#oti ma use
the-name-is-z · 6 months
SKELETONS | ch. 15
daryl dixon x f!oc
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Summary: After the incident at the barn, the group is left in a state of sorrow and disrepair. Iris takes it upon herself to fix it, though not without a little trouble. Warnings/Information: AMC's The Walking Dead OC Insert | 18+ Advised | strangers to lovers; the slowest of slow burns; gore; angst; horror; humour; m/f; group conflict, grieving family members, car accident, injuries sustained in car accident, no deer were harmed in the making of this chapter, daryl is pissed, alpha male bullshit and it shows
Chapter 15 - Saviour
Carl ran back to the house, Beth sobbing in Jimmy’s arms. She pulled from her boyfriend, collapsing down to her knees at her mother’s side.
“Ma…” She whispered, pushing another body from her mother’s corpse and turning her to face the sky. Beth screamed as the walker snarled, grabbing and yanking at her hair. Iris’s reflexes acted before she could think, and the knife whispered past her fingers and into the walker’s skull. Beth sobbed as she scurried back in the dirt, Jimmy and Patricia pulling her away. Iris stepped forward, pulling the knife from its skull.
The Greene family started the slow walk back to their house, not bothering with any words.
“We’ve been out, combing these woods for how long, and she was in there all along?” Shane asked, walking after them. Rick jogged to catch up, to keep him behind, but Shane was nothing if not a complete pain in the ass. “You knew!”
“Leave us alone!” Maggie yelled.
“Shane, just stop, man.” Glenn called.
“Get your hands off me.” Shane hissed, ripping from Rick’s grip. “You knew and you kept it from us!”
“I— I didn’t know.” Hershel croaked.
“That’s bullshit. I think y’all knew.”
“We didn’t know!” Maggie insisted.
“Why was she there?” Shane asked, following them all the way to the porch. Hershel turned around while the others went inside.
“Otis put those people in the barn. Maybe he found her and put her in there before he was killed.” Hershel offered.
“You expect me to believe that? What do I look like, an idiot?” Shane asked. Iris couldn’t handle it, turning around and walking back to the camp. She grabbed a bottle of water, downing the whole thing in one go. She looked down, seeing her knife in her hand, still dripping with brown, rotten blood. She wiped it on the grass before placing it back in it’s sheath.
She just kept thinking about the noise. All those gunshots. They’d have drawn every walker out for miles. Iris glanced over, seeing Andrea covering Sophia’s body with a blanket. She turned back, making for the RV, where Carol was sitting at the table by herself. Iris knocked before she went in, Carol glancing to her before facing out the window again. She took that as permission to come in, sitting herself down across the table, following her gaze. 
After a few hours, Daryl came and knocked on the door, looking up at Iris. She pressed her lips together.
“They’re ready.” He said softly. Carol shook her head just slightly. “C’mon.”
“Why?” She murmured, looking up at Iris.
“‘Cause that’s your little girl.” Daryl replied. She shook her head firmly this time.
“That’s not my little girl. That’s some other… thing.” She hissed. There was a long beat of silence. “My Sophia was alone in the woods. All this time, I thought… she didn’t cry herself to sleep. She didn’t go hungry. She didn’t try to find her way back. Sophia… Sophia died a long time ago.”
Daryl didn’t like that answer. He exhaled sharply through his nose and went back outside. After a few minutes, Iris extended her hand across the table, palm up. And after a few more minutes, what felt like an eternity, Carol took it.
When it was time to say goodbye, after they all had been buried, Carol sat outside in a field, sitting in front of the blooms of a Cherokee Rose. Iris joined the others and said goodbye, even though she and Sophia had never spoken. Daryl was taking it particularly hard.
Dale, Andrea, and T-Dog started to load the other walker’s bodies into the bed of Jimmy’s truck, to be taken to be burned. Daryl had disappeared, but Iris spotted him against the ruins of an old stone building, whittling sticks. But the world moved on, and so must they.
“Iris? Iris?” Lori called, running out of the farmhouse. Iris looked up from cleaning her knives. “Beth’s in some kind of catatonic shock. We need Hershel.”
“He’s gone?” Iris asked, frowning.
“Rick and Glenn went to look for him. I… would you go into town to bring them back? Please?” Lori pleaded. Iris sighed, looking over at Daryl and his angry whittling. It would be stupid to go alone, and most everyone was otherwise occupied. And there was no way she’d venture over to ask Shane.
“Alright.” She breathed. Lori thanked her profusely, running back inside the house to check on Beth. Iris huffed as she pulled herself to her feet, trudging across the field toward Daryl.
“Daryl?” She called. He grunted and she made a face, walking closer. “You sharpening your pitchforks?”
“What?” He asked sharply.
“I’m going into town to get Rick, Glenn and Hershel. Apparently Beth’s in some kind of catatonic state.” She explained. He grunted again. Iris huffed. “Will you come with me?” She asked pointedly.
“The bitch went window shopping. If Lori wants him she should go fetch him herself. We got better things to do.” He grumbled.
“Oh, do we?” Iris scoffed. “I don’t. We’ve been in decision limbo for the past week or so. Nobody’s doing anything about anything, and I’m tired of it.”
“Listen to me, Iris, we were out looking for that little girl every single day. I took a bullet and an arrow in the process. Don’t you tell me I’m not doing nothing. You want to kill yourself for someone else, have a nice ride. I’m done looking for people.” He hissed. Iris stuck her tongue in her cheek, trying to keep herself from chewing him out and making him angrier.
“Lori’s pregnant, Daryl. She can’t go looking for him in case something happens.” She explained lowly.
“So that means I should? Olive Oyl should learn to do something for herself once in a while. Just ‘cause she’s pregnant don’t mean her life’s worth more than anyone else’s.” Iris snorted at the nickname.
“Don’t do this, please? We’ve lost enough people, Daryl, we don’t need to lose you—“
“That ain’t my problem neither.” He snapped. “Lookin’ after you ain’t my responsibility.”
“Cute.” She stated simply, spinning on her heel to head back to the camp and gather her things. Dangerous or not, she’d find them. Hell, she’d been living on her own in Atlanta for months. If Daryl didn’t want to help her, that’s fine. She’d do it her damn self.
Iris found a car a little ways down the road and hot-wired it, happy to see enough gas to get her from town and back without trouble. She had a map on her, eyes flicking upward every so often to keep her from doing something stupid. Yet when she was about halfway there, a deer jumped out into the road anyways. She inhaled sharply in surprise, jerking the wheel to the side in order not to hit it. 
The car spun off of the road and flipped, landing upside down with a loud crunch.
Iris awoke again in the dark, to the sound of someone scratching at the car door. She opened one eye, wincing at the throbbing pain in her skull. She was incredibly irritated. At the car wreck, sure, but more-so at the fact that now she’d have to tell Daryl that he was right. And she hated being wrong. She reached up, feeling her head for wounds and bringing her hand away covered in blood. Head wounds were the fucking worst. In the past, she’d just tied on her bandana and that seemed to stop the flow, but that wasn’t much of an option at this point.
“Fuck.” She hissed. The walker in front of her started to press his face through the broken windshield, the edges of the glass catching on his skin and peeling it back from his skull. She recoiled, unbuckling the seat belt and pulling herself into the backseat. She pushed the opposite door open, kicking the door out when it got stuck, and pulled herself through.
Her boots hit the ground and she checked her belt for her knives. All present and accounted for. This situation was exactly why you strapped knives all over you. They wouldn’t move, even in a car accident. A pair of arms wrapped around her and she shrieked in surprise, shoving the walker backward. It peeled her jacket from her shoulders but she slid one arm out, managing to grab a knife and jam it into the walker’s eye. She pulled her jacket from his hands and slipped it back on, the sleeve now ripped.
Daryl watched the members of the group exit Hershel’s farmhouse after they finished dinner. He noted Iris’ absence and walked to her tent, grumbling to himself. He was trying to apologize and she didn’t have the damn courtesy to be there at all?
“Iris?” He asked lowly, standing outside her tent. He waited for a moment, hearing no movement or shuffling from the inside. “‘m comin’ in.” He mumbled, pulling the zipper down. He frowned when he saw that the tent was empty, standing back to his full height.
“Hey, Shane, you seen Iris?” Daryl called as Shane stalked across the campsite.
“Nope.” He called back shortly, shuffling into his own tent without turning back.
“Where could she have gone?” Lori asked, frowning down at her son, who was looking around for her. Daryl then realized that Iris probably decided that she was more than capable of going on her own, even if he had told her to get lost. Especially if Lori had asked her to do it.
“Damn it.” Daryl mumbled. “Dumbass.” He jogged over to his own tent, grabbing his crossbow and hooking it over his shoulder. “Went off looking for Rick.”
“On her own?” Lori asked, horrified. Carl scowled, adjusting his hat on his head as he turned toward the road.
“Yeah, ain’t that what you asked her to do?” Daryl growled in annoyance. He moved over to his bike, starting the engine and revving the motorcycle loudly. The tires skidded across the dirt as he pulled away from the farm, leaving the rest of the camp standing and watching in shock.
He drove faster along the road than he usually would, enjoying the excuse of open roads and no laws. It wasn’t long before he found the flipped car in the ditch, with a few dead walkers laid across the road. He left the bike running but stepped off, pulling out his crossbow as he kicked the walkers, ensuring they were dead. She wasn’t inside the car, and she was nowhere around the road or in the immediate vicinity. She could have ducked into the trees, but it was harder to see in the dark in the forest. More dangerous, too.
“Iris!” He whispered sharply, not wanting to draw any more walkers than he already would. He paused, listening to the cicadas in the hot summer heat. In the distance, he heard the far rumble of gunshots and his frown deepened.
Daryl got back on his bike, continuing down the road. She couldn’t have gotten far on foot, even if she wasn’t injured. The car looked like it had been flipped for a bit, but there was no telling how long she stayed there for. Good thing he was a damn good tracker. It was another five minutes before he noticed a silhouette walking along the side of the road, a ridiculous amount of knives strapped to her legs and hips. He pulled the bike to a stop in front of her, scowling as she stopped, folding her arms.
“You good?” He asked.
“Think so.” She replied simply. 
“You sure? Pretty nasty wreck.” He pulled out a flashlight, shining it in her face, over her limbs. Either than maybe a mild concussion, she seemed okay. There was dried blood on her forehead, but the wound had already clotted. “C’mon. Get you back to camp.”
“No. I told Lori I was gonna find Rick and Hershel, so I’m gonna find them.” Iris refused, pulling away from him. He reached out, taking her elbow in a firm grip.
“You’re gonna get yourself killed out here, doing shit for other people.”
“If we don’t do shit for each other, there’s no difference between us and them.” Iris hissed, gesturing to their greater surroundings. “I know you’re pissed about Sophia, and so am I, but there’s nothing we can do about it now, except make sure nobody else from our group dies.”
“Yet you’re out here, making me come get you—“
“You wouldn’t have had to if you’d come with me in the first place!”
“Sounds like some blackmail bullshit.” He grumbled. Iris scoffed, folding her arms. “Look, I don’t know what’s your problem, I’m out here saving your life!”
