studyofcookie · 3 months
Hi are you still using tumblr?
I'm a catholic convert (brazilian) and trying to use bullet journal to my spiritual life. Can I have some tips?
Oi! Quase não uso aqui mais haha mas posso ajudar sim! Você tem alguma dúvida específica?
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studyofcookie · 1 year
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Butterflies and purple times 💜✨
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studyofcookie · 1 year
living in the age of social media makes us crave instant results, gratification and stimulation. we’re constantly racing against the clock instead of letting things flow. this makes it difficult to stay motivated on long term goals or have the patience to see it through. but despite the distractions, continue to believe in yourself and persist in your goals. everything comes when it’s ready.
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studyofcookie · 1 year
Gotta love St Josemaria
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studyofcookie · 1 year
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Seems like my cat also enjoys bullet journaling
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studyofcookie · 1 year
did you guys know that the hours continue to pass even if you aren’t using them well. I’ll let you know if I discover more
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studyofcookie · 1 year
the no bullshit guide to getting your shit together: for the lazy student
Let’s be honest: time management and organization? They’re really hard. Sure, at first you might feel like you’ve gotten the hang of them, that you’re in control of your life. But how often have you fallen off the wagon? Procrastinated on one thing and the next moment, you’re behind in all your classes? I know that sometimes laziness feels like a part of who you are, but honestly, fuck that. Do you really want to give up your success for the disinterest of a moment?
If your answer is no (it better be no, or you really need to get your priorities straight), let’s get to it. 
“This class doesn’t even matter.” “I don’t care about my grades.” “I can finish this the day before.” Sound familiar? You might feel great now, but when you’re staring down at your report card later, it’ll feel like you just got punched. 
This is a cliche, but the greatest obstacle to your success is yourself - especially the lies you tell yourself! Sit yourself down and be honest about what you need to improve on. Be as blunt as you can, but for god’s sake, don’t throw yourself a pity party! There’s no use agonizing over what you can’t change. Instead, set realistic, achievable goals, and make a game plan. Struggling with math? Go to extra help. Behind in all your classes? Stay in for a couple nights and actually work. 
Now you know what your goals are, but maybe you want some inspiration, so you log on to tumblr and are instantly bombarded by all these beautiful, well lit shots of the most gorgeous bullet journals, planners, and notes. Impressive, right? Well, I’m gonna let you in on a little secret: they’re all useless! A simple phone planner works just as well, if not better, than a fancy agenda, because you’ll always have it on you, it’s not a hassle to carry around, and you don’t feel obligated to make it look pretty. 
Riddle me this, where are you going to find all this extra motivation to keep prettying up your bullet journal? To write all your notes in perfect, colour coded printing? There aren’t many times in life where taking the easy was out will actually benefit you, so take advantage! Stop wasting your time; get a phone planner and write your notes in your natural goddamn handwriting. 
Yep, your entire room - not just your study space! This one can be put on the back burner for a bit if you’re on a really pressing deadline, but I wouldn’t recommend it. I’m notoriously messy, and if I don’t watch myself, I’d find myself in dirty-laundry-and-old-notes hell. A little bit of organized chaos is fine, I even encourage it! But try working when your desk is covered in mounds of paper and you have nowhere to put your laptop – it’s just not conducive to success. 
Keeping your entire room clean is a way to stave off stress, frustration, and even embarrassment, because nobody wants to show potential roommates how much of a mess they are. 
Yeah, I know what you’re thinking: “actually work? Who does this girl think she is?” I’d probably think the same thing, except I’ve learned the valuable lesson of sucking it the hell up, and you will too. When you get home from work, grab a snack and work. When you have a free period, figure out what’s due and work. Stop reasoning yourself out of work: you’re not going to finish this later, and that will be on the test. There’s really not much to say about this one, because it’s the step that requires the most raw effort, and you’re really only going to find that within yourself. Tell yourself what’s at stake, and realize that, by setting the standard for your mediocrity now, you’re potentially trapping yourself in a cycle that will last for years. 
Maybe you’ve been on top of your shit for a day, a week, or even a month, and that’s really great. But then… you fail. You miss a deadline or you bomb a test. So what do you do now? Do you allow yourself to fall back into your old habits? Fuck no! Everyone fails, even that studyblr with those perfect bullet journal photos and a perpetually clean study space. I’m going to tell you something that’ll sound really strange: you should value your failures, especially if you worked hard to avoid them. What?! Be HAPPY about failing when I actually TRIED? Yeah, you heard me right. If you don’t know how to handle failure, then when you inevitably experience it, your reaction will be much worse. 
