stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
~Playing Castlevania Symphony of the Night for the very first time. Holy Crap am I having a good time!~
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
~Y’all...book 3 is 110% my asthetic. I love everything about this!~
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
~So I had a thought... Anyone who knows WOW and Heroes of the Storm knows that when the Legion expansion came out, Blizzard killed off a character named Varian Wrynn but he was brought over to Heroes of the Storm shortly after and it was the coolest freaking thing ever!
Now hear me out...
Sharena may be gone from heroes (That’s if they keep her that way)
But what just came out...that is a gathering of Nintendo characters?~
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Send me an emoji!
💌: I’d love to send you more messages and asks but you make me nervous!
😊: You’re sweet. You’ve made me smile before.
🙏: I’m a little afraid that you’ll unfollow me.
🔪: I’d hate to get on your bad side.
😶: I’m honored that you’re even following me tbH.
👾: Your theme is awesome!
💉: Talking to you or seeing you on my dash makes me feel better.
😐: I don’t understand half the things you reblog but I support you anyway.
🌑: You come off as cold, impersonal.
👒: You come off as very friendly!
🌃: I’d like to spend more time talking to you.
🎭: You sure do get into a lot of drama…
😄: I can always count on you to like/reply to my personal posts.
🍥: Your aesthetic is very streamlined. It’s clear you’re picky about the stuff you reblog.
🍬: You’re sweet, but I feel like I know very little about you as a person.
🐟: Your blog isn’t quite my “type.”
😅: I often worry about upsetting you or scaring you off.
😇: Every single interaction we’ve had so far has been positive.
🐱: You’re cute‼︎
🌱: I’d love to get to know you better.
☔️: You seem unhappy.
😃: I love seeing you in my notifications!
🐸: You act goofy.
💻: Are you ever not online?
❄️: Your BYF struck me as kind of harsh, but I followed you anyway.
😆: You’ve made me laugh out loud before.
💔: You’ve disappointed me before.
📺: We have similar interests!
🔈: We have similar tastes in music.
🌊: You have a lot of personality.
😀: I would consider us friends.
🎀: We have similar aesthetics!
🍳: This is an egg in a frying pan!
🎉: I get really happy when I see positive personal posts from you, even when I don’t fully understand the context!
😈: I know your secret~
🌴: I’m jealous of you.
✨: Could you, like, chill a little bit maybe? Like in general? Please?
🎶: I associate you with a specific song or musician.
👟: I feel as though you’re out of my league.
🐚: I find your blog very calming.
👀: I’ve vagued about you before.
🍰: I might recognize you if I ran into you on the street.
😂: I’m comfortable around you.
🌈: Sometimes I see your selfies and think to myself: “I’m gay.”
🌹: I wouldn’t mind going on a date with you.
😓: I’ve talked to you before and it made me a nervous!
👑: You’re vain.
📝: I know a lot about you just from following you on Tumblr.
🌙: You’re beautiful.
🍓: You remind me of someone…
😒: I honestly don’t know why I’m even still following you at this point.
😳: I’ve learned things about you that have surprised me a lot!
🐭: Please be kinder to yourself.
😑: -__-
👔: I think you’re someone who takes themself very seriously.
🍉: I wish we lived closer to each other.
🍭: You confuse me.
😮: I wish I could give you some advice.
💐: I have a crush on you.
😁: You’re a little awkward, but I find it endearing.
💕: I love you‼︎
👍: I like you. Just, in general. I think you’re a genuinely good person.
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Er.... Not so sure what to say but hi. Also I don't think you are needy at all.
~lol thanks. I am a little needy but no worries~
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
~I’m so needy~
Reblog if youre bored and you want anons.
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
hi i just wanted to let you know that the psd / border on your icons is really really cool and cute!!!!
~Thank you so much! My husband worked super hard on them!~
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
‘What If’Olivia had to confess to liking someone, and that was the only way she got the chance to tell them because they were dense.
Olivia blushed deeply. “I-I wouldn’t want to make them uncomfortable. But...if all I can do is be honest with them, that’s what I’m going to do...”
