stnscat · 4 years
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A perfect example of Demus dad-ing Lucifer 😂
I’ve made a tag to keep all my current and future Demus related stuff in one place: link ❤
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stnscat · 4 years
Hello! if its ok how would the demon brothers react to a low self esteem/ self hating MC who excepts any insults with a sad smile?
Content Warnings: Self deprecation (naturally, given the nature of the prompt), verbal harassment/insults, spoilers for later chapters in Belphegor’s section
Just so you know it’s basically gonna be seven different versions of this:
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Under a cut to prevent carpal tunnel!
Obey Me: The Brothers With an MC Who Has Low Self Esteem and Accepts Insults with a Smile
Lucifer kind of just... stops for a few seconds. Like, he freezes completely. Doesn’t move, doesn’t blink - MC’s not sure if he’s even breathing. They’re at one of Diavolo’s parties together, and a pretty important demon is coming for MC hard, albeit in a slimy, passive-aggressive kind of way. And they’re just... smiling and nodding along?
Lucifer’s single currently operating brain cell is dedicated to not just murdering this pathetic excuse for a demon. If he wasn’t already in his demon form, he would absolutely transform. With a deep breath, he stalks over in full Avatar of Pride mode: shoulders back, staring slightly down at everyone else, wings puffed up just so.
Anything the demon was saying to MC, he throws back at them tenfold, with just as much passive-aggression, though it starts slipping more and more as he continues on. Eventually it starts turning into one of those lectures of his about The Importance of The Exchange Program and Lord Diavolo’s Reputation and-  MC is gonna have to catch his attention to stop him from going full Dad-mode on this bastard.
Once they succeed in doing this, he pulls them aside and, still bristling with indignant rage, asks why MC was letting that wretch talk to them like that.
“Well, it wasn’t like they were saying anything that wasn’t true...”
Wrong. Answer. Lucifer is the Avatar of Pride, even though he has self-worth issues running deeper than the Marianas Trench he would never let anyone talk to him like that, and he wishes more than anything he could lend MC that ability. He’ll tilt their head to look him directly in the eyes and assure them that they absolutely do have value, both in the Devildom and in his family. He won’t tolerate anyone, including MC themself, put down a member of his family. Is that clear?
In the coming weeks, the younger brothers notice that Lucifer’s soft spot for MC is even more pronounced than usual. In fact, he frequently praises them for their accomplishments, flustering them to no end. None of them dare to bring it to his attention, because they’ve all noticed in one way or another that MC is carrying themself with more confidence now.
Whatever is going on between the two of them seems to be working quite well.
Mammon... runs his mouth a lot. He says stupid things he doesn’t mean because admitting his actual feelings would be too difficult. Unfortunately, one of the feelings he’s vehemently avoiding addressing is his feelings for MC. This manifests as loud and insistent denial that The GREAT Mammon would never be interested in some stupid, weak human, how dare you suggest that?!
The brothers expect one of many responses from MC: outrage and offence, teasing at Mammon’s clear tsundere attitude, a roll of the eyes, anything other than their sad little smile whenever he insults them. One day, Mammon finally notices their staring and he actually stops and takes a minute to process the acceptance on MC’s face.
He just called them a burden and a waste of time and they’re SMILING?!
Like a horrid puzzle piece, everything clicks together in Mammon’s mind. He’s never heard MC protest any of the awful things he’s said about them. They don’t even tease him about it like his brothers do.
They think he’s being serious and they agree with him.
He changes his tune so fast it’s dizzying. He slips up sometimes, but now when he sees MC’s small smile that doesn’t reach their eyes, he adds, “H-Hey! Why’re you just letting me say all that, huh? Ya gotta stand up for yourself, MC! You better not go around letting lesser demons talk to you like this! If anyone ever gives you trouble, you come to the GREAT Mammon and I’ll shut ‘em up real quick!
“‘Cause... It’s not true, all of that about you being stupid or annoying. You’re my human and I know you really well and you’re- You’re not any of that, MC! So don’t go smiling at jerks dragging your name through the mud okay?”
MC and Leviathan are playing an online multiplayer game together, and MC still hasn’t quite gotten used to Devildom controls yet. They’re not exactly a great asset to their team... Not that Levi minds. He’s happy they’re showing interest in him his games at all.
