.
“Ohmygod,” Stiles breathed out and Ramie held her arms up in celebration.
“I did it,” Ramie breathed out, shocked.
“Thank god,” Stiles mumbled. Ramie sat back onto the bench, her breathing still heavy with anxiety.
“Cora Hale the next time I put my lips to your mouth you better be awake,” Ramie sighed, putting her head in her hands. She heard Stiles let out a half hearted snort next to her.
“I knew you had a crush on her,” Stiles said quietly. Ramie reached out, leaving one hand on her head and punched Stiles in the arm, hard. He groaned in pain but stayed quiet.
“Everything’s gonna be alright,” he said after a minute of silence. Ramie wasn’t sure if he was saying it to reassure her, Cora, or himself. “If anyone gets us out of this it’s Scott.”
Ramie hummed in response, unsure what to say. Things still felt tense between the two of them, now that no one’s life was in immediate danger.
“You know, now I’m thinking maybe you were right,” Stiles says again after a minute. She could tell by the tone of his voice he was no longer in the joking mood. Ramie looked up, seeing him looking towards Cora, who looked barely awake, if at all. “Maybe we are pretty much useless. We just show up and find the bodies.”
“Stiles,” Ramie whispered, trying to get his attention, but he didn’t look towards her. She wanted to reach out and grab his arm, or hand, but she held herself back.
“I don’t want to find my father’s body,” he said quietly, his voice slightly cracking at the end. He was playing with his own fingers, his hands visibly shaking. Ramie ignored her mind telling her not to and reached up, her hand moving towards his. Before she could reach him he jumped up, moving out of the way. For a second, she was quite offended, until she realized he was looking out of the window on the ambulance doors. A shadow of someone walking towards the ambulance danced on the side of the building and Stiles turned towards Ramie, holding a finger up to his lips. Ramie felt her stomach drop.
Suddenly there was a hand on the window and Stiles and Ramie jumped backwards, only to then see Scott’s face come into view.
“Jesus christ,” Ramie breathed out and Stiles opened the door. Peter was next to Scott, his arm wrapped around him, Scott clearly holding most of his weight. Stiles helped pull him into the ambulance, sitting him down on the bench on the other side of Cora.
“Where’s Derek and Jennifer?” Stiles asked.
“I have to go back for them, and for my Mom,” Scott replied.
“Mom’s in there?” Ramie piped in. Scott nodded grimly.
“Alright well we have some other problems too. One of the alphas has the keys to this thing and I just saw the twins a few minutes before Ramie got here,” Stiles told Scott quickly.
“When did Ramie get here?”
“Like five minutes ago,” Ramie shrugged. A crash came from inside the hospital.
“Stay here,” Scott said, and took off running before anyone could protest. Stiles closed the door of the ambulance as quickly as he could without making a lot of noise.
Peter groaned from the seat across from them.
“You good?” Ramie asked, raising her eyebrows. Peter shrugged, putting a face.
“I’ll be fine, I just wish I didn’t have to be stuck in here with you two lovebirds,” he scoffed.
“How many times do we have to tell you we aren’t dating,” Stiles put his hand on his forehead, rubbing his temples.
“Could’ve fooled me,” Peter shrugged. Ramie was suddenly glad it was dark in the ambulance, so no one could see the blush she knew was spreading across her face. She was saved by the sound of a car screeching to a halt outside of the ambulance. Ramie could see through the window that it was Isaac, and at his arrival Stiles jumped up, opening the doors.
“Grab Cora,” Stiles pointed at Peter, who obliged.
“Go get in the car,” he then said to Ramie.
“But Scott-“
“We’ll leave as soon as he gets back, just get in,” Stiles cut her off. Ramie nodded, moving past him and hopping out of the ambulance, opening the passenger side door just as Peter got in the back, next to Cora’s nearly unconscious body. Ramie turned back to check on Stiles and saw him hovering in the doorway of the ambulance staring at a paper taped to the wall.
“Stiles?” Ramie called out, trying to get his attention back.
“We need to get in the car,” Isaac’s voice said from the other side. Stiles was silent, his hand hovering over the paper.
“Stiles c’mon,” Ramie pleaded. His eyes snapped to hers for a second. She could barely read his expression. It looked something like fear, but there was something else there as well? Empathy? Guilt?
“Stay here,” he said suddenly, walking towards Ramie. He grabbed both of her hands with his, looking directly in her eyes. “Promise me you’ll stay here with Isaac.”
“What do you mean? Stiles, what are you-“
“Promise me,” Stiles cut her off. “Please just stay here. I need you to trust me and stay here.”
“We need to get out of here,” Isaac’s voice cut in. Ramie ignored him. Stiles’ hands felt like fire on hers. She nodded, not saying a word. With that, Stiles took off towards the hospital, where Scott had gone just a few minutes earlier.
“Stiles!” Isaac yelled.
“Just get in the car,” Ramie told him, and he obliged, slamming his door at the same time she did.
“Where’s he going?” Isaac asked.
“I don’t know,” Ramie shrugged.
“You just let him take off like that with no explanation?” Issac questioned, his voice raising.
“I trust him,” Ramie snapped back, Isaac shrinking back towards the door slightly at her words. She let her features soften, feeling guilty for snapping at him. “He knows what he’s doing. He always does.”
“You have a lot of faith in a kid who trips over his own feet more than anyone I’ve ever met,” Peter’s voice came from the back.
“He’s the best person I know,” Ramie said immediately. “And you were a crazy murderous wolf when we first met. So, I don’t think you’re really one who should be judging character.”
Issac let out a breath of air next to her that sounded like it could be a laugh, and Ramie sent a death glare at Peter through the rearview. His mouth stayed shut.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 20
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​
A/N: One of my biggest pet peeves about Teen Wolf is they never address the trauma that all the characters go through with their friends dying, so I wanted to put in some actual feelings for the characters. 
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :) (I love reading your comments so feel free to comment here, on AO3 or Wattpad)
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Chapter 20 - Numb
Season 3, Episode 7
Ramie hoped that after their stay at the motel from Hell things would calm down some, but it was actually the opposite. There was some good news though, Derek was alive, but the alphas were still out to get him. The Darach was still wreaking havoc on Beacon Hills, and it seemed like the next set of sacrifices was centered around doctors, since two ER doctors that worked with Melissa had recently gone missing. This being the most recent theory among the pack lead to Isaac, Ramie and Scott sleeping on the floor in Melissa’s room the night after the kidnappings, to make sure she wasn’t the next person taken. Ramie woke up that morning to her mother’s voice.
“Boys! Ramona!” Melissa called out, causing Scott to shoot out of the chair he was laying in, Ramie to sit up quickly from the floor, and Isaac to leap up from where he was leaned over an ottoman that was now covered in drool. Isaac’s hand grabbed Scott’s as he stood up in panic, then quickly dropped it. “What the hell are you guys doing?”
“Uhhh, we were watching over you,” Isaac spit out quickly, Ramie and Scott nodding.
“We wanted to make sure you weren’t the third sacrifice,” Scott explained further.
“All three of you were asleep,” Melissa narrowed her eyes at them. Isaac scratched the back of his neck sheepishly, not looking at Ramie or Scott, who slowly turned to look at him.
“You were on watch last,” Scott jabbed a thumb at Isaac.
“What are you talking about, Ramie was on watch last,” Isaac spat back, looking past Scott to Ramie.
“Nope, I had first watch, you were on watch last,” Ramie said simply, yawning and attempting to crack her stiff neck from sleeping on the floor.
“I might have been on watch last,” Issac nodded, looking towards Melissa.
“My heroes,” Melissa said sarcastically, and Ramie let out a snort. Isaac subtly gave Ramie the middle finger, behind Scott’s back and out of Melissa’s view. Ramie snorted again, rolling her eyes at the curly haired boy. “Aren’t the sacrifices doctors anyways? Last time I checked I’m a nurse, no doctorate here.”
“It could be any kind of healer,” Scott insisted, sitting down on the edge of the bed as Isaac picked up the pillow he had been hugging in his sleep and set it back on the chair Scott had slept in.
“Well I don’t plan on being kidnapped by anyone any time soon, so you three need to get your asses to school,” Melissa said, throwing a pillow at Ramie, who had tried to go back to sleep on the floor.
Scott sent a frantic text to Ramie in the middle of the school day that said that the last healer taken was someone they knew, Scott’s boss, Deaton. Scott explained that Stiles was going to ask Lydia to try and use whatever powers she had to try and figure out where he was. Stiles, of course, roped Ramie into helping, and somehow Cora, Derek’s sister, ended up tagging along as well. The four sat in an empty classroom during study hall, waiting for Stiles to explain whatever his plan was. Lydia sat at a table next to Cora, and Ramie sat across from Cora on the other side of the desk, cross legged on the stool. Stiles was rummaging through the closet in the classroom, clearly looking for something specific.
“Here it is,” he called, walking over to the girls and slamming a box on the table in front of Lydia, knocking into Ramie’s knee in the process. He put a hand on her knee where he hit it, patting it softly as a sort of apology. Ramie looked up to see Cora’s eyes on the two of them, and looked down quickly, thankful her hair hid her face like a curtain.
“A Ouija board?” Lydia questioned in disbelief.
“Also called spirit board,” Stiles held up a hand towards Lydia. “It’s worth a shot.”
“Shot in the dark,” Lydia countered, and both Ramie and Cora let out a breath of air at the same time, causing Stiles to glare at the both of them. Ramie and Cora locked eyes and Ramie had to bite her lip to refrain from letting out a laugh.
“Would you just try it, please?” He asked, still sending a glare Ramie and Cora’s way. “Let’s not forget who this is for, Scott’s boss. He’s saved our collective asses on many occasions.”
Stiles picked the piece out of the box that you were meant to put your hands on and set it on the board as he spoke, Ramie immediately grabbing it and flipping it the other way around so the skinny end pointed towards Lydia.
“Wait so, don’t we all do this,” Cora gestured towards the board as Lydia put her hands lightly on the wooden piece.
“Yeah,” Stiles said, pulling up the sleeves of his flannel so they rested above his elbows. Ramie lightly put her hands on the piece, glancing up at Lydia, who had a look on her face that said she would rather be anywhere but there.
The Ouija board was no luck, as were many other ideas Stiles had for trying to get Lydia’s “psychic abilities” to work. Eventually, after Scott met up with them, they realized they should try and get information from Danny, since he was targeted by the Darach the same night as the kidnappings, but wasn’t a sacrifice.
Stiles dragged Ramie to the hospital with him to see Danny, who had been there since the night he was poisoned with mistletoe. Stiles insisted that Ramie had to come along because Danny was always nice to her, but Ramie knew Stiles just liked to drag her along on all his adventures because he liked the company.
When they got to the hospital Stiles and Ramie crept into Danny’s room to find him asleep. Ramie stood near the foot of his bed as Stiles walked towards his head, peering at him.
“Danny are you awake?” Stiles whispered. Ramie narrowed her eyes at him but Stiles didn’t notice, reaching a hand out towards Danny. He shook Danny’s shoulder, whispering his name again.
“Stiles,” Ramie hissed, giving him a death glare. Stiles held up a finger, not looking towards Ramie still. He reached up and hit Danny lightly on the cheek, whispering his name again. Ramie whisper-yelled at him for the second time. “Stop!”
Just as Ramie did so, Stiles hit Danny’s cheek a bit harder than before and Danny took a deep breath, causing Stiles to jump backward and slam into Ramie, stepping on her foot, hard.
“Um, ow,” Ramie seethed, pushing Stiles off of her. He gave her a sheepish and apologetic look and she rolled her eyes, pointing towards Danny’s backpack. Stiles immediately bent down, unzipping it and began rifling through the contents. Ramie stood over him, peering into the bag.
“What are you doing?” A quiet voice came suddenly. Ramie jumped and looked up to see Danny half-awake, squinting at the two of them. She smacked the back of Stiles’ head, who let out a small groan but straightened up, looking towards Danny.
“We’re not doing anything Danny,” Stiles said slowly. “This is a dream.”
Ramie smacked her hand to her forehead and Stiles looked up at her, shaking his head like he didn’t know what else to do.
“Why are you going through my stuff,” Danny groaned, his eyes still barely open. Ramie opened her mouth to reply but Stiles put a hand around her calf, signaling to her that he was handling it.
“Remember…. you’re dreaming,” Stiles said quietly to Danny, waving his other hand around a bit.
“Why would I dream about you going through my stuff?” Danny mumbled. Stiles’ head shot up from his spot crouched on the ground, glaring at Danny.
“You know what I don’t know Danny,” he said, annoyed, as if he wasn’t the one in the wrong. “It’s your dream. Take some responsibility for it. Shut up and go back to sleep.”
“Stiles,” Ramie hissed at the boy again, but Stiles waved a hand in the air, not looking at her. She glanced over at Danny who let out a snore, apparently believing that she and Stiles were really in his dream. When she looked back down to Stiles he was pulling out a stack of papers that looked like it was a report of some kind.
“Currents?” Ramie read the title. “Like electric?”
“I’m not sure, let’s call Scott,” Stiles said.
After meeting back up with Lydia and Cora, and Scott this time, the group figured out through Danny’s project and the maps Chris Argent had been working on, that Deaton should be in the vault, the same one Boyd and Cora were kept by the alphas. However, Scott ended up having to go on his own, because Derek was in trouble at his loft. He, Isaac and Boyd had planned to trap the alphas, but it didn’t work, and they needed help. They planned on filling the loft with water and electrocuting them, but the alphas somehow figured out this plan and cut the power.  
Stiles floored it all the way to Derek’s loft, Cora jumping out before Stiles came to a full stop, sprinting towards the stairs. Lydia, Stiles and Ramie ran down below to an electrical closet,  searching around to find where they could turn the power back on. Ramie stared at her phone, waiting for a text from Isaac and yelled to Stiles to flip the switch when she got it. The three then ran upstairs, hearing Kali, one of the alphas’ voice ringing out.
“Make the right choice next time Derek,” she called. “Join the pack.”
A second later, the twins walked out of the open door, followed close behind by Kali. Stiles skidded to a stop, as did Ramie and Lydia, both nearly running into him. Kali gave the three of them an evil grin and a small wave before jumping over the balcony railing and down into the parking lot below, followed closely by the twins. Ramie pushed past Stiles and continued running, stopping at Derek’s open door. Isaac was on the ground next to Mrs. Blake, their teacher from school. Both were staring into the loft, where Ramie’s eyes next went. In the middle of the floor, sitting in the 6 inches of water was Derek, holding onto Boyd, Cora right next to him.
“Derek…” Ramie said slowly, surveying the scene.
“It’s okay,” Boyd choked out. Ramie realized what was going on. Boyd’s white shirt was soaked with blood, Derek’s hand holding onto his stomach.
“It’s not okay,” Derek breathed out, his voice erratic. Boyd said something else as Ramie ran forward through the water. She could hear Stiles calling her name behind but ignored it, stopping as she stood behind Derek. Boyd fell to the ground as she approached, Cora leaning over him immediately. She began to sob, clinging to Boyd’s lifeless body. Ramie’s vision began to get blurry, looking between Derek and Boyd and Cora. She felt a hand on her shoulder and glanced up, seeing Stiles with a hand on her shoulder and one on Derek’s. Before even thinking, Ramie leaped up, wrapping her arms around Stiles’ neck and the tears came, full force.  
Ramie asked Stiles if she could sleep at his house that night. Scott had called Stiles and told him he found Deaton, alive, but Stiles then had to break the news to him that Boyd was dead. Scott picked Isaac up from the loft, who was definitely distraught, since Isaac and Boyd were pretty close. Ramie knew Scott would take good care of Isaac, and quite frankly, she didn’t have it in her to be strong and try and help Isaac feel better. She felt incredibly strange. Numb, almost.
“It’s weird,” Ramie said, when Stiles closed his bedroom door behind the two of them. It was the first time either of them had spoke since they left Derek’s. “I was never really close with Boyd. I saw him some when I hung out with Isaac, and whenever Derek and I trained together, but we were never really close.”
“Why is that weird,” Stiles asked, glancing over his shoulder as he dug through a drawer in his dresser.
“It’s just… terrifying,” Ramie said quietly. “That could’ve been Isaac. Or Cora, or any of us.”
Ramie sat down slowly on Stiles’ desk chair. Her pants and most of her shirt were still soaked from sitting in the water at Derek’s loft. Her hands had dried blood on them from holding onto Cora after prying her away from Boyd’s body. The shirt she was wearing was stained with blood, Boyd’s. She knew she had mascara running down her face, and that her hair was probably a mess, but she couldn’t bring herself to care. She felt tears moving down her face again, and she couldn’t stop it.
“Hey,” she heard Stiles’ voice come quietly from across the room. He knelt down in front of the chair, she could see his knees as she stared at the ground. “We need to get you cleaned up.”
Stiles put a hand under her chin, lifting her face upwards until her eyes met his. She nodded, going to stand up, but Stiles reached up, the hand on her chin moving to wipe the tears from her eyes. His thumbs were gentle on her cheeks, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes at his touch. His hands dropped from her face and she opened his eyes to find him standing in front of her, holding a hand out to her. He picked up a pile of clothes he had set on his dresser and she grabbed his hand, letting him lead her to the bathroom. He set the clothes on the counter and moved to turn on the shower, holding his hand under the water to check the temperature.
Ramie glanced over at herself in the mirror, and her previous thoughts were correct, she did looked like a mess. When she saw the blood covering her shirt, she felt herself begin to panic, her hands shaking as she immediately grabbed at the shirt, pulling it over her head before she could even think. She looked over at Stiles once she realized what she had done, who was just turning back towards her.
“I think that should be warm,” Stiles started, but stopped talking when he turned to find her standing there in just her bra.
“I’m sorry,” Ramie said quickly crossing her arms over her chest in an attempt to cover herself. “It’s just, the blood, it-“
“It’s okay,” Stiles said, putting a hand on her bicep, rubbing his thumb up and down. “I’ll get rid of the shirt for you.”
He bent down and picked up the shirt, looking back up at her, careful not to move his eyes from her face.
“Yell if you need anything,” he nodded, moving past her and out into the hallway. “You okay?”
Ramie nodded at him, feeling the steam from the shower begin to fill the bathroom. She stayed in the shower for way too long and only decided to get out when Stiles’ voice filled the bathroom asking if she was alright. After drying off she grabbed the clothes he left for her, a t-shirt and a pair of his boxers for her to wear as shorts. She couldn’t help but breathe his scent in deeply as she pulled the shirt over her head.
When she entered his room he was sitting on his desk chair, scrolling through his phone. He had changed into a t-shirt and a pair of athletic shorts, and his hair was flat across his forehead like he had been running his hands through it and flattened it out.
“I can’t find the air mattress, but I can go sleep on the couch,” he said when he noticed her entering the room. Ramie shook her head, padding over the carpet to his bed. She pulled back the covers and sat down, pulling the blankets over her crossed legs. Stiles walked over, sitting on the edge of the bed next to her, the outside of his thigh against her knee.
“Are you okay?” He asked quietly, making eye contact. Ramie broke it, looking down at her hands in her lap, which were playing with a loose string on his comforter.
“I don’t know,” Ramie said. “I feel… nothing. Like I know deep down I’m sad. Even though I wasn’t that close with him, it still hurts. But I feel like I should be sobbing or something, breaking down like Cora was. But I just feel sort of empty.”
“I know what you mean,” Stiles said. Ramie knew he was thinking about when his Mom died. They were young, but Ramie remembered it well. She and Scott spent a lot of time with him when his Dad was at the hospital with their Mom, but Stiles was the only one there when she died. Since they were so young, Ramie couldn’t help much more than hug Stiles when he cried and hold his hand at the funeral. But Ramie knew Stiles still held a lot of pain from everything that happened with her.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to,” Ramie started, but Stiles grabbed her hands, covering both of hers with his own.
“It’s okay,” he smiled at her, rubbing his thumb over the back of one of her hands. “I’m not trying to make this about me. I just wanted you to know that what you’re feeling is normal, and okay.”
Ramie could feel tears welling up in her eyes as she gave him a small smile. He leaned over and immediately wrapped her in a hug, his hand drawing shapes on the base of her neck, and her shoulder. They sat like that, for who knows how long, as Ramie cried. She heard Stiles sniffling too, and figured he probably was crying as well. Ramie pulled away first, because she had the feeling he wouldn’t until she did. He was one to do that, always making sure others were okay before he was. Ramie always told him he needed to put himself first sometimes, but he never listened. She was sure she was the only one who really noticed when he was hiding things.
“Can we just sleep?” Ramie asked, sniffling. She realized how heavy her eyes felt.
“Of course,” Stiles said, getting up and moving to the other side of the bed. He pulled the covers back and laid down, his back to the bed. Ramie adjusted her pillow and turned to look at him. He had turned off his lamp and the only light from the room came from his alarm clock, spreading red light across his bed. One of his arms was behind his head, the other resting on his stomach. He gave her a knowing smile and despite her head telling her no, she immediately curled into his side, placing her head at the top of his shoulder, so her head was practically nuzzled into his neck. With everything that happened, all she wanted was to go to sleep next to him, his hand drawing shapes on her back and her hand feeling the rise and fall of his chest as they fell asleep.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 19
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​
A/N: Sorry this chapter took me so long, but Motel California is my favorite episode and I really wanted to make this one good, I hope you enjoy!
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :) (I love reading your comments so feel free to comment here, on AO3 or Wattpad)
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Chapter 19 - Motel California
Season 3, Episode 6
“I’ve seen worse,” Scott shrugged as Ramie hopped off the bus behind him. She looked up at the motel Coach had found for them to stay at overnight.
“Where could you have possibly seen worse?” Ramie scoffed, making a disgusted face towards the sketchy motel in front of them.
“Listen up,” Coach blew his whistle to get everyone’s attention. “This was the closest motel with the most amount of vacancies and the least amount of good judgement when it comes to accepting a bunch of degenerates like yourself. You’re pairing up, choose wisely.”
He held up a handful of keys and pairs started moving forward, grabbing a key from him.
“And I’ll have no sexual perversions perpetrated by you little deviants,” Coach continued as the keys got plucked from his hand. “Got that? Keep your dirty little hands to your dirty little selves.”
“Hear that Ramona?” Stiles said loudly, a smirk clear on his face while grabbing a key from Coach. “You’re gonna have to resist the temptation to put your hands all over me.”
