studyafternoon · 6 years
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paintings locks.
like or reblog if u save/use 🕊️ please, don’t repost
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studyafternoon · 7 years
What happened to you? :-( Are you ok?
OMG I’m so sorry I made you worry 😭😭😭I’m totally fine and doing well!!I’m preparing for an exam which will hopefully get me into the uni I wantI found bullet journaling overwhelming for my studyplans cause I have to make weekly spreads every week by myself and that takes so much time😐So I switched to a readymade planner and now I have nothing to post😐 but I promise I’ll come back once the exam is over and I have time to use my journal 😍that’ll be mid November I’ll answer all the asks then. I’m so sorry 😭😭😭And thanks for worrying ilysm😘😘😘
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Omg I just found your blog and your journals are so pretty!!!!! 🎀how do you decide how to set it up???
Awwww thanks 😘😘😘
Hmmm how I set it up…I just go with a color scheme and just set it up with my usual set up(?) cause I don’t want to put much time to my bullet journal haha (I mean the bujo part I do put a significant amount of time to my journal spreads lol) I’m currently in to pink cause it’s spring and spring reminds me of cherry blossoms 🌸🌸🌸I just posted my weekly spread layout so perhaps that would help???And for the journal pages I sometimes go crazy but most of the times I just split a page in half and write in!!! You’ll see what I mean if you see my journal posts :)
Haha hope this helped!!!
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studyafternoon · 7 years
What kind of planners/stickers/markers do you prefer? I'm not sure if this was asked yet but I'm a new follower and in LOVE with your planning/writing skills. 😊
Awwww Thanks 💕💕💕I do think I answered this but here’s my answer again lol
I use leuchtturm 1917 medium squared notebook for bullet journaling!!
I’m using uni ball signo 0.28 pen for journaling and I write the headers with muji 0.38 gel pen👍
I think I use mostly mildliners??? For a bit of color flash lol and Monami live color diy pens too but monami is a Korean brand so I’m not sure if you can easily get them from where you live ????
Okay that’s my answer and welcome my new friend 😍😍😍
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Hey, just wanted to say that I loved your recent bujo spread a lot, and that I hope you continue to use pink in your following spreads
Haha okie I’ll try my best💕💕💕 I think I’ll continue this through out March??? But even after March, I may still do many pink spreads cause they’re so pretty 😍😍😍
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Glad you guys like it 💕💕💕
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New logo for a new season 🌸🌸🌸
What do you guys think???
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studyafternoon · 7 years
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🍓Hello beautiful people on tumblr🍓 I just wanted to show you my current weekly study planner layout this week :) I took the pictures before filling the pages in so they look a looooot empty haha Spring is definitely coming!!! I've been eating strawberries these past few days 💕 It's such a pity that strawberry is just a one-season thing :( What is your favorite fruit?? Mine is strawberry atm 🍓
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Do you have any advice to those people who want to start writting but they dont know how? I mean, i really want to start a day book but im not really sure of how to do that jaja, and not just write about my days, i want to write something else but i really dont know what jaja, so i really need help for that... Sorry if my English sucks but im mexican so I dont have so much practice😅 besos
You can really write anything!!! From what happened that day and how you felt about it to what you’re eating at that exact time 🤗
Just think of things that you might find fun to read later on. I usually write down the most useless stuff but they’re definitely gonna make my day someday 🐵🐵🐵
I recommend stuff like;
-current favorite music
-movie list
-your own movie evaluation!!! (with #/5 rating )
-current nail color / length
-food you’re obsessed with atm
-profile of your favorite artist
-book quotes
-if you have a pet or a plant, write how you take care of them from bathing/watering to feeding haha
-explain your favorite weather and why
-how you pose when you take a selfie 🤳
-what you think about the products you’re using
-favorite tv show & character
-when you sleep and wake up (the time I mean cause it definitely changes overtime)
-just pick up a leaf or a flower on your way home from somewhere and try to make a page of your own plant dictionary with it
-your drawing of something you like
-what you think about your phone (kinda counts as a product but oh well lol)
-current hairstyle and how you do it
-your crush/gfriend/bfriend/wife/husband (what you like about the person!!!)
-how the sky was that day (from color to clouds explain it as well as you can!!!)
