stimmingandshifting · 2 years
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
pov you’re me
homework is boring as hell
so you put on a quiet video of someone making a minecraft cottage
and pretend it’s your dr partner just playing some minecraft to help you focus
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
casually forms an intense love and devotion to the vast (you know, the fear entity from the fiction podcast the magnus archives) that can only really be described as religious
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
i shifted!
i’m still in limbo.
i shifted to a new teen fame dr for a few minutes last night but i ended up falling back to sleep and woke up here LMAO.
here’s a sc of me explaining what i did to a friend of mine who also shifts;
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i wasn’t following a specific method either. i was just doing what felt right. and the affirmations weren’t like the normal ones we see on tiktok. i would change them to make it more personal to myself, and my dr.
we can shift
we will shift
we are master shifters
shifting is easy for us
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
yknow i started drifting away from drs based on fictional stories/fandoms in this reality
and then the mechanisms happened
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
Lark's Shifting Experience 6/14/22
Hello shifting friends!!!
So.... I successfully shifted last night.
It was crazy!!! Here is the short version of my experience: (Under Keep Reading I'll be more detailed!!)
Which method?: Lucid Dreaming Method (you get into a lucid dream and create a portal into your DR)
How did you fall asleep? Did you meditate beforehand? See angel numbers? Drink a lot of water? : No!! I didn't do any of that!! I didn't have a huge sign or experience anything unique beforehand. The only thing was when I laid down I said to myself, "I'm gonna shift tonight." and laid in a somewhat starfish position. But I fell asleep so fast I didn't have time to meditate or do affirmations. And then it just happened!!
Which DR did you go to?: I went to my One Piece DR as Lark Normandy!!
How long were you there?: I was only in my DR for what felt like 10 mins and then I woke up.
What happened in your DR?: I was in a dream and realized I was dreaming so I quickly made a portal and jumped through it into my One Piece DR. I opened my eyes and was on a ship with my captain and crewmates and we landed and explored an island.
What happened when you woke up?: I felt totally normal. I didn't think much of my dream until a few moments after I fully woke up I was like "Holy shit. I shifted." Almost didn't believe it and it took me a bit to process!!! (I'm still processing)
Overall: it was a very short experience, but it was incredible!!!!!
Okay so much to tell ahhhh.... I guess I'll start from the beginning!
For starters, I do not actively practice shifting anymore!! I haven't tried to shift for like a month now. I still believe in it and everything it just hasn't been my focus for awhile. (which is totally okay, take shifting breaks, it's good for you /gen) I of course still stay hydrated, I sometimes still meditate to relax myself, and every now and then I see angel numbers, but I haven't been actively trying to shift or anything.
So yesterday (6/13) I binged watched One Piece episodes with my husband and we were talking about it all day and I was watching meme videos about the anime and overall, just did a lot of One Piece related things the whole day. (Ya'll obvi know by now how that anime has me in a fucking chokehold and I'm not even sorry lmao)
Then it was time to go to bed. I was a little high and super relaxed and in a good mood, so when I laid down I randomly had the thought of, "I'm going to shift to One Piece tonight." I laid in a loose/relaxed starfish position but before I could even do any affirmations I passed the fuck out lol
I start dreaming and it's pretty normal, until someone mentions my grandma and I stopped and was like "My grandma is dead. She passed away years ago. Why is she alive now?" And that's when I realized, "Holy shit this is a dream!!!" Without missing a beat, I snapped my fingers and made this glowing white and purple portal. I said, "Here we go!" And YEETED myself through the portal. (I've never jumped so quickly headfirst into something)
When I opened my eyes I was in a row boat with my captain, Luffy, and a few crewmates, Nami and Zoro.
{ I gotta take a pause and say..... ZO R O. Being able to see him. To hear him. To be next to him. I was there. I was RIGHT there. The love of my life was just as handsome in person as he is in the show. Just being next to him was incredible. }
We were sitting in this small row boat and the waves were rough and choppy. Luffy was telling us to hold on as we were heading straight for an island up ahead.