“Oh, god, my hero!” Iris cried sarcastically, mimicking… well, Olive Oyl. “I didn’t ask you to come save me! I have been on my own for months. I am perfectly happy being alone.”
“You don’t know what to do with yourself. You said it yourself, you’re just itching for something to happen.” He replied, huffing in frustration. “Well, here it is. Somethin’ happened, and now you’re needin’ my help! You’re not my responsibility!” Iris said nothing, sticking her tongue in her cheek while he yelled. He scoffed, throwing his arms up in the air, but he didn’t miss the way Iris flinched as he raised his hands. Yet, she stared him down fearlessly, the wrath of God behind her eyes, and heard whatever he had to say. Hard as nails, she was.
“I never said I was. Go back, Daryl. If it means that much, you should have left me to rot.” Iris hissed. She made to turn on her heel, to continue on the way to town. Maybe she could hot-wire another car— Daryl stopped her, his hand on her elbow again. 
They stared at one another, one glaring at the other and vice versa, for about five minutes before either of them broke away. Daryl’s gaze shifted as a walker shuffled out from between the trees at the edge of the forest, quick reflexes and a bolt from the crossbow and it was on the ground. He turned back to find her still staring at him.
“C’mon.” He mumbled, jerking his chin at the bike. She stared at him for a moment more before he got onto the bike, shifting forward a little and sat, simply waiting. Wasting gas, making noise, idling in a world facing the threat of— well, global warming wasn’t really an issue anymore, was it? There were barely any humans left to do anything.
For some reason, it felt like Iris was admitting defeat as she succumbed to her headache, getting on the back of Daryl’s bike. She kept as separated from him as she could, holding onto the back of the seat as he pulled off down the road, back to the farm.
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jungle-angel · 10 months
Warm As Can Be (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: You and Miles are excited as ever for Thanksgiving, your sons are both with his parents for the day and it leaves the both of you alone for just a little while
God the house smelled so good, the best it had in a long time since you and Miles had moved to his family's ranch in Montana. Thanksgiving had come at last and soon the entire family would convene on the land to spend the evening with you and Miles, leaving the two of you to deal with the chaos that was dinner prep.
"It's times like this I wish Dan was here," Miles said as you dumped a tablespoon of cinnamon into the pumpkin pie mix he had been stirring. "That man could command a kitchen like it was an army unit."
You laughed. "Well, him and Lucia will be up in a few days and so won't the others. George I heard closed the hotel for Thanksgiving so he and his family could go back to Texas to celebrate."
"Which is unfortunate for the travelers," Miles chuckled.
You heard the pattering of little feet entering the kitchen, only to find a yawning, half dressed Benny, clutching his stuffed puppy. "Momma, Dada, I need help," he chirped.
"C'mere honey," you told him.
You straightened out his little green turtleneck and fixed his overalls as best you could before Miles picked him up and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Did Jesse wake up?" Miles asked him.
"No, baby still sleepy," Benny answered again.
"Alright, go get your shoes on for when Papa gets here," Miles told him.
Benny ran off to go and get his little boots on before Otis came in through the kitchen door. "Alright am I stayin here and helping you or bringing your ghouls back to the house?" Otis asked, stamping his boots off on the mat.
"Might wanna bring them back to the house for a bit," Miles answered. "As soon as we need help with the bird, do you mind coming back?"
"Not a problem," Otis said with a wave of his hand. "Your ma's making breakfast over at the house so maybe I'll take Benny and Jesse for a bit."
"You sure you can get down the path with them?"
"Yeah it's no big deal," Otis replied. "I remember when you were born I went trudging to your gram's house up the street with you tucked into my coat."
Otis gathered up Benny and Jesse, heading down the path to the farmhouse where Kathy was waiting. As soon as Miles saw his father going up the back steps of the porch with Jesse in his arms and Benny by his side, he turned his attention back to you.
"Looks like it's just us," you purred.
Miles hummed as he pulled you close to him, kissing you passionately before he switched on the radio on the counter. You and Miles danced as Vaughan Monroe's "Let It Snow" began to play, the snow outside falling hard, just the two of you enjoying your time together alone as dinner cooked away in the oven. You giggled a little as Miles littered your cheeks with sweet kisses, happy as ever to be in a home of your own and near the people you loved best.
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zeravmain · 1 year
Tell us about your opinions about talking animal movies.
I will try to be brief (1/435)
Before we get into The Opinions, I need to first establish that when I talk about talking animal movies, I specifically mean live-action talking animal movies in all their unrepentant glory, so no fully animated stuff like Legends of the Guardians: The Owls of Ga'Hoole (2010), or a semi-animated realism one like Who Framed Roger Rabbit (1988) and also stuff like The Muppet's movies. We are also including talking animals who are narrated and don't have CGI applied to their faces to make the illusion of talking, so films like Milo and Otis (1986) do qualify, but something like Zootopia (2016) does not. This is exclusively live-action, though of course there can be special effects or CGI included in these selections, even fake animals so long as they work as animals within the story. The main basis needs to be that it is a live-action movie where there are realistic (per the movies) animals talking.
More than anything, these movies tend to be kids movies (of course) but that in itself does not mean that these movies are always intentionally silly. No doubt that the vast majority of them are comedy, mind you, but there's a difference between genuine well-made comedy (for kids) and something like that scene in 50 First Dates (2004) where we have the walrus throw up on the worker (side note I am not including this movie despite how the animals do seemingly communicate with Adam Sandler, already a talking animal himself in some respects).
Now onto my opinion: There are precisely 4 golden questions you need to consider for whether any given talking animal movie is good (subjective), and more than anything is that these are not hallmarks but rather categories these movies fall under and should embrace to be enjoyable.
1. How much suspense of disbelief is the movie demanding from you?
Ah, the classic concept for media engagement that seems to be lost to time. Generally, whenever you will be approaching a new movie or show or etc, there is always the question of realism and the idea of suspension of disbelief, how much you are willing to shutter away that little voice in your head that makes you chronically unfuckable that goes "um ACTUALLY that scene is totally unrealistic-" and other noteworthy lines. For a movie with talking animals, of course you will be expected to give it some ground, but as well you need to keep in mind that you don't just throw it all out.
More than anything, a bad movie made with passion is better than a good movie made with none. How much does the talking animal movie like the fact that it is a talking animal movie? Do they just cash it in for the paycheck like the latter half films of the Air-Bud Extended Universe, or do they double down and go whole hog on the concepts like with G-Force (2009)? Are the movies simple comedies like Marmaduke (2010) that know they are there just to give you a laugh, or do they try their damnedest to make up a moral like Beverly Hills Chihuahua 2 (2011)?
Once more, a bad movie does not mean a bad movie when talking about this complex topic, so while I do think these questions I posit are subjective, they are recommendations to keep in mind for your viewing experience.
2. Are the talking animals actually animals or just people who happen to also be animals?
Certain scholars might point you to Alvin and The Chipmunks, or Garfield (2004) and Garfield: A Tale of Two Kitties (2006) for reference on talking animal movies which deal with this subject matter, perhaps the most famous example being Stuart Little (1999), the mouse who actually goes to school and, within the plot of the movie, gets captured by a hate group (of cats) who plan to kill and eat him.
This question can apply to a fair bit of movies, I think the Dr. Dolittle movies could fall under here as those movies actually hinge on how the titular "Dr. Dolittle" specifically has the power to talk with animals, where in turn this power makes said animals genuine characters and it's not treated as a minor quirk. Another good example could actually be Detective Pikachu (2019), where Ryan Renolds does his best to Renolds it up. Paddington (2014) also qualifies for this question under the same rules as Stuart Little, where Paddington is just a person but also a bear.
A more modern variant could be Show Dogs (2018), where the dogs are not understood by the humans, but do in fact hold places in human society. I also want to give a special shout-out to Kangaroo Jack (2003) here, which does not technically qualify for this list given that Jack never really talks (only makes implicit noises that kangaroos can't actually make), but I believe that in spirit it qualifies here. Same with Furry Vengance (2011), who I believe in spirit qualifies due to the animals having human levels of intelligence and primarily having all the markers of talking animal movies, except for that the animals themselves don't directly talk.
3. Are the talking animals actually talking?
Already this one may seem ridiculous given the subject matter, but I do think that it's important to keep in mind. Whenever there is a talking animal movie, there is always the question of "are these animals just actually speaking english in the real world or is this just the omniscient movie viewer translation for them?' George of the Jungle (1997) actually had a very clever opening sequence where they provided translation for realism, except that the translation was [ANIMAL NOISES] while said animals spoke in clear english.
This does not mean that the movie NEEDS to be realistic, mind you. Technically the Narnia movies count as talking animal movies due to Aslan being, well, a giant talking lion, but those are intentionally a fantasy setting which makes it fit, same with a film like The Golden Compass (2007). To a lesser extent, the live action Scooby-Doo movies also fit as talking animal movies due to the presence of Scooby and [REDACTED] Doo, where Scooby and robotic Rowin Atkinson are just actual talking animals as an accepted fact of life within those universes despite being clear anomalies. Once again, Alvin and the Chipmunks live action movie series fit here. Perhaps a more elegant example could be found in Zookeeper (2011), where the animals do talk, and do directly communicate with Kevin James.
Of course there can be duds, such as Ace & The Christmas Miracle (2021), where it falls into the territory of also being a Christmas Hallmark movie with a recycled plot of saving the horse ranch. Conversely, we have a 'So bad it's good' movie like The Karate Dog (2004), which suffers from inglorious CGI, the dog actually speaking to humans, and all the depth you can expect from a dog performing martial arts in what is actually a buddy cop detective film.
4. How much do they take advantage of the animals talking?
Ah, now this one is the classic kaiju movie dilemma: Is the movie actually about the talking animals, or are they simply a backdrop b-plot for the "main character" humans of the movie who are like. usually planning a wedding or something. They always make these romantic. You may remember the classics such as Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019) or the Transformers movies (Michael Bay version) where they shoehorned in a plot concerning the humans in order to make people care about the movies or provide some narration, irrespective of how these franchises do better without them.
You can look to films like G-Force (2009), which manage to elegantly intermix these plots by having the human and animal characters goals line up, mainly in that they want to prevent a genocide, or how movies like Milo and Otis (1986) are exclusively about the animals in their adventure. From Babe (1995) to Charlotte's Web (2006) to UNDERDOG (2007), there's a wide range as to how well they incorporate these aspects into their movies, whether it actually be about the animals or the animals serve as a backdrop to the humans.
There are a wide range of archetypes and variances to be found in live action talking animal movies, a rather underdeveloped field all things considered, but I do hope that people keep their minds and hearts open to discussion about this and find the movie that's right for them.
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praxcrown5 · 11 months
The world of Disney/Pixar Cars has insane science fiction potential…especially when you delve into reproduction, and whether or not they're fully biological creatures wearing car-shaped mech-suits or integrated techno-organic constructs.
God, I love writing fanfiction for this universe even more than Transformers.