Some of the demons they’re playing with, on the other hand...
Ugh, stay on the objective you stupid bitch!
Is [MC’s username] afk?
If you feed them any more kills I fucking swear-
Why is a noob even playing this game lmao just go die already
Levi scoffs. Their team wasn’t even losing, these scumbags just needed to find someone to pick on. Still, it wasn’t fair for MC to listen to their insults, he’ll just disconnect and find a better team - hey, why has MC been so quiet?
The Avatar of Envy turns to face MC only to see them staring down at their controller with a shaky smile. He calls their name and they look up, startled.
“I’m gonna find another team for us to play on,” Levi explains as the game warns him that he’s about to lose some in-game reputation points for abandoning his team. “Uh, unless you’d rather play something else?”
“No it’s fine, you pick,” MC says, still avoiding making direct eye contact. “I probably won’t do any better no matter what we play...”
Hey, insecurity is his thing!
“MC, you better not be thinking about what those losers said in the chat!”
“NUH UH! You might be a normie, but you’re also my best friend!” MC feels an anime-inspired speech coming on. “Who cares about winning or losing one match? I’d rather lose every match I ever play from now on if it means I get to have you as my player 2!” Leviathan pauses as he realizes exactly what he just said and immediately turns beet red. “...you know... if you... wanted to, I guess...”
MC is in Devildom History with Satan, and as an exchange student, is having a rough time of it. They just don’t have the same background as the rest of the students, and can’t pick up on things as fast as they do.The teacher hands back the latest test and they cringe as they see their grade. Satan, sitting next to them, glances at the mark and gives them one of his small smiles.
“You know, if you need extra help, don’t be shy. I’d be happy to help you,” he says quietly.
Apparently not quietly enough, because a particularly rowdy pair of demons overhear him and choose that moment to make a nuisance of themselves. One of them snatches MC’s paper out of their hands, and upon seeing their grade starts laughing.
“How did you put the Abyssal Peace Treaty before the Abyssal War?! Everyone knows when that happened!” they continue chuckling at more silly mistakes MC made while very stressed during that test, while Satan’s blood starts boiling.
Much to his surprise, MC just smiles and joins in the demons’ laughter. “Yeah, that was pretty stupid...” they say with a falsely cheerful tone. Satan quickly catches on - they’re just fucking with these demons! He keeps his anger at bay with the anticipation of seeing MC really tear these lowlives a new-
“Wow, not even gonna defend yourself? Why do we even have human exchange students, they’re so boring.” The demon pair scoff and toss MC’s test back, before stalking off, annoyed that they didn’t get the reaction they wanted.
Hm. Frustrate them by not responding to their futile taunts. An interesting choice, but effective nonetheless. Satan expresses his appreciation of MC’s choice, much to their confusion. When they explain that they really were agreeing with what the demons had said, Satan doesn’t take it very well.
If MC doesn’t stop him, he’ll go over to the pair of demons that insulted them and drag their names through the dirt in front of the entire classroom, adding in some colourful suggestions about what would happen to them if they continued this behaviour. Either way, he’s furious enough that his demon form might start peeking out, tail thrashing behind him or horns growing out from his messy hair.
When class is over, Satan asks MC to stay behind.
“I want you to tell me why you feel this way about yourself,” he says. “Because I promise you, there isn’t a single explanation you can give that I won’t argue against. And I’m rarely wrong.”
Asmo lives in a delightful bubble of flirtation, partying, and being the very best and prettiest being in all three realms. He works very hard to maintain this state, terrified of what he’d find on the other side of the haze.
But all it takes is one look at MC for it to come crashing down.
They’re at The Fall together, sipping on fruity drinks disguising unholy amounts of alcohol for a brief break before returning to the dance floor. Asmo knows MC struggles with confidence, and figured that if he could get them to have a good time, they would forget their insecurities for at least a little while.
And maybe he’s laying it on a bit thick with the flirting while they’re here. He can’t help it! He loves MC in a way he’s never really loved anyone else before. If he’s completely honest, the feeling scares him: he wants to put them before himself, and he’s not sure if he can, because he never has put someone else first before.