Ramie made a loud gagging sound and looked at Coach, who had an expression on his face that she couldn’t read. She hoped it was dark enough that no one could notice the blush that was definitely evident on her cheeks.
“Oh, are you two hooligans finally together?” Coach asked, with something that looked like it could be a smile on his face.
“No!” Ramie said quickly, shaking her head. She could hear Scott chuckling behind her. “Stiles was just joking, I’m staying with Allison and Lydia.”
Coach looked between Ramie and Stiles, Ramie trying to look innocent and Stiles trying not to laugh at himself. Coach simply sighed and shook his head, handing the last key to Ramie, who brought it over to where Lydia and Allison were standing, still near the bus. She turned back to see Stiles grinning at her, still laughing at himself. She made a slicing motion across her throat at him, which just made him laugh harder. She turned her back to him so he couldn’t see her smile.
“Lyds, you coming?” Ramie asked as Allison walked towards her, but Lydia stood frozen, staring up at the motel.
“I don’t like this place,” Lydia muttered, an almost scared look in her eyes.
“I don’t think anyone in their right mind does,” Ramie scoffed.
“It’s just one night,” Allison reassured her. “It’ll be alright.”
Ramie turned, walking towards the motel and Allison followed, the sound of Lydia’s heels clicking behind them coming a second later. Their room was right next to Scott and Stiles’, who had left their door cracked open, probably to let some fresh air in, as the girls did the same, considering the rooms smelled like no one had been in there for years.
“I’m gonna go see if Scott has some extra sweatpants I can borrow,” Ramie told Lydia and Allison as the two sat down on the beds.
Allison said she was planning on showering and Lydia had gotten up, inspecting the room, so Ramie left them to go next door. She entered the room to find Scott and Stiles each laying on a bed, staring up at the ceiling.
“So I have four,” Stiles was saying.
“Four suspects?” Scott asked, propping himself up on his elbows to give a quick nod to Ramie as she entered the room.
“There were nine before,” Ramie said, sitting down on the bed next to Stiles, who was still laying back.
“Ten,” Stiles corrected, glancing over at Ramie as she crossed her legs underneath her.
“You had Derek on there twice, that doesn’t count,” Ramie shook her head. Stiles opened his mouth to argue but Scott cut him off.
“So who’s number one, Harris?”
“Just because he’s missing doesn’t mean he’s dead,” Stiles defended his choice.
“So if he’s not dead, our chemistry teacher is out secretly committing human sacrifices,” Scott said slowly, clearly not believing the theory.
“Yeah, I guess it sounded way better in my head,” Stiles shrugged.
“I told you,” Ramie said quietly, earning a sideways glare from Stiles.
“Well what if it’s someone else from the school?” Scott asked, narrowing his eyes at the ceiling in thought. “Remember Matt, we didn’t know he was killing people for awhile.”
“Excuse me, what?” Stiles said, sitting up from the bed and standing to look down at Scott. Ramie rolled her eyes, knowing exactly where this was going. “I… yes we did. I called that from day one, actually.”
“Yeah but we never seriously thought it was Matt,” Scott pushed up on his elbows again to look at Stiles.
“I was serious, I was quite serious,” Stiles said, glancing to Ramie and holding his hands out. “I was serious, wasn’t I Ramie?”
“He was serious,” Ramie confirmed, nodding at Scott.
“Who are the other three?” Scott asked, bringing the conversation back to where it started.
“Derek’s sister, Cora,” Stiles started.
“It’s not Cora,” Ramie insisted, which she had already told him on the bus.
“Listen,” Stiles put his hands up in frustration and looked towards Ramie. “Just because you have a weird crush on her doesn’t mean she isn’t the Darach.”
“You have a crush on Cora?” Scott’s eyes widened.
“No!” Ramie exclaimed, feeling her cheeks heat up. “I just defended her on the bus and Stiles now thinks I’m in love with her or something."
Scott laughed, shaking his head and Stiles shot glares at both of them.
“She is really pretty though,” Ramie said thoughtfully, looking up into the air. Scott let out a snort and Stiles let out a loud sigh.
“She’s Derek’s sister and no one knows anything about her, she’s a decent suspect,” Stiles continued, ignoring Ramie’s comment. “Next, your boss.”
“My boss?” Scott sat up fully, narrowing his eyes at Stiles.
“He doesn’t have a valid reason,” Ramie mumbled.
“I do have a valid reason,” Stiles shot a look at Ramie before continuing. “I don’t like the whole Obi-Wan thing he has going on, you know? It freaks me out.”
Scott gave Stiles a confused look.
“Oh god here we go,” Ramie muttered as Stiles’ eyes narrowed at Scott.
“Ohmygod, have you still not seen Star Wars?” Stiles looked at Scott in shock, who shrugged.
“I swear if we make it back alive I will watch the movie.”
“It just, it makes me crazy,” Stiles mumbled, rubbing his chin and sighing. Ramie let out a breath of air through her nose, which caused Scott to send her a small smile.
“Who’s left,” Scott interrupted Stiles’ angry mutters. Stiles was quiet for a second.
“Lydia,” he finally said, sitting back down on the bed next to Ramie.
“Lydia?” Ramie gave Stiles a shocked look. He hadn’t told her this theory on the bus.
“She was totally controlled by Peter and she had no idea,” Stiles said, defending his theory. Ramie opened her mouth to defend her friend, but she realized she had no good explanation as to why the Darach couldn’t be Lydia. Weird things had been happening around Lydia that no one could really explain, and Lydia seemed to act anything but completely normal lately. Ramie let out a big sigh, laying back on the bed. She heard two more sighs from Scott and Stiles, who fell back as well, Stiles arm flush to Ramie’s.
“Well I’m hungry,” Stiles said after a few minutes of silence. “I’m gonna go find a vending machine, anyone wanna come?”
Scott shook his head as Ramie got off the bed, following suit of Stiles.
“I should get back to Allison and Lydia,” Ramie said. “Scott do you have some extra sweatpants or a shirt I could wear to bed?”
“I didn’t bring any extra clothes,” Scott shrugged sheepishly.
“Amateur,” Stiles shook his head, walking over to the desk, where his bag had been placed on top. He dug through it a bit before chucking two items over his shoulder at Ramie, who thankfully, caught them both. She wasn’t sure she’d want to wear them after they touched the floor of this place. “I’m always prepared.”
“Thanks Stilinski,” Ramie gave Stiles a grin and left the room, nearly crashing into Lydia in the hallway.
“I’m going to get more towels, wanna come?” Lydia asked, as Ramie fell into step with her. As they climbed down the stairs Ramie saw Stiles leave he and Scott’s room and head towards the other set of stairs, which below had a vending machine.
“Get some clothes?” Lydia asked, eyeing the pile Ramie had in her arms. She snatched the sweatshirt before Ramie could even think, holding it up as they walked towards the motel office. It was one of Stiles’ lacrosse sweatshirts, with his name and number across the back.
“This doesn’t look like Scott’s,” Lydia raised an eyebrow at Ramie, who grabbed it back out of Lydia’s hands.
“Scott didn’t bring extra clothes,” Ramie countered, which earned a not so subtle eye roll from Lydia. They had made it to the office and Lydia asked the woman inside for three new towels while Ramie shivered, pulling Stiles’ sweatshirt over her head as a cold breeze passed by.  
“What’s that?” Ramie heard Lydia ask the old woman. Ramie followed Lydia’s eyes to a number hanging on the wall of the office. 198.
“It’s kinda of… an inside thing for the motel. My husband insists on keeping it up,” the woman explained.
“What do you mean?” Lydia pressed on. Ramie kicked Lydia’s leg subtly in hopes she would drop the topic, because Ramie thought the old lady, and the whole motel was pretty creepy. Lydia ignored her.
“It’s a little bit morbid, to be honest,” the woman shrugged. “Are you sure you want to know?”
“Tell me,” Lydia said, at the same time Ramie shook her head.
“We’re not going to make the top of anyone’s list when it comes to customer satisfaction,” the woman said.
“Obviously,” Ramie mumbled, turning her back to the woman and leaning against the counter, looking out over the parking lot.
“But we are number one in California when it comes to one disturbing little detail. Since opening, more than any other motel in California, we have the most guest suicides.”
Ramie whipped her head back around, looking at the woman, who was just nodding.
“198?” Lydia mumbled.
“And counting.”
When Ramie and Lydia got back to their room, they explained what they learned to Allison, who was already freaked out. She said that Scott had come into their room and was acting really strange, then left suddenly once it seemed like he snapped out of some weird trance. Then suddenly, things got even weirder. Lydia then swore she heard two people committing suicide in the room next door, but when the three checked the room, it was empty, it looked like it was being renovated. Allison suggested they go ask the woman in the office, but she was nowhere to be found when they went back down. However, the number on the wall had changed, from 198 to 201.
“So does that mean there have been three more suicides?” Allison asked at they got back up to their room.
“Or three more are about to happen,” Lydia said, a terrified look on her face.
All three of them jumped when there was a loud banging on their door, someone knocking forcefully. Ramie held a finger up to her lips and crept over to the door, looking through the peep hole. She sighed loudly when she saw Stiles pacing back and forth, reaching up to knock again.
“What’s up,” Ramie asked as she opened the door. Stiles pushed past her and grabbed her arm, using his other hand to close the door behind her.
“Somethings wrong,” he said quickly, standing in front of her. Ramie’s back was to the door and she could see Lydia and Allison eyeing the two of them over Stiles’ shoulder. “Scotts acting strange and I just watched Boyd put his fist through a vending machine. I don’t like it here at all, we should leave.”
Stiles now had both hands on either side of Ramie’s arms, looking at her with a concerned look on his face. The way he was holding her felt strangely intimate, but Ramie pushed those thoughts away. Lydia cleared her throat and Stiles jumped, whipping around to face Lydia and Allison.
“Jesus,” he put a hand over his chest. “I didn’t know you guys were here.”
“Clearly,” Lydia smirked as Stiles took a few steps away from Ramie, straightening the zip up he was wearing. Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, a habit Ramie knew he did when he felt uncomfortable.
“Scott was weird with Allison also,” Ramie said, changing the topic back to what it had been.
“It’s the motel,” Lydia said immediately.
“They keep count of how many suicides they have here and put the number on the wall in the office,” Ramie told Stiles, whose face scrunched up in disgust.
“That’s fucked up,” he sat down in the desk chair, running a hand through his hair. Ramie  pushed herself up onto the desk, sitting on it and dangling her legs down next to where Stiles sat.
“I’d say,” Ramie nodded. “And get this, when me and Lydia went down there earlier the number was 198. But just now when we went down it was 201."
“I don’t know what’s going on, but someone needs to learn how to do an exorcism before the werewolves go crazy and kill us,” Lydia said frantically, pulling a bible out of the drawer in the nightstand between the beds.
“Okay, hold on,” Stiles held up his hands, trying to relax Lydia. “What if it’s not just the hotel? The number in the office went up by 3 right?”
“You mean like three sacrifices,” Allison said, putting it together. Stiles nodded.
“Three werewolves?” Ramie asked.
“Scott, Isaac and Boyd,” Stiles confirmed. “Maybe we were meant to come here.”
“Exactly!” Lydia exclaimed. “So can we get the hell out of here now?”
“Hang on,” Stiles stood up, grabbing the Bible out of Lydia’s hand. He opened it up and pulled out something, it looked like a cut out newspaper clipping. Ramie got up, reading over his shoulder.
“Twenty-eight year old man hangs himself at the infamous Glen Capri Motel,” she read aloud. Stiles shook the bible over the bed and more newspaper clippings fell.
“All the clippings say room 217,” Lydia said. “That’s this room.”
“So if every room has a bible,” Allison said.
“There could be clippings in every room,” Lydia finished.
“That’s a beautiful thing, most places leave a mint on the pillow, this place leaves a record of all the horrible deaths that have occurred,” Stiles said. Ramie smacked his arm at his sarcasm.
“What if the room next door has one about the couple I heard,” Lydia said. All four of them looked towards the room next door. Stiles suddenly took off, running at the door, the three girls following behind him. When they reached the hallway Stiles was already at the door, pulling on the handle.
“It was not locked before,” Lydia said.
“We need to get Scott, Isaac and Boyd out of here,” Ramie said, as Stiles took off towards the stairs. However, everyone froze when the sound of a saw rang through the quiet night air. Stiles spun on his heel, a terrified look on his face.
“I’m not the only one hearing that am I?” Lydia asked, looking at the locked door.
“It sounds like someone turned the handsaw on,” Allison said.
“Handsaw?” Stiles asked, suddenly next to them again. “Move.”
The three girls backed up as Stiles did, who then ran forward, slamming into the door, hard, which thankfully wasn’t too reliable, since it swung open. Ethan stood in the middle of the room, handsaw above his head, and began slowly bringing it down towards his stomach.
“Hey, Ethan, don’t!” Stiles yelled, running forward. He grabbed the saw, trying to pull it away from Ethan.
“Stiles!” Ramie shrieked, as the saw got dangerously close to him while he struggled with Ethan. She felt frozen, watching Stiles try to get the saw away from Ethan, while also not getting hurt himself. Suddenly the saw turned off and Ramie glanced over to Lydia, who had pulled the plug out from the wall, just as Stiles fell to the ground, his face landing inches away from the saw. Ethan stood up straight, putting out his claws. He immediately went for his stomach, trying to slice himself open. Ramie and Stiles both ran forward, attempting to pull Ethan’s arms away from his torso. Eventually Ethan fell sideways, his hand making contact with a space heater, which seemed to burn him back to reality.
“What the hell just happened,” Ethan stood up from the ground, looking confused and holding his hand where it was burnt. No one answered immediately and Ethan took off, out the door.
“Ethan, wait,” Stiles called, following him outside.
“I don’t know what happened, okay,” Ethan said as Stiles, Ramie, Allison and Lydia followed him down the stairs. “I don’t know how I got there or what I was doing.”
“You know you could be a bit more helpful,” Stiles stopped at the end of the stairs, the rest stopping behind him as Ethan turned to look at the other boy from a few feet away. “We just saved your life.”
“You probably shouldn’t have,” Ethan said, before turning and going back to his room.
“What the hell do we do now,” Lydia asked, throwing her hands up in defeat.
“Let’s go find Scott,” Allison said, nodding to Ramie. “You guys go find Boyd and Isaac, all we can do at this point is get them all out of here.”
Ramie and Allison first went to Scott and Stiles’ room, where Scott should’ve been, but couldn’t find him. They knocked on doors down the hallway, seeing if he was in anyone else’s room, and he was nowhere to be found. They accidentally knocked on Coach’s door as well, which turned into a ten minute lecture on them being out of bed and how they need to get to sleep. Thankfully, Lydia yelling to Ramie from a room on the other side of the motel got them away from Coach, since they promised to make sure everyone quieted down.
“What’s going on,” Ramie panted as she slowed from a run, meeting Lydia as she held the door open to Boyd and Isaac’s room. Allison had agreed to continue looking for Scott while Ramie checked to see what Lydia needed. Boyd stood in the middle of the room, soaking wet, next to Stiles, both of whom were staring at one of the beds.
“I tried to drown myself,” Boyd grimaced, gesturing to his soaking wet clothes. “These two saved me.”
“Heat snaps them out of it,” Stiles explained. “Ethan touched that heater, we used this flare to get Boyd out of the bath.”
“Isaac’s under the bed, which is why I called you here,” Lydia said.
“Under the bed?” Ramie questioned, and Lydia held up a hand, silencing her.
“He’s going through something weird too, but he’s hiding under the bed, terrified,” she explained. “We can’t get him to come out and we thought maybe you could.”
“His Dad,” Ramie murmured. Isaac was freaked out because of the abuse he endured from his Dad. Everyone in the room just stared at Ramie, unsure of what to say. She walked over to the bed, kneeling down in front of it.
“Be careful,” Stiles said, but Ramie waved him away. She leaned her head down, pulling up the bed skirt. Isaac was curled up under the bed, breathing heavily and visibly shaking. It looked like he was having a panic attack.
“I,” Ramie said, using her nickname for him in a quiet voice. “Isaac, are you okay?”
Isaac’s head whipped towards her, making eye contact only for a second before scooting backwards more, closer to the wall.
“It’s okay,” Ramie continued. “Everything’s alright, it’s just me, Ramie. Can you come out?”
Isaac stopped whimpering and looked Ramie in the eyes. For a second, she thought she had gotten through to him. Then suddenly, before anyone could even comprehend what was happening, Isaac shot forward, moving from under the bed and tackling Ramie, teeth bared. Ramie couldn’t process what was going on around her, she simply closed her eyes in fear. She trusted Isaac, basically with her life, for so long, and suddenly she was sure she was going to die at his hand. She heard commotion around her and suddenly Isaac wasn’t pining her down, but someone was trying to pull her up off the ground.
She opened her eyes to see Boyd pining Isaac to the wall across the room, Isaac holding a hand to his arm where Ramie assumed Boyd had put the flare to his skin, snapping him out of the trance. Ramie glanced up to see Lydia with her arms around her, looking her over to make sure she wasn’t hurt.
“I’m okay Lyds,” Ramie squeaked out. She didn’t expect her voice to sound so terrified. “It’s not his fault.”
Lydia started to say something but Ramie couldn’t hear a word, because Stiles began to yell.
“What the fuck is your problem?” He walked forward, pushing Boyd off of Isaac and holding Isaac against the wall himself. “You could’ve fucking killed her, you know that?”
“Stiles,” Ramie yelled, standing up quickly despite Lydia’s words of protest. Stiles either didn’t hear, or ignored her.
“You could’ve killed her!” Stiles repeated, still screaming in Isaac’s face. “If you ever come near her like that again I swear to god I’ll-“
“Stiles!” Ramie yelled again, louder this time. She grabbed his arm, puling him back from Isaac, who looked like he was about to burst into tears. “It’s not his fault.”
“He could’ve killed you,” Stiles said as tried to step towards Isaac again, but Ramie moved in front of him, putting herself between the two boys. She put both hands on either side of Stiles at his biceps. She waited until he looked at her, making eye contact. “I’m okay, Isaac didn’t mean to do anything wrong.”
Stiles nodded, but his jaw was clenched in a way that Ramie knew he was still extremely angry. Stiles and Isaac never really got along the best to begin with, and this definitely made things worse.
“Ramie, I’m sorry,” Isaac said quietly from behind her, and she watched as anger flashed over Stiles’ eyes again. She put a hand on his chest, holding him in place as she turned to Isaac.
“We’ll talk later,” Ramie gave the curly haired boy a small smile. He nodded glumly, looking between Ramie and Stiles. Ramie grabbed Stiles wrist, dragging him to the other side of the room with her. When she dropped his hand his arms immediately crossed over his chest, a glare never leaving his face as he stared at Isaac across the room.
“Pack up your things,” Ramie pointed at Boyd and Isaac. “We’re sleeping on the bus tonight, all of us.”
She was cut off by Allison suddenly running into the room.
“I still can’t find Scott anywhere,” she panted, looking worried. Lydia nodded, like she was thinking.
“Okay, we’ll go look for him, you two pack up and meet us at the bus in half an hour, if we haven’t found Scott by then you’ll have to help us look,” she told Isaac and Boyd, who nodded. Ramie grabbed Stiles’ hand, tugging him out of the room and away from Isaac before he had the chance to say or do anything else.
“It must be happening to him too,” Ramie said as she, Stiles, Lydia and Allison made their way down the stairs. Ramie realized she was still holding Stiles’ hand as she walked in front of Lydia and Allison, and quickly dropped it. She watched as Stiles’ eyes flicked to hers, then quickly looked away.
“There’s another flare on the bus, right?” Lydia asked as they made it to the bottom of the stairs. Ramie heard Stiles reply but didn’t comprehend anything he said. She was frozen at the bottom of the stairs, being the first to turn the corner and look out over the parking lot. She had found Scott, but it wasn’t good. The smell of gasoline filled the air as Scott stood in the middle of the lot, soaking wet, and holding the last flare in his hand. It sizzled in the quiet night air. Ramie was snapped out of her shock when Stiles slammed into the back of her, not seeing Scott.
“Raim, what are you,” Stiles started, but then followed her gaze. Scott was back to them, seeming to be staring at the ground, frozen in place.
“Scott,” Allison said, her voice cracking. She walked around to the front of him, the rest following her. Ramie felt like her throat was going to close up. She grabbed Stiles’ hand again, this time lacing her fingers through his. He glanced over at her before squeezing her hand.
“There’s no hope,” Scott croaked out, his voice sounding almost robotic. Ramie tried to say something but no words would come out. She noticed a can of gasoline a few feet away, confirming her thought that Scott was covered head to toe in the flammable liquid. She could feel her body begin to shake in panic, tears already falling down her cheeks.
“What do you mean Scott,” Allison said, tears falling down her face too. “There’s always hope.”
“Not for me,” Scott replied, not looking up at any of them. “Not for Derek.”
“Derek wasn’t your fault,” Ramie said, finally able to get words to come out of her mouth. “You know that Scott. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Every time I fight back it just gets worse, people keep getting hurt, people keep getting killed.”
“Scott, listen to me,” Stiles cut him off, stepping forward. His hand slowly dropped from Ramie’s as he moved closer to his friend. “This isn’t you. This is someone inside your head telling you to do this.”
“What if, what if it is just me,” Scott stammered. “What if doing this is actually the best thing I could do for everyone else?”
“Scott,” Ramie stepped forward too, not sure what to say.
“It all started that night,” Scott cut her off. “The night I got bitten. You guys remember the way it was before that? The three of us?”
Stiles and Ramie both nodded. Ramie looked to Stiles to try and figure out what they could do, but his eyes were locked on Scott, a tear falling down his cheek.
“We were nothing,” Scott said quietly. “We weren’t popular, we weren’t good at lacrosse. We never had boyfriends or girlfriends. We weren’t important. We were no one. Maybe I should just be no one again. No one at all.”
Ramie sucked in a breath as Scott slowly turned his hand to the side, moving it in a way that if he let go of the flare it would drop straight into the puddle of gasoline he was standing in.
“Scott just listen to me okay,” Stiles said, stepping forward. Ramie tried to grab at his arm and pull him back, but he was out of her reach. “You’re not no one, okay? You’re someone. Scott you’re my best friend, okay, and I need you.”
“I need you too,” Ramie said, nearly sobbing through her words as she stepped next to Stiles.
