str8upsimz · 4 months
Check it out!! ❤️ ❤️ My sims families need more holiday traditions.
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str8upsimz · 4 months
Sims 4 Lp Janelle Inspired: Janelle's New Hair do!!. "Time For a Change. New City New Me ". -Janelle
Janelle: "Ok Maria!". "Your skills are for sure getting good". " My hair looks great". "I was a little scared at first but...". "I'm defiantly digging this look". Maria laughs, " Now that's funny". " No problem girl you know I got you".
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str8upsimz · 4 months
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Family Dinner: Conversation Before the Move.
Ebony: "Janelle, I think it would be great for you to come and stay with me in San Myshuno". "Trust me". "You're not going to regret it". "It will be a great career move for you". "Seeing how San Myshuno is Art District city and everything ". Ebony says excitedly.
Janelle: Janell Rolls Eyes. "I don't think I will regret it mom". "It's not that at all"...."It's just weird to me you barely know the Landgrabs". "I mean, they just put you up in a high-end apartment basically for "free" ". Janelle said with caution in her voice.
Ebony: "They own the property Janelle". Said Ebony with a dismissive tone.
Grandma K: Grandma interrupts. "Janelle stop questioning your mothers' decisions". "Be happy for her success and her progression". "She has come such a long way". "So independent since your father ". Grandma fixes the napkin on her lap. Grandma looks at Ebony. "Me and your father are very proud". Grandma looks at Janelle. "Can you pass me the pepper baby".
Janelle: Janelle hands pepper shaker to grandma. "I'm just saying".... "Sorry mom". " Don't get me wrong I'm proud of you to". "It's Just, ...... I Don't know". "Never mind, I'm excited too. Really.
Grandpa K: ..."Sighs" .... tosses food..."I really am going to miss you baby". "It's been great having you around the house". "All of us down at the vet clinic have enjoyed you as well". "The animals sure will miss you to sweetheart."
Janelle: "I'll still be at the vet clinic grandpa". Janelle laughs. "Grandpa"... Janelle says with empathy. "We talked about this". I'll be at the clinic in Brindlton every weekend". "If not every other weekend". "There is a bus I can take ". "I'll be able to still help out and visit". Dont worry". Janelle says reassuringly. "I'll put it on your calander in your phone before we leave". "Don't go replacing me now". Janelle Says jokingly. "You're not getting rid of me that fast". Janelle laughs.
Grandpa K: Grandpa Smiles at Jannelle.
Ebony: "Well.... It's good to know how you truly feel Janelle". Ebony says, still irritated by Janelle and her issues with the Landgrabs. "I'm sure Maria and Nanu would really enjoy seeing you". "It's been such a long time since you all have connected".
Grandma K: Grandma interrupts. "Oh, Ebony, who is that one young boy". Grandma snaps her fingers. "You know Chef Nix's middle child.... oh". "Shoot, it's on the tip of my tounge".
Ebony: "Zamir mother."
Grandma K: "Oh yes". Grandma giggles. "That's it". " I'm sure he will be very excited to see you as well baby". Grandma winks a little at Jannelle.
Janelle: "Grandma". Janelle giggles and blushes. "Yes, mom". I am very excited to see the girls". Janelle said to Ebony.
Grandma K: Grandma stares intently at Jannelle for a response.
Janelle: Janelle tries to ignore. "I'm literally only focusing on my art". "Nothing else in my vision". Janelle says confidently. "I have plans to check out the Art Gallery in hopes to get my work Noticed". "Make some business connections." "Catch up with my girls and start my future".
Grandma K: ......Still looking intently at Janelle for response.
Janelle: ......Janelle looks at grandma K.... "Really". Janelle mutters surprised her grandma is still awaiting a response about Zamir. "Yes...., Zamir is......and I do"...... " Look". Janelle says while blushing with embarrassment. "I'm focusing on my success as an artist grandma". "Nothing more, nothing less".
Grandma K: "Ok baby ok".... Grandma laughs. "I'm only teasing you". "We believe you sweetie, now finish your dinner". The parmesan asparagus is great. "Don't let it get cold hun".
Family continues to eat and enjoy the rest of the evening........
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str8upsimz · 1 year
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YAY!! Working on my First Sims 4 LP. Currently in The Making. Super excited!! I am not going to lie I am super nervous. I am a beginner, but I must say I really enjoy creating story lines lol. I hope everyone enjoys once released. Stay tuned. In the making..
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str8upsimz · 1 year
Janelle Inspired "Meet the Kinsley's".
Kinsley Family Left to Right: Janelle, Ebony, Grandpa Hector, and Grandma Jill.
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Janelle was basically raised by her grandparents all of her life from what she remembers. Ebony raised Janelle as a single parent with the help of her mother and father. Grandma and grandpa Kinsley are the glue that keeps this small family connected... Ebony would not know what to do without them. Janelle's dad had their family in a lot of drama with some bad people. Alot of bad investments and deals gone wrong. Ever since, Janelle spent a lot of time in Brindleton Bay in her grandparents' care. Ebony landed a high paying opportunity basically to be the landgrabs personal "sketchy" marketing secretary. Janelle did not agree. and refused to move to Oasis Springs fulltime to live with those people. They agreed on a medium in San Myshuno once Janelle was out of high school. Ebony was offered a property...Of course, a property owned by the landgrabs in the high-end district. Janelle agreed. She has friends in the city and plus the art center is amazing in San Myshuon so, why not. For some reason, the landgrabs just get under Janelle's skin. Ebony literally spends more time with that family then her own. It really annoys Janelle at times. She feels her mom hasn't really " been there" like she should. Always so called "working".....Yea ok. More like someone else has her time. Despite her consistent absence. Janelle watched Ebony work hard all of her life growing up. Some How ebony always made sure things just worked out. No matter what stands in her way. For that, Janelle admires her mother and respects her drive. But...... can they put their differences aside to build a better relationship...we will see.
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str8upsimz · 1 year
Looking forward to creating my first Sims 4 LP. Stay tuned you guys 😊😁🤩 #MyLifeJanelleInspired... Stay tuned in the making!!
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