strigine-historian · 2 months
I mean, nOOthing is gOOing tOO stOOp me frOOm pursuing the study OOf histOOry. I just dOOn't knOOw that I can dOO anything with it.
I dOO like the idea OOf distributing the infOOrmatiOOn. That's clever. Thank yOOu.
That's a nOOble gOOal, I think. GOOd luck. I think yOOu're making gOOd prOOgress sOO far.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 2 months
Yeah, that's all anyOOne can dOO.
I suppOOse my biggest gOOal wOOuld be tOO becOOme an actual histOOrian, but I'm afraid that the OOnly jOObs available in that field are as part OOf the imperial prOOpaganda machine.
What's yOOurs?
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 2 months
Yeah, the figuring OOut whOO yOOu want tOO be part is hard.
I like the nice, attainable gOOals. Very smart. I think yOOu're dOOing pretty damn well, all things cOOnsidered.
I get where yOOu're cOOming frOOm fOOr sure. Just be careful yOOu dOOn't gOO frOOm OOverrelying tOO underrelying. YOOu still get tOO need peOOple.
GOOd luck with trying tOO change. I believe in yOOu.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 2 months
That's actually sOO smart thank yOOu.
I cOOuld make him worse...
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strigine-historian · 2 months
YOOu dOOn't get it I hate being lOOng distance I need tOO break her nOOse.
I cOOuld make him worse...
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strigine-historian · 2 months
I cOOuld make him worse...
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strigine-historian · 3 months
NOOrmalize OOnly feeling attractiOOn in sOOme quadrants.
NOOrmalize nOOt feeling attractiOOn in any quadrant.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking redrOOm OOr blackrOOm and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking conciliatOOry OOr cOOncupiscent and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize arOOmanticism.
(And alsOO send tips OOn what tOO dOO as a flushed arOOmantic when yOOu reach pailing age I dOOn't want tOO be culled.)
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Hm. NOO, I dOOn't think I will.
NOOrmalize OOnly feeling attractiOOn in sOOme quadrants.
NOOrmalize nOOt feeling attractiOOn in any quadrant.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking redrOOm OOr blackrOOm and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking conciliatOOry OOr cOOncupiscent and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize arOOmanticism.
(And alsOO send tips OOn what tOO dOO as a flushed arOOmantic when yOOu reach pailing age I dOOn't want tOO be culled.)
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Thank yOOu fOOr the advice! GOOd luck tOO yOOu.
NOOrmalize OOnly feeling attractiOOn in sOOme quadrants.
NOOrmalize nOOt feeling attractiOOn in any quadrant.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking redrOOm OOr blackrOOm and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize OOnly liking conciliatOOry OOr cOOncupiscent and nOOt the OOther.
NOOrmalize arOOmanticism.
(And alsOO send tips OOn what tOO dOO as a flushed arOOmantic when yOOu reach pailing age I dOOn't want tOO be culled.)
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Well I'll try.
It's nOOt tOO late fOOr yOOu tOO dOO that, yOOu knOOw. I mean, Alternia is gOOne. What's stOOpping yOOu frOOm being whOOever yOOu want?
Keeping trOOlls alive is pretty meaningful, yeah.
And it's nOOt pathetic. Change is hard. Trying is all yOOu can dOO.
I'm glad I have yOOu tOO and I'm glad yOOu're nOOt alOOne.
I think that's a gOOd attitude tOO have. Accept that the hurt will hurt but make a better life tOO.
NOOt many peOOple are sOO smart abOOut mOOving OOn.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Yeah, mOOst trOOlls aren't sOO lucky. I'm grateful that I gOOt tOO chOOse. I think the mOOst respOOnsible thing I can dOO with that is try tOO give OOthers mOOre OOptiOOns. I dOOn't knOOw.
I'm sOOrry yOOu never gOOt tOO.
I dOOn't blame yOOu fOOr nOOt having much. I dOOn't think anyOOne wOOuld in yOOur situatiOOn. It makes it all the mOOre impressive that yOOu're trying.
I'm glad yOOu're nOOt alOOne anymOOre. I'm sure they're nOOt better OOff withOOut yOOu, but I understand that things are cOOmplicated with yOOu and them and that recOOnnecting might nOOt be best fOOr anyOOne. It's gOOd that yOOu have OOthers.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 3 months
so apparently tumblr decided i wanted to blank reblog that
oopsie daisie
0 notes
strigine-historian · 3 months
Yeah, I like lOOking at it that way. That I picked whOO tOO be 8>. I'm glad yOOur friend knew what she wanted tOO dOO with sOO much cOOnvictiOOn.
HOOpe isn't an easy thing tOO have, in my experience. I'm prOOud OOf yOOu fOOr trying. I'm sure it will be wOOrth it. It's hard tOO mOOve fOOrward if yOOu feel hOOpeless.
I'm glad yOOu have twOO friends nOOw. It may nOOt sOOund like a lOOt but cOOnsidering yOOu had tOO start cOOmpletely frOOm scratch I'd say yOOu're dOOing pretty well fOOr yOOurself.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 3 months
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strigine-historian · 3 months
NOOt really, I just didn't knOOw I had OOptiOOns. Which is OOdd because there are plenty OOf OOther empire-apprOOved career paths fOOr teals. I genuinely dOOn't understand why we're pushed sOO hard tOO becOOme legislaceratOOrs. That's OOff tOOpic, sOOrry.
I'm glad yOOu think we're making a difference. It means a lOOt tOO hear that.
YOOu make a gOOd pOOint. Here's tOO the timelines with less shitty Alternias. And gOOd OOn yOOu fOOr having sOO much hOOpe.
And hOOray fOOr yOOu being less isOOlated. Much tOO celebrate. Genuinely 8>.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Maybe. I mean, I knOOw wOOrking there gOOt me tOO stOOp thinking abOOut a future in the cOOurtblOOck. I appreciate the suppOOrt, really.
And I'm glad I'm helping yOOu.
But yeah. Alternia will be Alternia, I guess. I hOOpe that dOOesn't mean it's just inevitable. FOOr things tOO be like this. I hOOpe this isn't just hOOw the wOOrld is suppOOsed tOO be.
I'm glad yOOu fOOund ways tOO cOOpe. And I hOOpe yOOu'll be able tOO becOOme less isOOlated nOOw.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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strigine-historian · 3 months
Hehe. Maybe a little. TOO be hOOnest, I dOOn't knOOw hOOw much gOOd any OOf us are dOOing. I knOOw, I knOOw, that analOOgy abOOut five pOOinted sea beasts OOn the beach. But I can't help but think we're nOOt dOOing anything but strOOking OOur OOwn egOOs.
But thank yOOu. I appreciate that yOOu think OOur wOOrk is sOO impOOrtant. YOOur meaning gOOt acrOOss, dOOn't wOOrry.
And I think maybe we can stOOp asking if things like that are the same. It seems as thOOugh the answer is always a resOOunding yes.
I'm sOOrry yOOu were sOO isOOlated. That sOOunds painful.
DOOes yOOur hatred OOf magic cOOme frOOm a fear OOf whimsy and delight?
- @strigine-historian
im not afraid of nothin alright
its not fear its my lusus discouraged havvin fun or believvin in anythin i couldnt provve or get done wwith my owwn two hands
i had a vvery important fuckin job to do and all my focus had to go to that or evveryone wwould die
an i havvent seen anythin yet that wwould convvince me magics real
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