Here's a little snippet that I'm working on:
Context: Doc Hudson's Mom and Grandfather are retrieving him from the Hudson Motors Factory. The year is 1937
It was mid-November and Annette and her father rolled to a stop just outside the Hudson Motors Factory gate.
It was a large, imposing metal door emblazoned with the factory logo: two ships and two towers separated by a diamond-esque trapezoid and the word “Hudson.”  The door, itself, was a solid slab of steel with no discernable hinges or seams; Annette hypothesized that it slid sideways to open, maybe even tucking into the perimeter wall.
To the right of the gate was something that she’d never seen before.  It resembled the digital readout of an oscilloscope, but larger and backlit broadcasting a message in at least ten different languages.
“Access limited.  Trespassers will be met with lethal force.”
“Kinda hard to trespass…” Annette said letting her eyes follow the imposing, concrete and steel perimeter wall towards the horizon.  Even a fully-loaded semi traveling at top speed couldn’t hope to smash all the way through.
“What goes on in a factory is one of life’s greatest mysteries…” Otis explained, gaze distant.  “Loads of folk have given up their own lives trying to scratch that itch.”  He tapped his daughter lightly on the fender and gestured towards the left side of the gate.  A chrome button sat smartly atop a low, marble platform.  “We probably shouldn’t linger too long.  This button should open the door.”
“Wait…” Annette shook her front end.  “You mean…we just push it, and they let us in?”
“That’s how it was when your Ma and I went to the Cadillac factory.  Though, I gotta warn ‘ya…” He looked at her, sternly.  “The button activated some sort of…device, with technology that was more advanced than anything I’d ever seen.” He smiled as if revisiting a happy memory.  “It scared the heck outa your Ma.”
Annette nodded and took a deep breath to steady her nerves. 
The button made a pleasant click as it was depressed. 
She expected a long wait, but the response was instantaneous.  A panel on the door opened and a strange looking cable appeared, angling down towards her and her father.  Then an image of a car appeared in the air above her hood, like a living, three-dimensional photograph.  It blinked and breathed and tracked her movements as if it were actually parked there with them. 
An angel… Annette marveled, taking a moment to study its chrome finish and unique design.  It had a low-slung front end with a split grille, turbine-finned wheels, and a curved rear window above where the trunk would be on a normal person.   
The sudden appearance of a red beam of light stopped her thoughts cold.  It passed over her body, and the angel said: ‘CS621949346CU07221925 Cycle 9, Rotation 195 Batch 46A.”  It’s voice was…angelic, for lack of a better word.  Deep and oddly soothing.  “Designation: Annette Elizabeth Longhauler, nee Glenrunner.”
The beam passed across her father.  “O05E1927185CU05121905 Cycle 9, Rotation 183, Batch 12B.  Designation: Otis James Glenrunner.”  The angel looked at them and seemed to smile.  “Plasma Carrier Signal detected.  Please follow the designated markings to Bay Twelve.”
The cable disappeared as quickly as it appeared, and the door slid sideways, opening just wide enough for Annette and her father to pass through side-by-side.
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marcmarcmomarc · 2 months
Chapter 7: Parisians’ Arrival in Florida
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(Now Adrien enters the Place des Vosges. Stepping onto the fountain, he eyes the rest of the park)
ADRIEN: Come on, guys. Are we seriously going to let Marinette physically vanish from our lives like this? After everything she’s done for us, we’ve got to try again to do the same for her. When I was trying to get to Solitude when my fragrance ad premiered, who helped me get there? Marinette did. Juleka, when you were dealing with a class photo jinx, who helped you overcome it?
JULEKA: Marinette did.
ROSE: Marinette did! Marinette did! She did it!
ADRIEN: And when Markov was called a toy by Ms. Mendeleiev and confiscated by Mr. Damocles, who was willing to put herself to his office to get him back?
MARKOV: It was Marinette!
MAX: I see your point! We need to go to Florida and bring Marinette back!
(Everyone agrees.)
ADRIEN: So, who’s coming with me?
ALYA: Marinette’s my best friend. I must go.
NINO: I wouldn’t have won the arm wrestle if not for her! I’m going!
SABRINA: She showed me the true meaning of friendship the day Nathaniel was akumatized.
KIM: She influenced me to ask out my former crush.
MAX: She decided to give her Ultimate Mecha Strike III tournament spot to me.
(Ivan, Mylène, Juleka, Rose, Nathaniel, Alix, Tom, Sabine, Luka, Kagami, Marc, Nora, Ondine, the Chamacks, Markov, Ella, and Etta also join in. As does…)
ADRIEN: Chloé? You, too?
CHLOÉ: Well, Marinette did decide to return my phone to me, so l’ll go.
(Adrien and the group stare.)
CHLOÉ: Okay, there’s more. She did accept my invitation to my apology party, she apologized for insulting my heart, gave up her chance to be a famous fashion designer with my mother, helped me reconcile with said mother, threw me a Queen Bee party for helping Ladybug defeat Malediktator, and invited me to send you a message on the anniversary your mother’s disappearance. That, along with my time as Queen Bee, has given me clarity. If she’s done that many nice things for me, then it’s about time I return the favor.
ADRIEN: Glad to hear it.
GINA: Bring my granddaughter back, alright?
MASTER FU: Good luck, (WHISPERS) Cat Noir.
MARLENA: We wish you the best of luck, okay?
OTIS: Bring back Marinette!
MR. DAMOCLES: Until you guys get back, the school will be closed!
ADRIEN: Come on, team! Let’s go to Florida and bring Marinette back to Paris!
ALL: Yeah!
ALYA: Wait. How are you going to pay for all of us?
ADRIEN: Don’t worry. I’m rich.
ALYA: Right.
(Now, Adrien leads the group through the bustling Charles de Gaulle airport. The Parisians head through the jet bridge to the plane. Moving at high speed, the plane ascends off the runway and into the sky. On the plane in the middle of the flight, the couples, including, but not limited to, Alya and Nino, Ivan and Mylène, and Rose and Juleka, sleep on each other. Towards the end of the flight, Adrien eyes Orlando sparkling in the night. The plane lands on the Orlando International Airport runway. Now, the Parisians walk along International Drive, looking at the sparkling lights. Still along International Drive, they step toward Marriott’s Grande Vista. The arriving Parisians eye the beautiful lobby. The guests roll their eyes at them and angrily murmur. At the front desk, the first employee eyes the Parisians angrily and hands them keys.)
ADRIEN: Thank you.
(Now, with an emotionless look, the second employee leads them to a room.)
MARRIOTT WORKER 2: Here you go.
ADRIEN: Have a nice day.
(They enter their two-bedroom villa. It looks just like Marinette’s except they have a Cox mini box.)
TOM: Look at this place.
KAGAMI: So clean.
NORA: We hit the jackpot!
MYLÈNE: It’s so beautiful.
ADRIEN: All right, guys. Let’s rest now and begin our mission tomorrow.
KIM: Good idea.
Adrien was originally going to bring up Marinette getting Nathaniel and Marc to collaborate on making comics. It was cut because whereas Marinette failed, Ladybug managed to mend things between them.
Chloé’s motivation for joining was originally as bland as “She gave me my phone back”. The story was written in early 2019, before the Season 3 finale aired, so Chloé didn’t leave as much of an impact as she did when she was assassinated in the season finale, but I only recently thought of a better motivation to join the trip, her time being Queen Bee and becoming a better person changed her life, so she decides now is truly the time to spit in the face of her bullying ways and turn over a new leaf.
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sevcasejay1chicago · 2 years
History- Matt Casey
Request: @firecaseyandseveride
The history between Casey and Dawson from season 2-5 with starting to date, engagement, break up to getting pregnant. But Dawson doesn’t exist just Y/N, and without miscarriage.Y/N don’t want to get back with Casey only because she is pregnant.The rest I leave for you
Author’s Note: With a lot of ground to cover, I went with the best way I could manage this ask! I hope you enjoy!
Warnings: mentions of character(s) death, cursing
Did I make the biggest mistake of my life? Possibly. Do I regret it? Maybe. At this point, there was no turning back as I looked down at the test in my hands. I’m pregnant and Matt Casey is the father.
Our relationship is practically nonexistent at the moment. A one night stand to comfort each other has brought us here, but he doesn’t even know it yet. Knowing Matt, he will want to get back together, but for the baby. Sighing, I stand up and put the test back in its box before washing my hands. God, I’m so scared and completely unprepared. Telling Matt would have to wait.
A few days later, while I’m tending the bar at Molly’s, Matt comes storming in. We lock eyes and he immediately comes to me. “What the hell Matt?” I ask, putting down the towel I have sling over my shoulder and grabbing his hand, pulling him into the back room.
“Y/n. I know things have been really weird between us. I know I haven’t been the same since my head injury. Not to mention me having the Darden boys and Shay’s death, I know our relationship hasn’t been the best.” Matt said, taking my hands in his. “I wanna change that. I realized that I could have lost you today and I would have so many regrets. I love you Y/F/N.”
I looked at Matt in shock. “Matt. We need to talk.” I said, taking my hands from his and stepping back. “Let me go tell one of the guys I’m leaving. We can go back to your place. I’ll meet you there, okay?” I said, patting his shoulder as I left, not letting him give me an answer.
I quickly walked back behind the bar and grabbed Otis by the elbow. He turned and leaned down to hear me over the loud noises in our crowded bar. “I gotta go. I’ll explain everything later.” I said, letting the urgency leak into my voice.
Otis stood straight, turning his full attention to you and looking at your face. You were pale and slightly sweaty. He could see the emotions flashing across your face. “Yeah. Go. I got it.” He nodded, patting my arm gently. “Let me know if you need anything.”
I nodded, replying with a quick, “Thanks Bud.” I turned and grabbed my bag and jacket from under the bar, tossing the jacket on and fiddling in my purse for my keys as I walked out. I jumped in my car and drove quickly to Matt’s apartment.
Arriving outside of his building, I sat in my car and took a few deep breaths. Whatever happened next would change our lives forever. Once I got my breathing under control, I walked inside and took my time getting to his door. Seconds after I knocked, the door was thrown open and Matt was ushering me inside.
“Want anything to drink?” Matt offered, figuring this conversation would last a while.
“Water would be good.” I replied, taking my jacket off and hanging it on the hook before going to sit in his recliner as I watched him grab some water from the kitchen.
Matt came back and handed me my water before sitting down and opening his beer. “So, what did you want to talk about?” Matt asked, trying to stay calm as he sat back and looked at you.
You had your head slightly bowed, afraid to look him in the eye. “Before I tell you, I want to make myself clear. I don’t not want to get back together because of this. I mean. We really have a lot of history together, which I’d like to discuss before I tell you what I want to tell you.” I spoke, shaking my head to try and get rid of the nerves. “I need to know that my close call today isn’t the only reason you suddenly feel like you love me or have regrets.”
Matt sat forward, placing his beer on the table and looked at you. “What do you mean?”