“Scott, you’re my brother, alright,” Stiles continued. He glanced at Ramie and down at the puddle of gasoline, and she immediately understood what Stiles was going to do. As he stepped forward, putting himself in the puddle of gasoline with Scott, Ramie sucked in a breath, biting her lip so hard that she could taste blood. Stiles slowly put a hand up, wrapping it around Scott’s hand that held the flare. “If you’re gonna do this then I think you’re going to just have to take me with you.”
Ramie let out a sob, putting a hand over her mouth. Lydia instantly moved closer to her, wrapping an arm around her shoulder. The three girls watched as Stiles slowly pulled the flare out of Scott’s hand, then chucked it behind him quickly, before Scott had the chance to do anything else. Ramie let out a sigh of relief, immediately running forward to tackle Scott in a hug. Before she got the chance, Lydia shrieked, running towards them as Stiles grabbed Scott and Ramie, pulling them both to the ground and out of the gasoline, just in time for the flare to be blown by the wind into the puddle, igniting it immediately.
“The darach,” Lydia yelled through the roar of the fire. Ramie sat up, scooting backwards with the her friends as Lydia yelled. When they made it a safe distance away from the fire they turned to Lydia, with a confused look. “The darach did this to you guys. I saw it.”
Isaac and Boyd met them at the bus just minutes after the fire died down. Allison and Lydia decided to go pack up all of their’s and Ramie’s stuff while Scott showered in their room, since Ramie didn’t want him being left alone again, but she wanted to talk to Isaac before Stiles had the chance to attempt to beat him up again. Stiles and Boyd got on the bus together to get ready to sleep while Ramie and Isaac stood outside, looking over the parking lot.
“Ramie, I cannot tell you how sorry I am,” Isaac said as soon as the bus door closed behind Stiles. Ramie held up her hand to quiet him.
“It’s okay Isaac, I’m not mad,” she said.
“Stiles is,” Isaac nodded towards the bus.
“He’s just… protective,” Ramie said, trying to find the right word.
“He cares about you a lot,” Isaac said sincerely. “Like I think he would actually kill me if I hurt you.”
“No he wouldn’t,” Ramie scoffed.
“I don’t know,” Isaac shrugged. “People do crazy things for the people they love.”
Ramie’s head whipped towards his, probably too fast. Her eyes were wide when his met hers, and a small smirk was on his mouth.
“What do you mean,” she said quickly, her eyes narrowing at the taller boy.
“I just mean he’s your best friend and he cares about you a lot,” Isaac shrugged, the small smile not leaving his face.
“Right,” Ramie nodded. “Yeah.”
Isaac let out a small noise that sounded like it could be a chuckle, and they were both quiet for minute.
“Isaac,” Ramie said quietly, getting his attention back. “I mean this in the nicest way possible, but I think you need to find a new anchor.”
Isaac’s eyes met hers and he nodded slightly, like he knew this was where the conversation was going.
“You will always have a place in my heart, and you know that,” Ramie said, grabbing his hand. “But you need to be able to control yourself without me there.”
“I know,” Isaac said quietly. “I’ve been trying.”
“Good,” Ramie nodded, squeezing his hand. “You’re stronger than you know.”
Isaac stepped forward, wrapping Ramie in a hug.
“Thank you,” he said.
Without speaking, Ramie knew that there was an understanding between the two of them. It sort of felt like a goodbye hug, like they were letting go of their past relationship, but also, it was the two of them moving into new territory. Friendship, but nothing more. Ramie knew she’d always have a soft spot for him, but not in the same way that she once had.
As she pulled away from the hug she looked up to see Stiles sending a glare at the two of them from the bus window. Ramie rolled her eyes and stepped back from Isaac, seeing Scott, Allison and Lydia making their way over.
“Guess it’s bedtime,” Isaac said, glancing up at Stiles in the window, who whipped his head around to pretend he wasn’t staring at the two of them. Ramie snorted, walking over to the bus and climbing in, moving towards the back and sliding in the seat next to Stiles.
“You know we stayed outside so we could have some privacy,” Ramie said quietly to Stiles as everyone else got on the bus, Allison tossing Ramie her purse as everyone tried to settle into a bus seat comfortably.
“I was making sure he didn’t try and kill you again,” Stiles put his hand up defensively.
“Sure,” Ramie nodded, getting up to move into the seat in front of Stiles so they could both lay down in their own seat.
“Wait,” Stiles grabbed her arm, pulling her back down. “Can we talk theories?”
“Stiles, I’m tired,” Ramie whined, trying to get up again. Stiles pulled her back down.
“You can lay down and I’ll play with your hair, like you used to make me,” Stiles gave her a soft smile. “You don’t have to talk, you can just listen.”
When they were younger, Ramie used to force Stiles to play with her hair, or scratch her back whenever they had sleepovers. She told him it was the only way she could fall asleep away from home, but really she just found it comforting. The habit turned into a regular thing that Stiles would do, usually when they had sleepovers, but as they got older he would sometimes run a hand through her hair as they watched a movie, or draw shapes on her back when she was napping in his room. A few times when Stiles was sick Ramie did the same thing for him. They never spoke about it, it was just something they would do. There were a lot of things like that between them.
Ramie sighed, slouching sideways and putting her head on the seat next to Stiles’ leg, stretching out to rest her feet on the seat on the other side of the aisle
“That can’t be comfortable,” Stiles looked at her contorted body, scrunching his nose. He patted a hand on his thigh and Ramie looked up, meeting his eyes. Part of her expected him to burst out laughing, like he was joking about her laying her head in his lap. But he simply smiled, patting his leg again. Ramie scooted up, putting her head onto Stiles lap and rearranged her body so she was laying sideways, the back of her head against his stomach. His hand immediately threaded through her hair, lightly pulling through small knots as he began to whisper all his theories on who the Darach was and what the alpha pack was up to. Ramie fell asleep so quickly she regretted it the next morning, because she would’ve done anything to stay awake all night with Stiles’s hands running through her hair and lightly across her back, drawing words she couldn’t comprehend.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
hi everyone!!!! sorry for such a long wait on the next chapter. it’s based on motel california, which is my favorite teen wolf episode, so I really want to get as much in as I can. I also went on vacation for a week, so I didn’t write at all in that time. I am hoping to finish the chapter later tonight, and I think it’ll be longer than the others. like I said, it’s my favorite episode so I really want to make it good, and I have some extra stuff I want to add in as well. again, sorry for the delay, it will hopefully be out soon!
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stilinskishit · 4 years
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Too Long (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/dIhNcKYgO7 
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite) - Chapter 18
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​
A/N: Motel California is next!!! I’m very excited to write It as its my favorite episode, but I’m going on vacation so it may take awhile for me to write and post, please bare with me!
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :) (I love reading your comments so feel free to comment here, on AO3 or Wattpad)
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Chapter 18 - Roast the Skinny Kid
Season 3, Episodes 3, 4, 5
While Scott and Derek successfully broke into the bank vault, the rest of the plan did not go as expected. Erica was not being kept in the vault with Boyd, she was dead as Isaac had thought. The girl with Boyd was Cora Hale, Derek’s sister, whom he thought had been dead since the fire. However, the family reunion was anything but sentimental, since Boyd and Cora hadn’t felt the power of the full moon in months, and were unable to control themselves. After Allison, who had made her way into the bank as well, found Scott and Derek nearly getting killed by Boyd and Cora, she broke the mountain ash line and let Boyd and Cora free.
However, since they weren’t in control, they took off in a murderous rampage, but Scott was determined to catch them before they hurt anyone. This lead to enlisting the help of Chris Argent, who obviously had a knack for catching werewolves. Ramie, of course, kept having to work when everything important was happening, and it wasn’t like Scott would’ve let her help anyways. Eventually, they trapped Boyd and Cora in the basement of the school, but not before Jennifer Blake, the new teacher at school, saw them in full werewolf form. Derek said he was going to take care of that situation, and make sure she wasn’t going to spill the secrets of Beacon Hills.
Ramie was sure everyone was having crazy things go on in their life except for her, when Lydia told her about finding a dead body one night, after feeling drawn to the spot with no real reason why. Turns out, that body was the first of many, followed by Heather, Stiles’ friend, another girl found in the woods, and a senior boy found by the cross country team while on their run.
“They’re sacrifices, I know they are,” Stiles was explaining as Ramie walked up to him and Scott in the hallway just before lunch. “It’s some sort of weird virgin sacrifice thing.”
“Virgin?” Ramie asked, confused as to what that had to do with this.
“Yeah, all the victims were virgins,” Stiles continued, like it was obvious. “Well I’m not sure about the last guy, but I’m working on figuring that out.”
“Wait, Heather?” Ramie said, confused. “I thought you guys… you had that condom.”
“Yeah, well when she disappeared from the basement that kind of became impossible,” Stiles muttered.
“Oh,” was all Ramie could think to say.
“So yeah, I’m still a virgin. And you know what that means?” Stiles began to ramble, getting more and more worked up as he spoke. “That means my lack of sexual experience is now literally a threat to my life. And you.”
He pointed at Ramie, who flinched backwards at his sudden hand near her face.
“You too. We both need to have sex, like right now, like today. Someone needs to have sex with you. Someone needs to sex me right now!”
“Okay I’ll do it,” A voice came from behind Stiles’ open locked. Stiles jumped, letting out a small yell.
“Wait, really?” Stiles asked, in complete shock, seeing Danny grinning at him on the other side. Scott’s mouth was slightly open, looking between Danny and Stiles in disbelief.
“Come to my place at nine, plan to stay the night, I like to cuddle,” Danny said. Ramie covered her mouth with her hand, knowing Stiles was not at all Danny’s type and he was definitely just messing with him.
“That’s so sweet, are you kidding?” Stiles asked, after looking over to Scott for his reaction.
“Yes,” Danny said matter-of-factly, closing his locker and walking away. “You’re not my type Stilinski.”
“Hey, you can’t toy with a man’s emotions like that Danny, it’s not attractive,” Stiles called after him, huffing and adjusting his hoodie.
“You were really gonna have sex with Danny?” Ramie asked. Stiles shrugged in response.
“Sure,” he said casually. “Especially if it saved me from being part of some weird sacrifice thing!”
“I don’t think you should worry about it that much Stiles,” Scott said, trying to be reasonable.
“I am worried! You should be too!” Stiles said, turning towards Ramie. Ramie opened her mouth then closed it again, not sure what to say. Stiles gave her a confused look.
“I don’t think I need to worry Stiles,” Ramie said slowly, pretending to be very interesting in adjusting the straps on her backpack.
“Either of us could be next Ramie you don’t-“
“Stiles,” Ramie cut him off, praying he would understand what she was trying to say. When he still looked confused, she continued. “I’m not going to be a sacrifice.”
“Oh,” Stiles said, suddenly putting it together. “Because you’re not…”
Ramie nodded, feeling her face get extremely hot. Stiles mumbled something she couldn’t quite catch and she could see Scott out of the corner of her eye trying to look invested in his phone.
“Sorry, I didn’t,” Stiles started. “I just didn’t know you had, that you.”
He continued stammering and Ramie wished he would just stop talking and move on, but that wasn’t like Stiles to do.
“Well who was it then,” Stiles asked, a tone to his voice Ramie couldn’t really distinguish.
“It doesn’t matter,” Ramie replied, and Stiles looked like he was about to say something more when his eyes narrowed at something over Ramie’s shoulder. He looked angry. She turned to see what he was looking at, only to see Isaac approaching them.
“What’d I miss,” Isaac asked, casually leaning against the locker next to where Ramie was standing. Stiles suddenly slammed his locker closed, mumbling something about lunch and took off down the hall, not looking back at the other three.
It was late when Ramie finally got home that night. She had spent the entire afternoon with Stiles trying to help him figure out what the hell was going on with all of the murders in town. Stiles, being convinced they were sacrifices, decided they should go to Deaton for help. Somehow, they figured out that the sacrifices weren’t just virgins. Some were virgins, of course, but not everyone was. The sacrifices were being done in groups of three, first three virgins, then three “warriors”, the last in this category being Mr. Harris, their chemistry teacher.
Ramie explained all of this to Scott when she got back, and Scott, in turn, told her about the alpha twins, Ethan and Aiden, getting Isaac in trouble at school, which lead to him getting detention with Allison, who fell asleep in class. Scott told her that Isaac panicked when they got locked in a closet, and nearly attacked Allison. Scott and Isaac also fucked with Ethan and Aiden’s motorcycles as revenge, which lead to the twins nearly beating the shit out of the two boys, but they were stopped by their strange alpha.
“So the alpha pack has an alpha of the alphas?” Ramie asked.
“I don’t really get it either,” Scott shrugged.
Thunder cracked outside as rain poured down on the roof. Ramie was leaning over the side of Scott’s bed to grab her homework out of her backpack when there was a knock on Scott’s door.
“Come in Mom,” Scott called from his desk, where he was working on a paper. Ramie heard the door open but didn’t look up, still digging through her bag.
“I was wondering if I could ask you a favor,” a voice came from the doorway, which certainly wasn’t Melissa. Ramie’s head shot up at the voice, recognizing it immediately. Isaac was standing in the door, a duffle bag in his hand and completely soaked, looking like he walked  in the rain.
“Isaac,” Ramie breathed out, standing up from the bed and moving towards him. “What are you doing here? Did you walk here?”
“I ran here,” Isaac nodded slightly. Ramie looked to Scott, who looked just as confused as she was. “Derek kicked me out.”
“What?” Scott stood up from his chair, his voice angry. “Why?”
“Cora is there and he said I needed to find somewhere else to stay.”
“You can stay in the guest room as long as you need to,” a voice came from behind Isaac. The three teens turned to see Melissa in the hallway, a concerned look on her face.
“Thank you Mrs. McCall,” Isaac said quietly, looking slightly embarrassed.
“Just call me Melissa,” she patted Isaac’s arm, walking past him into Scott and Ramie’s shared bathroom and closing the door on Ramie’s side. “How about you have a warm shower and you kids get to bed.”
Isaac nodded and Ramie took her Mom closing the door as a hint that she should go back to her own room. She gave Isaac a small smile that she hoped was reassuring before she walked out into the hallway and over to her own room. What she really wanted to do was go to Derek’s and tell him off for being so selfish, but she knew that wouldn’t help anything. She just hoped that Melissa would allow Isaac to stay however long he needed, because Ramie knew, better than anyone, that Isaac had no one else.
Just a few days later it was nearly forgotten that Derek kicked Isaac out. Not because everyone had forgiven him, but for a bigger reason. They were under the impression that Derek was dead. After confronting the alpha pack, Scott and Isaac came home the previous night saying that Derek was dead. They both were wounded badly from the alphas, but Isaac’s wounds seemed to be healing quicker than Scott’s.
This is why Ramie was so reluctant to be okay with Scott going to the cross country meet with the rest of the lacrosse team. Allison, who had been present at the fight with the alphas, felt the same as Ramie, and they both decided it would be best for them to keep an eye on the boys with everything going on. Ramie also thought getting away for awhile would help her get her mind off the fact that Derek was dead. She was in complete denial, thinking that he must have escaped and was off injured somewhere. She wasn’t sure if she was using this as a coping mechanism, or if she really thought Derek was alive. She had become pretty close with him since their regular training, and Ramie was doing all she could to not break down over the fact that he might be dead.
Ramie stared out of Allison’s windshield at the bus ahead of them, which had come to a complete stop. She could see the outline of Stiles’ head near the back of the bus, his head moving a lot and talking with his hands, as he usually did. They were stuck in a line of traffic, which didn’t look like it was moving anytime soon.
“There was an accident up ahead,” Lydia said from the back, looking at her phone. Allison groaned, laying her head on the steering wheel. Ramie jumped slightly when her phone began to ring from the cupholder next to her.
“Who the hell is Me..Miec-“ Allison started, but was cut off with Ramie answering the call.
“Hey Stiles, sorry I’m just about to walk into a movie,” Ramie lied, slumping down in her seat slightly, trying to be out of the view from the bus.
“I know you guys are right behind us, put me on speaker,” Stiles interrupted. Ramie nodded, not surprised he knew and put her phone down on the center console, turning the volume up. “Okay look, Scott’s still hurt.”
“What do you mean?” Ramie asked.
“He’s not healing?” Allison questioned.
“The blood’s turning a black color,” Stiles’ voice came from the phone. Ramie saw Lydia’s nose scrunch up in disgust through the review mirror.
“Well what’s wrong with him?” Ramie asked.
“What’s wrong with him? Do I look like I have a phD in lycanthropy, how am I supposed to know that?” Stiles said sarcastically.
“We need to get him off the bus,” Allison said. “Theres a rest area about a mile from here get Coach to pull over.”
“Yeah, I’ve been trying,” Stiles sighed.
“Reason with him,” Allison told him.
“Reason with him?” Stiles voice came through the phone, sounding extremely annoyed. “Have you met this guy?”
“Just keep trying, if anyone can convince him to stop it’s you,” Ramie spoke up, trying to get Stiles to relax. Stiles sighed loudly from the other end of the phone but agreed to keep trying before hanging up.
Whatever Stiles did seemed to work, because once they inched their way to the rest stop the bus pulled off, and Allison followed. Ramie, Lydia, and Allison met Stiles and Scott outside the men’s bathroom and followed them in, it being deserted, probably because of the horrible smell. Scott sat on the floor next to the sinks, his head leaning against the wall. Allison pulled up the side of his shirt and revealed the wound he got from the alphas, which was oozing something black and certainly not at all healed.
“Why didn’t you tell us?” Ramie asked, kneeling in front of her brother.
“Sorry,” Scott mumbled, his breathing heavy and his eyes barely open. Allison pulled Ramie up from the floor and brought her over to where Stiles and Lydia were standing across the bathroom.
“This shouldn’t be happening, I’ve seen him heal from much worse than this,” Ramie said, her hands shaking as she lifted them while speaking. She ran a hand through her hair and caught Stiles looking at her, a concerned look on his face.
“What do we do, do we call an ambulance?” Stiles asked, looking to Allison. “We’ve gotta do something.”
“It could be psychological,” Lydia said, looking over at Scott.
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, pacing back and forth. “Like psychosomatic?”
“Somatoformic,” Ramie corrected, and Lydia nodded. Stiles stopped pacing and looked to her. He opened his mouth, attempting to pronounce the word, so Ramie repeated it. “Somatoformic. A physical illness stemming from a psychogenic cause.”
Stiles bit his lip slightly and narrowed his eyes even further at her, shaking his head slightly, clearly not understanding.
“It’s all in his head,” Lydia butted in, looking between Stiles and Ramie.
“Because of Derek,” Stiles said suddenly. “He won’t let himself heal because Derek died.”
“So what do we do?” Allison asked. Lydia began searching through her purse. Stiles looked to Lydia then over at Ramie, as if for an explanation. She shook her head, not know what Lydia was doing.
“We’ll stitch him up,” Lydia shrugged, pulling out a needle and thread.
When Ramie started nearly panicking at the sight of her brother nearly passed out on the floor, Stiles took her outside and had Allison work on stitching Scott up.
“He’ll be okay,” Stiles said as Ramie leaned against the wall outside the bathroom. “He always makes it through.”
Ramie took a deep breath, the fresh air a welcome change from the musty old bathroom.  Her shaky hands wiped at her eyes as another tear fell. She was trying hard not to cry. She could feel Stiles’ eyes on her but she tried to ignore him.
“Raim don’t cry,” Stiles said, putting a hand on her shoulder. That’s all it took. Tears began flowing full force and Stiles immediately pulled Ramie into him, one hand rubbing her back and the other holding onto the back of her head.
“Shh, it’s alright,” he murmured. “He’s gonna be okay.”
“What if he isn’t,” Ramie mumbled into his chest, trying to stop crying.
“He will be, I promise,” Stiles said. Ramie opened her eyes and looked over Stiles’ shoulder, seeing Lydia staring at the two of them. She looked away quickly, but not before giving Ramie a look she couldn’t quite distinguish. Ramie pulled away from Stiles, taking a deep breath feeling her face get hot. She rubbed at her eyes and Stiles reached up, wiping the sleeve of his hoodie under her eyes. Remnants of her mascara now littered the bottom of his sleeve.
“You got it all dirty,” Ramie sniffled and Stiles shrugged.
“I don’t care, as long as you’re not crying I’m happy,” he replied. Ramie was almost relieved for a second when she heard yelling by the bus, because it caught Stiles’ attention and brought his gaze away from her blushing face. Stiles glanced to Ramie with a confused look and the two headed over towards the noise to figure out what all the yelling was about. As they got closer Ramie realized she definitely shouldn’t be relieved about the yelling.
Isaac was surrounded by the entire cross country team, including Coach, and beating the shit out of Ethan. He held him by the front of his shirt and punched him, directly in the face, over and over. Coach was yelling at him to stop, but Isaac did anything but that.
“Isaac!” Ramie yelled, taking off towards the scene. When she reached them she screamed again, louder this time. “Isaac!”
At the sound of Ramie’s voice, Isaac’s fist stopped in the air. Everyone was silent as Isaac dropped Ethan onto the ground, Danny rushing over to help him. Issac was breathing heavily, looking at Ramie, and glanced over her shoulder at someone behind her. Ramie turned to see Scott, looking back to normal, all healed, behind her. Ramie breathed a sigh of relief and turned back to Isaac, grabbing his arm and yanking him away from the group. Isaac followed like a puppy who knew he misbehaved.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Ramie whisper-yelled at the boy, who was wiping blood from his fist on his pants.
“Its his fault Derek is dead,” Isaac spat. “And the reason Scott is hurt. That alpha pack, they should all be dead.”
“You need to calm down,” Ramie said, grabbing his arm as he tried to go back towards the twins. Isaac didn’t fight her, he stopped and moved back towards her. Ramie caught Stiles and Scott both looking at the two of them. Scott looked ready to come over if Ramie needed any help, and Stiles looked… angry. His eyebrows were furrowed and his jaw was locked as he stared over at Ramie and Isaac. Ramie was confused, because she knew Stiles didn’t like the twins, but she pushed her confusion to the side and focused on Isaac.
“You can’t just go around beating the shit out of people in public,” Ramie scolded Isaac. “What if you turned? In front of all those people.”
“I was in control,” Isaac looked at his feet.
“I had to yell at you multiple times to get you to stop,” Ramie argued. “What if I wasn’t here and you lost control?”