Failing hurts, and boy, I know how embarrassing it can be. But learning how to deal with failure, and especially how to keep trying after it happens, is an invaluable lesson. 
Disclaimer: I’m not suggesting you treat yourself after the most basic of tasks, because please. Treat yourself when you know you goddamn well deserve it. Remember that “all work and no play makes jack a dull boy.” If all you do is study and do your homework, then, pardon my french, your life sucks. If you don’t have friends, play a video game! Eat an entire jumbo chocolate bar! Indulge in whatever the fuck you want, you deserve it. I’m someone that has trouble prioritizing future benefits over immediate gratification, so by allowing myself little pleasures, I save myself from crashing and burning. 
Hope these tips helped, but remember to take them with a grain of salt - you’re you and I’m me, and different things work for different people. Good luck!
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studyofcookie · 1 year
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studyofcookie · 1 year
If you get this, answer with 3 random facts about yourself and send it to the last 7 blogs in your notifications, anonymously or not! Let’s get to know the person behind the blog! ❤️
1. I’m ambidextrous - but not fully, and it’s hard to explain 😂 Partly because I broke my left arm twice (which is the arm I use to write but I use my right to do a number of things)
2. Wet paper irks me
3. My cat’s name is Tazo for the antibiotic tazobactam
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studyofcookie · 1 year
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Maybe the 6178th time trying to get my diet back on track… but I won’t stop until I get it right! Today I went for some salad and braised soy, which I totally love.
And we also have a special participation of my dishcloth because I was afraid of staining my new sofa 😂
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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3/100 dop - 22.sep.2022
Today a situation came up so my schedule got messed up because i had to help my mom out with some stuff. I still managed to do some things from my to do list though, so i'm not that disappointed.
Also, i went to pick up my sister from her university and witnessed a beautiful sunset!
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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26.06.22 | 2/10 days of productivity
Today I did a mock exam for my upcoming residency exam and it went ok. It wasn’t the result I wanted but I’ll try harder next time.
This post is a message for myself to not give up on the first difficulty or even worse, not start a project because I was overthinking it. So let’s take that step!
Also, today is a happy day for it’s the day of St Josemaria Escriva! I’m much thankful for the blessings he interceded with Jesus for me!
🎧 Killing me softly with his song - Roberta Flack
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studyofcookie · 2 years
tips to have a nice routine
A daily routine is a great way to keep yourself on task. The longer you stick with it, the more each task becomes a habit and it starts to get easier. But a routine isn’t universal, each person has its own. 
plan: before your day starts have in mind - or in a paper - what needs to be done on that day or the next one. It will save you time.
wake up before you need: if you have extra time before you go to work or school, having extra time for you is essential. Eat calmly, take a shower, pack or things and don’t live your house late.
don’t go hard on yourself: enjoy your breaks and take a breath. Pushing yourself to the edge is going to tire you before your day is done. Listen to some music, eat a snack, read.
set a time to sleep and wake up: most people need 8 hours of sleep per day. According to what you need, schedule a bedtime and wake up time that gives you plenty of sleep.
prepare your meals: if you don’t have time to cook daily, take one day off and cook for all week. It’s healthier and cheaper than getting take out every single day. 
follow and repeat your routine: if you don’t try it, you won’t know how your day works. Trying and adapting it is essential to create a perfect routine and transforming it into a habit. 
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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24.06.22 | 1/10 days of productivity
I’ve been a while away from here, but I always come back :D
Right now I’m isolated due to covid (only mild symptoms) and I thought “why don’t I start a productivity challenge with myself to motivate me?”.
So my goal to today is:
• answer 40 questions (practicing for residency test)
• 10min of reading
• practice French
And of course I’m eating a snack to keep me energized for these tasks! 💪🏻
Stay safe!
🎧My universe - BTS ft Coldplay
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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Some days ago I discovered how nice touring around your own city can be. I did it because one friend was coming to my city for the first time and I didn’t even know where to take him.
I really loved to explore and see my city from new angles.
🎧 Everything - Michael Buble
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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Back at studying at Starbucks ☕️📚
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studyofcookie · 2 years
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APRIL 09 / 22
grinding away at this take home final… can’t wait to be done :))))
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