I sighed and sat back, trying to put some distance between the two of us. I could easily let Matt pull me right back into his orbit, but I had more to think about right now than just myself. “I mean, we’ve been friends for years. I helped you with Andy’s boys, after Hallie’s death, and you’ve helped me with Shay’s death and through the fire academy.” I started, finally looking to meet his gaze. “Hell Matt, we were engaged for a while there and it all fell apart. I mean we were so destructive with each other that it caused our breakup .How do I know it won’t fall apart again?” I said, searching his eyes as I spoke.
Matt’s eyebrows furrowed as he placed a hand over his mouth and sat back. “We just gotta try.” He simply stated, putting his hands in his lap. “I know we’ve had a rough go of it. I’ll be the first to admit that I was at fault for a lot of it, but Y/n, I really want to try here. Today was a wake up call. We may have a lot of history, but I can’t live without you.”
“Matt. I love you. I do, but we’ve been going back and forth for three years now. I’m on your truck. Your my boss. What’s that going to do to our relationship?” I asked. Quickly getting fed up, I stand and make my way to the door. “I just don’t think it’ll be a good idea Matt. I’ve got other things to think about.” I said, shrugging on my coat.
Matt hurried to catch up, standing slightly in my path to the door. There was room for me to go around him and leave, but his eyes grabbed my attention. “Like what? Can you just think about us for a second? Please Y/n.”
I sighed, closing my eyes and trying to focus. “Damn it Matt. I’m pregnant!” I shouted, throwing my hands in the air. “I’m pregnant and it’s yours and I won’t get back with you just because it’s yours. Okay? That’s what I have to think about!” I finished, letting angry tears fall as I looked at Matt and waited for his reaction.
Matt stood stunned for a few seconds before running a hand through his hair and over his face. “Wait. So, your pregnant.” Matt said, forcing the words out. “An-and it’s mine?” He asked, taking a few steps back to lean onto the wall.
I nodded, wiping some tears from my face. “Yes Matt. I’m pregnant and it’s yours.” I whispered, putting my hands into my pocket to stop myself from reaching for him.
Matt nodded, not looking at you. “Right.” He whispered. “What do you want to do?” He finally asked, looking up to meet my eyes.
“I’m keeping it.” I stated, rocking back and forth on my feet. “You’re more than welcome to be part of it’s life, but given our history, I don’t know if we should be together. I won’t be with you just because I’m pregnant with your child.” I stated again, needing to make myself clear.
Matt nodded and blew out a breath. “What if I love you? Not just because of you being pregnant. I meant what I said at Molly’s and earlier.” Matt said, finally straightening up and coming toward me. “I love you. I can’t imagine my life without you. I want to make this work.” Matt said, wiping tears from my face.
I let him wipe my tears, closing my eyes at his touch. God I miss his touch. “Matt.” I whispered. If only this man knew the pull he still had on me. “I’m scared.”
Matt sighed, leaning up to kiss my forehead. “I know. It’s okay. I’m scared too.” Matt admitted. “I’m here no matter what you decide.” He reassured, stepping back and running his hands down my arms until he was able to pull my hands out of my pockets and into his.
I nodded and looked down. I wasn’t showing yet. All I could see were my hands intertwined with his. It felt natural and so so right. “I’m willing to try, but I won’t stay with you just because I’m pregnant. If I feel like this isn’t working, I’m getting out and you just go back to being my friend and this baby’s daddy. Okay?” I finally caved, looking up to meet Matt’s eyes.
Matt smiled, tears pooling in his eyes. “Okay.” He agreed, nodding before he leaned up and kissed my forehead. “I love you. Both of you.”
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house-of-slayterr · 2 years
Blink Twice if You Need Help:
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Otis’s POV:
I woke up today already in a shit mood. There was so much to get done and not nearly enough time to do it all. And of course, Baby was no help. She had Mama wrapped around her little finger and never had to lift said fingers to help. I grumbled under my breath as I greeted them in the kitchen.
“Somebodies grumpy” she commented.
I glared at her, taking the cap off the milk and taking a sip. She scrunched her nose.
“You know other people use that.” Mama commented.
“I bought the damn milk Mama, I’m gonna drink it!” I snapped.
She raised a brow at me, rolling up the frilly sleeve of her frufru dress robe. It looked so out of place in our run down piece of shit house. But that’s just how she was, extravagant beyond our means. And who was I to crush mothers happiness. I sighed.
“You look nice today Mama.”
“Flattery will get you nowhere boy, use a glass next time.”
“Yes Ma.”
“Good. Spaulding needs some help down at the store today, Baby and I will handle the house.”
I gave her a curt nod, pulling a glass from the cabinet and pouring the milk. I grabbed a banana from the counter and made my way out of the kitchen. I new better than to think they’d actually get anything done here. I could clean up later. I used my keys to unlock the back door of the store and make my way inside.
“Well look what the cat dragged in.” Spaulding commented. “You look worse than roadkill Otis.”
I growled.
“Says the clown.” I spat back.
He just grinned that stupid grin he always had.
“The house is a nightmare.” I explained.
“Baby getting into her arts and crafts projects again?” He asked.
“If by arts and crafts you mean leaving half ass projects on every surface in the house, then yes.”
He cackled.
“I swear that girl needs something to channel her energy, she’s like an over active chihuahua.”
I chuckled.
“Damn ankle biters. You think we’ll get any guest today?”
He shrugged. Absentmindedly adjusting things in our little gas station, gift shop combo. It was a studious business venture really, but the little trinkets made Mama happy, so we sold em anyway.
“I hope so, this town is dryer then your moms vagina.”
I rolled my eyes. He talked a lot of shit for a man that slept in her bed every night.
“Yet you stay.” I commented.
“That I do Boy, that I do…”
The first few hours of the day were entirely uneventful. Ain’t shit ever happen in this desolate town. But as luck would happen, some van finally pulled into the gas station.
“Look alive boy, we got us some tourist.” He smirked.
I watched as he walked outside, greeting the driver. In our state it’s illegal for customers to pump their own gas. Dumb as shit law of you ask me. But I guess it makes sense, these shit for brains hippies couldn’t work their way through a corn maze with a map. Probably didn’t even know how to use the damn pump. I laughed to myself.
The guy looked pretty average, some sort of jock type. Wearing tight shirts to show off his muscles, and I couldn’t decide if it was a scare tactic, or a way to get the ladies. Either way I wasn’t impressed. Next hopped out a cute little thing, her blond hair in a messy ponytail and her shorts entirely too short. I watched as she ran her hands along his bicep as he spoke with Spaulding. I couldn’t make out what they were saying, and honestly I didn’t much care. It wouldn’t matter by the end of the day, they wouldn’t be getting back in that van anyways.
I pretended to busy myself with random things, until I heard the bell from the front door chime. Seems Spaulding sent them in for some snacks. There was a shorter boy who looked like a damned greaser from one of those 50’s movies Baby liked to watch. He had enough gel in his hair to drown a baby in. He had his arm wrapped around a brunette, who unlike her other friend, had barely any skin showing. Damn city kids.
And lastly there was some kid with them. Their appearance struck me as odd right away. There hair was wild and unruly, almost as if it had never been brushed. I could see the knots from here. Their clothes were I’ll fitted too, shirt devouring their entire form, and shoes so warn you could see their socks through the little holes. I frowned, but quickly rid myself of the emotion.
I kept quiet behind the desk as they looked around, not really wanting to offer my “help”. Baby was much better at pretending to be friendly. I looked up when something was slammed on the counter in front of me. A six pack of beer and some chips. I looked down at it before meeting his eyes.
“Anything else?” I gritted in disgust.
“Gotta any good smokes?” He asked.
“Yeah… we stock Marlboro or Maverick.”
“I’ll take a pack of the Marlboros.”
I reached under the counter and slapped them down with the same force he had.
“That’ll be $18.50.” I dead panned.
His focus was drawn away from me as his girlfriend placed an ice tea on the counter.
“And the lady’s drink.” He said.
“$20 even.”
He reached into his wallet, and I looked past him through the window to see how things were going with Spaulding.
“We’re you folks headed?” I attempted to make casual conversation.
It was the girl who answered.
“It’s spring break, we’re headed further south to the beaches.” She explained.
I hummed, not really interested.
“It’s getting quite late, you don’t want to be caught on the roads out here this late. Some sketchy people hanging around.” I freihned a warning.
“Suppose we could rest for the night, what do you think babe? I think Mikey’s getting tired of driving anyway, we’ve been cramped in that stupid van all day.”
The man shrugged.
“Any motels near by?” She asked.
“Just down the road. Cheap rate too.”
“Perfect.” She smiled at me. “Thanks for your help.”
At least she was polite. Couldn’t say the same about her boyfriend. I lazily hummed again. He was about to hand me the $20 but was untrusted once more, this time by the kid. They were gripping tightly to a pack of gummy worms.
“That’ll make it $21.50” I sighed, annoyed that I had to talk to them for longer than I wanted to.
He proceeded to hand me just the $20 and I looked confused. Maybe he didn’t hear me.
“I’m not buying you some damn gummy worms, you got your own money.” He snapped at the kid.
They flinched slightly, shuffling awkwardly on their feet but nodded. I finished out the transaction. He forcefully grabbed the beer off the counter and shoved passed them. His girlfriend more delicately her tea and followed after him. I was surprised she didn’t even seem off-put by his outburst, her bubbly personality not faltering for a second.
“City folk.” I grumbled under my breath.
The kid just kinda stood there for second. Their grip tightened on the plastic and I could hear it crinkle in protest. Their small shoulders were shaking slightly. The wordlessly reached into their pocket and pulled out a few coins. They looked between the bag and their money and sighed, going to put them back. They seemed to notice my staring as they mumbled out a soft,
“Don’t have enough.”
I don’t know why I took pity on them, they looked like a damned drowned rat who just got kicked by their owner. I held out my hand and they looked confused.
“Take the candy.” I said.
They looked shocked, honestly I was a little shocked myself.
“But I don’t have the money to pay you-“
I didn’t budge and they awkwardly shuffled over and dropped the money in my hand.
“It’s only 85 cents, but I guess we’re staying, I think there’s a few coins in the dash if you let me go get them.” They offered.
It was honestly sad.
“Would ya look at that, says her the gummy worms only cost 85 cents now. Guess it’s your lucky day kid.”
That was a fucking lie and I knew it. Probably kill them first so they won’t have to witness the carnage. Poor thing looked miserable.
“Why are you being nice to me?” They asked.
“Guess I’m in a charitable mood today.”
I don’t know why they wouldn’t just take the damn things and go. I watched as they fiddle with their necklace before taking it off and putting it on the counter. I starred down at it.
“It’s not worth much, you could probably get like $5 for it. I don’t want to short you, that’s not right. Thank you for your kindness mister.” They said.
Before I could protest they were already running back outside as the boy from earlier yelled out there name from the door.
“Stop bothering the man and get your ass in the van!” He demanded.
I watched as they drove off, not even giving the kid enough time to sit and close the door first. Spaulding came back in.
“Sent em to the motel.” I explained.
He laughed.
“Stole their tired cap when they weren’t looking, they ain’t getting far anyways.” He said smuggly.
I just shrugged it response.