A demon notices Asmo’s lovesick staring at MC, and comments as they pass, “Oh my, has the Avatar of Lust sunken so low that he’s making eyes at some plain-jane human?” A long, scaled tail snakes around MC’s face, turning their head in the demon’s direction. “Or are you just a charity-fuck? You certainly won’t be able to hold his interest for long, darling.~”
The demon saunters off, and Asmodeus has half a mind to storm over to them and cause a scene, but the look on MC’s face stops him in his tracks.
They’re looking at him and they’re smiling.
“You don’t have to pretend to be upset about it,” they say, poking at their drink with their straw. “I know I’m not all that interesting. You just want me right now because I’m an ordinary human, right? And once the novelty wears off, well... I’m not powerful like a demon, or a wise magic user like Solomon, and I’m not exactly good-looking, so why keep me around? It’s been nice of you to pretend with me, though-”
He cuts them off with a passionate kiss, threading his fingers in their hair and pressing their bodies as close as possible. The gesture catches MC off guard and their drink spills on the two of them, but Asmo doesn’t even flinch. He only pulls away when MC starts panting from lack of oxygen.
“Please don’t say those awful things about yourself, MC,” Asmodeus says, eyes brimming with tears. “You’re...” One of the only people I don’t have to pretend around. “...You are so special to me. And you always will be.” Suddenly aware that they’ve both been soaked in a cocktail, Asmo smirks. “Oh dear, it seems our clothes are all dirty... I guess we’ll have to go back home and change, won’t we?”
Please let me prove to you how much I love you, he thinks as you tearfully smile and punch his arm before agreeing.
Beel deals with survivor’s guilt, and if he’s not careful, it can lead to some pretty dark places. He’s also Belphie’s twin and is very familiar with what low self-esteem looks like. So whenever a demon tries to insult MC while he’s around, he doesn’t give them the chance to agree, calmly, but firmly jumping to their defence.
It doesn’t matter who it is or where they are, Beel always has MC’s back. Whenever they’re feeling especially down and that sad little smile is on their face, MC tends to find some of their favourite snacks tucked away into their bag or even their uniform pockets. The Avatar of Gluttony is also always ready to deploy some Emergency Cuddles, and is generally a steady, grounding presence in MC’s life. He starts to stick around them almost as much as Mammon does.
Unfortunately, this attracts the attention of some less than savoury people.
“Hey Beel! Coach wants you to know we’ve got an extra practice tomorrow! It’s semi-finals soon, and he wants to go over some new strategies,” a large, intimidating demon calls out, dressed in the RAD athletic uniform.
MC and Beel turn towards the demon’s voice, and Beel’s teammate makes a face upon seeing them. “You’re still hanging around them?” the demon asks. “Or are they clinging onto ya like a barnacle?” He laughs and MC lets go of Beel’s hand, blushing.
They have been around him an awful lot lately... Is he only doing it out of pity? Should they stop? Oh no, what if he thinks they’re annoying--
“I like MC,” Beel says plainly. “And I like spending time with them. So, tomorrow after classes is the next practice? I’ll be there.” He leaves no room for further debate. The demon stumbles over his words before confirming and abruptly running off.
MC doesn’t take Beel’s hand again.
“Hey,” Beelzebub takes MC’s much smaller hands into his own. “I mean it. I like you. Don’t listen to my teammate, he’s dumber than Mammon. Want to go have lunch together? I think they’re serving fried bats in the cafeteria...”
Sometimes, Belphegor peeks in on MC’s dreams. He never directly interacts with them, nor has he ever told them that he does this at all. Ever since he... ever since that happened, he’s made a conscious effort to avoid creeping them out even further, and he worries that this kind of behaviour would be frowned upon by a human.
But he can’t help it. Especially tonight.
After being woken up by a squirming MC, he decides to look into their dreams and see what is upsetting them so much. Much to his surprise, he finds himself inside one of RAD’s classrooms. MC is working on an assignment with a group of demons whose features keep shifting around. The writing on the books in front of them is illegible, and Belphegor only knows it’s writing at all because of his familiarity with dream physics.
“There they are,” whispers one of the demons. “What do they think they’re doing?”
MC asks a question about something in one of the books, pointing to a scribble that only looks like words when not focused on.
