stu-is-good · 6 years
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10 April 1962 - Stuart Sutcliffe dies from a brain haemorrhage. He was 22.
R.I.P. Stuart (23 June 1940 – 10 April 1962)
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stu-is-good · 6 years
happy paul when not stuart
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angry paul when stuart
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stu-is-good · 6 years
why stuart sutcliffe is the most tragically cool person i know
Stuart Sutcliffe was the original tumblr cool boy and get ready kids because you are going to fall in love with him.
This is Stuart:
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he was the original bass player for the beatles and was in the band for a year and a half before leaving. In case you are wondering, he left because HE GOT IN AN ARGUMENT WITH PAUL BECAUSE HE GOT MORE APPLAUSE WHEN HE SANG LOVE ME TENDER (which is on spotify fyi) THAN THE OTHER MEMBERS DID WHEN THEY SANG.
stuart became very popular among the bands orignal fans because he wore TIGHT PANTS AND RAYBANS
ok so thats irrelevant buuuttt
ok so if he already wasnt cool enough, when the beatles traveled to Hamburg, Germany for the first time (which was long before their first record deal or anything of that sort), Stuart meet Astrid Kirchherr. and oh boy were they adorable together. she was a german photographer and most of the first photos of the beatles were taken by her.
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but you know it gets better.
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she was beautiful and was a talented photographer and was so cool it is upsetting to me.
tbh to me she has a real glossier-esque feel with the cute hair and the eyeliner.
she was so cool and i wish she was more famous than she actually is now because she and stuart are the biggest otp hipster couple i have ever laid eyes on and i wish THAT I HAD A STUART
ok so anyway, they were the cutest couple i have ever seen in my life except for when anna ferris and chris pratt were still together.
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the aesthetic that these two are giving off is literally so modern and cool and amazing that is makes me mad like WHY CAN’T I BE THIS COOL WHAT THE HECK
but back to stuart… he was an artist and when he left the beatles, he went to art school to pursue his dream of painting. he was described by a fellow student when he was young as his art being dark and moody (me) but if that doesn’t match his aesthetic than idk what does
he was always said as being one of the top students in his art classes. He tried to become an art teacher, but when he wasn’t accepted, he left the bealtes (after the argument) and art school to be with astrid. 
he never sold many peices and there are very few surviving pieces of art of his left but there are a couple. 
here is some of his art:
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the fact that it says “elvis mccarthey” is my absolute favorite thing ever because HIS HHHAAAIIIIIRRRR
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i wish i was as good as him oh my gosh
ok so i know what you are thinking,
how have i never heard of this dude before?
well i tell you…
when stuart sutcliffe was 21, he died of a brain ruptured aneurysm and died after he collapsed in one of his art classes.
astrid and the other members of the beatles were not able to attend his funeral and his father was not informed of his death for 3 weeks.
in a letter to stuarts mother, astrid said “Oh, Mum, he (Lennon) is in a terrible mood now, he just can’t believe that darling Stuart never comes back. [He’s] just crying his eyes out … John is marvelous to me, he says that he knows Stuart so much and he loves him so much that he can understand me”
so that is why stuart sutcliffe is the most tragically cool person that i know of at the moment.
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stu-is-good · 6 years
January 22nd, 1969 (Apple Studios, London): After John tells Yoko, Paul, and George about having received a letter from Millie Sutcliffe requesting his financial support, George reads aloud from the letter while John expresses his derision for Mrs. Sutcliffe’s justification of responsibility - his old friendship with Stuart - and points out that Stuart didn’t even have much regard for her.
GEORGE: Well, what’s Mrs. Sutcliffe want?
JOHN: Well, what they all want – money.
GEORGE: [reading] “This is the last cry for help. My bank is now to the wall—” [laughs] My “back”.
JOHN: “Back”, “bank”. [George laughs] I thought it was “bank” too.
GEORGE: “—as it’s been many times before, but this is the last time. Since [Stuart’s father] Charlie’s sudden death in March ’66, oh my consequence of long—” What?
YOKO: [reading] “Illness”.
GEORGE: “—illness, I have managed to exist—”
JOHN: [withering] “Illness”? She’s an alcoholic.
GEORGE: “—but now it is the end of the road.”
JOHN: She’s an alcoholic, you know.
GEORGE: “I beg of you, please come if only for the sake of the boy you once knew.” Fucking hell…
JOHN: You know, what’s it got to do with me?
GEORGE: What’s it got to do with Stu?
JOHN: Yeah.
GEORGE: I mean, she didn’t know him.