“What’s got your panties in a twist boy, you’re usually happy about this shit.”
“Nothing, I’m fine.” I lied.
I should be fine, so then, why wasn’t I? I’d killed kids before, younger than them even. So what the fuck was my problem.
“You got your thinking Face on Otis, you know you’re a shit liar right?”
I groaned.
“You should have seen the way they were treating that kid, Spaulding. Something don’t feel right about that.”
“What, gonna give em a lecture while you’re ripping out their spleens?” He joked.
“Oh I’m gonna do a lot more than that, dumb fuck was a prick, treating me like gutter trash. Baby’s gonna have her fun with them, specially that sports boy.”
“Your sister does have a type.” He mused.
After a few minutes of working in silence, he spoke up again.
“Look if it’s really bothering you all that much, why don’t you go talk to your mama?” He sighed.
I shook my head. “We should just put the poor thing out of its misery. They damn near cried cause I gave them some gummy worms. I don’t think they’re feeding that thing.”
Of course he noticed my attempt to dehumanise them. Not like I needed to. Humans were disgusting by nature. Watching them beg for their worthless lives was always funny. People did desperate shit when they felt out of control.
“Whatever you say.”
“Imma go warn Mama about our new guests.” I grumbled.
Baby was the first to greet me back at the house. She was practically jumping up and down.
“Is it true? We got new friends to play with?” She asked.
I cracked a smile.
“Yeah, nasty little shits too. You wanna show em some southern hospitality?”
Mama came from around the corner, sipping some wine still in her robe. As expected, nothing got done while I was at the gas station.
“Been pretty quiet around here. Baby why don’t you head on down to the motel and offer them a home cook meal? Nothing open at this hour.”
She adjusted her top, showing off more cleavage and I cringed. I mean hey, it worked to lure in those dumb fucks, but she was still my sister. Can’t blame me for hating it. The men who ogled her were disgusting low lives. I rolled my eyes at her.
“You seem down, what’s wrong child?” Mama asked.
“I’m not a fan of our new guests.”
“You never are.” She laughed, “want to help your mama in the kitchen?” She offered.
And of course I could never say no to her. We slipped a special ingredient in the stew. They’d be out like a light before they new it, idiots wouldn’t even know what hit them. I wasn’t shocked when Baby came back half an hour later with the tourists trailing her. They never could resist her charms, if there’s one thing about Baby, she’s persistent. She could actually get shit done when she put her mind to it. Even if she did get a little distracted sometimes.
“Your home is… lovely.” The nicer girl from earlier complimented.
“Thank you sugar, where you folks from?” Mama attempted conversion.
“Way up in Michigan.” The jock spoke.
His voice wasn’t nearly as grating as his I’ll mannered friends.
“Couch told me they had good beaches down south, figured we’d have one final hurrah before collage.” He explained.
“Bet you’re pretty good at surfing” Baby attempted to flirt, and I had to hold back a chuckle when the blonde girl glared at her.
“Actually I’m awful at it, foot ball players aren’t really known for our good balance. One to many concussions I guess.”
Baby giggled at his joke.
“Sorry there ain’t much to do in this town, round her thinks close down at about five. But don’t worry, Mama makes the best food this side of Texas.”
“Great, I’m starving.” The greaser said.
The kid from earlier stayed behind them, not really joining in on the conversation. Spaulding was probably breaking into their motel room as we spoke, stealing their fancy shit so we could pawn it off. Not like a corpse would be needing it anyway. We all sat down for dinner, but the kid stayed near the door.
“We’ll come on in and sit sugar cube, we don’t bite.” Mama said.
It was odd how they waited for permission, the context was already there. They sat down next to Baby who smiled wildly at them. Obviously we didn’t put the sedative in our bowls, but I was hesitant when Mama placed the stew in front of them.
“This is amazing! You made this yourself?” The bubbly girl asked.
“My Son helped, he’s good to his Mama.” Mom praised.
The thing about Mama is she loved to brag about us. And I couldn’t lie it made me feel proud. Not that I wanted to look good to these worthless shits anyways, but the recognition of my hard work was still nice.
“My Nan used to make stuff like this all the time, she’s from down in New Orleans. She used to tell me food was the way to a man’s heart. Guess she was right.” She smiled at her boyfriend, looking at him expectedly.
“Your cookings decent.” He said flatly.
What kind of dick couldn’t even be nice to his own damn girl? Baby could have the jock, but he was all mine. She frowned for a moment, but shook it off.
“Maybe I could bother you for a recipe.” She hummed.
“Sure thing sugar.”
I was more than glad when the medicine started taking effect and the conversions slowed down. The jock was the first to fall, his face slamming into the stew. The blondes eyes widened as she starred at her boyfriend in horror. Everyone’s eyes were on him.
“What the fuck did you do?” The greaser spat.
Mama didn’t take to kindly to his tone, and frankly, neither did I. He and his girlfriend attempted to get up from the table, but I placed my hand firmly on his shoulder and shoved him back down.
“You sit your ass down.” I growled.
His girlfriend was the next to pass out, almost falling out of her chair. The blonde was in total panic mode, just saying “what the fuck?!” On repeat. Baby clamped a napkin over her mouth, cutting off her oxygen until she passed out.
“Get your hands off me!” He glared. “What the fuck is wrong with you people?”
You people… I hated when people called us that.
“Your mama ain’t teach you now respect boy.” I commented.
I looked across the table to see the kid still struggling to stay awake. They made eye contact with me, and for a moment I felt my heart stop. They didn’t look scared, or nervous, or even upset like I expected. They had a look of acceptance in their eyes, like they were ready to die. It made me sick.
“This is your fault you little shit!” He growled at them.
Their eyes widened slightly. How could he possibly blame this on them? They had nothing to do with this.
“You probably pissed off this freak back at the gas station. You can’t do anything right!”
They were shaking now. And I had enough. I hit him over the back of his head with my beer, knocking him out cold. I guess Baby and I were on the same Page, cause she quickly turned her attention to them. She placed a gentle hand on their shoulder.
“It’s ok pretty thing, you can stop fightin’ your medicine.” She cooed.
She brushed a lock of mangled hair out of their eyes. They looked up at her.
“But I don’t want to go to bed.”
Their words were slow as the sedative took hold of their brain.
“I’m not tired.” They lied.
“Oh, aren’t you just the most precious thing.” Mama said.
They leaned into Baby’s touch, their head collapsing into her hands as their eyes finally closed. I let out a loud sigh.
“So that’s what’s been botherin’ ya.” Mama said.
“What?” I asked confused.
“I can see it in your eyes Otis. You’re not happy about killing this one.”
I hated that I couldn’t hide from her. But I’d never lie to my Mama, that shit just ain’t right.
“This piece of shit has been treating them like that all day.” I growled, shoving the man off the chair and watching as his body crumpled in a heap on the floor. “Wouldn’t even buy them some damn Candy.”
Mama frowned.
“Is that so?”
I nodded. Mama stood up from her chair, making her way to Baby’s side of the table.
“Give em here.” She said.
Mama knelt down beside their chair, leaning them back on it so they wouldn’t loose balance and fall. I knew what she was doing, inspecting them.
“They’re hairs more matted then a rats nest.” She sighed. “Suppose we could fatten them up a bit too. Poor things frailer than a porcelain doll.”
“They ain’t scared of us.” I stated.
“Seems they aren’t, guess we’re no scarier than that low life.”
“Can we keep em Mama? Can we?!?” Baby asked excitedly.
“It’s another mouth to feed. We’ll have to ask your father.”
“I don’t think he’ll have a problem with it.” I chimed in.
“Otis, be a dear and take them up to Baby’s room. They’re gonna need the rest. I don’t care what you do with the others, just get that ‘thing’” she glared at the man on the floor “out of my Damn house.”
“Yes Ma’am.”
Baby looked giddy, well more than usual I guess. Suppose it would be nice to have someone to keep her company so she didn’t bother me so Damn much. Always with her constant questions. I made my way around the table and gave Mama a kiss on the cheek. I turned to Baby.
“You can have the rest, but he’s mine.” I said.
She smiled up at me.
“Oh I can’t wait to see what you do with him Otis! Gonna make him beg for his Mama?” She asked.
“Think I’ve heard enough from him, not like he’ll be needing his tongue when I’m done with him.”
She grinned, that familiar glint of insanity in her eyes.
“Just don’t kill him until I’m done ok, I wanna watch him suffer.”
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
“Ahh, nothing like a little torture to bring the family together.” Mama smiled happily. “Just clean up after yourselves ok Kids? And stay off the new rug, Spaulding won’t be happy if we have to replace it again.”
That warning was mostly aimed at Baby. She was Certainly messy with her toys. I turned back to the kid, they didn’t even have a name, and yet here I was feeling protective over them already. Damn thing should be grateful, we don’t take pity on many folk around here. I scooped them up into my arms and was surprised at how light they were. Mama’s assessment was right, they were tiny. Weighed nearly half as much as someone their age should.
I carried them upstairs to Baby’s room and set them down on the bed. I draped a blanket over them before sitting at the edge of the bed.
“Don’t worry kid, they ain’t gonna hurt you no more. No one’s gonna treat you like that again.”
I knew they couldn’t hear me, but it was the sentiment that counts. I heaved myself off the bed and locked the door as I left. Couldn’t risk them waking up and trying to run before I was done with me ‘chores’ for the day. Maybe I’d finally have someone who will help out around the house.
An: Kid is more so used as a term of endearment here. Blinky is about 17 when they first met everyone, Doe eyes comes along about a year later.
