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6 November 2017
IG: hristinasview
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I’ve been stuck on chapter 8 of 10… I just need to somehow do all of this today and then hardcore review 😤
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I’ve tried to post some days ago but I just realized that Tumblr didn’t upload anything 💀
Instagram: lilacpancake
Twitter: soonyouwung
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How I tackle notes. Yeah I know this page is filled with tons of random things but I seriously just let my brain loose and this is what happened. 
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A Really Fucking Vulgar Guide to Not Losing Your Shit in College (Condensed Version)
Bitches love to put things into lists. Moreover, bitches love numbered shit. Here’s some numbered shit in list format to help you not suck in higher education. You’re welcome.
1. Go to class. Like 210% serious. I don’t give a shit if you’re a get by on nothing, A+ slacker. You’re fucking paying for this crap so you might as well get the services owed to you. Take your ass to class even if you zone out 99% of the time. You know 1% more than you did when you walked up in there. Congrats, asshole.
2. All that free time you have during your first week of classes? Make it your bitch. Don’t just print the goddamn syllabus and be like all done. No motherfucker. Take a good fucking look at that assignment list. What’s due next week? Yeah, do that shit now bc I know you don’t have anything else to do. Then when you’re coughing up a lung six weeks into the semester and don’t feel like getting your ass up to do that calculus homework, you’ll remember this week. You’ll remember that you’ve been a week ahead this whole damn semester. Pat yourself on the back, ass wipe.
3. Prepare yo self. No seriously. You got notes to print for class? Sure you could be like all those other bitches and just shove them into your backpack, or you could actually /prepare/ for class. I’m talking looking that shit over, identifying key concepts, getting a decent grasp of the material before your ass is even in class. You a STEM major? Yeah, make this kinda shit your life because now class is like one bomb ass group review session. Again, you’re welcome.
4. Snack like a motherfucker, but save that junk food shit for the weekends. From now on, you are a fucking health guru during the week or if you’re a slacker like me, at least on the days you have class. Fruits? Hell yeah. Pack some of those. Mind wandering in class? Snack on some apple slices. Can’t stay awake? Keep eating some almonds or some shit, but don’t be that bitch with the potato chips. Just don’t.
5. Read. Yeah, you heard me. Read and I’m not just talking assigned reading. I bet my left butt cheek that your campus library has /something/ of interest to you. Commuting and don’t want to drive out there? Library databases bro. We’re in the digital age, motherfucker. I’d bet my other butt cheek that the shit you want is in a nice little PDF somewhere. But na man, you thinking maybe you want to go into computer science? Check out computer science books and eat them up bro. You don’t like reading them? Probably not the field for you. You a biology major in your second year? Yeah dumbass. Time to break out the bio books and not the ones your professor is shoving in your face. Amaze your friends and teachers with your out of class knowledge. Be a fucking star.
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No one is instantly a perfect student. It’s well known that ‘’perfect’’ studying requires some practice. Fortunately, there is a bunch of information available on this topic on the internet. In this way everyone can become a professional student.
1. Choosing the right study spot
Create a study space
Desk organisation
Study music (x) (x) (x)
Remove distractions
Study space guide
2. Being well equipped 
Studyblr on a budget
Organizing systems
How to stationery smart
Save money on stationery
School supplies shopping
Study apps everyone needs to use
Things you need in high school
Things that are useful in college
DIY school supplies
3. Getting focused
How to concentrate
Useful apps for focus
How to focus when a thousand things happen at the same time
Tips on staying focused
Academic goals
Getting started
4. Improve your handwriting
Handwriting goals 
Improve your handwriting (1) (2) (3)
Fake calligraphy
How to calligraphy
Some banners
Some fonts to try out
5. Taking useful notes
Cornell notes
Outline notes
Alternative to flashcards
Taking notes in class
Or during a lecture
Typing your notes
Feymann’s technique
Colour coding
Sticky notes
Decorate your notes
2 notebook method
Taking notes efficiently
6. Creating an efficient study routine in your life
How to create a study habit
Public transport productivity
Prevent the curve of forgetting
Make the most of your day
Study snacks
Succeed at school
Effective studying
Improve memory
Last minute studying
10 best study habits
After school routine
7. Planning your studies
Scheduling studying masterpost
Promodoro method
Plan during your study breaks
Bullet journalling
Plan for multiple tests using a calendar
Use printables
Use your productivity wisely
Be more productive with a planner
7 ways to better organise your study time
8. Study strategies
Types of learners + strategies
Study skills for test taking 
Study strategies masterpost
SQ3R reading method
Tips for effectively studying
Finding your perfect study method
How to memorise
Studying in a group
Study from textbooks
Quizing yourself
Secrets of a straigt A - student
My other masterposts
Scheduling studying
Acing vocab lists
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hey no one asked but last year I made a playlist of really popular classical music that you have probably heard but don’t know the names of if anyone’s interested. 
