winter-unseelie · 4 days
Me, several weeks ago: excited to have the whole summer to read Me, currently: too burnt out on using eyes and too invested in crochet projects to read with eyes, must use audiobooks The struggle is so real.
Oh finally, presentation over. 2 finals remaining. So close to having time to read all summer.
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winter-unseelie · 4 days
I always misspell surprise the first time I write it down. I pronounce it "suh-prize" so i always forget about that first 'r'. It's very frustrating.
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winter-unseelie · 4 days
I think im going to try "writing time friday"
the freewrite company has interested me for quite some time, and i do long for one of their typewriters.
I know i struggle to write frequently, big surprise, I know, seeing my very lacking post history. I think this could possibly help.
Either way, I'm going to attempt. Anyone here can pop in and bully me into posting/actually writing for the weekly prompts. I'm going to try to post them here i think :)
This is but one small step in gaining the confidence to publish a novel.
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winter-unseelie · 1 month
Okay I need a bunch of fun words/phrases I can put onto Kandi singles. Help
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winter-unseelie · 2 months
Oh finally, presentation over. 2 finals remaining. So close to having time to read all summer.
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winter-unseelie · 2 months
It's a bit odd the whole situation with the American tiktok ban. I suppose I'll have to find my crochet ideas and book reccs on Instagram now.
Oh also if anyone has good book recommendations you should let me know, reblog or in my ask box :)
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winter-unseelie · 2 months
Sometimes I feel bad for not being very engaged in certain classes, but then I remember it's probably fine. My grades are good enough anyhow.
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winter-unseelie · 3 months
The ending to this novel was extremely unsatisfying. I just wanted anyone who reads this to know.
I've been reading mill on the floss for a class of mine... I don't know how to feel about it honestly?
I feel as though it could be more fun, but it's just a bit boring. I am a much bigger fan of big plot things, not the boring realism Elliot likes.
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
Waking up early from a nice dream because I actually somehow got 8 hours of rest and my body decided it needed to be up.
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
Mmm I hate it when my professors convince me to do things that are good for me
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
I did the good thing where I went to the gym, I will have yummy unhealthy food as a treat
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
Damn you spotify, damn you and your limited audiobook hours!
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
I've been reading mill on the floss for a class of mine... I don't know how to feel about it honestly?
I feel as though it could be more fun, but it's just a bit boring. I am a much bigger fan of big plot things, not the boring realism Elliot likes.
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winter-unseelie · 4 months
Oh right, if I want to post here I have to actually post here, don't I?
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winter-unseelie · 7 months
hm.... how to motivate for cleaning when I want to do a big project, knowing j won't have the energy to complete said project
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winter-unseelie · 7 months
I wish I had the will to post more often. I'm not sure why though. I don't *want* to be particularly well known.
but also I do want to be known, i want to publish books and have people read them, and look at the art people draw of my characters, and read fanfiction and theories about my stories.
And yet, I cannot stick to writing one story for more than a year, and it takes much longer than that for me to write a story.
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winter-unseelie · 10 months
A man with long black hair approaches a throne. A skin like mask covers his eyes, bearing the resemblance of a moth. The man wears black robes, beautifly embriodered with images of death in red metalic thread. The throne looks like it has grown from trees vines that weaved together. Atop it sits a beautiful man in ornate clothing. Between the red and white roses on his head sits a crown of golden thorns.
The one with the mask kneels before his king.
“Rise Evander, what news do you bring,” The king questions.
Evander rises to his feet, “Your highness, I have seen the most horrible thing. This could mean the end of Whien Tril-. No, this could be the end of Æthon as we know it.”
“Out with it Evander, if it is such an urgent matter then I must know what it is you saw.”
“Your highness, the end times are coming, he is going to destroy all,” The quiver in his voice showes barely any fear to most. The king knows better, Evander never flinches even at the most gruesome of prophecy.
“Who Evander? Come on, out with it.”
Evander tries to say something, but chokes on his words, and starts to cough. He falls to his knees, and catches himself by putting a hand to the floor. His coughs bring up a strange, black ooze from his lungs. 
The king panics, “Evander? What’s happening to you? Guards!”
Evander collapses, coughing until he suffocates on the strange substance. The mask peels off his face, revealing that the ooze, mixed with blood, had started to leak from his eyes. The ooze pools on the floor, spreading like ink on a page. 
Now now, we can’t have you ruining the surprise yet. 
Somewhere else, a girl sees her reflection and screams.
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