-your favorite restaurant and how to get there + your favorite menu
-what you wore that day from head to toe +accessories
-if you had a skin trouble that day, what you did to treat it (if you did not do anything, just write so loool)
-books/movies you want to read/watch
-your favorite ride at an amusement park 🎢
-languages you wanna learn and short sentences in that language
-write a bucket list!!!
-places you wanna travel
-things you hate haha (see if your opinion has changed like 20~30 years later)
-your favorite accent or favorite letter lol
There are so many things to write I just can’t tell you everything!!!Hope you have fun writing in your journal / reading it when you get more older 🎠🎠🎠
These are probably the stupidest things to write but I bet they'll gonna worth so much later on :)
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studyafternoon · 7 years
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New logo for a new season 🌸🌸🌸
What do you guys think???
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studyafternoon · 7 years
If you're Korean, why do you write you're journal in English sometimes?
Haha there are many reasons to that actually
1. I find me writing in Korean cringy sometimes (probably because it reminds me of my old journals looool)
2. I write things in English so no one in my family can understand it hahaha
3. Somedays I just wanna use English. I just feel like so!!
4. To post on tumblr looool
5. So I can grow my language skills!!!
Yep that is why 🌷🌷🌷hope this helped (?)
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Are you from North or South Korea?
Ummm… isn’t it… kinda obvious…….? Haha DEFINITELY SOUTH 🇰🇷🇰🇷🇰🇷
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studyafternoon · 7 years
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2.26.17 ♡ 26/100 days of productivity
Spread from two weeks ago. Just came back home from our California trip and now I’m buried with so much homework (;´д`)
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studyafternoon · 7 years
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[27/02/2017] 💒Hey everyone💒 Last week's journal page is a looooot similar to the one I posted before but what can I do 💕 The combination of pink and lavender is sooooo pretty 💜 And there's a lot of Korean journaling going on there haha Weather is getting warm so everyone be careful!! You may catch a cold!!!
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Hey! I really want to start studying to make good grades this year but I've been having a hard time to not be lazy. I've been skipping homework and not studying since elementary school and it seems really daunting to do homework every day. Do you have any tips on how to start building a work ethic?
I’m not sure about the work ethic stuff cause since middle school I was that kid who is just obsessed with studying and who truely enjoyed it!!! But I was not like that when I was in elementary school so when I tried to learn more advanced stuff the fact that I don’t have any background knowledge always held me down 😥😥😥 but starting them all over again seemed wayyy too hard and time consuming and I didn’t have that much time. So I just pushed myself to study those advanced stuff but whenever I needed to know something that I should have learnt a long time ago I just studied the exact part where I needed right then!!! That saved me a lot more time than just going through all the informations + it let me to pursue the current studying as well!!!!! Cause from all the stuffs you learned, some informations may not come up ever again 🙃🙃🙃 well that’s how I’d done it and I am still doing so! I know this answer is a bit all over the place and maybe not what you wanted but I really hope this was helpful cause this ask made me think so much haha 😂 YOSO!!! You Only Study Once!!! I just want it to last as long as it can haha once but forever!!! Cause maybe that’s the only thing I truely enjoy(?) That’s my work ethic….? I guess 💘💘💘
+ I'm so sorry for the late response!! I was just trying to figure out the best way to answer this!!!!
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Where do ya live?
Ummm Korea??? 👍 haha I live in Korea 💘💘💘
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Hi!! I'm also Korean and every time I see your Korean handwriting I'm like howwwweeee,, it's so pretty and quality worthy >
OMG 안녕 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 yesss team Koreaaaa lol awwwwww thanks!!! You talk so sweet 🍬🍬🍬
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studyafternoon · 7 years
Hello! I was just wondering what sort of pens you use? And if they are $$$, some good alternatives?
I currently use signo 0.28 and sometimes muji gel pen 0.38 simply because I like 0.28 size better!!! Hmmm…. I think those two pens are quite cheap compared to other brilliant Japanese brand pens 💵💵💵 Sorry I only use those two so I don’t know any other cheap alternatives 😥😥😥 but if you are gonna use signo, buy the original one not the style-fit one!!! Although the style-fit one is super gorgeous 💘💘💘 they don’t have as much ink as the original version and the style-fit one is only a biiiiiittttt cheaper!!! And you have to pay for the body also haha
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