“Why do you care? It’s not like you can do anything useful for us anyway,” the demon snaps. “I’m not even sure why you’re here.” Belphegor frowns. Is this a memory?
MC meekly mentions the exchange program. “I don’t care!” The demon’s voice changes, and Belphegor suddenly feels the pitter-patter of raindrops on his skin, despite still being indoors. MC’s clothes are drenched in the invisible rain. “Fuck, can you not take a hint, MC? No one actually wants you here! You’re just a tag-along!”
“Why don’t you just pack up and leave then? Oh right, you have nowhere else to go!”
The figures of the demons become shadowy and elongated, hands sharpening into talons. MC jumps to their feet and backs away from the advancing figures, whose whispers become louder and interrupt each other.
“Just don’t mess it up again-”
“-never have trusted you! You ruin EVERYTHING-”
“Another disappointment, I see.”
“Fucking whore!”
The voices continue, growing louder and louder until the figures melt into one familiar silhouette with violet eyes.
“You’re so stupid that I can’t help but laugh.” Belphegor’s blood runs cold. “You humans really are foolish, idiotic, weak creatures, aren’t you?”
The Avatar of Sloth watches helplessly as his dream-double wraps its hands around MC’s throat, cooing hideous insults at them all the while. Nonononono, I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to- I didn’t know, I was just so- Ugh! That’s not an excuse, you idiot! 
The dream-Belphegor pauses, grip slackening.
“Get off of them,” Belphegor hisses. “Now.” 
The figure dissolves into the classroom, turning the surroundings completely black. Now Belphie finds himself standing in the creature’s place, in front of a confused MC.
“Are you okay?” he asks lamely.
“Why did you stop?” MC asks in return.
“I wasn’t... It was hurting you, and saying- I couldn’t keep letting it-”
MC smiles. “It’s just the truth. You said so yourself.”
MC and Belphegor wake up together, sweating, trapped in the other’s vice-like grip. MC’s pulse flutters under Belphie’s hands, way faster than it should be. It almost feels like when-
He twists out of their grasp, falling out of the bed in the process. He scrambles as far back as his room allows, nearly tripping over his own tail. MC stares at him through the darkness, torn between chasing after him and putting more distance between the two of them.
“...You saw that.” He doesn’t reply. “...Come here, Belphie.”
And slowly, he does.
For the next few weeks, Belphegor never leaves MC’s side unless absolutely necessary, even if he falls asleep next to them. He refuses to acknowledge this unusual behaviour, reacting with increasing hostility to anyone who mentions it. He also accompanies them to bed more often than not, much to Mammon’s chagrin.
“So long as I’m with you, no one else is going to talk to you like that ever again. I’m not going to let them, and I’m not going to let you just take it.”
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stnscat · 4 years
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I drew my favourite boys from Obey me! yes ive been obsessing over this game for quite awhile now,, uwu
mammon best boy and i am officially a moronsexual tq ((im considering whether if i should draw the other 4 lmfaoo))
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stnscat · 4 years
love how obey me! advertises itself as a sexy, dark dating simulator about seducing demons when in practice it's demon family therapy simulator and it has more anime references than romance of any kind.
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stnscat · 4 years
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More Beel? More Beel!
[Follow me on twitter!]
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stnscat · 4 years
The Theory of Mammon
• Mammon is the second eldest and second most powerful demon lord, yet he rarely shows this power via strength or display.
• Mammon is known to be the fastest of the brothers, boasting that none of the others can catch him - confirmed by Beel.
• Levi reveals that Mammon easily overpowered him when he attempted to get his figure back, yet Mammon also allows Satan and Asmo to string him up instead of fighting back (though quite possibly he was fishing for MC's help 👀)
• Mammon prefers to talk his way out of situations, and he mostly ends up in trouble due to his stealing and impulsive actions - not by using his demonic powers.
• Mammon is insulted relentlessly by all of his brothers, punched multiple times, punished by Lucifer and called every name under the sun (Beel is mostly an exception).
• This does hurt Mammon though, as he expresses confusion when MC is nice to him, stating MC is the only person who isn't mean to him.
• Yet the other brothers rarely insult each other beyond mild teasing, and if an argument was to break out it's hinted that the damage would be immense. But Mammon never escalates the situation by transforming into demon form.
