strugglingqueer · 12 hours
i'm worried that palestinian fundraisers have been slowing dramatically the past few weeks because people think their goal numbers are 'a lot of money', and ignore them.
so, as the one-year mark of this ongoing genocide approaches, i'd ask you to think seriously about how much money it costs just to keep yourself alive for an entire year. $15,000? $10,000? could you live off just $5,000? for a whole year?
since losing his job and his house to the israeli bombing, mohammed iwais has been supporting his 27-person family on gofundme donations equivalent in total to about $50k USD, or roughly $1,852 per person.
i am asking you to think about the reality of what this means for a family undergoing repeated displacements, bullet wounds, other medical emergencies, and now homelessness—in an occupied country that is being brutally price-gouged and cut off from even basic humanitarian aid by military border blockades.
mohammed's fundraising goal has not yet been met, and he's going to update his gfm page to reflect that as soon as he gets a stable internet connection. until then, there's really only one question.
could you live off what the iwais family has raised so far?
verified / donate
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strugglingqueer · 12 hours
“Holmes?” The pipe clattered to the floor and there was tobacco scattered all around it, but it passed like a flash before my eyes because I had spun around to face whoever had entered the room. It was Watson, of course.
Rating: General Audiences
Archive Warning: No Archive Warnings Apply
Category: Gen
Relationship: Sherlock Holmes & John Watson
Characters: Sherlock Holmes, John Watson
Additional Tags: Post-Story: The Adventure of the Empty House, POV Sherlock Holmes, Nightmares, Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder - PTSD, Exhaustion, Crying, but generally in a repressed Victorian way, Sherlock Holmes is Bad at Feelings, John Watson is a Saint, Hurt/Comfort, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, John Watson Takes Care of Sherlock Holmes, Friendship, they actually attempt to talk, Arguing, Forgiveness
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It's almost midnight here and I am too tired to follow @friday411 's advice about what might fix the tags, so bear with me and my ugly broken links one last time ...
@amypihcs@tyrannosaurusnacks@friday411@keirgreeneyes@crowleyholmes@sirensongster@rainbow-person@yamy-brett@itsnotlupus@its-notlupus@angryducktimemachine@anmaje@emmahasadhd@sarahthecoat@geeoharee@theantichris@hell-and-pepsi@neverquiteeden@rudbeckiasunflower@weast-of-eden@ohgodwhatwasthat@the-doggo-of-baskervilles@benrybenrybenry-chr@fuckyeahfreeimmortal@loki-lock@holmes-ness@louieclamlent@bestnoncannonship@forever-1895@loreleilee @jabbage @somethingintheforest @wohnjatson @crowleyholmes @zouex @wemightliveinasociety @sammalinensiirtolohkare @zouex @wohnjatson @tremendousdetectivetheorist @tremendously-crazy @darkhorse-javert @marta-bee @calculated-waywardness @sirensongster @imlostatau @noisykingdomreview @emmahasadhd @yamy-brett @anmaje @skyriderwednesday @transholmes @53rdcenturyhero @randomwholocker @plaidadder @huamirly @fruitviking
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
I really do miss back when it was considered fucking weird to ask trans people(or anyone who is even a little gnc/has a label you don't understand/is giving you queer vibes)* what their assigned sex at birth is. Like we literally used to roast cis people for this shit, that's legit why the "what's in your pants" meme exists, but somehow we've reached a point where a very vocal portion of the online trans community genuinely thinks you owe people this information so they can make insane generalizations about you and your life and if you refuse that's cause for suspicion and I really shouldn't have to explain how fucked that is.
Interrogating people about what's in their pants is transphobe/terf/transmed shit. "If you have nothing to fear you have nothing to hide" is fed shit. Tbh "you owe me personal information about your body and medical history" is ableist and intersexist shit. Sex and/or gender tells you literally nothing concrete about a person and there is no world where you are owed this information. Can we cut this shit out and go back to judging people by their words and actions instead of what some random doctor decided their body looks like when they were a squishy baby, you know, like normal people? Please??
*It's also wildly intersexist but unfortunately I don't think we've ever reached a point of collectively accepting that it's horrid to ask intersex people unprompted questions about their bodies and medical histories. You are absolutely not owed any of that information for any reason, especially given that medical history typically goes hand in hand with profound trauma due to how normalized medical abuse against intersex people is, and everyone needs to get that through their heads yesterday. If they want to share they can and will, aside from that it's none-ya.
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
if u see this, we need $78/$$$ of any amoun for 2 kids 5 disabled adults, four whom are gay. we desperately need help for food as I just paid our rent and bills aka all my ssi check. Kids can go through box of Ramen in 1 day. Mom & Derek need extremely healthy food. My sister needs easy to eat food. We are only allowed access to the fridge to store insulin in it, nothing else. (Liu understands our situation daniel cant)
Next thing that costs us much, uber/lyft, a ride to Walmart costs us 11 typically.
Just, more than anything we need food help, I worry about the kids growing up like me, always scared of not having a next meal. I'm not asking anyone to donate or share, just that if you want to d*nate, be it any amount is more than I had before, or to reblog, to help in anyway you can.
p3ypal c3sh app v3nmo k0fi
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Urgent appeal📣🚨.
My heart is broken after my home was destroyed due to the war in Gaza 😢. All I dream of is escaping this tragic situation with my family so we can resume our lives and continue my studies.
What was once a dream has turned into a nightmare, and I need your help to raise funds on "GoFundMe." Any donation, no matter how small, can light up hope 🌟 and make a difference in our lives.
