suan-suan · 4 years
許章潤 〈憤怒的人民已不再恐懼〉 全文:
復次,內廷政治登場。幾年來的集權行動,黨政一體之加劇,特別是以黨代政,如前所述,幾乎將官僚體制癱瘓。動機既靡,尾大不掉,遂以紀檢監察為鞭,抽打這個機體賣命,維續其等因奉此,逶迤着拖下去。而因言論自由和現代文官體制闕如,更無所謂「國王忠誠的反對者」在場,鞭子本身亦且不受督約,覆以國安委一統轄制下更為嚴厲之鐵腕統領,最後層層歸屬,上統於一人。而一人肉身凡胎,不敷其用,黨國體制下又無分權制衡體制來分責合力,遂聚親信合議。於是,內廷生焉。說句大白話,就是 「集體領導」分解為「九龍治水」式寡頭政制失效、相權衰落之際,領袖之小圈子成為「國中之國」,一個類似於老美感喟的隱形結構。揆諸既往,「1949政體」常態之下,官僚體系負責行政,縱便毛時代亦且容忍周相一畝三分地。「革委會」與「人保組」之出現,打散這一結構,終至不可維持。晚近四十年裏,多數時候「君相」大致平衡,黨政一體而借行政落實黨旨。只是到了這幾年,方始出現這一最為封閉無能、陰鷙森森之內廷政治,而徹底堵塞了重建常態政治之可能性也。一旦進路閉鎖,彼此皆無退路,則形勢緊繃,大家都做不了事,只能眼睜睜看着情形惡化,終至不可收拾之境。置此情形下,經濟社會早已遭受重創,風雨飄搖於世俗化進程中的倫理社會不堪托付,市民社會羸弱兮兮,公民社會根本就不存在,至於最高境界的政治社會連個影子都沒有,則一旦風吹草動,大災來臨,自救無力,他救受阻,必致禍殃。此番江夏之亂,現象在下,而根子在上,在於這個孜孜於「保江山,坐江山」,而非立定於人民主權、「以文明立國,以自由立國」的體制本身。結果,其情其形,恰如網議之「集中力量辦大事」,頓時變成了「集中力量惹大事」。江夏大疫,再次佐證而已矣。
第七,由此順流直下,中國再度孤立於世界體系,已成定局。百多年裏,對於這個起自近代地中海文明、盛極於大西洋文明的現代世界體系,中國上演了多場「抗拒」與「順從」的拉鋸戰,反反覆覆,跌跌撞撞。晚近三十多年裏,痛定思痛,「低頭致意」以及「迎頭趕上」,乃至於「別開生面」,蔚為主流。惜乎近年再度犯二,犯橫,表明「改開」走到頭了,左翼極權「退無可退」,無法於和平過渡中完成自我轉型,因而,也就怪異於現代世界體系。雖則如此,總體而言,幾番拉鋸下來,中國以其浩瀚體量與開放性態度,終於再度躋身現代世界體系,成為這個體系的重要博弈者,重新詮釋著所謂「中心—邊緣」的地緣敘事,也是事實。但是,與國力和時勢不相匹配、太過張揚的外向型國策,尤其是內政回頭,日益「法日斯化」,引發這個體系中的其他博弈者對於紅色帝國崛起的戒慎戒懼,導致在高喊「人類命運共同體」之際卻為共同體所實際拒斥的悲劇,而日呈孤立之勢,更是眼面前的事實。事情很複雜而道理卻很簡單,一個不能善待自己國民的政權,怎能善待世界;一個不肯融入現代政治文明體系中的國族,你讓人怎麽跟你共同體嘛!故爾,經濟層面的交通互存還將繼續存在,而文明共同體意義上的孤立卻已成事實。此非文化戰爭,亦非通常所謂「文明衝突」一詞所能打發,更非迄今一時間數十個國家對中國實施旅行禁限,以及世界範圍的厭華、拒華與貶華氛圍之悄悄潮漲這麽簡單。——在此可得提示者,隱蔽的「黃禍」意識勢必順勢冒頭,而買單承受歧視與隔離之痛的只會是我華族同胞,而非權貴——毋寧,關乎對於歷經磨難方始凝練而成的現代世界普世價值的順逆從違,而牽扯到置身列國體系的條約秩序之中,吾國吾族如何生存的生命意志及其國族哲學,其取舍,其從違。在此,順昌逆亡,則所謂孤立者,全球現代政治文明版圖上之形單影隻、孤家寡人也。扭轉這一局面,重建負責任大國形象,擔負起應擔之責,而首先自良善內政起始,必然且只能皈依人類普世文明大道,特別是要坐實「主權在民」這一立國之本。在此,內政,還是內政,一種「立憲民主,人民共和」的良善政體及其有效治理,才是擺脫孤立、自立於世界體系的大經大法,而為國族生存與昌盛之康莊大道也。那時節,順時應勢,中國加入G7 而成G8,亦且並非不可想像者也。
行文至此,回瞰身後,戊戌以來,在下因言獲罪,降級停職,留校察看,行止困限。此番作文,預感必有新罰降身,抑或竟為筆者此生最後一文,亦未可知。但大疫當前,前有溝壑,則言責在身,不可推諉,無所逃遁。否則,不如殺豬賣肉。是的,義憤,如西哲所言,正是義憤,惟義與憤所在,惟吾土先賢揭櫫之仁與義這一 「人心人路」之激蕩,令書齋學者成為知識分子,直至把性命搭進去。畢竟,自由,一種超驗存在和行動指歸,一種最具神性的世界現象,是人之為人的稟賦,華夏兒女不能例外。而世界精神,那個地上的神,不是別的,就是自由理念的絢爛展開。如此,朋友,我的億萬同胞,縱然火湖在前,何所懼哉!
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suan-suan · 5 years
Okay non-European tumblr, I’m gonna explain to you why ‘white’ isn’t as simple here as it is in the rest of the world
- Shades of white in Europe range from ‘freshly fallen snow’ to ‘I am frequently mistaken as being from the Middle East’
- White European is a thing. When you fill out a form, under ethnicity, there are several options for white; white British, white European, white other. Because people make that distinction
