storm2356 · 3 days
Venting to the open air because nobody follows me on account of me never posting anything, ever. I'm really just the worst kind of person, all I'm good for is making everything about myself and bitching just like this. I'm not convinced I've ever really cared about another person, and I think I need to be put down. Coasting this long has been a mistake, and I should have faded away years ago.
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storm2356 · 15 days
For those who don't know I moved to Seattle from Maine after (in the span of a single week) my apartment burned down+was in a car crash+got laid off at my job as well as 5+ years of community abuse from an incredibly cruel & fatphobic lgbt community. And then proceeded to get caught in a long-con housing scam that left me stranded and homless in Seattle!
Butn I want to thank everyone for their support. Through the help of random strangers, the absolute saint & angel that is @dogesterone , as well as dumb luck i managed to find an apartment so im.no longer homeless!!!!
However my crisis is still not over!!
Im gonne be looking for a job non stop but i need the rent money as well stuff like changing my address and other daily supplies & nesaccesits!!
Please anything you can contribute goes a long way to helping me have a freah start here and a 2nd chance at a better life!!
v**nmo: redloop
P-Pal: tropscream
Ca$$$h App: $TropScream
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storm2356 · 1 month
Hey if anyone could help me and my spouse out, even just by sharing this, it'd be massively appreciated. The full story is on the page, but the short version is that I have a condition that causes my vision to gradually degrade, and it's getting worse faster than my doctors anticipated so I'm having surgery on my right eye to try and compensate and strengthen it a bit. This had been planned for a while, but on top of that my spouse injured eir back on Friday and needs an MRI to see how bad it is and most likely surgery to correct it (it's highly likely ey have a herniated disk, which has happened to em before). I've been out of work since September, despite my best efforts, so we're asking for help to cover both (and stuff like gas and basic necessities while recovering). I appreciate any little bit, even a reblog.
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storm2356 · 2 months
kinda wild that there's a Borderlands movie coming out this week and I had no idea it existed until last weekend. not sure if this is a 'I have very little exposure to mainstream media' thing or a 'they didn't advertise it much because they're trying to bury it' one
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storm2356 · 2 months
Hi I'm Trop & I'm moving to Seattle by September 1st bc I have nothing left
For those that dont know the past months have been horrible. I lost my apartment in a electrical fire, got into a car crash, alot of friendships ended & getting laid of from my job
The current place om staying at isn't renewing the lease in September so i will be homeless then
In addition to all that for the past 5+ years i have been subjected to almost non stop fatphobic/ableist/transmedicalist harassment, insults, and horribly cruel treatment bt my local LGBT (specifically trans fem) communities
My life here has been utter hell one way or the other and im done. I have a friend in Seattle whose gonna help me look for a place and look for work .
In the meantime I need as much financial help as I can get. Its $2000 to start at a place I'm looking at. And expenses of plane tickets+luggage fees+ mailing fees as well.
anything and everything helps and goes to me finding a new and (hopefully) better life
please anything & everything helps as well as sharing this post
v**nmo: Redloop
ca$$hap: $TropScream
pay--pal: tropscream
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storm2356 · 2 months
Hi I'm Trop & I need desperate help!
recently I lost my apartment to an electrical fire that has done enough damage to it for it to.now.be marked as unlivable. I was also in a car crash shortly thereafter
Now I learn that my hours at my job are being severely cut and I no longer have any income to depend upon
I have found a place to stay near work but its $500 a month which is something I can't currently afford in addition to transportation, meds, and other bills
Please, I know I keep asking for help but literally anything is better then nothing:
ven-mo: redloop
cash ap: $TropScream
paypal: tropscream
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storm2356 · 2 months
Hi I'm Trop & I need desperate help!
recently I lost my apartment to an electrical fire that has done enough damage to it for it to.now.be marked as unlivable. I was also in a car crash shortly thereafter
Now I learn that my hours at my job are being severely cut and I no longer have any income to depend upon
I have found a place to stay near work but its $500 a month which is something I can't currently afford in addition to transportation, meds, and other bills
Please, I know I keep asking for help but literally anything is better then nothing:
ven-mo: redloop
cash ap: $TropScream
paypal: tropscream
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storm2356 · 2 months
here it is, the funniest most absurd line spoken in all of kingdom hearts 
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storm2356 · 3 months
I recently lost my home to an electrical fire that has done enough damage to of it now marked as condemned And the other day i was in a car crash
Im trying to raise funds to find an apartment but i need $2400 by July 1st
Please help me out please i need a win rn!
Anything helps including sharing
Ven*mo: @ redloop
pay--pal: tropscream
ca$$ app: $TropScream
Please Help!!
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storm2356 · 3 months
I recently lost my home to an electric fire that has also been labeled now as condemned And the other day i was in a car crash
Im trying to raise funds to find an apartment but i need $2400 by July 1st
Please help me out please i need a win rn!
Anything helps including sharing
Ven*mo: @ redloop
pay--pal: tropscream
ca$$ app: $TropScream
Please Help!!
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storm2356 · 3 months
Reblog to hug prev poster (they need a hug)
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storm2356 · 3 months
I need help
I've been slammed with bigger back-to-back bills then normal and really could use help keeping a float
Between various debts, Internet & Phone bills and living expenses
I need around $1200 just to keep things steady
I know ive already asked for so much but please things should hopefully get better by mid July but i need help reaching there:
Ve*nmo: redloop
ca$$ app: $TropScream
PayPal: DM me
Please even just sharing helps
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storm2356 · 3 months
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Miku, Child of Song | Secret Lair x Hatsune Miku Digital Sensation
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storm2356 · 3 months
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happy pride month 2 these silly girlies
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storm2356 · 4 months
u gotta learn the magical gathering for her.... And bandage her wounds and watch all of Gundam 00 with her ... and kiss her scars and play yugioh with her and comfort her through her dysphoria and play toys with her when shes regressed and more. and u can't expect her to top you at the end of it all. U have to do it because u luv her. u gotta do it because she's important and irreplaceable and beautiful and lovable. Sex is not a reward 4 being a good partner. Transfems r not characters in a video game u can max out the love meter on for a prize. U gotta love them for no other reason than you can.
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storm2356 · 4 months
*thru tears* what if... i was a little stuffed animal. and you lvoed me so much? and hugged me to sleep and i was your favourite and andnyou always missed me when you couldn't cuddle me and whenever you woke uppl and saw me fallen by the side of the bed you'd go "oh no!!" and you'd pick me up and give me a big squeeze for being so brave down the side of the bed
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storm2356 · 4 months
hey uhhh rent's due in two weeks and im uhhh 300 dollars short, if anyone can spare anything i'd really appreciate it
v*nmo is @notsoluckylydia and p*ypal is [email protected]
really really anything helps, please hit me up if you want anything in exchange
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