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whenever I’m traveling i always get tripped out at the fact that this is someone’s actual hometown like they know every back road and how to get everywhere and they’ve probably had tons of memories in this city
but I’m just someone passing by
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wax seals are really cute but they’re really expensive
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Friday, 23 March 2018.
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240 | Trying out new lettering styles!! Yellow highlighter bled a little on the script ugh but otherwise I’m happy with this!!
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“We start with stars in our eyes…” // This week’s spread inspired by Dear Evan Hansen, one of my favorite musicals of all time. ✨🌻🌱🌤 Not sure how many more “inspired by _______” spreads I have left in me, but they sure are fun to tackle! And what would a musical-inspired spread be without featuring some of the best lyrics/quotes? Hope you all had a great week!
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apps to download for school 📚 📱
camscanner: will scan your notes beautifully for you to save and convert them to PDF! includes adjustable settings and filters.
adobe acrobat reader: pdf reader that i personally really love, has a night mode and works offline perfectly.
school (yes that is what it is called): planner app that comes with a timetable and will inform you of when your next class ends/begins, and has a homework section. on top of having a lovely theme, this app also includes a handbook that includes what are essentially “cheats” to your schoolwork & they are immensely helpful! a very multifaceted planner.
minimalist: another planner app! this one is solely a planner app and is really nice and minimalistic. i personally use it for school projects that have a lot of steps, as well as at home things
ike: this one is really clever! it organizes your tasks by “important & urgent, important but not urgent, urgent but not important” and “not important or urgent”. it also will remind you of tasks at the date you assign them with a notification.
goodtime: this app times both your work sessions and your break times. it’s really good for managing time and ensuring that you don’t overwork yourself!
sleepytime: sleepytime has you select an option for whether you want to find when you should wake up, when you should sleep, or when you should wake up if you sleep right then. from there, it’ll tell you what time to sleep/wake up for the best amount of sleep! i find it endlessly helpful, especially during the school year. avoid all nighters, kids.
quizlet: MY FAVORITE SCHOOL APP!! you’ve probably heard of it. access your flashcards for easy studying on the go, quizlet will actually save your life.
duolingo: i know you’ve probably heard of this one, & as annoying as the notifications can be, it’s actually pretty helpful for language learning. check the community comments as well for tips written by natives or those fluent!
soundcloud/spotify: these aren’t really school apps per say, but they both have tons of study playlists that will make studying that much easier! spotify also has podcasts you can listen to if you’d like.
please feel free to add more if i missed any that work for you!
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4.7.18 // June Bullet Journal Spreads! ✨
As you can tell from the photos I went with a lemon theme for my bullet journal for June!🍋I love citrus fruits, June was my birthday month and I got to see Beyonce perform live on her OTR II tour last weekend!😍🔥June was a wonderful month and this was my best monthly theme yet! I’m not good at sticking with themes when decorating my journal but the pop of yellow in all of my weekly spreads makes it look very summery!!! I’m excited for July and sharing photos on here again! Stay tuned for more!💕 Check out my new Instagram: @academic.eve
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Astrophysics ☄☄
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✧・゚+* 06062018 *+・゚✧
can you tell im obsessed with stars :)
+ use my code SOYMILKSTUDIES10 for 10% off kawaiipenshop +
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