stylequeenie · 5 years
“Strength doesn’t come from what you can do.  It comes from overcoming those things you once thought you couldn’t do!” As I sit here still a little numb and emotional from seeing my son off for his 2 year mission, I came across an old blog post I had written and it just resonated with […]
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stylequeenie · 5 years
How To Create Connections in Your Life
i share some tips that have worked for me...and here’s the best part - they work for personal AND business relationships/connections
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stylequeenie · 5 years
When you don’t dress like everyone else, you don’t have to think like everyone else! I am still learning this concept. For the longest time I had the notion that in order to dress casual it meant that I couldn’t dress up. And since I LOVE to dress up, I would very often have a […]
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stylequeenie · 5 years
How To Improve Yourself Without Judgement from Others
Do you stop yourself from doing things for fear of what others will think?
Do you judge yourself?
if you answered yes to either of these questions, you really need to watch this...
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stylequeenie · 5 years
It's almost as though we have lost the ability to connect...yet it is so important. Watch this video for some tips to get better at creating amazing connections
How To Create Connections in Your Life
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stylequeenie · 6 years
You Were Born to Stand Out
You Were Born to Stand Out
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If people were rain – why be drizzle when you can be a hurricane?!
I remember when I started my first sales job, I would be working at my desk (even before I had my own computer and had to just make phone calls), and would need a break every so often…so I would jump up and take a walk around the office. I had quite a few people tell me that they always knew it was me because my walk was so…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
A Little Bit of Luxury
A Little Bit of Luxury
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Nothing can dim the light that shines from within!
Have you ever noticed that when you wear certain things – textures, styles and colors – that you feel a little different? Today, I wanted to talk a little about how we really are tactile people, and how important touch and feel play a part in how we feel.
Silk has always been known as a fabric that is luxurious, sexy and feminine…but have…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Dress For You
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Style is a deeply personal expression of who you are, and every time you dress, you are asserting a part of yourself!
When you are truly confident in yourself and what you bring to this world, you don’t ever feel the need to be someone you’re not, which includes dressing for YOU.
Because we are so unique as individuals, it is only a natural reaction to dress to express that uniqueness.…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Dressing up your Jeans
Dressing up your Jeans
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Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?
This may not be as big a deal to some of you as it is to me… For 20 years I have worked for companies that only allowed us to wear jeans as sales people on Fridays (and after a while, not at all!). Since I left last October I’m not going to lie I have actually had fun experimenting with my jeans, and guess what I…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Color is Important
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Why live as one single color of crayon when you can live as the whole box and color the whole world!
When we pick out the clothes we are going to wear finding a color we like is not enough. Knowing that certain colors suit you more than others is something to keep in your back pocket when shopping and putting together an outfit.
There are a lot of things that play into whether a color…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
I Believe in Superheroes
I Believe in Superheroes
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Weakness is a Superpower in Disguise!
I have always loved the superhero movies – maybe because I grew up in a home with only brothers and now I only have sons. Nevertheless, when a new movie comes out I am the first to want to be there, and I absolutely love them!
With all of that being said, I do believe that the world actually has REAL superheroes. I don’t believe in them in the same…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Real Not Perfect
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Shop my look & similar by clicking the links at the bottom of the post
To be worthy doesn’t mean having to be perfect!
Perfection is something that is one of those unattainable goals that we somehow seem to be striving for, always in vain. We set expectations on ourselves and set ourselves up for failure when our goal or expectation is to become perfect.
It is easy to get caught up in…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Establishing Boundaries
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Healthy boundaries are not walls. They are the gates and fences that allow you to enjoy the beauty of your own garden!
Have you ever noticed how easy it is to take everything on, to not delegate, to not set boundaries or to not take care of yourself before taking care of others? As a mother that works full time, has 4 boys and many other commitments, I can tell you that every moment of my…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Turn Weakness into Strength
Turn Weakness into Strength
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Women are never stronger than when they arm themselves with their weaknesses!
As I think back to my childhood I realize that there were so many times that people told me negative things which caused me to feel bad or insecure with myself. In fact, one of the things that I was told when I was growing up by “mean girls” was that I had a huge chin and that it made me look like a witch. I’ll admit…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Winter Days
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The best thing you can do is master the chaos in you. You are not thrown into the fire, you are the FIRE!
One thing I have written about quite a bit on my blog is how much I really don’t like the cold, but what I wanted to talk about today is how I have learned to embrace winter and what tricks I have used to do that.
Let me start by telling you a story about why cold hasn’t been my…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Step Outside of your Comfort Zone
Step Outside of your Comfort Zone
You are only confined by the walls you build yourself!
For one person their comfort zone may be really small meaning that they won’t try anything challenging or intimidating…whereas the next person may take on new challenges willingly. The size of our comfort zone isn’t the thing that holds us back, because even if you are the most daring or confident person out there, there is always…
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stylequeenie · 6 years
Be You - Be Different
Be You – Be Different
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“Being different isn’t a bad thing, it means you are brave enough to be yourself!”
There are so many things that make us different from everyone else, but we live in a world where it’s almost frowned upon to be different. The sad thing about that is that there are so many reasons that the world needs YOU just as you are, not someone trying to fit in or be like everyone else.
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