Isaac was silent, clearly knowing he was in the wrong. Ramie glanced back over at her friends, who were starting to get back on the bus. All except Stiles, who was standing outside, still watching the two of them, arms crossed over his chest.
“Lahey!” Coach called. “We need to talk.”
Isaac sighed, moving to walk towards Coach, but Ramie grabbed his arm to stop him again.
“I mean it Isaac,” she said as Isaac’s eyes met hers. “No more fight club shit.”
Isaac nodded sincerely before heading over to Coach, who was standing near the front of the bus. Ramie walked over to Stiles.
“I don’t like the twins either but damn, I wouldn’t beat the shit out of them in front of everyone,” Stiles said as the two began walking onto the bus.
“He doesn’t think things through,” Ramie said defensively.
“Says you,” Ramie countered towards the notoriously impulsive boy. She slid into an open bus seat in front of Lydia and Allison, and Stiles slid in next to her with a look on his face that looked somewhat offended, but also knew she was telling the truth. “He was worried about Derek and Scott.”
“I guess,” Stiles mumbled. They were both quiet for a bit. Isaac climbed on the bus and took the seat in front of them, next to Scott, and Coach announced that they would be headed   to a nearby hotel for the night, as they weren’t going to make it to the cross country meet. The bus roared to life and took a sharp turn back onto the main road, causing Ramie to nearly fall into Stiles’ lap. She moved away from him quickly and mumbled a sorry, and could swear she heard giggling from behind her, but prayed Stiles didn’t hear Allison and Lydia.
“So let’s go over this,” Stiles said after while. “It’s the sacrifices, right? Everything has to do with them, and someone who thinks they’re like, a dark druid, of some kind.”
“Or actually is a dark druid,” Ramie countered.
“A Darach,” Stiles confirmed.
“You know, some ancient cultures sacrifice people in preparation for battle,” Ramie told him. Stiles made eye contact with her, holding it for a second before sighing.
“So we’ve got alpha werewolves against a dark druid,” Stiles said. “Derek’s dead, and your ex might expose all of this to everyone.”
“Stiles,” Ramie groaned, looking to the boy next to her, who shrugged sheepishly. “Leave him alone. You don’t know how you’d handle this if you were a werewolf like him.”
“Oh, so because he’s a werewolf it excuses his shitty behavior?” Stiles countered.
“No, that’s not what I said,” Ramie said, trying to keep her temper level as his was clearly rising. “I’m just saying you don’t know what goes on in his head.”
Stiles as quiet for a minute.
“Can you imagine if I was a werewolf too?” He said suddenly, his bit of anger now gone. Ramie snorted.
“I would hate that.”
Stiles’ mouth dropped opened, looking offended.
“What? You don’t think it would be awesome for me to be all strong and deadly and shit?” He asked.
“That would be so weird!” Ramie giggled. “You wouldn’t be you.”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re clumsy and loud and you flail your arms a lot,” Ramie said. “Werewolves don’t do that.”
“Damn okay,” Stiles put his hands up. “This is just a roast the skinny kid session I guess.”
“It’s not a bad thing!” Ramie hit his arm playfully. “I like you just the way you are, I wouldn’t want you to change.”
Stiles gave Ramie a soft smile, and put a hand over his heart, sticking out his bottom lip.
“You’re too good to me,” he grinned. Ramie rolled her eyes and shoved him towards the window, causing him to let out a chuckle.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
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Too Long (on Wattpad) https://my.w.tt/dIhNcKYgO7 
7 notes · View notes
stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (Teen Wolf Rewrite)  - Chapter 17
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​ @perrytheplatypus11​
A/N: Only one episode for this chapter but there were a lot of scenes I wanted to include! 
You can read on Wattpad or AO3 if you prefer, so you know :)
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Chapter 17 - The Mrs is Angry
Season 3, Episode 2
“Hey, have you guys seen Heather?” Stiles’ voice came from behind Ramie. She and Scott were standing in the corner of the living room at the party, Scott trying to make small talk with a guy who seemed extremely uninterested, and Ramie already too drunk. Scott was doing his best to keep her out of trouble. Ramie turned to the taller boy, seeing a look of concern on his face.
“I thought you were picking out wine in the basement,” Ramie slightly slurred, using a voice that was clearly making fun of Heather and sliding a hand down Stiles’ chest as Heather had done.
“Woah,” Stiles said, grabbing Ramie’s hand and stopping it from moving too far down his chest and looking between Ramie and Scott. “Someone got drunk quick.”
“Shots,” Scott grimaced and Stiles nodded, understanding.
“We’re moving on!” Ramie exclaimed, throwing her hands in the air, sloshing around the drink in her hand. “Where’d your little girlfriend go?”
Stiles scrunched up his eyes in annoyance, taking a deep breath. Scott looked at him apologetically.
“I can’t find her, remember,” Stiles said slowly, putting an arm out and grabbing Ramie’s shoulder as she stumbled sideways a bit. “You know what, let’s just get out of here, I don’t know anyone else here and she’s already too drunk.”
“Am not!” Ramie argued, furrowing her eyebrows at Stiles. He raised his eyebrows back at her and she sighed. “Fine.”
Ramie followed the two boys out of the party and they began making their way down the street towards Scott and Ramie’s. Ramie could hear the two boys talking about Heather in front of her, but she ignored them, walking slowly behind. After a minute of walking Stiles stopped, pulled her in front of them, and then continued walking, making her walk in front.
“You stay where I can see you,” he said.
“I’m fine Stiles,” Ramie said, stumbling over the words slightly. He ignored her and kept walking, not allowing her to fall behind.
When they got back, Scott went to shower and Stiles stayed with Ramie in the kitchen. She watched him in silence as he puttered around the kitchen, filling a glass of water for her and putting toast in the toaster.
“You should eat something,” he muttered as he leaned against the counter across from the island where she sat, surveying her as she drank the glass of water.
“I’m fine,” Ramie argued, still slurring her words. Stiles raised his eyebrows at her. “You said we were moving on, that’s what I was trying to do.”
“So you got plastered because you’re upset about Isaac breaking up with you?” Stiles asked.
“Isaac didn’t break up with me,” Ramie pointed a finger at him as he picked the toast out of the toaster and began spreading butter on it. “It was a mutual decision.”
“So what exactly happened,” Stiles prodded, sliding the plate over to her and giving her a look that said she had no choice but to eat it. She sighed and took a bite.
“We figured long distance would be fine, since I was only going to be gone for a few months,” Ramie began explaining, between bites of toast. “And honestly, it was fine, I don’t really think the distance was what made us grow apart.”
“What do you mean?” Stiles asked, his arms crossed over his chest.
“I think being apart made us realize that maybe things between us weren’t meant to work out,” Ramie shrugged. She slightly realized she wouldn’t be sharing this much with Stiles if she wasn’t drunk, but since she was, she didn’t care. “I felt… guilty, I guess. I felt like I didn’t miss him as much as I should. Not that I don’t care about him, because I do. I just, I don’t know.”
Stiles stayed quiet as Ramie thought. The truth was, Ramie had realized she missed Stiles much more than she missed Isaac. She cared about Isaac, but not in the same way that she cared about Stiles. She never straight up told Isaac this, but the way he acted and the things he said, she thought he understood.
“I’m still his anchor,” Ramie continued, not looking at Stiles. “And I probably will be, maybe forever, or maybe just until he finds something else to help him. But he really has no one in his life, and even after we broke up we still talked all the time. I think we’re better at being friends than being a couple, honestly.”
“I’m sorry,” Stiles said, clearly not really knowing what to say.
“It’s okay, really,” Ramie nodded. She had finished the toast and two glasses of water, and felt much better. Definitely still drunk but not on the level she had been before.
“So why’d you get so drunk if you aren’t upset about Isaac?” Stiles asked after a minute of silence. Ramie was thankful Scott entered the kitchen at that time, and Stiles didn’t push for an answer.
Ramie found Scott and Stiles on their way into Econ midday on Monday. The two were talking about the alpha pack, and why they thought the alphas might be holding Erica and Boyd hostage. None of them had any good ideas, and were cut off in the middle of their conversation by Coach starting class.
“The stock market is based on two principles, what are they?” Coach asked, slamming the economics book on his desk to get everyone’s attention. Scott raised his hand, the only person in the room to do so. Stiles glanced back at Ramie, who sat behind him, then over at Scott next to him with a shocked but impressed look on his face. Coach raised his eyebrows at Scott’s raised hand. “Yes McCall you can go to the bathroom.”
“No Coach, I know the answer,” Scott said, dropping his hand down on the desk. Coach let out a wheezing laugh, but Scott kept a straight face.
“Oh you’re serious,” Coach said in disbelief.
“It’s risk and reward.”
“Wow! Who are you and what have you done with McCall? Is this a weird twin thing?” Coach looked toward Ramie. “Can you guys communicate without speaking? Did you tell him the answer?”
“Totally,” Ramie said sarcastically, causing Stiles to let out a snort. Coach sighed.
“I like this new McCall,” he pointed towards Scott, and Scott smiled. “Alright, does anybody have a quarter?”
Ramie watched Stiles reach in his pocket, feeling around. He seemed to find one because he pulled his hand out of his pocket quickly, causing something to fly out onto the floor. Ramie leaned past Stiles to look down into the aisle to see what he dropped. Her stomach dropped when she realized what had fallen to the ground from his pocket. A condom. She couldn’t see Stiles’ face from behind but he sat frozen in his desk, and Scott looked back and forth between the condom and Stiles, a shocked look on his face.
“Stilinski I think you dropped this,” Coach leaned over, picking up the condom and handing it back to Stiles. “Congratulations.”
Coach continued the lesson on risk and reward, and Ramie slumped down in her seat. She knew she had no right to be caring about who Stiles slept with, but she couldn’t help the feeling in her chest. Scott kept staring at Stiles, who wouldn’t look at him, then suddenly glanced back at Ramie. His eyebrows raised and his mouth dropped open, looking between the two of them, Ramie the only one noticing. Scott clearly thought Ramie and Stiles hooked up. Ramie shook her head, making a cutting motion across her throat at her brother. He raised his eyebrows again and she mouthed “I’m serious” to him. He sighed, apparently convinced, and turned back to the front of the classroom.
Later that night, Ramie piled in the jeep with Scott and Stiles to head to the veterinarian clinic. On the way there, Stiles explained that his friend Heather had been missing since her party, which was why Sheriff Stilinski pulled Stiles out of class. Since Isaac knew where Boyd and Erica were, but was unable to remember, Deaton said he had a method that could work for bringing back the memory. The plan was to put Isaac in an ice bath, which would slow his heartbeat down enough to where he could be put in a trance-like state, and Deaton could talk him through his own mind to uncover the memory.
It was Ramie’s first time seeing Isaac in person since their breakup. Things felt slightly weird between the two of them, but more because of how everyone else was acting about them. Derek, Scott and Stiles watched their every move, like they thought the two were going to start fighting or kissing at any minute. Ramie wished they would just leave it alone. She still cared about Isaac and he was certainly one of her best friends, not to mention his anchor. She wanted to be there to help him through what he was going to do.
“How slow does his heartbeat need to be?” Scott asked as Isaac knelt down next to the ice bath, staring it down.
“Very slow,” Deaton replied.
“How slow?” Ramie asked, concerned.
“Nearly dead.”
Isaac put a hand into the bath, immediately pulling it out and wincing at the cold.
“It’s safe right?” He asked, looking up at Deaton.
“Do you really want me to answer that?”
“No,” Isaac shook his head, standing back up and giving Ramie a look that said to not freak out. Everyone’s heads turned to the corner of the room when a snapping noise rang out. Stiles stood in the corner with a rubber glove on his arm, all the way up to his elbow. He was wiggling his hand around in the glove when he noticed everyone staring at him. Ramie raised her eyebrows at him, giving him a look she often did, one that meant to cut the shit.
“What?” He asked. Ramie turned her head to the side, knowing he knew exactly what. He rolled his eyes, pulling the glove off his hand and throwing it in the trash, moving towards the ice bath. Isaac stripped off his shirt and Stiles let out of scoff only Ramie noticed, and she shot him another glare. Isaac slipped into the bath and Deaton began talking to him.
After awhile in the bath, Deaton finally got information from Isaac, but that was only after they found out that Isaac saw Erica’s dead body, Derek almost ruined the whole thing, and Ramie’s arm was bloodied from Isaac’s claws. Stiles looked like he wanted to strangle Isaac as he watched Ramie clean off her arm.
“It’s not bad,” Ramie whispered to him as Scott, Derek, Deaton and Isaac continued talking.
“He clawed the shit out of your arm!” Stiles whisper-shouted back. “You shouldn’t have stood so close.”
“He needed me there,” Ramie argued, putting bandaids over the wounds.
“You broke up,” Stiles countered.
“I’m still his anchor,” Ramie replied.
“That doesn’t mean you owe hi-“
“Hey, you two!” Derek called, interrupting Stiles. “Can you stop bickering like an old married couple and help us out over here?”
Ramie sent Stiles one more glare and huffed, walking back over to the others and pulling her sweatshirt sleeve over her bandaged arm.
“The Mrs is angry,” Stiles muttered so only she could hear, and she shoved him sideways, trying not to grin.
The next night Ramie, Scott and Stiles went to Derek’s to discuss the plan on how to break into the old bank vault where Boyd, and whoever was with Boyd, was being kept. When they got to Derek’s loft, Stiles spread out the floorpan of the bank and began explaining the plan. Ramie sat on the couch on the other side of the table, listening to the plan, but not bothering looking at the map as she knew Scott would never let her go with them.
“You see this? This is how they got in,” Stiles said, in reference to the bank robbery that caused the bank to be closed down. He began circling spots on the blueprint with red sharpie. “They went through an air conditioning vent here. It leads down into the wall of the vault, which is here. One of the robbers was lowered down into this shaft, but the space was so small it took them about 12 hours to drill into the wall, which is stone, by the way. Then they syphoned the cash back up to the guys on the roof through that one little shaft in the wall. Boom.”
Stiles banged his hand on the table dramatically, making a large dot on the spot where the air conditioning shaft met the roof. Derek closed his eyes in annoyance at Stiles’ dramatic antics.
“Can we fit in there?” Scott asked, concerned.
“Yes we can, but very very barely,” Stiles said immediately. “And they also patched the wall, obviously so we’re going to need a drill of some kind, I’m thinking-“
“Forget the drill,” Derek cut Stiles off. Stiles opened and closed his mouth, looking over at Derek.
“If I go in first how much space do I have?” Derek asked. Stiles scoffed and looked at Derek’s face, clearly thinking he was joking. He looked over at Scott in disbelief, then to Ramie, who put her hands up to tell him she wasn’t getting into this.
“What do you think you’re going to do Derek, you gonna punch through the wall?” Stiles said to Derek, clearly not believing him.
“Yes Stiles I’m going to punch through the wall,” Derek said matter of factly.
“Okay big guy let’s see it, let’s see that fist, big ol’ fist, make it, c’mon,” Stiles said, causing Derek to roll his eyes and hold up his fist to Stiles. Ramie knew this wasn’t going to end well. “Get it out there, don’t be scared. Big bad wolf, yeah, look at that.”
Ramie couldn’t help but snort from the couch, immediately covering her mouth with her hand as Derek sent her a quick glare as well.
“Okay, see this?” Stiles held up his hand up flat near Derek’s, holding his wrist with his other hand. “That’s maybe three inches of room to gather enough force to punch through solid-“
Derek cut off Stiles by shoving his fist upwards, punching Stiles’ hand, hard. Stiles immediately fell backward, slamming his arm down on the table then walking away, groaning in pain. Ramie jumped off the couch to follow after Stiles, shaking her head at Derek and seeing Scott’s mouth was wide open, sending a look at Derek as well.
“He can do it,” Stiles called, his voice strained, sitting on the other couch nearby. Ramie made her way over to him, kneeling down in front of him, trying to get a good look at his hand. He tried to keep it away from her but she yanked it over closer to her and he stopped resisting. It didn’t seem swollen as Ramie ran her fingers lightly over his palm. She pressed down in a few spots, asking him if they hurt, and Stiles shook his head. She looked up to see Scott staring at the two of them, then looked away quickly. She looked back to Stiles to find him already looking at her.
“You sure you’re okay?” Ramie prodded, feeling her brother’s gaze on them again. She dropped Stiles’ hand, realizing she was still holding in with both of hers. Stiles’ broke their eye contact when she dropped his hand.
“I’ll get through the wall,” Ramie heard Derek say. “Who’s following me down?”
Derek looked to Peter, who had been sitting on the stairs the whole conversation, not saying anything, but listening. Ramie asked Stiles one more time if he was okay, which he assured her he was, and got up to go back over to where Derek and Scott stood next to the table. Ramie followed behind him but stayed back some, sitting on the arm of the couch nearby, swinging her feet off the edge.
“Don’t look at me,” Peter said in reply to Derek’s question. “I’m not up to fighting speed yet. And with Isaac out of commission you don’t have the odds in your favor.”
“So I’m supposed to just let them die,” Derek fired back at his uncle.
“One of them is already dead,” Peter shrugged.
“We don’t know that,” Ramie butted in, defending Derek.
“Do I have to remind you what we’re up against here?” Peter continued. “A whole pack of alphas, they’re all killers. Two of them morph into one giant alpha. I’m sure Erica and Boyd are sweet kids, they’re going to be missed.”
“Okay, can someone kill him again please?” Stiles said, looking towards Derek.
“I second that,” Ramie said, raising her hand. Scott scoffed quietly.
“Derek, seriously,” Peter said, ignoring them. “Not worth the risk.”
“What about you,” Derek said, looking towards Scott.
“Yeah, if you want me to come,” Stiles started, only to be cut off by Derek.
“Not you.”
“Got it,” Stiles nodded, causing Ramie letting out a small laugh. Stiles looked at Scott and pointed to Derek, stepping back to lean against the couch next to where Ramie sat on the arm. Ramie ignored how the entire side of his body was pressed against hers.
“I don’t know about Erica, but if Boyd is still alive we have to do something,” Scott looked towards Peter, who rolled his eyes. “We have to try.”
“And we’ll just stay here and pray you guys don’t die in there,” Ramie said, a hint of sarcasm in her voice.
“You’re not going,” Stiles and Scott said at the same time. Derek smirked and Ramie rolled her eyes.
“I know, I just said that,” she huffed. “Stiles and I can babysit the overgrown, extremely negative toddler.”
Stiles let out a laugh, leaning into Ramie’s side and clapping his hands as Ramie jabbed a thumb towards Peter. Even Derek broke a smile.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 16
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​
A/N: I said this before but I’m really excited to write this season, so here’s the start of season 3!
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Chapter 16 - Take Care
Season 3, Episode 1, 2
Ramie pushed opened the door to the tattoo shop her Mom told her to go to and a small bell rang out into the mostly empty shop. After being gone for three months Ramie hoped her brother would be home so she could surprise him by coming back a week early, but much to Ramie’s surprise, Melissa had told her Scott was out getting a tattoo. Although she felt slightly salty that her twin was getting a tattoo and she wouldn’t be able to brag to him about the ones she got in Europe, she was overall just happy to see him again.
She could hear muffled voices from behind a corner in the room, where she assumed the tattoo artist and Scott were. There was another man, Ramie assumed someone who worked there, back to her looking at different tattoo designs on the wall. She only glanced at him quickly but he was fairly tall, had dark, thick hair and wore a flannel.
“Hey, I’m looking for my brother, I hope this is the right place,” Ramie said as she looked around, impressed with the designs on the wall.
“Ramie?” A voice she recognized called out. Her head snapped towards the voice, realizing she actually knew the man whom she didn’t recognize before.
“Stiles?” Ramie said in disbelief, a grin spreading across her face as she made eye contact with her friend whom she hadn’t seen in months. His hair had grown out and was styled so it spiked up in the front, and he looked like he had grown taller and filled out a bit over the summer. “I didn’t even recognize you from behind.”
Stiles nearly ran forward, tackling Ramie in a hug. He picked her feet up off the ground and spun her a bit, and Ramie could hear her brother’s laugh.
“I missed you,” Stiles murmured into her hair as he set her down. Ramie turned to see her brother jumping off the tattoo chair to tackle her in a hug as well.
“What are you doing back? You weren’t supposed to be here until next week,” Scott said as he pulled away, sitting back down in the tattoo chair.
“I was coming home today all along, I just wanted to surprise you,” Ramie grinned, looking between her brother and Stiles.
“I can’t believe you didn’t recognize me,” Stiles put a hand over his heart, pretending to be hurt.
“You looked different from behind! The hair and everything,” Ramie said, reaching up and brushing a hand through his hair.
“You like?” Stiles grinned, wiggling his eyebrows and turning his head slightly as if he was modeling the hairstyle. Ramie giggled and nodded. She thought the longer hair on him looked incredible. Since his hair was longer than it’s previous buzzed length the dark color really  showed, making his whiskey colored eyes pop. He looked older and certainly very attractive.
The tattoo artist had now sat down next to Scott and was placing the stencil on his arm. The design was simple enough, two bands wrapped around his bicep.
“Are you sure about this?” Stiles questioned, eyeing the artist as he prepped the tattoo gun and poured out some ink. “Tattoos are pretty permanent.”
“That they are,” Ramie grinned. “And for the record, I am the cooler twin because I got tattooed first.”
Scott eyes widened and Stiles jaw dropped. Ramie pulled off the arm of the flannel she was wearing and held out her arm, showing Scott and Stiles the tattoo of flowers she had gotten on her forearm while she was away.
“They’re the flowers of our birth month and Mom’s,” Ramie explained. “I have another one on my thigh, but you can’t see it now, obviously.”
Ramie pointed to her jeans as Scott broke into a grin and Stiles reached his hand towards her outstretched arm, like he wanted to touch the tattoo. Ramie nodded at him and his fingers landed on the ink, his pointer and middle fingers lightly brushing over her skin.
“It doesn’t feel like anything,” he said, clearly mesmerized. Ramie’s skin felt hot at his touch.
“Well it’s healed, I got it last month,” Ramie explained, pulling off the flannel completely. She figured the studio was just kept warm.
“I love it,” Scott said, making Stiles jump slightly and pull his hand away from Ramie’s arm, as if he forgot his friend was there. Stiles eyed the flannel Ramie was now holding, and she prayed he didn’t realize that it was his that she had stolen at some point before leaving for the summer.