JOHN: No, he hated her anyway. [laughter] I remember at college he used to tell me so. Except for she gave him twenty ciggies a day and five bob. [pause] So I mean, it’s registered [inaudible], I’ve just got to write her and say, “What?” Or something. I ought to… Should we carry on here, in the rock‘n’roll show?
GEORGE: [laughs] Yeah.
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stu-is-good · 6 years
John Lennon: [at the Kaiserkeller, can't find Paul McCartney] Well, this calls for drastic measures...
John Lennon: [grabs microphone] Stuart Sutcliffe is my best friend and the best bass player in the world, I love him so much!
Paul McCartney: EXCUSE ME?!
John Lennon: There he is
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stu-is-good · 6 years
a that made my heart hurt frick
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after stu died, john wanted to stand in the same place stu had in an earlier picture astrid had taken, 1961/1962
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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after stu died, john wanted to stand in the same place stu had in an earlier picture astrid had taken, 1961/1962
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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“George was lovely. Wide-eyed, innocent, open and very loving and warm. He was always extremely popular with the fans and even in Hamburg had a dedicated, affectionate following. He used to tell me that he’d never met a girl like me before, and he meant it. Here I was, a photographer, with my own little car, living that sort of carefree artist’s life with my friends.
I felt protective of George. He was a long way from home and seemed to miss the attention of his family. The other boys were more grown up and so were a little less concerned with all that. I know, for example, that he always looked up to John, and probably even Stu, as big-brother figures. And conversely, it was sometimes difficult for them not to see George as something of a pain for being so young. Still, in their own way, they loved him. We all did. Even when things were pretty rough they all stuck together. They often argued amongst themselves, but just let an outsider have a go at one of them and the sparks would fly. At first they were close out of necessity; later it was out of love.”
- Astrid Kirchherr
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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The Beatles at The Top Ten Club, Hamburg, c. April 1961. 
Pics: Gerd Mingram.
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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happy 77th birthday to stuart sutcliffe! i hope wherever you are you’re making art.
june 23rd, 1940 - april 10th, 1962
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stu-is-good · 6 years
Paul: Did you hang out with Stu last night?
John: Y'know, yeah I did.
Paul: oh, I love Stu!
John: You hate Stu
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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The Beatles by Astrid Kirchherr
November 1960
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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The Beatles playing somewhere in some bar in Hamburg, Germany
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stu-is-good · 6 years
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The Beatles throughout the 1960s
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stu-is-good · 6 years
modern high school headcanons for stu bc im tired and bc i can hush
•can be loud but quiet at times
•is actually a sensitive ball of memes and gets frustrated in fine art (smae bby)
•sucks up to John and Paul when he gets sad/stressed or when he just needs luv
•gets frustrated when he cant manage to draw something right (like if he keeps getting shading wrong he gets frustrated)
•the bois watch him do fine art hw or just projects and see how frustrated he gets
•carries a sketchbook around and a pack of cigs with a lighter for John bc hes a saint
•wears large shirt and poofy hoodies in pe bc hes self conscious af
•steals john's hoodies
•he and john doodle in eachother's books.
•doesnt really eat and sits on his phone at lunch - adds little comments here and there, mainly talks to John and Paul
•likes sitting squished between john and paul bc boyfs are good
•brings chippie and stuff in as well as large cokes (cola) and sometimes mcdonalds for lunch for the bois bc hes a saint x2
•helps his bff/pen-pal astrid with her english work
•sits next to george in maths so he does george's work when he struggles (then explains after)
•does a large amount of John's hw for him bc john cba
•paul tries to keep him calm when doing art stuff and pushes him to practice more and tells him hes doing great bc who doesnt love a supportive paul every now and then
•gets headaches often so he carries paracetamol- sometimes gives them out to people who also have headaches, backaches, bellyaches, ect
•is known by everyone as being rly quiet and nice and sweet and a saint x3, but is quite talkative towards the bois and is a memelord in the gc
•probably got into a fight w/ a homophobe to protecc his bois
•he eats v little but his art teacher lets him snacc on banana bread & listen to music during art classes
•shares art class w/ all the bois so they mess around a bit in there
•probably played in a few musicals in drama club, but got stage fright and had an anxiety attack in front of the school
•john and paul push him to eat but he only drinks cola sometimes
•likes sticking leaves and leaving coffee stains on his sketchbook and in between the pages for "aesthetic"
•is top of his art class - but doesnt believe it bc self esteem issues
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stu-is-good · 6 years
My brain, at 6 AM on a Monday: I wonder if you can order those little soy sauce fish shaped bottles in bulk, except without soy sauce in them. You should spend 30 minutes trying to find them instead of sleeping.
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stu-is-good · 6 years
Fact #89
John Lennon’s favorite color was black.
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