This moment is when it felt so real I can't even properly explain: As the ship was rocking and thunder was roaring, a wave came up and splashed me in the face. It splashed me. And I FELT it. It was real. I was real. The water was real. I remember vividly wiping the water from my face and I felt how cold and wet it was. I can't stress enough how real it was. If you took a glass of water right now and splashed it onto your face, that's what it felt like in that moment. That was when I knew I had successfully shifted. I knew it wasn't just a crazy dream... It. Was. Real.
Afterwards, we finally landed on the island. Zoro and I went to explore through a few caves and were hiding from some monsters/bad guys. It gets a little fuzzy because shortly after I woke up! Like I said, it was a pretty short experience but none-the-less so amazing.
One moment I was Lark exploring an island, and then I blinked and I was back in my normal bed with my cats and husband next to me. It didn't hit me all at once what actually happened. My brain was still processing and questioning it. Was that an actual shift? Was it just a super lucid dream? Did I just make the whole thing up? All these doubts swam through my mind but after about an hour of being awake I stopped and said "Holy shit. I shifted. I actually shifted."
That's really all there is to tell!!! I told Lily about it immediately and then came on here to share with y'all!! I'm definitely gonna be shifting more and practicing different methods again. I have SOO much motivation now it's insane, so I'll keep y'all updated with my journey and whenever I shift again, you'll be the first to know!
Thanks for reading and anyone who hasn't shifted yet, DO NOT GIVE UP!! I started shifting November 2020 and it took me until June 2022 to fully shift. Shifting is real!! It WILL happen to you!! I can't promise when, but it WILL. Don't lose hope!!
All the love ~Lark
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
me, feeling a little down bc i keep seeing people talk about angel numbers and i rarely see them: :(
the universe, yeeting tons of angel numbers towards me the next day:
me: :)
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
back from my break :) school is out and my mental health is overall so much better!
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
realized today that i don’t think i’ve ever made a picrew of myself (this reality’s body or another) without…. “fixing” something. particularly my acne.
i’m trying to love myself more, and this is part of that.
here’s something much closer to what i actually look like :)
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
Hey guys I just had a fucking Revelation
I was never able to shift because I was unhappy and at war with myself, I became happier and more at peace and I found I was able to easily work through shifting, and on my good days I made it a little bit, and now, when I do try to shift and fail I don’t wake up upset about it anymore, my reality here is just as desirable as gravity falls or anywhere else, I’m happy everywhere. And at the end of the day that’s what really matters. Because now I realize I wouldn’t have been happy in any other reality if I hadn’t found happiness here. Idk if this makes sense to anyone but me but if it does good for ya. Happy pride yalls
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
hey, a bit of an update:
i’m going to take a break from shifting. i still love it, believe it, and plan on trying again, but i had a severe derealization episode yesterday and i think it’s best for my mental health to stay firmly rooted in this reality for now. i’m still open for questions and always doing research, just no shifting for me at the moment
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
I think every shifter has a thought every two weeks like "damn I'm expecting to wake up in a whole new reality I'm fucking crazy" and then goes on about their day
(btw I'm a shifter this is not an anti shifting post)
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
“The dark doesn’t frighten me I chose to close my eyes It is mine, it is mine The night doesn’t frighten me I chose to let it thrive It is mine, it is mine”
— Ribs by The Crane Wives
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
might make a blog just to catalogue and categorize shifting methods on tumblr
like tagged with sleeping or awake, different aspects, strategies, etc
i think that’d be funky
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
hey i feel like i should say though i don’t post on here very often i’m still a shifter and still love this :) i still check tumblr regularly so don’t be worried about askin questions n stuff if you see i haven’t posted in a while
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stimmingandshifting · 2 years
hello shiftblr please listen to new discovery by the crane wives!!!! also everything by the crane wives i love them but primarily new discovery. it’s a shifting mood for me :)
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