studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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found a study buddy outside the coffee shop.
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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september 2, 2019
1/100 days of productivity
classes are in session! so far i love all of my professors and classes. this semester i’m taking classes in law, government, economics, and linguistics. i thought i would have a hard time getting used to living on campus, but i’m happy. i feel welcome!
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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sleepy potato.
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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So I’m finally back from my parents home and now trying to concentrate on writing my project but a) the weather is so cold today b) I’m feeling a little sick and sleepy, so I made myself a cup of cappuccino to warm up
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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{aug 15, 2018}
today was the first day of school. and the senior high department has 700 students 😱 now, i feel so keen on doing my best and working really hard this school year. The amount of people in class (we’re 50 students in one classroom) seems so daunting, & i barely know anyone.
i tried talking to some old friends from my old school but why did it seem so awkward? ugh.
somehow, this motivates me.
ig: solennestudies
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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I don’t know who needs to hear this but: Listen to the Tablo podcast.
- Have a happy weekend.
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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🧦day 11/100 days of productivity🧦
Well, I worked all day long yesterday in the bakery and deli, and today I got up early and went to church. After that I went to a table reading for a show I’m in of a bunch of one acts so that was exciting. Now I’m sitting in the cutest cafe having an oat milk latte and baked Mac and cheese! I have laundry out the wazoo to do when I get home... ew. But a little later I have a volunteer thing to do with the youth at my church... but hey, free moes! I’m gonna look over my psych notes again tonight and I’ll be good to go:))
🧦happy studying🧦
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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♟day 10/100 days of productivity♟
I found an awesome app for mind mapping and I love it!!! I made mind maps for my educational psych exam coming up on Tuesday... I think I’m going to make a review book for it tonight but I’m not sure.
Happy studying
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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a small guide on how i battle my essays! (click on an image to view it clearer) 
(keep in mind: i’m an english major so a majority of my essays are literature-focused!)
these are just some of the methods i want to share that work for me when i write my innumerable amount of essays! i’m definitely a huge planner so it’s no secret that i spend a lot of time on an essay. if you’re a deadline fighter, these tips might not necessarily be helpful (especially the handwriting one). but i hope this gives you an insight on how i write my essays! 🌈
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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10-12/100 days of productivity || the last few days were full of reading and reading and guess what? reading, and now I’m starting my summaries. coffee is my bff [click for HQ]
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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💜day 9/100 days of productivity💜
Today I have been cranking out educational psych notes. I sat in my schools student lounge for a while but I’m at a coffee shop now doing some more work. I only have psych once a week and it’s a 2 1/2 hour class so we always have a lot to do after.
Yes if you look at the bottom of my screen you’ll see the office (season 3) and I don’t usually recommend this. But the only reason I let myself was because it was very loud around me and I’ve watched the offic enough times where I don’t really get distracted by it. Or maybe I’m just bsing...idk!
I have an audition tonight and I’m kinda nervous! Wednesday Addams is the role I’m trying for and her vocal range is right in my sweet spot so I have my fingers crossed!!!!
💟happy studying💟
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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🍃day 6&7&8/100 days of productivity 🍃
(My posts weren’t posting )); )
I decided to take advantage of the last month of nice weather and sit outside to do my work today. Surprisingly I got a lot done. There was a minor hiccup when someone joined the area I was sitting in ( that I had chosen because no one was there) and I was quite visibly doing work and she decided to have a very loud phone call. I wasn’t in the greatest mood so it annoyed me a lot but I got over it pretty quick.
I haven’t been too busy with school work the past few days. Pretty much just normal work and extracurricular stuff. I’m relishing it while it lasts because I know it’ll pick up soon enough.
🍃happy studying🍃
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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by Matt Talbert
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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⚡️days 4/100 & 5/100 of productivity ⚡️
Yesterday and today has consisted of making sure all my notes and readings are done from last week and getting a head start on the ones for the upcoming week!
Above are my educational psychology notes for what we covered last week and I’m going to read the chapter for next class later tonight. I still have some spanish left to do as well as some literature but I’ll get there. I’m excited for this weeks short story, it’s the Yellow Wallpaper which also happens to be a favorite of mine. I’m not excite for the class itself because the class is a little dumbed down and that sounds so cocky but I practically took the same class last year, so it’s kind of a frustrating thing. Oh well!
Today I’ve been drinking pumpkin spice coffee to get me in the fall, dark academia, mood. However, I will never live up to the aesthetic because my notes with pretty much always be way too colorful... oops.
Happy studying 🌟
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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Ancient poetry foretelling the tales of giants and wisdom-seeking Gods, coupled with the dark tea leaves, conjure up visions of dark halls and gloomy skies from outside the archways. Faint sounds of heels on the stone stairs and the mumur of the library perfume the crisp autumn air.
ig: rosenaufsuden
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studyingwithpaigee · 5 years
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08.09.19 • some general back-to-uni planning today ☕️
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