• Mammon often makes amends for his actions - not wanting to be parted from MC after ditching them once, replacing stolen items - and sticks up for others - defending Belphie against Lucifer, and helping MC.
• His brothers often forget how powerful Mammon is, because he has such control over his powers.
• But Mammon demonstrates his true power by how he doesn't use it, no matter how emotional or provoked he is. He never, ever, loses control.
THAT is power.
• Mammon is the only brother who never seriously threatens MC nor attempts to use his powers on them.
• Mammon is the only brother who never loses control and transforms into demon form despite being the most provoked, punched, and punished.
• Lucifer, the most powerful brother, transforms multiple times and threatens MC.
• Lucifer puts MC into Mammon's care precisely because Mammon is the only brother who can be 100% trusted not to harm MC.
• Mammon is also very honest with his thoughts and feelings from the get go. Aside from his tsundere ways, he has no problem spilling his guts to MC - someone he knows won't use it as ammunition against him.
• Mammon turns down the rulership of the world, despite being the literal Avatar of Greed, stating he only wants MC.
• I reckon the one thing that would make him angry - though I think he'd still choose to transform - is if anyone made a real threat against MC after a romanced Mammon admits to himself he loves them.
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stnscat · 4 years
oh yea btw guys if i dont follow you just so y’all know this is a sideblog!
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stnscat · 4 years
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stnscat · 4 years
obey me by someone who has never played an otome game before
so recently my sister started playing obey me! and… let’s just say A) she has no idea what she’s doing, and B) she has very strong feelings/opinions
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she also doesn’t know i play so hopefully she doesnt find this post or my blog
Anal retentive fuckbag
or Anal retentive depression nap dad
Goth dad who needs a nap hates me always but it’s ok 
I love him but he hates me it’s whatever
Match made in hell  🥰 🥰 
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stnscat · 4 years
“can you pretend to love me? just once.” for belphie and lucifer please (separate), but if i can only request for belphie. thank you uwu
plum’s follower celebration!    REQUESTS OPEN
I’m only doing one character per ask, so this one’s gonna be for Belphie! Thank you for requesting this. ♡ I had a lot of fun breaking my own heart with this one, lol
This fic contains spoilers for chapters 16 and following, and also a disclaimer that I really don’t like how canon just overlooked the events of those chapters. Also, while we’re at it, please check out this post by @indiavolojones exploring some of the aftermath because I’m seriously in love with it!!!
TW for, u kno, murder!
Damage Done
Belphegor’s eyes linger on your figure whenever he thinks you won’t notice, but you do. How could you not? You try your hardest to ignore the unsettling feeling within your chest when you’re around him; you want to forgive him. His presence is enough to make your chest feel tight, ice cold fingers suffocating your lungs, and panic begins to flare up. Knowing that he won’t try anything again – both due to your pact with him and his brothers monitoring him too closely – does not settle your anxiety.
No, you find yourself wondering why he’s seeking out your company so much. At first, you thought he did it to torment you: invoke terror within you when he smiles at you, the same smile he wore as he crushed your ribs within his arms. None of the others would let you be alone with him, not out of their usual jealousy with each other but fear. The fear of losing you has been sparked the moment they had seen your lifeless body, Mammon holding onto you, crying, begging you to come back – you have not forgotten the sight, and neither have they. 
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stnscat · 4 years
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The wip was sitting in my folder since weeks — Finally colored it ~ Background @ Obeyme
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stnscat · 4 years
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i can be yuor devil........ or your angle
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stnscat · 5 years
Beel trying to sneak to the fridge at 12:01 and 18:03 knowing my triflin' ass there waiting to stop him from getting a snack just so I can get that AP.
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stnscat · 5 years
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I drew my favourite boys from Obey me! yes ive been obsessing over this game for quite awhile now,, uwu
mammon best boy and i am officially a moronsexual tq add me on obey me if you play it, lets share AP together! <3 : 3405740783 ((im considering whether if i should draw the other 4 lmfaoo))
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stnscat · 5 years
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warmup sketches of my fav demon bois ( ˊᵕˋ )♡
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stnscat · 5 years
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The official heights of the boys
why is mammon,,, one of the shortest,,,, why is Satan Tall now,,,,
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stnscat · 5 years
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sleepy belphie💕~
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