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444namesplus · 2 months
aba abe abh abi abo abu acha ache achi acho achu ada ade adh adi ado adu afa afe afh afi afo afu aga age agh agi ago agu aha ahe ahi aho ahu aja aje aji ajo aju aka ake akh aki ako aku al ala ale alh ali alo alu am ama ame ami amo amu an ana ane ani ano anu apa ape aph api apo apu ar ara are arh ari aro aru asa ase ash asi aso asu ata ate ath ati ato atu ava ave avi avo avu az aza aze azh azi azo azu ba bal bam ban bar baz be bel bem ben ber bez bha bhe bhi bho bhu bi bil bim bin bir biz bo bol bom bon bor boz bu bul bum bun bur buz cha chal cham chan char chaz che chel chem chen cher chez chi chil chim chin chir chiz cho chol chom chon chor choz chu chul chum chun chur chuz da dal dam dan dar daz de del dem den der dez dha dhe dhi dho dhu di dil dim din dir diz do dol dom don dor doz du dul dum dun dur duz eba ebe ebh ebi ebo ebu echa eche echi echo echu eda ede edh edi edo edu efa efe efh efi efo efu ega ege egh egi ego egu eha ehe ehi eho ehu eja eje eji ejo eju eka eke ekh eki eko eku el ela ele elh eli elo elu em ema eme emi emo emu en ena ene eni eno enu epa epe eph epi epo epu er era ere erh eri ero eru esa ese esh esi eso esu eta ete eth eti eto etu eva eve evi evo evu ez eza eze ezh ezi ezo ezu fa fal fam fan far faz fe fel fem fen fer fez fha fhe fhi fho fhu fi fil fim fin fir fiz fo fol fom fon for foz fu ful fum fun fur fuz ga gal gam gan gar gaz ge gel gem gen ger gez gha ghe ghi gho ghu gi gil gim gin gir giz go gol gom gon gor goz gu gul gum gun gur guz ha hal ham han har haz he hel hem hen her hez hi hil him hin hir hiz ho hol hom hon hor hoz hu hul hum hun hur huz
iba ibe ibh ibi ibo ibu icha iche ichi icho ichu ida ide idh idi ido idu ifa ife ifh ifi ifo ifu iga ige igh igi igo igu iha ihe ihi iho ihu ija ije iji ijo iju ika ike ikh iki iko iku il ila ile ilh ili ilo ilu im ima ime imi imo imu in ina ine ini ino inu ipa ipe iph ipi ipo ipu ir ira ire irh iri iro iru isa ise ish isi iso isu ita ite ith iti ito itu iva ive ivi ivo ivu iz iza ize izh izi izo izu ja jal jam jan jar jaz je jel jem jen jer jez ji jil jim jin jir jiz jo jol jom jon jor joz ju jul jum jun jur juz ka kal kam kan kar kaz ke kel kem ken ker kez kha khe khi kho khu ki kil kim kin kir kiz ko kol kom kon kor koz ku kul kum kun kur kuz la lal lam lan lar laz le lel lem len ler lez lha lhe lhi lho lhu li lil lim lin lir liz lo lol lom lon lor loz lu lul lum lun lur luz ma mal mam man mar maz me mel mem men mer mez mi mil mim min mir miz mo mol mom mon mor moz mu mul mum mun mur muz na nal nam nan nar naz ne nel nem nen ner nez ni nil nim nin nir niz no nol nom non nor noz nu nul num nun nur nuz oba obe obh obi obo obu ocha oche ochi ocho ochu oda ode odh odi odo odu ofa ofe ofh ofi ofo ofu oga oge ogh ogi ogo ogu oha ohe ohi oho ohu oja oje oji ojo oju oka oke okh oki oko oku ol ola ole olh oli olo olu om oma ome omi omo omu on ona one oni ono onu opa ope oph opi opo opu or ora ore orh ori oro oru osa ose osh osi oso osu ota ote oth oti oto otu ova ove ovi ovo ovu oz oza oze ozh ozi ozo ozu pa pal pam pan par paz pe pel pem pen per pez pha phe phi pho phu pi pil pim pin pir piz po pol pom pon por poz pu pul pum pun pur puz ra ral ram ran rar raz re rel rem ren rer rez rha rhe rhi rho rhu ri ril rim rin rir riz ro rol rom ron ror roz ru rul rum run rur ruz sa sal sam san sar saz se sel sem sen ser sez sha she shi sho shu si sil sim sin sir siz so sol som son sor soz su sul sum sun sur suz ta tal tam tan tar taz te tel tem ten ter tez tha the thi tho thu ti til tim tin tir tiz to tol tom ton tor toz tu tul tum tun tur tuz uba ube ubh ubi ubo ubu ucha uche uchi ucho uchu uda ude udh udi udo udu ufa ufe ufh ufi ufo ufu uga uge ugh ugi ugo ugu uha uhe uhi uho uhu uja uje uji ujo uju uka uke ukh uki uko uku ul ula ule ulh uli ulo ulu um uma ume umi umo umu un una une uni uno unu upa upe uph upi upo upu ur ura ure urh uri uro uru usa use ush usi uso usu uta ute uth uti uto utu uva uve uvi uvo uvu uz uza uze uzh uzi uzo uzu va val vam van var vaz ve vel vem ven ver vez vi vil vim vin vir viz vo vol vom von vor voz vu vul vum vun vur vuz za zal zam zan zar zaz ze zel zem zen zer zez zha zhe zhi zho zhu zi zil zim zin zir ziz zo zol zom zon zor zoz zu zul zum zun zur zuz
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astroimages · 9 months
VISTA TECNOLOGIA, TECH T-SHIRT, DA INSIDER STORE, USE O CUPOM SPACE E TENHA 12% DE DESCONTO NA LOJA!!! https://www.insiderstore.com.br/SpaceToday Agora, aos 1.000 dias em Marte, a missão atravessou um antigo sistema de rios e lagos, recolhendo amostras valiosas ao longo do caminho. Marcando o seu milésimo dia marciano no Planeta Vermelho, o rover Perseverance da NASA concluiu recentemente a sua exploração do antigo delta do rio que contém evidências de um lago que encheu a cratera de Jezero há milhares de milhões de anos. O cientista de seis rodas coletou até o momento um total de 23 amostras , revelando a história geológica desta região de Marte no processo. Uma amostra chamada “Baía Lefroy” contém uma grande quantidade de sílica de grão fino, um material conhecido por preservar fósseis antigos na Terra. Outro, “Otis Peak”, contém uma quantidade significativa de fosfato, que é frequentemente associado à vida como a conhecemos. Ambas as amostras também são ricas em carbonato, o que pode preservar um registro das condições ambientais de quando a rocha foi formada. As descobertas foram compartilhadas na terça-feira, 12 de dezembro, na reunião de outono da União Geofísica Americana, em São Francisco. “Escolhemos a cratera Jezero como local de pouso porque as imagens orbitais mostraram um delta – evidência clara de que um grande lago já encheu a cratera. Um lago é um ambiente potencialmente habitável, e as rochas do delta são um ótimo ambiente para sepultar sinais de vida antiga como fósseis no registro geológico”, disse o cientista do projeto Perseverance, Ken Farley, da Caltech. “Após uma exploração minuciosa, reunimos as peças da história geológica da cratera, mapeando a fase do lago e do rio do início ao fim.”Jezero se formou a partir do impacto de um asteróide há quase 4 bilhões de anos. Depois que o Perseverance pousou em fevereiro de 2021, a equipe da missão descobriu que o fundo da cratera é feito de rocha ígnea formada por magma subterrâneo ou por atividade vulcânica na superfície. Desde então, encontraram arenito e lamito, sinalizando a chegada do primeiro rio à cratera, centenas de milhões de anos depois. Acima dessas rochas estão argilitos ricos em sal, sinalizando a presença de um lago raso em evaporação. A equipe acredita que o lago eventualmente cresceu até 35 quilômetros de diâmetro e até 30 metros de profundidade. Mais tarde, a água de fluxo rápido carregou pedras de fora de Jezero, distribuindo-as no topo do delta e em outras partes da cratera . “Conseguimos ver um esboço amplo desses capítulos da história de Jezero em imagens orbitais, mas foi necessário chegar mais perto do Perseverance para realmente entender a linha do tempo em detalhes”, disse Libby Ives, pós-doutorada no Laboratório de Propulsão a Jato da NASA no Sul. Califórnia, que administra a missão. Depois de avaliar as descobertas do PIXL em cada uma dessas manchas de abrasão, a equipe enviou comandos para o rover coletar núcleos rochosos próximos: Lefroy Bay foi coletado próximo a Bills Bay, e Otis Peak em Ouzel Falls. “Temos condições ideais para encontrar sinais de vida antiga onde encontramos carbonatos e fosfatos, que apontam para um ambiente aquático e habitável, além de sílica, que é ótima para preservação”, disse Cable. O trabalho do Perseverance está, obviamente, longe de terminar. A quarta campanha científica da missão irá explorar a margem da cratera de Jezero, perto da entrada do desfiladeiro, onde um rio inundou o fundo da cratera. Ricos depósitos de carbonato foram avistados ao longo da margem, que se destaca em imagens orbitais como um anel dentro de uma banheira . FONTE: https://www.nasa.gov/missions/mars-2020-perseverance/perseverance-rover/nasas-perseverance-rover-deciphers-ancient-history-of-martian-lake/ #PERSEVERANCE #MARS #LIFE
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abigali1018 · 11 months
Working with Disney
Walt Disney was very important due to his vision, innovation and creativity that transformed the entertainment industry, he was a pioneer in the field of animation, creating the first full-length animated feature film, “Snow White and the seven dwarfs, which set a standard for the industry, he created such iconic characters as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and many more that became cultural icons worldwide, he created a theme park that revolutionized the concept of family entertainment and set the standard for theme parks designs, he was also a pioneer in the use of technology in the animation industry, like the introduction of sound in cartoons and the development of the first full-color cartoon, then evolving to CGI and 3D animation, he had a way of telling stories that could get to the heart of anyone seeing his animations having an incredible cultural impact, conveying life lessons and values though their stories. But what was like working with him? In this blog I’ll be getting the perspective of two completely different people in the context of working for Disney, one of the “nine old men” and an employee of his beloved theme park.
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Mark “Anthony Peter” Davis was born on March 30, 1930, in Bakersfield California, before joining Disney he didn’t have any professional animation experience, His background was in fine arts and illustration, since he studied at the Kansas City Art Institute, California School of Fine Arts and the Otis art Institute, later he worked as a freelance illustrator for advertising and magazine illustrations, granting him of an amazing portfolio of illustrations that caught the attention of Disney, in 1935 he was hied by Walt as an apprentice animator, despite his lack of experience with animation he became one of Disney’s most influential animators, becoming one of the famous “Nine old men”.
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He got to be known as a “ladies’ man” due to his work on female characters, such as Cruella de Vile, Maleficent and Tinker Bell. Some of his other work include Snow White, Cinderella and others, his work significantly influenced Disney’s animation style, character design and storytelling, He also played a key role in the creation of many Disneyland attractions, such as Pirates of the Caribbean and the Haunted Mansion. He retired in 1978.
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About the interview, it seemed like Mark was really close with Disney, beginning from the bottom as just an apprentice in Snow White to then getting recognized by Disney while he was working on Bambi, Walt being so impressed by his style and artistic abilities that he made him an animator, they began to form a more close relationship becoming on of the most renown animators from the company. It appears that his relationship with Walt was genuine and he actually got to know him not only as Walt Disney but also as a friend, he talks pretty fondly about him and has a very good memory of Walt, depicting some experiences they both shared and their journey together, he tells how at first he was, as well as everyone else who was new in the company, in awe of him, but also that he was a different person with everyone, so the Walt he got to know was not the Walt another person that worked there knew. The Walt he knew was a pretty genuine person, someone who wanted to make dreams real and make stories and characters come to life, in his own words from the interview, “I think this was something that Disney had, you brought something to life, and if it wasn’t real, you brought it to life anyway and made people believe in it”. They had a lot of respect for each other, he tells how receiving a compliment from him was a very are occasion, so having an “I like that” was the best thing you could get. H also shares about his trip to the New York Fair with Walt and the last time he met him before his death, he says he was a very humble guy that liked to experience the theme park he created without any advantages, he liked when people created new thing and enjoyed having new ideas, Mark talks about him with so much respect and admiration, saying that it’s going to be difficult to have someone as creative and as Walt.
