stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  BRIDGEWREK  ╱ elena gilbert.
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❝ if i believed in fate , i would say i agree. ❞  arms pull back as she is now steady on her feet. fingers burry themselves in chestnut colored hair – pushing loose locks behind her ear . ( a nervous habit , usually reserved for the most unsure of moments ) . ❝  i’m sorry but – do i know you? … your face looks so familiar .  ❞
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HOW MUCH WILL IT TAKE for her to realise that something is incredibly...wrong ? he stays on victory’s edge, revels in their proximity, takes his time studying her features without any haste. ❝ –––––––––––– NOT YET, YOU DON’T. but i know you, e-lena.  i’ve known you for a while. ❞  he admits unequivocally, extending his arm towards her with what he supposes would be labelled a friendly smile; & in all seriousness, he voices:  ❝  hi. i’m kai. i’m here to kidnap you. ❞ 
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stygiantales · 7 years
me: /does 2 replies. wow i’m so productive i deserve a break
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  ALPHALED.  ╱ jedd monteclair.
          shoulder  is  slouched  ,  pressing  against  the  comfort  of  a    wall  far  off  in the  corner.    he  wishes  she  hadn’t  noticed  his  presence.    IT’S  MANDATORY  FOR  HIM  TO  BE  THERE.    to  be  eyes  and  ears  for  people  who  might  not  be  looking  out  for  themselves.        ❛        i  have  two  left  feet.        ❜ ��      words  laced  with  venom  ,  a  snake    PROTECTING    himself.  still  ,  the  blond  manages  to  stand  up  straight  and  remove  his  hands  from  his  pockets.        ❛        ONE  SONG.    then  ,  i’m  done.        ❜
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SHE IS IMMUNE TO ANIMUS; growing up with five brothers certainly scoured her  sensitivity to sardonic remarks. furthermore, she has learnt the hard way how to see one’s true innermost behind an ironclad facade. ❝ –––––––––––– WHICH IS EXACTLY why you should dance more. if you step on my shoes, i will break your arm. how’s that for  motivation  ?  ❞  grim humour is adorned with a conspicuous playful shimmer of blue eyes, chin elevates as a provocation. ❝ well, don’t just stand there. i promise i don’t bite at first. ❞
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷ ANGUISHBORN ╱ unknown.
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           “  just  –  not  in  the  mood  .  “  head  shakes  back  and  forth  ,  pulling  the  coke  can  away  from  his  busted  eye  to  meet  the  strangers  gaze  .  “  very  funny  .  just  tell  me  what  the  hell  you  want  so  you  can  leave  me  alone  –  if  this  is  about  the  spray  paint  ,  i  didn’t  do  it  ,  okay  ?  “
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HANDS SLIP INTO pockets carelessly, head inclines to the side to get a better view of the other’s laceration. effervescent laughter is tinged with villainousness, a forewarning of the fact that he’s not entirely sane. ❝  –––––––––––– SOMEONE GOT YOU GOOD. your fighting skills must be really rusty.  was it because of a girl ? was it because of two girls ? no offense, but you look like womanizer material. must be the hair.  you see, that’s a very good question. i’m still debating whether i should heal or kill you. what do you think ? ❞  
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stygiantales · 7 years
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stygiantales · 7 years
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Your heart is pure, Stefan.
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  COMPASSIONNS.  ╱ elena gilbert.
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❝    he’s  your  brother,   rebekah !                                     after   all    that    he’s   done ,    he’s   still   your  family .      we   couldn’t   take   the   risk   of    involving  you    in   a   plan   to   murder   someone   who   has   spent   literally  hundreds  of  years    with   you .        please ,    understand   that .      ❞
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❝   ––––––––––––  I WAS ALREADY INVOLVED !  ❞   voice raises by an octave, sapphire eyes blaze with flames of vexation.  ❝  i was the one that got him back into town. i led my own brother to his demise.   ❞   words are left to linger in the air; melancholic sight is plated with hostility.  ❝   not only did your stupid plan fail, you managed to show your gratitude by ruining the only chance i had at a normal day. remind me why i should spare your pathetic life, would you ? ❞
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stygiantales · 7 years
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i love kai so much i might make him a separate blog
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  BLEDTRAGEDY ╱ tierney.
   ❛         that    doesn't    fit   together   .    are    you    stupid   or   something   ?         ❜
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❝ –––––––––––– BECAUSE I MADE THAT UP to impress you. smooth, right ? i’m pretty intelligent actually. you should have seen how i outsmarted  &  killed a whole coven of lunatic witches, including my big sis josette. oh, they never saw it coming.  really funny. now josette was being silly. i’m your brother, you can’t just not invite me to your wedding. why, you need some help with homework ? ❞
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stygiantales · 7 years
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my blog is full of kai parker right now. #sorrynotsorry
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stygiantales · 7 years
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if this ain’t kai i don’t know who it is
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  ANGUISHBORN ╱ unknown.