“You don’t have any problems with needles do you?” The artist said to Scott as he raised up the tattoo gun, ready to start.
“No,” Scott shook his head, glancing towards Stiles with a slightly nervous look on his face.
“I tend to get a little squeamish though, so,” Stiles said as he walked towards Scott and scratched his chin, peeking at where the artist was tattooing. Ramie was about to pull him away as Stiles toppled over, passing out at the sight of Scott being tattooed. Scott let out a sigh and the artist stood up quickly. Stiles blinked from the ground, looking pale.
“I’ve got it covered,” Ramie said to the artist, pulling Stiles into a sitting position. She was used to him passing out easily when it came to needles, she had dealt with him many times before.
“Is there a bathroom?” Ramie asked as Stiles got up, rubbing the back of his head that he hit off of a chair on his way to the ground. Ramie reached up and felt the back of Stiles’ head, seeing a bit of blood on her hand when she pulled it away.
“Down the hall to the left.”
Ramie walked with her arm around Stiles slowly down the hall and into a small bathroom. She put down the lid of the toilet and shoved the boy down onto it. He groaned and reached up to touch his head and Ramie smacked his hand away. He furrowed his eyebrows at her.
“It hurts,” he mumbled.
“I’m sure, but if you put your grubby hands all over it its going to get infected,” Ramie said, wetting paper towels and folding them up so she could clean him up.
“My hands aren’t grubby,” Stiles mumbled as she inspected the wound as much as she could through his hair. It didn’t seem bad at all, and wasn’t even bleeding anymore. She dabbed at it with water and Stiles sat quietly in front of her.
“You shouldn’t have looked at the tattoo gun,” Ramie scolded and she could see Stiles roll his eyes in the mirror.
“I just wanted to see what it looked like!” He defended himself, making eye contact with her through their reflections. It was Ramie’s turn to roll her eyes. “You’re back home for two seconds and you’re already taking care of me.”
“I don’t know how you survived without me,” Ramie joked, throwing the paper towels into the trash and patting Stiles’ shoulder, signaling he was okay to stand up.
“I don’t know either,” Stiles said, much more serious than Ramie had been. She was suddenly aware of how close they were standing in the tiny bathroom as he looked down at her, a lopsided grin on his face.
“Let’s go find you an ice pack,” Ramie said quickly, turning to the door and leaving, Stiles following her back down the hall.
Stiles groaned for the thousandth time as he held the ice pack to his head once he settled himself in the jeep. Ramie scoffed at his dramatic antics, but was quickly distracted by Scott giving a concerned look to where his tattoo was all wrapped up on his arm.
“You okay?” Ramie asked from the back, leaning forward in her seat to get a better look at her brother.
“It burns.”
“Well you did just get your skin stabbed by a ton of needles,” Ramie said.
“I don’t think it’s supposed to feel like this,” Scott countered, and before Ramie could question him further he let out a groan of pain, pulling away the bandage.
“Oh stop,” Stiles shut his eyes. “No, Scott please.”
The skin on Scott’s arm around the tattoo was bright red and splotchy.
“Woah,” Stiles said, backing away from Scott as much as he could.
“It’s definitely not supposed to look like that,” Ramie said from the back seat, wrinkling her nose in disgust. The three watched as Scott’s tattoo slowly faded, then completely disappeared.
“Oh no,” Scott groaned. “It healed.”
“Thank god,” Stiles breathed out. “I hated it.”
Scott’s mouth dropped slightly open at Stiles and Ramie smacked Stiles arm from the backseat. He looked between the two McCalls.
“I’m gone three months and nothing happens, and then the second I get back a crazy deer crashes through your windshield?” Ramie sighed, recalling the night before as she followed Lydia and Allison into class the next morning.
“You were there, I can’t make this shit up,” Allison sighed.
“Well Erica and Boyd are still missing,” Lydia said over her shoulder as Ramie sat down in the desk next to Stiles, who gave her a grin. “That hasn’t changed since you left.”
Ramie watched as Allison looked at the only desk left in the room, in front of Scott. She could hear Scott rambling at her about the seat being empty and snorted at his awkwardness towards his ex-girlfriend. Stiles shot him a sarcastic thumbs up and Ramie laughed.
“I wouldn’t laugh too much,” Lydia said from behind her. “Considering you haven’t seen Isaac since your breakup it’ll probably be awkward for you too.”
Ramie saw Stiles’ head whip towards the two of them from the corner of her eye as she rolled her eyes at Lydia.
“Lahey broke up with you?” He asked, looking shocked.
“I mean, we, I, it was-“
“Mutual,” Lydia cut Ramie off before she could stutter over her words anymore.
“Right,” Ramie nodded, giving Lydia a thankful glance. “Long distance didn’t work and we decided we’d be better off as friends.”
“When did you,” Stiles started, but was cut off by his phone vibrating loudly on his desk. His eyes narrowed as he picked it up, and suddenly Ramie’s vibrated in her pocket as well. A few peoples’ ringtones went off and Ramie soon realized everyone in the room was looking at their phone.
“The offing was barred by a black bank of clouds and the tranquil waterway leading to the uttermost ends of the earth flowed somber under an overcast sky seemed to lead into the heart of an immense darkness,” came a voice from the front of the room. A woman she didn’t recognize stood at the front of the room, quoting the text everyone in the room had seemed to receive. “This is the last line to the first book we will be reading, and the last text you will receive in this class. Silence your phones, please.”
Class with their new teacher, Ms. Blake seemed fairly typical until the new principal, who replaced Allison’s insane Grandfather, came in the room and whispered to Ms. Blake, who then called Ramie and Scott out into the hallway. She teold them their mother had called them out of school and needed to see them at the hospital. Ramie instantly knew something bad was going on, and her gut feeling was right. Turns out, Isaac wasn’t exactly ignoring Ramie since the breakup, but had been busy trying to find Boyd and Erica, and had wound up in the hospital in the process. Melissa wanted Scott and Ramie to get Isaac out of the hospital before the doctors got too suspicious about the fact that the wounds that he was meant to have surgery on, were completely healed.
This seemingly simple task turned out to be anything but that, when Scott and Ramie ran into an extremely strong werewolf they had never seen before, who was trying to take Isaac away. Scott fought as much as he could and thankfully Derek showed up, saving the day. Later that night, after Derek brought Isaac back to his old house to help him heal, Derek gave Scott a permanent version of the tattoo Scott had gotten previously, burning it into his arm so it couldn’t heal.
While Scott was thrilled to finally get his tattoo, his struggle of getting over Allison seemed like nothing compared to the information Derek gave him. The wolf that attacked them at the hospital, who was an alpha, was not the only new supernatural creature in town. There was a whole pack of alphas in town, and they were the ones who had Boyd and Erica.
Scott was determined to find them, as was Ramie. However, Scott was also determined to make his junior year much better than his last, because he needed to get his grades up if he wanted to become a veterinarian, or even graduate. He was trying really hard to balance the supernatural things with the normal teenager things, which is how Stiles convinced him and Ramie to accompany him to one of his old friends’s birthday party that Friday night.
“What,” Stiles said, breaking the silence as the three walked towards the house where the party was at. Heather, Stiles’ friend, lived close to Scott and Ramie, but went to a private school in town, which is why Ramie and Scott didn’t know her.
“What do you mean, what?” Scott asked.
“I mean what and you know what,” Stiles narrowed his eyes at Scott. Ramie looked between the two of them, confused.
“What?” Scott asked again, confused.
“That look you have, that distinct look,” Stiles explained. “The look that says the last thing you feel like doing right now is going to party.”
“It’s not that,” Scott raised his arms in defeat. “It just seems a little weird going to a different high school’s party.”
“Agreed,” Ramie said, speeding up to catch up with the two boys, whose longer legs made them walk ahead of her.
“Oh my god,” Stiles sighed, clearly annoyed. “Just one drink, alright, you’ll be fine.”
Stiles looked between the two of them, who had been complaining about going to the party the whole night. Scott was reluctant because he said he wasn’t ready to “put himself out there” yet, and Ramie didn’t want to go somewhere where she didn’t know anyone other than Scott and Stiles. She also didn’t like that there was a random girl suddenly in Stiles’ life that she hadn’t heard about since they were young. She told Stiles it was fishy that she suddenly invited him to the party, but Stiles shrugged it off.
“I went to nursery school with this girl okay,” Stiles explained as they neared the house. “She promised she’d introduce us to all her friends. So tonight, no Allison.”
“No Lydia,” Scott added pointing at Stiles, who shrugged slightly, as if agreeing. “No Isaac.”
Ramie nodded as well, giving a small smile and trying to ignore the Lydia comment.
“Right…” Stiles said quietly. Scott narrowed his eyes at Stiles’ sudden lack of enthusiasm, but the taller boy recovered quickly. “Tonight, we’re moving on.”
“You’re right,” Scott agreed.
“Onward… and upward,” Stiles flailed his arm, nearly smacking Ramie on the way up, and she ducked out of the way. She rolled her eyes and walked up the sidewalk towards the house that had music blasting, listening to the boys bicker behind her about how their breath smelled.
“You both smell fine,” Ramie turned, letting Stiles walk in front of her and into the house. The second they walked in Ramie heard a squeal from a blonde girl across the room.
“Stiles!” The girl yelled. Stiles opened his arms to hug her as she ran towards him.
“There’s the birthday gi-“ Stiles started, but was cut off by Heather pressing her lips to his. Ramie and Scott’s mouths fell open in sync.
“So glad you made it,” Heather said, her hands still resting on Stiles’ arm.
“Me too,” Stiles said immediately. Ramie let out a scoff and Scott smacked her arm subtly.
“Come downstairs and help me pick out a bottle of wine,” Heather purred, Stiles instantly agreeing. Stiles shot a shocked look at Scott over his shoulder before letting Heather drag him into the basement. Scott turned towards Ramie, the shocked look still on his face. Ramie looked around, grabbing a full shot glass off a tray on a nearby table. She downed three and Scott raised his eyebrows at her.
“To moving on,” she grimaced, and her brother gave her a look she couldn’t quite read.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 15
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley​ @thesailbells​
A/N: Sorry this took so long! My amazon account wasn’t working for a bit so I couldn’t write. I skipped over a lot of things because while they’re important to the show’s storyline, I didn’t think they were necessary to fully put in here. Season 3 is coming and I am very excited! 
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Chapter 15 - Bruises
Season 2, Episode 10, 11, 12
As they were walking into the police station, Derek mentioned to Ramie that there was something important he needed to talk to Scott about. He didn’t say what exactly as when they walked in, it was clear there was trouble. The officer that was usually at the front desk was dead on the floor behind the desk. Derek held a finger up to his lips and crept towards a closed door down the hall, where they could hear muffled voices. Ramie crept behind him until suddenly, she felt a sharp pain on the back of her neck.
“Derek,” she hissed, as her knees felt weak. She reached for the wall and leaned against it, sliding down it as her knees gave out. Just as Derek was about to turn, the kanima tail flicked down from the ceiling again, slicing the back of his neck as well. Jackson jumped down from the ceiling, being only part kanima, and grabbed the back of Derek, holding him up as Scott opened the door in front of Derek.
“Oh thank god,” Scott let out a breath, but not a second later, Jackson pushed Derek onto the ground, him falling limp in front of Scott, Stiles and Matt.
“Ramie!” Stiles tried to move towards her, but Matt moved quickly, holding a gun up right to Stiles face. Ramie sucked in a breath as Stiles froze, backing up. Matt gave Stiles a death glare before leaning over Derek.
“This is the one controlling him?” Derek asked from the ground. “This kid?”
“Well Derek, not everyones lucky enough to be a big bad werewolf,” Matt said as he leaned over Derek. “Yeah, I’ve learned quite a few things lately. Werewolfs, kanimas, hunters. It’s like a fucking halloween party in the town every full moon. Except for you Stiles, what do you turn into?”
“Abominable snowman,” Stiles shrugged sarcastically. “It’s seasonal.”
“Yeah I’m the Tooth Fairy,” Ramie called from the hallway, Jackson turning and hissing at her when she spoke. Matt cocked his head to the side and Jackson lifted a clawed hand, slicing the back of Stiles’ neck as well, who fell on the ground completely on top of Derek, who grunted. If the situation was different, Ramie would’ve thought the situation was quite comical. Suddenly, the sound of car door slamming made Matt stand up.
“Is that her?” Matt asked. Ramie’s eyes narrowed, looking to Scott for an explanation, who gave Ramie a look she couldn’t read. “Do what I tell you to and I won’t hurt her. I won’t even let Jackson near her.”
“Scott don’t trust him,” Stiles called from the floor. Matt grabbed the back of Stiles’ shirt, flipping him onto his back and put and a foot on the op of his chest, nearly his neck. Stiles started to grunt, his face getting red.
“Is this better for you?” Matt spat, Stiles struggling to breath underneath him.
“Stop!” Ramie yelled from the hallway, feeling tears form in her eyes. Matt ignored her.
“Fine, fine just stop,” Scott yelled.
“Then do what I tell you to,” Matt spat back at him.
“Okay alright. Stop,” Scott agreed, Matt finally taking his foot off Stiles, who coughed and sucked in a huge breath. Matt and Scott walked to the front of the police station as Jackson grabbed Ramie from the hallway, dragging her into Sheriff Stilinski’s office, along with Derek and Stiles.
“Sti, are you okay,” Ramie tried to look over at Stiles from her place on the floor, but she couldn’t move her head. She felt tears fall down her cheeks.
“I’m okay,” Stiles coughed slightly. “It’s your Mom Ramie. Your Mom is here.”
“Why is she here?”
“She was on a security tape from the hospital, when one of victims was killed,” Stiles explained, his voice shaky. “We wanted her to I.D. Matt so my Dad could arrest him.”
“We need to do something,” Ramie said, panicking.
However, this was definitely easier said than done. Considering the three of them were paralyzed, it was nearly impossible. Stiles spent the whole time consoling Ramie as she panicked, hearing her mother’s yells and gunshots. Derek was trying to get the kanima venom out of his body, it working better for him thanks to his superhuman abilities. Eventually Scott came and moved Ramie and Stiles to an interrogation room to keep them safe.
Stiles and Ramie missed nearly all of the action that night. Everyone made it out safely, except for Matt. Scott explained to Stiles and Ramie that Gerard, Allison’s grandfather, had killed Matt so he could take over being the master of the kanima. Scott also informed them that Allison was working with her Dad and Gerard, not afraid of killing Jackson. This shocked Ramie the most. She knew Allison was struggling with the death of her mother, but she didn’t think she would cope by taking the side of the enemy.
Then, the McCall twins also had to deal with their mother. Melissa had seen Scott in full wolf form that night, and not surprisingly, was very confused. Scott and Ramie both tried to talk to her many times about it, to explain to her everything that had been going on in their world since the night Scott had been bitten. It took Gerard threatening Scott and nearly killing Melissa to get her to talk to him.  
Ramie, of course, had to work when things started to get crazy again. She had 3 missed calls from Scott when she checked her phone after work, and learned from calling him back that she missed more than just a lacrosse game. Jackson had dropped dead, literally, during the game. Scott and Isaac weren’t sure what was happening with him, but he seemed to be covered in some weird, gooey cocoon, which was certainly going to be hard to explain to a medical examiner. Scott told Ramie he and Isaac were planning to steal Jackson’s body, because they weren’t quite sure if he was actually dead. He also told Ramie that Stiles had gone missing after the game, but Sheriff Stilinski had just let Scott know he was finally home safe.
Ramie rushed over to the Stilinski residence to check on Stiles, since Scott had no idea what had happened to him after the game. Her legs burned from pedaling her bike so fast the whole way to their house, and she was completely out of breath as she banged on the familiar front door. Noah let her in and she nearly leaped up the stairs, taking them two at a time, and knocking on Stiles’ closed door when she got to it. She heard a grunt from inside that somewhat sounded like come in, so she pushed the door open to find Stiles laying on his stomach on his bed.
“What happened?” Ramie panted, as Stiles turned his head towards her. His cheek was bloodied and brusied, as well as his lip, which was split on one side. “Stiles, ohmygod.”
She ran over, sitting on the edge of his bed as he sat up. Ramie grabbed his face on both sides to inspect it, him wincing when her thumb got close to his cheekbone.
“What the fuck happened to you, who did this?”
“The Argents,” Stiles said quietly as Ramie dropped her hands from his face. “Boyd and Erica, they were trying to leave. They wanted to find another pack to join. The Argents captured them and have them hidden in their basement. I was trying to help.”
“We have to go get them,” Ramie said instantly, standing up off the bed. “We have to help them, and we have to help Scott and Isaac save Jackson.”
“Slow down,” Stiles said calmly as Ramie started to panic. He grabbed her hands and pulled her back down to sit. “Do you see my face? I’m lucky this is all they did. And whatever happens with Jackson, it’s going to get ugly. I can’t let you go there and get hurt.”
“I don’t care about getting hurt, I care about saving our friends,” Ramie said stubbornly, pulling her hands from Stiles. She knew if she let him get under her skin she was done for. “If we can save lives it doesn’t matter if I get hurt along the way, I’ll be fine.”
Ramie stood up again and walked towards the door, Stiles jumping up behind her and grabbing her hand again. She turned back towards him angrily, pulling her hand out of his grasp.
“You’re not going anywhere,” Stiles said, reaching around her and closing his door.
“You are absolutely not the boss of me,” Ramie seethed at him, glaring up at the taller boy.
“Here’s the thing, Ramona,” Stiles said. Ramie was about to bitch at him for using her full name, but he continued talking before she got the chance. “You say you don’t care if you get hurt. Alright, fine. But do you know how I’ll feel? If anything happens to you? I’ll be devastated. And if you die? I will literally go out of my fucking mind.”
Ramie opened her mouth, but Stiles cut her off, his voice rising.
“Death doesn’t happen to just you, Raim. It happens to everyone around you. Me, Scott, your Mom. Everyone standing there at your funeral trying to figure out how the hell to live their lives when you aren’t there. Look at my fucking face!”
Stiles stepped forward, the anger in him clearly growing as he pointed at his face.
“Do you think this was actually meant to hurt me? Do you think the Argents care about hurting the human friend who does nothing?” He continued, nearly yelling at this point, stepping forward again. Ramie backed away from him again, tears brimming her eyes as her back hit the door, slamming it the rest of the way. Stiles stopped at the loud noise, and noticed the tears in her eyes. His face softened, realizing how worked up he had gotten.
“I…” he started, clearly uncomfortable. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to-“
“It’s fine,” Ramie cut him off. “I should go. I need to find Lydia. She’s probably upset about Jackson.”
Ramie heard Stiles call after her but she ignored him as she left his room, and he didn’t follow behind her.
Ramie went straight home and went to bed, feeling too overwhelmed to do anything else. She woke up the next morning to Scott snoring loudly from the next room over, and for a split second she didn’t think about anything supernatural. A moment of peace. Then, everything came back to her. Jackson, Matt, the Argents. She ran into Scott’s room, waking him up immediately and questioning him on everything that happened the previous night. Scott explained that Jackson was never dead, but morphing into a new version of his supernatural self, who was then killed by Derek and Peter, after Derek had bit Gerard, which promptly killed him.
Ramie was relieved, for Lydia’s sake, to find out that Jackson escaped death yet again, and had finally turned into a werewolf, no longer a kanima. Despite Allison briefly siding with her insane Grandfather, Scott obviously forgave her, but Allison had ended their relationship. Scott said he was going to wait for her to be ready to date again. He seemed pretty upset, but was definitely trying to hide it. Ramie took a deep breath after Scott explained the happenings of the previous night.
“Guess I shouldn’t have gone to bed so early,” Ramie half chuckled.
“I was honestly shocked you didn’t show up with Stiles,” Scott laughed, as Ramie gave a half smile, looking down at her hands. “Did something happen?”
“Stiles just freaked out on me last night,” Ramie said. “He was pissed at me for wanting to help.”
“He just wants you safe, as do I,” Scott gave her a small smile. She shrugged, standing up from his bed, wanting the conversation about Stiles to end. Everything surrounding him lately had been so confusing, and Ramie didn’t want to share those thoughts with her brother.
After everything supernatural subsided, the end of the school year came quickly, and before Ramie knew it, she was packing as much as she could into a very large suitcase. She was spending the summer in England working as Nanny, and couldn’t wait to get away from Beacon Hills for three months. Her Dad surprisingly bought her the plane tickets for her birthday, and the family she was working for offered good pay, so her Mom reluctantly decided Ramie could go.
Grabbing her neck pillow off her bed, Ramie trudged down the stairs with all of her things, dropping them at the front door. Melissa was meant to be home anytime to bring her to the airport.
“You’re really leaving me for the whole summer?” A voice came from behind her. Stiles was leaning against the doorway to the kitchen, arms crossed and a pout on his face.
“You’ve got Scott,” Ramie gabbed a thumb at his brother, who was sitting on the couch with a bowl of chips.
“You know you’re my favorite McCall though,” Stiles continued, a crooked grin crossing his face. Scott chucked a pillow at him, which nearly knocked over a lamp in flight. Ramie followed Stiles into the living room, sitting down on the arm of the chair he flopped into after grabbing the bowl out of Scott’s lap and shoving a few chips in his mouth.
“I will miss you, both of you,” Ramie said, looking between the two boys. She was definitely nervous about going, but she knew she needed a break from the madness of Beacon Hills.
“Isaac hasn’t stopped whining about you leaving,” Scott gave Ramie a mischievous grin, and she rolled her eyes. Ramie heard Stiles let out a puff of air next to her, but she didn’t look at him.
“He’ll live,” Ramie said, shrugging. She promised Isaac they could Facetime and text and call, but the boy was extremely upset about her leaving for the summer. He was excited about having to have a long distance relationship, and neither was Ramie.
Ramie’s thoughts about Isaac were interrupted by Melissa honking from the driveway, signaling that she was home and it was time to leave.
“Guess that’s my cue,” Ramie sighed, standing up and walking into the entryway, pulling on her backpack and grabbing her things. The two boys followed her like puppies, watching her get her things together. “So this is goodbye.”
Scott instantly frowned, jumping forward and tackling Ramie in a hug. Her eyes brimmed with tears. Scott and Ramie had never been apart for longer than a week or so. When she pulled away she saw a tear drop down his cheek, and which caused a few to drop down her cheeks as well.