- There are Europeans who don’t class their ethnicity as their skin colour, but as their nationality. I have family who don’t think of themselves as white, they just think of themselves as Italian and don’t really give much thought to their skin colour
- People here in Britain always question if darker skinned white Europeans are ‘actually white’. I get it a lot myself. My response is always ‘well I’m not anything else, so obviously I must be’
- Despite being white, a lot of Europeans from Italy, Greece, Spain etc, don’t feel white in the traditional sense. We’re not white like white British people. We’re not white like white Americans. We’re our own white. White British is one thing. White Italian is another thing. White Greek is another, etc
- Which is why we have this notion here in Europe of ‘nationality over race’. Being white isn’t as important as where you’re from
- So this really only becomes an issue if you’re an immigrant
- So being white in Europe doesn’t save you from racial discrimination, because sure, you’re technically white, but you’re not white white. Not the right white
- Here in England, Europeans with really blatantly foreign names, such as myself, find it more difficult to get job interviews, because they take one look at our name and don’t bother reading the rest of the CV. A guy I know was actually told by his boss to reduce the pile of CVs he had by ‘chucking away any with a name you can’t fucking pronounce’
- And then even when you do get an interview, half the time you walk into the joint several shades darker than everyone else and feel like you’ve walked into the ‘Swedish supermodel’ clubhouse and you just know you’re not getting hired
This is all basic stuff and it’s very much taken for granted here. Race and ethnicity are not as clear cut, so it can be very confusing for non-Europeans to wrap their heads around. Which is fine. But I implore you to stay in your lane, because when you say things like ‘no white person anywhere in the world ever knows what it’s like to face racial discrimination’, it’s really fucking offensive to all of the European immigrants who are denied jobs, harassed by the police and beaten by racists, because foreign is foreign to these people, and they don’t give a shit if you’re technically white. So when you mean white American, say white American. 