GoFundMe link: https://gofund.me/463cbf01
Thank you for your support. Every bit of your kindness means so much to me 💔
My campaign has been vetted by: @beesandwatermelon here #190 link here
@gazavetters #63
@a-shade-of-blue here
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Actually I think having kids is too normalized.
I mean like; not only has it become an expectation for people (not just talking about fascists and sexist pigs controlling women's choices) but people are just so... Out of touch with what "having a baby" actually means.
Not just for the immediate future but also long term.
"We'll cross that bridge if it comes to it!" is an alarmingly common response these days when parents are questioned about the future with their child. People seem to be so caught up in just having a child and a pretty nursery that they don't seem to think beyond that point at all.
I know so, so many people who suffered a shitty upbringing because their parents had a child because "its just what couples do." Parents who never planned for unforeseen circumstances. Parents who left crucial developmental stages to other people. Parents who never bothered to learn how to actually raise another human being.
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
early to bed and early to rise leaves a man so fucked up that he dies
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
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Paypal suspended my account im no longer can access to the money i have in account until i solve the problem.
I need your help guys to continue help me and my family especially my brother and my relatives who still there in Khan Yunis so i will share my sister paypal account
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
When I was in the hospital, they gave me a big bracelet that said ALLERGY, but like. I'm allergic to bees. Were they going to prescribe me bees in there.
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Help a family of 10 evacuate from Gaza
Hello, @hebaalmaqadma reached out to me to share her family's campaign. They are a family of 10 individuals, one of whom is married with a child, and one of whom is her youngest brother Adam who has cerebral palsy. More details are in their GFM campaign page:
It's close to goal (€82,715 raised of €85,000), with the most recent donation 15 hours as of the time of writing this post (17/09/24 18:24 GMT+8), but they might increase the goal due to other huge expenses. The campaign is verified by The ButterflyEffect Project where it is listed at no. 294 in their list of verified campaigns.
As in the campaign page, her IG is @/heba_almaqadma where you could see in her story highlights her getting notified that her writing got included in the book, Daybreak in Gaza. Also linked is her article:
The earliest post on her tumblr is from 2017, and in one photoset, you can see her coffee cup with her name on it. Look over to her blog, see a few snippets of her life before this bombardment, check out the campaign page, and please boost and/or donate.
Free Palestine.
Tagging for reach, DM me for removal:
@frustrated-froglet @heydreamchild @neptunerings @c-u-c-koo-4-40k @eastgaysian
@lesbianmaxevans @dlxxv-vetted-donations @brutaliakhoa @pannaginip @transmutationisms
@a-shade-of-blue @mangocheesecakes @determinate-negation @anneemay
@notallmensheviks @gabajoofs @chexcastro
@astarionstdick @amethyinst @thesummersucks @oceanmonsters @mietowka
@millythegoat @moonrver @thewingedwolf @unrealcities @mieldelsol
@jeemar @alicent-archive @alysscoven @visenyaism
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
You ever think about how unified humanity is by just everyday experiences? Tudor peasants had hangnails, nobles in the Qin dynasty had favorite foods, workers in the 1700s liked seeing flowers growing in pavement cracks, a cook in medieval Iran teared up cutting onions, a mom in 1300 told her son not to get grass stains on his clothes, some girl in the past loved staying up late to see the sun rise.
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
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Obsessed with this thang
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Hey quick question:
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Help Ola and her family of 6
7 lives (including Ola's) depends on this fundraiser which has only met 58% of it's goal.
Ola (olagaza) is a Palestinian math teacher with a bright future ahead of her. She's kind, smart, and resilient. Most importantly, she is human. Please help help support her fundraiser by donating and sharing the link.
Ola's fundraiser is number 205 on el-shab-hussein and nabulsi's spreadsheet.
as of august 20, Ola's campaign is currently at $29,124 of its $50,000 goal
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
Please help❤️🙏
Hello everyone, I am Ahlam, 21 years old. My life before the war was simple, filled with ordinary dreams like any young woman my age. I envisioned a future full of the ability to help others. I lived with my family in a warm house full of love and security, thinking about how I could achieve my dreams and become an impactful person in society.
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But suddenly, everything changed. The war swept through our city like a relentless storm. In a single night, my home became just a memory, and the city I once knew crumbled before my eyes. The sound of planes and shells became the only thing people could hear. We tried to find shelter, a safe place to hide our dreams and lives, but the war followed us wherever we went.
We were forced to leave everything behind—the house, the memories, and even the university. We became displaced, homeless, with no destination, just trying to survive. I walked with my family through unfamiliar roads, searching for a place to take us in, trying to escape danger, running from one explosion to the next, from one ruin to another.
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The war didn't just destroy our city and homes, it destroyed our dreams. My dream of completing my studies became far out of reach, and every day, I feel hope slipping further away. But despite all this, something inside me refuses to give up. There is a desire to escape this reality and build a new life, a life worth living. I dream of continuing my education, I dream of standing on my own feet again and achieving the goal I was once striving for: to help others who have lived through the pain of war like me.
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I ask for your help, humbly. I can't get out of these circumstances on my own. The donations you gather will help me travel to a safe place where I can continue my studies and start a new life away from war and fear. The amount I'm asking for is the key to a new life, to the dream of becoming strong again and one day helping my family and community.
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Help me rebuild my life and become the person I dreamed of being. Every donation, no matter how small, is a step towards safety, a step towards a better future.
Thank you for reading my words. Many thanks and respect to you
Vetted by:
@gazavetters, my number verified on the list is ( #73 )
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strugglingqueer · 13 hours
nothing better than the wrong capitalization of Sie
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