stingueft · 7 years
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I’ll just leave this here
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stingueft · 7 years
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stingueft · 7 years
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Everything Zuko has ever wanted to say to Azula.
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stingueft · 7 years
Zuko’s Redemption Arc:
“Growing up, we were taught that the Fire Nation was the greatest civilization in history, and somehow, the war was our way of sharing our greatness with the rest of the world. What an amazing lie that was. The people of the world are terrified by the Fire Nation. They don’t see our greatness. They hate us, and we deserve it. We’ve created an era of fear in the world.”
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Can we just talk about how impressive this was and how well-written it was? I know I like to do a lot of critiquing meta, but I’m gonna do a positive one today. Zuko facing his father was a scene the entire series built up towards. Throughout the first two seasons, Zuko’s father is shrouded in mystery, and you only hear about him through the menacing memories Zuko holds, and the impersonal impression the world has of his tyrannical reign. But, in the third book, you are shown Fire Lord Ozai, and he isn’t this grotesque, horrific sight: he looks exactly like Zuko, but without a scar- older. That was a clever buildup and character design. 
But, this scene never ceases to amaze me, nor does Zuko’s character arc. Zuko has been abused so severely. He’s been beaten down from his upbeat, lively, natural self that we see when he is little. When he is thirteen, and goes to the war meeting, we see a little boy who, despite the trauma of losing his mother, and being abused by his dad, is still eager, optimistic, loving, social, and confident. After his banishment, he becomes repressed, pessimistic, cold, more aloof, and painfully insecure, masked with arrogance that is expected in his culture. 
Zuko has been locked in a palace with no interaction with any peers, or anyone his age, or anyone at all- except Azula’s little friends who were strung along into tormenting him, his mother, and from time-to-time: his uncle and adult cousin. He has been stripped of every ounce of confidence and optimism he had, yet his loving nature still shone through in the series. We could always tell that Zuko was repressing his sensitivity, and that he could not bring himself to cut off entirely his strong sense of empathy that got him into the situation of banishment in the first place. Ozai hated Zuko for his empathy, that was weak to the imperial Fire Nation. But, Zuko was bursting with it. He and Azula, have always possessed prowess in emotional intelligence, just in different aspects and choices of execution that parallel.  Ozai perferred what Azula did with it. Nothing was weaker than compassion, and Zuko held it innately in his personality. We see it when he speaks with characters even before his redemption. When he interacts with his uncle we see it the most, when he just knows what his uncle is thinking and feeling before he even says it, even when he saves his crew, when he spares Zhao, when he helps Song, when he helps Lee and his family, when he opens up his heart to Katara, when his true, repressed nature comes to light when he frees Appa, when he overcomes his social anxiety from his abuse and palace sheltering and comes out with kindness to Jin- all of it. 
And, Zuko finally speaks his mind to this man who cast him aside like he was nothing. This is the most difficult thing for an abuse victim to do. And, Zuko comes to a full realization through his abuse and struggles. He now realizes that he had been brainwashed by his culture- his father. His father hurt him, Zuko realizes he mustn’t blame himself. It’s his father, and it is his people who are hurting the world. This is a revelation wise beyond Zuko’s years, and not oft-noted enough the amount of intelligence, maturity, courage, and of course: honor this took. Zuko took out his father, not with a lightning bolt, but with swift eloquence and concise truths of humanity Zuko has, deep down, known all along. 
Zuko deserves more credit. He overcame so much. He won, in the end. He overcame all his hardships, and got love. He gained back his confidence, and blossomed socially, gaining friends, something Azula never could do, and he accepted himself, something Azula too, could never do, and he regained his sense of hope for the world and optimism, something Azula could never hold. These parallels were so fascinating, showing two sides of what abuse can do, and how you can choose your own fate with your own actions, in spite of your maltreatment. 
Zuko deserves more credit. 
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which is why the comics infuriate me for regressing on this, and the other characters arcs HUH HEMM, but this is a positive meta
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stingueft · 7 years
admin 1: i feel like zuko would be in an infomercial
admin 2: he's a walking infomercial
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stingueft · 7 years
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prince zuko: professional drama queen
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stingueft · 7 years
sokka: hoe don’t do it
yue: *turns into the moon*
sokka: oh my god
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stingueft · 7 years
Ozai: of course I love both my children! azula and (looks at smudged writing on hand) zucchini
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stingueft · 7 years
Zuko lives at Hot Topic
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stingueft · 7 years
zuko: [shows up to own banishment from the fire nation 15 minutes late with starbucks] sorry im late 
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stingueft · 7 years
Zuko lives at Hot Topic
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stingueft · 7 years
Zuko lives at Hot Topic
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stingueft · 7 years
katara: so i have made the decision to trust you.
jet: a horrible decision, really.
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stingueft · 7 years
katara: *loses zuko in large crowd* this calls for drastic measures
katara: *shouts* ZUKO THERE'S YOUR HONOR
zuko: *running across street* HONOOOOOOR
katara: ah there he is
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stingueft · 7 years
zuko: katara said she found my honor I SAID BITCH WHERE
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stingueft · 7 years
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I’m not his girlfriend! She’s not my girlfriend!
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stingueft · 7 years
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