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suan-suan · 5 years
not a dream, csa tw, sexual assault, rape, sexual violence, abuse tw
there is a really repulsive continuous gang rape of a minor case going on in Croatia right now and some time this week I might write a lengthy post about it and I will count on all of you to spread the information and share it because things are being covered up and the perps, sons of influential people, seem to be getting away with abusing a 15 year old child for over a year, there were tapes and evidence and all of it has disappeared now and their families are trying to frame it like the boys are the victims but the public isn’t having any of it
the court is though, the court is literally failing this young child
the victim’s ex boyfriend lured her into a house where a large number of his friends waited for them, she was then raped by a 19 year old and told that the whole thing was filmed and if she tried to tell anyone, the tape would be released and spread and everyone would know “what a sl*t she was”, then she was beaten, and over the course of a year she was beaten multiple times, raped repeatedly by at least 5, reportedly the number could be over 7 boys, some of them younger adults, some minors, she was threatened, filmed without her consent, psychologically abused, blackmailed, and finally a few weeks ago she opened up to a school counselor after she was sent there for what was cited as ‘deviant behavior’
some people are blaming her, saying she provoked them, or that she should have spoken up sooner, some people are saying the whole year only counts as one rape because she didn’t report it, some are saying she set the boys up in a trap, some are saying she is of loose morals, etc, but most people are horrified and most people want the boys and men to be held responsible for what they’ve done to her
not the judge in the case, he literally let them all go and said that he knows what he was doing
and then
and then, listen to this
when the whole thing got out because the police were fucking fed up and were trying to get the bastards but some more influential people were stopping the investigation from going further and evidence was starting to go missing and one of the police officers leaked it to a brave reporter (and now the two face bigger charges apparently than these rapists, and everyone who shared photos of the rapists could be jailed too), the judge got protection after he was threatened for setting the criminals free
not the girl, she didn’t get any kind of protection awarded to her despite living in a really small town with all of her abusers, just the judge
fuck them
fuck all of them
i want this story to blow up not just in croatia
i want foreign media to write about it
i want people to hear about it
i want the rapists’ faces plastered on every newspaper, every social media, i want them to be punished, i want their families who paid for the evidence to disappear to be punished, i want this judge punished, i want everyone who insulted and threatened and abused this girl to be punished
and i will do literally anything i can, ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING, to see this story spread everywhere
because so far, no one got any justice for the young  victim and she deserves to feel safe and protected and accepted and loved again
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suan-suan · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
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suan-suan · 6 years
Sometimes I wonder if native English speakers appreciate how much more comfortable the internet is for them than for the rest of the world
Like, you can go on tumblr and simply read stuff in your mother tongue? Amazing. Go on youtube and you don’t have to replay some sentences ten times to try to understand what they’re saying? Incredible. Look for practically anything on google and know that there will be a fuckton of results that you can read without having to spend half the time looking up words in a dictionary? Fascinating. Make a post or send an ask without panicking that you’ll make a silly mistake or that they won’t understand what you meant? Unbelievable.
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suan-suan · 6 years
Daaaaad! We’re gonna get me a magical pet! (Oh god…)
I need a magical pet because I’m a princess. (What!?)
All Disney Princesses have one. (A magical pet?)
Yes! All Disney Princesses have animals. In fact they only had pets, they never had friends. (Look, son, really.)
Cinderella had rats. Snow White had rabbits and birds. Belle had the beast that she let have sex with her.
(Those aren’t real.) You can’t prove that. (Don’t play that card.) It’s titty for tat. You can’t prove what’s real. (Hey!)
(Let’s take a second to define reality.) *Hiss!* (And maybe just have brunch and drink some booze.) Snooze!
(I’ve got to go to work and you’ve got…something else, so here’s some pocket cash, go get tattoos. Ok?)
Jasmine had a Tigger that she let have sex with her. Pocohontas? Coon skin hat. Mulan had dragons dude. He-Man had a Battle Cat. Ariel, Red Lobster fest. Now I need one too!
(You’re not gonna stop this?) What do you think?
(I think that you’re crazy.) No, not this week.
I need me a frog with a magical glow or just maybe a dog that’s so real, I need both. Or maybe a mouse with a wand or a rat with a sack full of sacks full of bags full of hags who cast all their magical magical spells from their bags. Oh my god, please oh please, come on dad.
(*sigh* Ok, we’re going to get you something magical) Yes! (But keep in mind that magic is all in your head.) Nope!
I’m finally gonna get my magical pet now! And if we fail, I promise I’ll be deaaaaaad. I will be deaaaaaaaad. I will diiiiiiiiiiiie. I’ll be deaaaa-.
(Alright, I get it! Jesus Christ!)
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