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The other person I want to talk about is Joyce Belanger, I couldn’t find anything on her life other that she was a housewife before getting to work in the theme park, which is kind of sad if we count the fact that she worked in the theme park for 30 years, which is specifically why I chose her, she also got the change to meet Disney, but in a more distant way, she talks about him as a great man, in her own words, “Here is a man that is one of the most honored men in the world, and you would never know it”, which connects to the way Mark talks about him, in giving the impression of being a very humble guy. I also found one of her anecdotes of Walt to be very touching, where she describes how a day before he went to the hospital, he was at the park just, admiring it, kind of like saying goodbye.
The reason I choose these two people was because I found it so strange that I couldn’t find anything about here hen she dedicated almost the same amount of time to the industry as Mark, and I know she didn’t do anything revolutionary but still that’s sad, because if you know the context about women not being able to work in the company for years then you fell sad for her, in her interview she talks about the park and the company which such love and appreciation, you can actually feel how invested she was in the company, but all she could do was being a theme park employee due to the working opportunities. I think Walt was a good man, but he had a lot of weird ideals, he was told to being great with the kids, encouraging their dreams, but at the same time if you were a girl those dreams could be crushed by the same guy you admired so much due to his beliefs. I’m not going to deny the impact he had in the animation industry, just that maybe we shouldn’t glorify him so much as the people in this interviews do.
I'm still going to be a Disney fan, I love his work and love the theme park whth my heart, I also find he shares a lot of beliefs with me, it's just sad to think that if I ever had gotten the change to know him he might not had treated me as good as his men employees, and that is always going to be heartbreaking.
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Working with Disney, Interviews with animators, producers, and artists by Don peri, published in 2011.
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jungle-angel · 1 year
The House We Built: Part 1 (Miles Miller x Reader)
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Summary: For the longest time, you and Miles have wanted a home of your own and it’s not long before your happiest dream becomes your reality. 
It all started with an empty Maxwell House Coffee can and a dream that you and Miles had brewing in your heads for the longest time. Ever since he had been in Vietnam and had come home to you, you both had a dream of finding a place for you two to live out your lives together. 
Miles stood at the desk, just staring at the coffee can after the last guest had checked in an hour before. His eyes stayed fixed on it as though he were waiting for something to happen, waiting for a magical genie or some sort of dragon or a baby troll to pop out. At least, that seemed to be the route his thoughts had been taking ever since he had gotten help for the severe PTSD that had kept him awake at night after returning to the states. Miles had always thought about those things, even before the war, but for some reason, they were much more prominent now. 
Miles jumped when a hand had landed on the desk bell, but when he looked up, he was relieved to see that it was only Otis, his father. “You falling asleep again?” Otis laughed. 
“Nah, just thinking, Dad,” Miles yawned. 
Otis nodded, adjusting ten month old Benny in the curve of his elbow. “You thinking what I’m thinking?” he asked his son. 
“Yeah, time to get the hell out of Lake Tahoe,” Miles said, the bored tone creeping its way in. 
“My thoughts exactly,” Otis chuckled. “It’s nice here, but there’s too many people moving out this way. Your Ma and I can’t even get a mobile home over at the trailer park for a decent price.” 
“What about the money from when you sold the house in Indiana?” Miles asked him. 
“I ain’t touching it until the time is right,” Otis told him firmly. “Besides, your mother would have a certain body part of mine if I did.” 
All of a sudden, Benny began to stretch his arms all the way out, making grabby hands for Miles. “Ok, ok, that’s the ‘I want Daddy’ look,” Otis mumbled. 
Otis handed Benny right off to Miles and no sooner had he done so than Benny did as he always did, his head dropping right to Miles’s shoulder as the ten month old sucked away on his pacifier. “You’re definitely tired little man,” Miles chuckled. 
Miles clocked out as soon as the next desk clerk clocked in for his shift, heading back to the quarters he shared with you to grab Benny’s knit blanket and his stuffed puppy. He and Otis both retreated to the back porch, taking a seat in the creaky old rockers and each with a glass full of a cool drink to stave off the afternoon heat that was hanging over Lake Tahoe. June had come at last and with it, wildfire season as well as the summer camps who would soon flood the corner stores on evenings when they would come down for ice cream. Yet summer had been the best months for you and Miles.....slow, easy and relaxing....just as it should have always been. 
“Where’d you get the coffee can?” Otis asked, pouring a small Jack Daniels nip into his glass. 
“Found it on the way back from the bank this morning,” Miles told him as he slowly rocked Benny to sleep. “I honestly have no idea why I picked it up. Maybe I went crazy again and started collecting garbage.” 
“Nah you’re not crazy, trust me, I did the same thing when I got back from Okinawa,” Otis told him, cracking into a can of Coke. “Now Mrs. Burns who lived down the street from us? THAT was crazy, right there.”
“Oh God,” Miles chuckled. “Crazy old bat was up to her eyeballs in that hoarder den she called a house. I swear Chubby came from her lot.” 
Otis cackled at the memory of the little grey tabby kitten that had become attached to Miles at three years old, growing old and happy under the Millers’ roof until St. Francis had called him back home. “Fuckin cat would follow your mother to work in the truck like he was a dog.”
As they talked on, Benny had fallen asleep. Miles carefully placed the baby in the playpen near the porch rocker, covering the top and the sides with the thick purple and gold sleeping bag to keep the sun off and Benny cool as he slept with his blankie and his puppy. 
“I dunno Dad,” Miles mused. “The more I think about it, the more I’m tempted to do something with it. But I don’t know what.” 
Otis scratched his chin and thought a minute. “You know,” he said. “A long time back when your grandparents were fresh off the boat from Ireland, your grandma used to stick any spare change she had in a tin breadbox. Maybe that’s the reason you found that empty coffee can.” 
Miles gave it some thought and had begun to wonder of his old man was right. Maybe that was all he really needed to do, just stick a little away each day until he had enough. 
The door creaked open and that was when he saw you walking in in your pretty denim sundress, your skirts brushing against your knees as you set the paper bags full of groceries down. “You have a good day?” you asked him. 
“Just long,” he answered before he playfully kissed you. “Benny’s asleep.” 
You two chattered on about your day while Otis offered to make dinner. Benny awoke just as your father-in-law had finished and as soon as Miles was done setting the table for dinner. You picked your baby up out of his playpen, taking his blankie and his puppy and setting it on the bed before you plopped him in his little wooden chair at the table between you and your mother-in-law’s place. Kathy was the last to come home and switch out her nurse’s uniform for a white embroidered sundress and a denim jacket, happy as ever to see you and the rest of your little family. 
Dinner was simple, but perfect despite having to be on the cheap, ground beef with seasoning, soy sauce, green onions and a big heap of white rice at the bottom. Benny of course, was a mess as always, but had almost cleaned his plate, something you were more than happy to live with. As soon as the dishes were cleared, washed and put away, you stuck Benny right in the bath, putting his dirty clothes in the laundry basket. 
You were in the midst of scrubbing Benny’s hair, the ten month old splashing around in the hot, soapy water and playing with his bath toys while you scrubbed away at the napiness. You looked up at your husband, noting the thoughtful look as he flicked the water on his fingers at Benny and prompted a burst of giggles from the baby. 
“Thinking again sweetie?” you asked him.
“Just a little (Y/N),” Miles answered. 
“Whatcha thinking about?” 
“I dunno,” Miles sighed. “A place of our own.....plot of land somewhere far away from here.” 
So he had been thinking about it again. 
“What do you wanna do?” 
“I don’t know sweetheart,” Miles sighed again, pushing one of Benny’s little plastic boats closer to him. “I just keep thinking that any day now, we’ll be able to just pack up and go.” 
You saw the wistfulness in his eyes, a look you knew too well from the early days of Miles being home from deployment. It was a look he usually got when he was thinking hard and deep. Though Miles hadn’t had a nightmare in over two years, you still wondered if that was where this was leading. 
You both finished giving Benny his bath and when he was finally done, you dried him off and stuck him in his little blue pjs, readying him for bed. He was asleep as soon as it was dark, the air conditioning unit cooling the room until you three could sleep comfortably. You gently scratched Miles’s back and shoulders, listening to him purr as you kissed the sweet spots you had practically memorized. He was a little bit more restless than usual, but thankfully no nightmares. 
“Baby,” you whispered, your lips pressed against his shoulder. 
“Hmm?” he hummed sleepily. 
“In my change purse,” you whispered. “There’s Two Fifty left over from the groceries. Put it in the coffee can.” 
You felt Miles’s hand gently squeezing your hip. “Baby no,” he said. “I can’t do that to you.” 
“Miles,” you whispered. “Please?” 
You whispered “please” over and over again, littering his soft cheeks with wet kisses until you were both a giggling mess, trying hard to keep it quiet so Benny wouldn’t wake. “Alright,” Miles half laughed. “I’ll do it.” 
Miles tossed aside the covers, moving through the dark to your purse sitting on the chair near the table. He opened up your little wallet and took out the two dollars and fifty cents, still feeling a little guilty of having taken your change. He put it in the coffee can on the bedside stand, crawling back in beside you and pulling you in close. 
For the next few days, you, Miles, Otis and Kathy made it a point to start putting your loose change into the coffee can, watching it all grow like a plant in a garden and hoping that soon, it would be enough for your dream home.
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whumpdom · 1 year
Aiden Becker
Age:24 Birthdate: 3/22/1999
Lives in Boston, MA. Occupation: Author; volunteers as a tutor.
Appearance: short (4'11"), thin, golden dark blonde hair, round glasses,
Personality: anxious, quirky, eccentric.
Relationships: Boyfriend-Cody Reis, Friends- Trent Walker, James Andersen, Daisy Thomas.
General Info: Aiden is borderline genius and extremely creative. He is shy at first but quickly warms up and can be outgoing in most social settings (unless he is the center of attention). He is fluent in 5 languages (English, French, Spanish, Korean, Italian.) He is also well-versed in Latin, Russian, and German. He has published several best-selling fantasy/sci-fi novels and has gained a small following for being a brilliant young writer. Both his parents died from terminal illnesses and since then Aiden has had a phobia of doctors, hospitals, and all things medical. He has panic attacks any time he has to see a doctor, in large crowds, or when giving public speeches. Growing up. Aiden traveled all over the world with his parents and spent most of his childhood abroad in Europe and Asia. After his mother died when he was 12, Aiden's father sent him to a boarding school where he met Trent. Aiden's father died shortly after his 18th birthday leaving Aiden with a small fortune which he used to publish his first book. He has two pets; Otis (large yellow tabby) and Kipper (dark brown dachshund).