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           “  i  don’t  know  who  you  are  –  but  i’m  not  really  in  the  mood  .  “
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❝  –––––––––––– NOT IN THE MOOD TO KNOW ME ?  or not in the mood to have a heart-to-heart conversation ? you gotta be more specific,  you know ?  anyway,  that’d be your loss. i’m a really interesting individual. i love your fourth day halloween costume by the way, with the bruises & blood & all. very authentic. ❞
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stygiantales · 7 years
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LET US FIRST LOOK AT THE GENERAL characteristics of them both: “ lack of remorse or empathy for others, lack of guilt or ability to take responsibility for their actions, a disregard for laws or social conventions, and an inclination to violence. a core feature of both is a deceitful and  manipulative  nature.” as you can tell, most of these describe kai perfectly  ( except the lack of ability to take responsibility for their actions, which i think he actually possesses ). however, there are  substantial  differences between a psychopath & a sociopath. psychopaths are born / sociopaths are made, due to brain injury, abuse or neglect in childhood. “mom & dad calling me an abomination” – kai recalls as he stands in front of the gemini house. psychopaths are “ are incapable of empathy and forming loving relationships, have no conscience or moral compass, while sociopaths are capable of empathy and guilt; they are impulsive, hot-tempered and erratic, they may form attachments to some people or groups.” now, this explains kai’s fondness for bonnie. in 6x08 of the vampire diaries, after kai had stabbed bonnie multiple times in the earlier episodes, he offers to cook her thanksgiving dinner. quote:  “  i knocked you out, kidnapped you against your will. can’t you see I’m trying to  apologize ? ” this is the exact line that  proves  kai parker is a sociopath, not a psychopath. he is feeling guilt, although in trace quantity. liv erroneously calls kai ‘a psychopath’ in the same episode. HE IS A SOCIOPATH. he has a “ tendency for impulsive or opportunistic criminal behavior, excessive risk taking, impulsive or opportunistic violence.”  & he can empathize with close friends or family.
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stygiantales · 7 years
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  BRIDGEWREK  ╱ elena gilbert.
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     she’s so consumed in her own thoughts that for a split second she forgets that there are other people walking down the sidewalk too. hands raise to steady the other and herself , words pouring from her mouth like a faucet undone. ❝  oh god , i’m so sorry , i didn’t mean too  –  !  ❞   
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HE  HAS  BEEN  OBSERVING  HER  for a while.  he doesn’t even try to swerve to avoid the collision;  he welcomes it with an  ambiguous   twitch of his mouth,  that could indicate amusement as much as it could indicate annoyance. fingers clasp the other’s arms to help her maintain balance, counterfeit innocence adorning his tone. ❝ –––––––––––– OH, HELLO ! don’t worry about it. fate works in unimaginable ways, doesn’t it ? ❞
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷ INSOMNIIIAC. ╱  katherine krueger.
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       ❛    i can’t   smash you   ,     kai  .    ❜     not a hairsbreadth of silence is offered in turn as she quickly counters   ,    picking   flaws   at your metaphor .    comes in a   gentle  ,   docile   hum that urges you to break that   reminiscent   gaze off into the oblivion  ,     a quiet     &      argumentative   selection of words  ,   lacking any   reservation   as it often does   -    null statement following the backwards patterns of her mind .    ❛    wow  —    ❜  label her    baffled    -    lithe digits pry further  ,  explore each hidden crevice of your face as though they’re eager to find an abnormality somewhere    -    pads maneuver as they would a broken china doll or a piece of clay   ,     tugging   &   pinching at the texture  .   ❛    —  did you just made up a   song   about    yourself   ?     …  you’re so embarrassing .   ❜      pricks like a   thorn  ,    hint of humor   -   not out of   sheer bravery   (  that’d require   fear   ,    not the absence of it  )    as some might assume at first glance  ,    but a reckless   indifference   to the ultimate outcome  .     whatever fondness she fails to communicate through   speech   is conveyed solely through tact .   ❛   sometimes .   ❜    tensed muscles   stagnate   a response   ,    suppressing any diluted after-taste of sorrow that threatens to   spill    .    focus on the task at hand doesn’t seem to waver .     ❛   not always .   ❜ 
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❝  –––––––––––– UM, YES, YOU CAN SMASH ME. that totally sounded like some sort of sexual innuendo. ❞  childishness dribbles from his physiognomy, a glimmer of seductiveness shining in caliginous eyes, streaked with silver & azurite. ( it’s more of a dare. can you resist the temptation of darkness ? is that what he is ? darkness & evil all combined ? ). hand clutches hers abruptly, as if her touch is absorbing all the putrefaction from his wilted heart  &  diverts him from the path of damnation; it gives her control over him, makes him malleable to her desire. his grip loosens instantly & he holds it softly, analyzing their hands for a moment with an ambivalent gaze. a  queer warmth traverses his body, but he snaps out of the moment with another haunting, almost cute laugh. ❝   i think it’s a natural talent. maybe i should become a song writer. maybe that’s my calling in life. i’d definitely write songs about you. do you think i should become a song writer ?  katherine, katherine, burning bright in the forests of the night...❞  a confused frown settles on his forehead. ❝ oh, wait. that’s a poem, isn’t it ? anyway, you were saying ?  ❞  the corners of his mouth raise heavenward cryptically as he dwells on her words, raising his eyebrows in mild incredulity.  ❝  i don’t get it.  what’s there not to like ? you’re like the coolest girl i’ve ever met. can you cook ? ❞   placidity runs low, dangerously low ! his thirst for wickedness intensifies by the second, corruption tugs at his sleeves impatiently. ❝ sooo, are you gonna shoot me ? come on. don’t be a scaredy cat. ❞ 
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stygiantales · 7 years
⟡ ♡ ⤷  COMPASSIONNS.  ╱ elena gilbert.
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❝    rebekah,   I                       my  intention  was  never  to  hurt  you.      things   happened   too  quickly    &    I   just    .  .  .    I’m  so  sorry .     ❞     
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❝   ––––––––––––  SO   YOU   STABBED   ME  in the back  &   thought it would what... tingle ?   you can’t go around stabbing people because you can’t keep up with them, elena.  save your heartfelt  apologies. they mean nothing to me.   ❞   
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