“I’ll bring this to the car,” Scott sniffled, grabbing Ramie’s suitcase, leaving her and Stiles alone. She turned to the buzzcut boy, who was shuffling his feet and staring at the ground, hands shoved in his pockets.
“A summer without the annoying sister starts now Stilinski,” Ramie joked, trying to break the tension. Stiles looked up, his eyes meeting hers. They looked sad, and his mouth was slightly open in shock.
“It’s not like that at all,” he said quietly.
“I know, I’m just teasing,” Ramie reached up and put a hand on his bicep, before dropping it quickly when his eyes darted to her hand.
“I’ll miss you a lot too,” Stiles said, making eye contact with Ramie again. “You’ll Facetime and text and call me?”
“You know I will,” Ramie replied, not being able to help the smile on her face. She walked towards him, wrapping her arms arounds around his neck. He bent slightly to hug her back, his head resting on her shoulder. The two didn’t let go of each other until another honk came from the driveway, causing them both to jump apart.
“Be safe, text me when you get through security, and before you take off, and when you land-“
“I will,” Ramie cut off Stiles’ rambling. His cheeks flashed pink and he gave her a small smile. “Don’t get into too much trouble this summer, Mischief.”
Stiles eyes shot to hers at the use of the nickname his Mom and Ramie used to call him long ago. His eyes looked glassy and he pulled her into another hug, this one much tighter than before.
“I’m gonna miss you Ramona.”
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 14
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley
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Chapter 14 - Hallucinate
Season 2, Episode 9
Ramie was having trouble processing a lot of things. First off, her brother almost died, which was scary enough as it is. But on top of that, it was one of her best friends’ mothers who had tried to do it. Ramie knew a friendship with Allison was going to be difficult from the second she found out that Allison’s family was basically out to get Scott, but once Allison and Scott agreed to keep things secret, Ramie thought that maybe things would be okay. And they seemed to be, until Ramie watched Derek drag Scott out of the club that night, saying Allison’s mother was trying to kill him using wolfsbane.
Ramie also didn’t know how to process that Derek had bit Allison’s mother, and Allison had no idea. She knew it wasn’t her place to tell Allison this information, but still felt really wrong about keeping the information from her. Scott insisted that they keep it all from Allison, for her own good. And Ramie agreed, but still felt bad. On top of all that, Jackson was still out there,  being controlled by someone who they had yet to unmask. And, Lydia insisted on inviting Jackson to her birthday party, which Ramie had found herself helping Lydia set up for.
Lydia’s parties were iconic in Beacon Hills, always huge, rambunctious and memorable. Ramie did her best to avoid them, always making excuses, but she never could miss Lydia’s birthday. Even though Ramie insisted she return it, Lydia had bought her a cheetah print slip dress to wear with the same black chunky combat booties Ramie always wore, and she had to admit, the outfit was pretty cute. It was definitely her style, and Lydia even allowed her to wear her layered chain necklaces she always wore. Lydia, of course, had many outfit changes planned for the night, but always made sure Ramie had something new to wear on the occasion that she actually agreed on attending one of Lydia’s parties. Lydia’s family was very well off, and Lydia definitely spoiled Ramie just for being her best friend, but never made her feel guilty about the things she bought her.
That night, Ramie answered the door when Scott and Stiles showed up, the first to arrive other than Allison, who had gotten there a few minutes before and was helping Lydia finish up hanging lights in the backyard.
“Look at you!” Ramie exclaimed, hugging her brother. “All dressed up with a blazer, I love it.”
“Allison told me Lydia bought her an outfit to wear, so I figured I should try and look like I actually deserve to be with her,” Scott smiled, and Ramie rolled her eyes. “Lydia got you something as well?”
“She always does,” Ramie sighed, still holding the door open for Stiles, who was standing outside of the doorway, looking zoned out, staring at her, mouth slightly open. “You coming in Stilinski or are you gonna party on the front porch?”
Stiles blinked hard, stepping forwards quickly into the house. Scott gave him a look that Ramie couldn’t distinguish.
“You look…” Stiles started. “Nice. Pretty. Very pretty.”
“Thank Sti,” Ramie smiled, feeling her cheeks heat up, the two of them following Scott further into Lydia’s house.
“Where’s Allison?” Scott asked, breaking the silence between the three of them. Ramie nodded towards the backyard. “We’ve gotta tell you guys something.”
When they found Allison in the backyard, Scott and Stiles explained that Stiles and his Dad figured out all of the people who the kanima, or Jackson, had murdered were members of the Beacon Hills swim team years ago, when Isaac’s dad was the coach. Stiles was sure that was the connection between the kills, and whoever was in control of the kanima had something seriously against the swim team that certain year.
Before they could talk about it more, Allison mentioned how dead Lydia’s party was. And by dead, she was putting it nicely. There was maybe two other people there, which was not typical for Lydia’s party. Ever since Lydia ran away from the hospital and wandered naked in the woods for two days, everyone at school saw her differently. And since Jackson broke up with her, she wasn’t dating the captain of the lacrosse team any longer.
Scott made calls to the lacrosse team, and Stiles made his own calls to some “friends” he knew, and soon enough the part was in full swing. Ramie poured herself another drink, feeling pretty tipsy even though she swore she only had one drink. She had a small dinner, as she was helping Lydia set up for most of the evening, so she figured that’s why the drinks were affecting her more than usual.
She walked to the bathroom, stumbling a bit, deciding she should splash some water on her face and try to compose herself. Things were fuzzy as she made her way down the dark hallway upstairs. She saw a light under the bathroom door, so she knocked, wondering if someone was actually in there, or if Lydia had just left the light so if someone needed to puke they could find the bathroom easily. There as no answer, so she pushed the door open. However, the room was not empty. Sitting on the bathroom counter was Lydia, her legs wrapped around Stiles’ waist, the two making out. Ramie’s mouth dropped open. Stiles turned, seeing her, and smirk crossed his face.
“Sorry Ramie, this room’s taken,” he grinned, and Lydia giggled. Ramie was speechless, her mouth opening and closing, trying to make words come out. She felt tears coming to her eyes. Stiles continued talking, turning towards Ramie this time. “What? You’re going to cry? Do you think I could ever actually care about you like I care about Lydia?”
Ramie started stepping backwards and Stiles stepped forward towards her slowly, continuing to talk.
“I’m in love with Lydia, I always have been, and I always will be. Why would I care about my best friends sister? The girl who has been my friend forever. And that’s all we’ll ever be. Friends.”
Ramie felt a tear drop down her cheek.
“Shut up,” she spat at Stiles, trying to sound angry but her voice cracking.
“You’re so pathetic, pretending to not care about me, pretending you care about Isaac,” Stiles kept walking forward towards her, Ramie still stepping backwards.
“I do care about Isaac,” Ramie stuttered, feeling tears fall.
“Please,” Stiles scoffed. “You’ll never be able to care about him like you do about me.”
“Why are you doing this?” Ramie said, her voice barely a whisper.
“Because I’m sick of you pining after me,” Stiles spat, and Ramie stepped back again. “I’ll never love you like I love Lydia.”
Ramie put a foot back, but there was nothing there. She was at the top of the stairs, and felt her foot fall down onto nothing. She was about to tumble backwards and let out a shriek, reaching around her to grab something to catch her fall. Suddenly she felt arms around her, catching her slightly, before she fell back.
“Ramie!” The voice yelled. She stood up quickly, back on the top step. She looked down the hall to the bathroom, the door open, light on, but no one inside. A pair of arms were still around her shoulders, holding her slightly. She turned to look at the stairs, seeing Stiles at the top, a concerned look on his face. “What are you doing? You almost fell down the stairs.”
Ramie blinked her eyes, hard. Lydia was gone, the Stiles that was sneering at her was gone too. Normal Stiles dropped his arms from around her, stepping up on the stairs next to her.
“I think I drank too much,” Ramie leaned on the wall and slid down to the floor rubbing her eyes with the backs of her hands. Stiles sat down on the second step from the top next to her.
“Did you see something?” He said quietly. Ramie looked towards him quickly, nodding. “We think Lydia did something to the punch.”
“How’d you sober up then?” Ramie groaned, leaning her head on the wall, her thoughts still fuzzy. Stiles pointed to his slightly damp t-shirt.
“Stuck my head in the pool.”
Ramie snorted, and Stiles broke into a grin, but not like the smirk the Stiles she had saw before. A genuine grin, the Stiles she knew.
“I guess I’ll go take a quick shower then,” Ramie sighed, standing up from the floor, trying not to flash Stiles as her dress had definitely ridden up.
“You have clothes to change into?” Stiles asked, following her towards the bathroom.
“I think in my bag in Lydia’s room, will you get them for me?” Ramie asked, knowing she sounded like a child, but she couldn’t care less. Stiles nodded, telling her to get into the shower and he’d bring the clothes in for her.
A few minutes later, there was a knock on the door as Ramie let the warm water hit her face. She called out that Stiles could come in.
“I grabbed your whole bag,” she could see his shadow through the curtain, setting her stuff down on the sink. “I found sweatpants but I didn’t see a shirt in your bag, and I didn’t want to go through Lydia’s stuff, so I’m just gonna leave my flannel for you to put on. I took it off before Scott dunked me so its dry.”
“Thank you Stiles,” Ramie said, standing under the hot water.
“Are you okay?” Stiles asked after a second. “Do you need anything else?”
“I think I’m okay,”
���Do I need to stay up here or are you sober enough to get downstairs safely now?” Stiles said, seeming like he was trying to be funny, but his voice was laced with concern.
“I promise I’m okay, I’ll be downstairs soon,” Ramie told him. He left reluctantly, telling her to text him if she needed him and he’d be up in a minute. She stood under the water for a few more minutes, trying to process her thoughts. Whatever Lydia did made her have a really weird hallucination, and she couldn’t wrap her head around what it could mean.
She walked downstairs after changing into her sweatpants and Stiles’ flannel. Everyone seemed to have left the party, and Scott, Stiles, and Allison were left sitting in the living room, talking quietly to each other. Scott and Stiles’ backs were to Ramie on the sectional, and Allison sat on the huge ottoman in the middle facing them. She saw Ramie walking towards them, giving her a small smile. The boys turned, Scott giving Ramie the same look.
“Feel better?” He asked and Ramie nodded as she rounded the couch, sitting down next to Allison, pulling her legs underneath her on the cushioned surface.  
“Where did everyone go?” Ramie looked around. When she looked back to the three of them, Scott and Allison were looking at each other, then looked at Stiles, who was playing with a loose string on a throw pillow, then back to Ramie. Scott’s eyes glanced down to the shirt Ramie was wearing, then over to Stiles again. Ramie looked down at her hands, feeling her cheeks burn. She hadn’t thought about how it looked, her coming downstairs wearing the light blue flannel Stiles had came to the party wearing.
“Someone thought the cops were here,” Stiles said, breaking the silence. He looked up at the three of them, who all had their eyes on him. “What?”
Scott shook his head and Allison let out a small, “nothing.” Stiles eyes narrowed but before he could say anything else, Ramie started talking again.
“Where’s Lydia?” Ramie asked, looking around.
“She went off with a guy, I think,” Allison said. “She texted me and told me she was okay.”
Ramie nodded, hoping the guy wasn’t Jackson. Ramie truly believed that Lydia was much better without Jackson. Ramie then realized how quiet her three friends had been since she walked downstairs, despite the whole awkward shirt thing.
“Did I miss something? You guys are being quiet.”
“Matt is controlling the kanima,” Stiles burst out immediately, as if he had been waiting for her to ask.
“Matt? That weird photographer guy?” Ramie asked. She never really knew Matt that well, but Allison said he took some weird photos of her and Stiles always had said he didn’t trust him.
“Someone pushed Matt in the pool just before the party ended,” Scott explained. “He couldn’t swim. Jackson pulled him out and when we went out front when everyone was leaving we saw him standing there with the kanima.”
“We’ve gotta go tell my Dad,” Stiles said, mainly to Scott, who nodded.
“I’ve got to get home, my Dad won’t stop calling me,” Allison said.
“Let’s split up, I’ll go talk to Derek about Matt,” Ramie said. The two boys left, and Allison said she would drop Ramie off at Derek’s. Ramie thought about telling Allison about her hallucination, but she decided against it. Obviously she had liked Stiles for a long time, but ever since she was with Isaac, she wasn’t feeling the same feelings towards him. Sure, sometimes those feelings would come out for second, but Ramie figured it was just old feelings coming back briefly, and it meant nothing. She tried not to worry too much about the hallucination, because that’s all it was. It wasn’t real, her brain just played tricks on her. That’s what she kept telling herself.
When she got to Derek’s, she found him training with Isaac, Erica and Boyd.
“We figured it out,” Ramie panted as she jogged into the warehouse. Isaac turned towards her voice and Erica landed a punch straight to the side of his face, Isaac distracted. He groaned and glared at Erica, who pursed her lips and mumbled something about him being whipped.
“Figured what out?” Derek asked, stepping away from Boyd and grabbing a water bottle.
“Who’s controlling the kanima.”
“You figured that out?” Erica said, in disbelief, with a definite attitude.
“Scott and Stiles saw him,” Ramie explained further, ignoring Erica, who scoffed.
“What’s your problem Erica?” Isaac said suddenly. Derek put a hand on Isaac’s chest but Isaac pushed past him, stalking towards Erica. “You always have shit to say to Ramie, why? When are you going to get over the fact that I don’t want you, I want Ramie.”
Erica lunged towards Isaac, growling, but Boyd grabbed her arm, pulling her back.
“Enough,” Derek spat towards Erica, who glared at him, then straight at Ramie.
“Thanks Boyd, wouldn’t want her to claw the shit out of me again,” Ramie said, sending a glare right back to Erica.
“Again?” Derek asked. He looked between Erica and Ramie. “Tell me what happened.”
“Erica clawed the shit out of Ramie’s leg in class the other day,” Isaac spoke up when Ramie was silent. Ramie narrowed her eyes at him, not wanting Derek to try and fight battles for her. She wasn’t scared of Erica.
“I didn’t know that,” Boyd said, finally letting go of Erica’s arm.
“Well I only knew because I saw the marks when she wasn’t wearing pants,” Isaac said casually, shrugging. Derek’s mouth opened for a second then closed, a mischievous look in his eyes. Ramie felt her face get very hot.
“Anyways, that’s not important,” Ramie changed the subject. “This kid, Matt, he’s controlling the kanima. Scott and Stiles are going to Stiles’ Dad right now.”
“You know this probably won’t end well,” Derek said. “Including someone who doesn’t know everything.”
“Okay, so we’ll go meet them there and figure something out,” Ramie said. “We need to stop him from killing anyone else.”
Derek nodded, surprisingly agreeing with Ramie. He told his beta’s to stay behind, telling Boyd to make sure Isaac and Erica didn’t kill each other while he was gone. Derek was nearly silent the whole drive to the police station, until they were a few minutes away.
“If you keep having problems with Erica let me know,” he said suddenly, not looking away from the road.
“I can take care of myself Derek,” Ramie sighed, annoyed at his whole alpha male demeanor. Sure, he was an alpha, but she was not part of his pack.
“I know,” Derek said simply. “But Erica is still a young beta and I don’t fully trust her control. I wouldn’t want anything to happen to you.”
Ramie softened immediately at Derek’s words. She spent a lot of time with him when they were training, and despite his hard exterior, Ramie had started to see him as sort of as an older brother. She knew a lot of his tough shell had to do with the whole alpha thing. She was about to tease him for being soft when he suddenly continued talking.
“And Scott would kill me if something happened to you,” he said quickly.
“Right,” Ramie smiled at him. The corner of his lip twitched, almost like he was going to smile too.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 13
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley
A/N: Before reading this, please take the time to utilize the link below and sign some petitions and donate if you can! It’ll only take a few minutes :) Also, I start working full time again this week, so it will be harder for me to find time to write, but I will do my best! Had to add in snapback Stiles for this chapter because I just love him in a hat so much. 
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Chapter 13 - Snapback
Season 2, Episode 6, 7 + 8
When Stiles and Ramie made it back to the woods to take their shift watching Jackson that night, they only found a sleeping Scott and Allison, and an empty prison van. Stiles was pissed, but Ramie couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that they found Scott and Allison naked together. However, with Jackson gone, Stiles decided he needed to tell his Dad the truth about everything, so they could make sure Jackson didn’t kill anymore people. However, when Scott and Stiles went to tell Noah the truth, they were only met with Jackson being at the police station, with his parents.
This led to Jackson filing a restraining order against Scott and Stiles. Ramie wasn’t sure why he left her out of the kidnapping story, but she was thankful she wasn’t in trouble with the police like her brother and best friend. Melissa was extremely mad at Scott, but Scott played if off like he was upset about their Dad never being around, so he got out of her angry wrath pretty easily. The next day at school Allison and Ramie met Scott and Stiles in the library to let them know what Lydia had translated for them from the beastiary. Ramie and Allison hid on one side of a library stack while Scott and Stiles stood on the other side, Allison handing the tablet through and empty space with no books.
Stiles and Ramie hadn’t talked about their fight the night before. However, things definitely weren’t normal between the two of them. Ramie was still upset about what Stiles had said and Stiles seemed like he wanted to say something to her, but kept quiet instead.
“What’d you tell her?” Scott asked Allison when she mentioned Lydia being confused about what she was translating.
“I told her we were part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures,” Allison said, not looking towards Scott and Stiles and pretending to be talking to just Ramie, who let out a snicker.
“I am part of an online gaming community that battles mythical creatures,” Stiles’ voice came from the other side of the shelf.
“Oh… great,” Allison said, sending Ramie a smirk. Stiles smiled at first then it faded when he realized everyone was holding back a laugh. Ramie rolled her eyes. Of course Allison knew about her previous crush on Stiles, but she was with Isaac now, so she wasn’t sure why Allison was still giving her looks like that.
“So does this say how to find out who’s controlling him?” Scott changed the subject.
“No, not really. But Stiles was right about the murders,” Ramie said, giving Stiles a quick glance. He exclaimed a small “yes” and clenched his fist. “It calls the kanima a weapon of vengeance. There’s a story about a South American priest who uses the kanima to execute murders in his village.”
“See? Maybe it’s not that bad,” Stiles said.
“Until the bond grew strong enough that it killed whoever he wanted it to,” Allison finished Ramie’s story from before.
“All bad, all very very bad,” Stiles shook his head. Ramie let out a small breath of air, almost a laugh and Stiles’ eyes shot to hers. He looked like he might smile for a second, but she looked away before he got the chance.
“The thing is, the kanima is actually supposed to be,” Allison paused, a teacher returning a book at the end of the stack they were in. Ramie nodded slightly when she was gone, letting Allison know it was okay to continue. “A werewolf. But it can’t be-“
“Until it resolves that in its past that manifest it,” Scott finished, reading from the tablet.
“Okay if that means Jackson could use a few thousand hours of therapy I could’ve told you that myself,” Stiles deadpanned.
“You got that right,” Ramie agreed. “Maybe it has something to do with his parents, his real parents.”
“Yeah, does anyone know what actually happened to them?” Scott asked.
“Lydia might,” Stiles said instantly, and Ramie fought the urge to roll her eyes.
“But what if she doesn’t,” Scott looked at Stiles.
“Well he doesn’t have a restraining order against me so I’ll ask him myself,” Allison said, putting the book she was pretending to look at back on the shelf.
“What should I do?” Scott asked.
“You have a makeup exam,” Ramie told him, sounding a lot like their mother. Scott looked at Stiles, who tilted his head, agreeing with Ramie.
“Promise me you’ll go,” Allison said, grabbing Scott’s hand through the stacks. Ramie watched as Stiles looked away awkwardly.
“If he does anything you run as fast as you can away from him,” Scott said protectively.
“I know how to take care of myself,” Allison told him.
“Allison if you get hurt while I’m taking care of some stupid test someone’s going to have to take care of me,” Scott said quickly. Ramie made eye contact with Stiles and pointed at him. Stiles pointed to himself and shook his head, pointing back at her. Allison snickered at them and Scott glared. “If he does anything weird, bizarre, anything-“
“Anything evil,” Stiles said suddenly, sticking his head through the hole in the stacks. Ramie put a hand on his face, shoving him back as he groaned. He flailed and nearly dropped the book he was holding, looking around to see if anyone saw him.
“She’ll be fine,” Ramie told the two boys.
Ramie didn’t have any classes with Scott, Stiles or Allison for the rest of the day, but Allison texted her towards the end of the day saying that she couldn’t bring her home anymore because somehow they had all gotten detention. Allison said it was a long story that she would explain later. Ramie was waiting outside for Lydia to get a ride with instead, when she saw Derek pull up to get Isaac. After thinking on it for a minute, Ramie walked over to his car, leaning in the window.
“I still need to be trained,” she told him. He raised his eyebrows. “I thought you hated me,” he asked, smirk clear on his face.
“I do,” Ramie sighed. “But now we have hunters and werewolves and kanimas and who knows what else, I need to be able to protect myself."
“Get in,” Derek said simply. Ramie huffed, just as Isaac made it to the car.
“Ramie, what are you-“
“Just get in you two, before an Argent or your brother sees,” Derek said, and the two teens listened.
Ramie spent the afternoon training with Isaac and Derek. Derek went much harder with Isaac, obviously, trying to get him better at fighting and controlling his shift. He continued hand to hand stuff with Ramie, and definitely forgot she was completely human a few times, leaving her with some intense scrapes and bruises. Derek was in the middle of telling her for the third time that they should take a break when they heard yelling from a distance.
“Derek!” Ramie recognized the voice as her brother. She looked around for something to wipe off her bloody fists, but Scott, Stiles and Erica came into view too soon. Scott was running and carrying Erica, who looked like she was seizing, and Stiles was following close behind. Ramie watched as Stiles and Scott exchanged a glance when they noticed her there. Derek ran forward, grabbing Erica from Scott’s arms.
“What the hell happened?” he asked, placing Erica on the ground.
“Jackson,” Scott said, stepping behind Erica to hold her up.
“Is she dying?” Isaac asked, moving closer.
“She might,” Derek said grabbing her arm. “Which is why this is gonna hurt.”
Derek grabbed Erica’s arm, breaking it to trigger the healing process. He then sunk his claws into her arm, to get the kanima venom out. Erica screamed and Ramie stepped back, clinging to Isaac’s arm. After a minute, Erica passed out. Derek said she was okay, just exhausted from what her body went through. He laid her on the couch and told Isaac to keep an eye on her. Scott, Stiles and Ramie followed Derek into a corner away from the other two.