0 notes
stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
“S-S-Sorry, I just thought it would be nice to do something a little different. This is to...thank you for the other night in the rain.” She blushed lightly, making her way to the small stove he had in his tent.
@stopxstaring adventures with the merc who dreams of being a hero(x)  Ron lied in his cot writing in a used tome as a book. Writing away as he tried to figure out how to write this scene.  Hearing a voice, he looked up from his tome hearing someone call out his name. “Yeah I’m in here. You need something from me?
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Send me ‘What If’ scenarios for my muse to answer.
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
"Come laze by the fire with me."
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Olivia swallowed. “I um...uh...I thought...It might be nice for us to have some dinner together. It’s been a while since we’ve talked and...” She held up the basket. “Please let me cook for you!”
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@stopxstaring adventures with the merc who dreams of being a hero(x)  Ron lied in his cot writing in a used tome as a book. Writing away as he tried to figure out how to write this scene.  Hearing a voice, he looked up from his tome hearing someone call out his name. “Yeah I’m in here. You need something from me?
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Send Me a '❆' For a Winter/Holiday Themed Sentence Starter!
1. "I think we need to go gift shopping pretty soon"
2. "You're really wearing that to the Christmas party?"
3. "I made you a peppermint cocktail. Very wintery right?"
4. "So how do you usually celebrate Christmas?"
5. "Maybe we should get away, go somewhere warmer."
6. "Help me decorate the tree?"
7. "Can we book a table somewhere this Christmas?"
8. "Do you want to go ice skating?"
9. "I just baked some cookies, do you want one?"
10. "Have you written your list to Santa yet?"
11. "Lets watch some Christmas movies."
12. "You need to help me put all the outdoor lights up."
13. "No, it's too cold to go outside"
14. "Here, I made you some hot chocolate"
15. "Since it's still snowing, how about we have a picnic inside by the fire instead?"
16. "Don't you want to put a sweater on?"
17. "Do you want to go and build a snowman?"
18. "Help me chop logs for the fire?"
19. "If we run a bubble bath, we can both warm up easily."
20. "Guess what? I'm taking you to the winter ball tonight."
21. "We can't stay in all day. Lets go skiing?"
22. "I think we should spend Christmas up in my cabin"
23. "Guess who's home for all of Christmas?"
24. "Look, mistletoe!"
25. "Come look outside, it's snowing loads!"
26. "Can't we just spend the holidays here on our own?"
27. "Can you please stop playing Christmas song?"
28. "I'm freezing. Can you warm me up?"
29. "Look who got the last turkey!"
30. "Time for us to open up gifts"
31. "You can open up one gift tonight, the rest tomorrow"
32. "Come on already, give me my gift"
33. "I'll give you a boost so you can put the star on the tree."
34. "That is the ugliest Christmas sweater in the world."
35. "Have you seen my snow boots?"
36. "Why haven't you put your santa hat on!"
37. "So have you been naughty or nice this year"
38. "You make a perfect little elf"
39. "Um don't panic, but I think we're snowed in."
40. "Don't come in here, I'm wrapping gifts"
41. "I hate Christmas. I can't wait for it to be over."
42. "I don't want to be alone during the holidays..."
43. "I'm not leaving the couch until January"
44. "If you look out of the window, you'll be able to see santa!"
45. "I have the perfect winter treat for you."
46. "Did you really just throw a snowball at me?"
47. "Shall we go for a winter stroll?"
48. "Come laze by the fire with me."
49. "I feel so warm and cozy right now."
50. "Sorry all the roads are blocked because of the snow. You'll have to stay here tonight."
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
“🍴” (with Ron)
Olivia looked at the small basket of ingredients. She was certainly no chef, but she’d been concerned about Ron. It may have just been her imagination but he seemed a little more pale that usual. She called to him in his tent. “Ron? Are you in there?”
0 notes
stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Send “🍴” and my muse will cook for yours
…for better or for worse!
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stopxstaring-blog · 6 years
Reblog if your inbox is always open for plotting new RPs!
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