Reading Rule of Wolves, and...
...At what point are we allowed to stage an intervention for Nina? There’s having A Type and then there’s “Saints, again?” 
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Kids today with all their new types of guys. In my day we had only one type. That guy. And you didn't want to be him.
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Jesper, explaining why Wylan should drink more water: Water is great! Want clear skin? Water! Want to lose weight? Water!
Kaz, from the other room: Sick of people telling you what to do? Drown them!
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do you ever think that Inej ever came back with dirt on someone that was just… so ridiculous that kaz had to ask her to leave so he could laugh about it? because i think that at least happened twice in the span of the two years she worked for Per Haskell. it had too.
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Nina: Shu soldiers are kidnapping all the grisha in Ketterdam, we need to do something!
Kaz: Sounds like a you problem.
Inej: I want to help.
Kaz: ...by which I mean "all of you", as in this whole team, meaning also me, let's get them on that boat.
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We don't talk enough about the comedic potential of all the Crows speaking multiple languages.
Nina and Inej talking shit about the rest of the team in front of them in Ravkan,
Jesper calling Wylan cute names in Zemini and Wylan assuming it's an insult,
Matthias using the Fjerdan equivalent of "gosh darn" and "heck" at Kaz because he refuses to swear but he's at the end of his rope,
Kaz actually calling Matthias real Fjerdan swear words to annoy him and because they're the only part of any other language he knows,
Kuwei muttering in Shu under his breath asking how in the world he ended up in this mess,
fun stuff like that.
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Wylan: So he called you an investment?
Inej: Yup.
Wylan: That's bad. Even for Kaz.
Inej: At least he didn't call my face stupid.
Nina: Burn!
Wylan: For the last time, HE SAID HE LIKED IT.
Jesper: And then I said I liked his stupid face.
Matthias and Kaz, aggressively taking notes: Interesting.
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Introducing: Jesper Fahey, the sharpshooter
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Came back to Tumblr because I’m desperate for SOC/S&B content.
Let the fun begin.
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young kaz joining gangs in the barrel
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Every time you draw the Kwamis, I get intense Garfield vibes from an other fucking dimension.
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these appeared before my third eye in a flash vision
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Adrien learns internet humor but he learns it completely wrong. He's quoting vines and changes like half the words. He tries to use tumblr threats as affectionate things. He gets it all wrong but no one wants to make him sad by telling him that.
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this is how adrien uses internet slang
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Historians finding tax records be like: 
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Suddenly all those Hinterlands quests to go round up a random farmer’s druffalo don’t  seem so silly.
Dragon Age Inquisition - doing something right.
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Gabriel: *falls dramatically onto bed next to Nathalie*
Nathalie: Once again, fate throws us together.
Gabriel: We’ve been married for five years. This is our bedroom.
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I love that their drawing styles match their personalities. Top tier.
Marinette’s art style:
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Kagami’s art style:
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Adrien’s art style:
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Whenever I do worldbuilding I try to keep this image in mind
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