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hanafauziah · 1 year
ASSISTIR!! FALE COMIGO Completo Dublado e Legendado
Assistir Filmes Online Lançamento, Assistir Filmes Online De Acao Dublado Gratis Completo 720p, 1080p, DvdRip, Hight Quality* ! Onde Assistir FALE COMIGO (2023) Online Dublado e Legendado em português Quer assistir a filme FALE COMIGO 2023 completo dublado e legendado, mas não sabe qual site escolher? aqui ajudamos você a decidir qual site assistir
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17 de agosto de 2023 No cinema / 1h 34min / Terror, Suspense Direção: Danny Philippou, Michael Philippou Roteiro Danny Philippou Elenco: Ari McCarthy, Hamish Phillips, Sunny Johnson Título original Talk To Me
SINOPSE Não recomendado para menores de 14 anos No terror Fale Comigo, da A24, conjurar espíritos tornou-se a última moda nas festas locais e, procurando uma distração no aniversário de morte da mãe, Mia está determinada a participar da trend. Na trama, acompanhamos o grupo de amigos que encontra uma misteriosa mão embalsamada e descobre que ela permite invocar espíritos. Como é de se esperar, todos ficam muito empolgados com a nova descoberta, mas não demora muito até que a brincadeira tome um rumo extremamente perigoso quando um deles acaba indo longe demais e, por acidente, abre uma porta para o mundo espiritual. Agora, com todos altamente vulneráveis a várias ameaças aterrorizantes, cada um dos amigos será obrigado a lidar com uma difícil escolha, descobrindo em quem devem confiar: nos mortos da outra dimensão ou nos vivos. Protagonizado por Sophie Wilde, Miranda Otto, Alexandra Jensen, Joe Bird, Otis Djanji e Zoe Terakes, o filme é dirigido pela dupla de estreantes em longas-metragens, Danny e Michael Philippou.
Este é o site certo para assistir Avatar 2 em alta qualidade de graça sem cortar anúncios e registro
filme completo Grátis HD 480p - 720p - 1080p - BRRip - DvdRip Sub português.
Desculpe, FALE COMIGO Way não está disponível no HBO Max. Há muito conteúdo do HBO Max por $ 14,99 por mês, essa assinatura é livre de anúncios e dá acesso a todos os títulos da biblioteca do HBO Max. O A plataforma de streaming anunciou uma versão suportada por anúncios que custa muito menos por US$ 9,99 por mês.
Infelizmente, FALE COMIGO Path by Water não está disponível para transmissão gratuita no Amazon Prime Vid FALE COMIGO . No entanto, você pode escolher outros programas e filmes para assistir a partir daí, pois possui uma grande variedade de programas e filmes que você pode escolher por US $ 14,99 por mês.
FALE COMIGO no Peacock?
FALE COMIGO Way não está disponível para assistir no Peacock no momento da escrita. A Peacock oferece uma assinatura que custa US$ 4,99 por mês ou US$ 49,99 por ano para uma conta premium. Como seTRANSFORMERS: O DESPERTAR DAS FERAS no Disney Plus?
Não há vestígios de FALE COMIGO Trail no Disney+, prova de que a House of Mouse não tem controle sobre toda a franquia! Lar de títulos como 'Star Wars', 'Marvel', 'Pixar', National FALE COMIGO graphic', ESPN, STAR e muito mais, o Disney+ está disponível por um preço de assinatura anual de $ 79,99 ou uma taxa mensal de $ 0,99. Se você é só fã de alguma dessas marcas, vale a pena se inscrever no Disney+, e nem tem anúncios. u homônimo, a plataforma de streaming é gratuita para jogar com conteúdo ao ar livre, porém limitado.
FALE COMIGO no Paramount Plus?
FALE COMIGO The Road to Water não está no Paramount Plus. O Paramount Plus oferece a opção de assinatura adequada: a versão básica do serviço Paramount + Essential suporta um anúncio por US$ 4,99 por mês e um plano premium sem anúncios por US$ 9,99 por mês .
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Calligrapher Los Angeles
Exploring the History and Techniques of Calligraphy in Los Angeles
Welcome to the vibrant world of calligraphy in Los Angeles! If you're a lover of beautiful handwriting or simply looking for a new creative outlet, you've come to the right place. Calligraphy has been an art form since ancient times and it's still very much alive today. we'll explore the fascinating history and techniques of Calligrapher Los Angeles, from its origins to modern-day styles. Whether you want to take classes or just appreciate the beauty of calligraphic writing, there are plenty of resources available in this dynamic city. So sit back and enjoy our journey into the captivating world of Los Angeles calligraphy!
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Resources for learning calligraphy in Los Angeles
Los Angeles is a city that's bursting with creativity, and it's no surprise that there are plenty of resources available for learning calligraphy here. Whether you're a complete beginner or an experienced calligrapher looking to refine your skills, there are classes and workshops to suit every level.
One great resource is the Society for Calligraphy in Southern California. This nonprofit organization has been promoting the art of calligraphy since 1957 and offers classes, workshops, lectures, and even community outreach programs. They have something to offer everyone from beginners just starting out to seasoned professionals.
Another excellent option is Paper Pastries in Glendale. This charming stationery shop not only sells calligraphy supplies but also hosts regular workshops taught by local artists. Their classes cover everything from brush lettering to modern pointed pen styles.
The different types of calligraphy
Calligraphy is an art form that uses beautiful handwriting as a means of expression. There are several types of calligraphy, each with its distinct style and techniques.
One type of calligraphy is Western calligraphy, which originated from Europe and the Americas. This type of calligraphy uses Roman letters and has evolved into different styles such as Gothic, Italic, Copperplate, and Uncial.
Another popular type is Chinese calligraphy. It involves using brushes to write Chinese characters on rice paper or silk cloth. The strokes used in this type of calligraphy are swift yet delicate, creating elegant lines that convey meaning beyond words.
Japanese Calligraphy also utilizes brushstrokes but with a focus on balance between black ink and white space. This creates a unique aesthetic called "ma" (negative space) which is integral to Japanese culture.
The best places to take classes in Los Angeles
With so much to explore in the world of calligraphy, it's no wonder that Los Angeles has a thriving community of calligraphers and enthusiasts. Whether you're looking to learn a new skill or refine your existing techniques, there are plenty of resources available in this vibrant city.
If you're interested in taking classes, there are many reputable options throughout Los Angeles. The Society for Calligraphy is an excellent starting point for discovering local workshops and events. places like Paper Pastries offer introductory courses on modern calligraphy styles.
For those seeking more formal training, institutions such as Otis College of Art & Design and California State University Northridge both offer comprehensive programs in graphic design with an emphasis on typography and lettering.
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enfanttxrriblx · 1 year
Part 2: Note "Musik an David"
White Fence & Ty Segall - Time
Dear Meadow - Sleepy Silver Door 
Aguaturbia - Heartbreaker 
Rollo Weissensee & Blend - Pastis Duval 
Shabjeed & Al Nather - Mtak Mtak
Arca - Arca (komplettes Album, ich revidiere meine Entscheidung zu Best Album und wähle dieses :) arca hat unter anderem das fka twigs Album mit produziert) 
Shygirl - Freak 
Coucou Chloe - Flip U 
Sevdaliza- Oh My God 
King Gizzard & The Lizard Wizard - The Lord Lightning 
Charlie Parker & Dizzy Gillespie - Bloomdido
Vladimir Dubyshkin - Lady of the Night 
Chopin - Mazurka 
Erik Satie - Gnossienne 
Brutalismus 3000 - Pentagramm 
Ariel Pink - Not enough violence 
DIIV - Under the sun 
Aleide - 123
Alvvays - Plimsoll Punks 
Amnesia Scanner - AS Too Wrong 
Arigto & Nicolas Savva - Fragile Resistence of of Falling silent 
Bauhaus - Bella Lugosi‘s Dead
Beach House - Space Song 
Best Coast - Boyfriend 
Big Thief - Shark Smile 
binki- wiggle 
Birthday Party - Nick the Stripper 
Bonjr - it‘s ok, you‘re ok 
BRONCHO - China 
Chilly Gonzales - Lana Del Rey Medley 
CHLOBOCOP - 999 (oder Narcotics)
Dream Wife - Sports! 
The Emotions - Blind Alley
The Exploited - Sex & Violence 
The Friends of Distinction - And I Love Him
Fugazi- Waiting Room 
The Garden - Clench to Stay Awake 
Gary Numan - Trois Gymnopedies
Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa: I. Ludus
Grouper - Dragging a Deer up the hill 
The Hails - Sugar 
HYUKOH - Wanli
IDLES - I‘m scum 
Jagwar Ma - Howlin
Japanese Telecom - Cigarette Lighter 
The Jesus and Mary Chain - Just Like Honey 
John Maus - ... And the Rain
Julien Andreas - Lethal Hardcore 3 
Juniore - Magnifique 
La Goony Chonga - Dimension 
Lebanon Hanover - Gallow Dance 
Unaloon - Codependency 
Lime Cordiale - Screw Loose 
Low - In the Drugs 
The Marias - Only in my Dreams 
Mystique Braves - To Myself 
Nick Cave & The Bad Seeds - As I Sat by her side 
Papooz - Ann Wants to Dance 
The Pink Slips - Sweet Talker 
Psychic TV - The Orchids 
Ragamuffs - Used to Be
Remi Wolf - You‘re A Dog 
Rui Ho - Theia Impact 
Ryo Fukui - Early Summer 
Salami Rose Joe Louis - I Miss You So 
SALES - Chinese New Year 
Shamir - On My Own 
ShitKid - Highway 
Shuggie Oties - Aht Uh Mi Head 
Siouxsie & The Banshees - Arabian Knights 
The Sister Of Mercy - Never Land 
The Skellywags - Don‘t Preach Me 
Skeggs- Spring Has Sprung 
Slaves - The Hunter 
Still Woozy - Wolfcat 
Tigers Jaw - The Sun
Tom Hengst - Click Block 
TV Girl - Birds Don‘t Sing 
Vacations - Days 
Veruca Salt - Seether 
Zola Jesus - Skin 
Swans - A little God in my hands 
13th Floor Elevator - You‘re Gonna Miss Me 
Future Beat Alliance - Hippocampus 
Aïsha Devi - Mazda 
A.A.L. - Alucinao
Pan Daijing - Disease 
Astrid Gnosis - Drop Dead 
Textasy - Deja Vu Bass (oder Touch My Level aus SoundCloud) 
Sidiki Diabaté - Choisie 
Parcels - Tied Up Right Now 
Clinic - The Equalizer 
Claire Lafutt - Mojo 
Sexy Sushi - Sex Appeal 
Clara Lucini - La grenade 
Abra - Roses 
Kris Wu - Tian Di
Cerrone - Supernature 
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164alt · 1 year
busy workweek. daming ganap kasi may mga new hires na sumalta sa team. so nabuhay ulit hub namin. tapos nalessen din yung allday call namin ni gelu kasi nga shadowing everyday. ayun this workweek sobrang daming shits kay gelu. kuro, TL na namemressure, pre-menstrual shits. Sobrang di ko gusto yung way ni cla ng pagpush kay gelu parang mas lalo lang hindi mamomotivate si gelu hays. Pero alam ko naman na good intention si cla. Tapos ayun sobrang sad kasi si kuro sobrang in pain :(( may infection na mahirap na macure. Sana gumaling hays. Tapos yung backpain pa ni gelu dumagdag sa shits. Sana next week maging okay na ang lahat kasi birthday week niya yun. Ayun OTY always hanggang friday hahaha. Hopefully a good weekend for both of us kahit nasa bahay lang.
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