“So you know who it is,” Scott said to Derek.
“I’m gonna help you stop him, as part of your pack.” Scott said. “If you want me in, fine, but we’re doing this my way. He won’t die. We’ll catch him, not kill him.”
“Fine,” Derek sighed. Scott was quiet for a minute, then spoke up again.
“And whatever it is you’re doing here with my sister, stop.” Ramie went to speak but Derek cut her off.
“You’re her brother, not her father.”
“Yeah well their father is a piece of shit so,” Stiles butted in, stepping closer to Derek.
“Both of you relax,” Ramie said, glaring at Scott and Stiles. “Derek has been helping me for months now, since you got turned Scott. He’s been teaching me how to fight, how to defend myself. I can’t be caught in the middle of all of this completely helpless. I came to him and asked for help. And Isaac has nowhere else to be, so if I want to see him I have to come here anyways.”
Scott and Stiles started talking at the same time.
“I’m not letting you try to fight against anyone.”
“You’re still dating him?” Ramie held up a hand to silence them both.
“You can’t always protect me Scott, there are going to be times where I need to be able to fend for myself. And I’d rather know how to defend myself so I can at least have a fighting chance,” she said, arms crossed over her chest. She pointed at Stiles “And you need to relax about Isaac. If Scott can sit here and tell Derek he’ll be part of his pack then I can date Issac. I don’t know why it matters so much to you anyways. Go worry about Lydia.”
Ramie turned and walked back over to Issac before anyone could say anything more.
Later that night, Ramie found herself tagging along with Scott to go see Deaton’s to try and figure out how they were going to trap Jackson without killing him. Stiles had called Scott and told them that his Dad had figured out that all of the kanima’s victims were the same age and all in Harris’ class when they were in high school. He couldn’t yet figure out where Isaac’s dad came into the mix, but they did find out that Isaac’s brother, who had died in combat, would’ve been the same age as the rest of the victims if he was still alive. But they still couldn’t figure out who was controlling Jackson.
“What’s he doing here?” Scott nodded his head towards Isaac as Derek walked through the front door of the vet clinic. Isaac rolled his eyes and grabbed Ramie’s waist, placing a kiss on the top of her head.
“I need him,” Derek said, walking past Scott.
“I don’t trust him,” Scott said plainly. Ramie glared at her brother.
“Yeah well, he doesn’t trust you either,” Isaac said, playing off the fact that Scott was acting like he wasn’t right there.
“You know what, Derek doesn’t care,” Derek looked between the two boys. Ramie scoffed and leaned onto Isaac’s side, who had sat down on Deaton’s desk, an arm wrapping lazily around her waist. “Now where’s the vet, is he going to help us or not?”
“That depends,” Deaton said from the doorway. “Jackson, are we going to kill him, or save him?”
“Kill him,”  Derek said, at the same time Scott said, “Save him.”
“Save him,” Scott said again, glaring at Derek. Derek rolled his eyes, following Deaton further into the clinic. Scott, Ramie and Isaac followed, gathering around the examination table as Deaton placed a wooden box on top of it, filled with small jars with various symbols on the lids. Isaac reached his hand out to grab at one of them, but Derek grabbed his wrist before he had the chance.
“Watch what you touch,” Derek told him, giving the younger boy an annoyed look. Scott scoffed next to Ramie and she elbowed him in the ribs.
“So,” Isaac leaned down, putting his elbows on the table and looking up a Deaton. “What are you, some kind of witch?”
“No, I’m a veterinarian,” Deaton said simply. Isaac nodded curtly and stepped back. Ramie sat herself up on the counter behind the table and Isaac leaned next to her, his arm resting on her thigh as Deaton continued. “I don’t see anything here that’s going to be an effective defense against a paralytic toxin.”
“We’re open to suggestions,” Derek said.
“What about an effective offense,” Isaac suggested, but Derek cut him off quickly, not looking back towards his beta.
“We already tried, I nearly took his head off, and Argent emptied an entire clip into it. This thing just gets back up.”
“Has it shown any weaknesses?” Deaton asked.
“It can’t swim,” Ramie said, remembering what Stiles had told her about he and Derek’s incident in the pool with the kanima. “But Jackson is the captain of the swim team.”
“Essentially you’re trying to catch two people,” Deaton said. “A puppet, and a puppeteer. One killed the husband, but the other had to take care of the wife, do we know why?”
“I don’t think Jackson could do it,” Scott said after a second of silence. “His mother died pregnant too. I think he couldn’t let the same thing happen to someone else.”
“How do you know it’s not part of the rules,” Isaac asked, looking up from his hand, which had been absentmindedly drawing shapes on Ramie’s thigh. “The kanima kills murders. If Jackson killed the wife the baby would’ve died too.”
“Does that mean your father was a murder?” Scott asked, turning back to look at Isaac, who shrugged.
“Wouldn’t surprise me if he was.”
“Hold on, the book says they’re bonded, right?” Deaton cut in. “What if the fear of water doesn’t come from Jackson, but comes from whoever is controlling him? What if something that affects the kanima also affects it’s master?”
“Meaning what,” Isaac deadpanned.
“Meaning we can catch them,” Ramie said, and Deaton nodded. “Both of them.”
Deaton helped them come up with a plan that night, which they relayed to everyone else involved by the next day. They planned on using ketamine to take out Jackson at the rave that everyone was going to. Stiles and Ramie, being the only humans in the group, were to spread mountain ash around the whole club that the rave was at, so that not only would Jackson be trapped inside, but they would also trap whoever was controlling it.
“How did you even get tickets to this thing,” Ramie asked as she, Scott and Stiles pulled into the rave the next night.
“Your psychotic boyfriend beat some kids up for them,” Stiles mumbled. He was unusually quiet the whole ride there.
“Not very nice of you to call him psychotic when he got the tickets for you,” Ramie shot back. She heard Stiles huff from the front seat before getting out of the car. Scott suddenly took off into the club, saying something about Allison, leaving Stiles and Ramie alone.
“This plan sucks,” Stiles sighed, throwing the bags of mountain ash at the ground angrily.  Ramie was quiet for a minute, leaning against the jeep.
“Are you okay?” she asked, looking towards Stiles, who pulled the snapback off his head, rubbing a hand over his buzzcut before placing it back on, backwards like before. Ramie thought about how if she still had a crush on Stiles, the snapback would’ve been extremely attractive. She also thought that her acknowledging that it was extremely attractive could be a slight problem. She shook her head, trying to clear her mind.
“I’m fine,” Stiles huffed, picking up the bags off the ground. “Let’s just do this.”
Ramie walked next to Stiles as he let the mountain ash out of his hand slowly, making a trail behind them. He still hadn’t said another word since she asked him if he was okay.
“Sti, come on,” Ramie said, not being able to take his silence any longer. “Most of the time I have to beg you to stop talking and now I feel like I have to beg you to say anything. What’s going on?”
Stiles let out a sigh, and Ramie continued.
“You’re my best friend Stiles, you can tell me.” Stiles glanced up at her, his golden brown eyes meeting hers. She could see sadness in his eyes.
“My Dad got fired,” he said after a second. Ramie’s eyes widened.
“Wh- why? Stiles, why didn’t you say anything?” Ramie stammered, taken aback.
“Doesn’t look good for the Sheriff’s son to have a restraining order against him. And there’s too much is going on, I didn’t want to burden anyone right now,” he shrugged, not looking at her. She stopped walking and grabbed his arm so he would stop as well.
“Mieczyslaw Stilinski look at me right now,” Ramie said sternly. Stiles stopped, looking at her after a second. “You are never a burden to me. I always want to hear what you have to say.”
Stiles’ eyes softened. Ramie could swear it almost looked like he was about to cry. He looked away, looking down at the mountain ash in his hand.
“Raim,” he said quietly. “We have a problem.”
Ramie looked down at the mountain ash in his hand, and the distance they had left. There was no way they could make it.
“Remember what Deaton told us?” Ramie said after a minute.  “When he gave us the mountain ash he said we have to believe it was going to work.”
“It’s not going to work, there’s not enough,” Stiles stammered, his hands beginning to shake.
“Hey, Stiles,” Ramie grabbed his hands, holding them steady. His eyes met hers. “You can do this. You always make things work, Sti. You can do this.”
Stiles nodded, shakily, not taking his eyes off hers. She slowly dropped his hands, realizing she was still holding them.
“Just look at me,” she said, beginning to walk again. “I know you can do this. You’re the smartest person I know Stiles. You’ll make this work.”
She looked down for a second, and Stiles did too. They had made it back to where they started, the mountain ash making a full circle around the club.
“I did it,” Stiles said slowly, looking up at Ramie.
“You did it!” She yelled. Stiles jumped forward, wrapping his arms around her in a hug.
“We did it!” He said, spinning her around in a circle. They both laughed, and Stiles set her down slowly, his arms still wrapped around her.
“We should uh,” Stiles stuttered, dropping his arms. “Go check on things inside.”
Ramie nodded and followed after the boy in the flannel, her cheeks feeling hot.
Ramie followed Stiles though the back entrance to the club, down a hall to the room where Isaac and Erica were supposed to be keeping Jackson. Stiles pushed opened the door and Erica lunged towards them, Stiles jumping back and nearly taking out Ramie.
“Woah woah woah, it’s just us!” Stiles put his hands up, and Erica took a step back. “Freaks.” Stiles mumbled as they entered the room and Ramie followed, closing the door behind them. Jackson was sitting on a chair in the middle of the room, looking like he was out cold.
“Is he okay?” Ramie asked as Isaac stepped towards Jackson.
“Well, let’s find out,” Isaac held up his hand, putting out his claws. He reached towards him, but before he could get close Jackson, eyes still closed, grabbed Isaac’s arm, twisting it in a way that definitely caused something to break. Ramie moved forward to grab him but Stiles grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. Isaac yanked his arm away from Jackson, groaning and leaning against the wall, holding his wrist. Ramie went over to him, wincing at the sight of his mangled arm.
“Alright, no one does anything like that again,” Stiles pointed at Erica and Isaac as the latter snapped his own arm back into place, groaning as it healed.
“The ketamine was supposed to put him out,” Isaac groaned as Ramie rubbed his back.
“Yeah well apparently this is all we’re going to get,” Stiles pointed towards Jackson.
“So let’s just hope whoever is controlling him showed up tonight,” Ramie added. Stiles looked over at her with Isaac, looking slightly concerned for a second. Before anyone could say anything else, a voice came from Jackson. It wasn’t his normal voice, it sounded almost robotic.
“I’m here,” he said, his eyes now open. “I’m right here with you.”
Stiles narrowed his eyes at Jackson, then looked at everyone else, who was just as lost as he was. He slowly stepped forward, squatting down in front of him.
“Stiles, be careful,” Ramie said, stepping behind him. Stiles held up a hand, cutting her off.
“Jackson is that you?”
“Us, we’re all here,” Jackson said simply. Stiles turned, looking at Ramie, who shrugged, at a loss.
“Are you the one killing people?” Stiles asked.
“We are the ones killing murderers,” Jackson said back.
“So all the people you’ve killed so far,” Ramie started.
“They deserved it,” Jackson cut her off.
“We’ve got a little rule book that says you only go after murderers,” Stiles said.
“Anything can break if enough pressure’s applied,” Jackson deadpanned.
“A fucking riddle?” Isaac said from behind them. Ramie and Stiles shushed him at the same time, and he held his hands up defensively.
“So all the people you killed are murderers,” Ramie clarified.
“All,” Jackson’s robotic voice said. “Each. Every. One.”
“Who did they murder?” Stiles asked.
“Me, they murdered me,” Jackson said, his hand slowly moving. Ramie noticed immediately.
“Stiles,” she grabbed his shoulder, pulling him back, away from Jackson.
“Okay, alright more ketamine, the man needs ketamine, come on,” Stiles stammered.
“We don’t have any more,” Isaac said, holding up the empty vial. Stiles eyes closed slowly, hanging his head.
“You used the whole bottle?” He turned his head to Isaac, who raised his shoulders sheepishly. Ramie hit both of them on the arms, as Jackson stood up slowly, then screeched at them.
“Okay, out, everybody out,” Stiles pushed Ramie towards the door, all of them running out it. Isaac slammed it shut, leaning against it with Stiles and Erica. “Find something to put in front of the door.”
Ramie turned to look for something, but it was too late. Jackson, or kanima Jackson burst straight through the wall, running away from them. Stiles took off after him, Ramie close behind. They lost him somewhere along the way as he jumped up into the ceiling, but Stiles continued to run outside, to see if he had made it out there somehow. As they made it out there Derek ran up, meeting them on the other side of the mountain ash.
“Hey, so we kind of lost Jackson but,” Stiles stopped as Isaac and Erica walked out of the club, unable to pass the line of mountain ash. “Ohmygod it’s working! We did it!”
Ramie grinned at Stiles for a second, until Derek grabbed his arm.
“Scott,” Derek murmured.
“Nope, I’m Stiles,” Stiles grinned.
“Break it,” Derek pointed to the mountain ash, ignoring Stiles’ joke.
“What, no!” Stiles exclaimed.
“Scotts dying!” Derek nearly yelled.
“What? How do you know that?” Ramie asked, stepping towards Derek.
“Ohmygod, Ramie, I just know, break it,” Derek yelled. Stiles reached down, brushing a section of the mountain ash away and Derek took off into the club, leaving Ramie and Stiles confused on the sidewalk.
14 notes · View notes
stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long Masterlist (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic)
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
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Chapter 1 - All Time Low
Chapter 2 - Knees
Chapter 3 - Batman
Chapter 4 - Highlighter
Chapter 5 - Punching
Chapter 6 - Glass
Chapter 7 - Formal
Chapter 8 - Distracted
Chapter 9 - Shin
Chapter 10 - Eyes
Chapter 11 - Bandaids
Chapter 12 - Pretty Boy
175 notes · View notes
stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 12
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley
A/N: This didn’t have as much plot from the show because I added in a few scenes but I really like how this chapter turned out!
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Chapter 12 - Pretty Boy
Season 2, Episodes 5, 6
Everyone decided that Stiles, Allison and Jackson would get Lydia to Scott and Ramie’s after school to try and keep her safe. Scott and Ramie were going to attempt to talk Derek into not killing Lydia, which ended up not working at all, because Derek had already sent Isaac and Erica to do the job for him. Ramie refused to believe Isaac would be listening to Derek, and trying to kill her best friend. She figured he would go along with it to appease Derek, but not actually go through with it. However, when Scott and Ramie finally showed up at their house, and Scott had to attack Isaac to get him away from their friends, Ramie realized Isaac’s intentions. She couldn’t even look at him when Scott threw him and Erica out onto the front lawn, Erica paralyzed from kanima venom, and Isaac knocked out cold by Scott. Ramie walked out of the porch after Scott as Derek let out a sigh, looking down at his betas. Allison and Stiles followed.
“I think I finally understand why you keep rejecting me Scott,” Derek called from the lawn. “You’re not an omega. You’re already an alpha of your own pack.”
Scott turned, looking at Allison, Ramie and Stiles, then back to Derek.
“But you know you can’t beat me,” Derek continued.
“I can hold you off until the cops get here,” Scott said, sirens beginning to come towards the house from a distance. Suddenly, a hissing noise caught everyone’s attention. Everyone looked up, Ramie, Scott, Stiles and Allison jumping down onto the front lawn to see up on the roof. Staring right at them was the kanima. It gave them a hiss, jumping everyone. Scott wrapped an arm around Allison’s waist and Stiles grabbed Ramie’s arm, pulling her slightly behind him. She clung to his arm, peering around him at the creature. Before anyone could say anything, it jumped off the roof and ran into the darkness.
“Will someone please tell me what the hell is going on?” A voice rang out from the porch. Lydia stood there, looking terrified.
“It’s Jackson,” Scott muttered, looking towards Derek. However, Derek had already taken off after him.
“We have to follow him,” Scott looked at Stiles. Stiles looked down at Ramie, as if asking permission.
“Go,” she told the two of them. “We’ll talk to Lydia.”
Without another word, Scott and Stiles ran to the jeep, jumping in and taking off down the road after Derek. Erica slowly sat up, the kanima venom wearing off. She elbowed Isaac in the side, who opened his eyes slowly, looking confused.
“Lydia let’s get you home, we’ll talk on the way,” Allison said. Lydia looked like she wanted to protest, but also still looked terrified, and followed Allison to the car.
“Ramie, I can explain,” Isaac stood up, walking towards her.
“I need to get Lydia home safe,” Ramie said, turning away from him and walking towards Allison’s car.
“But I-“
“I don’t want to talk to you right now Isaac,” Ramie turned, facing him. He stopped a few feet away. Ramie couldn’t look at him for more than a second, because the look on his face was heartbreaking. She turned again and walked to Allison’s car, and this time he didn’t follow. Allison drove in silence to Lydia’s house. Ramie could see Lydia’s hands visibly shaking as she played with the ends of her jacket. Allison took a deep breath as they pulled into Lydia’s driveway.
“I need you to promise you won’t say anything about what just happened,” she told Lydia, putting the car into park.
“I’ll promise not to say anything about what just happened if you can tell me what the hell just happened,” Lydia exclaimed, looking between Allison and Ramie.
“It’s complicated,” Ramie unbuckled, moving into the middle of the backseat so she could talk to them better.
“How about you start with why Derek was there, or where Jackson went, or what the hell is wrong with Erica?” Lydia fired back. Allison and Ramie exchanged a look. “What you can’t come up with a plausible lie?”
“Part of the reason why I’m asking is because Scott and I aren’t supposed to be together,” Allison said. “So it’s better if you just keep what you know to yourself.”
“Fine,” Lydia huffed, grabbing her purse off the floor. “I’ll keep what I know about you and your boyfriend to myself. Which is nothing.”
“Hey,” Allison grabbed Lydia’s arm as she tried to get out of the car. Lydia stopped, turning back towards her.
“Let me go.”
“Just for one second, please, just try to remember,” Allison pleaded.
“Remember what?” Lydia nearly yelled.
“Remember what it feels like. All of those times in school when you see him standing down the hall, and you feel like you cannot breathe until you’re with him,” Allison said. Ramie smiled, glad her brother had someone like Allison. For a second, someone flashed across her mind, and it wasn’t who Allison mentioned next. “Ramie you know what I mean, with Isaac.”
“Right, yeah,” Ramie said. “Or when you’re in class and you can’t stop counting down the minutes because you know you’ll see him in the hall when you’re done.”
“First of all, you have all your classes with Isaac, so that’s weird,” Lydia started. “And no, I’ve never felt like that.”
“But you’ve had boyfriends,” Allison said, thankfully ignoring Lydia’s first comment.
“Not like that,” Lydia said, opening the car door and leaving the other two girls in silence.
Ramie had Allison drop her off at Derek’s place rather than going home. She knew she needed to talk to Isaac and decided it was probably best to do it sooner rather than later. She entered the huge warehouse, finding Isaac sitting back to her on the couch. No one else was around, thankfully. He turned when he heard her approaching, and he looked like he had been crying.
“Hi,” he stood up, rubbing his hands over his eyes quickly. Ramie gave him a small smile, sitting down on the couch as he sat back down next to her. “Ramie I swear, I’m so sorry.”
“Please let me talk,” Ramie put a hand up and he fell silent. “I’m really fucking mad at you.”
“I know.”
“But I also know that you don’t really have complete control over what you do,” Ramie said. “I remember when Scott was first changed, his alpha tried to get him to kill many times.”
“I swear I wasn’t going to do it,” Isaac repeated. “I sent Erica upstairs because I knew I could never hurt Lydia, or anyone, really.”
“You attacked Stiles and Allison,” Ramie pointed out.
“Yeah, but I tried my best not to really hurt them. I just wanted them safe from Erica.”
“But you could’ve really hurt them,” Ramie said, frustrated. Isaac was quiet. “I just, I think I need some time Isaac.”
“Are you breaking up with me?” He asked, his voice small.
“I don’t know,” Ramie said, quiet for a minute. “Can I ask you something?”
“Erica was talking to me about you earlier. She said I was your anchor.” Ramie didn’t look up at Isaac, beginning to ramble. “And I know that Allison is Scott’s anchor, and I know she was saying a ton of things to just get under my skin but I just wanted to-“
“She wasn’t lying,” Isaac cut her off. Ramie looked to him for the first time, making eye contact. “You are. Derek told us to find an anchor so I’ve been thinking about you. It works really well.”
“Why me?”
“Because you were the first person to care about me in so long,” Isaac gave a small smile. “It’s just been me and my Dad for so long. I never really had friends because I was too scared to have anyone to my house. And no one really talks to the kid who didn’t talk to anyone. So when we started hanging out you really changed things for me. You were something positive in my life for the first time in so long. Derek told me Scott used Allison as an anchor so I thought I’d try it myself.”
Without thinking, Ramie threw her arms around him, pulling him into a hug. They sat there for a minute, just holding each other. Ramie pulled away first.
“I’m still really mad,” Ramie told him. “I need time. But I don’t hate you.”
Isaac nodded, giving her a sad smile. Before she could say anything else, her phone rang. It was Stiles, telling her she needed to get to a nearby club as soon as she could, and that it had something to do with Jackson. Ramie said a quick goodbye to Isaac and left, making it to the address Stiles had sent her within 10 minutes. There were police cars and ambulances everywhere, and a bunch of people, mainly guys, hanging out outside the club. She spotted Stiles’ jeep in the corner of the parking lot and headed over, finding Scott and Stiles bickering in the front seat as she walked closer.
“Do you really want your sister back there with naked Jackson?” Stiles said as she walked up.
“Naked Jackson?” Ramie said, leaning her head into the passenger window, jumping Scott slightly.
“Don’t ask,” Stiles put his hand up as Scott climbed into the backseat, grumbling. “Let’s get the hell out of here before one of my Dad’s deputies sees me.”
“Hate to break it to you Sti,” Ramie started, pointing toward’s Sheriff Stilinski’s car that just pulled up, directly facing Stiles’ jeep.
“Oh my god, shit, fuck, could this get any worse?” Stiles threw his hands in air, defeated. Jackson groaned from the backseat. “That was rhetorical!”
“C’mon, we need to get rid of him,” Ramie said to Stiles, opening the door and getting out, Stiles having no choice but follow.
“What the hell are you two doing here?” Noah asked as Stiles and Ramie met him at the front of his car.
“Wh- It- It’s,” Stiles stuttered. “It’s a club, we’re clubbing. You know. At the club.”
“Not exactly your type of club,” Noah said, looking towards it.
“Well, Dad, I think we need to have a talk,” Stiles said.
“You’re not gay,” Noah deadpanned.
“Wh- I could be!” Stiles exclaimed, clearly offended.
“Not dressed like that,” Noah pointed at the gray striped hoodie Stiles was wearing.
“Have you seen how Scott dresses?” Ramie scoffed, and Stiles pointed at her, raising his eyebrows at his Dad.
“Scott’s gay?” Noah asked. “But Allison?”
“He’s bi,” Ramie shrugged. “Like me.”
“And me,” Stiles added, nodding. Ramie nearly choked, looking over at him. She couldn’t be sure if he was being serious or just trying to make an excuse for his Dad.
“Anyways, we were here for Danny,” Ramie lied, before either of the Stilinskis could say anything more. “He broke up with his boyfriend recently, we just wanted him to have a fun night.”
“You guys are good friends,” Noah smiled, and Stiles gave Ramie a thankful sideways glance. Noah turned and went to talk to the other officers at the scene and Stiles and Ramie made a break for it, back to the jeep.
While Stiles’ ideas were usually the plan they went with, they weren’t always the best ideas. However, sometimes they were the only thing that anyone could think of. This was one of those times. With a good majority of the police officers at the crime scene downtown, Stiles snuck into his Dad’s office and found the keys to one of the prison transport vans, then stole the van with Scott and drove it into the woods, chaining Jackson up in the back.
Since it was nearly 2am at that point, Ramie drove the jeep back to her house and got some sleep, and they decided she would come back early in the morning and let Scott go home for a few hours to sleep before school. Stiles insisted he was fine, he’d sleep in the front seat of the van if needed, and Ramie and him would skip school the next day to watch over Jackson. Both of them had good grades and could manage skipping, while Scott, who was nearly failing multiple classes, really needed to be at school. When Ramie got back to the spot in the woods where the boys were hiding early the next morning, Scott was sitting on a tree stump near the van, while Stiles snored in the front seat. Ramie knocked on the window, causing Stiles to jump out of a dead sleep, nearly falling onto the floor.
“Ready to check on pretty boy?” Ramie asked as Scott rode away in the jeep. She handed him the reusable cup she had filled for him, black iced coffee, just like she was drinking. It was convenient they had the same coffee order, because the would never forget what the other wanted.
“I’m doing good thanks for asking,” Stiles grinned, rubbing his eyes while sending Ramie a smirk. She rolled her eyes and shoved him, hitting the side of the van. He went to push her back but she ran to the back of the van, pulling on the door. “You think I left him back there with the door unlocked?”
Ramie sighed at him and stepped aside as he pulled keys out of his pocket, unlocking the door and surveying Jackson for a second before stepping inside, Ramie following.
“Okay we got you some fo-,” Stiles said as he was sitting down, but he didn’t have the chance to finish as Jackson lunged towards them, but not getting very far as he was chained up.
“Let me go!” He yelled, and Stiles threw his arm out in front of Ramie, keeping her away from Jackson.
“Don’t you dare touch her,” Stiles seethed at him, shoving the backpack he was holding in Ramie’s lap as he pointed a finger at Jackson. “And you know I put those pants on you, one leg at a time. Being up close and personal with your junk wasn’t exactly a highlight of my day. So don’t think this is fun for me either.”
“First off, you almost spilled my coffee, so watch it,” Ramie spoke up, trying to ease the tension between the two boys. “And second, we’re doing you a favor."
“This is doing me a favor?” Jackson spat, holding up his handcuffed hands.
“You’re killing people! To death!” Stiles nearly yelled, leaning towards Jackson. Ramie put a hand on his chest, pushing him backwards.
“Until we can figure out how to stop you we need to keep you here so you’re safe, and everyone else is safe,” Ramie explained, trying to keep her voice calm so Jackson wouldn’t continue to freak out.
“You think my parents aren’t going to look for me?” Jackson glared.
“Not if they don’t think anything’s wrong,” Stiles grinned, pulling Jackson’s phone out of his pocket. He showed Jackson the texts he had sent his parents, pretending to be him. Jackson let out an angry huff, slumping back on the bench as Stiles grinned.
Stiles finally had agreed to go home and get sleep once Allison and Scott showed up that evening to watch over Jackson. Ramie and Stiles had already gone through dealing with Jackson all day, trying to convince him that he was the kanima, and having to move the van to a different part of the woods in the middle of the day because the police were tracking Jackson’s phone. Scott insisted Ramie go home for awhile too, he said so she could sleep some as well, since she only slept a few hours the night before, but Ramie knew it was just because he wanted to be alone with Allison.
Stiles wouldn’t let Ramie drive back home, despite him being incredibly sleep deprived, and he also refused to drive her home, he said she would have to hang out at his house and nap there. He could be quite grumpy when he was overtired. Ramie followed him into his room and he collapsed on his bed, letting out a loud groan with his face in the pillows. Ramie sat down in his desk chair, checking her phone for the thousandth time. She hadn’t heard anything from Isaac. Of course, she asked him for space, and he was doing just that, but part of Ramie hoped he would try and reach out.
“What is with you today?” Stiles’ voice came suddenly from his bed. Ramie narrowed her eyes at him, not sure what he meant. “You’ve been checking your phone like it’s got a timer on it and a bomb will go off any second.”
“Oh, I just,” Ramie started, but Stiles cut her off.
“Isaac?” He asked, making brief eye contact before looking away. Ramie nodded. “Are you guys still, whatever you were?”
“Dating?” Stiles nodded, and Ramie continued. “I”m not sure. I’m really fucking mad at him for what he did. But I also remember how hard things were for Scott when he was first turned. He could barely control himself, and Derek said he learned quickly, faster than normal.”
“Well he tried to kill Lydia, and he nearly knocked me out, you should see the bruises I have from him,” Stiles sat up, folding his arms over his chest.
“I’m aware, Stiles,” Ramie spat back, not in the mood for his attitude.
“Then it should be a no brainer,” he said, getting up off of his bed and moving to his closet, tugging his sweatshirt off and grabbing his shirt from the back of his neck, pulling it off and throwing it towards his hamper, missing completely. His back was to her as he rummaged through his drawer and grabbed a shirt.
“It’s not that simple Stiles.”
“It’s not that simple?” Stiles turned, anger flashing over his face. “He was going to kill Lydia. Lydia. Your best friend, she’s, she’s…”
“She’s Lydia, I get it,” Ramie stood up, matching his angry body language. “The love of your life, Lydia.”
“That’s not what I-“
“Regardless of what you meant it’s not that simple, okay? He wasn’t going to hurt Lydia, and he only went after you and Allison because he wanted to keep you two away from Erica. And he has a hard time with shifting still because he just got turned. He didn’t mean to hurt either of you.”
Stiles scoffed at Ramie’s words, clearly not believing her. He turned his back to her again, pulling his pants down his legs and pulling on sweatpants before muttering something that sounded like, “whatever.”
“Whatever? Seriously Stiles? You don’t believe me?” Ramie was yelling at this point, thankful Noah wasn’t home. “What happened to us always trusting each other?”
“It’s hard to trust you when you’re fraternizing with the enemy!” Stiles yelled back, turning towards Ramie and stepping near her.
“Isaac is not the enemy! He’s a guy who’s had a really fucking hard life and thought that Derek could help him. And now I’m his anchor so I can’t just drop him! And god forbid Stiles I actually have feelings for someone and let someone be part of my life that isn’t you or my fucking brother!” Ramie stepped towards Stiles again, waving her hands in the air angrily.
“You’re his anchor?” Stiles said quietly. Ramie huffed. Out of all of that, of course that was the one thing he commented on.
“Yes Stiles. I know it’s hard to believe someone likes your best friend’s lame sister enough for that but,” Ramie started but Stiles cut her off. “That’s not how I meant it,” he insisted.
“Well that’s how it sounded,” Ramie replied instantly. He went quiet, looking at the floor. “We both need to sleep some. We have to go back and switch with Scott and Allison at midnight.”
Stiles nodded slightly, and moved to his dresser, silently grabbing another t-shirt and a pair of boxers. He held them out to Ramie. She could feel his eyes on her as she grabbed them from him and grabbed her phone off his desk, not looking towards him as she left the room. She went down the hall into the guest room and closed the door loudly, so he knew she wouldn’t be coming back to his room. The second the door closed tears started falling. She wasn’t sure if she was overtired, overwhelmed, confused, upset, or all of the above. But she laid in the guest room bed and tears fell until she fell asleep.
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stilinskishit · 4 years
Too Long (A Stiles Stilinski Fanfic) - Chapter 11
**First couple of posts have a different title but I changed it because I didn’t like it :)**
Summary: Teen Wolf with a female main character alongside Scott and Stiles? Here it is. Ramie McCall is Scott’s twin sister and best friends with both her twin and Stiles. The trio’s friendship means the world to all three of them, so what happens when there are more than friend type of feelings present?
Tags: @multi-madison​​ @purple286 @multifandxm353​ @bralessandflawless @5secondsofmoxley
A/N: This episode has so much happen and I had a lot of ideas for these scenes so I didn’t want to skip over much!
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Chapter 11 - Bandaids
Season 2, Episode 5
Ramie and Scott were bickering over whose turn it was to do the dishes that night when Stiles sprinted into the classroom, not so gracefully sliding into the seat behind Scott, two seats back from Ramie.
“I just talked to my Dad who just talked to Jackson and I have very very bad news,” Stiles huffed, nearly out of breath.
“I think I already know,” Scott turned, looking towards the door, the other two following his gaze. Isaac walked into the classroom, smirk plastered on his face. He ignored Scott and Stiles and leant down, pressing a kiss to Ramie’s lips and settling down in the seat next to her.
“What the hell are you doing here?” Ramie whisper-yelled at him, looking around the classroom in a panic.
“Jackson was nice enough to get me off the hook,” Isaac grinned. His eyes moving towards Scott for a second. Before he had the chance to say anything more, class started. Scott smacked Ramie on the back and she turned her head, glaring at him.
“How is he here?” He whispered.
“I don’t know,” Ramie shot back, turning to the front of the room before he could ask any more questions. Ramie heard Stiles whispering to Scott throughout class, telling him the only thing he could find out about kanimas online were that they’re were-jaguars who go after murderers. When their lecture was finally over and they were meant to be taking notes, Ramie heard another voice from behind her.
“Hey, testicle left and right,” Jackson whispered to Scott and Stiles. “What the hell is a kanima?”
Scott, Stiles, Ramie and Isaac all whipped their heads towards Jackson. Ramie noticed that Isaac’s face wasn’t shocked, he still had that smirk plastered on his face. Ramie sent him a questioning look but he turned back to the front of the classroom, pretending not to notice.
“Alright, I need some volunteers at the board to answer some questions,” Coach asked from the front of the room. Isaac, Lydia and a few other students went up to the board, starting to write down their answers.
“Derek tested me,” Jackson continued once Coach’s back was turned, nodding towards Issac. “Him and his little posse.”
Stiles immediately looked up at Ramie accusingly, who put her hands up defensively.
“I don’t know anything, I already told you that,” she hissed at him.
“I was paralyzed from the neck down, do you know how that feels?” Jackson said, and Ramie scoffed.
“Yeah I’m familiar with the sensation,” Stiles rolled his eyes.
“Wait, why would Derek test you, why does he think it’s you?” Scott asked.
“How should I know?” Jackson replied, clearly annoyed.
“Does he think it’s Lydia?” Stiles asked suddenly. Ramie’s heart dropped, glancing towards her friend at the front of the room, right next to Isaac.
“All I heard was her name,” Jackson said, just as Coach walked between Scott and Stiles. Ramie turned her head back to her work, pretending to be deep in thought.
“Jackson!” Coach yelled. “Something you want to share with the rest of the class?”
“No Coach,” Jackson said immediately. “Just my undying admiration for my coach.”
Ramie let air out of her nose, catching Isaac’s eye from the front of the room, who rolled his eyes, making her giggle.
“That’s really kind,” Coach said, looking around the room. “Now shut up!”
The second Coach walked away Scott grabbed Stiles by his sweatshirt and kicked the back of Ramie’s chair at the same time, making both of them turn towards him.
“How do we know it’s not Lydia,” he whispered.
“It’s not her,” Stiles insisted. “I looked into the eyes of that thing, and what I saw was pure evil. When I looked in Lydia’s eyes I only see 50% evil.”
“25%,” Ramie corrected.
“Like 35, 40 on a good day,” Stiles continued, causing Ramie to elbow his arm that was leaning on the desk.
“That’s not a very good argument,” Scott looked between the two of them. Stiles and Ramie sighed at the same time.
“Lydia’s fine,” Ramie told Scott, glancing towards where Lydia was at the board. Everyone had gone back to their seats, except for her. On her section of the board, there was no answer to the question, but a ton of writing that looked like gibberish. A few people laughed quietly as Lydia turned towards the class, a look of terror on her face.
“What is that, greek?” Ramie heard Scott ask.
“Actually I think it’s English,” Stiles countered. Ramie turned back to him again, as he showed his phone to her and Scott. Stiles took a picture of what Lydia wrote on the board and flipped it. It was English, and it was the words “someone help me” written over and over.
“Derek’s not going to kill her,” Ramie insisted as she, Scott and Stiles walked into their next class.
“Not without proof,” Scott added.
“Okay, so they test her like they did with Jackson,” Stiles said. “But when and where.”
Just as they spotted Lydia sitting down at one of the chemistry tables, Isaac and Erica walked in from the door at the back of the classroom, their eyes trained on Lydia.
“I think here and now,” Scott said, moving towards Lydia. Scott took the seat next to her and Stiles pulled up a stool on the other side. Ramie went to sit down next to Isaac, behind them, but Erica grabbed the seat before her, sliding onto the stool.
“This one’s taken,” she gave Ramie a fake smile. Ramie looked to Isaac, hoping he would stand up for her, but he was busy glaring at Scott. Ramie huffed, taking the empty seat at the table where Stiles pulled his stool from. Allison entered class, giving Scott a confused look. Scott jerked his head towards Isaac and Erica and Allison sat down on the other side of them, looking concerned.
“Einstein once said, two things are infinite,” Mr. Harris started, walking from the back of the room. “The universe, and human stupidity, and I’m not sure about the universe, but I myself have encountered infinite stupidity.”
He stopped behind Stiles, patting a hand on his shoulder. Ramie heard Erica let out a small laugh and sent her a glare. Erica rolled her eyes back.
“So, to combat this stupidity, you’re going to combine efforts to complete these experiments, and see if two heads are better than one, or in Stilinski’s case, less than one,” Harris continued. “Erica, take the first station, and you’ll work with…”
At least five guys and a few girls in the room shot their hand in the air. Erica smirked even harder and Ramie swore she heard Lydia scoff.
“I wasn’t asking for volunteers, put your hormonal hands down,” Mr. Harris told the class. He looked towards Scott. “Mr. McCall, you’ll work with Erica.”
Ramie watched as Erica turned, looking towards Allison at the front of the room, who was turning back to the front of the classroom. Ramie knew this wasn’t going to end well. Stiles moved his stool back over towards Ramie and they began the first part of the experiment, but Ramie didn’t miss Erica’s hand on Scotts thigh. She glanced to Allison, who had moved to work with Lyida. She seem calm, but her eyes looked slightly panicked. Harris called to switch stations and Stiles got up, moving to the next one. Ramie watched as Isaac slid into the seat next to him, and Erica slid into the seat next to her. Scott, thankfully sat down next to Lydia.
“This seat taken?” Erica asked sweetly. Ramie rolled her eyes, ignoring her and starting on the next step of the experiment. Erica stayed quiet for a minute, helping Ramie with the next steps. After a minute, she let out a sigh. “You know, for awhile I didn’t really get why Isaac was so into you.”
Ramie said nothing, continuing the experiment.
“He’s always arguing with Derek, Ramie this, Ramie that,” Erica continued, twirling a curl around her finger. “Even though I’ve made it clear to him I would be the better choice.”
“Erica, I don’t give a shit who you make moves on, but you should probably stay away from guys who are taken,” Ramie spat, seeing Isaac and Stiles bickering at the next table over. She couldn’t hear them but she knew Stiles was pissed by the way his eyebrows were furrowed.
“I guess I could try to stay away from Isaac,” she sighed. “Since you’re his anchor and all.”
Ramie’s head whipped towards Erica, but before she had the chance to ask her what she meant, Stiles and Isaac’s voices raised.
“Unrequited love’s a bitch,” Stiles said to him.
“I wouldn’t know,” Isaac spat back and glanced towards Ramie. He said something else that Ramie couldn’t hear and Stiles stood up suddenly, his stool flying backwards.
“I wish you’d just stay the fuck away from her,” Stiles nearly yelled at his stool clanged to the floor. Ramie figured he was talking about Lydia, who glanced towards Ramie. Ramie didn’t hold eye contact. Harris raised his eyebrows at Stiles, who picked up his stool quickly and sat back down, going back to the experiment. Luckily, Harris let out a loud sigh but continued to grade papers at his desk. Ramie jumped when she felt Erica’s hand on her thigh.
“My question is,” Erica said, her grip tightening on Ramie’s leg. “How does a boring girl like get two hot guys head over heels for you?”
“What the fuck are you talking about,” Ramie asked, squirming as Erica’s claws pressed further into her leg.
“Isaac and Stiles, bickering over you,” Erica pressed further into Ramie’s leg. “I used to have a crush on Stiles you know.”
“They’re talking about Lydia,” Ramie spat, trying to move away from Erica’s grip as Harris rang the bell, signaling the switch. Erica’s grip didn’t let up, and no one noticed that the two of them didn’t switch, other than Stiles. His eyes narrowed at Erica and went to stand up, but Harris slammed a ruler on the desk in front of Stiles, causing him to sit back down. Ramie noticed Isaac was now sitting in the seat next to Lydia, his back to her and Erica.
“You and Isaac are cute together,” Erica smiled, bringing Ramie’s attention back to Erica’s claws nearly piercing her thigh. “I just don’t think you’re going to last.”
“You don’t know shit,” Ramie muttered.
“Oh so you won’t mind if I take Stiles for myself then.”
“Stay away from him,” Ramie spat, trying to move away from Erica, but her claws sunk into her thigh. Ramie let out a gasp, feeling her skin break.
“Times up,” Harris called from the front of the classroom. Erica slid her hand casually off Ramie’s thigh. Ramie knew she was definitely bleeding and was thankful she was wearing black jeans. “If you followed all the steps you should now have a crystal. It’s completely edible, if you’d like to try it.”
Ramie watched as Lydia grabbed the crystal from the beaker her and Isaac shared. She was about to take a bite when Scott jumped from his seat, yelling her name.
“What?” Lydia glared at Scott, the whole room silent. Scott brushed it off, sitting back down as Lydia ate the crystal, and nothing happened.
“Would you look at that,” Erica whispered to Ramie. “Your friend isn’t as innocent as you thought.”
Ramie stood up quickly, unable to stay in the classroom any longer. Her head felt like it was going to explode with everything going on and she knew her leg was bleeding everywhere. She was halfway down the hall when she heard a voice behind her.
“Ramie!” Stiles called, running to catch up with her.
“What are you doing?”
“You left really quickly and the smirk on Erica’s face made me worried,” Stiles said as he reached her.
“Do you know where I can get first aid stuff without going to the nurse?” Ramie asked. Stiles’ face dropped. He started to ramble but Ramie cut him off. “Quickly, before Harris comes out here.”
Stiles grabbed Ramie’s wrist and took off down the hallway until he found a supply closet, looking up and down the hall before tugging her inside after him. The shelves were lined with cleaning supplies, but on one shelf there were bandaids, gauze, and ice packs.
“What happened?” Stiles asked as he closed the door behind them.
“Erica happened,” Ramie lifted up her leg, a few of the holes in her jeans big enough to see blood through.
“That bitch, I’ll kill her,” Stiles moved towards the door but Ramie grabbed his arm.
“Relax, I’m fine. I just need to bandage myself up so I don’t bleed everywhere all day.”
Stiles nodded slightly, looking unconvinced but started grabbing things off the shelves. He looked at Ramie’s leg and the band aids in his hand.
“I’m not sure how to, uh,” he stammered, looking at her leg.
“Oh, I’ll just,” Ramie’s hands moved to the button of her jeans, pulling down the zipper. Stiles’ hand flew over his eyes immediately. “Oh relax Stiles, you’ve seen me in a bathing suit tons of times, that’s no different than my underwear.”
Stiles slowly took his hand off his eyes but made a point not to look down. Ramie sighed, giving him a glare. He finally gave in, squatting down and pulling opening an alcohol pad, rubbing it over the cuts on Ramie’s leg that Erica had left. She winced as it stung, jerking back a little. The hand that Stiles wasn’t using to clean Ramie’s wounds came up and grabbed the back of her thigh, lifting it upwards again. Ramie sucked in a breath at his contact.
“You okay?” Stiles asked, glancing up at her. Her face felt hot.
“I’m good, sorry, it stings.”
Stiles continued to clean the blood off Ramie’s leg, keeping his head down and not looking up at her again. They were both awkwardly silent, Stiles gently cleaning and bandaging her wounds and Ramie watching his every move. He was putting on the last band aid when the closet door flung open.
“What the hell are you,” Scott started, eyes widening as he took in the scene in front of him. Allison was right behind him, her mouth dropping open when she saw Stiles holding onto Ramie’s leg, Ramie’s pants on the floor. Stiles jumped up from the ground, his back hitting one of the shelves and multiple rolls of toilet paper falling on top of him and to the ground. “Am I interrupting something?”
“Close the door!” Ramie whispered to him, yanking him inside and waving Allison in, shoving the door closed behind them. She flattened the last band aid on her leg and pulled up her pants. “Erica decided to use my leg to sharpen her claws and Stiles was making sure I don’t get some wolf infection.”
“Right…” Scott said, looking unconvinced. Allison had a smirk on her face and Ramie gave her a death glare. Stiles was picking up toilet paper from the floor. “Are you okay?”
“I’m fine,” Ramie brushed off her brothers worried look. “More importantly, what are we going to do about Lydia, because I have a feeling, she’s not going to be fine.”
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